ManDude cd68cb671e
deftype and defmethod syntax major changes (#3094)
Major change to how `deftype` shows up in our code:
- the decompiler will no longer emit the `offset-assert`,
`method-count-assert`, `size-assert` and `flag-assert` parameters. There
are extremely few cases where having this in the decompiled code is
helpful, as the types there come from `all-types` which already has
those parameters. This also doesn't break type consistency because:
  - the asserts aren't compared.
- the first step of the test uses `all-types`, which has the asserts,
which will throw an error if they're bad.
- the decompiler won't emit the `heap-base` parameter unless necessary
- the decompiler will try its hardest to turn a fixed-offset field into
an `overlay-at` field. It falls back to the old offset if all else
- `overlay-at` now supports field "dereferencing" to specify the offset
that's within a field that's a structure, e.g.:
(deftype foobar (structure)
  ((vec    vector  :inline)
   (flags  int32   :overlay-at (-> vec w))
in this structure, the offset of `flags` will be 12 because that is the
final offset of `vec`'s `w` field within this structure.
- **removed ID from all method declarations.** IDs are only ever
automatically assigned now. Fixes #3068.
- added an `:overlay` parameter to method declarations, in order to
declare a new method that goes on top of a previously-defined method.
Syntax is `:overlay <method-name>`. Please do not ever use this.
- added `state-methods` list parameter. This lets you quickly specify a
list of states to be put in the method table. Same syntax as the
`states` list parameter. The decompiler will try to put as many states
in this as it can without messing with the method ID order.

Also changes `defmethod` to make the first type definition (before the
arguments) optional. The type can now be inferred from the first
argument. Fixes #3093.


Co-authored-by: Hat Kid <6624576+Hat-Kid@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-10-30 03:20:02 +00:00

1853 lines
62 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: game-info.gc
;; name in dgo: game-info
;; dgos: ENGINE, GAME
;; initialize was manually fixed.
(define-extern demo? (function symbol))
(define-extern task-resolution-close! (function game-task symbol))
(define-extern *lightning-darkjak-pill* lightning-spec)
(define-extern lightning-probe-callback (function lightning-tracker none))
(define-extern process-drawable-shock-effect (function process-drawable lightning-spec (function lightning-tracker none) sparticle-launcher int int float object)) ;; guess
(defmethod debug-draw ((this border-plane))
(let* ((v1-0 (-> this action))
(plane-color (if (= v1-0 'load)
(the-as uint #x8000ff00)
(the-as uint #x800000ff)
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(-> this trans)
(meters 0.2)
(symbol->string (-> this name))
(the-as rgba plane-color)
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(-> this trans)
(-> this normal)
(meters 2)
(the-as rgba plane-color)
(defmethod point-past-plane? ((this border-plane) (arg0 vector))
(>= (vector-dot (vector-! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) arg0 (-> this trans)) (-> this normal)) 0.0)
(defmethod task-complete? ((this game-info) (arg0 game-task))
(logtest? (-> this task-perm-list data arg0 status) (entity-perm-status complete))
(defmethod subtask-index-by-name ((this game-info) (arg0 string))
(let ((subtasks (-> *game-info* sub-task-list)))
(dotimes (i (-> subtasks length))
(when (nonzero? i)
(let ((v1-4 (-> subtasks i)))
(if (string= arg0 (-> v1-4 name))
(return i)
(defmethod set-subtask-hook! ((this game-info) (arg0 game-task-node) (arg1 int) (arg2 function))
(let ((subtask (-> this sub-task-list arg0)))
(if (and subtask (-> subtask info))
(set! (-> subtask info hooks arg1) arg2)
(define *default-continue*
(new 'static 'continue-point
:name "default"
:level #f
:flags (continue-flags change-continue)
:trans (new 'static 'vector :w 1.0)
:quat (new 'static 'vector :w 1.0)
:camera-trans (new 'static 'vector :w 1.0)
:on-goto #f
:vis-nick #f
:want (new 'static 'inline-array level-buffer-state 6
(new 'static 'level-buffer-state :name #f :display? #f :force-vis? #f :force-inside? #f)
(new 'static 'level-buffer-state :name #f :display? #f :force-vis? #f :force-inside? #f)
(new 'static 'level-buffer-state :name #f :display? #f :force-vis? #f :force-inside? #f)
(new 'static 'level-buffer-state :name #f :display? #f :force-vis? #f :force-inside? #f)
(new 'static 'level-buffer-state :name #f :display? #f :force-vis? #f :force-inside? #f)
(new 'static 'level-buffer-state :name #f :display? #f :force-vis? #f :force-inside? #f)
:want-sound (new 'static 'array symbol 3 #f #f #f)
(defmethod continue-point-method-10 ((this continue-point) (arg0 load-state))
(let ((v1-0 (lookup-level-info (-> this vis-nick))))
(set! (-> this vis-nick) (if v1-0
(-> v1-0 name)
(dotimes (s4-0 6)
(mem-copy! (the-as pointer (-> this want s4-0)) (the-as pointer (-> arg0 want s4-0)) 16)
(dotimes (v1-7 3)
(set! (-> this want-sound v1-7) (-> arg0 want-sound v1-7))
(set! (-> this camera-trans quad) (-> *camera-combiner* trans quad))
(when *camera-combiner*
(let ((a0-10 (-> *camera-combiner* inv-camera-rot))
(v1-14 (-> this camera-rot))
(set! (-> v1-14 0 x) (-> a0-10 vector 0 x))
(set! (-> v1-14 0 y) (-> a0-10 vector 0 y))
(set! (-> v1-14 0 z) (-> a0-10 vector 0 z))
(set! (-> v1-14 1 x) (-> a0-10 vector 1 x))
(set! (-> v1-14 1 y) (-> a0-10 vector 1 y))
(set! (-> v1-14 1 z) (-> a0-10 vector 1 z))
(set! (-> v1-14 2 x) (-> a0-10 vector 2 x))
(set! (-> v1-14 2 y) (-> a0-10 vector 2 y))
(set! (-> v1-14 2 z) (-> a0-10 vector 2 z))
(add-borrow-levels arg0)
(defmethod move-camera! ((this continue-point))
(set! (-> *camera-combiner* trans quad) (-> this camera-trans quad))
(let ((gp-0 (-> *camera-combiner* inv-camera-rot))
(s5-0 (-> this camera-rot))
(matrix-identity! gp-0)
(set! (-> gp-0 vector 0 x) (-> s5-0 0 x))
(set! (-> gp-0 vector 0 y) (-> s5-0 0 y))
(set! (-> gp-0 vector 0 z) (-> s5-0 0 z))
(set! (-> gp-0 vector 1 x) (-> s5-0 1 x))
(set! (-> gp-0 vector 1 y) (-> s5-0 1 y))
(set! (-> gp-0 vector 1 z) (-> s5-0 1 z))
(set! (-> gp-0 vector 2 x) (-> s5-0 2 x))
(set! (-> gp-0 vector 2 y) (-> s5-0 2 y))
(set! (-> gp-0 vector 2 z) (-> s5-0 2 z))
(send-event *camera* 'change-target *target*)
(cam-master-activate-slave #t)
(defmethod get-current-continue-forced ((this game-info))
((and (= (-> this mode) 'play) (-> this current-continue))
(-> this current-continue)
(let ((dfault *default-continue*))
(position-in-front-of-camera! (-> dfault trans) 40960.0 4096.0)
(quaternion-identity! (the-as quaternion (-> dfault quat)))
(continue-point-method-10 dfault *load-state*)
(defmethod get-continue-by-name ((this game-info) (arg0 string))
(if (not arg0)
(return (the-as continue-point #f))
(let ((s5-0 *level-load-list*))
(while (not (null? s5-0))
(let ((continues (-> (the-as level-load-info (-> (the-as symbol (car s5-0)) value)) continues)))
(while (not (null? continues))
(let ((cont (the-as continue-point (car continues))))
(if (string= arg0 (-> cont name))
(return cont)
(set! continues (cdr continues))
(set! s5-0 (cdr s5-0))
(the-as continue-point #f)
;; WARN: Using new Jak 2 rtype-of
(defmethod set-continue! ((this game-info) (arg0 basic) (arg1 symbol))
(let ((s5-0 (-> this current-continue)))
(if (null? arg0)
(set! arg0 (the-as basic #f))
(case (rtype-of arg0)
(let ((v1-7 (get-continue-by-name this (the-as string arg0))))
(if v1-7
(set! (-> this current-continue) v1-7)
(set! (-> this current-continue) (the-as continue-point arg0))
(let ((dfault *default-continue*))
(position-in-front-of-camera! (-> dfault trans) 40960.0 4096.0)
(quaternion-identity! (the-as quaternion (-> dfault quat)))
(let ((v1-9 (lookup-level-info (-> *load-state* vis-nick))))
(set! (-> dfault vis-nick) (if v1-9
(-> v1-9 name)
(dotimes (s2-0 6)
(mem-copy! (the-as pointer (-> dfault want s2-0)) (the-as pointer (-> *load-state* want s2-0)) 16)
(dotimes (v1-16 3)
(set! (-> dfault want-sound v1-16) (-> *load-state* want-sound v1-16))
(set! (-> this current-continue) dfault)
(if (and (logtest? (-> this current-continue flags) (continue-flags change-continue))
(and (!= (-> this current-continue) *default-continue*) (not arg1))
(set! (-> this current-continue) s5-0)
(when (!= s5-0 (-> this current-continue))
(set! (-> this continue-deaths) 0)
(set! (-> this continue-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(-> this current-continue)
(defmethod task-perm-by-index ((this game-info) (arg0 int))
(-> this task-perm-list data arg0)
(defmethod calculate-percentage ((this game-info))
(let ((story-total 0)
(story-complete 0)
(let ((story-min (game-task fortress-escape))
(story-max (game-task nest-boss))
(while (>= (the-as uint story-max) (the-as uint story-min))
(when (not (or (= story-min (game-task city-blue-gun-training)) (= story-min (game-task city-dark-gun-training))))
(+! story-total 1)
(if (task-complete? this story-min)
(+! story-complete 1)
(+! story-min 1)
(let ((percent (/ (* 100.0 (the float story-complete)) (the float story-total))))
(when (= story-complete story-total)
(let ((bbush-min (game-task city-burning-bush-ring-1))
(bbush-max (game-task stadium-burning-bush-race-class1-r))
(while (>= (the-as uint bbush-max) (the-as uint bbush-min))
(if (task-complete? this bbush-min)
(set! percent (+ 1.0 percent))
(+! bbush-min 1)
(defun task-level->string ((arg0 int))
(symbol->string (-> *task-level* arg0))
(defun level-name->task-level ((arg0 symbol))
(let ((v1-0 (lookup-level-info arg0)))
(if v1-0
(the-as int (-> v1-0 task-level))
(defmethod initialize! ((this game-info) (arg0 symbol) (arg1 game-save) (arg2 string))
(local-vars (v0-3 int) (sv-96 game-task-node-info) (sv-112 symbol))
(case arg0
(('dead 'life)
(+! (-> this total-deaths) 1)
(+! (-> this continue-deaths) 1)
(+! (-> this task-deaths) 1)
(when *target*
(let ((s4-1 (-> *target* current-level info)))
(set! (-> this deaths-per-level (-> s4-1 task-level))
(the-as uint (seekl (the-as int (-> this deaths-per-level (-> s4-1 task-level))) 255 1))
(case (-> this mode)
(set! arg0 'life)
(set! this this)
(goto cfg-131)
(+! (-> this total-trys) 1)
(case arg0
(('dead 'life 'try)
(let ((s2-0 (level-get-target-inside *level*)))
(when s2-0
(let ((s1-0 (-> *game-info* sub-task-list)))
(dotimes (s0-0 (-> s1-0 length))
(when (nonzero? s0-0)
(set! sv-96 (-> s1-0 s0-0))
(if (open? sv-96)
(set! v0-3 (when (and (= (-> s2-0 info taskname) (-> sv-96 level))
(and (or (not (-> sv-96 info)) (handle->process (-> sv-96 info manager)))
(>= (- (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter) (-> this death-time)) (seconds 2))
(format #t "death count inc for ~S~%" (-> sv-96 name))
(set! v0-3 (seekl (the-as int (-> sv-96 death-count)) #xffff 1))
(set! (-> sv-96 death-count) (the-as uint v0-3))
(set! (-> this death-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(kill-current-talker (the-as symbol '()) '() 'die)
(case arg0
(+! (-> this task-counter) 1)
(reset! (-> *display* total-game-clock))
(set! (-> this features) (game-feature sidekick))
(set! (-> this debug-features) (game-feature))
(set! (-> this secrets) (game-secrets))
(set! (-> this purchase-secrets) (game-secrets))
(set! (-> this auto-save-count) 0)
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default auto-save) #f)
(set! (-> this money) 0.0)
(set! (-> this money-total) 0.0)
(set! (-> this fuel) 0.0)
(set! (-> this buzzer-total) 0.0)
(set! (-> this eco-pill-dark) 0.0)
(set! (-> this eco-pill-dark-total) 0.0)
(set! (-> this gem) 0.0)
(set! (-> this gem-total) 0.0)
(set! (-> this skill) 0.0)
(set! (-> this skill-total) 0.0)
(set! (-> this karma) 0.0)
(set! (-> this perm-list length) 0)
(dotimes (v1-69 (-> this unknown-pad6 allocated-length))
(set! (-> this unknown-pad6 v1-69) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> this death-movie-tick) (rand-vu-int-count 10))
(set! (-> this gun-type) (pickup-type eco-red))
(set! (-> this gun-ammo 0) (-> *FACT-bank* ammo-yellow-start))
(set! (-> this gun-ammo 1) (-> *FACT-bank* ammo-red-start))
(set! (-> this gun-ammo 2) (-> *FACT-bank* ammo-blue-start))
(set! (-> this gun-ammo 3) (-> *FACT-bank* ammo-dark-start))
(set! (-> this shield) 100.0)
(set! (-> this score) 0.0)
(set! (-> this score-owner) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> this goal) 0.0)
(set! (-> this miss) 0.0)
(set! (-> this miss-max) 0.0)
(set! (-> this timer) 0)
(set! (-> this timer-flash) #f)
(set! (-> this timer-owner) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> this counter) 0.0)
(set! (-> this counter-flash) #f)
(set! (-> this wanted-flash) #f)
(set! (-> this distance) 0.0)
(set! (-> this attack-id) (the-as uint 2))
(set! (-> this total-trys) 0)
(set! (-> this total-deaths) 0)
(set! (-> this continue-deaths) 0)
(set! (-> this task-deaths) 0)
(set! (-> this death-pos length) 0)
(set! (-> this game-start-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(set! (-> this task-pickup-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(set! (-> this continue-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(set! (-> this death-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(set! (-> this hit-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(dotimes (v1-95 110)
(set! (-> this unknown-array1 0) 0)
(set! (-> this task-close-times 0) 0)
(dotimes (v1-98 32)
(set! (-> this money-per-level v1-98) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> this deaths-per-level v1-98) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> this task-enter-times v1-98) 0)
(set! (-> this task-in-times v1-98) 0)
(set! (-> this level-opened v1-98) (the-as uint 0))
(let ((v1-102 (-> *game-info* sub-task-list)))
(dotimes (a0-41 (-> v1-102 length))
(when (nonzero? a0-41)
(let ((a1-16 (-> v1-102 a0-41)))
(set! (-> a1-16 death-count) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> a1-16 gem-count) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> a1-16 skill-count) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> a1-16 close-time) 0)
(dotimes (v1-105 (-> this game-score length))
(set! (-> this game-score v1-105) 0.0)
(dotimes (s3-1 19)
(case s3-1
((4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 15 14 16 17 18)
(let ((v1-112 (get-game-score-ref this s3-1))
(a0-62 (-> *highscore-info-array* s3-1))
(set! (-> v1-112 0) (-> a0-62 gold-score))
(set! (-> v1-112 1) (-> a0-62 silver-score))
(set! (-> v1-112 2) (-> a0-62 bronze-score))
(initialize *bigmap*)
(case arg0
(('game 'try 'life)
(case (-> this mode)
(set! *display-profile* #f)
(set! *display-entity-errors* #f)
(set! (-> this life-max) (-> *GAME-bank* life-max-default))
(set! (-> this life) (-> *GAME-bank* life-start-default))
(set! (-> this gun-ammo 0)
(fmax (-> this gun-ammo 0) (* (you-suck-scale *game-info* #f) (-> *FACT-bank* ammo-yellow-start)))
(set! (-> this gun-ammo 1)
(fmax (-> this gun-ammo 1) (* (you-suck-scale *game-info* #f) (-> *FACT-bank* ammo-red-start)))
(set! (-> this gun-ammo 2)
(fmax (-> this gun-ammo 2) (* (you-suck-scale *game-info* #f) (-> *FACT-bank* ammo-blue-start)))
(set! (-> this gun-ammo 3)
(fmax (-> this gun-ammo 3) (* (you-suck-scale *game-info* #f) (-> *FACT-bank* ammo-dark-start)))
(let ((v1-135 (-> this mode)))
((= v1-135 'movie)
(task-node-reset arg0)
(update-task-masks arg0)
((= v1-135 'debug)
(reset-actors arg0)
(if arg1
(load-game this arg1)
((= v1-135 'play)
(when *target*
(set-setting *setting-control* *target* 'allow-pause #f 0 0)
(set-setting *setting-control* *target* 'allow-progress #f 0 0)
(set-setting *setting-control* *target* 'allow-continue #f 0 0)
(apply-settings *setting-control*)
(send-event (handle->process (-> *game-info* auto-save-proc)) 'die)
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default border-mode) #f)
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default region-mode) #f)
(apply-settings *setting-control*)
(set! *spawn-actors* #f)
(set-blackout-frames (seconds 0.1))
(send-event *target* 'reset)
(let* ((s3-2 (get-process *4k-dead-pool* process #x4000))
(v1-157 (when s3-2
(let ((t9-29 (method-of-type process activate)))
(t9-29 s3-2 *default-pool* (symbol->string (-> process symbol)) (the-as pointer #x70004000))
(let ((s1-2 (-> s3-2 main-thread))
(s0-1 (lambda :behavior process
((arg0 symbol) (arg1 symbol) (arg2 continue-point) (arg3 game-save))
(set! (-> self mask) (process-mask))
(stop arg0)
(reset-actors arg1)
(close! (-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node fortress-escape-start)) 'event)
(set-continue! *game-info* arg2 #f)
(when arg3
(load-game *game-info* arg3)
(set! arg2 (get-current-continue-forced *game-info*))
(reset-actors 'life)
(send-event (handle->process (-> *game-info* auto-save-proc)) 'done)
(start arg0 arg2)
(set! sv-112 (-> this mode))
(let ((t0-3 (get-current-continue-forced this))
(t1-3 arg1)
(run-next-time-in-process s3-2 s0-1 sv-112 arg0 t0-3 t1-3)
(-> s3-2 ppointer)
(when v1-157
(set! (-> v1-157 0 mask) (process-mask))
(set-master-mode 'game)
(label cfg-131)
(defmethod give ((this game-info) (arg0 symbol) (arg1 float) (arg2 handle))
(local-vars (ammo-max float))
(case arg0
(if (>= arg1 0.0)
(seek! (-> this life) (-> this life-max) arg1)
(seek! (-> this life) 0.0 (- arg1))
(-> this life)
(if (< 0.0 arg1)
(+! (-> this money-total) arg1)
(set! (-> this money) (+ (-> this money) arg1))
(when (< 0.0 arg1)
(+! (-> this gem-total) arg1)
(let ((v1-7 (handle->process arg2)))
(if (and v1-7 (-> v1-7 entity))
(toggle-status (-> v1-7 entity) (entity-perm-status save) #t)
(set! (-> this gem) (+ (-> this gem) arg1))
(if (< 0.0 arg1)
(+! (-> this skill-total) arg1)
(set! (-> this skill) (+ (-> this skill) arg1))
(set! (-> this karma) (+ (-> this karma) arg1))
((< 0.0 arg1)
(seek! (-> this eco-pill-dark) (-> *FACT-bank* eco-pill-dark-max-default) arg1)
(if (and (demo?) (= (-> this eco-pill-dark) (-> *FACT-bank* eco-pill-dark-max-default)))
(talker-spawn-func (-> *talker-speech* 79) *entity-pool* (target-pos 0) (the-as region #f))
(+! (-> this eco-pill-dark-total) arg1)
(seek! (-> this eco-pill-dark) 0.0 (- arg1))
(-> this eco-pill-dark)
(let ((task (the int arg1)))
(when (not (or (task-complete? this (the-as game-task task)) (>= (the-as uint 1) (the-as uint task))))
(set! (-> this task-deaths) 0)
(set! (-> this task-pickup-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(set! (-> this unknown-array1 task) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(+! (-> this fuel) 1.0)
(logior! (-> this task-perm-list data task status) (entity-perm-status complete))
(task-resolution-close! (the-as game-task task))
(-> this fuel)
(logand (the int arg1) #xffff)
(sar (the int arg1) 16)
(('ammo-yellow 'ammo-red 'ammo-blue 'ammo-dark)
(let* ((v1-41 arg0)
(ammo-kind (cond
((= v1-41 'ammo-yellow)
(set! ammo-max (-> *FACT-bank* ammo-yellow-max))
((= v1-41 'ammo-red)
(set! ammo-max (-> *FACT-bank* ammo-red-max))
((= v1-41 'ammo-blue)
(set! ammo-max (-> *FACT-bank* ammo-blue-max))
(set! ammo-max (-> *FACT-bank* ammo-dark-max))
(if (logtest? (-> this features) (game-feature gun-upgrade-ammo))
(set! ammo-max (* 2.0 ammo-max))
(if (>= arg1 0.0)
(seek! (-> this gun-ammo ammo-kind) ammo-max arg1)
(seek! (-> this gun-ammo ammo-kind) 0.0 (fabs arg1))
(set! (-> this gun-ammo ammo-kind) (fmin (-> this gun-ammo ammo-kind) ammo-max))
(-> this gun-ammo ammo-kind)
(let ((a1-13 (new 'stack-no-clear 'event-message-block)))
(set! (-> a1-13 from) (process->ppointer pp))
(set! (-> a1-13 num-params) 0)
(set! (-> a1-13 message) 'complete)
(let ((t9-12 send-event-function)
(v1-71 (-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node sewer-enemy-resolution)))
(handle->process (if (-> v1-71 info)
(-> v1-71 info manager)
(the-as handle #f)
(if (logtest? (logand (-> *setting-control* user-current features) (game-feature gun-yellow)) (-> this features))
(let ((a1-14 (new 'stack-no-clear 'event-message-block)))
(set! (-> a1-14 from) (process->ppointer pp))
(set! (-> a1-14 num-params) 0)
(set! (-> a1-14 message) 'complete)
(let ((t9-13 send-event-function)
(v1-85 (-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node sewer-escort-get-gun)))
(handle->process (if (-> v1-85 info)
(-> v1-85 info manager)
(the-as handle #f)
(if (logtest? (logand (-> *setting-control* user-current features) (game-feature gun-dark)) (-> this features))
((< 0.0 arg1)
(logior! (-> this features) (game-feature board))
((< arg1 0.0)
(logclear! (-> this features) (game-feature board))
(if (logtest? (-> this features) (game-feature board))
(if (>= arg1 0.0)
(seek! (-> this shield) (-> *FACT-bank* shield-max) arg1)
(seek! (-> this shield) 0.0 (fabs arg1))
(-> this shield)
(defmethod game-info-method-22 ((this game-info))
;; WARN: Return type mismatch float vs none.
(defmethod reset! ((this fact-info-target) (arg0 symbol))
(when (or (not arg0) (= arg0 'eco))
(set! (-> this eco-timeout) 0)
(set! (-> this eco-level) 0.0)
(set! (-> this eco-pickup-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(when (or (not arg0) (= arg0 'health) (= arg0 'eco-green))
(set! (-> this health-max) (-> *FACT-bank* health-max-default))
(set! (-> this health) (-> this health-max))
(set! (-> this health-pickup-time) (seconds -100))
(when (or (not arg0) (= arg0 'buzzer))
(set! (-> this buzzer-max) (-> *FACT-bank* buzzer-max-default))
(set! (-> this buzzer) 0.0)
(when (or (not arg0) (= arg0 'eco-pill-green))
(set! (-> this eco-pill-green-max) (-> *FACT-bank* eco-pill-green-max-default))
(set! (-> this eco-pill-green) 0.0)
(when (or (not arg0) (= arg0 'trick-judge))
(set! (-> this trick-point-start-time) 0)
(set! (-> this trick-point-duration) 0)
(when (or (not arg0) (= arg0 'trick-point))
(set! (-> this trick-point) 0.0)
(set! (-> (the-as target (-> this process)) game score) 0.0)
(defmethod pickup-collectable! ((this fact-info-target) (arg0 pickup-type) (arg1 float) (arg2 handle))
(case arg0
(((pickup-type health) (pickup-type eco-green))
((>= arg1 0.0)
(when (< 0.0 arg1)
(if (or (!= (handle->process arg2) (handle->process (-> this eco-source)))
(>= (- (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter) (-> this eco-source-time)) (seconds 0.5))
(sound-play "get-green-eco")
(send-event (-> this process) 'color-effect 'health (seconds 0.2))
(when (handle->process arg2)
(set! (-> this eco-source) arg2)
(set! (-> this eco-source-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(set! (-> this health-pickup-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(seek! (-> this health) (-> this health-max) arg1)
(seek! (-> this health) 0.0 (- arg1))
(if (>= arg1 -10.0)
(pickup-collectable! this (pickup-type eco-pill-green) 0.0 arg2)
(if (= (-> this health) 0.0)
(give (-> (the-as target (-> this process)) game) 'life (- (-> *GAME-bank* life-single-inc)) arg2)
(-> this health)
(((pickup-type eco-pill-green))
(when (>= arg1 0.0)
(set! (-> this eco-pill-green-pickup-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(seek! (-> this eco-pill-green) (-> this eco-pill-green-max) arg1)
(when (and (>= (-> this eco-pill-green) (-> *FACT-bank* eco-pill-green-max-default))
(< (-> this health) (-> this health-max))
(set! (-> this eco-pill-green) (- (-> this eco-pill-green) (-> *FACT-bank* eco-pill-green-max-default)))
(pickup-type health)
(-> *FACT-bank* health-small-inc)
(process->handle (-> this process))
(-> this eco-pill-green)
(((pickup-type eco-pill-dark))
(when (< 0.0 arg1)
(if (>= (- (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter) (-> this eco-pill-dark-pickup-time)) (seconds 0.05))
(sound-play "get-dark-eco")
(send-event (-> this process) 'color-effect 'eco-pill-dark (seconds 0.2))
((>= (- (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter) (-> (the-as target (-> this process)) shock-effect-time))
(seconds 0.1)
(set! (-> (the-as target (-> this process)) shock-effect-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(let ((s3-3 (rand-vu-int-range 0 2)))
(dotimes (s2-2 s3-3)
(the-as process-drawable (-> this process))
(the-as sparticle-launcher #f)
(send-event (handle->process arg2) 'effect #f)
(set! (-> this eco-pill-dark-pickup-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(give (-> (the-as target (-> this process)) game) 'eco-pill-dark arg1 arg2)
(((pickup-type trick-judge))
(when (< 0.0 arg1)
(set! (-> this trick-point) 0.0)
(set! (-> this trick-point-start-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(set! (-> this trick-point-duration) (the-as time-frame (the int arg1)))
(the float (-> this trick-point-duration))
(((pickup-type trick-point))
(when (nonzero? (-> this trick-point-duration))
(set! (-> this trick-point-pickup-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(set! (-> this trick-point) (fmax 0.0 (fmin (+ (-> this trick-point) arg1) (-> *FACT-bank* trick-point-max))))
(when (!= arg1 0.0)
(sound-play "get-trick-point")
(lambda :behavior target
((arg0 symbol) (arg1 symbol) (arg2 int))
(let ((s3-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector4w)))
(set! (-> s3-0 quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(when (transform-point-qword! s3-0 (the-as vector arg0))
(let ((s5-0 (new
(+ (the int (/ (the float (+ (/ (-> s3-0 x) 16) -1792)) (-> *video-params* relative-x-scale))) -48)
(+ (/ (-> s3-0 y) 16) -1855)
(font-color orange)
(font-flags shadow kerning)
(set! (-> s5-0 scale) (lerp-scale 0.6 1.0 (the-as float arg1) 50.0 8000.0))
(let ((v1-9 s5-0))
(set! (-> v1-9 origin z) (the float (/ (-> s3-0 z) 16)))
(set! (-> s5-0 flags) (font-flags shadow kerning large))
(let ((s3-1 (current-time)))
(until (>= (- (current-time) s3-1) (+ arg2 -75))
(+! (-> s5-0 origin y) (* -120.0 (seconds-per-frame)))
(let ((s2-0 print-game-text))
(format (clear *temp-string*) "~4,,0f" arg1)
(s2-0 *temp-string* s5-0 #f 44 (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1))
(let ((s4-1 (current-time)))
(until (>= (- (current-time) s4-1) (seconds 0.25))
(set! (-> s5-0 alpha) (lerp-scale 1.0 0.0 (the float (- (current-time) s4-1)) 0.0 150.0))
(+! (-> s5-0 origin y) (* -120.0 (seconds-per-frame)))
(let ((s3-2 print-game-text))
(format (clear *temp-string*) "~4,,0f" arg1)
(s3-2 *temp-string* s5-0 #f 44 (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1))
(get-trans (the-as target (-> this process)) 3)
:to (-> this process)
(-> this trick-point)
(((pickup-type money))
(when (< 0.0 arg1)
(if (>= (- (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter) (-> this money-pickup-time)) (seconds 0.05))
(sound-play "money-pickup")
(set! (-> this money-pickup-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(give (-> (the-as target (-> this process)) game) 'money arg1 arg2)
(((pickup-type gem))
(when (< 0.0 arg1)
(if (>= (- (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter) (-> this gem-pickup-time)) (seconds 0.05))
(sound-play "gem-pickup")
(set! (-> this gem-pickup-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(give (-> (the-as target (-> this process)) game) 'gem arg1 arg2)
(((pickup-type skill))
(when (< 0.0 arg1)
(if (>= (- (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter) (-> this skill-pickup-time)) (seconds 0.05))
(sound-play "skill-pickup")
(set! (-> this skill-pickup-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(give (-> (the-as target (-> this process)) game) 'skill arg1 arg2)
(((pickup-type karma))
(if (!= arg1 0.0)
(set! (-> this karma-pickup-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(give (-> (the-as target (-> this process)) game) 'karma arg1 arg2)
(((pickup-type fuel-cell))
(let ((s3-9 (the int arg1)))
(if (not (or (task-complete? (-> (the-as target (-> this process)) game) (the-as game-task s3-9))
(>= (the-as uint 1) (the-as uint s3-9))
(set! (-> this task-pickup-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(give (-> (the-as target (-> this process)) game) 'fuel-cell arg1 arg2)
(((pickup-type buzzer))
(let ((f0-41 (give (-> (the-as target (-> this process)) game) 'buzzer arg1 arg2)))
(if (!= f0-41 (-> this buzzer))
(set! (-> this buzzer-pickup-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(set! (-> this buzzer) f0-41)
(-> this buzzer)
(((pickup-type ammo-yellow) (pickup-type ammo-red) (pickup-type ammo-blue) (pickup-type ammo-dark))
(if (< 0.0 arg1)
(set! (-> this ammo-pickup-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(let ((ammo-kind (cond
((= arg0 (pickup-type ammo-yellow))
((= arg0 (pickup-type ammo-red))
((= arg0 (pickup-type ammo-blue))
(if (< 0.0 arg1)
(send-event (-> this process) 'color-effect ammo-kind (seconds 0.2))
(give (-> (the-as target (-> this process)) game) ammo-kind arg1 arg2)
(((pickup-type gun-yellow)
(pickup-type gun-red)
(pickup-type gun-blue)
(pickup-type gun-dark)
(pickup-type board)
(let ((v1-192 arg0))
(-> (the-as target (-> this process)) game)
((= v1-192 (pickup-type gun-yellow))
((= v1-192 (pickup-type gun-red))
((= v1-192 (pickup-type gun-blue))
((= v1-192 (pickup-type gun-dark))
(((pickup-type shield))
(if (< 0.0 arg1)
(set! (-> this shield-pickup-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(give (-> (the-as target (-> this process)) game) 'shield arg1 arg2)
(((pickup-type eco-red) (pickup-type eco-blue) (pickup-type eco-yellow))
(if (= arg1 0.0)
(return (if (= (-> this eco-type) arg0)
(-> this eco-level)
(when (!= (-> this eco-type) arg0)
(set! (-> this eco-level) 0.0)
(set! (-> this eco-timeout) 0)
(set! (-> this eco-type) (the-as int arg0))
(let ((f0-49 (-> this eco-level)))
(set! (-> this eco-level) 1.0)
(when (and (= f0-49 0.0) (< 0.0 (-> this eco-level)))
(set! (-> this eco-pickup-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(send-event (-> this process) 'reset-collide)
(set! (-> this eco-timeout)
(+ (-> this eco-timeout) (* (the-as int (-> *FACT-bank* eco-single-timeout)) (the int arg1)))
(+ (-> *FACT-bank* eco-full-timeout) (- (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter) (-> this eco-pickup-time)))
(if (>= (- (-> this eco-timeout) (- (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter) (-> this eco-pickup-time)))
(the-as time-frame (-> *FACT-bank* eco-full-timeout))
(set! (-> this eco-level) 2.0)
(when (not (and (= (handle->process arg2) (handle->process (-> this eco-source)))
(< (- (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter) (-> this eco-source-time)) (seconds 0.5))
(cpad-set-buzz! (-> *cpad-list* cpads 0) 1 127 (seconds 0.2))
(cpad-set-buzz! (-> *cpad-list* cpads 0) 0 17 (seconds 0.2))
(case arg0
(((pickup-type eco-blue))
(sound-play "get-blue-eco")
(((pickup-type eco-green) (pickup-type health))
(sound-play "get-green-eco")
(((pickup-type eco-yellow))
(sound-play "get-yellow-eco")
(((pickup-type eco-red))
(sound-play "get-red-eco")
(set! (-> this eco-source) arg2)
(set! (-> this eco-source-time) (-> *display* game-clock frame-counter))
(-> this eco-level)
((method-of-type fact-info pickup-collectable!) this arg0 arg1 arg2)
(defmethod actor-perm ((this game-info) (arg0 actor-id))
(let ((game-perms (-> this perm-list)))
(countdown (i (-> game-perms length))
(if (= arg0 (-> game-perms data i aid))
(return (-> game-perms data i))
(the-as entity-perm #f)
(defmethod copy-perms-from-level! ((this game-info) (arg0 level))
(let ((game-perms (-> this perm-list))
(level-entities (-> arg0 bsp level entity))
(dotimes (i (-> level-entities length))
(let ((entity-perm (-> level-entities data i entity extra perm)))
(when (or (nonzero? (-> entity-perm task)) (logtest? (-> entity-perm status) (entity-perm-status save)))
(let ((actor-perm (actor-perm this (-> entity-perm aid))))
(set! (-> actor-perm quad) (-> entity-perm quad))
((< (-> game-perms length) (-> game-perms allocated-length))
(set! (-> game-perms data (-> game-perms length) quad) (-> entity-perm quad))
(+! (-> game-perms length) 1)
(defmethod copy-perms-to-level! ((this game-info) (arg0 level))
(let ((level-entities (-> arg0 bsp level entity)))
(dotimes (i (-> level-entities length))
(let* ((entity-perm (-> level-entities data i entity extra perm))
(actor-perm (actor-perm this (-> entity-perm aid)))
(when actor-perm
(set! (-> entity-perm quad) (-> actor-perm quad))
(update entity-perm 'try (entity-perm-status bit-0 error dead no-kill bit-5 subtask-complete bit-9 bit-12))
(defmethod print ((this continue-point))
(format #t "#<~A ~S @ #x~X>" (-> this type) (-> this name) this)
(defmethod debug-draw ((this continue-point))
(add-debug-x #t (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1) (-> this trans) (new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :a #x80))
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(-> this name)
(-> this trans)
(font-color white)
(new 'static 'vector2h :data (new 'static 'array int16 2 0 8))
(let ((a3-2 (vector-z-quaternion! (new-stack-vector0) (the-as quaternion (-> this quat)))))
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(-> this trans)
(meters 2)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :g #x80 :a #x80)
(defun-debug trsq->continue-point ((arg0 trsq))
(let ((v1-1 (level-get-target-inside *level*)))
(format #t "~%(static-continue-point ~A ()~%" (symbol->string (-> v1-1 name)))
(format #t " (target ~m ~m ~m " (-> arg0 trans x) (-> arg0 trans y) (-> arg0 trans z))
(format #t "~f ~f ~f ~f)~%" (-> arg0 quat x) (-> arg0 quat y) (-> arg0 quat z) (-> arg0 quat w))
(let ((gp-1 *math-camera*))
" (camera ~m ~m ~m ~f ~f ~f "
(-> gp-1 trans x)
(-> gp-1 trans y)
(-> gp-1 trans z)
(-> gp-1 inv-camera-rot vector 0 x)
(-> gp-1 inv-camera-rot vector 0 y)
(-> gp-1 inv-camera-rot vector 0 z)
"~f ~f ~f ~f ~f ~f)~%"
(-> gp-1 inv-camera-rot vector 1 x)
(-> gp-1 inv-camera-rot vector 1 y)
(-> gp-1 inv-camera-rot vector 1 z)
(-> gp-1 inv-camera-rot vector 2 x)
(-> gp-1 inv-camera-rot vector 2 y)
(-> gp-1 inv-camera-rot vector 2 z)
(let ((gp-2 format)
(s5-0 #t)
(s4-0 " (load '~A ")
(v1-7 (lookup-level-info (-> *load-state* vis-nick)))
(gp-2 s5-0 s4-0 (if v1-7
(-> v1-7 name)
(dotimes (gp-3 4)
(let ((v1-10 (lookup-level-info (-> *load-state* want gp-3 name))))
(if (and v1-10 (!= (-> v1-10 memory-mode) 4))
(format #t "'~A '~A " (-> *load-state* want gp-3 name) (-> *load-state* want gp-3 display?))
(format #t "#f #f ")
(format #t ")~% (sound ")
(dotimes (gp-4 3)
(format #t "~A " (-> *load-state* want-sound gp-4))
(format #t ")~%)~%")
(defun position->stream ((arg0 string) (arg1 symbol) (arg2 symbol))
"bug-report ~S ~S ~DK "
(shr (* (dma-buffer-length (-> *display* frames (-> *display* last-screen) global-buf)) 16) 10)
(if arg2
(format arg0 "~%")
(let* ((s4-1 format)
(s3-1 arg0)
(s2-1 "nick ~S continue ~S ")
(v1-9 (lookup-level-info (-> *load-state* vis-nick)))
(a2-2 (if v1-9
(-> v1-9 name)
(v1-11 (-> *game-info* current-continue))
(s4-1 s3-1 s2-1 a2-2 (if v1-11
(-> v1-11 name)
(if arg2
(format arg0 "~%")
;; og:preserve-this level constant
(dotimes (s4-2 LEVEL_MAX)
(if (or (= (-> *level* level s4-2 status) 'active)
(= (-> *level* level s4-2 status) 'alive)
(= (-> *level* level s4-2 status) 'loaded)
(format arg0 "level ~D ~-8A ~-8A " s4-2 (-> *level* level s4-2 name) (-> *level* level s4-2 display?))
(format arg0 "level ~D ~-8A ~-8A " s4-2 #f #f)
(if arg2
(format arg0 "~%")
(format arg0 "music ~-8S sound " (-> *setting-control* user-current music))
(dotimes (s4-3 3)
(format arg0 "~-8S " (-> *level* sound-bank s4-3))
(if arg2
(format arg0 "~%")
(let ((v1-41 (target-pos 0)))
(format arg0 "target ~m ~m ~m " (-> v1-41 x) (-> v1-41 y) (-> v1-41 z))
(if arg2
(format arg0 "~%")
(let ((v1-45 (math-camera-pos)))
(format arg0 "camera-trans ~m ~m ~m " (-> v1-45 x) (-> v1-45 y) (-> v1-45 z))
(if arg2
(format arg0 "~%")
(let* ((a1-15 (math-camera-matrix))
(v1-49 (matrix->quaternion (new 'stack-no-clear 'quaternion) a1-15))
(format arg0 "camera-rot ~f ~f ~f ~f" (-> v1-49 x) (-> v1-49 y) (-> v1-49 z) (-> v1-49 w))
(format arg0 "~%")
(defun bug-report-display ((arg0 symbol))
(case *bug-report-output-mode*
(let ((conts
" "
(clear conts)
(position->stream conts arg0 #t)
(lambda :behavior process
((arg0 string))
(let ((s5-0 (current-time)))
(until (>= (- (current-time) s5-0) (seconds 10))
(format *stdcon* "~S~%" arg0)
(format (clear *temp-string*) "db/bug-report/bug-report-~S.txt" *user*)
(let ((s5-2 (new 'stack 'file-stream *temp-string* 'append)))
(file-stream-seek s5-2 0 2)
(position->stream (the-as string s5-2) arg0 #f)
(file-stream-close s5-2)
(position->stream (the-as string #t) arg0 #f)
(defun-debug print-continues ()
(let ((levels *level-load-list*))
(while (not (null? levels))
(let ((conts (-> (the-as level-load-info (-> (the-as symbol (car levels)) value)) continues)))
(while (not (null? conts))
(let ((cont (the-as continue-point (car conts))))
(if (not (logtest? (-> cont flags) (continue-flags change-continue)))
(format #t "~S~%" (-> cont name))
(set! conts (cdr conts))
(set! levels (cdr levels))
(defmethod print ((this game-task-info))
(format #t "#<game-task-info ~S @ #x~X>" (-> this name) this)
(defmethod debug-inspect ((this game-info) (arg0 symbol))
(sv-16 int)
(sv-24 int)
(sv-32 int)
(sv-40 int)
(sv-48 int)
(sv-56 int)
(sv-64 string)
(sv-80 string)
(sv-96 string)
(sv-112 string)
(inspect this)
(when (or (not arg0) (= arg0 'game-task))
(format #t "~Tgame-task:~%")
(format #t "~T~T~-32S intro play death gem skill~%" "task")
(format #t "~T~T--------------------~%")
(let ((s4-0 2)
(s3-0 109)
(while (>= (the-as uint s3-0) (the-as uint s4-0))
(when (task-complete? this (the-as game-task s4-0))
(set! sv-16 0)
(set! sv-24 0)
(set! sv-32 0)
(set! sv-40 0)
(set! sv-48 0)
(set! sv-56 0)
(let ((game-subtasks (-> *game-info* sub-task-list)))
(dotimes (i (-> game-subtasks length))
(when (nonzero? i)
(let ((subtasks (-> game-subtasks i)))
(when (= (-> subtasks task) s4-0)
(when (zero? sv-24)
(set! sv-24 (the-as int (-> subtasks close-time)))
(set! sv-16 (the-as int (-> subtasks close-time)))
(when (logtest? (-> subtasks flags) (game-task-node-flag closed))
(set! sv-32 (the-as int (-> subtasks close-time)))
(set! sv-40 (the-as int (-> subtasks gem-count)))
(set! sv-48 (the-as int (-> subtasks skill-count)))
(set! sv-56 (+ sv-56 (-> subtasks death-count)))
(if (logtest? (-> subtasks flags) (game-task-node-flag close-task))
(goto cfg-19)
(label cfg-19)
(if (nonzero? (-> this task-close-times s4-0))
(set! sv-24 (max sv-24 (-> this task-close-times s4-0)))
"~T~T~-32S ~6,,1f min ~6,,1f min ~3d ~3d ~3d~%"
(game-task->string (the-as game-task s4-0))
(* 0.000055555556 (the float (- sv-24 sv-16)))
(* 0.000055555556 (the float (- sv-32 sv-24)))
(+! s4-0 1)
(when (= arg0 'game-task-node)
(let ((s4-1 (-> *game-info* sub-task-list)))
(dotimes (s3-1 (-> s4-1 length))
(when (nonzero? s3-1)
(let ((s2-1 (-> s4-1 s3-1))
(s1-1 format)
(s0-1 #t)
(set! sv-64 "~-55S ~-16S ~S ~A~%")
(set! sv-80 (-> s2-1 name))
((logtest? (-> s2-1 flags) (game-task-node-flag closed))
(set! sv-96 "closed")
((open? s2-1)
(set! sv-96 "open")
(set! sv-96 "inactive")
(if (task-complete? *game-info* (-> s2-1 task))
(set! sv-112 "res")
(set! sv-112 " ")
(let ((t1-1 (lookup-text! *common-text* (-> s2-1 description) #f)))
(s1-1 s0-1 sv-64 sv-80 sv-96 sv-112 t1-1)
(when (or (not arg0) (= arg0 'level))
(format #t "~Tlevel:~%")
(format #t "~T~T~-32S death in-time enter-time~%" "level")
(format #t "~T~T--------------------~%")
(dotimes (s4-2 (-> *task-level* length))
"~T~T~-32S ~3d ~6,,1f min ~6,,1f min~%"
(-> *task-level* s4-2)
(-> this deaths-per-level s4-2)
(* 0.000055555556 (the float (-> this task-in-times s4-2)))
(* 0.000055555556 (the float (-> this task-enter-times s4-2)))
(when (or (not arg0) (= arg0 'score))
(format #t "~Tscore:~%")
(format #t "~T~T--------------------~%")
(dotimes (s4-3 19)
(let ((v1-71 (get-game-score-ref this s4-3))
(t9-18 format)
(a0-26 #t)
(a1-24 "~T~T~-32S ~8,,0f ~8,,0f ~8,,0f~%")
(a2-22 s4-3)
((= a2-22 16)
((= a2-22 7)
((= a2-22 14)
((= a2-22 12)
((= a2-22 9)
((= a2-22 1)
((= a2-22 11)
((= a2-22 4)
((= a2-22 6)
((= a2-22 5)
((= a2-22 15)
((= a2-22 2)
((zero? a2-22)
((= a2-22 10)
((= a2-22 17)
((= a2-22 18)
((= a2-22 13)
((= a2-22 8)
((= a2-22 3)
(-> v1-71 0)
(-> v1-71 1)
(-> v1-71 2)
(when (= arg0 'entity-perm)
(format #t "~Tentity-perm:~%")
(let ((game-perms (-> this perm-list)))
(dotimes (s4-4 (-> game-perms length))
(format #t "~T~T~`entity-perm`P~%" (-> game-perms data s4-4))
(defmethod you-suck-stage ((this game-info) (arg0 symbol))
((logtest? (-> *game-info* secrets) (game-secrets hero-mode))
(let ((game-subtasks (-> *game-info* sub-task-list)))
(dotimes (i (-> game-subtasks length))
(when (nonzero? i)
(let ((subtask (-> game-subtasks i)))
(when (open? subtask)
(let ((cur-lev (level-get-target-inside *level*)))
(when (and cur-lev (= (-> cur-lev info taskname) (-> subtask level)))
(let* ((suck-death-count (if (zero? (-> subtask suck-death-count))
(the-as int (-> subtask suck-death-count))
(suck-death-stage (/ (the float (-> subtask death-count)) (the float suck-death-count)))
(return (min 4 (the int suck-death-stage)))
(defmethod you-suck-scale ((this game-info) (arg0 object))
(* 0.25 (the float (you-suck-stage this #f)))
(defmethod adjust-to-screen-flip ((this cpad-info))
(when (logtest? (-> *game-info* secrets) (game-secrets hflip-screen))
(set! (-> this leftx) (- 255 (the-as int (-> this leftx))))
(set! (-> this rightx) (- 255 (the-as int (-> this rightx))))
(defmethod game-info-method-28 ((this game-info) (arg0 game-score) (arg1 float))
(when (!= arg1 0.0)
(let ((v1-3 (&+ (-> this game-score data) (* (* arg0 8) 4))))
(case arg0
(((game-score race-1)
(game-score race-2)
(game-score race-3)
(game-score bush-race-1)
(game-score bush-race-2)
(game-score bush-race-3)
(game-score bush-port)
(game-score bush-errol)
(game-score reverse-race-1)
(game-score reverse-race-2)
(game-score reverse-race-3)
(dotimes (a0-5 8)
(when (or (= (-> (&+ v1-3 (* a0-5 4)) 0) 0.0) (< arg1 (-> (&+ v1-3 (* a0-5 4)) 0)))
(let ((a1-19 7))
(while (< a0-5 a1-19)
(set! (-> (&+ v1-3 (* a1-19 4)) 0) (-> (&+ v1-3 (* (+ a1-19 -1) 4)) 0))
(+! a1-19 -1)
(set! (-> (&+ v1-3 (* a0-5 4)) 0) arg1)
(return a0-5)
(dotimes (a0-6 8)
(when (< (-> (&+ v1-3 (* a0-6 4)) 0) arg1)
(let ((a1-26 7))
(while (< a0-6 a1-26)
(set! (-> (&+ v1-3 (* a1-26 4)) 0) (-> (&+ v1-3 (* (+ a1-26 -1) 4)) 0))
(+! a1-26 -1)
(set! (-> (&+ v1-3 (* a0-6 4)) 0) arg1)
(return a0-6)
(defmethod get-game-score-ref ((this game-info) (arg0 int))
(&+ (-> this game-score data) (* (* arg0 8) 4))
(defmethod get-rank ((this highscore-info) (score float))
(let ((place 0))
((logtest? (-> this flags) (highscore-flags time))
((= score 0.0)
((>= (-> this gold-score) score)
(set! place 3)
((>= (-> this silver-score) score)
(set! place 2)
((>= (-> this bronze-score) score)
(set! place 1)
((>= score (-> this gold-score))
(set! place 3)
((>= score (-> this silver-score))
(set! place 2)
((>= score (-> this bronze-score))
(set! place 1)
(kmemopen global "game-info")
(let ((gp-0 *game-info*))
(set! (-> gp-0 task-counter) (the-as uint 1))
(when (zero? (-> gp-0 perm-list))
(set! (-> gp-0 perm-list) (new 'global 'entity-perm-array 4096))
(set! (-> gp-0 perm-list length) 0)
(if (zero? (-> gp-0 unknown-pad6))
(set! (-> gp-0 unknown-pad6) (new 'global 'boxed-array uint16 1860))
(when (zero? (-> gp-0 death-pos))
(set! (-> gp-0 death-pos) (new 'global 'vector-array 64))
(set! (-> gp-0 death-pos length) 0)
(if (zero? (-> gp-0 display-text-handle))
(set! (-> gp-0 display-text-handle) (the-as handle #f))
(if (zero? (-> gp-0 game-score))
(set! (-> gp-0 game-score) (new 'global 'boxed-array float 152))
(if (not (-> gp-0 current-continue))
(set-continue! gp-0 *default-continue* #f)
(if (not (-> gp-0 last-continue))
(set! (-> gp-0 last-continue) *default-continue*)
(set! (-> gp-0 want-auto-save) #f)
(set! (-> gp-0 auto-save-proc) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> gp-0 auto-save-status) (mc-status-code ok))
(set! (-> gp-0 auto-save-card) 0)
(set! (-> gp-0 auto-save-which) -1)
(set! (-> gp-0 pov-camera-handle) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> gp-0 other-camera-handle) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> gp-0 features) (game-feature gun gun-yellow gun-red gun-blue gun-dark board sidekick darkjak))
(dotimes (v1-43 2)
(set! (-> gp-0 controller v1-43) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> gp-0 gun-ammo 0) (-> *FACT-bank* ammo-yellow-start))
(set! (-> gp-0 gun-ammo 1) (-> *FACT-bank* ammo-red-start))
(set! (-> gp-0 gun-ammo 2) (-> *FACT-bank* ammo-blue-start))
(set! (-> gp-0 gun-ammo 3) (-> *FACT-bank* ammo-dark-start))
(set! (-> gp-0 shield) 100.0)
(set! (-> gp-0 score) 0.0)
(set! (-> gp-0 score-owner) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> gp-0 timer) 0)
(set! (-> gp-0 timer-flash) #f)
(set! (-> gp-0 timer-owner) (the-as handle #f))
(set! (-> gp-0 counter) 0.0)
(set! (-> gp-0 counter-flash) #f)
(set! (-> gp-0 wanted-flash) #f)
(set! (-> gp-0 distance) 0.0)
(define *highscore-info-array*
(new 'static 'boxed-array :type highscore-info
(new 'static 'highscore-info)
(new 'static 'highscore-info)
(new 'static 'highscore-info)
(new 'static 'highscore-info)
(new 'static 'highscore-info :award-scores (new 'static 'array float 3 8000.0 10000.0 12000.0))
(new 'static 'highscore-info :award-scores (new 'static 'array float 3 9000.0 11000.0 13000.0))
(new 'static 'highscore-info :award-scores (new 'static 'array float 3 11000.0 13000.0 15000.0))
(new 'static 'highscore-info :award-scores (new 'static 'array float 3 11000.0 13000.0 15000.0))
(new 'static 'highscore-info
:award-scores (new 'static 'array float 3 1000000000.0 1000000000.0 1000000000.0)
(new 'static 'highscore-info
:award-scores (new 'static 'array float 3 1000000000.0 1000000000.0 1000000000.0)
(new 'static 'highscore-info :award-scores (new 'static 'array float 3 50000.0 90000.0 120000.0))
(new 'static 'highscore-info
:flags (highscore-flags time)
:award-scores (new 'static 'array float 3 142.0 138.0 133.0)
(new 'static 'highscore-info
:flags (highscore-flags time)
:award-scores (new 'static 'array float 3 140.0 135.0 130.0)
(new 'static 'highscore-info
:flags (highscore-flags time)
:award-scores (new 'static 'array float 3 149.0 144.0 139.0)
(new 'static 'highscore-info
:flags (highscore-flags time)
:award-scores (new 'static 'array float 3 142.0 137.0 132.0)
(new 'static 'highscore-info
:flags (highscore-flags time)
:award-scores (new 'static 'array float 3 137.0 132.0 127.0)
(new 'static 'highscore-info
:flags (highscore-flags time)
:award-scores (new 'static 'array float 3 150.0 145.0 140.0)
(new 'static 'highscore-info
:flags (highscore-flags time)
:award-scores (new 'static 'array float 3 155.0 150.0 145.0)
(new 'static 'highscore-info
:flags (highscore-flags time)
:award-scores (new 'static 'array float 3 178.0 173.0 168.0)