ManDude b74399ed57
rework goal_src structure for jak 1 a bit (#1615)
* move files

* update game.gp
2022-07-05 16:00:09 -04:00

285 lines
12 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: process-drawable-h.gc
;; name in dgo: process-drawable-h
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
(define-extern cspace-index-by-name (function process-drawable string int))
(define-extern cspace-by-name (function process-drawable string cspace))
(define-extern joint-control-reset! (function joint-control joint-control-channel none :behavior process-drawable))
(defun cspace-by-name-no-fail ((arg0 process-drawable) (arg1 string))
"Get a cspace by name from the given process-drawable. If it fails, print an error and return the first one"
(let ((result (cspace-by-name arg0 arg1)))
(format 0 "no cspace (~A)~%" arg1)
(-> arg0 node-list data 0)
(defun cspace-index-by-name-no-fail ((arg0 process-drawable) (arg1 string))
"Get the index of a cspace by name from the given process drawable. If it fails, print an error and return 0."
(let ((v0-0 (cspace-index-by-name arg0 arg1)))
((< v0-0 0)
(format 0 "no cspace[ndx] (~A)~%" arg1)
;; The following functions can be applied to a joint-control-channel to change the frame number.
;; They return the resulting frame number as well.
(defun num-func-none ((arg0 joint-control-channel) (arg1 float) (arg2 float))
"Don't change anything."
(-> arg0 frame-num)
(defun num-func-+! ((arg0 joint-control-channel) (arg1 float) (arg2 float))
"Increment the frame number, taking into account the animation speed and current game rate."
(let ((f0-1 (+ (-> arg0 frame-num) (* arg1 (* (-> arg0 frame-group speed) (-> *display* time-adjust-ratio))))))
(set! (-> arg0 frame-num) f0-1)
(defun num-func--! ((arg0 joint-control-channel) (arg1 float) (arg2 float))
"Decrement the frame number, taking into account the animation speed and current game rate."
(let ((f0-1 (- (-> arg0 frame-num) (* arg1 (* (-> arg0 frame-group speed) (-> *display* time-adjust-ratio))))))
(set! (-> arg0 frame-num) f0-1)
(defun num-func-loop! ((chan joint-control-channel) (inc float) (arg2 float))
"Like num-func-+!, but will wrap to 0 after going past the end."
;; get the duration from the joint-animation-compressed.
(let* ((duration (the float (+ (-> chan frame-group data 0 length) -1)))
;; increment (also add a full duration to it, I guess to avoid issues if inc is negative and we're near the start.)
(+ (-> chan frame-num) duration (* inc (* (-> chan frame-group speed) (-> *display* time-adjust-ratio))))
;; wrap.
(wrapped (- after-inc (* (the float (the int (/ after-inc duration))) duration)))
(set! (-> chan frame-num) wrapped)
(defun num-func-seek! ((arg0 joint-control-channel) (arg1 float) (arg2 float))
"Seek toward arg1 by at most arg2 (taking into account speed etc)"
(let ((f0-3
(seek (-> arg0 frame-num) arg1 (* arg2 (* (-> arg0 frame-group speed) (-> *display* time-adjust-ratio))))
;; set it twice, just to make sure.
(set! (-> arg0 frame-num) f0-3)
(set! (-> arg0 frame-num) f0-3)
(defun num-func-blend-in! ((arg0 joint-control-channel) (arg1 float) (arg2 float))
"Seek frame-interp toward 1. Once its there, do a joint-control-reset."
(let ((f30-0 (seek (-> arg0 frame-interp) 1.0 (* arg1 (-> *display* time-adjust-ratio)))))
(set! (-> arg0 frame-interp) f30-0)
(set! (-> arg0 frame-interp) f30-0)
(if (= f30-0 1.0)
(joint-control-reset! (-> arg0 parent) arg0)
(defun num-func-chan ((arg0 joint-control-channel) (arg1 float) (arg2 float))
"Copies the frame number from the channel arg1."
;; this is a super hack.
;; we know that we're in an inline-array of joint-control-channels
;; and the group-sub-index is our index in our array
;; so we can compute the offset of the arg1-th index from this.
(let ((f0-2 (-> (the-as joint-control-channel
(+ (the-as uint arg0)
(the-as uint
;; 48 * (difference in indices)
(* 48 (- (the int arg1) (-> arg0 group-sub-index))))
(set! (-> arg0 frame-num) f0-2)
(defun num-func-identity ((arg0 joint-control-channel) (arg1 float) (arg2 float))
"seems to be the same thing as none."
(-> arg0 frame-num)
(defenum entity-perm-status
:bitfield #t
:type uint16
(bit-0 0)
(bit-1 1)
(dead 2)
(bit-3 3)
(bit-4 4)
(user-set-from-cstage 5)
(complete 6)
(bit-7 7)
(real-complete 8)
(bit-9 9)
(bit-10 10)
(define-extern process-entity-status! (function process entity-perm-status symbol int))
(defmacro ja-group (&key (chan 0))
"get the frame group for self. default channel is 0, the base channel. returns #f if no frame group."
`(if (> (-> self skel active-channels) ,chan)
(-> self skel root-channel ,chan frame-group))
(defmacro ja-group? (group &key (chan 0))
"is self in this frame group on this channel? default is channel 0, which is the base channel."
`(= (ja-group) ,group)
(defmacro ja (&key (chan 0)
&key (group! #f)
&key (num! #f)
&key (param0 #f)
&key (param1 #f)
&key (num-func #f)
&key (frame-num #f)
&key (frame-interp #f)
&key (dist #f)
&key (eval? #t)
"set various joint anim parameters for self and eval them.
you can use this for playing animations!
chan = the channel to modify. defaults to 0 (base channel). this is usually what you want.
group! = when not #f, set this as the new frame-group. defaults to #f
num! = set the frame playback function. this is what determines what frame an animation is at. funcs below.
#f = no func will be set, and there wont be a frame eval.
num-func = sets the num-func field for the channel. this lets you change the function with eval'ing.
param0 = 1st parameter for the playback function. ONLY USE THESE WITH num-func !!
param1 = 2nd parameter for the playback function. ONLY USE THESE WITH num-func !!
frame-num = set the frame-num field.
frame-interp = set the frame-interp field.
dist = set the dist field.
available num! functions:
- (+!) = advance anim.
- (-!) = reverse anim.
- (identity num) = play 'num' frame.
- (seek! target speed) = animate towards frame target at a speed.
speed is optional and defaults to 1.0 when not provided.
target is optional and defaults to the last frame of the animation.
if you want to set the speed, you therefore must also set the target.
target can be max (no quote), which is just the same as the default value.
- (loop! speed) = loop animation at a speed. default speed is 1.0 when not provided.
- (chan channel) = copy frame from another channel.
- min = the start of the animation.
- max = the end of the animation.
(let* ((num-args (if (pair? num!) (cdr num!) '()))
(num! (if (pair? num!) (car num!) num!))
(nf (cond
((or (eq? num! 'identity)
(eq? num! 'min)
(eq? num! 'max)
((eq? num! 'none) 'num-func-none)
((eq? num! '+!) 'num-func-+!)
((eq? num! '-!) 'num-func--!)
((eq? num! 'seek!) 'num-func-seek!)
((eq? num! 'loop!) 'num-func-loop!)
((eq? num! 'blend-in!) 'num-func-blend-in!)
((eq? num! 'chan) 'num-func-chan)
(p0 (if param0 param0
((eq? num! 'chan) `(the float ,(car num-args)))
((eq? num! '+!) (if (null? num-args) 1.0 (car num-args)))
((eq? num! '-!) (if (null? num-args) 1.0 (car num-args)))
((eq? num! 'loop!) (if (null? num-args) 1.0 (if (eq? 'max (car num-args))
(if group!
`(the float (1- (-> (the art-joint-anim ,group!) data 0 length)))
`(the float (1- (-> ja-ch frame-group data 0 length)))
(car num-args))))
((eq? num! 'seek!) (if (or (null? num-args) (eq? (car num-args) 'max))
(if group!
`(the float (1- (-> (the art-joint-anim ,group!) data 0 length)))
`(the float (1- (-> ja-ch frame-group data 0 length)))
(car num-args)))
(p1 (if param1 param1
((eq? num! 'seek!) (if (or (null? num-args) (null? (cdr num-args))) 1.0 (cadr num-args)))
(frame-num (if (eq? 'max frame-num) (if group!
`(the float (1- (-> (the art-joint-anim ,group!) data 0 length)))
`(the float (1- (-> ja-ch frame-group data 0 length)))
(frame-group (if (or p0 p1 frame-num (not nf)) group! #f))
`(let ((ja-ch (-> self skel root-channel ,chan)))
,(if frame-interp `(set! (-> ja-ch frame-interp) ,frame-interp) `(none))
,(if dist `(set! (-> ja-ch dist) ,dist) `(none))
,(if frame-group `(set! (-> ja-ch frame-group) (the art-joint-anim ,frame-group)) `(none))
,(if p0 `(set! (-> ja-ch param 0) ,p0) `(none))
,(if p1 `(set! (-> ja-ch param 1) ,p1) `(none))
,(if num-func `(set! (-> ja-ch num-func) ,num-func) `(none))
,(if frame-num `(set! (-> ja-ch frame-num) ,frame-num) `(none))
,(if nf
`(,(if eval? 'joint-control-channel-group-eval! 'joint-control-channel-group!)
ja-ch (the art-joint-anim ,group!) ,nf)
((eq? num! 'min) `(set! (-> ja-ch frame-num) 0.0))
((eq? num! 'max) (if group!
`(set! (-> ja-ch frame-num) (the float (1- (-> (the art-joint-anim ,group!) data 0 length))))
`(set! (-> ja-ch frame-num) (the float (1- (-> ja-ch frame-group data 0 length))))
((eq? num! 'identity) `(set! (-> ja-ch frame-num) ,(car num-args)))
(#t `(none))
(defmacro ja-no-eval (&key (chan 0)
&key (group! #f)
&key (num! #f)
&key (param0 #f)
&key (param1 #f)
&key (num-func #f)
&key (frame-num #f)
&key (frame-interp #f)
&key (dist #f)
`(ja :eval? #f :chan ,chan :group! ,group! :num! ,num! :param0 ,param0 :param1 ,param1 :num-func ,num-func :frame-num ,frame-num :frame-interp ,frame-interp :dist ,dist)