2021-01-12 19:20:08 -05:00

592 lines
20 KiB

* @file ObjectFileDB_IR2.cpp
* This runs the IR2 analysis passes.
#include "ObjectFileDB.h"
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "common/util/Timer.h"
#include "common/util/FileUtil.h"
#include "decompiler/Function/TypeInspector.h"
#include "decompiler/IR2/reg_usage.h"
namespace decompiler {
* Main IR2 analysis pass.
* At this point, we assume that the files are loaded and we've run find_code to locate all
* functions, but nothing else.
void ObjectFileDB::analyze_functions_ir2(const std::string& output_dir) {
lg::info("Using IR2 analysis...");
lg::info("Processing top-level functions...");
lg::info("Processing basic blocks and control flow graph...");
lg::info("Converting to atomic ops...");
lg::info("Running type analysis...");
lg::info("Register usage analysis...");
lg::info("Writing results...");
* Analyze the top level function of each object.
* - Find global function definitions
* - Find type definitions
* - Find method definitions
* - Warn for non-unique function names.
void ObjectFileDB::ir2_top_level_pass() {
Timer timer;
int total_functions = 0;
int total_named_global_functions = 0;
int total_methods = 0;
int total_top_levels = 0;
int total_unknowns = 0;
for_each_obj([&](ObjectFileData& data) {
if (data.linked_data.segments == 3) {
// the top level segment should have a single function
assert(data.linked_data.functions_by_seg.at(2).size() == 1);
auto& func = data.linked_data.functions_by_seg.at(2).front();
func.find_global_function_defs(data.linked_data, dts);
func.find_type_defs(data.linked_data, dts);
func.find_method_defs(data.linked_data, dts);
// check for function uniqueness.
std::unordered_set<std::string> unique_names;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_set<std::string>> duplicated_functions;
int uid = 1;
for_each_obj([&](ObjectFileData& data) {
int func_in_obj = 0;
for (int segment_id = 0; segment_id < int(data.linked_data.segments); segment_id++) {
for (auto& func : data.linked_data.functions_by_seg.at(segment_id)) {
func.guessed_name.unique_id = uid++;
func.guessed_name.id_in_object = func_in_obj++;
func.guessed_name.object_name = data.to_unique_name();
auto name = func.guessed_name.to_string();
switch (func.guessed_name.kind) {
case FunctionName::FunctionKind::METHOD:
case FunctionName::FunctionKind::GLOBAL:
case FunctionName::FunctionKind::TOP_LEVEL_INIT:
case FunctionName::FunctionKind::UNIDENTIFIED:
if (unique_names.find(name) != unique_names.end()) {
if (get_config().asm_functions_by_name.find(name) !=
get_config().asm_functions_by_name.end()) {
func.warnings += ";; flagged as asm by config\n";
func.suspected_asm = true;
// we remember duplicates like this so we can warn on all occurances of the duplicate name
for_each_function([&](Function& func, int segment_id, ObjectFileData& data) {
auto name = func.guessed_name.to_string();
if (duplicated_functions.find(name) != duplicated_functions.end()) {
func.warnings += ";; this function exists in multiple non-identical object files\n";
lg::info("Found a total of {} functions in {:.2f} ms", total_functions, timer.getMs());
lg::info("{:4d} unknown {:.2f}%", total_unknowns, 100.f * total_unknowns / total_functions);
lg::info("{:4d} global {:.2f}%", total_named_global_functions,
100.f * total_named_global_functions / total_functions);
lg::info("{:4d} methods {:.2f}%", total_methods, 100.f * total_methods / total_functions);
lg::info("{:4d} logins {:.2f}%\n", total_top_levels, 100.f * total_top_levels / total_functions);
* Initial Function Analysis Pass to build the control flow graph.
* - Find basic blocks
* - Analyze prologue and epilogue
* - Build control flow graph
void ObjectFileDB::ir2_basic_block_pass() {
Timer timer;
// Main Pass over each function...
int total_basic_blocks = 0;
int total_functions = 0;
int functions_with_one_block = 0;
int inspect_methods = 0;
int suspected_asm = 0;
int failed_to_build_cfg = 0;
for_each_function_def_order([&](Function& func, int segment_id, ObjectFileData& data) {
func.ir2.env.file = &data.linked_data;
// first, find basic blocks.
auto blocks = find_blocks_in_function(data.linked_data, segment_id, func);
total_basic_blocks += blocks.size();
if (blocks.size() == 1) {
func.basic_blocks = blocks;
if (!func.suspected_asm) {
// find the prologue/epilogue so they can be excluded from basic blocks.
} else {
// manually exclude the type tag from the basic block.
assert(func.basic_blocks.front().start_word == 0);
assert(func.basic_blocks.front().end_word >= 1);
func.basic_blocks.front().start_word = 1;
if (!func.suspected_asm) {
// run analysis
// build a control flow graph, just looking at branch instructions.
func.cfg = build_cfg(data.linked_data, segment_id, func);
if (!func.cfg->is_fully_resolved()) {
lg::warn("Function {} from {} failed to build control flow graph!",
func.guessed_name.to_string(), data.to_unique_name());
// if we got an inspect method, inspect it.
if (func.is_inspect_method) {
auto result = inspect_inspect_method(func, func.method_of_type, dts, data.linked_data);
all_type_defs += ";; " + data.to_unique_name() + "\n";
all_type_defs += result.print_as_deftype() + "\n";
if (func.suspected_asm) {
func.warnings.append(";; Assembly Function\n");
lg::info("Found {} basic blocks in {} functions in {:.2f} ms:", total_basic_blocks,
total_functions, timer.getMs());
lg::info(" {} functions ({:.2f}%) failed to build control flow graph", failed_to_build_cfg,
100.f * failed_to_build_cfg / total_functions);
lg::info(" {} functions ({:.2f}%) had exactly one basic block", functions_with_one_block,
100.f * functions_with_one_block / total_functions);
lg::info(" {} functions ({:.2f}%) were ignored as assembly", suspected_asm,
100.f * suspected_asm / total_functions);
lg::info(" {} functions ({:.2f}%) were inspect methods\n", inspect_methods,
100.f * inspect_methods / total_functions);
* Conversion of MIPS instructions into AtomicOps. The AtomicOps represent what we
* think are IR of the original GOAL compiler.
void ObjectFileDB::ir2_atomic_op_pass() {
Timer timer;
int total_functions = 0;
int attempted = 0;
int successful = 0;
for_each_function_def_order([&](Function& func, int segment_id, ObjectFileData& data) {
if (!func.suspected_asm) {
func.ir2.atomic_ops_attempted = true;
try {
auto ops = convert_function_to_atomic_ops(func, data.linked_data.labels);
func.ir2.atomic_ops = std::make_shared<FunctionAtomicOps>(std::move(ops));
func.ir2.atomic_ops_succeeded = true;
} catch (std::exception& e) {
lg::warn("Function {} from {} could not be converted to atomic ops: {}",
func.guessed_name.to_string(), data.to_unique_name(), e.what());
func.warnings.append(";; Failed to convert to atomic ops\n");
lg::info("{}/{}/{} (successful/attempted/total) functions converted to Atomic Ops in {:.2f} ms",
successful, attempted, total_functions, timer.getMs());
lg::info("{:.2f}% were attempted, {:.2f}% of attempted succeeded\n",
100.f * attempted / total_functions, 100.f * successful / attempted);
* Analyze registers and determine the type in each register at each instruction.
* - Figure out the type of each function, from configs.
* - Propagate types.
* - NOTE: this will update register info usage more accurately for functions.
void ObjectFileDB::ir2_type_analysis_pass() {
Timer timer;
int total_functions = 0;
int non_asm_functions = 0;
int attempted_functions = 0;
int successful_functions = 0;
for_each_function_def_order([&](Function& func, int segment_id, ObjectFileData& data) {
if (!func.suspected_asm) {
TypeSpec ts;
if (lookup_function_type(func.guessed_name, data.to_unique_name(), &ts)) {
// try type analysis here.
auto hints = get_config().type_hints_by_function_by_idx[func.guessed_name.to_string()];
if (func.run_type_analysis_ir2(ts, dts, data.linked_data, hints)) {
func.ir2.has_type_info = true;
} else {
func.warnings.append(";; Type analysis failed\n");
} else {
// lg::warn("Function {} didn't know its type", func.guessed_name.to_string());
func.warnings.append(";; Type of function is unknown\n");
lg::info("{}/{}/{}/{} (success/attempted/non-asm/total) in {:.2f} ms", successful_functions,
attempted_functions, non_asm_functions, total_functions, timer.getMs());
void ObjectFileDB::ir2_register_usage_pass() {
Timer timer;
int total_funcs = 0, analyzed_funcs = 0;
for_each_function_def_order([&](Function& func, int segment_id, ObjectFileData& data) {
if (!func.suspected_asm && func.ir2.atomic_ops_succeeded) {
func.ir2.reg_use = analyze_ir2_register_usage(func);
func.ir2.has_reg_use = true;
lg::info("{}/{} functions had register usage analyzed in {:.2f} ms", analyzed_funcs, total_funcs,
void ObjectFileDB::ir2_write_results(const std::string& output_dir) {
Timer timer;
lg::info("Writing IR2 results to file...");
int total_files = 0;
int total_bytes = 0;
for_each_obj([&](ObjectFileData& obj) {
if (obj.linked_data.has_any_functions()) {
// todo
auto file_text = ir2_to_file(obj);
total_bytes += file_text.length();
auto file_name = file_util::combine_path(output_dir, obj.to_unique_name() + "_ir2.asm");
file_util::write_text_file(file_name, file_text);
lg::info("Wrote {} files ({:.2f} MB) in {:.2f} ms\n", total_files, total_bytes / float(1 << 20),
std::string ObjectFileDB::ir2_to_file(ObjectFileData& data) {
std::string result;
const char* segment_names[] = {"main segment", "debug segment", "top-level segment"};
assert(data.linked_data.segments <= 3);
for (int seg = data.linked_data.segments; seg-- > 0;) {
// segment header
result += ";------------------------------------------\n; ";
result += segment_names[seg];
result += "\n;------------------------------------------\n\n";
// functions
for (auto& func : data.linked_data.functions_by_seg.at(seg)) {
result += ir2_function_to_string(data, func, seg);
// print data
for (size_t i = data.linked_data.offset_of_data_zone_by_seg.at(seg);
i < data.linked_data.words_by_seg.at(seg).size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
auto label_id = data.linked_data.get_label_at(seg, i * 4 + j);
if (label_id != -1) {
result += data.linked_data.labels.at(label_id).name + ":";
if (j != 0) {
result += " (offset " + std::to_string(j) + ")";
result += "\n";
auto& word = data.linked_data.words_by_seg[seg][i];
data.linked_data.append_word_to_string(result, word);
if (word.kind == LinkedWord::TYPE_PTR && word.symbol_name == "string") {
result += "; " + data.linked_data.get_goal_string(seg, i) + "\n";
return result;
namespace {
void append_commented(std::string& line,
bool& has_comment,
const std::string& to_append,
int offset = 0) {
// minimum length before comment appears.
constexpr int pre_comment_length = 30;
// if comment overflows, how much to indent the next one
constexpr int overflow_indent = 30;
// pad, and add comment
if (!has_comment) {
if (line.length() < pre_comment_length) {
line.append(pre_comment_length - line.length(), ' ');
line += ";; ";
line += to_append;
has_comment = true;
} else {
if (std::max(int(line.length()), offset) + to_append.length() > 120) {
line += "\n";
line.append(overflow_indent, ' ');
line += ";; ";
} else {
if (int(line.length()) < offset) {
line.append(offset - line.length(), ' ');
line += " ";
line += to_append;
} // namespace
std::string ObjectFileDB::ir2_function_to_string(ObjectFileData& data, Function& func, int seg) {
std::string result;
result += ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\n";
result += "; .function " + func.guessed_name.to_string() + "\n";
result += ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\n";
result += func.prologue.to_string(2) + "\n";
if (!func.warnings.empty()) {
result += ";;Warnings:\n" + func.warnings + "\n";
bool print_atomics = func.ir2.atomic_ops_succeeded;
// print each instruction in the function.
bool in_delay_slot = false;
int total_instructions_printed = 0;
int last_instr_printed = 0;
std::string line;
auto print_instr_start = [&](int i) {
// check for a label to print
auto label_id = data.linked_data.get_label_at(seg, (func.start_word + i) * 4);
if (label_id != -1) {
result += data.linked_data.labels.at(label_id).name + ":\n";
// check for no misaligned labels in code segments.
for (int j = 1; j < 4; j++) {
assert(data.linked_data.get_label_at(seg, (func.start_word + i) * 4 + j) == -1);
// print the assembly instruction
auto& instr = func.instructions.at(i);
line = " " + instr.to_string(data.linked_data.labels);
auto print_instr_end = [&](int i) {
auto& instr = func.instructions.at(i);
result += line;
result += "\n";
// print delay slot gap
if (in_delay_slot) {
result += "\n";
in_delay_slot = false;
// for next time...
if (gOpcodeInfo[(int)instr.kind].has_delay_slot) {
in_delay_slot = true;
assert(last_instr_printed + 1 == i);
last_instr_printed = i;
// first, print the prologue. we start at word 1 because word 0 is the type tag
for (int i = 1; i < func.basic_blocks.front().start_word; i++) {
// next, print each basic block
int end_idx = func.basic_blocks.front().start_word;
for (int block_id = 0; block_id < int(func.basic_blocks.size()); block_id++) {
// block number
result += "B" + std::to_string(block_id) + ":\n";
auto& block = func.basic_blocks.at(block_id);
const TypeState* init_types = nullptr;
if (func.ir2.env.has_type_analysis()) {
init_types = &func.ir2.env.get_types_at_block_entry(block_id);
for (int instr_id = block.start_word; instr_id < block.end_word; instr_id++) {
bool printed_comment = false;
// print atomic op
int op_id = -1;
if (print_atomics && func.instr_starts_atomic_op(instr_id)) {
auto& op = func.get_atomic_op_at_instr(instr_id);
op_id = func.ir2.atomic_ops->instruction_to_atomic_op.at(instr_id);
append_commented(line, printed_comment,
op.to_string(data.linked_data.labels, &func.ir2.env));
if (func.ir2.env.has_type_analysis()) {
line, printed_comment,
op.reg_type_info_as_string(*init_types, func.ir2.env.get_types_after_op(op_id)), 50);
if (func.ir2.has_reg_use) {
std::string regs;
for (auto r : func.ir2.reg_use.op.at(op_id).consumes) {
regs += r.to_charp();
regs += ' ';
if (!regs.empty()) {
append_commented(line, printed_comment, "cs: " + regs, 50);
auto& instr = func.instructions.at(instr_id);
// print linked strings
for (int iidx = 0; iidx < instr.n_src; iidx++) {
if (instr.get_src(iidx).is_label()) {
auto lab = data.linked_data.labels.at(instr.get_src(iidx).get_label());
if (data.linked_data.is_string(lab.target_segment, lab.offset)) {
line, printed_comment,
data.linked_data.get_goal_string(lab.target_segment, lab.offset / 4 - 1));
if (print_atomics && func.ir2.env.has_type_analysis() &&
func.instr_starts_atomic_op(instr_id)) {
init_types = &func.ir2.env.get_types_after_op(op_id);
end_idx = block.end_word;
for (int i = end_idx; i < func.end_word - func.start_word; i++) {
result += "\n";
assert(total_instructions_printed == (func.end_word - func.start_word - 1));
return result;
* Try to look up the type of a function. Looks at the decompiler type info, the hints files,
* and other GOAL rules.
bool ObjectFileDB::lookup_function_type(const FunctionName& name,
const std::string& obj_name,
TypeSpec* result) {
auto& cfg = get_config();
// don't return function types that are explictly flagged as bad in config.
if (cfg.no_type_analysis_functions_by_name.find(name.to_string()) !=
cfg.no_type_analysis_functions_by_name.end()) {
return false;
if (name.kind == FunctionName::FunctionKind::GLOBAL) {
// global GOAL function.
auto kv = dts.symbol_types.find(name.function_name);
if (kv != dts.symbol_types.end() && kv->second.arg_count() >= 1) {
if (kv->second.base_type() != "function") {
lg::die("Found a function named {} but the symbol has type {}", name.to_string(),
// good, found a global function with full type information.
*result = kv->second;
return true;
} else if (name.kind == FunctionName::FunctionKind::METHOD) {
MethodInfo info;
if (dts.ts.try_lookup_method(name.type_name, name.method_id, &info)) {
if (info.type.arg_count() >= 1) {
if (info.type.base_type() != "function") {
lg::die("Found a method named {} but the symbol has type {}", name.to_string(),
// substitute the _type_ for the correct type.
*result = info.type.substitute_for_method_call(name.type_name);
return true;
} else if (name.kind == FunctionName::FunctionKind::TOP_LEVEL_INIT) {
*result = dts.ts.make_function_typespec({}, "none");
return true;
} else if (name.kind == FunctionName::FunctionKind::UNIDENTIFIED) {
// try looking up the object
const auto& map = get_config().anon_function_types_by_obj_by_id;
auto obj_kv = map.find(obj_name);
if (obj_kv != map.end()) {
auto func_kv = obj_kv->second.find(name.get_anon_id());
if (func_kv != obj_kv->second.end()) {
*result = dts.parse_type_spec(func_kv->second);
return true;
} else {
return false;
} // namespace decompiler