
513 lines
20 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: target-pilot.gc
;; name in dgo: target-pilot
(deftype cquery-with-5vec (structure)
((cquery collide-query :inline)
(vec vector 5 :inline)
(define-extern h-warf type)
(define *pilot-mods* (new 'static 'surface :name 'empty :seek0 1.0 :seek90 1.0 :seek180 1.0 :fric 1.0))
;; WARN: disable def twice: 203. This may happen when a cond (no else) is nested inside of another conditional, but it should be rare.
(defbehavior target-pilot-handler target ((arg0 process) (arg1 int) (arg2 symbol) (arg3 event-message-block))
((and (= arg2 'query) (= (-> arg3 param 0) 'mode))
(case arg2
(case (-> arg3 param 0)
(let ((v1-5 (-> self pilot)))
(when (nonzero? v1-5)
(let ((a0-7 (handle->process (-> v1-5 vehicle))))
(if a0-7
(put-rider-in-seat (the-as vehicle a0-7) (-> v1-5 seat-index) (the-as process #f))
(go target-pilot-get-off (process->handle arg0))
(when (and (-> self next-state) (= (-> self next-state name) 'target-pilot-daxter-perch))
(let ((v0-0 (the-as object #t)))
(set! (-> self control unknown-word04) (the-as uint v0-0))
(target-gun-end-mode #t)
(case (-> arg3 param 0)
(when (not (focus-test? self dead))
(if (not (-> arg3 param 1))
(go target-pilot-grab)
(process->handle (the-as process (-> arg3 param 1)))
(the-as symbol (if (>= arg1 2)
(-> arg3 param 2)
(if (>= arg1 4)
(the-as int (-> arg3 param 3))
(go target-pilot-get-off (process->handle arg0))
(when (logtest? (-> self game features) (game-feature gun))
(let ((gp-1 (-> arg3 param 2)))
((using-gun? self)
(when (nonzero? gp-1)
(set! (-> self gun using-gun-type) (the-as pickup-type gp-1))
(target-gun-init (the-as pickup-type gp-1))
(if (and (-> self next-state) (let ((v1-33 (-> self next-state name)))
(or (= v1-33 'target-pilot-stance) (= v1-33 'target-pilot-impact))
(go target-pilot-daxter-perch)
(go target-pilot-clone-anim (process->handle (the-as process (-> arg3 param 0))))
(if (nonzero? (-> self pilot))
(handle->process (-> self pilot vehicle))
(if (nonzero? (-> self pilot))
(send-event (handle->process (-> self pilot vehicle)) 'go-die)
(('attack 'attack-or-shove 'attack-invinc)
(set-vector! (-> self draw color-mult) 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.0)
(the-as attack-info (-> arg3 param 1))
(the-as touching-shapes-entry (-> arg3 param 0))
(speech-control-method-12 *speech-control* self (if (-> self pilot as-daxter?)
(speech-type race-daxter-hit)
(speech-type race-jak-hit)
(speech-control-method-12 *speech-control* self (if (-> self pilot as-daxter?)
(speech-type race-daxter-got-hit)
(speech-type race-jak-got-hit)
(target-standard-event-handler arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3)
(defbehavior target-pilot-pidax-enter target ()
(set! (-> self pilot art-group-backup) (-> self draw art-group))
(set! (-> self draw art-group) (-> self sidekick 0 draw art-group))
(logior! (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw-bounds2))
(send-event (ppointer->process (-> self sidekick)) 'matrix 'indax)
(defbehavior target-pilot-pidax-exit target ()
(ja-channel-set! 0)
(set! (-> self draw art-group) (-> self pilot art-group-backup))
(logclear! (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw-bounds2))
(send-event (ppointer->process (-> self sidekick)) 'matrix #f)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch none vs object.
(defbehavior target-pilot-exit target ()
(when (not (and (-> self next-state) (let ((v1-3 (-> self next-state name)))
(or (= v1-3 'target-pilot-stance)
(= v1-3 'target-pilot-impact)
(= v1-3 'target-pilot-daxter-perch)
(= v1-3 'target-pilot-get-off)
(= v1-3 'target-pilot-grab)
(= v1-3 'target-pilot-clone-anim)
(= v1-3 'target-pilot-hit)
(= v1-3 'target-pilot-death)
(let ((v1-4 (-> self manipy)))
(when v1-4
(deactivate (-> v1-4 0))
(set! (-> self manipy) (the-as (pointer manipy) #f))
(process-drawable-set-riding self #f)
(when (-> self pilot as-daxter?)
(format 0 "Pidax exit~%")
(let ((gp-0 (-> self pilot)))
(when (nonzero? gp-0)
(set! (-> self control nav-radius) (-> gp-0 backup-nav-radius))
(let ((s5-0 (handle->process (-> gp-0 vehicle))))
(when s5-0
(send-event *traffic-manager* 'player-exit-vehicle (-> (the-as vehicle s5-0) info object-type))
(remove-riders (the-as vehicle s5-0) (the-as handle self))
(send-event s5-0 'player-get-off)
(when (nonzero? (-> gp-0 hud-health))
(send-event (handle->process (-> gp-0 hud-health)) 'hide-and-die)
(set! (-> gp-0 hud-health) (new 'static 'handle))
(when (nonzero? (-> gp-0 hud-turbo))
(send-event (handle->process (-> gp-0 hud-turbo)) 'hide-and-die)
(set! (-> gp-0 hud-turbo) (new 'static 'handle))
(set! (-> self neck flex-blend) 1.0)
(let ((v1-49 (-> self control root-prim)))
(set! (-> v1-49 prim-core collide-as) (-> self control backup-collide-as))
(set! (-> v1-49 prim-core collide-with) (-> self control backup-collide-with))
(logclear! (-> self focus-status) (focus-status pilot-riding pilot))
(logclear! (-> self control root-prim prim-core action) (collide-action stuck-wall-escape))
(set! (-> self control mod-surface) *walk-mods*)
(logclear! (-> self target-flags) (target-flags tf6))
(remove-setting! 'cloth)
(remove-setting! 'armor)
(enable-set! (-> self arm-ik 0) #f)
(enable-set! (-> self arm-ik 1) #f)
(set! (-> self control dynam gravity-max) (-> self control standard-dynamics gravity-max))
(set! (-> self control dynam gravity-length) (-> self control standard-dynamics gravity-length))
(let ((v1-74 (-> self node-list data)))
(set! (-> v1-74 0 param0) (the-as (function cspace transformq none) cspace<-transformq+trans!))
(set! (-> v1-74 0 param1) (the-as basic (-> self control trans)))
(set! (-> v1-74 0 param2) (the-as basic (-> self control cspace-offset)))
(target-collide-set! 'normal 0.0)
(set! (-> self control reaction) target-collision-reaction)
(vector-identity! (-> self draw color-mult))
(set! (-> self control cspace-offset quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(logior! (-> self water flags) (water-flag find-water))
;; WARN: Return type mismatch water-flag vs object.
(defbehavior target-pilot-init target ((arg0 handle) (arg1 symbol))
(target-lightjak-end-mode #f)
(target-darkjak-end-mode #f)
(if (zero? (-> self pilot))
(set! (-> self pilot) (new 'process 'pilot-info))
(let ((s5-0 (-> self pilot)))
(set! (-> s5-0 backup-nav-radius) (-> self control nav-radius))
(set! (-> s5-0 gun?) #t)
(set! (-> s5-0 enable-cam-side-shift) #f)
(set! (-> s5-0 as-daxter?) arg1)
(set! (-> s5-0 entity) #f)
(set! (-> s5-0 cam-side-shift) 0.0)
(if (-> self pilot as-daxter?)
((handle->process arg0)
(set! (-> s5-0 vehicle) arg0)
(let ((s4-1 (handle->process (-> s5-0 vehicle))))
(when s4-1
(send-event *traffic-manager* 'player-enter-vehicle (-> (the-as vehicle s4-1) info object-type))
(set! (-> self game current-vehicle) (-> (the-as vehicle s4-1) info vehicle-type))
(set! (-> s5-0 entity) (-> (the-as vehicle s4-1) entity))
(set! (-> s5-0 gun?) (logtest? (-> (the-as vehicle s4-1) info flags) 32))
(set! (-> s5-0 enable-cam-side-shift) (logtest? (-> (the-as vehicle s4-1) info flags) 128))
(if (logtest? (-> (the-as vehicle s4-1) info flags) 256)
(set! (-> s5-0 hud-health) (process->handle (hud-vehicle-health-spawn (the-as vehicle s4-1))))
(if (logtest? (-> (the-as vehicle s4-1) info flags) 512)
(set! (-> s5-0 hud-turbo) (process->handle (hud-vehicle-turbo-spawn (the-as vehicle s4-1))))
(set! (-> s5-0 left-right-bias) (-> (the-as vehicle s4-1) info handling player-turn-anim-bias))
(set! (-> s5-0 left-right-min) (-> (the-as vehicle s4-1) info handling player-turn-anim-min))
(set! (-> s5-0 left-right-max) (-> (the-as vehicle s4-1) info handling player-turn-anim-max))
(ppointer->process (-> (the-as vehicle s4-1) parent))
(the-as vehicle s4-1)
(set! (-> s5-0 stance) (vehicle-method-70 (the-as vehicle s4-1)))
(let ((s3-0 (vehicle-method-65 (the-as vehicle s4-1))))
(dotimes (s2-0 s3-0)
(let ((a0-35 (get-rider-in-seat (the-as vehicle s4-1) s2-0)))
(if (and a0-35 (send-event a0-35 'knocked-off))
(put-rider-in-seat (the-as vehicle s4-1) s2-0 (the-as process #f))
(let ((v1-68 (get-best-seat (the-as vehicle s4-1) (-> self control trans) (vehicle-seat-flag vsf0) 1)))
(set! (-> s5-0 seat-index) (max 0 v1-68))
((-> s5-0 as-daxter?)
(set! (-> s5-0 left-right-accel-factor) 0.0000012207031)
(set! (-> s5-0 front-back-accel-factor) 0.0000012207031)
(set! (-> s5-0 up-down-accel-factor) 0.00000061035155)
((zero? (-> s5-0 stance))
(set! (-> s5-0 left-right-accel-factor) 0.0000012207031)
(set! (-> s5-0 front-back-accel-factor) 0.0000012207031)
(set! (-> s5-0 up-down-accel-factor) 0.00000051879886)
(set! (-> s5-0 left-right-accel-factor) 0.0000012207031)
(set! (-> s5-0 front-back-accel-factor) 0.0000012207031)
(set! (-> s5-0 up-down-accel-factor) 0.00000061035155)
(set! (-> s5-0 left-right-accel-factor)
(* (-> s5-0 left-right-accel-factor) (-> (the-as vehicle s4-1) info handling pilot-x-accel-factor))
(set! (-> s5-0 up-down-accel-factor)
(* (-> s5-0 up-down-accel-factor) (-> (the-as vehicle s4-1) info handling pilot-y-accel-factor))
(set! (-> s5-0 front-back-accel-factor)
(* (-> s5-0 front-back-accel-factor) (-> (the-as vehicle s4-1) info handling pilot-z-accel-factor))
(when (not (-> s5-0 gun?))
(if arg1
(logior! (-> self control current-surface flags) (surface-flag gun-fast-exit))
(target-gun-end-mode arg1)
(set! (-> self board latch?) #f)
(set! (-> self control reaction) target-collision-reaction)
(set! (-> self control transv quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(set! (-> self control ctrl-xz-vel) 0.0)
(logior! (-> self focus-status) (focus-status pilot))
(set! (-> self control bend-target) 0.0)
(let ((v1-102 (-> self node-list data)))
(set! (-> v1-102 0 param0) (the-as (function cspace transformq none) cspace<-transformq+world-trans!))
(set! (-> v1-102 0 param1) (the-as basic (-> self control trans)))
(set! (-> v1-102 0 param2) (the-as basic (-> self control cspace-offset)))
(let ((v1-104 (-> self control root-prim)))
(set! (-> v1-104 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec))
(set! (-> v1-104 prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec))
(set! (-> self control root-prim prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec jak-vehicle))
(set! (-> self control root-prim prim-core collide-with)
(collide-spec hit-by-player-list hit-by-others-list player-list collectable)
(set! (-> self neck flex-blend) 0.0)
(set! (-> self control status) (collide-status))
(let ((v0-16 (logclear (-> self water flags) (water-flag active find-water))))
(set! (-> self water flags) v0-16)
(defbehavior pilot-on-ground? target ()
(logtest? (-> self control status) (collide-status on-surface))
(defbehavior target-pilot-post target ()
(local-vars (a0-45 int) (a0-47 int))
(let* ((v1-1 (-> *perf-stats* data 17))
(a0-0 (-> v1-1 ctrl))
(+! (-> v1-1 count) 1)
(b! (zero? a0-0) cfg-2 :delay (nop!))
(.mtc0 Perf 0)
(.mtpc pcr0 0)
(.mtpc pcr1 0)
(.mtc0 Perf a0-0)
(label cfg-2)
(let ((f30-0 (-> self clock clock-ratio)))
(let ((gp-1 (max 1 (the int (-> self clock time-adjust-ratio)))))
(update-rates! (-> self clock) (/ f30-0 (the float gp-1)))
(while (nonzero? gp-1)
(+! gp-1 -1)
(set! (-> self control remaining-ctrl-iterations) gp-1)
(build-conversions (-> self control transv))
(reverse-conversions (-> self control transv))
(-> self control cspace-offset)
(-> self control draw-offset)
(-> self control anim-collide-offset-world)
(let ((a1-5 (new 'stack-no-clear 'overlaps-others-params)))
(set! (-> a1-5 options) (overlaps-others-options oo0))
(set! (-> a1-5 collide-with-filter) (the-as collide-spec -1))
(set! (-> a1-5 tlist) *touching-list*)
(find-overlapping-shapes (-> self control) a1-5)
(update-rates! (-> self clock) f30-0)
(let* ((gp-2 (-> self pilot))
(s5-0 (handle->process (-> gp-2 vehicle)))
(when s5-0
(vehicle-method-66 (the-as vehicle s5-0) (-> self control trans) (-> gp-2 seat-index))
(set! (-> self control transv quad) (-> (the-as vehicle s5-0) root transv quad))
(quaternion-copy! (-> self control quat) (-> (the-as vehicle s5-0) root quat))
(quaternion-copy! (-> self control quat-for-control) (-> self control quat))
(quaternion-copy! (-> self control dir-targ) (-> self control quat))
(let ((s4-0 (-> self alt-cam-pos)))
(when (not (focus-test? self dead))
(let ((s3-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'cquery-with-5vec)))
(set! (-> s3-0 vec 2 x) 0.0)
(set! (-> s3-0 vec 2 y) 20480.0)
(let ((a0-18 (-> self node-list data 0 bone transform)))
(set! (-> s3-0 vec 1 quad) (-> a0-18 fvec quad))
(set! (-> s3-0 vec 1 y) 0.0)
(vector-rotate90-around-y! (-> s3-0 vec 1) (-> s3-0 vec 1))
(vector-normalize! (-> s3-0 vec 1) 1.0)
(set! (-> s3-0 vec 0 quad) (-> self control trans quad))
(when (-> gp-2 enable-cam-side-shift)
(dotimes (s2-0 2)
(let ((v1-48 (-> s3-0 cquery)))
(set! (-> v1-48 radius) 2048.0)
(set! (-> v1-48 collide-with) (collide-spec backgnd))
(set! (-> v1-48 ignore-process0) #f)
(set! (-> v1-48 ignore-process1) #f)
(set! (-> v1-48 ignore-pat)
(new 'static 'pat-surface :noentity #x1 :nojak #x1 :probe #x1 :noendlessfall #x1 :board #x1)
(set! (-> v1-48 action-mask) (collide-action solid))
(set! (-> s3-0 cquery start-pos quad) (-> s3-0 vec 0 quad))
(vector-float*! (-> s3-0 cquery move-dist) (-> s3-0 vec 1) (-> s3-0 vec 2 y))
(let ((f0-10 (fill-and-probe-using-line-sphere *collide-cache* (-> s3-0 cquery))))
(when (and (>= f0-10 0.0) (= (-> s3-0 cquery best-other-tri pat mode) (pat-mode wall)))
(+! (-> s3-0 vec 2 x) (* -1.0 (-> s3-0 vec 2 y) (- 1.0 f0-10)))
(set! (-> s3-0 vec 2 y) (* -1.0 (-> s3-0 vec 2 y)))
(set! (-> s3-0 vec 2 x)
(* (-> s3-0 vec 2 x) (fmax 0.25 (fmin 1.0 (* 0.000008138021 (vector-length (-> self control transv))))))
(seek! (-> gp-2 cam-side-shift) (-> s3-0 vec 2 x) (* 16384.0 (seconds-per-frame)))
(set! (-> s4-0 x) (+ (-> s3-0 vec 0 x) (* (-> gp-2 cam-side-shift) (-> s3-0 vec 1 x))))
(set! (-> s4-0 z) (+ (-> s3-0 vec 0 z) (* (-> gp-2 cam-side-shift) (-> s3-0 vec 1 z))))
(if (type? s5-0 h-warf)
(set! (-> s4-0 y) (-> s3-0 vec 0 y))
(set! (-> s4-0 y) (fmax (fmin (-> s4-0 y) (+ 2048.0 (-> s3-0 vec 0 y))) (+ -2048.0 (-> s3-0 vec 0 y))))
(let ((s4-1 (new 'stack-no-clear 'matrix)))
(vehicle-method-113 (the-as vehicle s5-0) (-> s4-1 rvec) (-> gp-2 seat-index) 0)
(vehicle-method-113 (the-as vehicle s5-0) (-> s4-1 uvec) (-> gp-2 seat-index) 1)
(enable-set! (-> self arm-ik 0) #t)
(enable-set! (-> self arm-ik 1) #t)
(set-ik-target! (-> self arm-ik 0) (-> s4-1 rvec))
(set-ik-target! (-> self arm-ik 1) (-> s4-1 uvec))
(update-transforms (-> self control))
(let ((v1-95 (-> *perf-stats* data 17)))
(b! (zero? (-> v1-95 ctrl)) cfg-31 :delay (nop!))
(.mtc0 Perf 0)
(.mfpc a0-45 pcr0)
(+! (-> v1-95 accum0) a0-45)
(.mfpc a0-47 pcr1)
(+! (-> v1-95 accum1) a0-47)
(label cfg-31)