Hat Kid c12a5d777c
decomp3: decompile remaining mission code (#3515)
This should make all missions playable with the exception of the end of
`precursor-destroy-ship` because `precurd` asserts on level extraction.

- `trail`
- `trail-graph`
- `wastrail-graph`
- `cty-protect`
- `protect-gunship`
- `protect-path`
- `protect-script`
- `assault-cams`
- `assault-enemies`
- `assault-path`
- `assault-script`
- `assault-shared`
- `assault-task`
- `hover-nav-precura`
- `precura-mood`
- `precura-obs`
- `precura-obs2`
- `precura-part`
- `precurc-mood`
- `precurc-obs`
- `precurc-part`
- `precurd-obs`
- `precurd-part`
- `precurd-scenes`
2024-05-16 16:21:44 +02:00

2489 lines
96 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: target-darkjak.gc
;; name in dgo: target-darkjak
;; dgos: GAME
(define-extern *darkjak-ball-lightning* lightning-appearance)
(deftype darkjak-ball (projectile)
((impact? symbol)
(fire-point vector :inline)
(explode-sound uint32)
(bolts (array lightning-bolt))
(ball-pos vector 2 :inline)
(trail sparticle-launch-control)
(ball1 sparticle-launch-control)
(last-ground-height float)
(fire-sound sound-id)
(setup-bolts! (_type_ vector vector) none)
(defmethod relocate ((this darkjak-ball) (offset int))
(dotimes (v1-0 (-> this bolts length))
(if (nonzero? (-> this bolts v1-0))
(&+! (-> this bolts v1-0) offset)
(if (nonzero? (-> this bolts))
(&+! (-> this bolts) offset)
(if (nonzero? (-> this trail))
(&+! (-> this trail) offset)
(if (nonzero? (-> this ball1))
(&+! (-> this ball1) offset)
(call-parent-method this offset)
(defmethod deactivate ((this darkjak-ball))
"Make a process dead, clean it up, remove it from the active pool, and return to dead pool."
(sound-stop (-> this fire-sound))
(if (nonzero? (-> this trail))
(kill-particles (-> this trail))
(if (nonzero? (-> this ball1))
(kill-particles (-> this ball1))
(call-parent-method this)
(defun darkjak-ball-slide-reaction ((arg0 control-info) (arg1 collide-query) (arg2 vector) (arg3 vector))
(cshape-reaction-update-state arg0 arg1 arg3)
(let ((a0-3 (vector-normalize-copy! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) arg3 1.0)))
(if (< (vector-dot a0-3 (-> arg0 surface-normal)) -0.3)
(set! (-> (the-as darkjak-ball (-> arg0 process)) impact?) #t)
(let ((f0-4 (vector-dot arg3 (-> arg0 surface-normal)))
(s3-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(f30-0 (vector-length arg3))
(vector-float*! s3-0 (-> arg0 surface-normal) (* 1.2 f0-4))
(vector-! s3-0 arg3 s3-0)
(vector-normalize! s3-0 1.0)
(set! (-> s3-0 y) (fmin 0.4 (-> s3-0 y)))
(set-vector! arg2 (-> arg3 x) (-> s3-0 y) (-> arg3 z) 1.0)
(vector-normalize! arg2 f30-0)
(-> arg0 status)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch object vs symbol.
(defmethod deal-damage! ((this darkjak-ball) (arg0 process) (arg1 event-message-block))
(local-vars (sv-288 process) (sv-304 vector))
(let ((s4-0 (new 'stack 'attack-info)))
(let ((v1-1 s4-0))
(set! (-> v1-1 mode) (-> this attack-mode))
(set! (-> v1-1 id) (-> this attack-id))
(set! (-> v1-1 mask) (attack-mask mode id))
(set! (-> v1-1 penetrate-using) (penetrate dark-smack))
(when (!= (-> this owner-handle) #f)
(set! (-> s4-0 attacker) (-> this owner-handle))
(logior! (-> s4-0 mask) (attack-mask attacker))
(when (logtest? (-> this options) (projectile-options po13))
(set! (-> s4-0 attacker-velocity quad) (-> this pre-move-transv quad))
(logior! (-> s4-0 mask) (attack-mask attacker-velocity))
(set! (-> s4-0 damage) (-> this damage))
(set! (-> s4-0 vehicle-damage-factor) (-> this vehicle-damage-factor))
(set! (-> s4-0 vehicle-impulse-factor) (-> this vehicle-impulse-factor))
(logior! (-> s4-0 mask) (attack-mask damage vehicle-damage-factor vehicle-impulse-factor))
(when (logtest? (projectile-options po18) (-> this options))
(set! (-> s4-0 invinc-time) (-> this invinc-time))
(logior! (-> s4-0 mask) (attack-mask invinc-time))
(when arg1
(let ((s2-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(s1-0 ((method-of-type touching-shapes-entry prims-touching?)
(the-as touching-shapes-entry arg1)
(-> this root)
(the-as uint -1)
(set! sv-288 arg0)
(let ((s0-0 (if (type? sv-288 process-focusable)
(when s0-0
(set! sv-304 s2-0)
(let ((v1-27 (-> (get-trans (the-as process-focusable s0-0) 3) quad)))
(set! (-> sv-304 quad) v1-27)
(when (not (focus-test? (the-as process-focusable s0-0) hit))
(if s1-0
(get-intersect-point s2-0 s1-0 (-> this root) (the-as touching-shapes-entry arg1))
((logtest? (-> *part-group-id-table* 77 flags) (sp-group-flag sp13))
(set! (-> *launch-matrix* trans quad) (-> s2-0 quad))
(part-tracker-spawn part-tracker-subsampler :to this :group (-> *part-group-id-table* 77))
(set! (-> *launch-matrix* trans quad) (-> s2-0 quad))
(part-tracker-spawn part-tracker :to this :group (-> *part-group-id-table* 77))
(sound-play "djak-strike-ko")
(the-as symbol (send-event
(if (logtest? (projectile-options po19) (-> this options))
(defmethod setup-collision! ((this darkjak-ball))
(let ((s5-0 (new 'process 'collide-shape-moving this (collide-list-enum hit-by-player))))
(set! (-> s5-0 dynam) (copy *standard-dynamics* 'process))
(set! (-> s5-0 reaction) darkjak-ball-slide-reaction)
(set! (-> s5-0 no-reaction)
(the-as (function collide-shape-moving collide-query vector vector object) nothing)
(set! (-> s5-0 penetrate-using) (penetrate dark-smack))
(let ((s4-0 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-group s5-0 (the-as uint 2) 0)))
(set! (-> s5-0 total-prims) (the-as uint 3))
(set! (-> s4-0 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec projectile))
(set! (-> s4-0 prim-core collide-with)
(collide-spec backgnd bot crate civilian enemy obstacle vehicle-sphere hit-by-others-list pusher shield)
(set! (-> s4-0 prim-core action) (collide-action solid))
(set-vector! (-> s4-0 local-sphere) 0.0 0.0 0.0 8192.0)
(set! (-> s5-0 root-prim) s4-0)
(let ((v1-13 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s5-0 (the-as uint 0))))
(set! (-> v1-13 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec projectile))
(set! (-> v1-13 prim-core collide-with)
(collide-spec backgnd bot crate civilian enemy obstacle vehicle-sphere hit-by-others-list pusher shield)
(set! (-> v1-13 prim-core action) (collide-action solid))
(set-vector! (-> v1-13 local-sphere) 0.0 0.0 0.0 819.2)
(let ((v1-15 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s5-0 (the-as uint 0))))
(set! (-> v1-15 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec projectile))
(set! (-> v1-15 prim-core collide-with)
(collide-spec bot crate civilian enemy obstacle vehicle-sphere hit-by-others-list pusher shield)
(set-vector! (-> v1-15 local-sphere) 0.0 0.0 0.0 8192.0)
(set! (-> s5-0 nav-radius) (* 0.75 (-> s5-0 root-prim local-sphere w)))
(let ((v1-18 (-> s5-0 root-prim)))
(set! (-> s5-0 backup-collide-as) (-> v1-18 prim-core collide-as))
(set! (-> s5-0 backup-collide-with) (-> v1-18 prim-core collide-with))
(set! (-> s5-0 max-iteration-count) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> s5-0 event-self) 'touched)
(set! (-> this root) s5-0)
(set! (-> this root pat-ignore-mask)
(new 'static 'pat-surface :noentity #x1 :nojak #x1 :probe #x1 :noproj #x1 :noendlessfall #x1 :board #x1)
(defun darkjak-ball-move ((arg0 darkjak-ball))
(projectile-move-fill-line-sphere arg0)
(sound-play "hadouken-loop" :id (-> arg0 fire-sound) :position (-> arg0 root trans))
(seek! (-> arg0 root transv y) 0.0 (* 81920.0 (seconds-per-frame)))
(seek! (-> arg0 root root-prim local-sphere w) 24576.0 (* 24576.0 (seconds-per-frame)))
(let ((v1-16 (-> (the-as collide-shape-prim-group (-> arg0 root root-prim)) child 0))
(a0-10 (-> (the-as collide-shape-prim-group (-> arg0 root root-prim)) child 1))
(set! (-> v1-16 local-sphere w) (* 0.1 (-> arg0 root root-prim local-sphere w)))
(set! (-> a0-10 local-sphere w) (-> arg0 root root-prim local-sphere w))
(let ((s5-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'collide-query))
(v1-20 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(f30-0 (* 0.5 (-> arg0 root root-prim local-sphere w)))
(set! (-> v1-20 quad) (-> arg0 root trans quad))
(vector+float*! (-> s5-0 start-pos) v1-20 *up-vector* 0.0)
(set! (-> s5-0 move-dist quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(set! (-> s5-0 move-dist y) (- f30-0))
(let ((v1-22 s5-0))
(set! (-> v1-22 radius) f30-0)
(set! (-> v1-22 collide-with) (collide-spec backgnd))
(set! (-> v1-22 ignore-process0) #f)
(set! (-> v1-22 ignore-process1) #f)
(set! (-> v1-22 ignore-pat)
(new 'static 'pat-surface :noentity #x1 :nojak #x1 :probe #x1 :noendlessfall #x1 :board #x1)
(set! (-> v1-22 action-mask) (collide-action solid))
(when (!= (fill-and-probe-using-line-sphere *collide-cache* s5-0) -100000000.0)
(set! (-> arg0 last-ground-height) (-> s5-0 best-other-tri intersect y))
(let ((f0-18 (- (+ (-> s5-0 best-other-tri intersect y) f30-0) (-> arg0 root trans y))))
(if (< 0.0 f0-18)
(seek! (-> arg0 root trans y) (+ (-> s5-0 best-other-tri intersect y) f30-0) (* 40960.0 (seconds-per-frame)))
(if (and (< (fabs (- (-> arg0 root trans y) (-> arg0 fire-point y))) 6144.0)
(< 16384.0 (vector-length (-> arg0 root transv)))
(set! (-> arg0 impact?) #f)
(if (-> arg0 impact?)
(go (method-of-object arg0 impact))
(sound-play "djak-bolt-throw" :id (-> arg0 sound-id) :position (-> arg0 root trans))
;; WARN: Return type mismatch smush-control vs none.
(defmethod projectile-method-26 ((this darkjak-ball))
(sound-play "djak-strike-hit")
((logtest? (-> *part-group-id-table* 76 flags) (sp-group-flag sp13))
(set! (-> *launch-matrix* trans quad) (-> this root trans quad))
(part-tracker-spawn part-tracker-subsampler :to this :group (-> *part-group-id-table* 76))
(set! (-> *launch-matrix* trans quad) (-> this root trans quad))
(part-tracker-spawn part-tracker :to this :group (-> *part-group-id-table* 76))
(activate! *camera-smush-control* 819.2 15 75 1.0 0.9 (-> *display* camera-clock))
(defstate impact (darkjak-ball)
:virtual #t
:enter (behavior ()
(sound-stop (-> self fire-sound))
(dotimes (gp-0 (-> self bolts length))
(lightning-bolt-method-13 (-> self bolts gp-0) 2)
(when (nonzero? (-> self ball1))
(kill-particles (-> self ball1))
(set! (-> self ball1) (the-as sparticle-launch-control 0))
(when (nonzero? (-> self part))
(kill-particles (-> self part))
(set! (-> self part) (the-as sparticle-launch-control 0))
(let ((t9-5 (-> (find-parent-state) enter)))
(if t9-5
:trans (behavior ()
(dotimes (gp-0 (-> self bolts length))
(lightning-bolt-method-11 (-> self bolts gp-0))
(lightning-bolt-method-12 (-> self bolts gp-0))
:code (behavior ()
(set-time! (-> self state-time))
(while (and (not (time-elapsed? (-> self state-time) (seconds 10))) (-> self child))
(go-virtual die)
(if (or (zero? *darkjak-ball-lightning*) (!= loading-level global))
(set! *darkjak-ball-lightning* (new 'loading-level 'lightning-appearance))
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* base-alpha) 1.0)
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* tex-id) (the-as uint #x403f00))
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* blend-mode) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* alpha-1-curve) *curve-linear-down*)
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* alpha-1-mode) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* alpha-1-repeat-dist) 262144.0)
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* alpha-2-curve) #f)
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* alpha-2-mode) (the-as uint 3))
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* alpha-2-repeat-dist) 4096.0)
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* width-curve) *curve-linear-down*)
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* width-mode) (the-as uint 3))
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* width-repeat-dist) 4096.0)
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* uv-repeat-dist) 28672.0)
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* regenerate-time-start) (seconds 0.017))
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* regenerate-time-end) (seconds 0.05))
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* width-range-start) 12288.0)
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* width-range-end) 12288.0)
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* fade-time) (seconds 0.3))
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* uv-shift?) #t)
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* uv-shift-speed) (seconds -0.5))
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* use-sprite-bucket?) #t)
(set! (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning* use-accurate-interp?) #t)
(defpartgroup group-darkjak-hadouken
:id 172
:flags (sp0 sp4)
:bounds (static-bspherem 0 0 0 20)
:parts ((sp-item 624 :flags (sp7) :period (seconds 20) :length (seconds 4))
(sp-item 625 :flags (sp7) :period (seconds 20) :length (seconds 4))
(sp-item 626 :flags (sp7) :period (seconds 20) :length (seconds 4))
(sp-item 627 :flags (sp3 sp7))
(defpartgroup group-darkjak-hadouken-trail
:id 173
:flags (sp0 sp4)
:bounds (static-bspherem 0 0 0 20)
:parts ((sp-item 628 :flags (sp7)))
(defpart 628
:init-specs ((:texture (redpuff level-default-sprite))
(:num 1.0)
(:x (meters -1) (meters 2))
(:scale-x (meters 1) (meters 1))
(:scale-y :copy scale-x)
(:r 0.0 64.0)
(:g 0.0 64.0)
(:b 255.0)
(:a 32.0 32.0)
(:vel-x (meters -0.0016666667) 2.0 (meters 0.0033333334))
(:scalevel-y (meters -0.001) (meters -0.006666667))
(:timer (seconds 4))
(:flags (sp-cpuinfo-flag-0 sp-cpuinfo-flag-3))
(:rotate-y (degrees 0))
(defmethod init-proj-settings! ((this darkjak-ball))
(cpad-set-buzz! (-> *cpad-list* cpads 0) 1 204 (seconds 0.1))
(set! (-> this attack-mode) 'dark-smack)
(set! (-> this max-speed) 163840.0)
(set! (-> this move) darkjak-ball-move)
(set! (-> this timeout) (seconds 4))
(set! (-> this sound-id) (new-sound-id))
(set! (-> this explode-sound) (the-as uint (new-sound-id)))
(set! (-> this damage) 8.0)
(set! (-> this vehicle-damage-factor) 2.0)
(set! (-> this vehicle-impulse-factor) 3.0)
(logior! (-> this options) (projectile-options po13))
(set! (-> this part) (create-launch-control (-> *part-group-id-table* 172) this))
(set! (-> this ball1) (create-launch-control (-> *part-group-id-table* 172) this))
(set! (-> this trail) (create-launch-control (-> *part-group-id-table* 173) this))
(set! (-> this impact?) #f)
(set! (-> this max-hits) 1000)
(set! (-> this fire-point quad) (-> this root trans quad))
(set! (-> this bolts) (new 'process 'boxed-array lightning-bolt 3))
(dotimes (s5-0 (-> this bolts length))
(set! (-> this bolts s5-0) (new 'process 'lightning-bolt))
(init! (-> this bolts s5-0) 2 16 *darkjak-ball-lightning*)
(set! (-> this fire-sound) (new-sound-id))
(let ((a0-13 (-> this root transv)))
(set! (-> a0-13 quad) (-> this root transv quad))
(set! (-> a0-13 y) 0.0)
(vector-normalize! a0-13 1.0)
(vector-float*! (-> this root transv) (-> this root transv) 245760.0)
(define *darkjak-ball-lightning-colors* (new 'static 'boxed-array :type rgba
(new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :g #x20 :b #x80 :a #x80)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #x20 :g #x20 :b #xff :a #x80)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :g #xff :b #xff :a #x80)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch symbol vs none.
(defmethod setup-bolts! ((this darkjak-ball) (arg0 vector) (arg1 vector))
(dotimes (s3-0 (-> this bolts length))
(let ((s2-0 (-> this bolts s3-0)))
(set! (-> s2-0 base-color) (-> *darkjak-ball-lightning-colors* s3-0))
(set! (-> s2-0 inner-point-travel-time) (seconds 0.085))
(set! (-> s2-0 snap-inner-points?) #t)
(set! (-> s2-0 fractal-reduction) 0.7)
(set! (-> s2-0 generate-mode) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> s2-0 appearance) *darkjak-ball-lightning*)
(set! (-> s2-0 num-active-spans) 2)
(set! (-> s2-0 spans data 0 random-offset-size-start) 2048.0)
(set! (-> s2-0 spans data 1 random-offset-size-start) 2048.0)
(set! (-> s2-0 spans-internal data 0 num-inner-points) 14)
(set! (-> s2-0 spans data 0 inner-random-offset-size) 8192.0)
(set! (-> s2-0 spans data 1 inner-random-offset-size) 8192.0)
(if arg0
(set! (-> s2-0 span-pts-start data 0 quad) (-> arg0 quad))
(if arg1
(set! (-> s2-0 span-pts-start data 1 quad) (-> arg1 quad))
(set! (-> s2-0 spans-internal data 1 num-inner-points) 0)
(lightning-bolt-method-11 s2-0)
(lightning-bolt-method-12 s2-0)
(defun sparticle-track-hadouken ((arg0 object) (arg1 sparticle-cpuinfo) (arg2 vector))
(let ((a3-0 (the-as darkjak-ball (-> arg1 key proc)))
(v1-1 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
;; og:preserve-this
(vector-copy! v1-1 (-> a3-0 ball-pos (-> arg1 user-int32)))
;; (set! (-> v1-1 quad)
;; (-> (the-as (pointer uint128) (+ (+ (* (-> arg1 user-float) 16) 556) (the-as int a3-0))))
;; )
(set! (-> arg2 x) (-> v1-1 x))
(set! (-> arg2 y) (-> v1-1 y))
(set! (-> arg2 z) (-> v1-1 z))
(defpart 624
:init-specs ((:texture (colorflash level-default-sprite))
(:num 2.0)
(:scale-x (meters 1) (meters 0.5))
(:rot-z (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(:scale-y :copy scale-x)
(:r 128.0)
(:g 128.0)
(:b 128.0)
(:a 64.0 64.0)
(:timer (seconds 0.035))
(:flags (sp-cpuinfo-flag-3))
(:userdata 0.0)
(:func 'sparticle-track-hadouken)
(:rotate-y (degrees 0))
(defpart 625
:init-specs ((:texture (splash-foam level-default-sprite))
(:num 1.0)
(:scale-x (meters 1) (meters 0.5))
(:rot-z (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(:scale-y :copy scale-x)
(:r 255.0)
(:g 255.0)
(:b 255.0)
(:a 64.0 64.0)
(:scalevel-x (meters 0.1) (meters 0.033333335))
(:scalevel-y :copy scalevel-x)
(:fade-r -5.12)
(:fade-g -10.2)
(:fade-a -2.56)
(:timer (seconds 0.167))
(:flags (sp-cpuinfo-flag-3))
(:userdata 0.0)
(:func 'sparticle-track-hadouken)
(:rotate-y (degrees 0))
(defpart 626
:init-specs ((:texture (water-radiate level-default-sprite))
(:num 4.0)
(:scale-x (meters 4))
(:rot-x 4)
(:rot-z (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(:scale-y (meters 2) (meters 2))
(:r 0.0 16.0)
(:g 0.0)
(:b 255.0)
(:a 0.0)
(:vel-y (meters -0.016666668))
(:scalevel-x (meters -0.033333335) (meters 0.06666667))
(:rotvel-z (degrees -0.2) (degrees 0.4))
(:scalevel-y (meters -0.0033333334))
(:timer (seconds 0.167) (seconds 0.165))
(:flags (sp-cpuinfo-flag-2 sp-cpuinfo-flag-3 left-multiply-quat))
(:userdata 0.0)
(:func 'sparticle-track-hadouken)
(:next-time (seconds 0.017))
(:next-launcher 629)
(:conerot-x (degrees -180) (degrees 360))
(:rotate-y (degrees 0) (degrees 3600))
(defpart 629
:init-specs ((:a 255.0) (:fade-a -5.12))
(defpart 627
:init-specs ((:num 1.0)
(:rot-x 8)
(:r 32768.0)
(:g 2048.0)
(:b 8192.0)
(:timer (seconds 4))
(:flags (distort))
(:userdata 0.0)
(:func 'sparticle-track-hadouken)
(:rotate-y (degrees 0))
(defmethod projectile-method-25 ((this darkjak-ball))
(let* ((f0-0 0.75)
(f1-0 65536.0)
(f2-1 (* 0.0033333334 (the float (current-time))))
(f0-2 (* f1-0 (/ (- f2-1 (* (the float (the int (/ f2-1 f0-0))) f0-0)) f0-0)))
(s3-0 (vector-rotate-around-y! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) *x-vector* f0-2))
(s5-0 (-> this ball-pos))
(s4-0 (-> this ball-pos 1))
(vector-float*! s3-0 s3-0 (* 0.75 (-> this root root-prim local-sphere w)))
(vector+! (the-as vector s5-0) (-> this root trans) s3-0)
(set! (-> *part-id-table* 625 init-specs 16 initial-valuef) 0.0)
(set! (-> *part-id-table* 626 init-specs 16 initial-valuef) 0.0)
(set! (-> *part-id-table* 627 init-specs 7 initial-valuef) 0.0)
(set! (-> *part-id-table* 624 init-specs 11 initial-valuef) 0.0)
(spawn (-> this part) (the-as vector s5-0))
(vector+float*! s4-0 (-> this root trans) s3-0 -1.0)
(set! (-> *part-id-table* 625 init-specs 16 initial-valuef) (the-as float #x1))
(set! (-> *part-id-table* 626 init-specs 16 initial-valuef) (the-as float #x1))
(set! (-> *part-id-table* 627 init-specs 7 initial-valuef) (the-as float #x1))
(set! (-> *part-id-table* 624 init-specs 11 initial-valuef) (the-as float #x1))
(spawn (-> this ball1) s4-0)
(let ((s3-1 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)))
(set! (-> s3-1 quad) (-> this root trans quad))
(let ((s2-0 matrix-f-u-compose)
(s1-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'matrix))
(a0-21 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(set! (-> a0-21 quad) (-> this root transv quad))
(set! (-> a0-21 y) 0.0)
(let ((a1-10 (s2-0 s1-0 (vector-normalize! a0-21 1.0) *up-vector*)))
(set! (-> s3-1 y) (-> this last-ground-height))
(+! (-> s3-1 y) 1638.4)
(set! (-> a1-10 trans quad) (-> s3-1 quad))
(spawn-from-mat (-> this trail) a1-10)
(setup-bolts! this (the-as vector s5-0) s4-0)
(defbehavior target-darkjak-setup target ((arg0 symbol))
(when (zero? (-> self darkjak))
(set! (-> self darkjak) (new 'process 'darkjak-info))
(set! (-> self darkjak process) (process->ppointer self))
(let* ((v1-4 (-> self game))
(a0-5 (+ (-> v1-4 attack-id) 1))
(set! (-> v1-4 attack-id) a0-5)
(set! (-> self darkjak attack-id) a0-5)
(set! (-> self darkjak hud 0) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> self darkjak charge-effect) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> self darkjak tone) (new-sound-id))
(set! (-> self darkjak-giant-interp) 1.0)
(set! (-> self darkjak mode-sound-bank) #f)
(set! (-> self darkjak latch-out-time) 0)
(defbehavior want-to-darkjak? target ()
(and (not *pause-lock*)
(-> *setting-control* user-current darkjak)
(logtest? (the-as game-feature (logand (game-feature darkjak) (-> *setting-control* user-current features)))
(-> self game features)
(not (focus-test?
(not (and (logtest? (-> self water flags) (water-flag under-water))
(not (logtest? (-> self water flags) (water-flag swim-ground)))
(and (and (not (and (focus-test? self dark) (nonzero? (-> self darkjak))))
(and (time-elapsed? (-> self fact darkjak-start-time) (seconds 0.05)) (< 0.0 (-> self game eco-pill-dark)))
(zero? (-> self darkjak latch-out-time))
(let ((v1-56 (copy *walk-mods* 'global)))
(set! (-> v1-56 name) 'darkjak)
(set! (-> v1-56 flags) (surface-flag gun-off))
(set! *darkjak-trans-mods* v1-56)
(defbehavior target-darkjak-end-mode target ((arg0 symbol))
(when (and (focus-test? self dark) (nonzero? (-> self darkjak)))
(set! (-> self lightjak get-off-lock) #f)
(set! (-> self darkjak lightning-count) 0)
(logclear! (-> self focus-status) (focus-status dark))
(send-event self 'reset-collide)
(logclear! (-> self target-flags) (target-flags tf4))
(remove-setting! 'sound-flava)
(remove-setting! 'string-min-length)
(remove-setting! 'string-max-length)
(remove-setting! 'string-spline-max-move)
(remove-setting! 'string-spline-accel)
(remove-setting! 'string-spline-max-move-player)
(remove-setting! 'string-spline-accel-player)
(setting-control-method-14 *setting-control* (-> self darkjak mode-sound-bank))
(set! (-> self darkjak mode-sound-bank) #f)
(sound-stop (-> self darkjak tone))
(set! (-> self pending-ext-anim) (target-anim default))
(if (< (-> self game eco-pill-dark) 1.0)
(send-event self 'get-pickup (pickup-type eco-pill-dark) -1.0)
(let ((v1-45 (ja-group)))
(when (not (and (and v1-45
(or (= v1-45 jakb-darkjak-get-off-ja)
(= v1-45 jakb-darkjak-get-off-end-ja)
(= v1-45 jakb-darkjak-get-on-fast-ja)
(= v1-45 (-> self draw art-group data 461))
(= (-> self skel root-channel 0) (-> self skel channel))
(sound-play "djak-off")
(countdown (v1-57 (+ (-> self skel active-channels) (-> self skel float-channels)))
(let ((a0-36 (-> self skel channel v1-57)))
((= (-> a0-36 frame-group) (-> self draw art-group data 442))
(set! (-> a0-36 frame-group) (the-as art-joint-anim jakb-walk-ja))
((= (-> a0-36 frame-group) (-> self draw art-group data 443))
(set! (-> a0-36 frame-group) (the-as art-joint-anim jakb-run-ja))
(-> self skel)
(-> self ext-anim-control heap)
(the-as art-joint-anim jakb-stance-loop-ja)
(send-event (ppointer->process (-> self sidekick)) 'cleanup)
(set! (-> self darkjak latch-out-time) 0)
((zero? (-> self darkjak latch-out-time))
(if (!= (-> self darkjak-interp) 0.0)
(set-time! (-> self darkjak latch-out-time))
(defbehavior target-darkjak-process target ()
(local-vars (a3-3 vector))
((nonzero? (-> self darkjak latch-out-time))
(if (time-elapsed? (-> self darkjak latch-out-time) (seconds 0.4))
(target-darkjak-end-mode #t)
((and (focus-test? self dark) (nonzero? (-> self darkjak)))
(let ((a1-0 'eco-red))
(target-danger-set! (-> self control danger-mode) a1-0)
(update-transforms (-> self control))
(let ((a1-1 (new 'stack-no-clear 'overlaps-others-params)))
(set! (-> a1-1 options) (overlaps-others-options))
(set! (-> a1-1 collide-with-filter) (the-as collide-spec -1))
(set! (-> a1-1 tlist) *touching-list*)
(find-overlapping-shapes (-> self control) a1-1)
(target-danger-set! (-> self control danger-mode) #f)
(update-transforms (-> self control))
(if (and (or (< (-> self game eco-pill-dark) 1.0)
(or (not (logtest? (the-as game-feature (logand (game-feature darkjak) (-> *setting-control* user-current features)))
(-> self game features)
(not (-> *setting-control* user-current darkjak))
(not (focus-test? self dead dangerous hit grabbed))
(not (and (-> self next-state) (let ((v1-37 (-> self next-state name)))
(or (= v1-37 'target-darkjak-get-on) (= v1-37 'target-darkjak-get-off))
(or (not (logtest? (-> self darkjak stage) (darkjak-stage force-on endless-dark)))
(not (-> *setting-control* user-current darkjak))
(not (logtest? (the-as game-feature (logand (game-feature darkjak) (-> *setting-control* user-current features)))
(-> self game features)
(go target-darkjak-get-off)
(seek! (-> self darkjak-interp) 0.0 (* 2.0 (seconds-per-frame)))
(if (= (-> self darkjak-interp) 0.0)
(set! (-> self darkjak-giant-interp) 1.0)
(seekl! (-> self darkjak lightning-count) 0 1)
(let ((f30-0 (-> self darkjak-interp)))
(let ((f28-0 (lerp-scale 1.0 (* 1.05 (-> self darkjak-giant-interp)) f30-0 0.0 1.0))
(f26-0 (lerp-scale 1.0 (* 0.20000002 (+ 5.0 (-> self darkjak-giant-interp))) f30-0 0.0 1.0))
(set-vector! (-> self control scale) f28-0 f28-0 f28-0 1.0)
(let ((a3-2 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)))
(set! (-> a3-2 x) f26-0)
(set! (-> a3-2 y) 1.0)
(set! (-> a3-2 z) f26-0)
(set! (-> a3-2 w) 1.0)
(trs-set! (-> self upper-body) (the-as vector #f) (the-as quaternion #f) a3-2)
(let ((f0-15 (* 1.1 f26-0)))
((= (-> self ext-geo) (target-geo jakb))
(set! a3-3 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(set! (-> a3-3 x) (/ f28-0 (* f28-0 f0-15)))
(set! (-> a3-3 y) (/ f28-0 f28-0))
(set! (-> a3-3 z) (/ f28-0 (* f28-0 f0-15)))
(set! (-> a3-3 w) 1.0)
(set! a3-3 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(set! (-> a3-3 x) (* 0.95 (/ f28-0 (* f28-0 f0-15))))
(set! (-> a3-3 y) (* 0.92 (/ f28-0 f28-0)))
(set! (-> a3-3 z) (* 0.95 (/ f28-0 (* f28-0 f0-15))))
(set! (-> a3-3 w) 1.0)
((logtest? (game-secrets little-head) (-> self game secrets))
(dotimes (v1-73 3)
(set! (-> a3-3 data v1-73) (* 0.4 (-> a3-3 data v1-73)))
((logtest? (game-secrets big-head) (-> self game secrets))
(dotimes (v1-79 3)
(set! (-> a3-3 data v1-79) (* 2.0 (-> a3-3 data v1-79)))
(trs-set! (-> self neck) (the-as vector #f) (the-as quaternion #f) a3-3)
(let* ((a0-42 (-> self horns))
(t9-13 (method-of-object a0-42 trs-set!))
(a1-14 #f)
(a2-6 #f)
(a3-4 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(set! (-> a3-4 x) f30-0)
(set! (-> a3-4 y) f30-0)
(set! (-> a3-4 z) f30-0)
(set! (-> a3-4 w) 1.0)
(t9-13 a0-42 (the-as vector a1-14) (the-as quaternion a2-6) a3-4)
(when (and (>= f30-0 0.5) (and (not (focus-test? self in-head))
(not (logtest? (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw no-draw-temp)))
(not (movie?))
(if (= (-> self invisible-interp) 0.0)
(-> *part-id-table* 173)
(process-drawable-random-point! self (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
((!= (-> self invisible-interp) 0.0)
((rand-vu-percent? 0.25)
(when (>= (- (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter) (-> self shock-effect-time)) (seconds 0.02))
(set! (-> self shock-effect-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(-> *lightning-spec-id-table* 9)
(-> *part-id-table* 187)
((rand-vu-percent? 0.1)
(when (>= (- (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter) (-> self shock-effect-time)) (seconds 0.02))
(set! (-> self shock-effect-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(-> *lightning-spec-id-table* 7)
(-> *part-id-table* 187)
(set-darkjak-texture-morph! (if (logtest? (-> self target-effect) (target-effect te6))
(defstate target-darkjak-get-on (target)
:event (behavior ((proc process) (argc int) (message symbol) (block event-message-block))
(case message
(when (zero? (-> self darkjak want-stage))
(set! (-> self darkjak want-stage) (the-as darkjak-stage (-> block param 0)))
(if ((method-of-type touching-shapes-entry prims-touching?)
(the-as touching-shapes-entry (-> block param 0))
(-> self control)
(the-as uint 1920)
(-> self control danger-mode)
(the-as touching-shapes-entry (-> block param 0))
(the-as int (-> self control target-attack-id))
(the-as int (-> self control attack-count))
(-> self control penetrate-using)
(target-generic-event-handler proc argc message block)
(the-as attack-info (-> block param 1))
(the-as touching-shapes-entry (-> block param 0))
(target-generic-event-handler proc argc message block)
:exit (behavior ()
(logclear! (-> self target-flags) (target-flags lleg-still rleg-still))
(set! (-> self darkjak-interp) 1.0)
(remove-setting! 'bg-r)
(remove-setting! 'bg-g)
(remove-setting! 'bg-b)
(remove-setting! 'bg-a)
(persist-with-delay *setting-control* 'bg-a-speed (seconds 3) 'bg-a-speed 'abs 0.5 0)
(target-danger-set! 'harmless #f)
(remove-setting! 'gun)
(persist-with-delay *setting-control* 'gun (seconds 0.5) 'gun #f 0.0 0)
(apply-settings *setting-control*)
(target-gun-end-mode #t)
:code (behavior ((arg0 darkjak-stage))
(send-event (handle->process (-> self notify)) 'notify 'attack 19)
(set-setting! 'gun #f 0.0 0)
(apply-settings *setting-control*)
(target-lightjak-end-mode #t)
(set! (-> self darkjak latch-out-time) 0)
(set! (-> self lightjak get-off-lock) #f)
(set! (-> self darkjak stage) (logior arg0 (darkjak-stage active)))
(if (logtest? (game-feature darkjak-bomb0) (-> self game features))
(logior! (-> self darkjak stage) (darkjak-stage bomb0))
(if (logtest? (game-feature darkjak-bomb1) (-> self game features))
(logior! (-> self darkjak stage) (darkjak-stage bomb1))
(if (logtest? (game-feature darkjak-invinc) (-> self game features))
(logior! (-> self darkjak stage) (darkjak-stage invinc))
(if (logtest? (game-feature darkjak-tracking) (-> self game features))
(logior! (-> self darkjak stage) (darkjak-stage tracking))
(if (logtest? (game-feature darkjak-smack) (-> self game features))
(logior! (-> self darkjak stage) (darkjak-stage smack))
(set! (-> self darkjak want-stage) (-> self darkjak stage))
(set! (-> self neck flex-blend) 0.0)
(set! (-> self control mod-surface) *darkjak-trans-mods*)
(set-time! (-> self darkjak start-time))
(set! (-> self darkjak attack-count) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> self darkjak-giant-interp) 1.0)
(logior! (-> self focus-status) (focus-status dark))
(set! (-> self pending-ext-anim) (target-anim dark))
(set-time! (-> self fact darkjak-start-time))
(set! (-> self fact darkjak-effect-time) (seconds 20))
(set! (-> self darkjak mode-sound-bank) (add-setting! 'mode-sound-bank 'modedark 0.0 0))
(set! (-> self darkjak lightning-count) 0)
((logtest? (-> self darkjak stage) (darkjak-stage invis))
(logclear! (-> self target-flags) (target-flags tf4))
(logclear! (-> self darkjak stage) (darkjak-stage smack bomb0 bomb1 tracking invinc))
(target-invisible-start (-> *TARGET-bank* invisible-duration))
(set! (-> self fact darkjak-effect-time) (-> *TARGET-bank* invisible-duration))
((logtest? (-> self darkjak stage) (darkjak-stage invinc))
(logior! (-> self target-flags) (target-flags tf4))
(logclear! (-> self target-flags) (target-flags tf4))
(if (logtest? arg0 (darkjak-stage no-anim))
(go target-stance)
(target-danger-set! 'get-on #f)
(set-setting! 'bg-r 'abs 0.1 0)
(set-setting! 'bg-b 'abs 0.1 0)
(set-forward-vel 0.0)
(let ((gp-1 0))
(while (not (logtest? (-> self control status) (collide-status on-surface)))
(+! gp-1 (- (current-time) (-> self clock old-frame-counter)))
(if (>= gp-1 300)
(go target-falling #f)
(sound-play "djak-transform")
(ja-channel-push! 1 (seconds 0.1))
(ja-no-eval :group! jakb-darkjak-get-on-fast-ja :num! (seek!) :frame-num 0.0)
(until (ja-done? 0)
(set! (-> self darkjak-interp) (lerp-scale 0.0 1.0 (ja-aframe-num 0) 5.0 15.0))
(set-setting! 'bg-a 'abs (* 0.45 (-> self darkjak-interp)) 0)
(ja :num! (seek!))
(while (!= (-> self ext-anim) (target-anim dark))
(let ((v1-135 (ja-group)))
(when (not (and v1-135 (= v1-135 jakb-darkjak-get-on-fast-loop-ja)))
(ja-channel-push! 1 (seconds 0.05))
(ja :group! jakb-darkjak-get-on-fast-loop-ja :num! min)
(ja :num! (loop!))
(go target-stance)
:post (-> target-grab post)
(defstate target-darkjak-get-off (target)
:event (behavior ((proc process) (argc int) (message symbol) (block event-message-block))
(case message
(('pole-grab 'darkjak 'lightjak 'slide 'wade 'launch 'edge-grab)
(case (-> block param 0)
(when (not (focus-test? self dead))
(if (not (-> block param 1))
(go target-grab 'stance)
(the-as attack-info (-> block param 1))
(the-as touching-shapes-entry (-> block param 0))
(target-generic-event-handler proc argc message block)
:enter (behavior ()
(logior! (-> self target-flags) (target-flags lleg-still rleg-still))
(set! (-> self neck flex-blend) 0.0)
(set! (-> self control mod-surface) *darkjak-trans-mods*)
(kill-persister *setting-control* (the-as engine-pers 'bg-a-speed) 'bg-a-speed)
:exit (behavior ()
(logclear! (-> self target-flags) (target-flags lleg-still rleg-still))
(target-darkjak-end-mode #t)
:trans (-> target-darkjak-get-on trans)
:code (behavior ()
(let ((v1-1 (-> self water flags)))
((and (logtest? (water-flag touch-water) v1-1)
(logtest? (water-flag under-water swimming) v1-1)
(not (logtest? (focus-status mech) (-> self focus-status)))
(go target-swim-stance)
((let ((v1-10 (ja-group)))
(not (and v1-10 (= v1-10 jakb-darkjak-get-on-fast-ja)))
(let ((gp-0 0))
(while (not (logtest? (-> self control status) (collide-status on-surface)))
(+! gp-0 (- (current-time) (-> self clock old-frame-counter)))
(if (>= gp-0 300)
(go target-falling #f)
((logtest? (-> self control status) (collide-status on-water))
(let ((v1-30 (ja-group)))
((and v1-30 (= v1-30 jakb-darkjak-get-on-fast-ja))
(ja-no-eval :num! (seek! 0.0))
(while (not (ja-done? 0))
(seek! (-> self darkjak-interp) 0.0 (* 2.0 (seconds-per-frame)))
(ja-channel-push! 1 (seconds 0.1))
((let ((v1-43 (ja-group)))
(and v1-43 (or (= v1-43 (-> self draw art-group data 451))
(= v1-43 (-> self draw art-group data 466))
(= v1-43 (-> self draw art-group data 467))
(= v1-43 (-> self draw art-group data 468))
(sound-play "djak-off")
(ja-no-eval :group! (-> self draw art-group data 461) :num! (seek!) :frame-num 0.0)
(until (ja-done? 0)
(set! (-> self darkjak-interp) (lerp-scale 1.0 0.0 (ja-aframe-num 0) 90.0 115.0))
(ja :num! (seek!))
((let ((v1-74 (ja-group)))
(and v1-74 (= v1-74 (-> self draw art-group data 461)))
(sound-play "djak-off")
(ja-no-eval :num! (seek!))
(while (not (ja-done? 0))
(set! (-> self darkjak-interp) (lerp-scale 1.0 0.0 (ja-aframe-num 0) 90.0 115.0))
(sound-play "djak-off")
(ja-channel-push! 1 (seconds 0.05))
(ja-no-eval :group! jakb-darkjak-get-off-ja :num! (seek!) :frame-num 0.0)
(until (ja-done? 0)
(set! (-> self darkjak-interp) (lerp-scale 1.0 0.0 (ja-aframe-num 0) 10.0 60.0))
(if (and (>= (ja-aframe-num 0) 24.0) (!= (-> *cpad-list* cpads (-> self control cpad number) stick0-speed) 0.0))
(goto cfg-79)
(ja :num! (seek!))
(ja-no-eval :group! jakb-darkjak-get-off-end-ja :num! (seek!) :frame-num 0.0)
(until (ja-done? 0)
(set! (-> self darkjak-interp) (lerp-scale 1.0 0.0 (ja-aframe-num 0) 10.0 60.0))
(if (and (>= (ja-aframe-num 0) 24.0) (!= (-> *cpad-list* cpads (-> self control cpad number) stick0-speed) 0.0))
(goto cfg-79)
(ja :num! (seek!))
(label cfg-79)
(vector-reset! (-> self control transv))
((-> target-darkjak-get-off exit))
(go target-stance)
:post (-> target-grab post)
(defstate target-darkjak-running-attack (target)
:event (-> target-running-attack event)
:enter (-> target-running-attack enter)
:exit (behavior ()
(remove-setting! 'rapid-tracking)
((-> target-running-attack exit))
:trans (-> target-running-attack trans)
:code (behavior ()
(sv-16 float)
(sv-20 float)
(sv-24 int)
(sv-32 int)
(sv-40 int)
(sv-48 float)
(sv-56 handle)
(sv-64 int)
(set-setting! 'rapid-tracking #f 0.0 0)
((lambda :behavior target
(set! (-> self control bend-target) (* 0.5 (-> self control bend-target)))
(if (logtest? (water-flag touch-water) (-> self water flags))
(sound-play "swim-stroke")
(set! (-> self control dynam gravity-max) 368640.0)
(set! (-> self control dynam gravity-length) 368640.0)
(let ((gp-1 (cond
((zero? (-> self control unknown-word000))
(set! (-> self control unknown-word000) 1)
(-> self draw art-group data 452)
(set! (-> self control unknown-word000) 0)
(-> self draw art-group data 459)
(ja-channel-push! 1 (seconds 0.02))
(ja-no-eval :group! gp-1 :num! (seek!))
(target-danger-set! 'punch #f)
(if (not (logtest? (-> self darkjak stage) (darkjak-stage force-on endless-dark)))
(send-event self 'get-pickup (pickup-type eco-pill-dark) (- (-> *FACT-bank* darkjak-punch-inc)))
(let ((a0-11 (-> self control impact-ctrl))
(t9-7 (method-of-type impact-control initialize))
(a1-5 self)
(v1-44 (ja-group))
(if (and v1-44 (= v1-44 (-> self draw art-group data 452)))
(-> self control root-prim prim-core collide-with)
(set! sv-16 (the-as float 0.0))
(set! sv-20 (the-as float 1.0))
(set! sv-24 0)
(set! sv-32 0)
(set! sv-40 0)
(set! sv-48 (the-as float 1.0))
(set! sv-56 (the-as handle #f))
(set! sv-64 0)
(until (ja-done? 0)
(if (and (cpad-pressed? (-> self control cpad number) square)
(not (logtest? (-> self target-flags) (target-flags prevent-jump prevent-attack)))
(not (logtest? (-> self control current-surface flags) (surface-flag no-attack)))
(and (focus-test? self dark)
(nonzero? (-> self darkjak))
(logtest? (-> self darkjak stage) (darkjak-stage active))
(< sv-32 2)
(set! sv-40 (the-as int (current-time)))
(when (time-elapsed? (the-as time-frame sv-40) (seconds 0.5))
(set! sv-40 0)
(if (and (nonzero? sv-40)
(< (- (the float (+ (-> (ja-group) frames num-frames) -1)) (/ 2.0 (-> (ja-group) artist-step)))
(ja-frame-num 0)
((lambda :behavior target
((arg0 (pointer float)) (arg1 (pointer int64)) (arg2 (pointer int64)))
(let ((s3-0 (if (and (focus-test? self dark)
(nonzero? (-> self darkjak))
(logtest? (-> self darkjak stage) (darkjak-stage tracking))
(-> self control unknown-combo-tracker00)
(-> self control send-attack-dest)
(-> self control trans)
(-> self control c-R-w fvec)
(when #t
(+! (-> arg1 0) 1)
(if s3-0
(-> self control unknown-combo-tracker00)
(-> self control trans)
(get-trans s3-0 3)
(target-danger-set! 'punch #f)
(if (not (logtest? (-> self darkjak stage) (darkjak-stage force-on endless-dark)))
(send-event self 'get-pickup (pickup-type eco-pill-dark) (- (-> *FACT-bank* darkjak-punch-inc)))
(let ((v1-34 (ja-group)))
((and v1-34 (or (= v1-34 (-> self draw art-group data 452)) (= v1-34 (-> self draw art-group data 459))))
(ja-channel-push! 1 (seconds 0.1))
(ja-no-eval :group! (-> self draw art-group data 454) :num! (seek!))
(ja-channel-push! 1 (seconds 0.1))
(ja-no-eval :group! (-> self draw art-group data 463) :num! (seek!))
(initialize (-> self control impact-ctrl) self 28 3276.8 (-> self control root-prim prim-core collide-with))
(set! (-> arg0 0) (fmax 0.0 (-> arg0 0)))
(set! (-> arg2 0) 0)
(& sv-16)
(the-as (pointer int64) (& sv-32))
(the-as (pointer int64) (& sv-40))
(compute-alignment! (-> self align))
(when (not (ja-min? 0))
((and (>= (ja-frame-num 0) 20.0)
(and (and (not (logtest? (-> self control status) (collide-status on-surface)))
(time-elapsed? (-> self control last-time-on-surface) (-> *TARGET-bank* ground-timeout))
(>= 0.0 (vector-dot (-> self control dynam gravity-normal) (-> self control transv)))
(>= (target-height-above-ground) (-> *TARGET-bank* fall-height))
(time-elapsed? (-> self control sliding-start-time) (seconds 0.04))
(go target-falling #f)
((and (nonzero? sv-32)
(>= sv-16 -40960.0)
(let ((v1-83 (ja-group)))
(not (and (and v1-83 (= v1-83 jakb-darkjak-attack-combo3-ja)) (>= (ja-aframe-num 0) 77.0)))
(send-event (handle->process (-> self control unknown-combo-tracker00 target)) 'combo)
(let* ((s5-0 (handle->process (-> self control unknown-combo-tracker00 target)))
(gp-0 (if (type? s5-0 process-focusable)
(let ((s5-1 (get-trans (the-as process-focusable gp-0) 3)))
(when (and (< 2048.0 (vector-vector-distance (-> self control trans) s5-1))
(or (and (= gp-0 (handle->process sv-56)) (not (time-elapsed? (the-as time-frame sv-64) (seconds 0.1))))
(time-elapsed? (the-as time-frame sv-64) (seconds 1))
(-> self control dir-targ)
(vector-! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) s5-1 (-> self control trans))
(vector-y-quaternion! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> self control quat))
(let ((v1-124
(-> self control unknown-combo-tracker00)
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(-> self control trans)
(* 0.009107469 (the float (- (current-time) (-> self control unknown-combo-tracker00 move-start-time))))
(set! sv-16 (fmin 163840.0 (sqrtf (+ (* (-> v1-124 x) (-> v1-124 x)) (* (-> v1-124 z) (-> v1-124 z))))))
(set-forward-vel sv-16)
(when (!= gp-0 (handle->process sv-56))
(set! sv-56 (process->handle gp-0))
(set! sv-64 (the-as int (current-time)))
((< sv-16 0.0)
(set! sv-16 (seek sv-16 -0.04096 (* 491520.0 (seconds-per-frame))))
(set-forward-vel sv-16)
((and (nonzero? (-> self control unknown-time-frame18))
(time-elapsed? (-> self control unknown-time-frame18) (seconds 0.04))
(set-forward-vel 0.0)
((and (not (cpad-hold? (-> self control cpad number) square))
(zero? sv-32)
(time-elapsed? (-> self control unknown-combo-tracker00 move-start-time) (seconds 0.2))
(if (= (-> self control ground-pat material) (pat-material ice))
(set-forward-vel (fmax 32768.0 (* 0.8 (-> self control ctrl-xz-vel))))
(set-forward-vel (* 0.8 (-> self control ctrl-xz-vel)))
((ja-done? 0)
(set-forward-vel sv-16)
(set! sv-16
(* (target-align-vel-z-adjust (-> self align delta trans z)) (-> self clock frames-per-second) sv-20)
(set-forward-vel sv-16)
(let ((gp-1 (new-stack-vector0)))
(vector-matrix*! gp-1 (-> self control transv) (-> self control w-R-c))
(set! (-> gp-1 y) 0.0)
(vector-matrix*! (-> self control align-xz-vel) gp-1 (-> self control c-R-w))
(when (!= (the-as float (-> self control unknown-word04)) 0.0)
(activate! *camera-smush-control* 819.2 15 75 1.0 0.9 (-> *display* camera-clock))
(set! sv-16 (the-as float (-> self control unknown-word04)))
(set! (-> self control unknown-word04) (the-as uint 0.0))
(when (and (>= sv-16 0.0)
(let ((gp-2 (ja-group))
(f30-2 (ja-aframe-num 0))
(if (or (and (= gp-2 (-> self draw art-group data 452))
(>= f30-2 11.0)
(>= (the float (+ (-> (the-as art-joint-anim (-> self draw art-group data 452)) frames num-frames) -1))
(ja-frame-num 0)
(and (= gp-2 (-> self draw art-group data 459))
(>= f30-2 11.0)
(>= (the float (+ (-> (the-as art-joint-anim (-> self draw art-group data 459)) frames num-frames) -1))
(ja-frame-num 0)
(and (= gp-2 (-> self draw art-group data 454))
(>= f30-2 49.0)
(>= (the float (+ (-> (the-as art-joint-anim (-> self draw art-group data 454)) frames num-frames) -1))
(ja-frame-num 0)
(and (= gp-2 jakb-darkjak-attack-combo3-ja)
(or (and (>= f30-2 62.0) (>= 77.0 f30-2))
(and (>= f30-2 82.0)
(>= (the float (+ (-> (the-as art-joint-anim jakb-darkjak-attack-combo3-ja) frames num-frames) -1))
(ja-frame-num 0)
(and (= gp-2 (-> self draw art-group data 463))
(>= f30-2 62.0)
(>= (the float (+ (-> (the-as art-joint-anim (-> self draw art-group data 463)) frames num-frames) -1))
(ja-frame-num 0)
(let ((gp-3 (new 'stack-no-clear 'collide-query)))
(when (and (>= (impact-control-method-11
(-> self control impact-ctrl)
(the-as process #f)
(new 'static 'pat-surface :noentity #x1 :nojak #x1 :probe #x1 :noendlessfall #x1 :board #x1)
(>= 0.0 (vector-dot (-> gp-3 best-other-tri normal) (-> self control impact-ctrl dir)))
(when (= (-> gp-3 best-other-tri pat mode) (pat-mode wall))
((logtest? (-> *part-group-id-table* 12 flags) (sp-group-flag sp13))
(set! (-> *launch-matrix* trans quad) (-> gp-3 best-other-tri intersect quad))
(part-tracker-spawn part-tracker-subsampler :to self :group (-> *part-group-id-table* 12))
(set! (-> *launch-matrix* trans quad) (-> gp-3 best-other-tri intersect quad))
(part-tracker-spawn part-tracker :to self :group (-> *part-group-id-table* 12))
(let ((name (static-sound-name "djak-punch-hit")))
(-> self skel effect)
(the-as symbol "punch")
(-> self control impact-ctrl joint)
(the-as basic #f)
(the-as sound-name name)
(activate! *camera-smush-control* 819.2 15 75 1.0 0.9 (-> *display* camera-clock))
(set! sv-16 (the-as float -61440.0))
(let ((gp-6 (ja-group))
(f0-59 (ja-aframe-num 0))
(if (and (= gp-6 jakb-darkjak-attack-combo3-ja)
(>= f0-59 80.0)
(>= (the float (+ (-> (the-as art-joint-anim jakb-darkjak-attack-combo3-ja) frames num-frames) -1))
(ja-frame-num 0)
(align! (-> self align) (align-opts adjust-y-vel) 1.0 1.6 1.0)
(ja :num! (seek! max (* (-> self control current-surface align-speed) sv-48)))
(if (time-elapsed? (-> self state-time) (seconds 0.1))
(set! (-> *run-attack-mods* turnvv) 0.0)
(if (< 2 sv-24)
(set! sv-20 (* sv-20 (fmin 1.0 (-> self control zx-vel-frac))))
(set! sv-24 (+ sv-24 1))
(if (and (not (logtest? (-> self control status) (collide-status on-surface)))
(time-elapsed? (-> self control last-time-on-surface) (-> *TARGET-bank* ground-timeout))
(>= 0.0 (vector-dot (-> self control dynam gravity-normal) (-> self control transv)))
(>= (target-height-above-ground) (-> *TARGET-bank* fall-height))
(go target-falling #f)
(go target-stance)
:post target-post
(defstate target-darkjak-smack-charge (target)
:event target-standard-event-handler
:enter (-> (the-as (state target) target-duck-stance) enter)
:exit (behavior ()
(remove-setting! 'bg-r)
(remove-setting! 'bg-g)
(remove-setting! 'bg-b)
(remove-setting! 'bg-a)
(update-rates! (-> *display* entity-clock) 1.0)
(persist-with-delay *setting-control* 'bg-a-speed (seconds 3) 'bg-a-speed 'abs 0.5 0)
(let ((gp-0 (handle->process (-> self darkjak charge-effect))))
(when gp-0
(let ((v1-18 (the-as sound-rpc-set-param (get-sound-buffer-entry))))
(set! (-> v1-18 command) (sound-command set-param))
(set! (-> v1-18 id) (-> self control unknown-sound-id00))
(set! (-> v1-18 params volume) -4)
(set! (-> v1-18 auto-time) 120)
(set! (-> v1-18 auto-from) 2)
(set! (-> v1-18 params mask) (the-as uint 17))
(-> v1-18 id)
(deactivate gp-0)
((-> target-duck-stance exit))
:trans (behavior ()
((-> self state-hook))
(if (and (not (cpad-hold? (-> self control cpad number) r1))
(and (focus-test? self dark) (nonzero? (-> self darkjak)))
(= (-> self ext-anim) (target-anim dark))
(zero? (-> self darkjak latch-out-time))
(logtest? (the-as game-feature (logand (game-feature darkjak-smack) (-> *setting-control* user-current features)))
(-> self game features)
(can-hands? #t)
(go target-darkjak-smack)
(if (or (or (not (cpad-hold? (-> self control cpad number) r1))
(logtest? (-> self target-flags) (target-flags prevent-attack prevent-duck))
(!= (-> self ext-anim) 2)
(go target-stance)
(if (want-to-powerjak?)
(go target-powerjak-get-on)
(fall-test target-falling (-> *TARGET-bank* fall-height))
:code (behavior ()
(let ((v1-2 (ja-group)))
((and (and v1-2 (= v1-2 (-> self draw art-group data 478)))
(= (-> self skel root-channel 0) (-> self skel channel))
((and (and (focus-test? self dark) (nonzero? (-> self darkjak))) (= (-> self ext-anim) (target-anim dark)))
(ja-channel-push! 1 (seconds 0.2))
(go target-stance)
(until #f
(set-setting! 'bg-r 'abs 0.1 0)
(set-setting! 'bg-b 'abs 0.1 0)
(set-setting! 'bg-a 'abs 0.45 0)
(update-rates! (-> *display* entity-clock) 0.4)
(ja-no-eval :group! (-> self draw art-group data 478) :num! (seek!) :frame-num 0.0)
(until (ja-done? 0)
(let ((v1-46 (and (= (-> self skel root-channel 0) (-> self skel channel))
(not (handle->process (-> self darkjak charge-effect)))
(when v1-46
(set! (-> self control unknown-sound-id00) (sound-play "djak-bolt-charg"))
(set! (-> self darkjak charge-effect)
(ppointer->handle (if (logtest? (-> *part-group-id-table* 75 flags) (sp-group-flag sp13))
:to self
:group (-> *part-group-id-table* 75)
:duration -1
:target self
:mat-joint 59
:to self
:group (-> *part-group-id-table* 75)
:duration -1
:target self
:mat-joint 59
(ja :num! (seek!))
:post target-post
(defstate target-darkjak-smack (target)
:event (behavior ((proc process) (argc int) (message symbol) (block event-message-block))
((-> target-running-attack event) proc argc message block)
:enter (behavior ()
((-> target-running-attack enter))
(set-setting! 'gun #f 0.0 0)
(apply-settings *setting-control*)
:exit (behavior ()
(update-rates! (-> *display* entity-clock) 1.0)
(update-rates! (-> *display* bg-clock) 1.0)
(update-rates! (-> *display* part-clock) 1.0)
(remove-setting! 'gun)
((-> target-darkjak-running-attack exit))
:trans (-> target-running-attack trans)
:code (behavior ()
(target-danger-set! 'dark-smack #f)
(if (not (logtest? (-> self darkjak stage) (darkjak-stage force-on endless-dark)))
(send-event self 'get-pickup (pickup-type eco-pill-dark) (- (-> *FACT-bank* darkjak-smack-inc)))
(set! (-> self control lightjak-sound-id) (sound-play "djak-pnch-swing"))
(set! (-> self control dynam gravity-max) 368640.0)
(set! (-> self control dynam gravity-length) 368640.0)
(let ((gp-1 (-> self draw art-group data 476)))
(ja-channel-push! 1 (seconds 0.02))
(ja-no-eval :group! gp-1 :num! (seek!))
(initialize (-> self control impact-ctrl) self 28 3276.8 (-> self control root-prim prim-core collide-with))
(let ((f28-0 (the-as number 0.0)))
(let ((gp-2 0)
(f30-0 1.0)
(s5-1 #f)
(f26-0 0.6)
(until (ja-done? 0)
(when (not (ja-min? 0))
((and (>= (ja-aframe-num 0) 20.0)
(and (and (not (logtest? (-> self control status) (collide-status on-surface)))
(time-elapsed? (-> self control last-time-on-surface) (-> *TARGET-bank* ground-timeout))
(>= 0.0 (vector-dot (-> self control dynam gravity-normal) (-> self control transv)))
(>= (target-height-above-ground) (-> *TARGET-bank* fall-height))
(time-elapsed? (-> self control sliding-start-time) (seconds 0.04))
(go target-falling #f)
((< (the-as float f28-0) 0.0)
(set! f28-0 (seek (the-as float f28-0) -0.04096 (* 491520.0 (seconds-per-frame))))
(set-forward-vel (the-as float f28-0))
((and (nonzero? (-> self control unknown-time-frame18))
(time-elapsed? (-> self control unknown-time-frame18) (seconds 0.04))
((ja-done? 0)
(set-forward-vel (the-as float f28-0))
(set-forward-vel (the-as float f28-0))
(set! f26-0 (seek f26-0 0.3 (* 2.0 (seconds-per-frame))))
(update-rates! (-> *display* entity-clock) f26-0)
(update-rates! (-> *display* bg-clock) f26-0)
(update-rates! (-> *display* part-clock) f26-0)
(let ((s4-0 (new-stack-vector0)))
(vector-matrix*! s4-0 (-> self control transv) (-> self control w-R-c))
(set! (-> s4-0 y) 0.0)
(vector-matrix*! (-> self control align-xz-vel) s4-0 (-> self control c-R-w))
(when (!= (the-as float (-> self control unknown-word04)) 0.0)
(activate! *camera-smush-control* 819.2 15 75 1.0 0.9 (-> *display* camera-clock))
(set! f28-0 (-> self control unknown-word04))
(set! (-> self control unknown-word04) (the-as uint (the-as float 0.0)))
(let ((v1-96
(and (not s5-1)
(let ((s4-1 (ja-group))
(f0-19 (ja-aframe-num 0))
(if (and (= s4-1 (-> self draw art-group data 476))
(>= f0-19 16.0)
(>= (the float (+ (-> (the-as art-joint-anim (-> self draw art-group data 476)) frames num-frames) -1))
(ja-frame-num 0)
(when v1-96
(set! s5-1 #t)
(let ((s4-2 (new 'stack-no-clear 'projectile-init-by-other-params)))
(set! (-> s4-2 ent) (-> self entity))
(set! (-> s4-2 charge) 1.0)
(set! (-> s4-2 options) (projectile-options))
(logclear! (-> s4-2 options) (projectile-options po14 po15 po16))
(set! (-> s4-2 pos quad)
(-> (vector<-cspace! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (joint-node jakb-lod0-jg sk_rhand)) quad)
(set! (-> s4-2 notify-handle) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> s4-2 owner-handle) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> s4-2 target-handle) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> s4-2 target-pos quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(set! (-> s4-2 ignore-handle) (process->handle self))
(let* ((v1-125 *game-info*)
(a0-43 (+ (-> v1-125 attack-id) 1))
(set! (-> v1-125 attack-id) a0-43)
(set! (-> s4-2 attack-id) a0-43)
(set! (-> s4-2 timeout) (seconds 4))
(vector-float*! (-> s4-2 vel) (-> self control c-R-w fvec) 245760.0)
(let ((s3-1 (get-process *default-dead-pool* darkjak-ball #x8000 1)))
(when s3-1
(let ((t9-28 (method-of-type process activate)))
(t9-28 s3-1 self "projectile" (the-as pointer #x70004000))
(run-now-in-process s3-1 projectile-init-by-other s4-2)
(-> s3-1 ppointer)
(ja :num! (seek! max f30-0))
(if (time-elapsed? (-> self state-time) (seconds 0.1))
(set! (-> *run-attack-mods* turnvv) 0.0)
(+! gp-2 1)
(if (and (not (logtest? (-> self control status) (collide-status on-surface)))
(time-elapsed? (-> self control last-time-on-surface) (-> *TARGET-bank* ground-timeout))
(>= 0.0 (vector-dot (-> self control dynam gravity-normal) (-> self control transv)))
(>= (target-height-above-ground) (-> *TARGET-bank* fall-height))
(go target-falling #f)
(go target-stance)
:post target-post
(defmethod update-clock! ((this darkjak-info) (arg0 int))
(when (-> this clock-on)
(+! (-> this clock-pos) (* (-> this clock-vel) (seconds-per-frame)))
(+! (-> this clock-vel) (* 4.0 (seconds-per-frame)))
((< 1.0 (-> this clock-pos))
(set! (-> this clock-pos) 1.0)
(set! (-> this clock-vel) 0.0)
((< (-> this clock-pos) 0.05)
(set! (-> this clock-pos) 0.05)
(set! (-> this clock-vel) 1.0)
(update-rates! (-> *display* entity-clock) (-> this clock-pos))
(update-rates! (-> *display* bg-clock) (-> this clock-pos))
(if (= arg0 16)
(update-rates! (-> *display* target-clock) (-> this clock-pos))
(when *sound-player-enable*
(let ((v1-27 (the-as sound-rpc-set-param (get-sound-buffer-entry))))
(set! (-> v1-27 command) (sound-command set-param))
(set! (-> v1-27 id) (-> this process 0 control unknown-sound-id00))
(set! (-> v1-27 params pitch-mod) (the int (* 1524.0 (- (- 1.0 (-> this clock-pos))))))
(set! (-> v1-27 params mask) (the-as uint 2))
(-> v1-27 id)
(defbehavior target-darkjak-bomb-collide target ((arg0 (pointer float)) (arg1 float))
(seek! (-> arg0 0) arg1 (* 4.0 (seconds-per-frame)))
(set! (-> self control bomb-scale) (-> arg0 0))
(target-danger-set! 'bomb #f)
(update-transforms (-> self control))
(let ((a1-2 (new 'stack-no-clear 'overlaps-others-params)))
(set! (-> a1-2 options) (overlaps-others-options))
(set! (-> a1-2 collide-with-filter) (the-as collide-spec -1))
(set! (-> a1-2 tlist) *touching-list*)
(find-overlapping-shapes (-> self control) a1-2)
(set! (-> self control bomb-scale) 0.0)
(target-danger-set! 'bomb #f)
(update-transforms (-> self control))
(defstate target-darkjak-bomb0 (target)
:event (behavior ((proc process) (argc int) (message symbol) (block event-message-block))
(case message
(('pole-grab 'darkjak 'slide 'wade 'launch 'edge-grab 'jump 'shove 'attack 'attack-or-shove)
(let ((v1-1 (the-as object (-> block param 1))))
(when (and (= (-> block param 0) 'bomb)
(logtest? (process-mask enemy) (-> (the-as process v1-1) mask))
(let ((v1-7 (ja-group)))
(and v1-7 (= v1-7 (-> self draw art-group data 468)))
(>= (ja-aframe-num 0) 35.0)
(not (-> self darkjak clock-on))
(set! (-> self darkjak clock-vel) -8.0)
(let ((v0-0 (the-as object #t)))
(set! (-> self darkjak clock-on) (the-as symbol v0-0))
(('attack 'attack-or-shove 'swim)
(target-dangerous-event-handler proc argc message block)
:enter (behavior ()
(logior! (-> self target-flags) (target-flags tf4))
(set-setting! 'gun #f 0.0 0)
(apply-settings *setting-control*)
(set! (-> self darkjak clock-pos) 1.0)
(set! (-> self darkjak clock-vel) 0.0)
(set! (-> self darkjak clock-on) #f)
(set! (-> self control unknown-sound-id00)
(add-process *gui-control* self (gui-channel jak-effect-1) (gui-action queue) "darkbom0" -99.0 0)
:exit (behavior ()
(gui-action fade)
(-> self control unknown-sound-id00)
(gui-channel none)
(gui-action none)
(the-as string #f)
(the-as (function gui-connection symbol) #f)
(the-as process #f)
(logclear! (-> self target-flags) (target-flags tf6))
(remove-setting! 'music-volume)
(remove-setting! 'sfx-volume)
(remove-setting! 'ambient-volume)
(remove-setting! 'gun)
(set! (-> self darkjak clock-pos) 1.0)
(set! (-> self darkjak clock-vel) 0.0)
(set! (-> self darkjak clock-on) #f)
(update-rates! (-> *display* entity-clock) 1.0)
(update-rates! (-> *display* bg-clock) 1.0)
(update-rates! (-> *display* target-clock) 1.0)
(if (not (and (-> self next-state) (= (-> self next-state name) 'target-darkjak-get-off)))
((-> target-darkjak-get-off exit))
:trans (behavior ()
(update-clock! (-> self darkjak) 16)
:code (behavior ()
(v1-100 symbol)
(sv-16 float)
(sv-20 float)
(sv-160 vector)
(sv-164 (function object :behavior target))
(set! (-> self darkjak stage) (-> self darkjak want-stage))
(set! (-> self neck flex-blend) 0.0)
(set! (-> self control mod-surface) *roll-flip-mods*)
(set! (-> self alt-cam-pos quad) (-> self control trans quad))
(set! sv-16 (the-as float 0.0))
(set! sv-20 (the-as float 1.0))
(ja-channel-push! 1 (seconds 0.15))
(when (jump-hit-ground-stuck?)
(ja-no-eval :group! (-> self draw art-group data 451) :num! (seek!) :frame-num 0.0)
(until (ja-done? 0)
(set! (-> self alt-cam-pos x) (-> self control trans x))
(set! (-> self alt-cam-pos z) (-> self control trans z))
(set-forward-vel (* 0.85 (-> self control ctrl-xz-vel)))
(ja :num! (seek!))
(set-setting! 'music-volume 'rel 0.0 0)
(set-setting! 'sfx-volume 'rel 0.0 0)
(set-setting! 'ambient-volume 'rel 0.0 0)
(ja-no-eval :group! (-> self draw art-group data 466) :num! (seek!) :frame-num 0.0)
(until (ja-done? 0)
(compute-alignment! (-> self align))
(align! (-> self align) (align-opts adjust-y-vel) 1.0 1.0 1.0)
(set! (-> self alt-cam-pos x) (-> self control trans x))
(set! (-> self alt-cam-pos z) (-> self control trans z))
(set-forward-vel (* 0.98 (-> self control ctrl-xz-vel)))
(ja :num! (seek!))
(ja-no-eval :group! (-> self draw art-group data 467) :num! (seek!) :frame-num 0.0)
(let ((f30-0 (the float (target-time-to-ground))))
(until v1-100
(set! (-> self alt-cam-pos x) (-> self control trans x))
(set! (-> self alt-cam-pos z) (-> self control trans z))
(set-forward-vel (* 0.98 (-> self control ctrl-xz-vel)))
(let ((v1-92 (new-stack-vector0))
(f0-35 (vector-dot (-> self control dynam gravity-normal) (-> self control transv)))
(vector-! v1-92 (-> self control transv) (vector-float*! v1-92 (-> self control dynam gravity-normal) f0-35))
(let* ((f1-5 (vector-length v1-92))
(f2-0 f1-5)
(f0-36 (+ f0-35 (* -491520.0 (seconds-per-frame))))
(-> self control transv)
(vector-float*! (-> self control transv) (-> self control dynam gravity-normal) f0-36)
(vector-float*! v1-92 v1-92 (/ f1-5 f2-0))
(ja :num! (seek! max (lerp-scale 1.5 0.3 f30-0 30.0 210.0)))
(set! v1-100 (or (ja-done? 0) (logtest? (-> self control status) (collide-status on-surface))))
(logclear! (-> self target-flags) (target-flags tf6))
(while (not (jump-hit-ground-stuck?))
(let ((v1-105 (new-stack-vector0))
(f0-42 (vector-dot (-> self control dynam gravity-normal) (-> self control transv)))
(-> self control transv)
(vector-float*! v1-105 (-> self control dynam gravity-normal) f0-42)
(let* ((f1-8 (vector-length v1-105))
(f2-1 f1-8)
(f0-43 (+ f0-42 (* -491520.0 (seconds-per-frame))))
(-> self control transv)
(vector-float*! (-> self control transv) (-> self control dynam gravity-normal) f0-43)
(vector-float*! v1-105 v1-105 (/ f1-8 f2-1))
(ja :num! (seek! (ja-aframe 33.0 0)))
(set-forward-vel 0.0)
(ja-no-eval :group! (-> self draw art-group data 468) :num! (seek! (ja-aframe 35.0 0)) :frame-num 0.0)
(until (ja-done? 0)
(ja :num! (seek! (ja-aframe 35.0 0)))
(gui-action play)
(-> self control unknown-sound-id00)
(gui-channel none)
(gui-action none)
(the-as string #f)
(the-as (function gui-connection symbol) #f)
(the-as process #f)
(cpad-set-buzz! (-> *cpad-list* cpads 0) 1 255 (seconds 0.5))
(activate! *camera-smush-control* 819.2 15 75 1.0 0.9 (-> *display* camera-clock))
(target-danger-set! 'bomb #f)
(send-event self 'get-pickup (pickup-type eco-pill-dark) (- (-> *FACT-bank* darkjak-bomb0-inc)))
(set! sv-160 (vector<-cspace! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (joint-node jakb-lod0-jg sk_lhand)))
(set! sv-164 (lambda :behavior target
(set-vector! (-> self draw color-mult) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)
((>= 10.0 (ja-aframe-num 0))
(let ((v0-1 (the-as vector (-> self draw color-emissive))))
(set! (-> (the-as rgbaf v0-1) x) 1.0)
(set! (-> (the-as rgbaf v0-1) y) 1.0)
(set! (-> (the-as rgbaf v0-1) z) 1.0)
(set! (-> (the-as rgbaf v0-1) w) 1.0)
((>= 20.0 (ja-aframe-num 0))
(-> self draw color-emissive)
(new 'static 'vector :x 1.0 :y 1.0 :z 1.0 :w 1.0)
(new 'static 'vector :x 0.5 :z 1.0 :w 1.0)
(lerp-scale 0.0 1.0 (ja-aframe-num 0) 10.0 20.0)
(-> self draw color-emissive)
(new 'static 'vector :x 0.5 :z 1.0 :w 1.0)
(new 'static 'vector :w 1.0)
(lerp-scale 0.0 1.0 (ja-aframe-num 0) 20.0 30.0)
(set! (-> sv-160 y) (-> self control root-prim prim-core world-sphere y))
((logtest? (-> *part-group-id-table* 71 flags) (sp-group-flag sp13))
(set! (-> *launch-matrix* trans quad) (-> sv-160 quad))
(part-tracker-spawn part-tracker-subsampler :to *entity-pool* :group (-> *part-group-id-table* 71))
(set! (-> *launch-matrix* trans quad) (-> sv-160 quad))
(part-tracker-spawn part-tracker :to *entity-pool* :group (-> *part-group-id-table* 71))
(let ((gp-6 (process-spawn
:init manipy-init
(-> self entity)
(art-group-get-by-name *level* "skel-bomb-blast" (the-as (pointer level) #f))
:name "manipy"
:to self
:stack-size #x20000
(when gp-6
(send-event (ppointer->process gp-6) 'anim-mode 'play1)
(send-event (ppointer->process gp-6) 'anim "idle")
(set-vector! (-> (the-as process-drawable (-> gp-6 0)) root scale) sv-20 1.0 sv-20 1.0)
(send-event (ppointer->process gp-6) 'trans-hook sv-164)
(let ((gp-8 (process-spawn
:init manipy-init
(-> self entity)
(art-group-get-by-name *level* "skel-generic-blast" (the-as (pointer level) #f))
:name "manipy"
:to self
:stack-size #x20000
(when gp-8
(send-event (ppointer->process gp-8) 'anim-mode 'play1)
(send-event (ppointer->process gp-8) 'anim "idle")
(set-vector! (-> (the-as manipy (-> gp-8 0)) root scale) sv-20 1.0 sv-20 1.0)
(ja-no-eval :num! (seek! (ja-aframe 38.0 0)))
(while (not (ja-done? 0))
(target-darkjak-bomb-collide (& sv-16) sv-20)
(set-forward-vel 0.0)
(ja-no-eval :num! (seek!))
(while (not (ja-done? 0))
(target-darkjak-bomb-collide (& sv-16) sv-20)
(set-forward-vel 0.0)
(remove-setting! 'music-volume)
(remove-setting! 'sfx-volume)
(remove-setting! 'ambient-volume)
(ja-no-eval :group! (-> self draw art-group data 461) :num! (seek! (ja-aframe 90.0 0)) :frame-num 0.0)
(until (ja-done? 0)
(target-darkjak-bomb-collide (& sv-16) sv-20)
(ja :num! (seek! (ja-aframe 90.0 0)))
(logior! (-> self control status) (collide-status on-surface on-ground touch-surface))
(send-event (handle->process (-> self notify)) 'notify 'attack 20)
(go target-darkjak-get-off)
:post target-no-stick-post
(set! (-> *lightning-spec-id-table* 11) (new 'static 'lightning-spec
:name "lightning-darkjak-bomb1"
:flags (lightning-spec-flags lsf0 lsf4)
:adjust-distance #xa
:start-color (new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :g #xff :b #xff :a #x80)
:end-color (new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :g #xff :b #xff :a #x80)
:fade-to-color (new 'static 'rgba :r #xbf :b #x8f :a #x5)
:fade-start-factor 0.2
:texture (new 'static 'texture-id :index #x3a :page #x4)
:reduction 0.42
:num-points 80
:box-size 32768.0
:merge-factor 0.2
:merge-count 2
:radius 2048.0
:duration 300.0
:duration-rand 90.0
:sound (static-sound-spec "transform-zap" :group 0)
(defbehavior target-bomb1-fire-shot target ((arg0 (array handle)) (arg1 int) (arg2 int))
(local-vars (sv-128 target) (sv-144 int) (sv-160 vector) (sv-176 vector) (sv-192 vector))
(rlet ((vf0 :class vf)
(vf4 :class vf)
(vf5 :class vf)
(vf6 :class vf)
((and (>= arg1 0) (< arg1 (-> arg0 length)))
(let ((s5-0 (handle->process (-> arg0 arg1))))
(when s5-0
(get-trans (the-as process-focusable s5-0) 3)
:init lightning-tracker-init
(-> *lightning-spec-id-table* 11)
:name "lightning-tracker"
:to self
:unk 0
(static-attack-info :mask (vehicle-impulse-factor) ((id (the-as uint arg2))
(damage 15.0)
(vehicle-damage-factor 1.0)
(vehicle-impulse-factor 1.0)
(mode 'ice)
(penetrate-using (penetrate touch dark-skin dark-bomb))
(let ((gp-1 (get-process *default-dead-pool* lightning-tracker #x4000 0)))
(when gp-1
(let ((t9-6 (method-of-type lightning-tracker activate)))
(t9-6 (the-as lightning-tracker gp-1) self "lightning-tracker" (the-as pointer #x70004000))
(let ((s5-1 run-function-in-process)
(s4-1 gp-1)
(s3-0 lightning-tracker-init)
(s2-0 (-> *lightning-spec-id-table* 11))
(s1-0 0)
(s0-0 lightning-probe-callback)
(set! sv-128 self)
(set! sv-144 3)
(set! sv-192 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(set! sv-160 (-> self control trans))
(set! sv-176 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(set! (-> sv-176 x) (rand-vu-float-range -40960.0 40960.0))
(set! (-> sv-176 y) (rand-vu-float-range -8192.0 8192.0))
(set! (-> sv-176 z) (rand-vu-float-range -40960.0 40960.0))
(set! (-> sv-176 w) 1.0)
(.mov.vf vf6 vf0 :mask #b1000)
(.lvf vf4 (&-> sv-160 quad))
(.lvf vf5 (&-> sv-176 quad))
(.add.vf vf6 vf4 vf5 :mask #b111)
(.svf (&-> sv-192 quad) vf6)
((the-as (function object object object object object object object object none) s5-1)
(-> gp-1 ppointer)
(defstate target-darkjak-bomb1 (target)
:event (-> target-darkjak-bomb0 event)
:enter (behavior ((arg0 float) (arg1 float))
((-> target-attack-uppercut-jump enter) arg0 arg1)
(set-setting! 'gun #f 0.0 0)
(apply-settings *setting-control*)
:exit (-> target-darkjak-bomb0 exit)
:trans (behavior ()
(if (logtest? (-> self control status) (collide-status on-surface))
(go target-darkjak-get-off)
(mod-var-jump #t #t (cpad-hold? (-> self control cpad number) x) (-> self control transv))
(if (and (= (-> self control danger-mode) 'uppercut)
(< (vector-dot (-> self control dynam gravity-normal) (-> self control transv)) -8192.0)
(target-danger-set! 'harmless #f)
(update-clock! (-> self darkjak) 32)
:code (behavior ((arg0 float) (arg1 float))
(sv-112 (array collide-shape))
(sv-120 int)
(sv-128 vector)
(sv-132 (array handle))
(sv-136 int)
(sv-144 time-frame)
(sv-152 time-frame)
(sv-160 float)
(sv-164 float)
(sv-168 time-frame)
(sv-176 uint)
(logior! (-> self target-flags) (target-flags tf4))
(set! (-> self neck flex-blend) 0.0)
(set-setting! 'music-volume 'rel 0.0 0)
(set-setting! 'ambient-volume 'rel 0.0 0)
(compute-alignment! (-> self align))
(gui-action play)
(-> self control unknown-sound-id00)
(gui-channel none)
(gui-action none)
(the-as string #f)
(the-as (function gui-connection symbol) #f)
(the-as process #f)
(let ((f0-1 0.9))
(ja-no-eval :num! (seek! max f0-1))
(while (not (ja-done? 0))
(compute-alignment! (-> self align))
(set! (-> self control turn-go-the-long-way) 1.0)
(set! (-> self darkjak clock-vel) -4.0)
(set! (-> self darkjak clock-on) #t)
(align! (-> self align) (align-opts adjust-y-vel) 1.0 1.0 1.0)
(send-event self 'get-pickup (pickup-type eco-pill-dark) (- (-> *FACT-bank* darkjak-bomb1-inc)))
(cpad-set-buzz! (-> *cpad-list* cpads 0) 1 255 (seconds 0.5))
(activate! *camera-smush-control* 819.2 15 75 1.0 0.9 (-> *display* camera-clock))
(let ((gp-0 (-> self post-hook)))
(set! (-> self post-hook) target-no-move-post)
(set! sv-112 (-> self focus-search))
(set! sv-120 0)
(set! sv-128 (vector<-cspace! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (joint-node jakb-lod0-jg main)))
(set! sv-132 (-> self handle-search))
(set! (-> sv-132 length) 0)
(set! (-> sv-128 w) 327680.0)
(set! sv-120 (fill-actor-list-for-box *actor-hash* sv-128 (-> sv-112 data) (-> sv-112 allocated-length)))
(set! (-> sv-112 length) sv-120)
(countdown (s5-0 sv-120)
(let* ((s4-0 (-> sv-112 s5-0 process))
(v1-56 (if (type? s4-0 process-focusable)
(when (and v1-56 (logtest? (process-mask crate enemy guard vehicle) (-> v1-56 mask)))
(set! (-> sv-132 (-> sv-132 length)) (process->handle v1-56))
(+! (-> sv-132 length) 1)
(if (< (-> sv-132 allocated-length) (-> sv-132 length))
(set! (-> sv-132 length) (-> sv-132 allocated-length))
(set! (-> self control mod-surface) (new 'static 'surface
:name 'uppercut
:turnv 524288.0
:turnvf 15.0
:tiltv 32768.0
:tiltvf 150.0
:tiltvv 262144.0
:tiltvvf 15.0
:transv-max 32768.0
:target-speed 32768.0
:fric 0.2
:nonlin-fric-dist 1.0
:slip-factor 1.0
:slide-factor 1.0
:slope-up-factor 1.0
:slope-down-factor 1.0
:slope-slip-angle 1.0
:impact-fric 1.0
:bend-factor 1.0
:bend-speed 1.0
:alignv 1.0
:slope-up-traction 1.0
:align-speed 1.0
:mode 'air
:flags (surface-flag air attack spin gun-off laser-hide)
(set! sv-136 0)
(set! sv-144 (current-time))
(set! sv-152 (current-time))
(set! sv-160 (the-as float 0.0))
(set! sv-164 (the-as float 0.0))
(set! sv-168 (current-time))
(let* ((v1-77 (-> self game))
(a0-34 (+ (-> v1-77 attack-id) 1))
(set! (-> v1-77 attack-id) a0-34)
(set! sv-176 a0-34)
(ja-channel-push! 2 (seconds 0.05))
(ja :group! (-> self draw art-group data 469))
(ja :chan 1 :group! (-> self draw art-group data 470))
(while (or (< sv-136 (-> sv-132 length)) (not (time-elapsed? sv-152 (seconds 1.5))))
(let ((v1-84 (new-stack-vector0)))
(let ((f0-10 (vector-dot (-> self control dynam gravity-normal) (-> self control transv))))
(vector-! v1-84 (-> self control transv) (vector-float*! v1-84 (-> self control dynam gravity-normal) f0-10))
(let* ((f0-11 (vector-length v1-84))
(f1-3 f0-11)
(f2-0 0.0)
(-> self control transv)
(vector-float*! (-> self control transv) (-> self control dynam gravity-normal) f2-0)
(vector-float*! v1-84 v1-84 (/ f0-11 f1-3))
(set! (-> self darkjak clock-vel) -4.0)
(set! (-> self darkjak clock-on) #t)
(send-event *camera* 'joystick -0.25 1.0)
(when (time-elapsed? sv-144 (seconds 0.1))
(set! sv-144 (current-time))
(target-bomb1-fire-shot sv-132 sv-136 (the-as int sv-176))
(set! sv-136 (+ sv-136 1))
(if (time-elapsed? (-> self state-time) (seconds 1))
(set! sv-164 (the-as float 1.0))
(set! sv-160 (seek sv-160 sv-164 (* 6.0 (seconds-per-frame))))
(ja :num! (loop!))
(let ((a0-61 (-> self skel root-channel 1)))
(let ((f0-21 sv-160))
(set! (-> a0-61 frame-interp 1) f0-21)
(set! (-> a0-61 frame-interp 0) f0-21)
(set! (-> a0-61 param 0) 0.0)
(joint-control-channel-group-eval! a0-61 (the-as art-joint-anim #f) num-func-chan)
(set! (-> self post-hook) gp-0)
(set! (-> self control mod-surface) *double-jump-mods*)
(ja-channel-push! 1 (seconds 0.1))
(ja-no-eval :group! (-> self draw art-group data 471) :num! (seek!) :frame-num 0.0)
(until (ja-done? 0)
(compute-alignment! (-> self align))
(set! (-> self control turn-go-the-long-way) 1.0)
(set! (-> self darkjak clock-vel) 4.0)
(ja :num! (seek!))
(set-time! (-> self gun surpress-time))
(send-event (handle->process (-> self notify)) 'notify 'attack 21)
(go target-darkjak-get-off)
:post target-post