
242 lines
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Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: gkernel.gc
;; name in dgo: gkernel
;; dgos: KERNEL
;; System Globals
;; Set version number symbols
(define *kernel-version* (the binteger (logior (ash *kernel-major-version* 16) *kernel-minor-version*)))
(define *irx-version* (the binteger (logior (ash *irx-major-version* 16) *irx-minor-version*)))
;; Set default options. The C Kernel may modify these before loading the engine.
;; Can be 'boot, 'listener, or 'debug-boot
;; set to 'boot when DiskBooting.
(define *kernel-boot-mode* 'listener)
;; DebugBootLevel in C Kernel
(define *kernel-boot-level* (the symbol #f))
;; The number of DECI messages received.
;; The C Kernel increments this.
(define *deci-count* 0)
;; Some debug stats. Unused?
(define *last-loado-length* 0)
(define *last-loado-global-usage* 0)
(define *last-loado-debug-usage* 0)
;; Relocate
;; Objects on a dynamic process heap may be relocated.
;; They should provide their own relocate method to do any fixups
;; for any references.
(defmethod relocate object ((this object) (offset int))
;; Kernel Package System
;; The kernel has a weird package system. It's not really used and doesn't do much.
;; Both the C Kernel and GOAL Kernel update the kernel-packages list.
;; The list is used to avoid loading the same package multiple times.
(define *kernel-packages* '())
(defun load-package ((package string) (allocation kheap))
"Load a Package from a CGO/DGO"
(unless (nmember package *kernel-packages*)
(dgo-load package allocation #xf #x200000)
(set! *kernel-packages* (cons package *kernel-packages*))
(defun unload-package ((package string))
"Mark a package as unloaded, if it was loaded previously"
(let ((pack (nmember package *kernel-packages*)))
(when pack
(set! *kernel-packages* (delete! (car pack) *kernel-packages*))
;; Kernel Globals
;; The kernel context is a global which stores the state of the kernel.
(define *kernel-context* (new 'static 'kernel-context
:prevent-from-run #x41 ;; todo, bitfield enum types
:next-pid 2
:current-process '#f
:relocating-process '#f
:low-memory-message '#t
;; the main stack for running GOAL code!
(define *dram-stack* (new 'global 'array 'uint8 #x3800)) ;;DPROCESS_STACK_SIZE
;; I don't think this stack is used, but I'm not sure.
(set! (-> *kernel-context* fast-stack-top) *scratch-memory-top*)
;; A context with all process masks set to 0. This can be used to iterate through a process tree
;; without executing anything, to find a process for instance.
(define *null-kernel-context* (new 'static 'kernel-context))
(defun kernel-dispatcher ()
"Kernel Dispatcher Function. This gets called from the main loop in kboot.cpp's KernelCheckAndDispatch"
;; check if we have a new listener function to run
(when *listener-function*
;; we do! enable method-set for debug purposes
(+! *enable-method-set* 1)
;; execute and print result
(let ((result (*listener-function*)))
(format #t "~D~%" result)
(+! *enable-method-set* -1)
;; clear the pending function.
(set! *listener-function* (the (function object) #f))
;; Thread and CPU Thread
; A GOAL thread represents the execute of code in a process.
; Each process has a "main thread", which is suspended and resumed.
; A process may also execute various temporary threads which always run until completion.
; The currently executing thread of a process is the "top-thread".
; Some GOAL threads also have the ability to "back up" their stack, while others are "temporary".
; The main thread of a process can "back up" it's stack, and all others are temporary.
; All threads are actually cpu-threads. It's not clear why there are two separate types.
; Perhaps the thread was the public interface and cpu-thread is internal to the kernel?
(defmethod delete thread ((obj thread))
"Clean up a thread. This assumes it's the top-thread of the process and restores the previous top thread."
(when (eq? obj (-> obj process main-thread))
;; We have attempted to delete the main thread, which is bad.
;; restore the old top-thread.
(set! (-> obj process top-thread) (-> obj previous))
(defmethod print thread ((obj thread))
"Print thread."
(format #t "#<~A ~S of ~S pc: #x~X @ #x~X>" (-> obj type) (-> obj name) (-> obj process name) (-> obj pc) obj)
(defmethod stack-size-set! thread ((this thread) (stack-size int))
"Set the backup stack size of a thread. This should only be done on the main-thread.
This should be done immediately after allocating the main-thread"
(let ((proc (-> this process)))
((neq? this (-> proc main-thread))
;; oops. can only change the size of a main-thread's stack.
(msg-err "illegal attempt change stack size of ~A when the main-thread is not the top-thread.~%" proc)
(break) ;; ADDED
((= (-> this stack-size) stack-size)
;; we already have this size. Don't do anything.
((eq? (-> proc heap-cur) (&+ this (-> this type size) (- *gtype-basic-offset*) (-> this stack-size)))
;; our heap cur point to right after us. So we can safely bump it forward to give us more space.
(set! (-> proc heap-cur) (the pointer (&+ this (-> this type size) (- *gtype-basic-offset*) stack-size)))
(set! (-> this stack-size) stack-size)
(msg-err "illegal attempt change stack size of ~A after more heap allocation has occured.~%" proc)
(defmethod new cpu-thread ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (parent-process process) (name symbol) (stack-size int) (stack-top pointer))
"Create a new CPU thread. Will allocate the main thread if none exists, otherwise a temp thread.
Sets the thread as the top-thread of the process
This is a special new method which ignores the allocation symbol.
The stack-top is for the execution stack.
The stack-size is for the backup stack (applicable for main thread only)"
;; first, let's see if we're doing the main or temp thread
(let* ((obj (cond
((-> parent-process top-thread)
;; temp thread.
(the cpu-thread (&+ stack-top
;; the main thread
(let ((alloc (align16 (-> parent-process heap-cur)))) ;; start at heap cur, aligned
;; bump heap to include our thread + its stack
(set! (-> parent-process heap-cur) (the pointer (+ alloc (-> type-to-make size) stack-size)))
(the cpu-thread (+ alloc *gtype-basic-offset*))
;; set up the type manually, as we allocated the memory manually
(set! (-> obj type) type-to-make)
;; set up thread
(set! (-> obj name) name)
(set! (-> obj process) parent-process)
;; start stack at the top
(set! (-> obj sp) stack-top)
(set! (-> obj stack-top) stack-top)
;; remember the previous thread, in case we're a temp thread
(set! (-> obj previous) (-> parent-process top-thread))
;; and make us the top!
(set! (-> parent-process top-thread) obj)
;; set up our suspend/resume hooks. By default just use the thread's methods.
;; but something else could install a different hook if needed.
(set! (-> obj suspend-hook) (method obj thread-suspend))
(set! (-> obj resume-hook) (method obj thread-resume))
;; remember how much space we have for the backup stack.
(set! (-> obj stack-size) stack-size)
(defmethod asize-of cpu-thread ((obj cpu-thread))
"Get the size of a cpu-thread"
;; we need this because the cpu-thread is stored in the process stack
(the int (+ (-> obj type size) (-> obj stack-size)))
;; todo remove-exit
;; todo stream<-process-mask