Tyler Wilding eb703ee96e
REPL related improvements and fixes (#3545)
Motivated by - https://github.com/open-goal/opengoal-vscode/pull/358

This addresses the following:
- Fixes #2939 spam edge-case
- Stop picking a different nREPL port based on the game mode by default,
this causes friction for tools in the average usecase (having a REPL
open for a single game, and wanting to connect to it). `goalc` spins up
fine even if the port is already bound to.
- For people that need/want this behaviour, adding per-game
configuration to the `repl-config.json` is on my todo list.
- Allows `goalc` to permit redefining symbols, including functions. This
is defaulted to off via the `repl-config.json` but it allows you to for
example, change the definition of a function without having to restart
and rebuild the entire game.
![Screenshot 2024-06-02
- Updates the welcome message to include a bunch of useful metadata
up-front. Cleaned up all the startup logs that appear when starting
goalc, many of whom's information is now included in the welcome
  - Before:


  - After:
![Screenshot 2024-06-01
2024-06-03 00:14:52 -04:00

296 lines
12 KiB

#include "repl_wrapper.h"
#include "common/util/FileUtil.h"
#include "common/util/json_util.h"
#include "common/util/string_util.h"
#include "common/versions/versions.h"
#include "fmt/color.h"
#include "fmt/core.h"
#include "third-party/replxx/include/replxx.hxx"
namespace REPL {
void Wrapper::clear_screen() {
void Wrapper::print_welcome_message(const std::vector<std::string>& loaded_projects) {
std::string message;
message += fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::orange), " ..:::::..\n");
message += fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::orange), " .:-----------:.\n");
message += fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::orange), " .-----.");
message += fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold, " Welcome to OpenGOAL {}.{} [{}]",
fmt::format(fg(fmt::color::gray), "{}", build_revision()));
if (!username.empty() && username != "#f" && username != "unknown") {
message += fmt::format(fg(fmt::color::light_green), " {}", username);
message += "!\n";
message += fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::orange), " .---.");
if (repl_config.game_version == GameVersion::Jak1) {
message += fmt::format(" [{}]: ", fmt::format(fg(fmt::color::orange), "jak1"));
} else if (repl_config.game_version == GameVersion::Jak2) {
message += fmt::format(" [{}]: ", fmt::format(fg(fmt::color::purple), "jak2"));
} else if (repl_config.game_version == GameVersion::Jak3) {
message += fmt::format(" [{}]: ", fmt::format(fg(fmt::color::gold), "jak3"));
} else {
message += fmt::format(" [{}]: ", fmt::format(fg(fmt::color::magenta), "jakx"));
const auto loaded_projects_str = fmt::format("{}", fmt::join(loaded_projects, ","));
message += fmt::format(fg(fmt::color::gray), "{}\n", loaded_projects_str);
message += fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::orange), " . --- .");
message +=
fmt::format(" Project Path: {}\n",
fmt::format(fg(fmt::color::gray), file_util::get_jak_project_dir().string()));
message += fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::orange), " - :===: -");
message += " nREPL:";
if (!nrepl_alive) {
message += fmt::format(fg(fmt::color::red), "DISABLED\n");
} else {
message += fmt::format(fg(fmt::color::light_green), " Listening on {}\n",
message += fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::orange), " --. .--: :--. .--");
message += " Source File Search Dirs: ";
const auto search_dir_string =
fmt::format("{}", fmt::join(repl_config.asm_file_search_dirs, ","));
message += fmt::format("[{}]\n", fmt::format(fg(fmt::color::gray), search_dir_string));
message += fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::orange), " .=======. =======.");
message += fmt::format(" {} or {} for basic help and usage\n",
fmt::format(fg(fmt::color::cyan), "(repl-help)"),
fmt::format(fg(fmt::color::cyan), "(repl-keybinds)"));
message += fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::orange), " .-=====-. .-=====-");
message +=
fmt::format(" {} to connect to the game\n", fmt::format(fg(fmt::color::cyan), "(lt)"));
message += fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::orange), " .-===========-.");
message += fmt::format(" {} to recompile the active project.\n",
fmt::format(fg(fmt::color::cyan), "(mi)"));
message += fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::orange), " .-===-.\n");
message += fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::orange), " .\n");
fmt::print("{}", message);
void Wrapper::print_to_repl(const std::string& str) {
void Wrapper::set_history_max_size(size_t len) {
const char* Wrapper::readline(const std::string& prompt) {
return repl.input(prompt);
void Wrapper::add_to_history(const std::string& line) {
void Wrapper::save_history() {
fs::path path;
if (repl_config.per_game_history) {
path = file_util::get_user_config_dir() / game_version_names[repl_config.game_version] /
} else {
path = file_util::get_user_config_dir() / ".opengoal.repl.history";
void Wrapper::load_history() {
fs::path path;
if (repl_config.per_game_history) {
path = file_util::get_user_config_dir() / game_version_names[repl_config.game_version] /
} else {
path = file_util::get_user_config_dir() / ".opengoal.repl.history";
if (fs::exists(path)) {
} else {
fmt::print("Couldn't locate REPL history file at '{}'\n", path.string());
std::pair<std::string, bool> Wrapper::get_current_repl_token(std::string const& context) {
// Find the current token
std::string token = "";
for (auto c = context.crbegin(); c != context.crend(); c++) {
if (std::isspace(*c)) {
} else {
token = *c + token;
// If there is a preceeding '(' remove it
if (!token.empty() && token.at(0) == '(') {
token.erase(0, 1);
return {token, true};
return {token, false};
void Wrapper::print_help_message() {
fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold, "\nREPL Controls:\n");
fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::cyan), "(:clear)\n");
fmt::print(" - Clear the current screen\n");
fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::cyan), "(e)\n");
fmt::print(" - Exit the compiler\n");
fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::cyan), "(lt [ip-address] [port-number])\n");
" - Connect the listener to a running target. The IP address defaults to `` and the "
"port to `8112`\n");
fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::cyan), "(r [ip-address] [port-number])\n");
" - Attempt to reset the target and reconnect. After this, the target will have nothing "
fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::cyan), "(:status)\n");
fmt::print(" - Send a ping-like message to the target. Requires the target to be connected\n");
fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::cyan), "(shutdown-target)\n");
fmt::print(" - If the target is connected, make it exit\n");
fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold, "\nCompiling & Building:\n");
fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::lime_green), "(mi)\n");
fmt::print(" - Build entire game\n");
fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::lime_green), "(mng)\n");
fmt::print(" - Build game engine\n");
fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::lime_green), "(m \"filename\")\n");
fmt::print(" - Compile an OpenGOAL source file\n");
fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::lime_green), "(ml \"filename\")\n");
fmt::print(" - Compile and Load (or reload) an OpenGOAL source file\n");
fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::lime_green), "(build-kernel)\n");
fmt::print(" - Build the GOAL kernel\n");
fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::lime_green), "(make \"file-name\")\n");
" - Build a file and any out-of-date dependencies. This file must be a target in the make "
fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold, "\nOther:\n");
fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::magenta), "(gs)\n");
fmt::print(" - Enter a GOOS REPL\n");
void Wrapper::print_keybind_help() {
fmt::print(fmt::emphasis::bold, "\nREPL KeyBinds:\n");
for (const auto& bind : repl_config.keybinds) {
fmt::print("{}\n", fmt::styled(bind.string(), fmt::fg(fmt::color::cyan)));
fmt::print("{}\n", fmt::styled(bind.description, fmt::fg(fmt::color::gray)));
replxx::Replxx::key_press_handler_t Wrapper::commit_text_action(std::string text_to_commit) {
return [this, text_to_commit](char32_t code) {
replxx::Replxx::State(text_to_commit.c_str(), static_cast<int>(text_to_commit.size())));
return repl.invoke(replxx::Replxx::ACTION::COMMIT_LINE, code);
void Wrapper::init_settings() {
// NOTE - a nice popular project that uses replxx
// - https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/blob/master/base/base/ReplxxLineReader.cpp#L366
repl.set_word_break_characters(" \t");
// Setup default keybinds
for (const auto& bind : repl_config.keybinds) {
char32_t code;
switch (bind.modifier) {
case KeyBind::Modifier::CTRL:
code = replxx::Replxx::KEY::control(bind.key.at(0));
case KeyBind::Modifier::SHIFT:
code = replxx::Replxx::KEY::shift(bind.key.at(0));
case KeyBind::Modifier::META:
code = replxx::Replxx::KEY::meta(bind.key.at(0));
repl.bind_key(code, commit_text_action(bind.command));
void Wrapper::reload_startup_file() {
startup_file = load_user_startup_file(username, repl_config.game_version);
std::string find_repl_username() {
// Two options - either:
// 1. look for the `user.txt` file, which should only contain the username
// 2. if this is absent AND there is a single folder inside the "user" folder, use that as the
// username
auto user_dir = file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "goal_src" / "user";
auto dirs = file_util::find_directories_in_dir(user_dir);
if (dirs.size() == 1) {
return dirs.at(0).filename().string();
std::regex allowed_chars("(^[0-9a-zA-Z\\-\\.\\!\\?<>]*$)");
if (file_util::file_exists((user_dir / "user.txt").string())) {
auto text = file_util::read_text_file(user_dir / "user.txt");
text = str_util::trim(text);
if (!text.empty() && std::regex_match(text, allowed_chars)) {
return text;
return "unknown";
fs::path get_startup_file_path(const std::string& username, const GameVersion game_version) {
// - first check to see if there is a game version specific startup file to prefer
auto game_specific_path = file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "goal_src" / "user" / username /
fmt::format("startup-{}.gc", version_to_game_name(game_version));
if (file_util::file_exists(game_specific_path.string())) {
return game_specific_path;
return file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "goal_src" / "user" / username / "startup.gc";
StartupFile load_user_startup_file(const std::string& username, const GameVersion game_version) {
// Check for a `startup.gc` file, each line will be executed on the REPL on startup
auto startup_file_path = get_startup_file_path(username, game_version);
StartupFile startup_file;
if (file_util::file_exists(startup_file_path.string())) {
auto data = file_util::read_text_file(startup_file_path);
auto startup_cmds = str_util::split(data);
bool found_run_on_listen_line = false;
for (const auto& cmd : startup_cmds) {
if (found_run_on_listen_line) {
} else {
if (str_util::contains(cmd, "og:run-below-on-listen")) {
found_run_on_listen_line = true;
return startup_file;
REPL::Config load_repl_config(const std::string& username,
const GameVersion game_version,
const int nrepl_port) {
auto repl_config_path =
file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "goal_src" / "user" / username / "repl-config.json";
REPL::Config loaded_config(game_version);
if (file_util::file_exists(repl_config_path.string())) {
try {
auto repl_config_data =
parse_commented_json(file_util::read_text_file(repl_config_path), "repl-config.json");
from_json(repl_config_data, loaded_config);
loaded_config.temp_nrepl_port = nrepl_port;
return loaded_config;
} catch (std::exception& e) {
// do nothing
loaded_config.temp_nrepl_port = nrepl_port;
return loaded_config;
} // namespace REPL