water111 8faded6400
[decompiler] bitfield support for sound-name (#582)
* fix 64-bit fields in 128-bit bitfields

* support sound-name

* fix merge

* support some more sound stuff in overlord
2021-06-12 12:55:38 -04:00

448 lines
14 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: load-dgo.gc
;; name in dgo: load-dgo
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
;; OVERLORD messages
;; status flag sent from OVERLORD about a DGO load.
(defenum load-msg-result
:type uint16
:bitfield #f
(done 0) ;; dgo fully loaded!
(error 1) ;; loading failed (file not found, etc)
(more 2) ;; more files exist!
(aborted 3) ;; status returned after a request to cancel.
(invalid 666) ;; invalid status indicating a communication error.
;; load command sent to the IOP to load a DGO.
;; The OVERLORD responds with the same message.
(deftype load-dgo-msg (structure)
((rsvd uint16 :offset-assert 0) ;; unused?
(result load-msg-result :offset-assert 2) ;; status from OVERLORD
(b1 uint32 :offset-assert 4) ;; EE -> OVERLORD, first temp load buffer
(b2 uint32 :offset-assert 8) ;; EE -> OVERLORD, second temp load buffer
(bt uint32 :offset-assert 12) ;; EE -> OVERLORD, location of heap
(name uint128 :offset-assert 16) ;; EE -> OVERLORD, name of file.
(name-chars uint8 16 :offset 16) ;; name of file (as chars)
(address uint32 :offset 4) ;; OVERLORD -> EE, location of loaded file.
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x20
:flag-assert #x900000020
struct RPC_Dgo_Cmd {
uint16_t rsvd;
uint16_t result;
uint32_t buffer1;
uint32_t buffer2;
uint32_t buffer_heap_top;
char name[16];
;; load commmand/response for loading a chunk of a file.
;; It can either be an entire file, or a section of a STR file.
(deftype load-chunk-msg (structure)
((rsvd uint16 :offset-assert 0) ;; unused?
(result load-msg-result :offset-assert 2) ;; only done or error.
(address pointer :offset-assert 4) ;; where to load to
(section uint32 :offset-assert 8) ;; chunk ID, or -1 for the whole file.
(maxlen uint32 :offset-assert 12) ;; maximum length to load.
(id uint32 :offset 4) ;; ? same as chunk
(basename uint8 48 :offset-assert 16) ;; name of file to load.
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x40
:flag-assert #x900000040
struct RPC_Str_Cmd {
u16 rsvd; // 0, seems unused
u16 result; // 2, return code. see STR_RPC_RESULT_XXX
u32 ee_addr; // 4, GOAL address to load to.
s32 chunk_id; // 8, chunk ID for chunked file. Use -1 to load a non-chunked file, which gets the
// whole file.
u32 length; // 12, length that was actually loaded
char name[64]; // file name
;; The header of a DGO file
(deftype dgo-header (structure)
((length uint32 :offset-assert 0) ;; number of object files contained.
(rootname uint8 60 :offset-assert 4)
;; added data field
(data uint8 :dynamic :offset-assert 64)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x40
:flag-assert #x900000040
struct DgoHeader {
u32 object_count;
char name[60];
;; RPC Buffer init
(define-extern *load-dgo-rpc* rpc-buffer-pair)
(when (= 0 (the int *load-dgo-rpc*))
;; we need to allocate the rpc buffers
(set! *load-dgo-rpc* (new 'global 'rpc-buffer-pair (the uint 32) (the uint 1) RPC-DGO))
(define *load-str-rpc* (new 'global 'rpc-buffer-pair (the uint 64) (the uint 1) RPC-LOAD-STR))
(define *play-str-rpc* (new 'global 'rpc-buffer-pair (the uint 64) (the uint 2) RPC-PLAY-STR))
;; we have separate locks for queuing and loading.
(define *load-str-lock* '#f)
(define *que-str-lock* '#f)
(define *dgo-name* (new 'global 'string 64 (the string '#f)))
;; load a file, or part of a chunked STR file.
(defun str-load ((name string) (chunk-id int) (address pointer) (len int))
"Begin a streaming load if possible!
We must be able to grab the lock, and no streaming load in progress.
Return if we actually start the load."
;; check if safe to begin load.
(when (or (check-busy *load-str-rpc*) *load-str-lock*)
(return #f)
;; ok, we are good to start a load. begin by adding an element to the RPC buffer
(let ((cmd (the load-chunk-msg (add-element *load-str-rpc*))))
(set! (-> cmd result) (load-msg-result invalid))
(set! (-> cmd address) address)
(set! (-> cmd section) chunk-id)
(set! (-> cmd maxlen) len)
(charp<-string (-> cmd basename) name)
;; and then calling with this element
(call *load-str-rpc* (the uint 0) (the pointer cmd) (the uint 32))
(set! *load-str-lock* #t)
(set! *que-str-lock* #t)
(defun str-load-status ((length-out (pointer int32)))
"Check the status of the str load.
The 'busy status indicates it is still going
The 'error status indicates the load failed.
The 'complete status means the load is finished, and length-out contains the loaded length."
;; still going..
(if (check-busy *load-str-rpc*)
(return 'busy)
;; not busy, we can free the lock
(set! *load-str-lock* #f)
;; also lock the queue. Not sure why?
(set! *que-str-lock* #t)
;; grab the response
(let ((response (the load-chunk-msg (pop-last-received *load-str-rpc*))))
(if (= (-> response result) (load-msg-result error))
(return 'error)
;; no error!
(set! (-> length-out) (the int (-> response maxlen)))
(defun str-load-cancel ()
"Cancel a str load. This doesn't actually tell the OVERLORD to stop, it just frees the lock."
(set! *load-str-lock* #f)
;; and locks the queue?
(set! *que-str-lock* #t)
;; unknown. I think related to playing cutscene stuff?
(defun str-play-async ((name string) (addr pointer))
"Queue a play cmd to do... something?
Locks the queue, doesn't check other locks"
(set! *que-str-lock* #t)
(let ((cmd (the-as load-chunk-msg (add-element *play-str-rpc*))))
(charp<-string (-> cmd basename) name)
;; might be an id?
(set! (-> cmd address) addr)
;; probably using a different enum here
(set! (-> cmd result) (load-msg-result done))
(defun str-play-stop ((name string))
"Queue command to stop playing."
(set! *que-str-lock* #t)
(let ((cmd (the-as load-chunk-msg (add-element *play-str-rpc*))))
;; not sure why we need a name to stop?
(charp<-string (-> cmd basename) name)
;; might be wrong enum here
(set! (-> cmd result) (load-msg-result error))
(defun str-play-queue ((name string))
"Queue a command to do something"
(when (and (not (check-busy *play-str-rpc*))
(not *load-str-lock*)
(not *que-str-lock*)
(let ((cmd (the-as load-chunk-msg (add-element *play-str-rpc*))))
(charp<-string (-> cmd basename) name)
(set! (-> cmd result) (load-msg-result more))
(set! *que-str-lock* #f)
(defun str-ambient-play ((name string))
"Queue a command to do something"
(set! *que-str-lock* #t)
(let ((cmd (the-as load-chunk-msg (add-element *play-str-rpc*))))
(set! (-> cmd basename 0) (the-as uint 36)) ;; a '$' char
(charp<-string (&-> cmd basename 1) name)
(set! (-> cmd result) (load-msg-result done))
(defun str-ambient-stop ((name string))
(set! *que-str-lock* #t)
(let ((cmd (the-as load-chunk-msg (add-element *play-str-rpc*))))
(set! (-> cmd basename 0) (the-as uint 36)) ;; a '$' char
(charp<-string (&-> cmd basename 1) name)
(set! (-> cmd result) (load-msg-result error))
(defun str-play-kick ()
"Call str RPC if we aren't busy"
;; is written with an empty body for the first case.
((check-busy *play-str-rpc*)
(call *play-str-rpc* (the-as uint 0) (the-as pointer 0) (the-as uint 0))
(define *dgo-time* (the-as uint 0))
(defun dgo-load-begin ((name string) (buffer1 int) (buffer2 int) (current-heap int))
"Send a DGO load RPC!"
;; remember when we started
(set! *dgo-time* (-> *display* real-integral-frame-counter))
(format 0 "Starting level load clock~%")
;; flush pending RPC
(sync *load-dgo-rpc* #t)
;; grab a new command from the RCP buffer
(let ((cmd (the-as load-dgo-msg (add-element *load-dgo-rpc*))))
;; set parameters
(set! (-> cmd result) (load-msg-result invalid))
(set! (-> cmd b1) (the-as uint buffer1))
(set! (-> cmd b2) (the-as uint buffer2))
(set! (-> cmd bt) (the-as uint current-heap))
;; modified due to OpenGOAL not supporting uint128 return values yet
(set! (-> cmd name) (string->sound-name name))
;; call now!
(call *load-dgo-rpc* (the-as uint 0) (the-as pointer cmd) (the-as uint 32))
(defun dgo-load-get-next ((last-object (pointer symbol)))
"Check if the currently loading object is done.
Will set the last-object flag depending on if there is more.
Returns #f if it hasn't loaded yet and the address otherwise"
(set! (-> last-object 0) #t)
(let ((load-location (the-as pointer #f)))
;; see if RPC is done
(when (not (check-busy *load-dgo-rpc*))
;; it is, try to get a response, if there is a new one.
(let ((response (the-as load-dgo-msg (pop-last-received *load-dgo-rpc*))))
(when response
;; get load location
(if (or (= (-> response result) (load-msg-result done)) (= (-> response result) (load-msg-result more)))
;; success! set load location to the location the IOP loaded to.
(set! load-location (the-as pointer (-> response b1)))
;; set more flag
(if (= (-> response result) (load-msg-result more))
(set! (-> last-object 0) #f)
;; if we're done loading, print the load time.
;; note that this does not include linking/setup of the
;; final object in the level which may take a significant amount of time
(if (= (-> response result) (load-msg-result done))
;; this assumes 60 fps!
(format 0 "Elapsed time for level = ~Fs~%"
(* 0.016666668 (the float (- (-> *display* real-integral-frame-counter) *dgo-time*)))
(defun dgo-load-continue ((current-heap pointer))
"Send a command to to the IOP to continue loading a DGO"
(let ((cmd (the-as load-dgo-msg (add-element *load-dgo-rpc*))))
(set! (-> cmd result) (load-msg-result invalid))
(set! (-> cmd b1) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> cmd b2) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> cmd bt) (the-as uint current-heap))
(set! (-> cmd name) (the-as uint128 0))
(call *load-dgo-rpc* (the-as uint 1) (the-as pointer cmd) (the-as uint 32))
(the-as int cmd)
(defun dgo-load-cancel ()
"Send a command to the IOP to cancel loading a DGO.
NOTE: this _might_ stall for a long time (multiple frames)
if you call it while an object is currently being loaded.
I believe this is only good to call if you do it after
dgo-load-get-next and before dgo-load-continue"
(sync *load-dgo-rpc* #t)
(let ((cmd (add-element *load-dgo-rpc*)))
(call *load-dgo-rpc* (the-as uint 2) cmd (the-as uint 32))
(defun find-temp-buffer ((size int))
"A terrible function to find some temporary space in the DMA system.
It is unused, thankfully"
;; it checks the same thing twice.
(let ((qwc (+ (/ size 16) 2)))
(the-as pointer
((< (the-as uint qwc)
(the-as uint (dma-buffer-free (-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame global-buf)))
(logand -16 (the-as int (&+ (-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame global-buf base) 15)))
((< (the-as uint qwc)
(the-as uint (dma-buffer-free (-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame global-buf)))
(logand -16 (the-as int (&+ (-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame global-buf base) 15)))
(defenum link-flag
:bitfield #t
:type int32
(output-load-msg 0)
(output-load-true-msg 1)
(execute-login 2)
(print-login 3)
(force-debug 4)
(fast-link 5)
; (link-flag output-load-msg
; output-load-true-msg
; execute-login
; fast-link)
(defun dgo-load-link ((obj-file dgo-header) (heap kheap) (print-login symbol) (last-object symbol))
"Begin linking an object from a DGO.
The obj-file argument should be the thing returned from dgo-load-get-next"
(let ((obj-data (-> obj-file data)))
;; first, check to see if we ran off the end of the heap.
;; ideally you'd check this _before_ loading the file
(if (>= (the-as int (&+ obj-data (-> obj-file length))) (the-as int (-> heap top-base)))
;; just print an error, and continue...
(format 0 "ERROR: -----> dgo file header #x~X has overrun heap #x~X by ~D bytes. This is very bad!~%"
(&- (&+ obj-data (-> obj-file length)) (the-as uint (-> heap top-base)))
;; last object should be loaded on top of the heap.
;; until this link completes, the heap is in a very strange state.
(if last-object
(format 0 "NOTICE: loaded ~g, ~D bytes (~f K) at top ~D~%"
(-> obj-file rootname)
(-> obj-file length)
(* 0.0009765625 (the float (-> obj-file length)))
(&- (&+ obj-data (-> obj-file length)) (the-as uint (-> heap base)))
;; store the dgo name
(string<-charp (clear *dgo-name*) (-> obj-file rootname))
(link-begin obj-data (-> *dgo-name* data) (the-as int (-> obj-file length)) heap
(if print-login
(link-flag output-load-msg output-load-true-msg execute-login fast-link print-login)
(link-flag output-load-msg output-load-true-msg execute-login fast-link)
(defun destroy-mem ((arg0 (pointer uint32)) (arg1 (pointer uint32)))
"Overwrite memory from arg0 to arg1"
(while (< (the-as int arg0) (the-as int arg1))
(set! (-> arg0 0) #xffffffff)
(set! arg0 (&-> arg0 1))