2020-09-13 17:34:02 -04:00

136 lines
4.2 KiB

#include "goalc/compiler/Compiler.h"
using namespace goos;
bool Compiler::try_getting_macro_from_goos(const goos::Object& macro_name, goos::Object* dest) {
Object macro_obj;
bool got_macro = false;
try {
macro_obj = m_goos.eval_symbol(macro_name, m_goos.goal_env.as_env());
if (macro_obj.is_macro()) {
got_macro = true;
} catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
got_macro = false;
if (got_macro) {
*dest = macro_obj;
return got_macro;
Val* Compiler::compile_goos_macro(const goos::Object& o,
const goos::Object& macro_obj,
const goos::Object& rest,
Env* env) {
auto macro = macro_obj.as_macro();
Arguments args = m_goos.get_args(o, rest, macro->args);
auto mac_env_obj = EnvironmentObject::make_new();
auto mac_env = mac_env_obj.as_env();
mac_env->parent_env = m_goos.global_environment.as_env();
m_goos.set_args_in_env(o, args, macro->args, mac_env);
m_goos.goal_to_goos.enclosing_method_type =
auto goos_result = m_goos.eval_list_return_last(macro->body, macro->body, mac_env);
return compile_error_guard(goos_result, env);
Val* Compiler::compile_gscond(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
if (!rest.is_pair()) {
throw_compile_error(form, "#cond must have at least one clause, which must be a form");
Val* result = nullptr;
Object lst = rest;
for (;;) {
if (lst.is_pair()) {
Object current_case = lst.as_pair()->car;
if (!current_case.is_pair()) {
throw_compile_error(lst, "Bad case in #cond");
// check condition:
Object condition_result =
m_goos.eval_with_rewind(current_case.as_pair()->car, m_goos.global_environment.as_env());
if (m_goos.truthy(condition_result)) {
if (current_case.as_pair()->cdr.is_empty_list()) {
return get_none();
// got a match!
result = get_none();
[&](const Object& o) { result = compile_error_guard(o, env); });
return result;
} else {
// no match, continue.
lst = lst.as_pair()->cdr;
} else if (lst.is_empty_list()) {
return get_none();
} else {
throw_compile_error(form, "malformed #cond");
Val* Compiler::compile_quote(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
va_check(form, args, {{}}, {});
auto thing = args.unnamed.at(0);
switch (thing.type) {
case goos::ObjectType::SYMBOL:
return compile_get_sym_obj(thing.as_symbol()->name, env);
// todo...
throw_compile_error(form, "Can't quote this");
return get_none();
Val* Compiler::compile_defglobalconstant(const goos::Object& form,
const goos::Object& _rest,
Env* env) {
auto rest = &_rest;
if (!rest->is_pair()) {
throw_compile_error(form, "invalid defglobalconstant");
auto sym = pair_car(*rest).as_symbol();
rest = &pair_cdr(*rest);
auto value = pair_car(*rest);
rest = &rest->as_pair()->cdr;
if (!rest->is_empty_list()) {
throw_compile_error(form, "invalid defglobalconstant");
// GOAL constant
m_global_constants[sym] = value;
// GOOS constant
m_goos.global_environment.as_env()->vars[sym] = value;
return get_none();
Val* Compiler::compile_mlet(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto defs = pair_car(rest);
auto body = pair_cdr(rest);
auto fenv = get_parent_env_of_type<FunctionEnv>(env);
auto menv = fenv->alloc_env<SymbolMacroEnv>(env);
for_each_in_list(defs, [&](const goos::Object& o) {
auto def_args = get_va(form, o);
va_check(form, def_args, {goos::ObjectType::SYMBOL, {}}, {});
menv->macros[def_args.unnamed.at(0).as_symbol()] = def_args.unnamed.at(1);
Val* result = get_none();
for_each_in_list(body, [&](const goos::Object& o) { result = compile_error_guard(o, menv); });
return result;