Tyler Wilding 5eeaffcde0
scripts: new linter script to detect goal_src files with trailing whitespace (#3387)
Removes trailing whitespace from goal_src files, eventually the
formatter will do this as well but it's not ready yet so this is a
decent interim solution.

A competent text editor will also do this / flag it for you.
2024-02-24 14:27:56 -05:00

727 lines
24 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: gkernel-h.gc
;; name in dgo: gkernel-h
;; dgos: KERNEL
(defconstant *kernel-major-version* 2)
(defconstant *kernel-minor-version* 0)
(defconstant DPROCESS_STACK_SIZE (#if PC_PORT #x8000 #x3800))
(defconstant PROCESS_STACK_SIZE (#if PC_PORT #x4000 #x1c00))
;; the size of the shared heap used by dynamically sized processes
(defconstant PROCESS_HEAP_MULT 4) ;; 4x actors
(defconstant PROCESS_HEAP_MULT 1)
(defconstant PROCESS_HEAP_SIZE (* PROCESS_HEAP_MULT 1540 1024))
(defconstant *tab-size* (the binteger 8))
(defconstant *gtype-basic-offset* 4)
;; if set, will attempt to detect memory corruption and stack overflow bugs
;; to some extent.
(defglobalconstant KERNEL_DEBUG #t)
(defconstant *scratch-memory-top* (the pointer #x70004000))
;; Each process has a bitmask.
;; The kernel can be configured to skip processes with certain mask bits set.
(defenum process-mask
:type uint32
:bitfield #t
(execute 0)
(freeze 1)
(pause 2)
(menu 3)
(progress 4)
(actor-pause 5)
(sleep 6)
(sleep-code 7)
(process-tree 8)
(heap-shrunk 9)
(going 10)
(kernel-run 11)
(no-kill 12)
(movie 13)
(dark-effect 14)
(target 15)
(sidekick 16)
(crate 17)
(bit18 18) ;; unused?
(enemy 19)
(camera 20)
(platform 21)
(ambient 22)
(entity 23)
(projectile 24)
(bot 25)
(collectable 26)
(death 27)
(no-track 28)
(guard 29)
(vehicle 30)
(civilian 31)
;; forward declarations
(declare-type process-tree basic)
(declare-type process process-tree)
(declare-type entity basic)
(declare-type entity-actor entity)
(declare-type dead-pool basic)
(declare-type level basic)
(declare-type state basic)
(declare-type event-message-block structure)
(declare-type stack-frame basic)
(declare-type cpu-thread basic)
;; The state of the kernel, containing the masks to allow/deny certain processes,
;; the currently running process, and the currently relocating process.
(deftype kernel-context (basic)
((prevent-from-run process-mask)
(require-for-run process-mask)
(allow-to-run process-mask)
(next-pid int32)
(fast-stack-top pointer)
(current-process process)
(relocating-process basic)
(relocating-min int32)
(relocating-max int32)
(relocating-offset int32)
(relocating-level level)
(low-memory-message symbol)
(login-object basic)
;; The usual "time" type.
(deftype time-frame (int64)
;; times are stored in 300ths of a second.
;; this divides evenly into frames at both 50 and 60 fps.
;; typically these are stored as integers as more precision is not useful.
;; an unsigned 32-bit integer can store about 150 days
(defglobalconstant TICKS_PER_SECOND 300) ;; 5 t/frame @ 60fps, 6 t/frame @ 50fps
;; this was usec in GOAL
(defmacro seconds (x)
"Convert number to seconds unit.
Returns uint."
((integer? x)
((float? x)
(* 1 (* 1.0 x TICKS_PER_SECOND))
`(the uint (* TICKS_PER_SECOND ,x))
;; Each clock counts in 3 different ways:
;; 1). A "frame counter", which, confusingly, doesn't count frames.
;; It counts elapsed time, in 1/300ths of a second.
;; This counts in real-time, even if the game is lagging.
;; 2). A "integral-frame-counter", which counts the number of vsyncs.
;; This doens't count the number of frames the game actually manages to draw,
;; just the number of vsyncs. It counts at different rates in NTSC/PAL.
;; NOTE: changing clock-ratio will make this count faster/slower. This only counts real
;; vsyncs if clock-ratio is 1.0.
;; 3). The "time ratio", which adjusts based on the actual achieved framerate.
;; Unlike the others, this isn't a incrementing counter, but instead ratios:
;; time-adjust-ratio, frames-per-second, seconds-per-frame.
;; For the most part, users should just adjust per-frame values by time-adjust-ratio, and this will
;; compensate for pal/ntsc, lag, and clock-ratio scaling.
;; The clock won't tick if its process-mask is prevent-from-run in the kernel.
;; A clock can change the rate it runs at with clock-ratio.
;; Note: both integral-frame-counter and seconds-per-frame/frames-per-second are affected by
;; clock-ratio, which is somewhat weird.
;; Changing clock-ratio will make integral-frame-counter not count actual vsyncs
(deftype clock (basic)
((index int32) ;; which clock we are, in *display*
(mask process-mask) ;; mask for ticking
(clock-ratio float) ;; how fast to run. 1.0 = realtime.
(accum float) ;; fractional time for frame-counter (time-frame units)
(integral-accum float) ;; fractional time for integral (time-frame untis)
(frame-counter time-frame) ;; how much time has gone by since reset (time-frame units)
(old-frame-counter time-frame) ;; the frame-counter on the last engine iteration
(integral-frame-counter uint64) ;; how many vsyncs have gone by since reset
(old-integral-frame-counter uint64) ;; the integral-frame-counter on the last engine iteration
(sparticle-data vector :inline) ;; sparticle timescale info
(seconds-per-frame float) ;; how many seconds (not time-frames) should go by in 1 vsync
(frames-per-second float) ;; inverse of above
(time-adjust-ratio float) ;; 1, if the game runs at 60fps NTSC with clock-ratio = 1.
(new (symbol type int) _type_)
(update-rates! (_type_ float) float)
(advance-by! (_type_ float) clock)
(tick! (_type_) clock)
(save! (_type_ (pointer uint64)) int)
(load! (_type_ (pointer uint64)) int)
(reset! (_type_) none)
(defmethod new clock ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 int))
"Create a new clock and initialize to a non-zero time."
(let ((gp-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> gp-0 index) arg0)
(set! (-> gp-0 frame-counter) (seconds 1000))
(set! (-> gp-0 integral-frame-counter) (the-as uint 300000))
(set! (-> gp-0 old-frame-counter) (+ (-> gp-0 frame-counter) -1))
(set! (-> gp-0 old-integral-frame-counter) (+ (-> gp-0 integral-frame-counter) -1))
(update-rates! gp-0 1.0)
;; The basic node used to organize processes into a tree.
;; The process types themselves are children of the process-tree type
;; Typically, each instance of a game object is a process.
(deftype process-tree (basic)
((name string)
(mask process-mask)
(clock clock)
(parent (pointer process-tree))
(brother (pointer process-tree))
(child (pointer process-tree))
(ppointer (pointer process))
(self process-tree)
(new (symbol type string) _type_)
(activate (_type_ process-tree basic pointer) process-tree)
(deactivate (_type_) none)
(init-from-entity! (_type_ entity-actor) none) ;; todo check
(run-logic? (_type_) symbol)
(process-tree-method-13 () none)
;; Each process has a single "main" thread that is suspended and resumed.
;; The "thread" object is what holds the needed state to start, suspend, and resume execution.
;; Additionally, the kernel creates various temporary threads to run single functions.
;; These "temporary" threads are never suspended.
;; unlike modern implementations, the "thread" objects store small "backup" stacks (often only 100's of bytes).
;; when a thread is suspended, it copies the stack from the execution stack to the backup stack.
;; this seems silly, but it has an advantage to reduce memory - typically threads suspend without a very deep call
;; stack, so the backup stack can be much, much smaller than a single large, shared execution stack.
(deftype thread (basic)
((name symbol)
(process process)
(previous thread)
(suspend-hook (function cpu-thread none))
(resume-hook (function cpu-thread none))
(pc pointer)
(sp pointer)
(stack-top pointer)
(stack-size int32)
(stack-size-set! (_type_ int) none)
(thread-suspend (_type_) none)
(thread-resume (_type_) none)
;; additional information to context switch
(deftype cpu-thread (thread)
((rreg uint64 7)
(freg float 8)
(stack uint8 :dynamic)
(new (symbol type process symbol int pointer) _type_)
;; Base type for all actual processes.
;; this can be used directly, or child types can be made.
(deftype process (process-tree)
((self process :override) ;; ourselves!
(pool dead-pool) ;; where to return us when we die
(status symbol) ;; used by kernel to track init/death
(pid int32) ;; globally unique ID, never reused for another
(main-thread cpu-thread) ;; suspendable main thread
(top-thread cpu-thread) ;; currently running thread
(entity entity-actor) ;; if we were spawned from an entity, that entity
(level level) ;; if we're associated with a level, that level
(state state) ;; current state, if we're in one
(next-state state) ;; set if we have a pending (go)
(trans-hook function) ;; function to run before resuming
(post-hook function) ;; function to run after suspending
;; function to run if we receive an event
(event-hook (function process int symbol event-message-block object))
;; process heap size
(allocated-length int32)
;; ??
(pad-unknown-0 uint32 2) ;; had to rename this unfortunately, there is a type that uses this same name "vehicle"
;; process heap
(heap-base pointer)
(heap-top pointer)
(heap-cur pointer)
;; linked list of stack frames that have been created.
;; note that these aren't created on every function call, only
;; if the user explicitly creates a catch block or similar
(stack-frame-top stack-frame)
;; list of engines this process is connected to
(connection-list connectable :inline)
;; the process memory: contains child fields, then the process heap.
(stack uint8 :dynamic)
(new (symbol type string int) _type_)
:no-runtime-type ;; already defined by kscheme. Don't do it again.
;; dead-pool is the simplest way to store dead processes - it's just a tree of processes that
;; are inactive.
(deftype dead-pool (process-tree)
(new (symbol type int int string) _type_)
(get-process (_type_ type int) process)
(return-process (_type_ process) none)
;; dead-pool-heap is a special thing - it pretends to be a dead-pool, but secretly
;; creates and destroys processes on demand, as they are requested/returned.
;; to do this, it has a single large heap and memory allocator.
;; to prevent fragmentation of this heap, it has a relocate/compaction system
;; that moves processes in memory.
;; A dead-pool-heap-rec is a record for a process used by the handle system.
;; The kernel will make sure that:
;; - the dead-pool-heap-rec for a process will continue to point to that process until the process
;; is killed.
;; - the dead-pool-heap-rec itself is never moved in memory, and it always points to some process, or #f.
;; (it is always safe to do (-> rec process pid) and see if it still points to your process)
(deftype dead-pool-heap-rec (structure)
((process process)
(prev dead-pool-heap-rec)
(next dead-pool-heap-rec)
;; the actual pool implementation
(deftype dead-pool-heap (dead-pool)
((allocated-length int32)
(compact-time uint32)
(compact-count-targ uint32)
(compact-count uint32)
(fill-percent float)
(first-gap dead-pool-heap-rec)
(first-shrink dead-pool-heap-rec)
(heap kheap :inline)
(alive-list dead-pool-heap-rec :inline)
(last dead-pool-heap-rec :overlay-at (-> alive-list prev))
(dead-list dead-pool-heap-rec :inline)
(process-list dead-pool-heap-rec :inline :dynamic)
(new (symbol type string int int) _type_)
(init (_type_ symbol int) none)
(compact (dead-pool-heap int) none)
(shrink-heap (dead-pool-heap process) dead-pool-heap)
(churn (dead-pool-heap int) none)
(memory-used (_type_) int)
(memory-total (_type_) int)
(memory-free (dead-pool-heap) int)
(compact-time (dead-pool-heap) uint)
(gap-size (dead-pool-heap dead-pool-heap-rec) int)
(gap-location (dead-pool-heap dead-pool-heap-rec) pointer)
(find-gap (dead-pool-heap dead-pool-heap-rec) dead-pool-heap-rec)
(find-gap-by-size (dead-pool-heap int) dead-pool-heap-rec)
;; parent type for all kinds of stack-frames.
;; at least for jak 1, these are only used internally by the kernel
;; "next" brings you "up" the stack (toward the caller)
(deftype stack-frame (basic)
((name symbol)
(next stack-frame)
;; a "catch" frame is a frame that can be "thrown" to.
;; the "throw" is a nonlocal control flow back to the state before the "catch" block.
(deftype catch-frame (stack-frame)
((sp int32)
(ra int32)
; (freg float 6)
; (rreg uint128 8)
;; In OpenGOAL, we swap a rreg for 4 more fregs.
(freg float 10) ;; only use 8
(rreg uint128 7) ;; only use 5
(new (symbol type symbol function (pointer uint64)) object)
;; a "protect" frame is a way to indicate there's a "exit" function that should
;; run if there's a "throw" or "abandon".
(deftype protect-frame (stack-frame)
((exit (function object))
(new (symbol type (function object)) protect-frame)
;; a handle is a safe way to refer to a process. It solves two problems:
;; - it allows you to find a process that moves in memory
;; - it allows you to tell if the original process has died. otherwise you may get confused
;; because there could be another process located at the exact same address.
(deftype handle (uint64)
((process (pointer process) :offset 0 :size 32) ;; additional level of indirection to support moving processes
(pid int32 :offset 32 :size 32) ;; unique pid to check if it's the same process or not.
(u64 uint64 :offset 0 :size 64)
(defmethod inspect handle ((this handle))
(when (not this)
(return this)
(format #t "[~8x] ~A~%" this 'handle)
(format #t "~1Tprocess: #x~X~%" (-> this process))
(format #t "~1Tpid: ~D~%" (-> this pid))
(defmacro handle->process (handle)
"Convert a handle to a process. If the process no longer exists, returns #f."
`(let ((the-handle (the-as handle ,handle)))
(if (-> the-handle process) ;; if we don't point to a process, kernel sets this to #f
(let ((proc (-> (-> the-handle process))))
(if (= (-> the-handle pid) (-> proc pid)) ;; make sure it's the same process
(defmacro ppointer->process (ppointer)
"convert a (pointer process) to a process."
;; this uses the self field, which seems to always just get set to the object.
;; confirmed in Jak 1 that using self here is useless, not sure...
`(let ((the-pp ,ppointer))
(if the-pp (-> the-pp 0 self))
(defmacro process->ppointer (proc)
"safely get a (pointer process) from a process, returning #f if invalid."
`(let ((the-proc ,proc))
(if the-proc (-> the-proc ppointer))
(defmacro ppointer->handle (pproc)
"convert a ppointer to a handle. assumes the ppointer is valid."
`(let ((the-process (the-as (pointer process) ,pproc)))
(new 'static 'handle :process the-process :pid (if the-process (-> the-process 0 pid)))
(defmacro process->handle (proc)
"convert a process to a handle. if proc is #f, returns a #f handle."
`(ppointer->handle (process->ppointer (the-as process ,proc)))
(defmethod print ((this handle))
(if (nonzero? this)
(format #t "#<handle :process ~A :pid ~D>" (handle->process this) (-> this pid))
(format #t "#<handle :process 0 :pid 0>")
;; A "state" defines functions that a process should run when it is in that state.
;; the "code" function is executed by the main thread and can suspend/resume.
;; the "trans" function is executed before code is resumed
;; the "post" function is executed after code is suspended
;; the "enter" function is executed when the process first transitions to the state
;; the "exit" function is executed when the process exits the state (or dies)
;; the "event" function is executed when the process receives an event.
;; See gstate.gc for a lot more details on how this all works.
;; This type is just a container to hold those functions.
(deftype state (protect-frame)
((code function)
(trans (function object))
(post function)
(enter function)
(event (function process int symbol event-message-block object))
(new (symbol type symbol function (function object) function (function object) (function process int symbol event-message-block object)) _type_)
;; data contained in an "event" sent from one process to another
;; in jak2, the events may be queued and sent at a later time, so the block
;; contains handles, to see if the to/from processes are still alive.
(deftype event-message-block (structure)
((to-handle handle) ;; who to send to
(to (pointer process) :overlay-at to-handle)
(form-handle handle) ;; who is doing the sending
(from (pointer process) :overlay-at form-handle)
(param uint64 6) ;; the data being sent
(message symbol) ;; the message name
(num-params int32)
;; a queue of messages.
(deftype event-message-block-array (inline-array-class)
((data event-message-block :inline :dynamic)
(send-all! (_type_) none)
(set! (-> event-message-block-array heap-base) (the-as uint 80))
;; the type returned by the C Kernel, contains the result of a SQL Query.
(deftype sql-result (basic)
((len int32)
(allocated-length uint32)
(error symbol)
(data string :dynamic)
(new (symbol type uint) _type_)
(define-extern sql-query (function string sql-result))
(defmethod new sql-result ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 uint))
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (* arg0 4))))))
(set! (-> v0-0 allocated-length) arg0)
(set! (-> v0-0 error) 'error)
(defmethod print ((this sql-result))
"Print a sql-result as an array of symbols."
(format #t "#(~A" (-> this error))
(dotimes (s5-0 (-> this len))
(format #t " ~A" (-> this data s5-0))
(format #t ")")
;; the result that the C Kernel will send us.
(define *sql-result* (the-as sql-result #f))
;; TODO - no idea what this is, but some sort of symbol set on the C side as well.
(define-extern *collapse-quote* symbol)
(defmacro defbehavior (name process-type bindings &rest body)
"define a new behavior. This is simply a function where self is bound to the process register,
which is assumed to have type process-type."
(if (and
(> (length body) 1) ;; more than one thing in function
(string? (first body)) ;; first thing is a string
;; then it's a docstring and we ignore it.
`(define ,name (lambda :name ,name :behavior ,process-type ,bindings ,@(cdr body)))
;; otherwise don't ignore it.
`(define ,name (lambda :name ,name :behavior ,process-type ,bindings ,@body))
(defmacro process-stack-used (proc)
"get how much stack the top thread of a process has used."
`(- (the int (-> ,proc top-thread stack-top))
(the int (-> ,proc top-thread sp))
(defmacro process-stack-size (proc)
"get how much stack the top thread of a process has"
`(-> ,proc top-thread stack-size)
(defmacro process-heap-used (proc)
"get how much heap a process has used."
`(- (-> ,proc allocated-length)
(- (the int (-> ,proc heap-top))
(the int (-> ,proc heap-cur))
(defmacro process-heap-size (proc)
"get how much heap a process has"
`(the int (-> ,proc allocated-length))
(defmacro break ()
"crash the game by dividing by 0."
`(/ 0 0)
(defmacro with-pp (&rest body)
"execute the body with pp bound to the current process register."
`(rlet ((pp :reg r13 :reset-here #t :type process))
(defconstant PP (with-pp pp))
(defmacro process-mask? (mask enum-value)
"Are any of the given bits set in the process mask?"
`(!= 0 (logand ,mask (process-mask ,enum-value)))
(defmacro process-mask-set! (mask &rest enum-value)
"Set the given bits in the process mask"
`(logior! ,mask (process-mask ,@enum-value))
(defmacro process-mask-clear! (mask &rest enum-value)
"Clear the given bits in the process mask."
`(logclear! ,mask (process-mask ,@enum-value))
(defmacro suspend ()
"suspend the current process, to be resumed on the next frame."
`(rlet ((pp :reg r13 :reset-here #t))
;; debug check for stack overflow here, where we can easily print the process name.
(#when (or KERNEL_DEBUG)
(rlet ((sp :reg rsp :reset-here #t :type int)
(off :reg r15 :type uint))
(let* ((sp-goal (- sp off))
(stack-top-goal (-> (the process pp) top-thread stack-top))
(stack-used (&- stack-top-goal sp-goal))
(stack-size (-> (the process pp) top-thread stack-size))
(when (> stack-used stack-size)
(format 0 "ERROR: suspend called without enough stack in proc:~%~A~%Stack: ~D/~D~%" pp stack-used stack-size)
;; set to the current thread
(set! pp (-> (the process pp) top-thread))
;; call the suspend hook (put nothing as the argument)
((-> (the cpu-thread pp) suspend-hook) (the cpu-thread 0))
;; the kernel will set pp (possibly to a new value, if we've been relocated) on resume.
(defmacro process-deactivate ()
"deactivate (kill) the current process"
`(rlet ((pp :reg r13 :reset-here #t :type process))
(deactivate pp)
;; Some assembly functions in GOAL are ported to C++, then accessed from GOAL using these mips2c macros.
(defmacro def-mips2c (name type)
"Define a mips2c object (typically a function)."
(define-extern ,name ,type)
(set! ,name (the-as ,type (__pc-get-mips2c ,(symbol->string name))))
(defmacro defmethod-mips2c (name method-id method-type)
"Define a mips2c method."
`(method-set! ,method-type ,method-id (__pc-get-mips2c ,name))
(defmacro kheap-alloc (heap size)
"allocate space for a kheap"
`(let ((heap ,heap) (size ,size))
(set! (-> heap base) (malloc 'global size))
(set! (-> heap current) (-> heap base))
(set! (-> heap top-base) (&+ (-> heap base) size))
(set! (-> heap top) (-> heap top-base))
(defmacro kheap-reset (heap)
"reset the kheap, so you can use its memory again"
`(let ((heap ,heap))
(set! (-> heap current) (-> heap base))
(defmacro scratchpad-object (type &key (offset 0))
"Access an object on the scratchpad."
`(the-as ,type (&+ *fake-scratchpad-data* ,offset))
(defmacro scratchpad-ptr (type &key (offset 0))
"Create a pointer to an object on the scratchpad."
`(the-as (pointer ,type) (&+ *fake-scratchpad-data* ,offset))
(defmacro current-time ()
`(-> PP clock frame-counter)
(defmacro seconds-per-frame ()
`(-> PP clock seconds-per-frame)
(defmacro seconds-per-frame-high-fps ()
"Macro for assuming a 16.6 ms frame time at higher frame rates."
`(if (= (get-video-mode) 'custom)
(-> PP clock seconds-per-frame)
(defmacro set-time! (time)
`(set! ,time (current-time))
(defmacro time-elapsed? (time duration)
`(>= (- (current-time) ,time) ,duration)