Tyler Wilding eb703ee96e
REPL related improvements and fixes (#3545)
Motivated by - https://github.com/open-goal/opengoal-vscode/pull/358

This addresses the following:
- Fixes #2939 spam edge-case
- Stop picking a different nREPL port based on the game mode by default,
this causes friction for tools in the average usecase (having a REPL
open for a single game, and wanting to connect to it). `goalc` spins up
fine even if the port is already bound to.
- For people that need/want this behaviour, adding per-game
configuration to the `repl-config.json` is on my todo list.
- Allows `goalc` to permit redefining symbols, including functions. This
is defaulted to off via the `repl-config.json` but it allows you to for
example, change the definition of a function without having to restart
and rebuild the entire game.
![Screenshot 2024-06-02
- Updates the welcome message to include a bunch of useful metadata
up-front. Cleaned up all the startup logs that appear when starting
goalc, many of whom's information is now included in the welcome
  - Before:


  - After:
![Screenshot 2024-06-01
2024-06-03 00:14:52 -04:00

908 lines
25 KiB

* @file Reader.cpp
* The Reader converts text into GOOS object, for interpreting or compiling.
* The Reader also stores the GOOS symbol table, and is able to figure out where forms
* came from, for printing error messages about forms.
* The reader also know where the source folder is, through an environment variable set when
* launching the compiler or the compiler test.
#include "Reader.h"
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "common/util/FileUtil.h"
#include "common/util/FontUtils.h"
#include "fmt/core.h"
namespace goos {
namespace {
* Is this a valid character to start a decimal integer number?
bool decimal_start(char c) {
return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '-';
* Is this a valid character to start a floating point number?
bool float_start(char c) {
return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '-' || c == '.';
* Is this a valid character for a hex number?
bool hex_char(char c) {
return !((c < '0' || c > '9') && (c < 'a' || c > 'f') && (c < 'A' || c > 'F'));
* Does the given string contain c?
bool str_contains(const std::string& str, char c) {
for (auto& x : str) {
if (x == c) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
* Advance a TextStream through any comments or whitespace.
* This will leave the stream at the next non-whitespace character (or at the end)
void TextStream::seek_past_whitespace_and_comments() {
while (text_remains()) {
char c = peek();
switch (c) {
case ' ':
case '\t':
case '\n':
case '\r':
// just a whitespace, eat it!
case ';':
// line comment.
while (text_remains() && read() != '\n') {
case '#':
if (text_remains(1) && peek(1) == '|') {
ASSERT(read() == '#'); // #
ASSERT(read() == '|'); // |
bool found_end = false;
// find |#
while (text_remains() && !found_end) {
// find |
while (text_remains() && read() != '|') {
if (text_remains() && read() == '#') {
found_end = true;
} else {
// not a line comment
* Read encoding bytes on a TextStream and check if it's UTF-8.
* If it's not, you can choose to throw or not.
* If UTF-8 encoding is not detected, the stream is not advanced.
void TextStream::read_utf8_encoding(bool throw_on_error) {
if (text_remains(2)) {
if ((u8)peek(0) == 0xEF && (u8)peek(1) == 0xBB && (u8)peek(2) == 0xBF) {
if (throw_on_error) {
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("UTF-8 encoding not detected in {}", text->get_description()));
Reader::Reader() {
// add default macros
add_reader_macro("'", "quote");
add_reader_macro("`", "quasiquote");
add_reader_macro(",", "unquote");
add_reader_macro(",@", "unquote-splicing");
// setup table of which characters are valid for starting a symbol
for (auto& x : m_valid_symbols_chars) {
x = false;
for (char x = 'a'; x <= 'z'; x++) {
m_valid_symbols_chars[(int)x] = true;
for (char x = 'A'; x <= 'Z'; x++) {
m_valid_symbols_chars[(int)x] = true;
for (char x = '0'; x <= '9'; x++) {
m_valid_symbols_chars[(int)x] = true;
const char bonus[] = "!$%&*+-/\\.,@^_-;:<>?~=#";
for (const char* c = bonus; *c; c++) {
m_valid_symbols_chars[(int)*c] = true;
// table of characters that are valid in source code:
for (auto& x : m_valid_source_text_chars) {
x = false;
for (int i = ' '; i <= '~'; i++) {
m_valid_source_text_chars[i] = true;
m_valid_source_text_chars[(int)'\n'] = true;
m_valid_source_text_chars[(int)'\t'] = true;
m_valid_source_text_chars[(int)'\r'] = true;
// allow every character that gets transformed to something else
for (auto& [version, font] : g_font_banks) {
for (auto& remap : *font->encode_info()) {
for (auto rc : remap.chars) {
m_valid_source_text_chars[(u8)rc] = true;
for (auto& remap : *font->replace_info()) {
for (auto rc : remap.to) {
m_valid_source_text_chars[(u8)rc] = true;
for (auto rc : remap.from) {
m_valid_source_text_chars[(u8)rc] = true;
m_valid_source_text_chars[0] = false;
bool Reader::is_valid_source_char(char c) const {
return m_valid_source_text_chars[(u8)c];
* Prompt the user and read the result.
std::optional<Object> Reader::read_from_stdin(const std::string& prompt, REPL::Wrapper& repl) {
// escape code will make sure that we remove any color
std::string prompt_full = "\033[0m" + prompt;
auto line_from_repl = repl.readline(prompt_full);
if (line_from_repl) {
std::string line = line_from_repl;
// todo, decide if we should keep reading or not.
// create text fragment and add to the DB
auto textFrag = std::make_shared<ReplText>(line);
// perform read
auto result = internal_read(textFrag, false);
db.link(result, textFrag, 0);
return result;
} else {
return {};
* Read a string.
Object Reader::read_from_string(const std::string& str,
bool add_top_level,
const std::optional<std::string>& string_name) {
// create text fragment and add to the DB
auto textFrag = std::make_shared<ProgramString>(str, string_name.value_or("Program string"));
// perform read
auto result = internal_read(textFrag, false, add_top_level);
db.link(result, textFrag, 0);
return result;
* Read a file
Object Reader::read_from_file(const std::vector<std::string>& file_path, bool check_encoding) {
std::string file_descriptor = fmt::format("{}", fmt::join(file_path, "/"));
const auto joined_file_path = file_util::get_file_path(file_path);
if (!fs::exists(joined_file_path)) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Cannot read {}, file doesn't exist", joined_file_path));
auto textFrag = std::make_shared<FileText>(joined_file_path, file_descriptor);
auto result = internal_read(textFrag, check_encoding);
db.link(result, textFrag, 0);
return result;
* Common read for a SourceText
Object Reader::internal_read(std::shared_ptr<SourceText> text,
bool check_encoding,
bool add_top_level) {
// verify UTF-8 encoding
if (check_encoding && (text->get_size() < 3 || (u8)text->get_text()[0] != 0xEF ||
(u8)text->get_text()[1] != 0xBB || (u8)text->get_text()[2] != 0xBF)) {
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("Text file {} has invalid encoding", text->get_description()));
// validate the input
for (int offset = check_encoding ? 3 : 0; offset < text->get_size(); offset++) {
if (!is_valid_source_char(text->get_text()[offset])) {
// failed.
int line_number = text->get_line_idx(offset) + 1;
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Invalid character found on line {} of {}: 0x{:x}",
line_number, text->get_description(),
// first create stream
TextStream ts(text);
if (check_encoding) {
// discard the UTF-8 encoding bytes
// clean up first whitespace
// read list!
try {
auto objs = read_list(ts, false);
if (add_top_level) {
return PairObject::make_new(Object::make_symbol(&symbolTable, "top-level"), objs);
} else {
return objs;
} catch (std::exception& e) {
lg::print("{}", e.what());
bool Reader::check_string_is_valid(const std::string& str) const {
for (auto c : str) {
if (!is_valid_source_char(c)) {
return false;
return true;
* Given a stream starting at the first character of a token, get the token. Doesn't consume
* whitespace at the end and leaves the stream on the first character after the token.
Token Reader::get_next_token(TextStream& stream) {
Token t;
t.source_line = stream.line_count;
t.source_offset = stream.seek;
t.source_text = stream.text;
char first = stream.read();
// First - look for special tokens which end early:
// parens, double quotes, quotes, and backticks are tokens.
if (first == '(' || first == ')' || first == '"' || first == '\'' || first == '`')
return t;
// ",@" is its own token
if (first == ',' && stream.text_remains() && stream.peek() == '@') {
return t;
} else if (first == ',') {
// "," is its own token.
return t;
} else if (first == '#' && stream.text_remains() && stream.peek() == '(') {
return t;
// Second - not a special token, so we read until we get a character that ends the token.
while (stream.text_remains()) {
char next = stream.peek();
if (next == ' ' || next == '\n' || next == '\t' || next == '\r' || next == ')' || next == ';' ||
next == '(') {
return t;
} else {
// not the end, so add to token.
return t;
* Add a macro that replaces the sequence of [shortcut, other_token] with
* (replacement other_token) <- a list with two objects, replacement is a symbol.
* These are used to make 'x turn into (quote x) and similar.
void Reader::add_reader_macro(const std::string& shortcut, std::string replacement) {
m_reader_macros[shortcut] = std::move(replacement);
* Try to read an object.
bool Reader::read_object(Token& tok, TextStream& ts, Object& obj) {
try {
// try as integer
if (try_token_as_integer(tok, obj)) {
return true;
// try as hex
if (try_token_as_hex(tok, obj)) {
return true;
// try as binary
if (try_token_as_binary(tok, obj)) {
return true;
// try as float
if (try_token_as_float(tok, obj)) {
return true;
// try as string
if (tok.text[0] == '"') {
// it's a string.
ASSERT(tok.text.length() == 1);
if (read_string(ts, obj)) {
return true;
} else {
throw_reader_error(ts, "failed to read string, close quote not found", -1);
return false;
if (tok.text[0] == '#' && tok.text.size() >= 2 && tok.text[1] == '(') {
if (read_array(ts, obj)) {
return true;
if (try_token_as_char(tok, obj)) {
return true;
// try as symbol
if (try_token_as_symbol(tok, obj)) {
return true;
} catch (std::exception& e) {
throw_reader_error(ts, "parsing token " + tok.text + " failed: " + e.what(), -1);
return false;
bool Reader::read_array(TextStream& stream, Object& o) {
// ASSERT(stream.read() == '(');
std::vector<Object> objects;
bool got_close_paren = false;
while (stream.text_remains()) {
auto tok = get_next_token(stream);
if (tok.text[0] == '(') {
ASSERT(tok.text.length() == 1);
objects.push_back(read_list(stream, true));
} else if (tok.text[0] == ')') {
ASSERT(tok.text.length() == 1);
got_close_paren = true;
} else {
Object next_obj;
if (read_object(tok, stream, next_obj)) {
} else {
throw_reader_error(stream, "invalid token encountered in array reader: " + tok.text,
if (!got_close_paren) {
throw_reader_error(stream, "An array must end in a close parenthesis", -1);
return false;
o = ArrayObject::make_new(objects);
return true;
struct ListBuilder {
Object head;
std::shared_ptr<PairObject> prev_tail;
std::shared_ptr<PairObject> tail;
int size = 0;
ListBuilder() { head = Object::make_empty_list(); }
void push_back(Object&& o) {
if (!tail) {
tail = std::make_shared<PairObject>(o, Object{});
head.type = ObjectType::PAIR;
head.heap_obj = tail;
} else {
auto next = std::make_shared<PairObject>(o, Object{});
tail->cdr.type = ObjectType::PAIR;
tail->cdr.heap_obj = next;
prev_tail = std::move(tail);
tail = std::move(next);
Object pop_back() {
auto obj = tail->car;
tail = std::move(prev_tail);
return obj;
void finalize() {
if (tail) {
tail->cdr = Object::make_empty_list();
} else {
head = Object::make_empty_list();
* Call this on the character after the open paren.
Object Reader::read_list(TextStream& ts, bool expect_close_paren) {
// std::vector<Object> objects;
ListBuilder list_builder;
bool got_close_paren = false; // does this list end?
bool got_dot = false; // did we get a . ?
bool got_thing_after_dot = false; // did we get an object after the . ?
int start_offset = ts.seek;
// loop over tokens
while (ts.text_remains()) {
auto tok = get_next_token(ts);
// reader macro thing:
std::vector<std::string> reader_macro_string_stack;
auto kv = m_reader_macros.find(tok.text);
if (kv != m_reader_macros.end()) {
while (kv != m_reader_macros.end()) {
// build a stack of reader macros to apply to this form.
if (!ts.text_remains()) {
throw_reader_error(ts, "Something must follow a reader macro", 0);
tok = get_next_token(ts);
kv = m_reader_macros.find(tok.text);
} else {
// only look for the dot when we aren't following a quote.
// this makes '. work.
if (tok.text == ".") {
// list dot notation (ex, (1 . 2))
if (got_dot) {
throw_reader_error(ts, "A list cannot have multiple dots.", -1);
if (!ts.text_remains()) {
throw_reader_error(ts, "A list cannot end in a dot", -1);
tok = get_next_token(ts);
got_dot = true;
// inserter function, used to properly insert a next object
auto insert_object = [&](Object&& o) {
if (got_thing_after_dot) {
throw_reader_error(ts, "A list cannot have multiple entries after the dot", -1);
if (reader_macro_string_stack.empty()) {
// objects.push_back(o);
} else {
Object to_push_back = std::move(o);
while (!reader_macro_string_stack.empty()) {
to_push_back = build_list(
{Object::make_symbol(&symbolTable, reader_macro_string_stack.back().c_str()),
// remember if we got an object after the dot
if (got_dot) {
got_thing_after_dot = true;
if (tok.text.empty()) {
// empty list
} else if (tok.text[0] == '(') {
// nested list
ASSERT(tok.text.length() == 1);
insert_object(read_list(ts, true));
} else if (tok.text[0] == ')') {
// end of this list
got_close_paren = true;
ASSERT(tok.text.length() == 1);
} else {
// try to get an object
Object obj;
if (read_object(tok, ts, obj)) {
} else {
throw_reader_error(ts, "invalid token encountered in reader: " + tok.text,
// done getting objects. Check close paren and dot
if (expect_close_paren && !got_close_paren) {
throw_reader_error(ts, "failed to find close paren", -1);
if (got_close_paren && !expect_close_paren) {
throw_reader_error(ts, "found an unexpected close paren", -1);
if (got_dot && !got_thing_after_dot) {
throw_reader_error(ts, "A list must have an entry after the dot", -1);
// build up list or improper list, link it, and return!
if (got_thing_after_dot) {
if (list_builder.size < 2) {
throw_reader_error(ts, "A list with a dot must have at least one thing before the dot", -1);
auto back = list_builder.pop_back();
auto rv = list_builder.head;
auto lst = rv;
while (true) {
if (lst.as_pair()->cdr.is_empty_list()) {
lst.as_pair()->cdr = back;
} else {
lst = lst.as_pair()->cdr;
db.link(rv, ts.text, start_offset);
return rv;
} else {
auto rv = list_builder.head;
db.link(rv, ts.text, start_offset);
return rv;
* Try decoding as symbol. Returns success.
bool Reader::try_token_as_symbol(const Token& tok, Object& obj) {
// check start character is valid:
char start = tok.text[0];
if (m_valid_symbols_chars[(int)start]) {
obj = Object::make_symbol(&symbolTable, tok.text.c_str());
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Read a string and escape. Start on the first char after the first double quote.
* Supported escapes are \n, \t, \\ and work like they do in C.
* An arbitrary character can be entered as \c12 where the "12" is hexadecimal.
bool Reader::read_string(TextStream& stream, Object& obj) {
bool got_close_quote = false;
std::string str;
while (stream.text_remains()) {
char c = stream.read();
if (c == '"') {
obj = StringObject::make_new(str);
got_close_quote = true;
if (c == '\\') {
if (!stream.text_remains()) {
throw_reader_error(stream, "incomplete string escape code", -1);
if (stream.peek() == 'n') {
} else if (stream.peek() == 't') {
} else if (stream.peek() == '\\') {
} else if (stream.peek() == '"') {
} else if (stream.peek() == 'c') {
if (!stream.text_remains(2)) {
throw_reader_error(stream, "incomplete string escape code", -1);
auto first = stream.read();
auto second = stream.read();
if (!hex_char(first) || !hex_char(second)) {
throw_reader_error(stream, "invalid character escape hex number", -3);
char hex_num[3] = {first, second, '\0'};
std::size_t end = 0;
auto value = std::stoul(hex_num, &end, 16);
if (end != 2) {
throw_reader_error(stream, "invalid character escape", -2);
ASSERT(value < 256);
} else {
throw_reader_error(stream, "unknown string escape code", -1);
} else {
return got_close_quote;
* Try decoding as a float. Must have a "." in it.
* Otherwise all combinations of leading zeros, "."'s, negative signs, etc are ok.
* Trailing zeros not required.
bool Reader::try_token_as_float(const Token& tok, Object& obj) {
if (float_start(tok.text[0]) && str_contains(tok.text, '.')) {
size_t offset = tok.text[0] == '-' ? 1 : 0;
for (; offset < tok.text.size(); offset++) {
char c = tok.text.at(offset);
if ((c < '0' || c > '9') && (c != '.')) {
return false;
try {
std::size_t end = 0;
double v = std::stod(tok.text, &end);
if (end != tok.text.size())
return false;
obj = Object::make_float(v);
return true;
} catch (std::exception& e) {
return false;
return false;
* Try decoding as binary. Looks like #b101010 ...
* 64-bit unsigned
bool Reader::try_token_as_binary(const Token& tok, Object& obj) {
if (tok.text.size() >= 3 && tok.text[0] == '#' && tok.text[1] == 'b') {
for (size_t offset = 2; offset < tok.text.size(); offset++) {
char c = tok.text.at(offset);
if (c != '0' && c != '1') {
return false;
uint64_t value = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 2; i < tok.text.size(); i++) {
if (value & (0x8000000000000000)) {
throw std::runtime_error("overflow in binary constant: " + tok.text);
value <<= 1u;
if (tok.text[i] == '1') {
} else if (tok.text[i] != '0') {
return false;
obj = Object::make_integer((int64_t)value);
return true;
return false;
* Try decoding as hex. Looks like #xdeadBEEF . Don't care about case.
* 64-bit unsigned
bool Reader::try_token_as_hex(const Token& tok, Object& obj) {
if (tok.text.size() >= 3 && tok.text[0] == '#' && tok.text[1] == 'x') {
// determine if we look like a number or not. If we look like a number, but stoll fails,
// it means that the number is too big or too small, and we should error
for (size_t offset = 2; offset < tok.text.size(); offset++) {
char c = tok.text.at(offset);
if (!hex_char(c)) {
return false;
uint64_t v = 0;
try {
std::size_t end = 0;
v = std::stoull(tok.text.substr(2), &end, 16);
if (end + 2 != tok.text.size())
return false;
obj = Object::make_integer(v);
return true;
} catch (std::exception& e) {
throw std::runtime_error("The number " + tok.text + " cannot be a hexadecimal constant");
return false;
* Try decoding as integer. No decimals points allowed.
* 64-bit signed. Won't accept values between INT64_MAX and UINT64_MAX.
bool Reader::try_token_as_integer(const Token& tok, Object& obj) {
if (decimal_start(tok.text[0]) && !str_contains(tok.text, '.')) {
// determine if we look like a number or not. If we look like a number, but stoll fails,
// it means that the number is too big or too small, and we should error
size_t offset = tok.text[0] == '-' ? 1 : 0;
if (offset == 1 && tok.text.size() == 1) {
return false; // - by itself is not a number!
for (; offset < tok.text.size(); offset++) {
char c = tok.text.at(offset);
if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
return false;
uint64_t v = 0;
try {
std::size_t end = 0;
v = std::stoll(tok.text, &end);
if (end != tok.text.size()) {
return false;
obj = Object::make_integer(v);
return true;
} catch (std::exception& e) {
throw std::runtime_error("The number " + tok.text + " cannot be an integer constant");
return false;
bool Reader::try_token_as_char(const Token& tok, Object& obj) {
if (tok.text.size() >= 3 && tok.text[0] == '#' && tok.text[1] == '\\') {
if (tok.text.size() == 3 && file_util::is_printable_char(tok.text[2]) && tok.text[2] != ' ') {
obj = Object::make_char(tok.text[2]);
return true;
if (tok.text.size() == 4 && tok.text[2] == '\\') {
switch (tok.text[3]) {
case 'n':
obj = Object::make_char('\n');
return true;
case 's':
obj = Object::make_char(' ');
return true;
case 't':
obj = Object::make_char('\t');
return true;
return false;
* Throw an exception with useful information because of an error in the text stream.
* Used for reader errors, like "missing close paren" or similar.
void Reader::throw_reader_error(TextStream& here, const std::string& err, int seek_offset) {
throw std::runtime_error("Reader error:\n" + err + "\nat " +
db.get_info_for(here.text, here.seek + seek_offset));
* Convert any string into one that can be read.
* Unprintable characters become escape sequences, including tab and newline.
std::string get_readable_string(const char* in) {
std::string result;
while (*in) {
if (file_util::is_printable_char(*in) && *in != '\\' && *in != '"') {
} else if (*in == '\n') {
result += "\\n";
} else if (*in == '\t') {
result += "\\t";
} else if (*in == '\\') {
result += "\\\\";
} else if (*in == '"') {
result += "\\\"";
} else {
result += fmt::format("\\c{:02x}", uint8_t(*in));
return result;
} // namespace goos