ManDude cd68cb671e
deftype and defmethod syntax major changes (#3094)
Major change to how `deftype` shows up in our code:
- the decompiler will no longer emit the `offset-assert`,
`method-count-assert`, `size-assert` and `flag-assert` parameters. There
are extremely few cases where having this in the decompiled code is
helpful, as the types there come from `all-types` which already has
those parameters. This also doesn't break type consistency because:
  - the asserts aren't compared.
- the first step of the test uses `all-types`, which has the asserts,
which will throw an error if they're bad.
- the decompiler won't emit the `heap-base` parameter unless necessary
- the decompiler will try its hardest to turn a fixed-offset field into
an `overlay-at` field. It falls back to the old offset if all else
- `overlay-at` now supports field "dereferencing" to specify the offset
that's within a field that's a structure, e.g.:
(deftype foobar (structure)
  ((vec    vector  :inline)
   (flags  int32   :overlay-at (-> vec w))
in this structure, the offset of `flags` will be 12 because that is the
final offset of `vec`'s `w` field within this structure.
- **removed ID from all method declarations.** IDs are only ever
automatically assigned now. Fixes #3068.
- added an `:overlay` parameter to method declarations, in order to
declare a new method that goes on top of a previously-defined method.
Syntax is `:overlay <method-name>`. Please do not ever use this.
- added `state-methods` list parameter. This lets you quickly specify a
list of states to be put in the method table. Same syntax as the
`states` list parameter. The decompiler will try to put as many states
in this as it can without messing with the method ID order.

Also changes `defmethod` to make the first type definition (before the
arguments) optional. The type can now be inferred from the first
argument. Fixes #3093.


Co-authored-by: Hat Kid <6624576+Hat-Kid@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-10-30 03:20:02 +00:00

339 lines
11 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: settings-h.gc
;; name in dgo: settings-h
;; dgos: ENGINE, GAME
(defenum cam-slave-options
:type uint64
:bitfield #t
(defenum cam-master-options
:type uint64
:bitfield #t
(defenum cam-slave-options-u32
:type uint32
:bitfield #t
:copy-entries cam-slave-options)
(defenum cam-master-options-u32
:type uint32
:bitfield #t
:copy-entries cam-master-options)
(declare-type setting-control basic)
(define-extern *setting-control* setting-control)
(defmacro setting-control-func! (func s &rest args)
(let ((argb #f)
(argi 0)
(argf 0.0)
(setting (car s)))
(set! argb (car args))
(set! argf (cadr args))
(set! argi (caddr args))
`(,func *setting-control* (with-pp pp) ,s ,argb ,argf ,argi)
(defmacro add-setting! (s &rest args)
`(setting-control-func! add-setting ,s ,@args)
(defmacro set-setting! (s &rest args)
`(setting-control-func! set-setting ,s ,@args)
(defmacro remove-setting! (s)
`(remove-setting *setting-control* (with-pp pp) ,s)
(defenum game-feature
:type uint64
:bitfield #t
(gun) ;; used for having any gun.
(deftype user-setting-data (structure)
((border-mode symbol)
(process-mask process-mask)
(unknown-int32-00 int32)
(language language-enum :offset 16)
(display-dx int32)
(display-dy int32)
(vibration symbol :offset 32)
(play-hints symbol :offset 36)
(movie (pointer process) :offset 40)
(talking (pointer process))
(spooling (pointer process))
(hint (pointer process))
(ambient (pointer process))
(video-mode symbol)
(aspect-ratio symbol)
(use-progressive-scan symbol :offset 68)
(auto-save symbol :offset 72)
(bg-r float)
(bg-g float)
(bg-b float)
(bg-a float)
(bg-a-speed float)
(bg-a-force float)
(allow-progress symbol)
(allow-pause symbol)
(ocean-off symbol)
(allow-look-around symbol)
(camera-stick-dir symbol)
(movie-name symbol :offset 120)
(weather symbol)
(mouse symbol)
(cursor symbol)
(task-mask task-mask :offset 136)
(region-mode symbol)
(duck symbol :offset 144)
(attack symbol)
(gun symbol)
(board symbol)
(jump symbol)
(speed-mult float)
(features game-feature)
(sfx-volume float)
(sfx-movie-volume float)
(music-volume float)
(music-volume-movie float)
(dialog-volume float)
(dialog-volume-hint float)
(ambient-volume float)
(ambient-volume-move float)
(sound-flava uint8)
(sound-flava-priority float)
(mode-sound-bank uint32)
(sound-excitement float)
(sound-reverb float)
(stereo-mode int32)
(music symbol)
(sound-stinger int32)
(spool-anim spool-anim)
(sound-mode uint32)
(task-manager (pointer process))
(task symbol)
(airlock symbol)
(minimap uint16)
(sound-tune uint32)
(allow-continue symbol)
(spotlight-color rgba)
(subtitle symbol)
(borrow pair)
(doorway symbol)
(gem symbol)
(half-speed symbol)
(gun-buoy symbol)
(double-jump symbol)
(pilot symbol)
(pilot-exit symbol)
(exclusive-task int32)
(speech-control symbol)
(vehicle-hijacking symbol)
(darkjak symbol)
(endlessfall symbol)
(rain float)
(snow float)
(exclusive-load symbol)
(render symbol)
(allow-timeout symbol)
(mirror symbol)
(movie-skip-frame float)
(allow-blackout symbol)
(race-minimap int32)
(extra-bank pair)
(beard symbol)
(ignore-target symbol)
(subtitle-language language-enum)
(sound-bank-load symbol)
(allow-error symbol)
(under-water-pitch-mod float)
(dummy object 31)
(user-setting-data-method-9 (_type_ engine engine-pers engine) user-setting-data)
(user-setting-data-method-10 (_type_ object symbol float uint) user-setting-data)
(deftype cam-setting-data (structure)
((fov degrees)
(pov-handle handle :offset 16)
(pov-bone int32)
(pov-offset vector :inline)
(string-default symbol)
(string-max-length meters)
(string-min-length meters)
(string-max-height meters)
(string-min-height meters)
(string-cliff-height meters)
(string-camera-ceiling meters)
(gun-max-height meters)
(gun-min-height meters)
(string-local-down vector :inline)
(slave-options cam-slave-options)
(matrix-blend-max-angle degrees)
(matrix-blend-max-partial float)
(string-spline-max-move meters)
(string-spline-accel meters)
(string-spline-max-move-player meters)
(string-spline-accel-player meters)
(string-startup-vector vector :inline)
(string-use-startup-vector symbol)
(look-at-point vector :inline)
(use-look-at-point symbol)
(target-height meters)
(foot-offset meters)
(head-offset meters)
(teleport-on-entity-change symbol)
(entity-name string)
(entity-or-mode-changed symbol)
(master-options cam-master-options)
(entity-mask uint32)
(mode-name symbol)
(real-entity-name string)
(cam-mode symbol)
(interp-time uint32)
(no-intro symbol)
(use-point-of-interest symbol)
(point-of-interest vector :inline)
(handle-of-interest handle)
(mouse-tumble-point vector :inline)
(use-mouse-tumble-point symbol)
(mouse-input symbol)
(cpad1-skip-buttons symbol)
(butt-handle handle)
(butt-angle float)
(extra-follow-height float)
(interp-time-priority uint32)
(string-max-length-default symbol)
(string-min-length-default symbol)
(string-max-height-default symbol)
(string-min-height-default symbol)
(dummy object 102)
(cam-setting-data-method-9 (_type_ engine engine-pers engine) _type_)
(cam-setting-data-method-10 (_type_ object (pointer process) float int) _type_)
(deftype setting-control (basic)
((user-current user-setting-data :inline)
(user-target user-setting-data :inline)
(user-default user-setting-data :inline)
(cam-current cam-setting-data :inline)
(cam-target cam-setting-data :inline)
(cam-default cam-setting-data :inline)
(engine engine)
(engine-pers engine-pers)
(engine-hi engine)
(sound-stinger-time time-frame)
(sound-stinger-change-time time-frame 4)
(sound-excitement-change-time time-frame)
(sound-excitement-targ float)
(sound-excitement-level uint32)
(new (symbol type int) _type_)
(add-setting (_type_ process symbol object object object) none)
(persist-with-delay (_type_ symbol time-frame symbol symbol float int) none)
(set-setting (_type_ process symbol object object object) none)
(remove-setting (_type_ process symbol) none)
(kill-persister (_type_ engine-pers object) none)
(setting-control-method-14 (_type_ object) connectable)
(remove-setting-by-arg0 (_type_ object) none)
(set-setting-by-param (_type_ symbol object object object) connection)
(apply-settings (_type_) user-setting-data)
(update (_type_) user-setting-data)
(defmethod new setting-control ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 int))
(let ((s4-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> s4-0 engine) ((method-of-type engine new) allocation engine 'setting-control arg0 connection))
(set! (-> s4-0 engine-hi) ((method-of-type engine new) allocation engine 'setting-control arg0 connection))
(set! (-> s4-0 engine-pers)
((method-of-type engine-pers new) allocation engine-pers 'setting-control arg0 connection-pers)
;; og:preserve-this added macro
(defmacro language? (&rest langs)
"is the current language any of the ones specified?"
`(or ,@(apply (lambda (x) `(= (-> *setting-control* user-default language) (language-enum ,x))) langs)))