water111 c9fc4f0bf9
[graphics] eyes (#1169)
* first draft eye renderer

* working

* working
2022-02-15 19:37:51 -05:00

2200 lines
74 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: level.gc
;; name in dgo: level
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
;; level info/names
(defun lookup-level-info ((name symbol))
"Get the level-load-info of a level using its name. name can be the level name, the visname or the nickname. First match is returned."
(let* ((rest *level-load-list*)
(current-sym (the symbol (car rest)))
(while (not (null? rest))
(let ((info (the level-load-info (-> current-sym value))))
(if (or (= name (-> info name))
(= name (-> info visname))
(= name (-> info nickname))
(return info)
(set! rest (cdr rest))
(set! current-sym (the symbol (car rest)))
(defmethod load-command-get-index level-group ((obj level-group) (name symbol) (cmd-idx int))
"Get the n-th load command for the given level."
(let ((cmd-lst (-> (lookup-level-info name) alt-load-commands)))
(while (nonzero? cmd-idx)
(+! cmd-idx -1)
(set! cmd-lst (cdr cmd-lst))
(the-as pair (car cmd-lst))
(defun remap-level-name ((level-info level-load-info))
"Get the canonical name for a level using its level-load-info"
(if (-> *level* vis?)
(-> level-info visname)
(-> level-info name)
(defmethod art-group-get-by-name level ((obj level) (arg0 string))
"Get the art group in the given level with the given name.
If it doesn't exist, #f."
(countdown (i (-> obj art-group art-group-array length))
(if (name= (-> obj art-group art-group-array i name) arg0)
(return (-> obj art-group art-group-array i))
(the-as art-group #f)
(defmethod bsp-name level ((obj level))
"Get the name of the bsp tree of the level"
(if (and (!= (-> obj status) 'inactive)
(-> obj bsp)
(nonzero? (-> obj bsp name))
(-> obj bsp name)
(-> obj name)
;; BSP
;; The "bsp" is the big data structure that contains the level geometry.
;; the background draw engine will use this function to draw an entire level's background.
;; The actual drawing is executed with (execute-connections *background-draw-engine* ...)
;; in drawable.gc
(defun add-bsp-drawable ((arg0 bsp-header) (arg1 level) (arg2 symbol) (arg3 display-frame))
"Draw a level!"
;; do the draw
(draw arg0 arg0 arg3)
(if (nonzero? *display-strip-lines*)
(debug-draw arg0 arg0 arg3)
(defmethod print level ((obj level))
"print a level."
(format #t "#<~A ~A ~S @ #x~X>"
(-> obj type)
(-> obj status)
(-> obj name)
(defmethod relocate bsp-header ((obj bsp-header) (dest-heap kheap) (name (pointer uint8)))
"Handle a bsp file load."
;; we expect that we'll have a loading-level set when we link/login a bsp-header
(let ((s5-0 (-> *level* loading-level)))
(if s5-0
((not (type-type? (-> obj type) bsp-header))
(format 0 "ERROR: level ~A is not a bsp-header.~%" (-> s5-0 name))
(the-as bsp-header #f)
((not (file-info-correct-version? (-> obj info) (file-kind level-bt) 0))
(the-as bsp-header #f)
((< 2048 (-> obj visible-list-length))
(format 0 "ERROR: level ~A visible-list-length ~d is greater than 2048 (16384 drawables).~%"
(-> s5-0 name)
(-> obj visible-list-length)
(the-as bsp-header #f)
(load-dbg "bsp relocate: ~A~%" obj)
;; everything is okay, link the bsp and level.
(set! (-> s5-0 bsp) obj)
(set! (-> obj level) s5-0)
(format 0 "ERROR: level ~A is not a valid file.~%"
(-> s5-0 name)
(the-as bsp-header #f)
(defmethod load-required-packages level ((obj level))
"Load required packages for the level. This is mostly useless, but might load common.
This will have no effect most of the time - common is often loaded at boot as part of
(when (not (or (not (-> obj bsp)) (= *kernel-boot-mode* 'debug-boot)))
(if (not (null? (-> obj info packages)))
(load-package "common" global)
;; vis
(defmethod vis-clear level ((obj level))
"Clear the visibility info for when the level is loading."
;; clear vis-infos, so we can't try to look up a vis string.
(countdown (v1-0 8)
(nop!) ;; the usual.
(set! (-> obj vis-info v1-0) #f)
;; set the vis string to all 0s.
(dotimes (v1-3 128)
(set! (deref int128 (-> obj vis-bits) v1-3) (the-as int128 0))
;; this flag indicates we don't have vis data because loading is in progress
(set! (-> obj all-visible?) 'loading)
(defmethod vis-load level ((obj level))
"Start the initial load of a VIS file to the IOP VIS buffer. After this is done, we can use
ramdisk-load to load chunks."
;; check to see if we have a buffer for loaded vis data.
(when (zero? (-> obj vis-info (-> obj vis-self-index) ramdisk))
;; nope, we have no vis data buffer, we need to set it up.
;; first, we should see if the other level has loaded vis. if so, kill it.
(let ((vis (-> obj other vis-info (-> obj other vis-self-index))))
(when (and vis (nonzero? (-> vis ramdisk)))
(set! (-> vis flags) (logand #xffffffffbfffffff (-> vis flags))) ;; clear waiting-for-load
(set! (-> vis ramdisk) 0)
;; set up a ramdisk rpc (fill command, actually load the file from DVD to IOP buffer)
(let ((visname (make-file-name (file-kind vis) (the-as string (-> obj nickname)) 0 #f))
(cmd (the-as ramdisk-rpc-fill (add-element *ramdisk-rpc*)))
(s5-0 (+ *current-ramdisk-id* 1))
(set! *current-ramdisk-id* s5-0)
(set! (-> cmd filename) (string->sound-name visname))
(set! (-> cmd ee-id) s5-0)
(load-dbg "doing ramdisk vis load: ~A~%" visname)
(call *ramdisk-rpc* RAMDISK_RPC_FILL_FNO (the-as pointer 0) (the-as uint 0))
;; remember which ramdisk id we are assigned
(set! (-> obj vis-info (-> obj vis-self-index) ramdisk) s5-0)
;; return the ramdisk ID.
(-> obj vis-info (-> obj vis-self-index) ramdisk)
(defun load-vis-info ((vis-name symbol) (old-vis-name symbol))
"Load a new VIS file and dump the old one. The corresponding level must be active!"
(dotimes (i (-> *level* length))
(let ((lev (-> *level* level i)))
(when (= (-> lev status) 'active)
(when (= vis-name (-> lev nickname))
(format 0 "Swapping in ~A VIS [dumping ~A]~%" vis-name old-vis-name)
(vis-load lev)
(defmethod init-vis level ((obj level))
"Set up the vis info in a level from the vis info in the BSP."
(when (not (or (= (-> obj status) 'inactive) (not (-> obj bsp))))
;; no vis loaded at first, mark as loading/invalid.
(set! (-> obj all-visible?) 'loading)
;; vis info 0 is always self.
(let ((s5-0 (-> obj bsp vis-info 0)))
;; check that our vis info is valid.
((and s5-0 (nonzero? s5-0) (valid? s5-0 level-vis-info #f #f 0))
;; add to the level
(set! (-> obj vis-info 0) s5-0)
;; don't have a string loaded yet
(set! (-> s5-0 current-vis-string) (the-as uint -1))
;; link to bsp
(set! (-> s5-0 from-bsp) (-> obj bsp))
;; the current vis string (uncompressed). The level allocates/manages this.
(set! (-> s5-0 vis-bits) (-> obj vis-bits))
;; clear waiting-for-load, thirty-one
(set! (-> s5-0 flags) (logand (the-as uint #xffffffff3fffffff) (-> s5-0 flags)))
;; set twenty-nine
(set! (-> s5-0 flags) (logior #x20000000 (-> s5-0 flags)))
(set! (-> s5-0 ramdisk) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> s5-0 string-block) (the-as uint #f))
;; remember that we use the vis system. This will enable warnings in the kernel
;; if we run out of actor memory. Without vis, I guess this happens a lot.
(set! *vis-boot* #t)
;; we don't have vis (but it's okay)
(set! (-> obj vis-info 0) #f)
;; check for up to 6 neighbor level vis info. The last one is always left as null.
(dotimes (s5-1 6)
(let* ((s3-0 (+ s5-1 1))
(s4-0 (-> obj bsp vis-info s3-0))
((and s4-0 (nonzero? s4-0) (valid? s4-0 level-vis-info #f #f 0))
(set! (-> obj vis-info s3-0) s4-0)
(set! (-> s4-0 current-vis-string) (the-as uint -1))
(set! (-> s4-0 from-bsp) #f)
(set! (-> s4-0 vis-bits) (-> obj vis-bits))
;; clear 29, 30, 31
(set! (-> s4-0 flags) (logand (the-as uint #xffffffff1fffffff) (-> s4-0 flags)))
(set! *vis-boot* #t)
(set! (-> obj vis-info s3-0) #f)
(defmethod level-get-for-use level-group ((obj level-group) (name symbol) (want-status symbol))
"Get a level in a playable form, loading it if necessary."
(local-vars (s5-1 level))
;; debug allocate levels if necessary
(alloc-levels! obj #f)
(let* ((level-info (lookup-level-info name))
(level-name (remap-level-name level-info))
(swhen (level-get obj level-name)
(level-status-set! bc want-status)
(return bc)
(let ((a0-7 (level-get-most-disposable obj)))
(set! s5-1 (if a0-7 (level-status-set! a0-7 'inactive)
;; THIS WAS BUGGED IN THE ORIGINAL GAME!! Probably due to a fault in the original GOAL compiler and because they had
;; a local variable called "level", this branch here checks for the *TYPE* object called level instead of the
;; variable. Since the type will never be equal to #f when this code runs, this failsafe never runs, and the game will
;; proceed to corrupt the symbol table since it thinks #f is a level, which most definitely crashes the game
;; very quickly.
;; We are fixing it.
(when (not s5-1) ;;level)
(format 0 "ERROR: could not find a slot to load ~A into.~%" name)
(return (the-as level #f))
(set! (-> s5-1 info) level-info)
(set! (-> s5-1 name) name)
(set! (-> s5-1 load-name) level-name)
(set! (-> s5-1 mood) (the mood-context (-> s5-1 info mood value)))
(set! (-> s5-1 mood-func) (the (function mood-context float int none) (-> s5-1 info mood-func value)))
(set! (-> s5-1 display?) #f)
(set! (-> s5-1 force-all-visible?) #f)
(set! (-> s5-1 force-inside?) #f)
(level-status-set! s5-1 'loading)
(level-status-set! s5-1 want-status)
;; level status:
;; - inactive: nothing loaded or loading.
;; - loading: level is reserved and in the process of loading. There can only be 1 loading level at a time.
;; when loading, the loading-level heap is set to the appropriate level heap.
;; also, (-> *level* loading-level) points to the level.
;; - loading-bt: loading the "buffer top". This is the big BSP object file, it loads differently.
;; - loading-done: loading is done, but no login/init has started
;; - login: login is in progress
;; - loaded: login is done
;; - alive: level is birthed, etc
;; - active: level is being drawn
(defmethod level-status level-group ((obj level-group) (level-name symbol))
"Get the status of an existing level."
(let ((lev (level-get *level* level-name)))
(if lev
(-> lev status)
(defmethod level-status-set! level ((obj level) (want-status symbol))
"Change the status of a level, performing any cleanup and prep work as necessary.
Only change loading statuses in order!
Returns the level."
(case want-status
(case (-> obj status)
(unload! obj)
(case (-> obj status)
(load-begin obj)
(case (-> obj status)
(set! (-> obj status) want-status)
(load-continue obj)
(case (-> obj status)
(set! (-> obj status) want-status)
(case (-> obj status)
;; will actually put us in login for a bit.
(login-begin obj)
(('alive 'active)
(deactivate obj)
(('alive 'active)
(when *dproc*
(case (-> obj status)
(birth obj)
;; try again. we will be in alive.
;; this will do nothing if we want alive, but will activate if we want activate
(level-status-set! obj want-status)
(when (and *dproc* (= want-status 'active))
;; only if we want to do alive -> active
;; will set the level to be drawn.
(remove-by-param1 *background-draw-engine* (-> obj bsp))
(add-connection *background-draw-engine* *dproc* (the (function object object object object object) add-bsp-drawable) (-> obj bsp) obj #f)
(dotimes (v1-40 9)
(set! (-> obj closest-object v1-40) 0.0)
(set! (-> obj texture-mask v1-40) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> obj level-distance) 0.0)
(set! (-> obj status) 'active)
(define *login-state* (new 'global 'login-state))
(define *print-login* #t)
(defmethod load-continue level ((obj level))
"Continue loading a level from where we left off last time."
;; see if we are still linking some file
(when (-> obj linking)
;; do some more linking
(when (nonzero? (link-resume))
;; done linking and object file!
(set! (-> obj linking) #f)
(case (-> obj status)
;; load another object if we don't wanna copy anything
(if (not (-> *texture-relocate-later* memcpy))
(dgo-load-continue (the pointer (align64 (-> obj heap current))))
;; finished loading the last object!
(level-status-set! obj 'loading-done)
(level-status-set! obj 'loaded)
(return obj)
;; otherwise, copy stuff that needs copying
(when (-> *texture-relocate-later* memcpy)
(dgo-load-continue (the pointer (align64 (-> obj heap current))))
(return obj)
;; otherwise, check status
(case (-> obj status)
;; we are still loading
(let* ((last-obj #f)
(a0-15 (dgo-load-get-next (& last-obj))))
(when a0-15
;; something has finished loading!
((not last-obj)
;; not the last object. start linking
((dgo-load-link (the-as dgo-header a0-15) (-> obj heap) *print-login* #f)
;; linking finished (that was fast)
(if (not (-> *texture-relocate-later* memcpy))
(dgo-load-continue (the pointer (align64 (-> obj heap current))))
;; linking is not done, resume later.
(set! (-> obj linking) #t)
;; we're loading the last object now, which has different rules
(set! (-> obj heap top) (-> obj heap top-base))
(level-status-set! obj 'loading-bt)
;; run level login
(level-update-after-load obj *login-state*)
;; link the last object
(let ((a0-26 (the pointer (align64 (-> obj heap current)))))
((dgo-load-link (the-as dgo-header a0-26) (-> obj heap) *print-login* #t)
(level-status-set! obj 'loading-done)
;; will start login.
(level-status-set! obj 'loaded)
(set! (-> obj linking) #t)
(defmethod load-begin level ((obj level))
"Start loading the level. Uses 2 megabyte heaps for loading each object."
;; set the level heap. level code logins called from linker may allocate here
(set! loading-level (-> obj heap))
;; relocate method of the bsp will look for this
(set! (-> *level* loading-level) obj)
;; clear out old stuff
(set! (-> *level* log-in-level-bsp) #f)
(set! (-> obj nickname) #f)
(set! (-> obj bsp) #f)
(set! (-> obj entity) #f)
(set! (-> obj ambient) #f)
(set! (-> obj linking) #f)
(vis-clear obj)
(set! (-> obj status) 'loading)
;; incoming textures should use the level allocator
(set! (-> *texture-pool* allocate-func) texture-page-level-allocate)
;; build name
(if (= (-> obj load-name) (-> obj info visname))
(format (clear *temp-string*) "~S" (-> obj info nickname))
(format (clear *temp-string*) "~S" (-> obj name))
(set! (-> *temp-string* data 8) (the-as uint 0))
(format *temp-string* ".DGO")
;; reset temporary allocations on level heap
(set! (-> obj heap top) (-> obj heap top-base))
;; allocate DGO loading buffers
(let ((s4-0 (kmalloc (-> obj heap) (* 2 1024 1024) (kmalloc-flags align-64 top) "dgo-level-buf-2"))
(s5-2 (kmalloc (-> obj heap) (* 2 1024 1024) (kmalloc-flags align-64 top) "dgo-level-buf-2"))
(load-dbg " DGO buffers at #x~X #x~X~%" s4-0 s5-2)
;; we expect to load code first, remember where the heap is now.
(set! (-> obj code-memory-start) (-> obj heap current))
(format 0 "-----------> begin load ~A [~S]~%" (-> obj load-name) *temp-string*)
;; kick off the load!
(dgo-load-begin *temp-string* s5-2 s4-0 (the pointer (align64 (-> obj heap current))))
(defmethod login-begin level ((obj level))
"Start the login. This is spread over multiple frames."
;; done with load, reset the texture page allocator
(set! (-> *texture-pool* allocate-func) texture-page-default-allocate)
((-> obj bsp)
(set! (-> *level* log-in-level-bsp) (-> obj bsp))
;; login textures
(login-level-textures *texture-pool* obj (-> obj bsp texture-page-count) (-> obj bsp texture-ids))
;; login shaders
(let ((bsp (-> obj bsp)))
(when (nonzero? (-> bsp adgifs))
(let ((adgifs (-> bsp adgifs)))
(dotimes (i (-> adgifs length))
(adgif-shader-login-no-remap (-> adgifs data i))
;; set the login state machine at the beginning.
(set! (-> *login-state* state) -1)
(set! (-> *login-state* pos) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> *login-state* elts) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> obj status) 'login)
;; something went wrong, kill the level.
(level-status-set! obj 'inactive)
(set! loading-level global)
(set! (-> *level* loading-level) (-> *level* level-default))
(defun level-update-after-load ((loaded-level level) (level-login-state login-state))
"Run some small amount of logins.
This will time itself and stop after some time.
When it's done, it will set the status to loaded."
(current-timer int)
(v1-154 int)
(initial-timer int)
(sv-16 prototype-bucket-tie)
(sv-32 int)
;; there is some logic for not doing the whole login all at once...
;; for now, we will somewhat ignore that.
(let ((level-drawable-trees (-> loaded-level bsp drawable-trees)))
;;(.mfc0 initial-timer Count)
(label cfg-1)
;;(.mfc0 current-timer Count)
;; this would quit the login function after some amount of time elapsed.
(let ((elapsed-timer (- current-timer initial-timer)))
(when (< #x186a0 elapsed-timer)
(set! loaded-level loaded-level)
(goto cfg-78)
(let ((current-login-pos (the-as int (-> level-login-state pos))))
;; Login state -1.
;; in this state, we log in drawables/art-groups that are in referenced in the bsp directly
;; the current-login-pos in the index of the drawable/art to login.
(when (= (-> level-login-state state) -1)
;;(load-dbg "login state -1~%")
;; login some drawables.
(when (< current-login-pos (-> level-drawable-trees length))
(let ((current-drawable (-> level-drawable-trees trees (the-as uint current-login-pos))))
;;(load-dbg "login draw: ~A~%" current-drawable)
((= (-> current-drawable type) drawable-tree-tfrag)
;; tfrag!
(dotimes (idx-in-drawable (-> current-drawable length))
((= (-> current-drawable data idx-in-drawable type) drawable-inline-array-tfrag)
;; we got an array of drawables. instead of iterating/recursing, just add it to the back of the login list.
;;(load-dbg " tfrag array case~%")
(set! (-> level-login-state elt (-> level-login-state elts)) (-> current-drawable data idx-in-drawable))
(+! (-> level-login-state elts) 1)
;;(load-dbg " tfrag actual login case~%")
(login (-> current-drawable data idx-in-drawable))
((= (-> current-drawable type) drawable-tree-instance-tie)
;; tie! add the tree to the list.
;;(load-dbg " tie tree case~%")
(set! (-> level-login-state elt (-> level-login-state elts)) current-drawable)
(+! (-> level-login-state elts) 1)
;;(load-dbg " other actual login: ~A~%" (method-of-object current-drawable login))
(login current-drawable)
(+! (-> level-login-state pos) 1)
(goto cfg-1)
;; this makes the art groups go at the end.
(let ((v1-39 (- (the-as uint current-login-pos) (the-as uint (-> level-drawable-trees length)))))
(when (< (the-as int v1-39) (-> loaded-level art-group art-group-array length))
(let ((s2-2 (-> loaded-level art-group art-group-array v1-39)))
(login s2-2)
(if (needs-link? s2-2)
(link-art! s2-2)
(+! (-> level-login-state pos) 1)
(goto cfg-1)
;; if we got here, we're done with state -1!
(set! (-> level-login-state pos) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> level-login-state state) 0)
(goto cfg-1)
;; login state 0.
;; we log in children of the drawables from state -1.
(when (< (-> level-login-state state) (the-as int (-> level-login-state elts)))
;; (load-dbg " login state 0~%")
(let ((s1-1 (-> level-login-state elt (-> level-login-state state))))
((= (-> s1-1 type) drawable-inline-array-tfrag)
;; (load-dbg " login drawable-inline-array-tfrag: ~A~%" s1-1)
((< current-login-pos (-> (the-as drawable-inline-array-tfrag s1-1) length))
(dotimes (s0-0 200)
(when (< current-login-pos (-> (the-as drawable-inline-array-tfrag s1-1) length))
;; (load-dbg " login from drawable-inline-array-tfrag: ~A~%" (-> (the-as drawable-inline-array-tfrag s1-1) data (the-as uint current-login-pos)))
(login (-> (the-as drawable-inline-array-tfrag s1-1) data (the-as uint current-login-pos)))
(set! current-login-pos (the-as int (+ (the-as uint current-login-pos) 1)))
(set! (-> level-login-state pos) (the-as uint current-login-pos))
(set! (-> level-login-state pos) (the-as uint 0))
(set! current-login-pos (+ (-> level-login-state state) 1))
(set! (-> level-login-state state) current-login-pos)
((= (-> s1-1 type) drawable-tree-instance-tie)
;;(load-dbg " login drawable-tree-instance-tie: ~A~%" s1-1)
(let ((s1-2 (-> (the-as drawable-tree-instance-tie s1-1) prototypes prototype-array-tie)))
(when (< current-login-pos (-> s1-2 length))
(dotimes (s0-1 10)
(when (< current-login-pos (-> s1-2 length))
(set! sv-16 (-> s1-2 array-data (the-as uint current-login-pos)))
(set! sv-32 0)
(while (< sv-32 4)
(let ((a0-28 (-> sv-16 geometry sv-32)))
;;(load-dbg " login geom: ~A~%" a0-28)
(if (nonzero? a0-28)
(login a0-28)
(set! sv-32 (+ sv-32 1))
(set! current-login-pos (the-as int (+ (the-as uint current-login-pos) 1)))
(set! (-> level-login-state pos) (the-as uint current-login-pos))
(when (= (the-as uint current-login-pos) (-> s1-2 length))
(dotimes (s2-3 (-> s1-2 length))
(let ((s0-2 (-> s1-2 array-data s2-3 envmap-shader)))
(when (nonzero? s0-2)
;;(load-dbg " login adgif shader for envmap~%")
(adgif-shader-login-no-remap s0-2)
(set! (-> s0-2 tex1) (new 'static 'gs-tex1 :mmag #x1 :mmin #x1))
(-> s0-2 clamp)
(new 'static 'gs-clamp
:wms (gs-tex-wrap-mode clamp)
:wmt (gs-tex-wrap-mode clamp)
(set! (-> s0-2 alpha) (new 'static 'gs-alpha :b #x2 :c #x1 :d #x1))
(set! (-> s0-2 prims 1) (gs-reg64 tex0-1))
(set! (-> s0-2 prims 3) (gs-reg64 tex1-1))
(set! (-> s0-2 prims 5) (gs-reg64 miptbp1-1))
(set! (-> s0-2 clamp-reg) (gs-reg64 clamp-1))
(set! (-> s0-2 prims 9) (gs-reg64 alpha-1))
(set! (-> level-login-state pos) (the-as uint 0))
(+! (-> level-login-state state) 1)
(goto cfg-1)
(when (= (-> level-login-state state) (-> level-login-state elts))
(let ((v1-115 (-> loaded-level bsp)))
((or (zero? (-> v1-115 actors)) (= (the-as uint current-login-pos) (-> v1-115 actors length)))
(set! (-> level-login-state pos) (the-as uint 0))
(+! (-> level-login-state state) 1)
(let ((a0-36 (-> v1-115 actors data (the-as uint current-login-pos) actor)))
;; (load-dbg "entity nav login: ~A~%" a0-36)
(entity-nav-login a0-36)
(+! (-> level-login-state pos) 1)
(goto cfg-1)
(when (zero? (the-as uint current-login-pos))
(set! (-> level-login-state pos) (the-as uint 1))
(set! loaded-level loaded-level)
(goto cfg-78)
;; done!
(set! (-> loaded-level nickname) (-> loaded-level bsp nickname))
(if (nonzero? (-> loaded-level bsp nodes))
(set! *time-of-day-effects* #t)
(set! *time-of-day-effects* #f)
(let ((f0-0 (-> loaded-level bsp unk-data-4))
(f1-0 (-> loaded-level bsp unk-data-5))
(when (and (= f0-0 0.0) (= f1-0 0.0))
(set! f0-0 122880.0)
(set! f1-0 286720.0)
(set! (-> *subdivide-settings* close (-> loaded-level index)) f0-0)
(set! (-> *subdivide-settings* far (-> loaded-level index)) f1-0)
(set! (-> *subdivide-settings* close 3) f0-0)
(set! (-> *subdivide-settings* far 3) f1-0)
(load-dbg "init-vis~%")
(init-vis loaded-level)
(load-dbg "package load~%")
(load-required-packages loaded-level)
(set! (-> loaded-level status) 'loaded)
(set! loading-level global)
(set! (-> *level* loading-level) (-> *level* level-default))
(set! (-> *level* log-in-level-bsp) #f)
; 0
; (.mfc0 v1-154 Count)
; (- v1-154 initial-timer)
(label cfg-78)
(defmethod birth level ((obj level))
"Birth a level to make it alive! It must be loaded."
(case (-> obj status)
(protect (loading-level
(-> *level* loading-level)
(-> *level* log-in-level-bsp)
(set! loading-level (-> obj heap))
(set! (-> *level* log-in-level-bsp) (-> obj bsp))
(set! (-> *level* loading-level) obj)
(birth (-> obj bsp))
(set! (-> obj status) 'alive)
;;(load-dbg "copy perms~%")
(copy-perms-to-level! *game-info* obj)
;;(load-dbg "send activate~%")
;; note: this isn't a great name - the level isn't actually activated, just alive.
(send-event *camera* 'level-activate (-> obj name))
(send-event *target* 'level-activate (-> obj name))
(defmethod deactivate level ((obj level))
"Kill the level. This won't remove it from memory."
(case (-> obj status)
(('active 'alive)
(format 0 "----------- kill ~A (status ~A)~%" obj (-> obj status))
;; copy data from the level to the game-info storage. This will remember permanent level stuff, like
;; what you collected/completed.
(copy-perms-from-level! *game-info* obj)
(send-event *camera* 'level-deactivate (-> obj name))
(send-event *target* 'level-deactivate (-> obj name))
;; remove this BSP from the engine. This will stop us from being drawn.
(remove-by-param1 *background-draw-engine* (-> obj bsp))
;; track down all the entities and kill them
(deactivate-entities (-> obj bsp))
;; kill any remaining particles not associated with a part-tracker
(kill-all-particles-in-level obj)
;; clean up our level
(set! (-> obj inside-sphere?) #f)
(set! (-> obj inside-boxes?) #f)
(set! (-> obj meta-inside?) #f)
(set! (-> obj force-inside?) #f)
;; we're still loaded.
(set! (-> obj status) 'loaded)
(set! (-> obj all-visible?) 'loading)
;; clear vis buffers
(dotimes (v1-19 128)
(set! (deref int128 (-> obj vis-bits) v1-19) (the-as int128 0))
(let ((v1-22 8))
(while (nonzero? v1-22)
(+! v1-22 -1)
(let ((a0-14 (-> obj vis-info v1-22)))
(if a0-14
(set! (-> a0-14 current-vis-string) (the-as uint -1))
(if (= (-> *level* log-in-level-bsp) (-> obj bsp))
(set! (-> *level* log-in-level-bsp) #f)
(defmethod unload! level ((obj level))
"Unloads the level. This does not free the heap. The level will be made inactive and ready to be loaded some other time."
(deactivate obj)
(when (!= (-> obj status) 'inactive)
;; if we linked art group, unlink it.
(when (or (= (-> obj status) 'loaded)
(= (-> obj status) 'alive)
(= (-> obj status) 'active)
(= (-> obj status) 'login)
(dotimes (s5-0 (-> obj art-group art-group-array length))
(let ((s4-0 (-> obj art-group art-group-array s5-0)))
(if (needs-link? s4-0)
(unlink-art! s4-0)
;; turn some things off
(set! (-> obj bsp) #f)
(set! (-> obj entity) #f)
(set! (-> obj ambient) #f)
(set! (-> obj status) 'inactive)
(set! (-> obj art-group string-array length) 0)
(set! (-> obj art-group art-group-array length) 0)
;; unload texture pages
(countdown (s5-1 (-> obj loaded-texture-page-count))
(dotimes (v1-27 32)
(when (= (-> obj loaded-texture-page s5-1) (-> *texture-pool* common-page v1-27))
(set! (-> *texture-pool* common-page v1-27) (the-as texture-page 0))
(unload! *texture-pool* (-> obj loaded-texture-page s5-1))
(set! (-> obj loaded-texture-page-count) 0)
(unlink-textures-in-heap! *texture-page-dir* (-> obj heap))
;; unload particle groups that were defined in the level data
(unlink-part-group-by-heap (-> obj heap))
;; if there are any in-progress art loads for this level, kill them.
(dotimes (s5-2 2)
(let ((v1-41 (-> *art-control* buffer s5-2 pending-load-file)))
(if (and (>= (the-as int v1-41) (the-as int (-> obj heap base)))
(< (the-as int v1-41) (the-as int (-> obj heap top-base)))
(-> *art-control* buffer s5-2)
(the-as string #f)
(the-as handle #f)
;; unload packages (doesn't really do anything.)
(let* ((s5-3 (-> obj info packages))
(a0-29 (car s5-3))
(while (not (null? s5-3))
(case (rtype-of a0-29)
(unload (symbol->string (the-as symbol a0-29)))
(unload (the-as string a0-29))
(set! s5-3 (cdr s5-3))
(set! a0-29 (car s5-3))
(vis-clear obj)
;; reset the level heap!
(let ((v1-64 (-> obj heap)))
(set! (-> v1-64 current) (-> v1-64 base))
(set! (-> obj code-memory-start) (the-as pointer 0))
(set! (-> obj code-memory-end) (the-as pointer 0))
(when (= (-> *level* loading-level) obj)
(set! loading-level global)
(set! (-> *level* loading-level) (-> *level* level-default))
(set! (-> *level* log-in-level-bsp) #f)
;; method 27 level
;; method 10 level
(defmethod is-object-visible? level ((obj level) (arg0 int))
"Is arg0 visible? Note that this will return #f if the visibility data is not loaded."
;; note : pc port added option to show every actor regardless
(#when PC_PORT
((actor-force-visible? *pc-settings*) #t)
;; check the vis bits!
(let* (;; lwu v1, 388(a0)
(vis-data (-> obj vis-bits))
;; sra a0, a1, 3
(byte-idx (sar arg0 3))
;; daddu v1, a0, v1
;; lb v1, 0(v1)
(vis-byte (-> (the (pointer int8) vis-data) byte-idx))
;; andi a0, a1, 7
(bit-idx (logand arg0 #b111))
;; addiu a0, a0, 56
(shift-amount (+ bit-idx 56)) ;; 56 + 8 = 64, to set the sign bit
;; dsllv v1, v1, a0
(check-sign-word (the int (shl vis-byte shift-amount))) ;; signed
;; slt v1, v1, r0 v1 = (csw < 0)
;; daddiu v0, s7, 8
;; movz v0, s7, v1 if (csw >= 0) result = false
;;(format 0 "vis check ~D ~X ~X ~A~%" arg0 vis-byte check-sign-word (>= check-sign-word 0))
(< check-sign-word 0)
(defmethod point-in-boxes? level ((obj level) (arg0 vector))
"Is this point in the list of level boxes?"
((or (not (-> obj bsp)) (zero? (-> obj bsp boxes)))
;; no boxes or no bsp
((-> obj force-inside?)
(let* ((a0-1 (-> obj bsp boxes))
(v1-5 (-> a0-1 data))
(countdown (a0-2 (-> a0-1 length))
(if (and (>= (-> arg0 x) (-> v1-5 0 min x))
(>= (-> arg0 y) (-> v1-5 0 min y))
(>= (-> arg0 z) (-> v1-5 0 min z))
(< (-> arg0 x) (-> v1-5 0 max x))
(< (-> arg0 y) (-> v1-5 0 max y))
(< (-> arg0 z) (-> v1-5 0 max z))
(return #t)
(set! v1-5 (the (inline-array box8s) (-> v1-5 1)))
(defmethod debug-print-splitbox level ((obj level) (arg0 vector) (arg1 string))
"Print the current splitbox, if we're in one."
((or (not (-> obj bsp)) (zero? (-> obj bsp boxes)) (zero? (-> obj bsp split-box-indices)))
;; do nothing!
(let* ((s3-0 (-> obj bsp boxes))
(s2-0 (-> s3-0 data))
(dotimes (s1-0 (-> s3-0 length))
(>= (-> arg0 x) (-> s2-0 0 min x))
(>= (-> arg0 y) (-> s2-0 0 min y))
(>= (-> arg0 z) (-> s2-0 0 min z))
(< (-> arg0 x) (-> s2-0 0 max x))
(< (-> arg0 y) (-> s2-0 0 max y))
(< (-> arg0 z) (-> s2-0 0 max z))
(format arg1 " splitbox-~D~%" (-> obj bsp split-box-indices s1-0))
(set! s2-0 (the (inline-array box8s) (-> s2-0 1)))
(defmethod mem-usage level ((obj level) (arg0 memory-usage-block) (arg1 int))
"Get the memory usage for a level."
(when (= (-> obj status) 'active)
(set! (-> arg0 length) (max 65 (-> arg0 length)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 64 name) "entity-links")
(-> arg0 data 64 count)
(+ (-> arg0 data 64 count) (-> obj entity length))
(let ((v1-8 (asize-of (-> obj entity))))
(set! (-> arg0 data 64 used) (+ (-> arg0 data 64 used) v1-8))
(-> arg0 data 64 total)
(+ (-> arg0 data 64 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-8 15)))
(set! (-> arg0 length) (max 65 (-> arg0 length)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 64 name) "ambient-links")
(-> arg0 data 64 count)
(+ (-> arg0 data 64 count) (-> obj ambient length))
(let ((v1-18 (asize-of (-> obj ambient))))
(set! (-> arg0 data 64 used) (+ (-> arg0 data 64 used) v1-18))
(-> arg0 data 64 total)
(+ (-> arg0 data 64 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-18 15)))
(mem-usage (-> obj art-group) arg0 arg1)
(set! (-> arg0 length) (max 64 (-> arg0 length)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 63 name) "level-code")
(set! (-> arg0 data 63 count) (+ (-> arg0 data 63 count) 1))
(&- (-> obj code-memory-end) (the-as uint (-> obj code-memory-start)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 63 used) (+ (-> arg0 data 63 used) v1-30))
(-> arg0 data 63 total)
(+ (-> arg0 data 63 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-30 15)))
(countdown (s3-0 (-> obj loaded-texture-page-count))
(mem-usage (-> obj loaded-texture-page s3-0) arg0 arg1)
(countdown (s3-1 8)
(let ((s2-0 (-> obj vis-info s3-1)))
(when s2-0
((zero? s3-1)
(set! (-> arg0 length) (max 60 (-> arg0 length)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 59 name) "bsp-leaf-vis-self")
(set! (-> arg0 data 59 count) (+ (-> arg0 data 59 count) 1))
(let ((v1-50 (asize-of s2-0)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 59 used) (+ (-> arg0 data 59 used) v1-50))
(-> arg0 data 59 total)
(+ (-> arg0 data 59 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-50 15)))
(set! (-> arg0 length) (max 61 (-> arg0 length)))
(set! (-> arg0 data 60 name) "bsp-leaf-vis-adj")
(set! (-> arg0 data 60 count) (+ (-> arg0 data 60 count) 1))
((v1-61 (+ (asize-of s2-0) (the-as int (-> s2-0 allocated-length)))))
(set! (-> arg0 data 60 used) (+ (-> arg0 data 60 used) v1-61))
(-> arg0 data 60 total)
(+ (-> arg0 data 60 total) (logand -16 (+ v1-61 15)))
(mem-usage (-> obj bsp) arg0 arg1)
(defconstant LEVEL_HEAP_SIZE (* 10416 1024)) ;; 10.416K
(defconstant LEVEL_HEAP_SIZE_DEBUG (* 11000 1024))
(defconstant LEVEL_HEAP_SIZE (* 10416 1024)) ;; 10.416K
(defconstant LEVEL_HEAP_SIZE_DEBUG (* 25600 1024)) ;; 25.600K
(defmethod alloc-levels! level-group ((obj level-group) (compact-level-heaps symbol))
"Allocate the level heaps and load the common packages for levels."
;; only do stuff if levels are not allocated
(when (zero? (-> *level* level0 heap base))
;; GAME.CGO is made up of ART.CGO and COMMON.CGO
(when (nmember "game" *kernel-packages*)
(set! *kernel-packages* (cons "art" *kernel-packages*))
(set! *kernel-packages* (cons "common" *kernel-packages*))
(load-package "art" global) ;; load ART
(if compact-level-heaps
(load-package "common" global) ;; load COMMON unless we're debugging levels
;; allocate level heaps. turn on compact-level-heaps for use in 32MB systems
(let ((level-heap-size (if compact-level-heaps LEVEL_HEAP_SIZE
(dotimes (lev LEVEL_COUNT)
(let ((level-heap (-> obj level lev heap)))
(set! (-> level-heap base) (malloc 'global level-heap-size))
(set! (-> level-heap current) (-> level-heap base))
(set! (-> level-heap top-base) (&+ (-> level-heap base) level-heap-size))
(set! (-> level-heap top) (-> level-heap top-base))
(defmethod level-get-with-status level-group ((obj level-group) (status symbol))
(dotimes (i (-> obj length))
(if (= (-> obj level i status) status)
(return (-> obj level i))
(the-as level #f)
(defmethod level-get-most-disposable level-group ((obj level-group))
"Get a level that's least likely to be in use right now. #f = all levels in use."
;; check inactive levels first
(dotimes (v1-0 (-> obj length))
(case (-> obj level v1-0 status)
(return (-> obj level v1-0))
;; check for any loading levels
(dotimes (v1-6 (-> obj length))
(case (-> obj level v1-6 status)
(('loading 'loading-bt)
(return (-> obj level v1-6))
;; check for loaded, but not active, levels.
(dotimes (v1-12 (-> obj length))
(let ((a1-18 (-> obj level v1-12 status)))
(if (= a1-18 'loaded)
(return (-> obj level v1-12))
;; check active levels. pick one we're not in bounds of.
(let ((v0-0 (the-as level #f)))
(dotimes (v1-18 (-> obj length))
(case (-> obj level v1-18 status)
(if (and (not (-> obj level v1-18 inside-boxes?))
(or (not v0-0)
(< (-> obj level v1-18 info priority) (-> v0-0 info priority))
(set! v0-0 (-> obj level v1-18))
(defmethod level-get level-group ((obj level-group) (name symbol))
"Return the level data using its name, if it is available. Returns #f if none are found."
(dotimes (lev (-> obj length))
(if (and (!= (-> obj level lev status) 'inactive)
(or (= (-> obj level lev name) name)
(= (-> obj level lev load-name) name)
(return (-> obj level lev))
(the level #f)
(defmethod art-group-get-by-name level-group ((obj level-group) (arg0 string))
(countdown (i 3)
(let ((lev (-> obj level i)))
(countdown (ii (-> lev art-group art-group-array length))
(if (name= (-> lev art-group art-group-array ii name) arg0)
(return (-> lev art-group art-group-array ii))
(the-as art-group #f)
(defmethod activate-levels! level-group ((obj level-group))
"Try to activate all levels."
(dotimes (i (-> obj length))
(level-status-set! (-> obj level i) 'active)
(defmethod level-get-target-inside level-group ((obj level-group))
"Get the level target is in, or one it is close to.
The distance checks do not work."
(let ((target-trans (target-pos 0)))
(let ((current-level (-> *game-info* current-continue level)))
(dotimes (i (-> obj length))
(let ((ilev (-> obj level i)))
(when (= (-> ilev status) 'active)
(if (= (-> ilev name) current-level)
(return ilev)
(let ((level-ret (the-as level #f)))
(let ((min-distance-to-level 0.0)) ;; uh-huh
(dotimes (i (-> obj length))
(let ((ilev (-> obj level i)))
(when (= (-> ilev status) 'active)
(let ((distance-to-level (vector-vector-distance (-> ilev bsp bsphere) target-trans)))
(if (and (-> ilev inside-boxes?) (or (not level-ret) (< distance-to-level min-distance-to-level)))
(set! level-ret ilev)
(if level-ret
(return level-ret)
(dotimes (i (-> obj length))
(let ((ilev (-> obj level i)))
(when (= (-> ilev status) 'active)
(if (-> ilev meta-inside?)
(return ilev)
(let ((level-ret (the-as level #f)))
(let ((min-distance-to-level 0.0)) ;; why?
(dotimes (i (-> obj length))
(let ((ilev (-> obj level i)))
(when (= (-> ilev status) 'active)
(if (or (not level-ret) (< (-> ilev level-distance) min-distance-to-level))
(set! level-ret ilev)
(defmethod load-commands-set! level-group ((obj level-group) (load-commands pair))
(set! (-> obj load-commands) load-commands)
(defmethod mem-usage level-group ((obj level-group) (arg0 memory-usage-block) (arg1 int))
"Get the memory usage data for a level-group"
;; get memory usage of each level
(dotimes (i (-> obj length))
(mem-usage (-> obj level i) arg0 arg1)
(defun bg ((level-name symbol))
(set! *cheat-mode* (if *debug-segment*
(let ((v1-2 (lookup-level-info level-name)))
((= (-> v1-2 visname) level-name)
(set! (-> *level* vis?) #t)
(set! level-name (-> v1-2 name))
(set! (-> *level* vis?) #f)
(set! (-> *kernel-context* low-memory-message) #f)
(let* ((s5-0 (-> v1-2 run-packages))
(a0-8 (car s5-0))
(while (not (null? s5-0))
(let ((v1-4 (rtype-of a0-8)))
((= v1-4 symbol)
(load-package (symbol->string (the-as symbol a0-8)) global)
((= v1-4 string)
(load-package (the-as string a0-8) global)
(set! s5-0 (cdr s5-0))
(set! a0-8 (car s5-0))
(let ((gp-1 (level-get-for-use *level* level-name 'active)))
(while (and gp-1 (or (= (-> gp-1 status) 'loading)
(= (-> gp-1 status) 'loading-bt)
(= (-> gp-1 status) 'login)
(not *dproc*)
(load-continue gp-1)
(vis-load gp-1)
(set! (-> *load-state* vis-nick) (if (-> *level* vis?)
(-> gp-1 nickname)
(set! (-> *load-state* want 0 name) (-> gp-1 name))
(set! (-> *load-state* want 0 display?) 'display)
(set! (-> *load-state* want 0 force-vis?) #f)
(set! (-> *load-state* want 0 force-inside?) #f)
(set! (-> *load-state* want 1 name) #f)
(set! (-> *load-state* want 1 display?) #f)
(set! (-> *load-state* want 1 force-inside?) #f)
(if (-> gp-1 info continues)
(set-continue! *game-info* (the-as continue-point (car (-> gp-1 info continues))))
(activate-levels! *level*)
(set! *print-login* #f)
(defun play ((use-vis symbol) (init-game symbol))
"The entry point to the actual game! This allocates the level heaps, loads some data, sets some default parameters and sets the startup level."
;; temp
(format #t "(play :use-vis ~A :init-game ~A) has been called!~%" use-vis init-game)
(format 0 "(play :use-vis ~A :init-game ~A) has been called!~%" use-vis init-game)
(let ((startup-level (case *kernel-boot-message*
(if *debug-segment*
(#if (user? dass) 'citadel 'village1)
(stop 'play)
(set! (-> *level* vis?) use-vis)
(set! (-> *level* want-level) #f)
(set! (-> *level* border?) #t)
(set! (-> *setting-control* default border-mode) #t)
(set! (-> *level* play?) #t)
(alloc-levels! *level* #f);;#t)
(set! *display-profile* #f)
(set! *cheat-mode* (if *debug-segment*
(set! *time-of-day-fast* #f)
(load-commands-set! *level* '())
(when *time-of-day-proc*
(set! (-> *time-of-day-proc* 0 time-ratio) (fsec 1.0))
(set! (-> *time-of-day-proc* 0 hour) 7) ;; 7AM waking up in the morning
(set-blackout-frames 6)
(unless *dproc*
(reset! *load-state*)
(let ((s4-1 (level-get-for-use *level* startup-level 'active)))
(load-state-want-levels startup-level #f)
(load-state-want-display-level startup-level 'display)
(load-state-want-vis (-> (lookup-level-info startup-level) nickname))
(while (and s4-1 (or (= (-> s4-1 status) 'loading)
(= (-> s4-1 status) 'loading-bt)
(= (-> s4-1 status) 'login)))
(set-blackout-frames 6)
(load-continue s4-1)
(set! *print-login* #f)
(level-status-set! (level-get *level* startup-level) 'active)
(load-dbg "Load complete. Level: ~A. Now starting display!~%" (-> *level* level0))
(on #t)
(load-dbg "Display started: ~A~%" *dproc*)
(when init-game
(initialize! *game-info* 'game (the-as game-save #f) (the-as string #f))
(defun update-sound-banks ()
(if (nonzero? (rpc-busy? RPC-SOUND-LOADER))
(return 0)
(let ((gp-0 #f)
(s5-0 #f)
(dotimes (s4-0 (-> *level* length))
(let ((v1-5 (-> *level* level s4-0)))
(when (= (-> v1-5 status) 'active)
(let* ((s3-0 (-> v1-5 info sound-banks))
(t0-0 (the-as symbol (car s3-0)))
(while (not (null? s3-0))
((or (= gp-0 t0-0) (= s5-0 t0-0) (-> *setting-control* current movie))
((not gp-0)
(set! gp-0 t0-0)
((not s5-0)
(set! s5-0 t0-0)
"ERROR: Soundbanks ~A, ~A and ~A all required~%"
(set! s3-0 (cdr s3-0))
(set! t0-0 (the-as symbol (car s3-0)))
(when (and gp-0 (!= gp-0 *sound-bank-1*) (!= gp-0 *sound-bank-2*))
(when (not *sound-bank-1*)
(format 0 "Load soundbank ~A~%" gp-0)
(sound-bank-load (string->sound-name (symbol->string gp-0)))
(set! *sound-bank-1* gp-0)
(return 0)
(when (not *sound-bank-2*)
(format 0 "Load soundbank ~A~%" gp-0)
(sound-bank-load (string->sound-name (symbol->string gp-0)))
(set! *sound-bank-2* gp-0)
(return 0)
(when (!= *sound-bank-1* s5-0)
(format 0 "Unload soundbank ~A~%" *sound-bank-1*)
(sound-bank-unload (string->sound-name (symbol->string *sound-bank-1*)))
(set! *sound-bank-1* #f)
(return 0)
(when (!= *sound-bank-2* s5-0)
(format 0 "Unload soundbank ~A~%" *sound-bank-2*)
(sound-bank-unload (string->sound-name (symbol->string *sound-bank-2*)))
(set! *sound-bank-2* #f)
(return 0)
(when (and s5-0 (!= s5-0 *sound-bank-1*) (!= s5-0 *sound-bank-2*))
(when (not *sound-bank-1*)
(format 0 "Load soundbank ~A~%" s5-0)
(sound-bank-load (string->sound-name (symbol->string s5-0)))
(set! *sound-bank-1* s5-0)
(return 0)
(when (not *sound-bank-2*)
(format 0 "Load soundbank ~A~%" s5-0)
(sound-bank-load (string->sound-name (symbol->string s5-0)))
(set! *sound-bank-2* s5-0)
(return 0)
(when (!= *sound-bank-1* gp-0)
(format 0 "Unload soundbank ~A~%" *sound-bank-1*)
(sound-bank-unload (string->sound-name (symbol->string *sound-bank-1*)))
(set! *sound-bank-1* #f)
(return 0)
(when (!= *sound-bank-2* gp-0)
(format 0 "Unload soundbank ~A~%" *sound-bank-2*)
(sound-bank-unload (string->sound-name (symbol->string *sound-bank-2*)))
(set! *sound-bank-2* #f)
(return 0)
(defmethod update! load-state ((obj load-state))
"Updates load requests."
(let ((v1-0 #f))
(dotimes (s5-0 2)
(let ((s4-0 (-> *level* level s5-0)))
(when (!= (-> s4-0 status) 'inactive)
(let ((a0-6 #f))
(dotimes (a1-2 2)
(if (= (-> s4-0 name) (-> obj want a1-2 name))
(set! a0-6 #t)
(when (not a0-6)
(format 0 "Discarding level ~A~%" (-> s4-0 name))
(level-status-set! s4-0 'inactive)
(set! v1-0 #t)
(#when PC_PORT
(when *debug-segment*
(define-extern *entity* entity)
(set! *entity* (the entity #f))
(let ((s5-1 #f))
(if (and (= (-> *level* level0 status) 'inactive)
(= (-> *level* level1 status) 'inactive)
(set! s5-1 #t)
(if v1-0
(return 0)
(let ((a0-20 #f)
(v1-5 #f)
(when (-> obj want 0 name)
(set! a0-20 #t)
(dotimes (a1-12 3)
(let ((a2-9 (-> *level* level a1-12)))
(if (and (!= (-> a2-9 status) 'inactive)
(= (-> a2-9 name) (-> obj want 0 name))
(set! a0-20 #f)
(when (-> obj want 1 name)
(set! v1-5 #t)
(dotimes (a1-17 3)
(let ((a2-17 (-> *level* level a1-17)))
(if (and (!= (-> a2-17 status) 'inactive)
(= (-> a2-17 name) (-> obj want 1 name))
(set! v1-5 #f)
(let ((s4-1 -1))
((and a0-20 v1-5)
(set! s4-1 0)
(if (and (-> obj want 1 display?)
(not (-> obj want 0 display?))
(set! s4-1 1)
(set! s4-1 0)
(set! s4-1 1)
(when (!= s4-1 -1)
(when (or s5-1 (not (check-busy *load-dgo-rpc*)))
(format 0 "Adding level ~A~%" (-> obj want s4-1 name))
(let ((s3-0 (level-get-for-use *level* (the-as symbol (-> obj want s4-1 name)) 'loaded)))
(when (and s5-1 (-> obj want s4-1 display?))
(format 0 "Waiting for level to load~%")
(while (or (= (-> s3-0 status) 'loading)
(= (-> s3-0 status) 'loading-bt)
(= (-> s3-0 status) 'login)
(load-continue s3-0)
(dotimes (s5-2 2)
(when (-> obj want s5-2 name)
(dotimes (s4-2 3)
(let ((s3-1 (-> *level* level s4-2)))
(when (!= (-> s3-1 status) 'inactive)
(when (= (-> s3-1 name) (-> obj want s5-2 name))
(when (!= (-> s3-1 display?) (-> obj want s5-2 display?))
((not (-> s3-1 display?))
((or (= (-> s3-1 status) 'loaded) (= (-> s3-1 status) 'active))
(format 0 "Displaying level ~A [~A]~%" (-> obj want s5-2 name) (-> obj want s5-2 display?))
(level-get-for-use *level* (-> s3-1 info name) 'active)
(set! (-> s3-1 display?) (-> obj want s5-2 display?))
(when (and (-> s3-1 info wait-for-load)
(!= (-> obj want s5-2 display?) 'display-no-wait)
(send-event *target* 'loading)
(if (= *cheat-mode* 'debug)
(format *stdcon* "display on for ~A but level is loading~%" (-> obj want s5-2 name))
((not (-> obj want s5-2 display?))
(set! (-> s3-1 display?) #f)
(format 0 "Turning level ~A off~%" (-> s3-1 name))
(deactivate s3-1)
(format 0 "Setting level ~A display command to ~A~%" (-> obj want s5-2 name) (-> obj want s5-2 display?))
(set! (-> s3-1 display?) (-> obj want s5-2 display?))
(when (!= (-> s3-1 force-all-visible?) (-> obj want s5-2 force-vis?))
(set! (-> s3-1 force-all-visible?) (-> obj want s5-2 force-vis?))
(format 0 "Setting force-all-visible?[~A] to ~A~%" (-> obj want s5-2 name) (-> obj want s5-2 force-vis?))
(when (!= (-> s3-1 force-inside?) (-> obj want s5-2 force-inside?))
(set! (-> s3-1 force-inside?) (-> obj want s5-2 force-inside?))
(format 0 "Setting force-inside?[~A] to ~A~%" (-> obj want s5-2 name) (-> obj want s5-2 force-inside?))
;; load vis info.
;; The load-state's vis-nick is the level we want vis data for.
;; Note that we won't load vis until we are inside the level's boxes.
;; this will be the level that is currently being used.
(let ((s5-3 #f))
(dotimes (v1-121 (-> *level* length))
(let ((a0-55 (-> *level* level v1-121)))
(when (= (-> a0-55 status) 'active) ;; level is active
(if (nonzero? (-> a0-55 vis-info (-> a0-55 vis-self-index) ramdisk)) ;; and vis is set up.
(set! s5-3 (-> a0-55 nickname))
;; if we have the wrong vis
(when (and (!= s5-3 (-> obj vis-nick)) (-> *level* vis?))
;; and we want a vis
(when (-> obj vis-nick)
;; find matching level and load vis
(dotimes (s4-3 (-> *level* length))
(let ((v1-133 (-> *level* level s4-3)))
(when (= (-> v1-133 status) 'active)
(if (and (= (-> v1-133 nickname) (-> obj vis-nick))
(-> v1-133 inside-boxes?) ;; note: only start if we are inside boxes.
(load-vis-info (-> obj vis-nick) s5-3)
;; method 16 level-group (debug text stuff)
(defmethod level-update level-group ((obj level-group))
;; this does nothing...
(new 'static 'boxed-array :type symbol :length 0 :allocated-length 2)
;; compute the settings for this frame
(update-per-frame-settings! *setting-control*)
;; run the art loading system
(update *art-control* #t)
(clear-rec *art-control*)
;; run level loading!
(dotimes (s5-0 2)
(load-continue (-> obj level s5-0))
;; compute inside for each level
(dotimes (s5-1 (-> obj length))
(let ((s4-0 (-> obj level s5-1)))
(when (= (-> s4-0 status) 'active)
(set! (-> s4-0 inside-boxes?) (point-in-boxes? s4-0 (-> *math-camera* trans)))
(set! (-> s4-0 inside-sphere?) (>= (-> s4-0 bsp bsphere w) (-> s4-0 level-distance)))
;; being inside sets your meta-inside to #t. If you are outside, remember your old inside.
(if (-> s4-0 inside-boxes?)
(set! (-> s4-0 meta-inside?) #t)
;; update load state machine (the level-border one)
(update! *load-state*)
;; checkpoint assignment
(dotimes (s5-2 (-> obj length))
(let ((s4-1 (-> obj level s5-2)))
(when (= (-> s4-1 status) 'active)
;; if you're outside here, and inside somewhere else, kick out of meta inside.
(if (and (-> s4-1 inside-boxes?) (not (-> s4-1 other inside-boxes?)))
(set! (-> s4-1 other meta-inside?) #f)
(when (and (null? (-> obj load-commands))
(= (-> s4-1 nickname) (-> *load-state* vis-nick))
(!= (-> s4-1 name) (-> *game-info* current-continue level))
(-> *level* border?)
(let ((s3-0 (the-as continue-point (car (-> s4-1 info continues)))))
(let* ((s2-0 (target-pos 0))
(s4-2 (-> s4-1 info continues))
(s1-0 (the-as continue-point (car s4-2)))
(while (not (null? s4-2))
(if (and (< (vector-vector-distance s2-0 (-> s1-0 trans)) (vector-vector-distance s2-0 (-> s3-0 trans)))
(zero? (-> s1-0 flags))
(set! s3-0 s1-0)
(set! s4-2 (cdr s4-2))
(set! s1-0 (the-as continue-point (car s4-2)))
(set-continue! *game-info* s3-0)
;; determine vis info idx for each level
(dotimes (v1-67 (-> obj length))
(let ((a0-26 (-> obj level v1-67)))
(when (= (-> a0-26 status) 'active)
;; self is always 0
(set! (-> a0-26 vis-self-index) 0)
;; neighbor level defaults to 7 (null placeholder)...
(set! (-> a0-26 vis-adj-index) 7)
;; but if there's a second level that's active, search for a vis info for that level...
(when (= (-> a0-26 other status) 'active)
(dotimes (a1-10 8)
(if (and (-> a0-26 vis-info a1-10)
(= (-> a0-26 vis-info a1-10 from-level) (-> a0-26 other load-name))
;; and store it in the adj index.
(set! (-> a0-26 vis-adj-index) a1-10)
;; display level vis info
(when *display-level-border*
(dotimes (s5-3 (-> obj length))
(let ((s4-3 (-> obj level s5-3)))
(when (= (-> s4-3 status) 'active)
(let ((s3-1 (-> s4-3 bsp current-bsp-back-flags)))
(dotimes (s2-1 6)
(when (and (logtest? s3-1 3) (-> s4-3 vis-info (+ s2-1 1)))
((v1-88 (lookup-level-info (-> s4-3 vis-info (+ s2-1 1) from-level))))
" ~A -> ~A: load: ~A display: ~A~%"
(-> s4-3 name)
(-> v1-88 name)
(logtest? s3-1 1)
(logtest? s3-1 2)
(set! s3-1 (shr s3-1 2))
;; if we have vis for level A, but we aren't "in" it, display an error and
;; force us out of the other level. Ideally the boxes and the load boundary system
;; will be consistent and there is no way to set a vis to a level that we aren't in.
;; (you can be "in" multiple levels at the same time, when crossing levels, it is expected
;; that you are in both.)
(dotimes (s5-4 (-> obj length))
(let ((s4-4 (-> obj level s5-4)))
(when (= (-> s4-4 status) 'active)
(when (and (= (-> s4-4 nickname) (-> *load-state* vis-nick)) ;; vis for A
(not (-> s4-4 inside-boxes?)) ;; but not in A
(if (and (= *cheat-mode* 'debug) (-> s4-4 other inside-boxes?))
"~3LForcing outside of ~A [bad split boxes]~%~0L"
(-> s4-4 other name)
(set! (-> s4-4 other inside-boxes?) #f)
;; if we are outside of the boxes, we consider ourselves "outside of bsp"
;; if we are outside of both levels boxes, then we don't really know what to do
;; for vis, and we can display the classic "outside of bsp" error.
((not (or (-> obj level0 inside-boxes?) (-> obj level1 inside-boxes?)))
(when (or (-> obj level0 vis-info 0) (-> obj level1 vis-info 0))
(if (= *cheat-mode* 'debug)
(format *stdcon* "~3Loutside of bsp~%~0L")
;; we are in at least one bsp.
;; now we need to link vis info to bsps.
(dotimes (v1-125 (-> obj length))
(let ((a0-44 (-> obj level v1-125)))
(when (= (-> a0-44 status) 'active)
;; loop over vis infos
(dotimes (a1-17 8)
(let ((a2-18 (-> a0-44 vis-info a1-17)))
(when a2-18
;; clear bit 31
(set! (-> a2-18 flags) (logand (the-as uint #xffffffff7fffffff) (-> a2-18 flags)))
;; link info to bsp
((= a1-17 (-> a0-44 vis-self-index))
(set! (-> a2-18 from-bsp) (-> a0-44 bsp))
((= a1-17 (-> a0-44 vis-adj-index))
(set! (-> a2-18 from-bsp) (-> a0-44 other bsp))
(set! (-> a2-18 from-bsp) #f)
;; now, handle setting bit 31 (maybe single vis mode?)
;; special display self mode.
((= (-> a0-44 display?) 'display-self)
(let ((a0-46 (-> a0-44 vis-info (-> a0-44 vis-self-index))))
(if a0-46
(set! (-> a0-46 flags) (the-as uint (logior (shl #x8000 16) (-> a0-46 flags))))
;; in this level, but not the other, only use vis for this.
((and (-> a0-44 inside-boxes?) (not (-> a0-44 other inside-boxes?)))
(let ((a0-48 (-> a0-44 vis-info (-> a0-44 vis-self-index))))
(if a0-48
(set! (-> a0-48 flags) (the-as uint (logior (shl #x8000 16) (-> a0-48 flags))))
;; only in other level, only use vis for other.
((-> a0-44 other inside-boxes?)
(let ((a0-50 (-> a0-44 vis-info (-> a0-44 vis-adj-index))))
(if a0-50
(set! (-> a0-50 flags) (the-as uint (logior (shl #x8000 16) (-> a0-50 flags))))
(when (or *display-level-border* *display-texture-download* *display-split-box-info*)
(when *display-level-border*
(format *stdcon* " want: ~A ~A/~A ~A ~A/~A~%"
(-> *load-state* want 0 name)
(-> *load-state* want 0 display?)
(-> *load-state* want 0 force-vis?)
(-> *load-state* want 1 name)
(-> *load-state* want 1 display?)
(-> *load-state* want 1 force-vis?)
(format *stdcon* " nick ~A cur ~S cont ~A~%~%"
(-> *load-state* vis-nick)
(let ((lev-name (and *target* (-> *target* current-level name))))
(if lev-name
(symbol->string lev-name)
(-> *game-info* current-continue name)
; (let ((t9-16 format)
; (a0-53 *stdcon*)
; (a1-49 " nick ~A cur ~S cont ~A~%~%")
; (a2-24 (-> *load-state* vis-nick))
; (v1-142 (and *target* (-> *target* current-level name)))
; )
; (t9-16 a0-53 a1-49 a2-24 (if v1-142
; (->
; (the-as
; (pointer uint32)
; (+ #xff38 (the-as int v1-142))
; )
; )
; )
; (-> *game-info* current-continue name)
; )
; )
(dotimes (s5-5 (-> obj length))
(let ((s4-5 (-> obj level s5-5)))
(when (= (-> s4-5 status) 'active)
(format *stdcon* "~A: ~S ~A~%"
(-> s4-5 name)
(if (point-in-boxes? s4-5 (-> *math-camera* trans))
(-> s4-5 display?)
(when *display-texture-download*
(format *stdcon* " tfrag: ~8,,0m " (-> s4-5 closest-object 0))
(format *stdcon* " shrub: ~8,,0m " (-> s4-5 closest-object 2))
(format *stdcon* " alpha: ~8,,0m #x~8X~%"(-> s4-5 closest-object 3) (-> s4-5 texture-mask 8))
(format *stdcon* " tie: ~8,,0m " (-> s4-5 closest-object 5))
(format *stdcon* " fg-tf: ~8,,0m " (-> s4-5 closest-object 6))
(format *stdcon* " fg-pr: ~8,,0m #x~8X~%"(-> s4-5 closest-object 7) (-> s4-5 texture-mask 7))
(format *stdcon* " tf: ~8D pr: ~8D sh: ~8D al: ~8D wa: ~8D~%~1K"
(-> s4-5 upload-size 0)
(-> s4-5 upload-size 1)
(-> s4-5 upload-size 2)
(-> s4-5 upload-size 3)
(-> s4-5 upload-size 4)
(if *display-split-box-info*
(debug-print-splitbox s4-5 (-> *math-camera* trans) *stdcon*)
(defun-debug show-level ((level-name symbol))
(set! (-> *setting-control* default border-mode) #t)
(load-state-want-levels (-> (level-get-target-inside *level*) name) level-name)
(load-state-want-display-level level-name 'display)
;; init art buffers and engines
(when (zero? (-> *level* level0 art-group))
(let ((lev-group *level*))
(set! (-> lev-group vis?) #f)
(set! (-> lev-group loading-level) (-> lev-group level-default))
(set! (-> lev-group level0 art-group) (new 'global 'load-dir-art-group 50 (-> lev-group level0)))
(set! (-> lev-group level0 foreground-draw-engine 0) (new 'global 'engine 'draw 280))
(set! (-> lev-group level0 foreground-draw-engine 1) (new 'global 'engine 'draw 280))
(set! (-> lev-group level0 foreground-draw-engine 2) (new 'global 'engine 'draw 16))
(set! (-> lev-group level1 art-group) (new 'global 'load-dir-art-group 50 (-> lev-group level1)))
(set! (-> lev-group level1 foreground-draw-engine 0) (new 'global 'engine 'draw 280))
(set! (-> lev-group level1 foreground-draw-engine 1) (new 'global 'engine 'draw 280))
(set! (-> lev-group level1 foreground-draw-engine 2) (new 'global 'engine 'draw 16))
(set! (-> lev-group level-default art-group) (new 'global 'load-dir-art-group 50 (-> lev-group level1)))
(set! (-> lev-group level-default foreground-draw-engine 0) (new 'global 'engine 'draw 280))
(set! (-> lev-group level-default foreground-draw-engine 1) (new 'global 'engine 'draw 10))
(set! (-> lev-group level0 other) (-> lev-group level1))
(set! (-> lev-group level1 other) (-> lev-group level0))
(set! (-> lev-group level-default other) #f)
(dotimes (i 2)
(let ((lev (-> lev-group level i)))
(set! (-> lev vis-bits) (malloc 'global 2048))
(vis-clear lev)
(dotimes (i 3)
(let ((lev (-> lev-group level i)))
(set! (-> lev linking) #f)
(dotimes (ii 3)
(set! (-> lev foreground-sink-group ii level) lev)
(defmacro test-play ()
;; before calling play, the C Kernel would set this.
(define *kernel-boot-message* 'play)
(load-package "game" global)
(play #t #t)