ManDude ab6a40a352
Add string-format macro for in-place formatted strings (#364)
* Add `string-format` macro for in-place formatted strings

this will be very useful for debugging and just making new strings in general

* add a warning to `string-format` about recursive usage

* clarify warning
2021-04-17 18:00:39 -04:00

731 lines
20 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: gstring.gc
;; name in dgo: gstring
;; dgos: KERNEL
;; Note on strings:
;; the allocated length does not include an extra byte on the end for the null terminator!
(defmethod length string ((obj string))
; Get the length of a string. Like strlen
(let ((str-ptr (-> obj data)))
(while (!= 0 (-> str-ptr 0))
(set! str-ptr (the (pointer uint8) (&+ str-ptr 1)))
(- (the int str-ptr) (the int (-> obj data)))
(defmethod asize-of string ((obj string))
;; get the size in bytes of a string.
;; BUG - string should probably be (-> obj type), not that it matters, I don't think
;; anybody makes a subclass of string.
(+ (-> obj allocated-length) 1 (-> string size))
(defun copy-string<-string ((dst string) (src string))
"Copy data from one string to another, like strcpy"
(let ((dst-ptr (-> dst data))
(src-ptr (-> src data))
(while (!= 0 (-> src-ptr))
(set! (-> dst-ptr) (-> src-ptr))
(&+! dst-ptr 1)
(&+! src-ptr 1)
(defmethod new string ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (size int) (other string))
"Create a new string of the given size. If other is not #f, copy data from it."
(let* ((desired-size (max (length other) size))
(new-obj (object-new allocation type-to-make (+ desired-size 1 (-> type-to-make size))))
(set! (-> new-obj allocated-length) size)
(copy-string<-string new-obj other)
(let ((new-obj (object-new allocation type-to-make (+ 1 size (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> new-obj allocated-length) size)
(defun string= ((str-a string) (str-b string))
"Does str-a hold the same data as str-b?.
If either string is null, returns #f."
(local-vars (b-ptr (pointer uint8)) (a-ptr (pointer uint8)))
(set! a-ptr (-> str-a data))
(set! b-ptr (-> str-b data))
(if (or (zero? str-a) (zero? str-b))
(return '#f)
;; loop until we reach the end of one string
(while (and (nonzero? (-> a-ptr 0)) (nonzero? (-> b-ptr 0)))
(if (!= (-> a-ptr 0) (-> b-ptr 0))
(return '#f)
(set! a-ptr (&-> a-ptr 1))
(set! b-ptr (&-> b-ptr 1))
;; only equal if both at the end.
(and (zero? (-> a-ptr 0)) (zero? (-> b-ptr 0)))
(defun string-charp= ((str string) (charp (pointer uint8)))
"Is the data in str equal to the C string charp?"
(local-vars (str-ptr (pointer uint8)))
(set! str-ptr (-> str data))
(while (and (nonzero? (-> str-ptr 0)) (nonzero? (-> charp 0)))
(if (!= (-> str-ptr 0) (-> charp 0))
(return '#f)
(set! str-ptr (&-> str-ptr 1))
(set! charp (&-> charp 1))
(and (zero? (-> str-ptr 0)) (zero? (-> charp 0)))
(defun name= ((arg0 basic) (arg1 basic))
"Do arg0 and arg1 have the same name?
This can use either strings or symbols"
((= arg0 arg1)
"Either same symbols, or same string objects, fast check pass!"
((and (= (-> arg0 type) string) (= (-> arg1 type) string))
(string= (the-as string arg0) (the-as string arg1))
((and (= (-> arg0 type) string) (= (-> arg1 type) symbol))
(string= (the-as string arg0) (symbol-to-string arg1))
((and (= (-> arg1 type) string) (= (-> arg0 type) symbol))
(string= (the-as string arg1) (symbol-to-string arg0))
(defun copyn-string<-charp ((str string) (charp (pointer uint8)) (len int))
"Copy data from a charp to a GOAL string. Copies len chars, plus a null."
(local-vars (str-ptr (pointer uint8)) (i int))
(set! str-ptr (-> str data))
(set! i 0)
(while (< i len)
(set! (-> str-ptr 0) (-> charp 0))
(set! str-ptr (&-> str-ptr 1))
(set! charp (&-> charp 1))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(set! (-> str-ptr 0) 0)
(defun string<-charp ((str string) (charp (pointer uint8)))
"Copy all chars from a char* to a GOAL string.
Does NO length checking."
(local-vars (str-ptr (pointer uint8)))
(set! str-ptr (-> str data))
(while (nonzero? (-> charp 0))
(set! (-> str-ptr 0) (-> charp 0))
(set! str-ptr (&-> str-ptr 1))
(set! charp (&-> charp 1))
(set! (-> str-ptr 0) 0)
(defun charp<-string ((dst (pointer uint8)) (src-string string))
"Copy a GOAL string into a character array."
(let ((src (-> src-string data)))
(while (!= 0 (-> src))
(set! (-> dst) (-> src))
(&+! dst 1)
(&+! src 1)
(set! (-> dst) 0)
(defun copy-charp<-charp ((dst (pointer uint8)) (src (pointer uint8)))
"C string copy."
(while (nonzero? (-> src 0))
(set! (-> dst 0) (-> src 0))
(set! dst (&-> dst 1))
(set! src (&-> src 1))
(set! (-> dst 0) 0)
(defun cat-string<-string ((a string) (b string))
"Append b to a. No length checks"
(local-vars (a-ptr (pointer uint8)) (b-ptr (pointer uint8)))
(set! a-ptr (-> a data))
(set! b-ptr (-> b data))
;; seek to the end of a
(while (nonzero? (-> a-ptr 0))
(set! a-ptr (&-> a-ptr 1))
;; append b
(while (nonzero? (-> b-ptr 0))
(set! (-> a-ptr 0) (-> b-ptr 0))
(set! a-ptr (&-> a-ptr 1))
(set! b-ptr (&-> b-ptr 1))
;; null terminate
(set! (-> a-ptr 0) 0)
(defun catn-string<-charp ((a string) (b (pointer uint8)) (len int))
"Append b to a, exactly len chars"
(local-vars (a-ptr (pointer uint8)) (i int) )
(set! a-ptr (-> a data))
;; seek to end of a
(while (nonzero? (-> a-ptr 0))
(set! a-ptr (&-> a-ptr 1))
;; append
(set! i 0)
(while (< i len)
(set! (-> a-ptr 0) (-> b 0))
(set! a-ptr (&-> a-ptr 1))
(set! b (&-> b 1))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(set! (-> a-ptr 0) 0)
(defun cat-string<-string_to_charp ((a string) (b string) (end-ptr (pointer uint8)))
"Append b to a, using chars of b up to (and including) the one pointed to by end-ptr,
or, until the end of b, whichever comes first."
(let ((b-ptr (-> b data))
(a-ptr (-> a data))
;; seek to end of a
(while (nonzero? (-> a-ptr 0))
(set! a-ptr (&-> a-ptr 1))
(while (and (>= (the-as int end-ptr) (the-as int b-ptr))
(nonzero? (-> b-ptr 0)))
(set! (-> a-ptr 0) (-> b-ptr 0))
(set! a-ptr (&-> a-ptr 1))
(set! b-ptr (&-> b-ptr 1))
(set! (-> a-ptr 0) 0)
(defun append-character-to-string ((str string) (char uint8))
"Append char to the end of the given string."
(let ((str-ptr (-> str data)))
(while (nonzero? (-> str-ptr 0))
(set! str-ptr (&-> str-ptr 1))
(set! (-> str-ptr 0) char)
(set! (-> str-ptr 1) 0)
(defun charp-basename ((charp (pointer uint8)))
"Like basename in C"
(let ((ptr charp))
;; seek to end
(while (nonzero? (-> ptr 0))
(set! ptr (&-> ptr 1))
;; and back up...
(while (< (the-as int charp) (the-as int ptr))
(set! ptr (&-> ptr -1))
;; (if (or (zero? (+ (-> ptr 0) -47)) (zero? (+ (-> ptr 0) -92)))
;; check for equal to / or \
(if (or (= (-> ptr 0) #\/) (= (-> ptr 0) #\\))
;; return the next char after that
(return (&-> ptr 1))
;; didn't find any slashes, return the whole thing.
(defun clear ((a0-0 string))
"Make string empty"
(set! (-> a0-0 data 0) 0) a0-0
;; NOTE: these string comparisons are a little broken.
;; ex: (string<? "asd" "asdf") = #f
;; (string<? "asdf" "asd") = #f
;; these comparisons do not properly order strings.
(defun string<? ((a string) (b string))
"In dictionary order, is a < b?"
(local-vars (i int) (len int))
;; get the minimum length.
;; note - we don't do virtual calls here for some reason.
(set! len (min ((method-of-type string length) a)
((method-of-type string length) b)
;; loop through chars, up until the minimum length.
(set! i 0)
(while (< i len)
((< (-> a data i) (-> b data i)) (return '#t))
((< (-> b data i) (-> a data i)) (return '#f))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(defun string>? ((a string) (b string))
"In dictionary order, is a > b?"
(local-vars (i int) (len int))
(set! len (min ((method-of-type string length) a)
((method-of-type string length) b))
(set! i 0)
(while (< i len)
((< (-> a data i) (-> b data i)) (return '#f))
((< (-> b data i) (-> a data i)) (return '#t))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(defun string<=? ((a string) (b string))
(local-vars (i int) (len int))
(set! len (min ((method-of-type string length) a)
((method-of-type string length) b))
(set! i 0)
(< i len)
((< (-> a data i) (-> b data i)) (return '#t))
((< (-> b data i) (-> a data i)) (return '#f))
(set! i (+ i 1))
(defun string>=? ((a string) (b string))
(local-vars (i int) (len int))
(set! len (min ((method-of-type string length) a)
((method-of-type string length) b))
(set! i 0)
(while (< i len)
((< (-> a data i) (-> b data i)) (return '#f))
((< (-> b data i) (-> a data i)) (return '#t))
(set! i (+ i 1))
;; temporary string for argument functions
(define *string-tmp-str* (new 'global 'string 128 (the string #f)))
(defun string-skip-to-char ((str (pointer uint8)) (char uint))
"Return pointer to first instance of char in C string, or to the null terminator if none"
(while (and (nonzero? (-> str 0)) (!= (-> str 0) char))
(set! str (&-> str 1))
(defun string-cat-to-last-char ((base-str string) (append-str string) (char uint))
"Append append-str to the end of of base-str, up to the last occurance of char in append-str"
(location-of-char (pointer uint8))
(end-of-append (pointer uint8))
;; point to one before the beginning of the append string (kind of a hack)
(set! end-of-append (&-> (the-as (pointer uint8) append-str) 3))
;; try to find char in append-str
(set! location-of-char (string-skip-to-char (-> append-str data) char))
(when (= (-> location-of-char 0) char)
;; found it!
;; update the location of the last find
(set! end-of-append location-of-char)
;; try to find another
(set! location-of-char (string-skip-to-char (&-> location-of-char 1) char))
;; did we succeed?
(!= (-> location-of-char 0) char)
;; now location-of-char points to the last occurance.
;; or to 1 before the start of append-str if we never found it.
(cat-string<-string_to_charp base-str append-str end-of-append)
(defmacro is-whitespace-char? (c)
;; 32 = space
;; 9 = \t
;; 13 = \r
;; 10 = \n
`(or (= ,c 32)
(= ,c 9)
(= ,c 13)
(= ,c 10)
(defun string-skip-whitespace ((arg0 (pointer uint8)))
"Skip over spaces, tabs, r's and n's"
(and (nonzero? (-> arg0 0))
(is-whitespace-char? (-> arg0 0))
(set! arg0 (&-> arg0 1))
(defun string-suck-up! ((str string) (location (pointer uint8)))
"Remove character between the start of string and location.
The char pointed to by location is now the first."
;; fast check to do nothing if location points to start already.
(when (!= location (-> str data))
(let ((str-ptr (-> str data)))
;; copy back
(while (nonzero? (-> location 0))
(set! (-> str-ptr 0) (-> location 0))
(set! str-ptr (&-> str-ptr 1))
(set! location (&-> location 1))
;; null terminate
(set! (-> str-ptr 0) 0)
(defun string-strip-leading-whitespace! ((str string))
"Remove whitespace at the front of a string"
(let ((start-loc (string-skip-whitespace (-> str data))))
(string-suck-up! str start-loc)
(defun string-strip-trailing-whitespace! ((str string))
"Remove whitespace at the end of a string"
(local-vars (ptr (pointer uint8)))
(when (nonzero? ((method-of-type string length) str))
(set! ptr (&+ (-> str data)
(the-as uint (+ ((method-of-type string length) str) -1)))
(while (and (>= (the-as int ptr) (the-as int (-> str data)))
(is-whitespace-char? (-> ptr 0))
(set! ptr (&-> ptr -1))
(set! (-> ptr 1) 0)
(defun string-strip-whitespace! ((arg0 string))
"Remove whitespace at the beginning and end of a string"
(string-strip-trailing-whitespace! arg0)
(string-strip-leading-whitespace! arg0)
(defun string-get-arg!! ((a-str string) (arg string))
"Get the first argument from a whitespace separated list of arguments.
The arguments can be in quotes or not.
Removes argument from arg string, sucks up white space before the next one
Outputs argument to a-str."
(arg-start (pointer uint8))
(v1-11 (pointer uint8))
(a0-6 symbol)
(a0-20 symbol)
(a1-3 (pointer uint8))
(a1-9 (pointer uint8))
(arg-word-start (pointer uint8))
(arg-end (pointer uint8))
;; seek up the beginning of a word.
(set! arg-word-start (string-skip-whitespace (-> arg data)))
((= (-> arg-word-start 0) 34) ;; starts with quote
;; seek past quote to first char of name
(set! arg-end (&-> arg-word-start 1))
;; now, find the end
(set! arg-start arg-end)
(while (and (nonzero? (-> arg-end 0))
;; (nonzero? (+ (-> arg-end 0) -34))
(!= (-> arg-end 0) 34) ;; quote
(set! arg-end (&-> arg-end 1))
;; copy to output.
(copyn-string<-charp a-str arg-start (- (the-as int arg-end) (the-as uint arg-start)))
;; if we got a close quote
(when (= (-> arg-end 0) 34)
;; seek past it
(set! arg-end (&-> arg-end 1))
(set! a1-3 (string-skip-whitespace arg-end))
(string-suck-up! arg a1-3)
(return '#t)
((nonzero? (-> arg-word-start 0))
(set! v1-11 arg-word-start)
(nonzero? (-> arg-word-start 0))
(nonzero? (+ (-> arg-word-start 0) -32))
(nonzero? (+ (-> arg-word-start 0) -9))
(nonzero? (+ (-> arg-word-start 0) -13))
(nonzero? (+ (-> arg-word-start 0) -10))
(set! arg-word-start (&-> arg-word-start 1))
(copyn-string<-charp a-str v1-11 (- (the-as int arg-word-start) (the-as uint v1-11)))
(set! a1-9 (string-skip-whitespace arg-word-start))
(string-suck-up! arg a1-9)
(return '#t)
(defun string->int ((str string))
"String to int. Supports binary, hex, and decimal. Negative is implemented for decimal and hex
But I think it's broken?"
(result int)
(negative symbol)
(str-ptr (pointer uint8))
(next-char-1 (pointer uint8))
(next-char-2 (pointer uint8))
(a0-4 (pointer uint8))
(a0-5 symbol)
(a1-14 uint)
(a1-16 symbol)
(a1-20 uint)
(a1-23 uint)
(a1-33 symbol)
(a1-44 symbol)
(a1-47 (pointer uint8))
(set! str-ptr (-> str data))
(set! result 0)
(set! negative '#f)
((= (-> str-ptr 0) 35) ;; #
;; starts with #.
(set! next-char-1 (&-> str-ptr 1))
((or (= (-> next-char-1 0) #\x) (= (-> next-char-1 0) #\X))
;; starts with #x or #X
(set! next-char-2 (&-> next-char-1 1))
(when (= (-> next-char-2 1) #\-)
;; negate!
(set! negative '#t)
(set! next-char-2 (&-> next-char-2 1))
;; is in [0-9]
(>= (-> next-char-2 0) #\0)
(>= (the-as uint #\9) (-> next-char-2 0))
;; is in [A-F]
(>= (-> next-char-2 0) (the-as uint 65))
(>= (the-as uint 70) (-> next-char-2 0))
;; is in [a-f]
(>= (-> next-char-2 0) (the-as uint 97))
(>= (the-as uint 102) (-> next-char-2 0))
;; is in [A-F]
(>= (-> next-char-2 0) (the-as uint 65))
(>= (the-as uint 70) (-> next-char-2 0))
(the int (+ (+ (-> next-char-2 0) -55) (the-as uint (shl result 4))))
(>= (-> next-char-2 0) (the-as uint 97))
(>= (the-as uint 102) (-> next-char-2 0))
;; in [a-f]
(set! result
(the int (+ (+ (-> next-char-2 0) -87) (the-as uint (shl result 4))))
;; numeric
(set! result
(the int (+ (+ (-> next-char-2 0) -48) (the-as uint (shl result 4))))
) ;; end numeric
) ;; end numeric or [a-f]
) ;; end not [A-F]
) ;; end cond
(set! next-char-2 (&-> next-char-2 1))
) ;; end while
((or (zero? (+ (-> next-char-1 0) -98)) (zero? (+ (-> next-char-1 0) -66)))
;; is #b (I guess we can't do negative binary?)
(set! a0-4 (&-> next-char-1 1))
(while (and (>= (-> a0-4 0) (the-as uint 48)) (>= (the-as uint 49) (-> a0-4 0)))
(set! result (the int (+ (+ (-> a0-4 0) -48) (the-as uint (shl result 1)))))
(set! a0-4 (&-> a0-4 1))
;; decimal
;; check for negative
(when (= (-> str-ptr 1) 45)
(set! negative '#t)
(set! str-ptr (&-> str-ptr 1))
(set! a1-47 str-ptr)
(while (and
(>= (-> str-ptr 0) (the-as uint 48))
(>= (the-as uint 57) (-> str-ptr 0))
(set! result (the int (+ (+ (-> str-ptr 0) -48) (the-as uint (* 10 result)))))
(set! str-ptr (&-> str-ptr 1))
(cond (negative (- result)) (else result))
(defun string->float ((arg0 string))
"Convert a string to a float, but it is not implemented."
(format 0 "string->float left as an excersize for the reader~%")
(defun string-get-int32!! ((arg0 (pointer int32)) (arg1 string))
"Get an int32 from a list of arguments"
((string-get-arg!! *string-tmp-str* arg1)
(set! (-> arg0 0) (string->int *string-tmp-str*))
(else '#f)
(defun string-get-float!! ((arg0 (pointer float)) (arg1 string))
((string-get-arg!! *string-tmp-str* arg1)
(set! (-> arg0 0) (string->float *string-tmp-str*))
(else '#f)
(defun string-get-flag!! ((result (pointer symbol)) (in string) (first-flag string) (second-flag string))
(local-vars (v1-0 symbol))
((string-get-arg!! *string-tmp-str* in)
((or (string= *string-tmp-str* first-flag)
(string= *string-tmp-str* second-flag)
(set! (-> result 0) (string= *string-tmp-str* first-flag))
(else '#f)
(else '#f)
;; what is this?
(define *debug-draw-pauseable* #f)
;; console buffers. not sure what the two are for.
(define *stdcon0* (new 'global 'string 16384 (the string #f)))
(define *stdcon1* (new 'global 'string 16384 (the string #f)))
(define *stdcon* *stdcon0*)
;; shared temporary string.
(define *temp-string* (new 'global 'string 256 (the string #f)))
(defmacro string-format (&rest args)
"Formats into *temp-string* and returns it, for in-place string formating.
DO NOT USE *temp-string* WITH THIS MACRO! It is read as input AFTER all of the args evaluate."
(format (clear *temp-string*) ,@args)