
773 lines
28 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
This file runs the game-specific version of the pckernel.
See pckernel-common.gc for the bulk of the pckernel.
(define-extern get-active-mission-description (function discord-info string))
;;;; pc cheats list
(deftype pc-cheat-info (basic)
((name text-id)
(unlock text-id)
(unlock-func symbol) ;; function symbol
(skill int) ;; skill points required. leave as 0 if you only want a custom unlock func
(flag pc-cheats)
(can-toggle symbol) ;; how it can be toggled
;; only show after this point in the story
(avail-after game-task-node)
(avail-after-hero game-task-node)
;;;;; pc cheat unlock functions
(defun pc-cheat-vehicle-health-bars-unlock ()
"#t = cheat unlock requirements met. #f = locked"
;;;;; pc cheat unlock functions end
(defmacro static-pc-cheat-info (name flag can-toggle avail-after &key (skill 0) &key (unlock (null true-func)))
"helper for making a new static pc-cheat-info
unlock is a pair in format (unlock-text-id unlock-func) where unlock-func returns #t if the unlock requirement is met and #f otherwise
skill is the skill requirement. until the requirement is met (and avail-after is closed), it will show 'X required' in the menu
avail-after can be a single task-node or a pair of two, car is for normal game and cadr for hero mode"
`(new 'static 'pc-cheat-info :name (text-id ,name)
:unlock (text-id ,(car unlock))
:unlock-func (quote ,(cadr unlock))
:skill ,skill
:flag (pc-cheats ,flag)
:avail-after (game-task-node ,(if (pair? avail-after) (car avail-after) avail-after))
:avail-after-hero (game-task-node ,(if (pair? avail-after) (cadr avail-after) avail-after))
:can-toggle (quote ,can-toggle))
(defmacro def-pc-cheat-list (name &rest items)
"helper for making a list of pc cheats. see static-pc-cheat-info for parameters"
`(define ,name (new 'static 'boxed-array :type pc-cheat-info ,@(apply (lambda (x) `(static-pc-cheat-info ,@x)) items)))
;; the list of cheats
(def-pc-cheat-list *pc-cheats-list*
;; name cheat flag can-toggle avail-after
;(progress-cheats-music-player music-player #f fortress-escape-introduction)
;;;; music player list
(defenum music-player-flava
:bitfield #t :type uint8
(deftype music-player-track-info (basic)
((text text-id)
(name symbol)
(mode int8)
(icon int16)
(flava music-player-flava)
(avail-after game-task-node)
(defmacro static-music-track-info (name &key text &key avail-after &key (mode 0) &key icon &key (flava ()))
`(new 'static 'music-player-track-info :text (text-id ,text) :name ,name :icon ,icon :avail-after (game-task-node ,avail-after) :mode ,mode :flava (music-player-flava ,@flava))
(define *music-player-tracks* (new 'static 'boxed-array :type music-player-track-info
;; automatically add the default flava to all tracks that had flavas marked
(dotimes (i (-> *music-player-tracks* length))
(if (nonzero? (-> *music-player-tracks* i flava))
(logior! (-> *music-player-tracks* i flava) (music-player-flava default)))
;;;; fancy controller LED fader mechanics
(deftype led-fader-state (structure)
((enable? symbol)
(amount float)
(cur-color vector :inline)
(start-color vector :inline)
(end-color vector :inline)
(enable (_type_ vector) int)
(update (_type_ float float) vector)
(disable (_type_) int)
(defmethod enable ((this led-fader-state) (start-from vector))
"begin transition."
(when (-> this enable?)
(disable this))
(vector-copy! (-> this start-color) start-from)
(set! (-> this amount) 0.0)
(true! (-> this enable?))
(defmethod disable ((this led-fader-state))
"disable transition."
(set! (-> this amount) 0.0)
(update this 0.0 0.1)
(false! (-> this enable?))
(defun vector3-lerp! ((dest vector) (a vector) (b vector) (alpha float))
"Linearly interpolate between two vectors. Alpha isn't clamped.
w will be set to what's in vector a."
(rlet ((vf0 :class vf)
(vf1 :class vf)
(vf2 :class vf)
(vf3 :class vf)
(vf4 :class vf)
(.lvf vf1 (&-> a quad))
(.lvf vf2 (&-> b quad))
(.mov vf4 alpha)
(.add.x.vf vf3 vf1 vf0 :mask #b1000)
(.sub.vf vf2 vf2 vf1)
(.mul.x.vf vf2 vf2 vf4)
(.add.vf vf3 vf1 vf2 :mask #b111)
(.svf (&-> dest quad) vf3)
(defun vector3-copy!! ((dest vector) (src vector))
"copy just the xyz fields of src into dest"
(rlet ((vf0 :class vf)
(dest-vf :class vf)
(src-vf :class vf))
(.lvf dest-vf (&-> dest quad))
(.lvf src-vf (&-> src quad))
(.add.vf dest-vf vf0 src-vf :mask #b111)
(.svf (&-> dest quad) dest-vf)
(defmethod update ((this led-fader-state) (to float) (duration float))
"disable transition."
(when (-> this enable?)
(seek! (-> this amount) to (/ (-> *target* clock seconds-per-frame) duration))
(vector4-lerp! (-> this cur-color) (-> this start-color) (-> this end-color) (-> this amount))
(if (and (= to 0.0) (= 0.0 (-> this amount)))
(false! (-> this enable?)))
(-> this cur-color))
;; global vars
(define *led-fader-state* (new 'static 'led-fader-state :enable? #f))
(define *led-darkjak-color* (static-vector 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0))
(define *led-lightjak-color* (static-vector 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0))
(define *led-wanted-flash-color* (static-vector 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0))
;;;; methods
(defmethod initialize ((obj pc-settings-jak3))
"initial initialize method to be run after allocating"
(set! (-> obj music-unlocked) (new 'global 'bit-array (-> *music-player-tracks* length)))
((method-of-type pc-settings initialize) obj)
(defmethod set-game-setting! ((obj pc-settings-jak3) (setting symbol) (value symbol))
(case setting
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-current video-mode) #f)
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default video-mode) value)
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default aspect-ratio) value)
(format #t "unknown setting ~A (~A) to set-game-setting!" setting value))
(defmethod get-game-setting ((obj pc-settings-jak3) (setting symbol))
(case setting
(-> *setting-control* user-default video-mode)
(-> *setting-control* user-default aspect-ratio)
(format #t "unknown setting ~A to get-game-setting" setting)
(defmethod set-game-language! ((obj pc-settings-jak3) (lang language-enum))
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default language) lang)
(defmethod get-game-language ((obj pc-settings-jak3))
(defmethod update ((obj pc-settings-jak3))
"Set the default misc settings"
((method-of-type pc-settings update) obj)
(set! *hires-sky* (-> obj hires-clouds?))
(when (not (led-enabled? obj))
(disable *led-fader-state*)
(defun real-movie? ()
"are we in an actual cutscene and should letterbox the view?"
(and (!= #f *scene-player*) (nonzero? movie?) (movie?)))
(defmethod update-discord-rpc ((obj pc-settings-jak3))
"update discord rpc module"
(let ((info (new 'stack 'discord-info)))
(set! (-> info orb-count) (-> *game-info* skill-total))
(set! (-> info gem-count) (-> *game-info* gem-total))
(set! (-> info death-count) (-> *game-info* total-deaths))
(set! (-> info task) "unknown")
(set! (-> info status) (get-active-mission-description info))
;; grab the name of the level we're in
;; ((or (aif (level-get *level* 'title) (= (-> it status) 'active))
;; (and *progress-process*
;; (= 'title (-> *progress-process* 0 state-stack 0))))
;; ;; in title screen.
;; (set! (-> info level) (symbol->string 'title))
;; (set! (-> info status) "In title screen"))
(set! (-> info level) (aif (-> *load-state* vis-nick) (symbol->string it) "unknown")))
(set! (-> info cutscene?) (real-movie?))
(set! (-> info time-of-day) (-> *time-of-day-context* time))
(set! (-> info percent-complete) (calculate-percentage *game-info*))
(set! (-> info focus-status) (if *target* (-> *target* focus-status) 0))
(set! (-> info current-vehicle) (the int (-> *game-info* current-vehicle)))
;; TODO - update to new with-profiler syntax
(pc-discord-rpc-update info)
(defmethod update-speedrun ((obj pc-settings-jak3))
"update speedrun module"
;; TODO - update to new with-profiler syntax
;; (with-profiler "speedrun-update"
;(update! *speedrun-info*)
(defmethod update-video-hacks ((obj pc-settings-jak3))
"update the graphics hacks used for the progress menu. ugh."
(set! (-> (get-video-params) relative-x-scale) (-> obj aspect-ratio-reciprocal))
(set! (-> (get-video-params) relative-x-scale-reciprical) (-> obj aspect-ratio-scale))
(defmethod eligible-for-fast-elevator? ((obj pc-settings-jak3) (proc process))
"is this a valid process for a fast elevator?"
(and (-> obj fast-elevator?) (not (or (string= (-> proc name) "drill-lift-1")
(string= (-> proc name) "drill-lift-2"))))
(defmethod get-airlock-speed ((obj pc-settings-jak3))
"return the current speed modifier for airlocks"
(if (-> obj fast-airlock?)
(-> *pc-cheat-state* airlock-speed)
(defmethod get-airlock-close-speed ((obj pc-settings-jak3))
"return the current closing speed modifier for airlocks"
(if (-> obj fast-airlock?)
(-> *pc-cheat-state* airlock-close-speed)
(defmethod led-enabled? ((obj pc-settings-jak3))
"should the controller led be set?"
(or (-> obj controller-led-hp?)
(-> obj controller-led-status?)
(defmethod update-led ((obj pc-settings-jak3))
"set the controller led color by modifying the controller-led-color vector"
;; default color is just blue.
(set-vector-xyz! (-> obj controller-led-color) 0.0 0.0 1.0)
(when *target*
(let ((disable-fader? #t))
(when (-> obj controller-led-hp?)
;; flicker led according to hp. lower hp = faster and more intense flicker
((= (-> *target* fact health) 0.0)
;; dead. just set to minimum brightness.
(set! (-> obj controller-led-color a) (-> obj controller-led-min-brightness))
(let ((flicker-speed (lerp-scale 2.0 0.0
(-> *target* fact health)
1.0 (-> *FACT-bank* health-max-default)))
(flicker-amp (lerp-scale (- 1.0 (-> obj controller-led-min-brightness)) (- 1.0 (-> obj controller-led-max-brightness))
(-> *target* fact health)
1.0 (-> *FACT-bank* health-max-default)))
(set! (-> obj controller-led-color a) (- 1.0 (* flicker-amp (/ (+ 1.0 (sin (* flicker-speed (degrees (current-time))))) 2.0))))
(when (-> obj controller-led-status?)
(set-vector-xyz! (-> obj controller-led-color) 1.0 1.0 1.0)
;; gun
((and (nonzero? (-> *target* gun)) (focus-test? *target* gun))
(case (-> *target* gun gun-type)
(((pickup-type gun-yellow-1) (pickup-type gun-yellow-2) (pickup-type gun-yellow-3))
(set-vector-xyz! (-> obj controller-led-color) 1.0 0.75 0.125))
(((pickup-type gun-red-1) (pickup-type gun-red-2) (pickup-type gun-red-3))
(set-vector-xyz! (-> obj controller-led-color) 0.65 0.0 0.0))
(((pickup-type gun-blue-1) (pickup-type gun-blue-2) (pickup-type gun-blue-3))
(set-vector-xyz! (-> obj controller-led-color) 0.4375 0.8125 1.0))
(((pickup-type gun-dark-1) (pickup-type gun-dark-2) (pickup-type gun-dark-3))
(set-vector-xyz! (-> obj controller-led-color) 0.6875 0.6 0.78125))
;; darkjak
((and (nonzero? (-> *target* darkjak)) (focus-test? *target* dark))
(vector-copy! (-> *led-fader-state* end-color) *led-darkjak-color*)
(set! disable-fader? #f)
(if (not (-> *led-fader-state* enable?))
(enable *led-fader-state* (-> obj controller-led-color)))
(if (and (-> *target* next-state) (= (-> *target* next-state name) 'target-darkjak-get-off))
(update *led-fader-state* 0.0 0.75)
(update *led-fader-state* 1.0 0.3))
(vector3-copy!! (-> obj controller-led-color) (-> *led-fader-state* cur-color))
;; lightjak
((and (nonzero? (-> *target* lightjak)) (focus-test? *target* light))
(vector-copy! (-> *led-fader-state* end-color) *led-lightjak-color*)
(set! disable-fader? #f)
(if (not (-> *led-fader-state* enable?))
(enable *led-fader-state* (-> obj controller-led-color)))
(if (and (-> *target* next-state) (= (-> *target* next-state name) 'target-lightjak-get-off))
(update *led-fader-state* 0.0 0.75)
(update *led-fader-state* 1.0 0.3))
(vector3-copy!! (-> obj controller-led-color) (-> *led-fader-state* cur-color))
;; indax
((focus-test? *target* indax)
(set-vector-xyz! (-> obj controller-led-color) 1.0 0.5 0.0)
;; mech
((focus-test? *target* mech)
(set-vector-xyz! (-> obj controller-led-color) 1.0 1.0 0.0)
;; board
((focus-test? *target* board)
(set-vector-xyz! (-> obj controller-led-color) 0.0 1.0 1.0)
;; wanted flash
(awhen (the hud-map (process-by-name "hud-map" *active-pool*))
(when (not (hidden? it))
(let ((flash-amount (/ (+ (sin (degrees (-> it values 1 current))) 1.0) 2)))
(vector3-lerp! (-> obj controller-led-color) (-> obj controller-led-color) *led-wanted-flash-color* flash-amount)
(when disable-fader?
(disable *led-fader-state*))
(defmacro flava-unlocked? (flava)
"return #t if the specified flava is unlocked"
`(-> *pc-settings* flava-unlocked ,flava))
(defmethod update-cheats ((obj pc-settings-jak3))
"run cheats."
;; run cheats here.
(when (pc-cheats? (-> obj cheats) real-time-of-day)
(let ((date (new 'stack-no-clear 'scf-time)))
(scf-get-time date)
(when (zero? (-> date stat))
(let* ((cur-time (-> *display* bg-clock frame-counter))
(day-len (seconds 1440)) ;; a full in-game day
(want-hour (bcd->dec (-> date hour)))
(want-minute (bcd->dec (-> date minute)))
(target-hour-frame (/ (the int (* (fsec 3600) want-hour)) 60))
(target-minute-frame (/ (the int (* (fsec 60) want-minute)) 60))
(set! (-> *display* bg-clock frame-counter) (+ (- cur-time (mod cur-time day-len)) day-len (+ target-hour-frame target-minute-frame)))
;; turbo jet board cheat
((and (pc-cheats? (-> obj cheats) turbo-board)
(focus-test? *target* board)
(= 'ctywide (-> *target* current-level info master-level)))
(set-setting! 'string-spline-max-move 'abs (* (-> *pc-cheat-state* turbo-board-speed) (meters 2)) 0)
(set-setting! 'string-spline-accel 'abs (* (-> *pc-cheat-state* turbo-board-speed) (meters 0.045)) 0)
(set-setting! 'string-spline-max-move-player 'abs (* (-> *pc-cheat-state* turbo-board-speed) (meters 1.5)) 0)
(set-setting! 'string-spline-accel-player 'abs (* (-> *pc-cheat-state* turbo-board-speed) (meters 0.035)) 0)
(set-cheat-state-flag! turbo-board)
(remove-setting! 'string-spline-max-move)
(remove-setting! 'string-spline-accel)
(remove-setting! 'string-spline-max-move-player)
(remove-setting! 'string-spline-accel-player)
(clear-cheat-state-flag! turbo-board)
(pc-set-gfx-hack (pc-gfx-hack no-tex) (pc-cheats? (-> obj cheats) no-textures))
;; run cheats end!!!
;; check unlocked cheats
(let ((old (-> *pc-settings* cheats))
(old-unlocked (-> *pc-settings* cheats-unlocked))
(old-purchased (-> *pc-settings* cheats-purchased))
(old-revealed (-> *pc-settings* cheats-revealed)))
(dotimes (i (-> *pc-cheats-list* length))
;; reveals cheats if they have been purchased, purchases cheats if they have been unlocked, unlocks cheats if they have been enabled.
;; the cheat process requires the steps to be filled in this order, see sequential checking below
(logior! (-> *pc-settings* cheats-revealed) (logior! (-> *pc-settings* cheats-purchased) (logior! (-> *pc-settings* cheats-unlocked) (-> *pc-settings* cheats))))
(let* ((cheat (-> *pc-cheats-list* i))
(cost (-> cheat skill))
(unlock-func (the (function symbol) (-> cheat unlock-func value))))
(when (if (logtest? (-> *game-info* secrets) (game-secrets hero-mode))
(task-node-closed? (-> cheat avail-after-hero))
(task-node-closed? (-> cheat avail-after)))
(logior! (-> obj cheats-revealed) (-> cheat flag))
(when (>= (-> *game-info* skill-total) cost)
(logior! (-> obj cheats-purchased) (-> cheat flag))
(when (or (zero? unlock-func)
(not unlock-func)
(logior! (-> obj cheats-unlocked) (-> cheat flag)))))
(case (-> cheat can-toggle)
(when (logtest? (-> obj cheats-unlocked) (-> cheat flag))
(logior! (-> obj cheats) (-> cheat flag)))
;; when speedrunning...the cheats are manually modified to facilitate the chosen category
;; don't persist these and don't spam the pc-settings saving routine every frame.
(when (and (not (-> *pc-settings* speedrunner-mode?))
(or (!= old (-> *pc-settings* cheats))
(!= old-unlocked (-> *pc-settings* cheats-unlocked))
(!= old-purchased (-> *pc-settings* cheats-purchased))
(!= old-revealed (-> *pc-settings* cheats-revealed))))
;; save pc-settings if we made new progress
(defmethod update-music-log ((obj pc-settings-jak3))
"update the music log"
(dotimes (i (-> *music-player-tracks* length))
(when (or (logtest? (-> *game-info* secrets) (game-secrets hero-mode))
(task-node-closed? (-> *music-player-tracks* i avail-after)))
(set-bit (-> obj music-unlocked) i)
(true! (-> obj flava-unlocked 0)) ;; default always unlocked
;;;; file I/O
(defun bit-array<-int64 ((arr bit-array) (start-offset int) (val int))
"starting from start-offset at arr, fill the next 64 bits of the array from an int64"
(let ((i start-offset)
(end-offset (min (+ start-offset 64) (-> arr length))))
(while (< i end-offset)
(if (nonzero? (logand val (ash 1 (- i start-offset))))
(set-bit arr i))
(1+! i)
(defun int64<-bit-array ((arr bit-array) (start-offset int))
"starting from start-offset at arr, pack the next 64 bits into a single value and return it"
(let ((val 0)
(i start-offset)
(end-offset (min (+ start-offset 64) (-> arr length))))
(while (< i end-offset)
(if (get-bit arr i)
(logior! val (ash 1 (- i start-offset))))
(1+! i)
(defmethod handle-input-settings ((obj pc-settings-jak3) (file file-stream))
"handle the text parsing input for the 'settings' group"
((method-of-type pc-settings handle-input-settings) obj file)
(case-str *pc-temp-string*
(("fast-airlock?") (set! (-> obj fast-airlock?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("fast-elevator?") (set! (-> obj fast-elevator?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("fast-progress?") (set! (-> obj fast-progress?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("fix-projectile-focus") (set! (-> obj fix-projectile-focus) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("smooth-minimap?") (set! (-> obj smooth-minimap?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("minimap-force-north") (set! (-> obj minimap-force-north) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("hires-clouds?") (set! (-> obj hires-clouds?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("controller-led-status?") (set! (-> obj controller-led-status?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("speedrunner-mode-custom-bind") (set! (-> obj speedrunner-mode-custom-bind) (file-stream-read-int file)))
(("cheats") (set! (-> obj cheats) (the-as pc-cheats (file-stream-read-int file))))
(("cheats-revealed") (set! (-> obj cheats-revealed) (the-as pc-cheats (file-stream-read-int file))))
(("cheats-purchased") (set! (-> obj cheats-purchased) (the-as pc-cheats (file-stream-read-int file))))
(("cheats-unlocked") (set! (-> obj cheats-unlocked) (the-as pc-cheats (file-stream-read-int file))))
(("cheats-backup") (file-stream-read-int file)) ;; TODO - Don't remove this, parsing code can't handle unexpected keys
(dotimes (i (/ (align64 (-> obj music-unlocked length)) 64))
(bit-array<-int64 (-> obj music-unlocked) (* i 64) (file-stream-read-int file))
(dotimes (i 6)
(set! (-> obj flava-unlocked i) (file-stream-read-symbol file))
;; (("stats")
;; (dosettings (file)
;; (case-str *pc-temp-string*
;; (("kill-stats")
;; (initialize (-> obj stats kill-stats))
;; (dosettings (file)
;; (let ((enemy-stats (alloc-slot (-> obj stats kill-stats) (string->symbol *pc-temp-string*))))
;; (dosettings (file)
;; (let ((source (string->kill-source *pc-temp-string*))
;; (amount (file-stream-read-int file)))
;; (when (!= source (kill-stats-source unknown))
;; (set! (-> enemy-stats sources source) amount)
;; )
;; )
;; )
;; )
;; )
;; )
;; )
;; )
;; )
(defmethod handle-output-settings ((obj pc-settings-jak3) (file file-stream))
"handle the text writing output for the 'settings' group"
((method-of-type pc-settings handle-output-settings) obj file)
(format file " (fast-airlock? ~A)~%" (-> obj fast-airlock?))
(format file " (fast-elevator? ~A)~%" (-> obj fast-elevator?))
(format file " (fast-progress? ~A)~%" (-> obj fast-progress?))
(format file " (fix-projectile-focus ~A)~%" (-> obj fix-projectile-focus))
(format file " (smooth-minimap? ~A)~%" (-> obj smooth-minimap?))
(format file " (minimap-force-north ~A)~%" (-> obj minimap-force-north))
(format file " (hires-clouds? ~A)~%" (-> obj hires-clouds?))
(format file " (controller-led-status? ~A)~%" (-> obj controller-led-status?))
(format file " (speedrunner-mode-custom-bind ~D)~%" (-> obj speedrunner-mode-custom-bind))
(format file " (cheats #x~x)~%" (-> obj cheats))
(format file " (cheats-revealed #x~x)~%" (-> obj cheats-revealed))
(format file " (cheats-purchased #x~x)~%" (-> obj cheats-purchased))
(format file " (cheats-unlocked #x~x)~%" (-> obj cheats-unlocked))
(format file " (music-unlocked")
(dotimes (i (/ (align64 (-> obj music-unlocked length)) 64))
(format file " #x~x" (int64<-bit-array (-> obj music-unlocked) (* i 64)))
(format file ")~%")
;; (format file " (stats~%")
;; (format file " (kill-stats~%")
;; (when (-> obj stats kill-stats enemies i name)
;; (format file " (~A~%" (-> obj stats kill-stats enemies i name))
;; (dotimes (ii KILL_STATS_MAX_SOURCE)
;; (when (nonzero? (-> obj stats kill-stats enemies i sources ii))
;; (format file " (~A ~D)~%" (string->symbol (kill-source->string (the kill-stats-source ii))) (-> obj stats kill-stats enemies i sources ii))
;; ))
;; (format file " )~%")
;; ))
;; (format file " )~%")
;; (format file " )~%")
;;;; PC settings
(define-once *pc-settings* (new 'global 'pc-settings-jak3))
;;;; other
(defun draw-build-revision ()
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((buf (-> (current-frame) global-buf))
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf2))
;; reset bucket settings prior to drawing - font won't do this for us, and
;; draw-raw-image can sometimes mess them up.
(dma-buffer-add-gs-set-flusha buf
(alpha-1 (new 'static 'gs-alpha :b #x1 :d #x1))
(tex1-1 (new 'static 'gs-tex1 :mmag #x1 :mmin #x1)))
(clear *pc-encoded-temp-string*)
(clear *temp-string*)
(format *temp-string* "<COLOR_WHITE>~S" *pc-settings-built-sha*)
(pc-encode-utf8-string *temp-string* *pc-encoded-temp-string*)
(let ((font-ctx (new 'stack 'font-context *font-default-matrix* 2 406 0.0 (font-color default) (font-flags shadow kerning large))))
(set! (-> font-ctx scale) 0.25)
(draw-string-adv *pc-encoded-temp-string* buf font-ctx))))
(defun print-level-types ((lev level))
"print the level-type linked list for a level"
(format #t "print-level-types for ~A~%" (-> lev nickname))
(let ((cur-type (-> lev level-type)))
(while (and cur-type (nonzero? cur-type) (= type (-> cur-type type)))
(format #t "~A~%" cur-type)
(set! cur-type (the type (-> cur-type method-table 8))))
(format #t "~%"))
(defun-debug pc-cheat->string ((cheat pc-cheats))
(doenum (name val pc-cheats)
(if (= cheat val)
(return name))
(defun-debug print-cheat-status (out)
(dotimes (i (-> *pc-cheats-list* length))
(let ((flag (-> *pc-cheats-list* i flag)))
((logtest? (-> *pc-settings* cheats) flag) (format out " ~20S(#x~6x): enabled~%" (pc-cheat->string flag) flag))
((logtest? (-> *pc-settings* cheats-unlocked) flag) (format out " ~20S(#x~6x): unlocked~%" (pc-cheat->string flag) flag))
((logtest? (-> *pc-settings* cheats-purchased) flag) (format out " ~20S(#x~6x): purchased~%" (pc-cheat->string flag) flag))
((logtest? (-> *pc-settings* cheats-revealed) flag) (format out " ~20S(#x~6x): revealed~%" (pc-cheat->string flag) flag))
(else (format out " ~20S(#x~6x): locked~%" (pc-cheat->string flag) flag))
;;;; process pools
;; the actor pool for PC processes! it has space for 4 processes, with 16K of space.
(define *pc-dead-pool* (new 'global 'dead-pool 4 (* 16 1024) "*pc-dead-pool*"))
;;;; progress adjustments
(defconstant CENTER_X (/ 512 2))
(defun adjust-game-x-centered ((origin int) (x float))
"given an x position ranging from [0, 512) adjust for aspect ratio towards the origin point specified
such that it does not get stretched away with the framebuffer"
(+ origin (* (- x origin) (-> *pc-settings* aspect-ratio-reciprocal))))
(defmacro adjust-game-x (x)
`(adjust-game-x-centered CENTER_X ,x))
(defmacro adjust-game-x-int (x-float)
`(the int (adjust-game-x-centered CENTER_X (the float ,x-float))))