water111 951f31878e
[Source Line Debugger] Tracking objects and IR (#115)
* track where segments are when debugging

* missing windows include

* figure out what function we're in

* addr to IR is working
2020-11-13 22:33:57 -05:00

608 lines
18 KiB

* @file Debugger.h
* The OpenGOAL debugger.
* Uses xdbg functions to debug an OpenGOAL target.
#include <cassert>
#include "Debugger.h"
#include "common/util/Timer.h"
#include "common/goal_constants.h"
#include "common/symbols.h"
#include "third-party/fmt/core.h"
#include "goalc/debugger/disassemble.h"
#include "goalc/listener/Listener.h"
* Is the target halted? If we don't know or aren't connected, returns false.
bool Debugger::is_halted() const {
return m_context_valid && m_attached && !m_running;
* Is the target running and attached? Note that this returns false if it's running, but not
* attached to the debugger.
bool Debugger::is_running() const {
return m_context_valid && m_attached && m_running;
* Do we have a valid debugging context? Without this we cannot attach or do any debugging.
bool Debugger::is_valid() const {
return m_context_valid;
* Invalidate the current debugging context. For example if the target restarts.
void Debugger::invalidate() {
m_context_valid = false;
* Are we attached to a valid target?
bool Debugger::is_attached() const {
return m_context_valid && m_attached;
* If attached, detach. If halted and attached, will unhalt.
* Will silently do nothing if we aren't attached, so it is safe to just call detach() to try to
* clean up when exiting.
void Debugger::detach() {
if (is_valid() && m_attached) {
xdbg::close_memory(m_debug_context.tid, &m_memory_handle);
m_context_valid = false;
m_attached = false;
// todo, should we print something if we can't detach?
* Set the debug context to allow Debugger to attach.
void Debugger::set_context(u32 s7, uintptr_t base, const std::string& thread_id) {
m_debug_context.s7 = s7;
m_debug_context.base = base;
m_debug_context.tid = xdbg::ThreadID(thread_id);
m_context_valid = true;
* Get information about the context for debugging the debugger.
std::string Debugger::get_context_string() const {
return fmt::format("valid = {}, s7 = 0x{:x}, base = 0x{:x}, tid = {}\n", is_valid(),
m_debug_context.s7, m_debug_context.base, m_debug_context.tid.to_string());
* Attach the debugger to the current context (must be valid) and break.
* Returns once the target actually stops.
bool Debugger::attach_and_break() {
if (is_valid() && !m_attached) {
// reset and start the stop watcher
// attach and send a break command
if (xdbg::attach_and_break(m_debug_context.tid)) {
// wait for the signal queue to get a stop and pop it.
auto info = pop_signal();
// manually set up continue for this.
m_continue_info.valid = true;
m_continue_info.subtract_1 = false;
// this may fail if you crash at exactly the wrong time. todo - remove?
assert(info.kind == xdbg::SignalInfo::BREAK);
// open the memory of the process
if (!xdbg::open_memory(m_debug_context.tid, &m_memory_handle)) {
return false;
m_attached = true;
m_running = false;
// get info from target
auto signal_count = get_signal_count();
assert(signal_count == 0);
return true;
} else {
fmt::print("[Debugger] attach_and_break can't be done when valid = {} and attached = {}\n",
is_valid(), m_attached);
return false;
* Read the registers, symbol table, and instructions near rip.
* Print out some info about where we are.
void Debugger::update_break_info() {
// todo adjust rip if break instruction????
m_memory_map = m_listener->build_memory_map();
// fmt::print("{}", m_memory_map.print());
m_regs_valid = false;
if (!xdbg::get_regs_now(m_debug_context.tid, &m_regs_at_break)) {
fmt::print("[Debugger] get_regs_now failed after break, something is wrong\n");
} else {
m_regs_valid = true;
fmt::print("{}", m_regs_at_break.print_gprs());
if (regs_valid()) {
std::vector<u8> mem;
// very basic asm dump.
auto rip = m_regs_at_break.rip;
m_break_info.real_rip = rip;
m_break_info.goal_rip = rip - m_debug_context.base;
m_break_info.disassembly_failed = false;
if (rip >= m_debug_context.base + EE_MAIN_MEM_LOW_PROTECT &&
rip < m_debug_context.base + EE_MAIN_MEM_SIZE) {
read_memory(mem.data(), INSTR_DUMP_SIZE_REV + INSTR_DUMP_SIZE_FWD,
rip - m_debug_context.base - INSTR_DUMP_SIZE_REV);
auto map_loc = m_memory_map.lookup(rip - m_debug_context.base);
if (map_loc.empty) {
fmt::print("In unknown code\n");
fmt::print("{}", disassemble_x86(mem.data(), mem.size(), rip - INSTR_DUMP_SIZE_REV, rip));
m_break_info.disassembly_failed = true;
m_break_info.knows_object = false;
m_break_info.knows_function = false;
} else {
u64 obj_offset = rip - m_debug_context.base - map_loc.start_addr;
m_break_info.knows_object = true;
m_break_info.object_name = map_loc.obj_name;
m_break_info.object_seg = map_loc.seg_id;
m_break_info.object_offset = obj_offset;
FunctionDebugInfo* info = nullptr;
std::string name;
if (get_debug_info_for_object(map_loc.obj_name)
.lookup_function(&info, &name, obj_offset, map_loc.seg_id)) {
m_break_info.knows_function = true;
m_break_info.function_name = name;
m_break_info.function_offset = obj_offset - info->offset_in_seg;
std::vector<u8> function_mem;
function_mem.resize(info->instructions.back().offset +
read_memory(function_mem.data(), function_mem.size(),
map_loc.start_addr + info->offset_in_seg);
int rip_offset = 0;
if (m_continue_info.valid && m_continue_info.is_addr_breakpiont) {
int offset_in_fmem = int(m_continue_info.addr_breakpoint.goal_addr) -
(map_loc.start_addr + info->offset_in_seg);
if (offset_in_fmem < 0 || offset_in_fmem >= int(function_mem.size())) {
m_break_info.disassembly_failed = true;
} else {
function_mem.at(offset_in_fmem) = m_continue_info.addr_breakpoint.old_data;
rip_offset = -1;
"In function {} in segment {} of obj {}, offset_obj 0x{:x}, offset_func 0x{:x}\n",
name, map_loc.seg_id, map_loc.obj_name, obj_offset, m_break_info.function_offset);
fmt::print("{}", disassemble_x86_function(
function_mem.data(), function_mem.size(),
m_debug_context.base + map_loc.start_addr + info->offset_in_seg,
rip + rip_offset, info->instructions, info->irs,
} else {
m_break_info.disassembly_failed = true;
m_break_info.knows_function = false;
fmt::print("In segment {} of obj {}, offset 0x{:x}\n", map_loc.seg_id, map_loc.obj_name,
fmt::print("{}", disassemble_x86(mem.data(), mem.size(), rip - INSTR_DUMP_SIZE_REV, rip));
} else {
m_break_info.disassembly_failed = true;
fmt::print("Not in GOAL code!\n");
* Stop the target. Must be attached and not stopped.
* Waits for break to be acknowledged and reads break info.
bool Debugger::do_break() {
assert(is_valid() && is_attached() && is_running());
m_expecting_immeidate_break = true;
m_continue_info.valid = false;
if (!xdbg::break_now(m_debug_context.tid)) {
return false;
} else {
auto info = pop_signal();
assert(info.kind == xdbg::SignalInfo::BREAK);
m_running = false;
return true;
* Continue the target, must be attached and stopped.
bool Debugger::do_continue() {
assert(is_valid() && is_attached() && is_halted());
if (!m_regs_valid) {
if (!m_continue_info.valid) {
m_regs_valid = false;
if (m_continue_info.subtract_1) {
auto result = xdbg::set_regs_now(m_debug_context.tid, m_regs_at_break);
m_expecting_immeidate_break = false;
if (!xdbg::cont_now(m_debug_context.tid)) {
return false;
} else {
m_running = true;
return true;
* Read memory from an attached and halted target.
bool Debugger::read_memory(u8* dest_buffer, int size, u32 goal_addr) {
assert(is_valid() && is_attached() && is_halted());
return xdbg::read_goal_memory(dest_buffer, size, goal_addr, m_debug_context, m_memory_handle);
* Write the memory of an attached and halted target.
bool Debugger::write_memory(const u8* src_buffer, int size, u32 goal_addr) {
assert(is_valid() && is_attached() && is_halted());
return xdbg::write_goal_memory(src_buffer, size, goal_addr, m_debug_context, m_memory_handle);
* Read the GOAL Symbol table from an attached and halted target.
void Debugger::read_symbol_table() {
assert(is_valid() && is_attached() && is_halted());
u32 bytes_read = 0;
u32 reads = 0;
Timer timer;
u32 st_base = m_debug_context.s7 - ((GOAL_MAX_SYMBOLS / 2) * 8 + BASIC_OFFSET);
u32 empty_pair_offset = (m_debug_context.s7 + FIX_SYM_EMPTY_PAIR - PAIR_OFFSET) - st_base;
std::vector<u8> mem;
if (!xdbg::read_goal_memory(mem.data(), 0x20000, st_base, m_debug_context, m_memory_handle)) {
fmt::print("Read failed during read_symbol_table\n");
bytes_read += 0x20000;
struct SymLower {
u32 type;
u32 value;
struct SymUpper {
u32 hash;
u32 str;
u32 sym_type = 0;
// now loop through all the symbols
for (int i = 0; i < (SYM_INFO_OFFSET + 4) / int(sizeof(SymLower)); i++) {
auto offset = i * sizeof(SymLower);
if (offset == empty_pair_offset) {
auto sym = (SymLower*)(mem.data() + offset);
if (sym->type) {
// got a symbol!
if (!sym_type) {
sym_type = sym->type;
} else {
if (sym_type != sym->type) {
fmt::print("Got bad symbol type. Expected 0x{:x} got 0x{:x}\n", sym_type, sym->type);
// now get the info
auto info = (SymUpper*)(mem.data() + i * sizeof(SymLower) + SYM_INFO_OFFSET + BASIC_OFFSET);
// now get the string.
char str_buff[128];
if (!xdbg::read_goal_memory((u8*)str_buff, 128, info->str + 4, m_debug_context,
m_memory_handle)) {
fmt::print("Read symbol string failed during read_symbol_table\n");
bytes_read += 128;
// just in case
str_buff[127] = '\0';
assert(strlen(str_buff) < 50);
std::string str(str_buff);
// GOAL sym - s7
auto sym_offset = s32(offset + st_base + BASIC_OFFSET) - s32(m_debug_context.s7);
assert(sym_offset >= INT16_MIN);
assert(sym_offset <= INT16_MAX);
// update maps
if (m_symbol_name_to_offset_map.find(str) != m_symbol_name_to_offset_map.end()) {
if (str == "asize-of-basic-func") {
// this is an actual bug in kscheme. The bug has no effect, but we replicate it so that
// the symbol table layout is closer.
// to hide this duplicate symbol, we append "-hack-copy" to the end of it.
str += "-hack-copy";
} else {
fmt::print("Symbol {} appears multiple times!\n", str);
m_symbol_name_to_offset_map[str] = sym_offset;
m_symbol_offset_to_name_map[sym_offset] = str;
m_symbol_name_to_value_map[str] = sym->value;
assert(m_symbol_offset_to_name_map.size() == m_symbol_name_to_offset_map.size());
fmt::print("Read symbol table ({} bytes, {} reads, {} symbols, {:.2f} ms)\n", bytes_read, reads,
m_symbol_name_to_offset_map.size(), timer.getMs());
* Get the address of a symbol by name. Returns a GOAL address.
* Returns 0 if the symbol doesn't exist.
u32 Debugger::get_symbol_address(const std::string& sym_name) {
auto kv = m_symbol_name_to_offset_map.find(sym_name);
if (kv != m_symbol_name_to_offset_map.end()) {
return m_debug_context.s7 + kv->second;
return 0;
* Get the value of a symbol by name. Returns if the symbol exists and populates output if it does.
bool Debugger::get_symbol_value(const std::string& sym_name, u32* output) {
auto kv = m_symbol_name_to_value_map.find(sym_name);
if (kv != m_symbol_name_to_value_map.end()) {
*output = kv->second;
return true;
return false;
* Starts the debugger watch thread which watches the target process to see if it stops.
void Debugger::start_watcher() {
m_watcher_running = true;
m_watcher_should_stop = false;
m_watcher_thread = std::thread(&Debugger::watcher, this);
* Stops the debugger watch thread (waits for it to end)
void Debugger::stop_watcher() {
m_watcher_running = false;
m_watcher_should_stop = true;
Debugger::~Debugger() {
if (m_watcher_running) {
* The watcher thread.
void Debugger::watcher() {
xdbg::SignalInfo signal_info;
while (!m_watcher_should_stop) {
// we just sit in a loop, waiting for stops.
if (xdbg::check_stopped(m_debug_context.tid, &signal_info)) {
// the target stopped!
m_continue_info.valid = false;
switch (signal_info.kind) {
case xdbg::SignalInfo::SEGFAULT:
printf("Target has crashed with a SEGFAULT! Run (:di) to get more information.\n");
case xdbg::SignalInfo::BREAK:
printf("Target has stopped. Run (:di) to get more information.\n");
printf("[Debugger] unhandled signal in watcher: %d\n", int(signal_info.kind));
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_watcher_mutex);
m_running = false;
m_watcher_queue.push({signal_info.kind}); // todo, more info?
} else {
// the target didn't stop.
Debugger::SignalInfo Debugger::pop_signal() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_watcher_mutex);
m_watcher_cv.wait(lock, [&] { return !m_watcher_queue.empty(); });
Debugger::SignalInfo result;
if (!try_pop_signal(&result)) {
return result;
bool Debugger::try_pop_signal(SignalInfo* out) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_watcher_mutex);
if (!m_watcher_queue.empty()) {
*out = m_watcher_queue.front();
return true;
return false;
int Debugger::get_signal_count() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_watcher_mutex);
return int(m_watcher_queue.size());
void Debugger::clear_signal_queue() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_watcher_mutex);
while (!m_watcher_queue.empty()) {
void Debugger::add_addr_breakpoint(u32 addr) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_watcher_mutex);
auto kv = m_addr_breakpoints.find(addr);
if (kv != m_addr_breakpoints.end()) {
fmt::print("Breakpoint at address 0x{:08x} already exists as breakpoint {}\n", addr,
Breakpoint bp;
bp.goal_addr = addr;
bp.id = m_addr_breakpoints.size();
if (!read_memory(&bp.old_data, 1, addr)) {
fmt::print("Failed to read memory for breakpoint, not adding breakpoint\n");
u8 int3 = 0xcc;
if (!write_memory(&int3, 1, addr)) {
fmt::print("Failed to write memory for breakpoint, not adding breakpoint\n");
m_addr_breakpoints[addr] = bp;
void Debugger::remove_addr_breakpoint(u32 addr) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_watcher_mutex);
auto kv = m_addr_breakpoints.find(addr);
if (kv == m_addr_breakpoints.end()) {
fmt::print("Breakpoint at address 0x{:08x} does not exist\n", addr);
if (!write_memory(&kv->second.old_data, 1, addr)) {
fmt::print("Failed to remove breakpoint\n");
void Debugger::update_continue_info() {
if (m_continue_info.valid || !is_halted()) {
if (!m_regs_valid) {
auto kv = m_addr_breakpoints.find(get_regs().rip - 1);
if (kv == m_addr_breakpoints.end()) {
m_continue_info.subtract_1 = false;
m_continue_info.is_addr_breakpiont = false;
} else {
if (m_expecting_immeidate_break) {
printf("Warning, conflicting break and breakpoints. Not sure why we stopped!\n");
m_continue_info.subtract_1 = true;
m_continue_info.is_addr_breakpiont = true;
m_continue_info.addr_breakpoint = kv->second;
m_expecting_immeidate_break = false;
m_continue_info.valid = true;
DebugInfo& Debugger::get_debug_info_for_object(const std::string& object_name) {
auto kv = m_debug_info.find(object_name);
if (kv != m_debug_info.end()) {
return kv->second;
return m_debug_info.insert(std::make_pair(object_name, DebugInfo(object_name))).first->second;