Tyler Wilding d1ece445d4
Dependency graph work - Part 1 - Preliminary work (#3505)
Relates to #1353 

This adds no new functionality or overhead to the compiler, yet. This is
the preliminary work that has:
- added code to the compiler in several spots to flag when something is
used without being properly required/imported/whatever (disabled by
- that was used to generate project wide file dependencies (some
circulars were manually fixed)
- then that graph underwent a transitive reduction and the result was
written to all `jak1` source files.

The next step will be making this actually produce and use a dependency
graph. Some of the reasons why I'm working on this:
- eliminates more `game.gp` boilerplate. This includes the `.gd` files
to some extent (`*-ag` files and `tpage` files will still need to be
handled) this is the point of the new `bundles` form. This should make
it even easier to add a new file into the source tree.
- a build order that is actually informed from something real and
compiler warnings that tell you when you are using something that won't
be available at build time.
- narrows the search space for doing LSP actions -- like searching for
references. Since it would be way too much work to store in the compiler
every location where every symbol/function/etc is used, I have to do
ad-hoc searches. By having a dependency graph i can significantly reduce
that search space.
- opens the doors for common shared code with a legitimate pattern.
Right now jak 2 shares code from the jak 1 folder. This is basically a
hack -- but by having an explicit require syntax, it would be possible
to reference arbitrary file paths, such as a `common` folder.

Some stats:
- Jak 1 has about 2500 edges between files, including transitives
- With transitives reduced at the source code level, each file seems to
have a modest amount of explicit requirements.

Known issues:
- Tracking the location for where `defmacro`s and virtual state
definitions were defined (and therefore the file) is still problematic.
Because those forms are in a macro environment, the reader does not
track them. I'm wondering if a workaround could be to search the
reader's text_db by not just the `goos::Object` but by the text
position. But for the purposes of finishing this work, I just statically
analyzed and searched the code with throwaway python code.
2024-05-12 12:37:59 -04:00

769 lines
29 KiB

* @file Function.cpp
* Calling and defining functions, lambdas, and inlining.
#include "common/util/string_util.h"
#include "goalc/compiler/Compiler.h"
#include "goalc/emitter/CallingConvention.h"
#include "fmt/core.h"
namespace {
* Hacky function to seek past arguments to get a goos::Object containing the body of a lambda.
const goos::Object& get_lambda_body(const goos::Object& def) {
auto* iter = &def;
while (true) {
auto car = iter->as_pair()->car;
if (car.is_symbol() && car.as_symbol().name_ptr[0] == ':') {
iter = &iter->as_pair()->cdr;
iter = &iter->as_pair()->cdr;
} else {
return iter->as_pair()->cdr;
} // namespace
* The (inline my-func) form is like my-func, except my-func will be inlined instead of called,
* when used in a function call. This only works for immediaate function calls, you can't "save"
* an (inline my-func) into a function pointer.
* If inlining is not possible (function didn't save its code), throw an error.
Val* Compiler::compile_inline(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
va_check(form, args, {goos::ObjectType::SYMBOL}, {});
auto kv = m_inlineable_functions.find(args.unnamed.at(0).as_symbol());
if (kv == m_inlineable_functions.end()) {
throw_compiler_error(form, "Cannot inline {} because the function's code could not be found.",
auto fe = env->function_env();
return fe->alloc_val<InlinedLambdaVal>(kv->second.type, kv->second);
Val* Compiler::compile_local_vars(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto fe = env->function_env();
for_each_in_list(rest, [&](const goos::Object& o) {
if (o.is_symbol()) {
// if it has no type, assume object.
auto name = o.as_symbol();
if (fe->params.find(name) != fe->params.end()) {
throw_compiler_error(form, "Cannot declare a local named {}, this already exists.",
auto ireg = fe->make_ireg(m_ts.make_typespec("object"), RegClass::GPR_64);
fe->params[name] = ireg;
} else {
auto param_args = get_va(o, o);
va_check(o, param_args, {goos::ObjectType::SYMBOL, {}}, {});
auto name = param_args.unnamed.at(0).as_symbol();
auto type = parse_typespec(param_args.unnamed.at(1), env);
if (fe->params.find(name) != fe->params.end()) {
throw_compiler_error(form, "Cannot declare a local named {}, this already exists.",
if (m_ts.tc(TypeSpec("float"), type)) {
auto ireg = fe->make_ireg(type, RegClass::FLOAT);
fe->params[name] = ireg;
} else if (m_ts.tc(TypeSpec("int128"), type) || m_ts.tc(TypeSpec("uint128"), type)) {
auto ireg = fe->make_ireg(type, RegClass::INT_128);
fe->params[name] = ireg;
} else {
auto ireg = fe->make_ireg(type, RegClass::GPR_64);
fe->params[name] = ireg;
return get_none();
* Compile a lambda. This is used for real lambdas, lets, and defuns. So there are a million
* confusing special cases...
Val* Compiler::compile_lambda(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto fe = env->function_env();
auto obj_env = env->file_env();
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
if (args.unnamed.empty() || !args.unnamed.front().is_list() ||
!args.only_contains_named({"name", "segment", "behavior", "immediate"})) {
throw_compiler_error(form, "Invalid lambda form");
bool immediate =
args.has_named("immediate") && symbol_string(args.get_named("immediate")) != "#f";
// allocate this lambda from the object file environment. This makes it safe for this to hold
// on to references to this as an inlineable function even if the enclosing function fails.
// for example, the top-level may (define some-func (lambda...)) and even if top-level fails,
// we keep around a reference to some-func to be possibly inlined.
auto place = obj_env->alloc_val<LambdaVal>(get_none()->type(), immediate);
auto& lambda = place->lambda;
auto lambda_ts = m_ts.make_typespec("function");
// parse the argument list.
for_each_in_list(args.unnamed.front(), [&](const goos::Object& o) {
if (o.is_symbol()) {
// if it has no type, assume object.
lambda.params.push_back({symbol_string(o), m_ts.make_typespec("object")});
} else {
auto param_args = get_va(o, o);
va_check(o, param_args, {goos::ObjectType::SYMBOL, {}}, {});
GoalArg parm;
parm.name = symbol_string(param_args.unnamed.at(0));
parm.type = parse_typespec(param_args.unnamed.at(1), env);
ASSERT(lambda.params.size() == lambda_ts.arg_count());
// optional name for debugging (defun sets this)
if (args.has_named("name")) {
lambda.debug_name = symbol_string(args.get_named("name"));
lambda.body = get_lambda_body(rest); // first is the argument list, rest is body
place->func = nullptr;
// pick default segment to store function in.
int segment = fe->segment_for_static_data();
// override default segment.
if (args.has_named("segment")) {
auto segment_name = symbol_string(args.get_named("segment"));
if (segment_name == "main") {
segment = MAIN_SEGMENT;
} else if (segment_name == "debug") {
segment = DEBUG_SEGMENT;
} else {
throw_compiler_error(form, "Segment {} was not recognized in lambda option.", segment_name);
if (!immediate) {
// compile a function! First create a unique name...
std::string function_name = lambda.debug_name;
if (function_name.empty()) {
function_name = obj_env->get_anon_function_name();
auto new_func_env = std::make_unique<FunctionEnv>(env, function_name, &m_goos.reader);
// set up arguments
if (lambda.params.size() > 8) {
"Cannot generate a real function for a lambda with {} parameters. "
"The current limit is 8.",
// set up argument register constraints.
std::vector<RegVal*> reset_args_for_coloring;
std::vector<TypeSpec> arg_types;
for (auto& parm : lambda.params) {
auto arg_regs = get_arg_registers(m_ts, arg_types);
for (u32 i = 0; i < lambda.params.size(); i++) {
IRegConstraint constr;
constr.instr_idx = 0; // constraint at function start
auto ireg_arg = new_func_env->make_ireg(
lambda.params.at(i).type, arg_regs.at(i).is_gpr() ? RegClass::GPR_64 : RegClass::INT_128);
constr.ireg = ireg_arg->ireg();
constr.desired_register = arg_regs.at(i);
if (args.has_named("behavior")) {
const std::string behavior_type = symbol_string(args.get_named("behavior"));
auto self_var = new_func_env->make_gpr(m_ts.make_typespec(behavior_type));
IRegConstraint constr;
constr.contrain_everywhere = true;
constr.desired_register = emitter::gRegInfo.get_process_reg();
constr.ireg = self_var->ireg();
if (new_func_env->params.find(m_goos.intern_ptr("self")) != new_func_env->params.end()) {
throw_compiler_error(form, "Cannot have an argument named self in a behavior");
new_func_env->params[m_goos.intern_ptr("self")] = self_var;
lambda_ts.add_new_tag("behavior", behavior_type);
place->func = new_func_env.get();
// nasty function block env setup
auto return_reg = new_func_env->make_gpr(get_none()->type());
auto func_block_env = new_func_env->alloc_env<BlockEnv>(new_func_env.get(), "#f");
func_block_env->return_value = return_reg;
func_block_env->end_label = Label(new_func_env.get());
func_block_env->emit_ir<IR_ValueReset>(form, reset_args_for_coloring);
for (u32 i = 0; i < lambda.params.size(); i++) {
auto ireg = new_func_env->make_ireg(
lambda.params.at(i).type, arg_regs.at(i).is_gpr() ? RegClass::GPR_64 : RegClass::INT_128);
if (!new_func_env->params.insert({m_goos.intern_ptr(lambda.params.at(i).name), ireg})
.second) {
throw_compiler_error(form, "lambda has multiple arguments named {}",
new_func_env->emit_ir<IR_RegSet>(form, ireg, reset_args_for_coloring.at(i));
// compile the function, iterating through the body.
Val* result = nullptr;
bool first_thing = true;
for_each_in_list(lambda.body, [&](const goos::Object& o) {
result = compile_error_guard(o, func_block_env);
if (!dynamic_cast<None*>(result)) {
result = result->to_reg(o, func_block_env);
if (first_thing) {
first_thing = false;
// you could cheat and do a (begin (blorp) (declare ...)) to get around this.
// but I see no strong reason why "declare"s need to go at the beginning, so no reason
// to make this better.
new_func_env->settings.is_set = true;
if (new_func_env->is_asm_func) {
// don't add return automatically!
} else if (result && !dynamic_cast<None*>(result) && result->type() != TypeSpec("none")) {
// got a result, so to_gpr it and return it.
RegVal* final_result;
emitter::Register ret_hw_reg = emitter::gRegInfo.get_gpr_ret_reg();
if (m_ts.lookup_type(result->type())->get_load_size() == 16) {
ret_hw_reg = emitter::gRegInfo.get_xmm_ret_reg();
final_result = result->to_xmm128(form, new_func_env.get());
} else {
final_result = result->to_gpr(form, new_func_env.get());
for (const auto& possible_type : func_block_env->return_types) {
if (possible_type != TypeSpec("none") &&
m_ts.lookup_type(possible_type)->get_load_size() == 16) {
new_func_env->emit_ir<IR_Return>(form, return_reg, final_result, ret_hw_reg);
auto return_type = m_ts.lowest_common_ancestor(func_block_env->return_types);
} else {
// empty body or returning none, return none
// put null instruction at the end so jumps to the end have somewhere to go.
func_block_env->end_label.idx = new_func_env->code().size();
// save our code for possible inlining
if (new_func_env->settings.save_code) {
} else {
if (args.has_named("behavior")) {
throw_compiler_error(form, "Inline behaviors are not yet implemented.");
return place;
* Compile a form which should be either a function call (possibly inline) or method call.
* Note - calling method "new" isn't handled by this.
* Again, there are way too many special cases here.
Val* Compiler::compile_function_or_method_call(const goos::Object& form, Env* env) {
goos::Object f = form;
const auto fe = env->function_env();
const auto args = get_va(form, form);
const auto& uneval_head = args.unnamed.at(0);
if (m_settings.check_for_requires) {
const auto& symbol_info = m_symbol_info.lookup_exact_name(uneval_head.print());
if (!symbol_info.empty()) {
const auto& result = symbol_info.at(0);
if (result->m_def_location.has_value() &&
!env->file_env()->m_missing_required_files.contains(result->m_def_location->file_path) &&
env->file_env()->m_required_files.find(result->m_def_location->file_path) ==
env->file_env()->m_required_files.end() &&
env->file_env()->name() + ".gc")) {
lg::warn("Missing require in {} for {} over {}", env->file_env()->name(),
result->m_def_location->file_path, uneval_head.print());
Val* head = get_none();
// determine if this call should be automatically inlined.
// this logic will not trigger for a manually inlined call [using the (inline func) form]
bool auto_inline = false;
if (uneval_head.is_symbol()) {
// we can only auto-inline the function if its name is explicitly given.
// look it up:
auto kv = m_inlineable_functions.find(uneval_head.as_symbol());
if (kv != m_inlineable_functions.end()) {
// it's inlinable. However, we do not always inline an inlinable function by default
if (kv->second.inline_by_default) { // inline when possible, so we should inline
auto_inline = true;
auto* lv = env->function_env()->alloc_val<LambdaVal>(kv->second.type, false);
lv->lambda = kv->second.lambda;
head = lv;
bool is_method_call = false;
if (!auto_inline) {
// if auto-inlining failed, we must get the thing to call in a different way.
if (uneval_head.is_symbol()) {
if (uneval_head.as_symbol() == "inspect" || uneval_head.as_symbol() == "print") {
is_method_call = true;
} else {
if (is_local_symbol(uneval_head, env) || m_symbol_types.lookup(uneval_head.as_symbol())) {
// the local environment (mlets, lexicals, constants, globals) defines this symbol.
// this will "win" over a method name lookup, so we should compile as normal
head = compile_error_guard(args.unnamed.front(), env);
} else {
// we don't think compiling the head give us a function, so it's either a method or an
// error
is_method_call = true;
} else {
// the head is some expression. Could be something like (inline my-func) or (-> obj
// func-ptr-field) in either case, compile it - and it can't be a method call.
head = compile_error_guard(args.unnamed.front(), env);
if (!is_method_call) {
// typecheck that we got a function
typecheck(form, m_ts.make_typespec("function"), head->type(), "Function call head");
// see if its an "immediate" application. This happens in three cases:
// 1). the user directly puts a (lambda ...) form in the head (like with a (let) macro)
// 2). the user used a (inline my-func) to grab the LambdaPlace of the function.
// 3). the auto-inlining above looked up the LambdaPlace of an inlinable_function.
// note that an inlineable function looked up by symbol or other way WILL NOT cast to a
// LambdaPlace! so this cast will only succeed if the auto-inliner succeeded, or the user has
// passed use explicitly a lambda either with the lambda form, or with the (inline ...) form.
LambdaVal* head_as_lambda = nullptr;
bool got_inlined_lambda = false;
if (!is_method_call) {
// try directly as a lambda
head_as_lambda = dynamic_cast<LambdaVal*>(head);
if (!head_as_lambda) {
// nope, so try as an (inline x)
auto head_as_inlined_lambda = dynamic_cast<InlinedLambdaVal*>(head);
if (head_as_inlined_lambda) {
// yes, remember the lambda that contains and flag that we're inlining.
head_as_lambda =
env->function_env()->alloc_val<LambdaVal>(head_as_inlined_lambda->lv.type, false);
head_as_lambda->lambda = head_as_inlined_lambda->lv.lambda;
got_inlined_lambda = true;
} else {
// we got a lambda: but we don't want to use immediates by default:
if (!auto_inline && !head_as_lambda->is_immediate) {
head_as_lambda = nullptr;
// no lambda (not inlining or immediate), and not a method call, so we should actually get
// the function pointer.
if (!head_as_lambda && !is_method_call) {
head = head->to_gpr(form, env);
// compile arguments
std::vector<RegVal*> eval_args;
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < args.unnamed.size(); i++) {
auto intermediate = compile_error_guard(args.unnamed.at(i), env);
eval_args.push_back(intermediate->to_reg(args.unnamed.at(i), env));
if (head_as_lambda) {
// inline/immediate the function!
// check args are ok
if (head_as_lambda->lambda.params.size() != eval_args.size()) {
throw_compiler_error(form, "Expected {} arguments but got {} for inlined lambda.",
head_as_lambda->lambda.params.size(), eval_args.size());
// construct a lexical environment
auto lexical_env = fe->alloc_env<LexicalEnv>(env);
Env* inlined_compile_env = lexical_env;
// if need to, create a label env.
// we don't want a separate label env with lets, but we do for inlined functions.
// either inlined through the auto-inliner, or through an explicit (inline x) form.
if (auto_inline || got_inlined_lambda) {
inlined_compile_env = fe->alloc_env<LabelEnv>(lexical_env);
// check arg types
if (!head->type().arg_count()) {
if (head->type().arg_count() - 1 != eval_args.size()) {
"Expected {} arguments for an inlined lambda with type {} but got {}.",
head->type().arg_count() - 1, head->type().print(), eval_args.size());
// immediate lambdas (lets) will have all types as the most general object by default
// inlined functions will have real types that are checked...
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < eval_args.size(); i++) {
typecheck(form, head->type().get_arg(i), eval_args.at(i)->type(),
"function/lambda (inline/immediate) argument");
// copy args...
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < eval_args.size(); i++) {
// note, inlined functions will get a more specific type if possible
// todo, is this right?
auto type = eval_args.at(i)->type();
auto copy =
env->make_ireg(type, m_ts.lookup_type_allow_partial_def(type)->get_preferred_reg_class());
env->emit_ir<IR_RegSet>(form, copy, eval_args.at(i));
lexical_env->vars[m_goos.intern_ptr(head_as_lambda->lambda.params.at(i).name)] = copy;
// setup env
BlockEnv* inlined_block_env = nullptr;
RegVal* result_reg_if_return_from = nullptr;
if (auto_inline || got_inlined_lambda) {
inlined_block_env = fe->alloc_env<BlockEnv>(inlined_compile_env, "#f");
RegClass ret_class = RegClass::GPR_64;
if (head->type().last_arg() != TypeSpec("none") &&
m_ts.lookup_type(head->type().last_arg())->get_load_size() == 16) {
ret_class = RegClass::INT_128;
result_reg_if_return_from =
inlined_compile_env->make_ireg(head->type().last_arg(), ret_class);
inlined_block_env->return_value = result_reg_if_return_from;
inlined_block_env->end_label = Label(fe);
inlined_compile_env = inlined_block_env;
// compile inline!
bool first_thing = true;
Val* result = get_none();
for_each_in_list(head_as_lambda->lambda.body, [&](const goos::Object& o) {
result = compile_error_guard(o, inlined_compile_env);
if (!dynamic_cast<None*>(result)) {
result = result->to_reg(o, inlined_compile_env);
if (first_thing) {
first_thing = false;
lexical_env->settings.is_set = true;
// ignore the user specified return type and return the most specific type.
// todo - does this make sense for an inline function? Should we check the return type?
if (inlined_block_env && !inlined_block_env->return_types.empty()) {
// there were return froms used in the function, so we fall back to using the separate
// return gpr.
if (!dynamic_cast<None*>(result)) {
auto final_result = result->to_reg(form, inlined_compile_env);
for (const auto& possible_type : inlined_block_env->return_types) {
if (possible_type != TypeSpec("none") &&
m_ts.lookup_type(possible_type)->get_load_size() == 16) {
inlined_compile_env->emit_ir<IR_RegSet>(form, result_reg_if_return_from, final_result);
auto return_type = m_ts.lowest_common_ancestor(inlined_block_env->return_types);
} else {
inlined_block_env->end_label.idx = inlined_block_env->end_label.func->code().size();
return inlined_block_env->return_value;
return result;
} else {
// not an inlined/immediate, it's a real function call.
// todo, this order is extremely likely to be wrong, we should get the method way earlier.
if (is_method_call) {
// method needs at least one argument to tell what we're calling the method on.
if (eval_args.empty()) {
throw_compiler_error(form, "Unrecognized symbol {} as head of form.", uneval_head.print());
// get the method function pointer
head = compile_get_method_of_object(form, eval_args.front(), symbol_string(uneval_head), env,
// convert the head to a GPR (if function, this is already done)
auto head_as_gpr = head->to_gpr(form, env);
if (head_as_gpr) {
// method calls have special rules for typing _type_ arguments.
if (is_method_call) {
return compile_real_function_call(form, head_as_gpr, eval_args, env,
} else {
return compile_real_function_call(form, head_as_gpr, eval_args, env);
} else {
throw_compiler_error(form, "Invalid function call! Possibly a compiler bug.");
return get_none();
namespace {
* Is the given typespec for a varargs function? Assumes typespec is a function to begin with.
bool is_varargs_function(const TypeSpec& ts) {
return ts.arg_count() >= 2 && ts.get_arg(0).print() == "_varargs_";
} // namespace
* Do a real x86-64 function call.
Val* Compiler::compile_real_function_call(const goos::Object& form,
RegVal* function,
const std::vector<RegVal*>& args,
Env* env,
const std::string& method_type_name) {
auto fe = env->function_env();
TypeSpec return_ts;
if (function->type().arg_count() == 0) {
// if the type system doesn't know what the function will return, don't allow it to be called
form, "This function call has unknown argument and return types and cannot be called.");
} else {
return_ts = function->type().last_arg();
auto cc = get_function_calling_convention(function->type(), m_ts);
RegClass ret_reg_class = RegClass::GPR_64;
if (cc.return_reg && cc.return_reg->is_xmm()) {
ret_reg_class = RegClass::INT_128;
auto return_reg = env->make_ireg(return_ts, ret_reg_class);
// check arg count:
if (function->type().arg_count() && !is_varargs_function(function->type())) {
if (function->type().arg_count() - 1 != args.size()) {
"Expected {} arguments but got {} for a real function call on type {}.",
function->type().arg_count() - 1, args.size(), function->type().print());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
if (method_type_name.empty()) {
typecheck(form, function->type().get_arg(i), args.at(i)->type(),
fmt::format("function argument {}", i));
} else {
typecheck(form, function->type().get_arg(i).substitute_for_method_call(method_type_name),
args.at(i)->type(), fmt::format("function argument {}", i));
if (args.size() > 8) {
throw_compiler_error(form, "Function call cannot use more than 8 parameters.");
// set args (introducing a move here makes coloring more likely to be possible)
std::vector<RegVal*> arg_outs;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)args.size(); i++) {
const auto& arg = args.at(i);
auto reg = cc.arg_regs.at(i);
env->make_ireg(arg->type(), reg.is_xmm() ? RegClass::INT_128 : RegClass::GPR_64));
env->emit_ir<IR_RegSet>(form, arg_outs.back(), arg);
// todo, there's probably a more efficient way to do this.
auto temp_function = fe->make_gpr(function->type());
env->emit_ir<IR_RegSet>(form, temp_function, function);
env->emit_ir<IR_FunctionCall>(form, temp_function, return_reg, arg_outs, cc.arg_regs,
if (m_settings.emit_move_after_return) {
auto result_reg = env->make_ireg(return_reg->type(), ret_reg_class);
env->emit_ir<IR_RegSet>(form, result_reg, return_reg);
return result_reg;
} else {
return return_reg;
* A (declare ...) form can be used to configure settings inside a function.
* Currently there aren't many useful settings, but more may be added in the future.
Val* Compiler::compile_declare(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto& settings = get_parent_env_of_type_slow<DeclareEnv>(env)->settings;
if (settings.is_set) {
throw_compiler_error(form, "Function cannot have multiple declares");
settings.is_set = true;
for_each_in_list(rest, [&](const goos::Object& o) {
if (!o.is_pair()) {
throw_compiler_error(o, "Invalid declare specification.");
auto first = o.as_pair()->car;
auto rrest = &o.as_pair()->cdr;
if (!first.is_symbol()) {
first, "Invalid declare option specification, expected a symbol, but got {} instead.",
if (first.as_symbol() == "inline") {
if (!rrest->is_empty_list()) {
throw_compiler_error(first, "Invalid inline declare, no options were expected.");
settings.allow_inline = true;
settings.inline_by_default = true;
settings.save_code = true;
} else if (first.as_symbol() == "allow-inline") {
if (!rrest->is_empty_list()) {
throw_compiler_error(first, "Invalid allow-inline declare");
settings.allow_inline = true;
settings.inline_by_default = false;
settings.save_code = true;
} else if (first.as_symbol() == "asm-func") {
auto fe = env->function_env();
fe->is_asm_func = true;
if (!rrest->is_pair()) {
form, "Declare asm-func must provide the function's return type as an argument.");
fe->asm_func_return_type = parse_typespec(rrest->as_pair()->car, env);
if (!rrest->as_pair()->cdr.is_empty_list()) {
throw_compiler_error(first, "Invalid asm-func declare");
} else if (first.as_symbol() == "print-asm") {
if (!rrest->is_empty_list()) {
throw_compiler_error(first, "Invalid print-asm declare");
settings.print_asm = true;
} else if (first.as_symbol() == "allow-saved-regs") {
if (!rrest->is_empty_list()) {
throw_compiler_error(first, "Invalid allow-saved-regs declare");
auto fe = env->function_env();
fe->asm_func_saved_regs = true;
} else {
throw_compiler_error(first, "Unrecognized declare option {}.", first.print());
return get_none();
Val* Compiler::compile_declare_file(const goos::Object& /*form*/,
const goos::Object& rest,
Env* env) {
for_each_in_list(rest, [&](const goos::Object& o) {
if (!o.is_pair()) {
throw_compiler_error(o, "Invalid declare-file specification.");
auto first = o.as_pair()->car;
auto rrest = &o.as_pair()->cdr;
if (!first.is_symbol()) {
first, "Invalid declare option specification, expected a symbol, but got {} instead.",
if (first.as_symbol() == "debug") {
if (!rrest->is_empty_list()) {
throw_compiler_error(first, "Invalid debug declare");
if (!env->file_env()->is_debug_file()) {
throw DebugFileDeclareException();
} else {
throw_compiler_error(first, "Unrecognized declare-file option {}.", first.print());
return get_none();