
547 lines
31 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; TODO later - customize menu open keybind
(define-extern task-close! (function string symbol))
(define *speedrun-info* (new 'static 'speedrun-info))
(set! (-> *speedrun-info* active-custom-category) (new 'static 'speedrun-custom-category))
(set! (-> *speedrun-info* dump-custom-category) (new 'static 'speedrun-custom-category))
(set! (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective) (new 'static 'speedrun-practice-objective))
(set! (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective starting-position) (new 'static 'vector))
(set! (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective starting-rotation) (new 'static 'vector))
(set! (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective starting-camera-position) (new 'static 'vector))
(set! (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective starting-camera-rotation) (new 'static 'matrix))
(set! (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective start-zone-init-params) (new 'static 'objective-zone-init-params))
(set! (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective end-zone-init-params) (new 'static 'objective-zone-init-params))
(defmethod draw-timer ((this speedrun-timer))
(clear *temp-string*)
(clear *pc-encoded-temp-string*)
((-> this started?)
(format *temp-string* "~,,2fs~%" (* (the float (- (current-time) (-> this start-time))) 0.0033333334)))
((and (!= 0 (-> this end-time)))
(format *temp-string* "~,,2fs~%" (* (the float (- (-> this end-time) (-> this start-time))) 0.0033333334)))
(format *temp-string* "0.0s~%")))
(when *target*
(format *temp-string* "~,,2M~%" (-> *target* control ctrl-xz-vel)))
(pc-encode-utf8-string *temp-string* *pc-encoded-temp-string*)
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((buf (-> (current-frame) global-buf)) (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1))
;; reset bucket settings prior to drawing - font won't do this for us, and
;; draw-raw-image can sometimes mess them up. (intro sequence)
(dma-buffer-add-gs-set-flusha buf (alpha-1 (new 'static 'gs-alpha :b #x1 :d #x1)) (tex1-1 (new 'static 'gs-tex1 :mmag #x1 :mmin #x1)))
(let ((font-ctx (new 'stack 'font-context *font-default-matrix* 256 350 0.0 (font-color default) (font-flags middle shadow kerning large))))
(set! (-> font-ctx scale) 0.325)
(draw-string-adv *pc-encoded-temp-string* buf font-ctx)))
(defmethod start! ((this speedrun-timer))
(set! (-> this started?) #t)
(set! (-> this stopped?) #f)
(set! (-> this start-time) (current-time))
(set! (-> this end-time) 0)
(defmethod reset! ((this speedrun-timer))
(set! (-> this started?) #f)
(set! (-> this stopped?) #f)
(set! (-> this start-time) 0)
(set! (-> this end-time) 0)
(defmethod stop! ((this speedrun-timer))
(when (not (-> this stopped?))
(set! (-> this started?) #f)
(set! (-> this stopped?) #t)
(set! (-> this end-time) (current-time))
(set! (-> this recorded-time) (* (the float (- (-> this end-time) (-> this start-time))) 0.0033333334)))
(-> this recorded-time))
(defmethod set-category! ((this speedrun-info) (category speedrun-category))
(set! (-> this category) category)
(defmethod start-run! ((this speedrun-info))
;; randomize game id so the autosplitter knows to restart
(reset! *autosplit-info-jak2*)
;; turn on speedrun verification display
(set! (-> this display-run-info?) #t)
(send-event (ppointer->process *speedrun-manager*) 'start-run)
;; ensure any required settings are enabled
(enforce-settings! this)
;; finalize any category specific setup code
(case (-> this category)
(((speedrun-category newgame-normal))
(initialize! *game-info* 'game (the-as game-save #f) "game-start"))
(((speedrun-category newgame-heromode))
(initialize! *game-info* 'game (the-as game-save #f) "game-start-hero"))
(((speedrun-category all-cheats-allowed))
(initialize! *game-info* 'game (the-as game-save #f) "game-start"))
(((speedrun-category custom))
(set-master-mode 'game)
(send-event (ppointer->process (-> *speedrun-manager* 0 popup-menu)) 'close-menu)
(process-spawn-function process (lambda :behavior process ()
(clear *temp-string*)
(pc-sr-mode-get-custom-category-continue-point (-> *speedrun-info* active-custom-category index) *temp-string*)
(if (string= *temp-string* "")
(initialize! *game-info* 'game (the-as game-save #f) "game-start")
(initialize! *game-info* 'game (the-as game-save #f) *temp-string*))
(until (and *target* (= (-> *target* next-state name) 'target-stance))
(when (nonzero? (-> *speedrun-info* active-custom-category completed-task))
(task-resolution-close! (-> *speedrun-info* active-custom-category completed-task)))))))
(if (!= -1 (-> *game-info* auto-save-which))
(set! (-> *setting-control* user-default auto-save) #t))
(defmethod enforce-settings! ((this speedrun-info))
(set! (-> *pc-settings* ps2-actor-vis?) #t) ;; force PS2 actor visibility
(set-frame-rate! *pc-settings* 60 #t) ;; force FPS to `60`
;; For posterity, the main reason why changing the cheats is useful is for two main reasons:
;; - If you are playing a category that requires cheats (ie. a turbo jetboard one) you'd
;; probably like the game to automatically set the appropriate ones for you
;; - If you are playing a category that forbids cheats, you wouldn't want your run invalidated because you forgot
(case (-> this category)
(((speedrun-category newgame-normal) (speedrun-category newgame-heromode))
;; disable any active cheats
(set! (-> *pc-settings* cheats) (the-as pc-cheats #x0)))
(((speedrun-category custom))
(set! (-> *game-info* secrets) (-> *speedrun-info* active-custom-category secrets))
(logior! (-> *game-info* features) (-> *speedrun-info* active-custom-category features))
(logclear! (-> *game-info* features) (-> *speedrun-info* active-custom-category forbidden-features))
(set! (-> *pc-settings* cheats) (-> *speedrun-info* active-custom-category pc-cheats))))
(defmethod draw-zone ((this objective-zone))
(bucket-id debug2)
(-> this v1)
(-> this v2)
(if (-> this start?)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :g #xff :b #x00 :a #x80)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :g #x00 :b #xff :a #x80)))
(defstate waiting-for-player (objective-zone)
:virtual #t
:event (behavior ((proc process) (arg1 int) (event-type symbol) (event event-message-block))
(the-as object 0))
:trans (behavior ()
;; Check to see if we have entered the zone
(let ((min-point-x (fmin (-> self v1 x) (-> self v2 x)))
(min-point-y (fmin (-> self v1 y) (-> self v2 y)))
(min-point-z (fmin (-> self v1 z) (-> self v2 z)))
(max-point-x (fmax (-> self v1 x) (-> self v2 x)))
(max-point-y (fmax (-> self v1 y) (-> self v2 y)))
(max-point-z (fmax (-> self v1 z) (-> self v2 z)))
(pos (target-pos 0)))
(when (and (and (<= min-point-x (-> pos x))
(<= (-> pos x) max-point-x))
(and (<= min-point-y (-> pos y))
(<= (-> pos y) max-point-y))
(and (<= min-point-z (-> pos z))
(<= (-> pos z) max-point-z)))
(when (nonzero? (-> self on-enter))
((-> self on-enter)))
(go-virtual player-inside)))
:code (behavior ()
(until #f
(draw-zone self)
:post (behavior ()
(defstate player-inside (objective-zone)
:virtual #t
:trans (behavior ()
;; Check to see if we have entered the zone
(let ((min-point-x (fmin (-> self v1 x) (-> self v2 x)))
(min-point-y (fmin (-> self v1 y) (-> self v2 y)))
(min-point-z (fmin (-> self v1 z) (-> self v2 z)))
(max-point-x (fmax (-> self v1 x) (-> self v2 x)))
(max-point-y (fmax (-> self v1 y) (-> self v2 y)))
(max-point-z (fmax (-> self v1 z) (-> self v2 z)))
(pos (target-pos 0)))
(when (not (and (and (<= min-point-x (-> pos x))
(<= (-> pos x) max-point-x))
(and (<= min-point-y (-> pos y))
(<= (-> pos y) max-point-y))
(and (<= min-point-z (-> pos z))
(<= (-> pos z) max-point-z))))
(when (nonzero? (-> self on-exit))
((-> self on-exit)))
(go-virtual waiting-for-player)))
:code (behavior ()
(until #f
(draw-zone self)
(defbehavior objective-zone-init objective-zone ((start? symbol) (params objective-zone-init-params))
(set! (-> self start?) start?)
(set! (-> self v1 quad) (-> params v1 quad))
(set! (-> self v2 quad) (-> params v2 quad))
(go-virtual waiting-for-player)
(defmethod draw-info ((this speedrun-practice-objective))
(clear *temp-string*)
(clear *pc-encoded-temp-string*)
(pc-sr-mode-get-practice-entry-name (-> this index) *pc-encoded-temp-string*)
(format *temp-string* "<COLOR_WHITE>Practicing: <COLOR_GREEN>~S~%" *pc-encoded-temp-string*)
(if (> (pc-sr-mode-get-practice-entry-history-attempts (-> this index)) 0)
(format *temp-string* "<COLOR_WHITE>History: <COLOR_GREEN>~D<COLOR_WHITE>/~D (~,,2f%)~%"
(pc-sr-mode-get-practice-entry-history-success (-> this index))
(pc-sr-mode-get-practice-entry-history-attempts (-> this index))
(* 100.0 (/ (the float (pc-sr-mode-get-practice-entry-history-success (-> this index)))
(the float (pc-sr-mode-get-practice-entry-history-attempts (-> this index))))))
(format *temp-string* "<COLOR_WHITE>History: --~%"))
(if (> (pc-sr-mode-get-practice-entry-session-attempts (-> this index)) 0)
(format *temp-string* "<COLOR_WHITE>Session: <COLOR_GREEN>~D<COLOR_WHITE>/~D (~,,2f%)~%"
(pc-sr-mode-get-practice-entry-session-success (-> this index))
(pc-sr-mode-get-practice-entry-session-attempts (-> this index))
(* 100.0 (/ (the float (pc-sr-mode-get-practice-entry-session-success (-> this index)))
(the float (pc-sr-mode-get-practice-entry-session-attempts (-> this index))))))
(format *temp-string* "<COLOR_WHITE>Session: --~%"))
(pc-sr-mode-get-practice-entry-avg-time (-> this index) *pc-encoded-temp-string*)
(format *temp-string* "<COLOR_WHITE>Average Time: <COLOR_GREEN>~Ss~%" *pc-encoded-temp-string*)
(pc-sr-mode-get-practice-entry-fastest-time (-> this index) *pc-encoded-temp-string*)
(format *temp-string* "<COLOR_WHITE>Fastest Time: <COLOR_GREEN>~Ss~%" *pc-encoded-temp-string*)
(format *temp-string* "<COLOR_WHITE>\c91 L3: Reset~%")
(pc-encode-utf8-string *temp-string* *pc-encoded-temp-string*)
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((buf (-> (current-frame) global-buf)) (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf2))
;; reset bucket settings prior to drawing - font won't do this for us, and
;; draw-raw-image can sometimes mess them up. (intro sequence)
(dma-buffer-add-gs-set-flusha buf (alpha-1 (new 'static 'gs-alpha :b #x1 :d #x1)) (tex1-1 (new 'static 'gs-tex1 :mmag #x1 :mmin #x1)))
(let ((font-ctx (new 'stack 'font-context *font-default-matrix* 510 20 0.0 (font-color default) (font-flags right shadow kerning large))))
(set! (-> font-ctx scale) 0.325)
(draw-string-adv *pc-encoded-temp-string* buf font-ctx)))
(defmethod reset! ((this speedrun-practice-objective))
;; record attempt if attempt was started
(when (-> *speedrun-info* waiting-to-record-practice-attempt?)
(pc-sr-mode-record-practice-entry-attempt! (-> this index) #f (&-> (the-as speedrun-timer (ppointer->process (-> *speedrun-manager* 0 timer))) recorded-time)))
;; TODO - load checkpoint if not already in that checkpoint
;; TODO - set features / cheats / completed-task / etc
;; Update player position
(vector-copy! (-> *target* root trans) (-> this starting-position))
(vector-copy! (-> *target* root quat) (-> this starting-rotation))
;; - get off jetboard and reset speed
(vector-copy! (-> *target* control transv) *zero-vector*)
(send-event *target* 'change-mode 'normal)
;; Update camera position and rotation
(vector-copy! (-> *camera-combiner* trans) (-> this starting-camera-position))
(matrix-identity! (-> *camera-combiner* inv-camera-rot))
(matrix-copy! (-> *camera-combiner* inv-camera-rot) (-> this starting-camera-rotation))
(process-spawn-function process
(lambda :behavior process ()
(send-event *camera* 'teleport)
(deactivate self)))
(cam-master-activate-slave #f)
(define *speedrun-popup-menu-entries*
(new 'static 'boxed-array :type popup-menu-entry
(new 'static 'popup-menu-button :label "Reset"
:on-confirm (lambda () (send-event (ppointer->process *speedrun-manager*) 'invoke (speedrun-menu-command reset))))
(new 'static 'popup-menu-submenu :label "Built-in category select"
:entries (new 'static 'boxed-array :type popup-menu-entry
(new 'static 'popup-menu-flag :label "Normal"
:on-confirm (lambda () (set-category! *speedrun-info* (speedrun-category newgame-normal)))
:is-toggled? (lambda () (= (-> *speedrun-info* category) (speedrun-category newgame-normal))))
(new 'static 'popup-menu-flag :label "Hero mode"
:on-confirm (lambda () (set-category! *speedrun-info* (speedrun-category newgame-heromode)))
:is-toggled? (lambda () (= (-> *speedrun-info* category) (speedrun-category newgame-heromode))))
(new 'static 'popup-menu-flag :label "All cheats allowed"
:on-confirm (lambda () (set-category! *speedrun-info* (speedrun-category all-cheats-allowed)))
:is-toggled? (lambda () (= (-> *speedrun-info* category) (speedrun-category all-cheats-allowed))))))
(new 'static 'popup-menu-dynamic-submenu :label "Custom category select"
:get-length (lambda () (pc-sr-mode-get-custom-category-amount))
:get-entry-label (lambda ((index int) (str-dest string)) (pc-sr-mode-get-custom-category-name index str-dest))
:on-entry-confirm (lambda ((index int))
;; hydrate from cpp
(pc-sr-mode-init-custom-category-info! index (-> *speedrun-info* active-custom-category))
(set-category! *speedrun-info* (speedrun-category custom)))
:entry-selected? (lambda ((index int))
(and (= (-> *speedrun-info* category) (speedrun-category custom))
(= index (-> *speedrun-info* active-custom-category index)))))
;; TODO - disabled until finalized
;; (new 'static 'popup-menu-dynamic-submenu :label "Practice select"
;; :entry-disabled? (lambda () (not (-> *speedrun-info* practicing?)))
;; :get-length (lambda () (pc-sr-mode-get-practice-entries-amount))
;; :get-entry-label (lambda ((index int) (str-dest string)) (pc-sr-mode-get-practice-entry-name index str-dest))
;; :on-entry-confirm (lambda ((index int))
;; ;; turn on timer
;; (set! (-> (the-as speedrun-timer (ppointer->process (-> *speedrun-manager* 0 timer))) draw?) #t)
;; ;; tear down old processes
;; (when (nonzero? (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective start-zone))
;; (deactivate (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective start-zone 0)))
;; (when (nonzero? (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective end-zone))
;; (deactivate (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective end-zone 0)))
;; ;; init from cpp
;; (pc-sr-mode-init-practice-info! index (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective))
;; ;; startup new processes
;; (set! (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective start-zone)
;; (the-as (pointer objective-zone) (process-spawn objective-zone :init objective-zone-init #t (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective start-zone-init-params))))
;; (set! (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective start-zone 0 on-exit)
;; (lambda ()
;; (start! (the-as speedrun-timer (ppointer->process (-> *speedrun-manager* 0 timer))))
;; (set! (-> *speedrun-info* waiting-to-record-practice-attempt?) #t)
;; (none)))
;; (set! (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective start-zone 0 on-enter)
;; (lambda ()
;; (when (and *target* (>= (-> *target* control ctrl-xz-vel) (meters 30.0)))
;; (vector-copy! (-> *target* control transv) *zero-vector*))
;; (set! (-> *speedrun-info* waiting-to-record-practice-attempt?) #f)
;; (reset! (the-as speedrun-timer (ppointer->process (-> *speedrun-manager* 0 timer))))
;; (none)))
;; (when (= 0 (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective end-task))
;; (set! (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective end-zone)
;; (the-as (pointer objective-zone) (process-spawn objective-zone :init objective-zone-init #f (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective end-zone-init-params))))
;; (set! (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective end-zone 0 on-enter)
;; (lambda ()
;; (when (-> *speedrun-info* waiting-to-record-practice-attempt?)
;; (stop! (the-as speedrun-timer (ppointer->process (-> *speedrun-manager* 0 timer))))
;; (if (pc-sr-mode-record-practice-entry-attempt! (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective index)
;; #t
;; (&-> (the-as speedrun-timer (ppointer->process (-> *speedrun-manager* 0 timer))) recorded-time))
;; (sound-play "skill-pickup")
;; (sound-play "menu-pick"))
;; (set! (-> *speedrun-info* waiting-to-record-practice-attempt?) #f))
;; (none))))
;; (set! (-> *speedrun-info* practicing?) #t)
;; (reset! (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective))
;; (set-master-mode 'game)
;; (send-event (ppointer->process (-> *speedrun-manager* 0 popup-menu)) 'close-menu))
;; :entry-selected? (lambda ((index int)) (and (-> *speedrun-info* practicing?) (= index (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective index)))))
;; (new 'static 'popup-menu-button :label "Stop practicing"
;; :entry-disabled? (lambda () (not (-> *speedrun-info* practicing?)))
;; :on-confirm (lambda ()
;; (when (-> *speedrun-info* practicing?)
;; (when (nonzero? (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective start-zone))
;; (deactivate (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective start-zone 0)))
;; (when (nonzero? (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective end-zone))
;; (deactivate (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective end-zone 0))))
;; (set! (-> *speedrun-info* practicing?) #f)
;; (set! (-> (the-as speedrun-timer (ppointer->process (-> *speedrun-manager* 0 timer))) draw?) #f)))
(new 'static 'popup-menu-submenu :label "Tools"
:entries (new 'static 'boxed-array :type popup-menu-entry
(new 'static 'popup-menu-submenu :label "Create custom category"
:entries (new 'static 'boxed-array :type popup-menu-entry
(new 'static 'popup-menu-dynamic-submenu :label "Select secrets"
:get-length (lambda () 18)
:get-entry-label (lambda ((index int) (str-dest string)) (copy-string<-string str-dest (bitfield->string game-secrets index)))
:on-entry-confirm (lambda ((index int)) (logxor! (-> *speedrun-info* dump-custom-category secrets) (shl 1 index)))
:entry-selected? (lambda ((index int)) (logtest? (-> *speedrun-info* dump-custom-category secrets) (shl 1 index)))
:on-reset (lambda () (set! (-> *speedrun-info* dump-custom-category secrets) (game-secrets))))
(new 'static 'popup-menu-dynamic-submenu :label "Select features"
:get-length (lambda () 27)
:get-entry-label (lambda ((index int) (str-dest string)) (copy-string<-string str-dest (bitfield->string game-feature index)))
:on-entry-confirm (lambda ((index int)) (logxor! (-> *speedrun-info* dump-custom-category features) (shl 1 index)))
:entry-selected? (lambda ((index int)) (logtest? (-> *speedrun-info* dump-custom-category features) (shl 1 index)))
:on-reset (lambda () (set! (-> *speedrun-info* dump-custom-category features) (game-feature))))
(new 'static 'popup-menu-dynamic-submenu :label "Forbid features"
:get-length (lambda () 27)
:get-entry-label (lambda ((index int) (str-dest string)) (copy-string<-string str-dest (bitfield->string game-feature index)))
:on-entry-confirm (lambda ((index int)) (logxor! (-> *speedrun-info* dump-custom-category forbidden-features) (shl 1 index)))
:entry-selected? (lambda ((index int)) (logtest? (-> *speedrun-info* dump-custom-category forbidden-features) (shl 1 index)))
:on-reset (lambda () (set! (-> *speedrun-info* dump-custom-category forbidden-features) (game-feature))))
(new 'static 'popup-menu-dynamic-submenu :label "Select cheats"
:get-length (lambda () 20)
:get-entry-label (lambda ((index int) (str-dest string)) (copy-string<-string str-dest (bitfield->string pc-cheats index)))
:on-entry-confirm (lambda ((index int)) (logxor! (-> *speedrun-info* dump-custom-category pc-cheats) (shl 1 index)))
:entry-selected? (lambda ((index int)) (logtest? (-> *speedrun-info* dump-custom-category pc-cheats) (shl 1 index)))
:on-reset (lambda () (set! (-> *speedrun-info* dump-custom-category pc-cheats) (pc-cheats))))
(new 'static 'popup-menu-dynamic-submenu :label "Select completed task"
:get-length (lambda () (dec (the int (game-task max))))
:get-entry-label (lambda ((index int) (str-dest string)) (copy-string<-string str-dest (enum->string game-task index)))
:on-entry-confirm (lambda ((index int)) (set! (-> *speedrun-info* dump-custom-category completed-task) (the game-task index)))
:entry-selected? (lambda ((index int)) (= (-> *speedrun-info* dump-custom-category completed-task) (the game-task index)))
:on-reset (lambda () (set! (-> *speedrun-info* dump-custom-category completed-task) (game-task none))))
(new 'static 'popup-menu-button :label "Save new category to file"
:on-confirm (lambda () (pc-sr-mode-dump-new-custom-category (-> *speedrun-info* dump-custom-category))))))))
(new 'static 'popup-menu-button :label "Exit"
:on-confirm (lambda () (send-event (ppointer->process *speedrun-manager*) 'invoke (speedrun-menu-command exit))))
(define *speedrun-manager* (the-as (pointer speedrun-manager) #f))
(defbehavior speedrun-manager-init speedrun-manager ()
(set! *speedrun-manager* (the-as (pointer speedrun-manager) (process->ppointer self)))
(set! (-> *speedrun-manager* 0 popup-menu)
(the-as (pointer popup-menu) (process-spawn popup-menu :init popup-menu-init "Speedrun Menu" *speedrun-popup-menu-entries*)))
(set! (-> *speedrun-manager* 0 timer)
(the-as (pointer speedrun-timer) (process-spawn speedrun-timer :init speedrun-timer-init)))
(set! (-> *speedrun-manager* 0 ignore-menu-toggle?) #f)
(set! (-> *speedrun-manager* 0 opened-with-start?) #f)
(set! (-> *speedrun-info* practicing?) #f)
(set! (-> *speedrun-info* waiting-to-record-practice-attempt?) #f)
(go-virtual idle)
(defmethod update! ((this speedrun-info))
"A per frame update for speedrunning related stuff"
;; Ensure the speedrunner menu process is enabled or destroyed
(when (and (-> *pc-settings* speedrunner-mode?)
(not *speedrun-manager*))
(process-spawn speedrun-manager :init speedrun-manager-init #f :to *entity-pool*))
(when (and (not (-> *pc-settings* speedrunner-mode?))
(deactivate (-> *speedrun-manager* 0)))
;; do speedrunner mode things
(when (-> *pc-settings* speedrunner-mode?)
;; Update auto-splitter struct
(update! *autosplit-info-jak2*)
;; see if we should stop drawing the run info (when you escape the fortress!)
(when (and (!= (-> this category) (speedrun-category custom))
(task-complete? *game-info* (game-task fortress-escape)))
(set! (-> this display-run-info?) #f))
;; Draw info to the screen
(when (and (not (-> *speedrun-info* practicing?)) (-> this display-run-info?))
(draw-run-info this))
;; enforce settings even if they've changed them
(enforce-settings! this)
;; draw objective info if practicing
(when (-> *speedrun-info* practicing?)
(draw-info (-> this active-practice-objective))))
(defmethod draw-run-info ((this speedrun-info))
"Draw speedrun related settings in the bottom left corner"
(when (and (-> *pc-settings* speedrunner-mode?)
(-> this display-run-info?))
(clear *temp-string*)
(clear *pc-encoded-temp-string*)
(clear *pc-cpp-temp-string*)
((= (-> this category) (speedrun-category custom))
(pc-sr-mode-get-custom-category-name (-> this active-custom-category index) *pc-cpp-temp-string*)
(format *temp-string*
(-> this active-custom-category secrets)
(-> this active-custom-category features)
(-> this active-custom-category forbidden-features)
(-> this active-custom-category pc-cheats)
(format *temp-string*
(enum->string speedrun-category (-> this category))
(the-as int (-> *pc-settings* cheats))
(-> *pc-settings* target-fps)
(if (-> *pc-settings* ps2-actor-vis?) "true" "false")
(pc-encode-utf8-string *temp-string* *pc-encoded-temp-string*)
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((buf (-> (current-frame) global-buf)) (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf2))
;; reset bucket settings prior to drawing - font won't do this for us, and
;; draw-raw-image can sometimes mess them up. (intro sequence)
(dma-buffer-add-gs-set-flusha buf (alpha-1 (new 'static 'gs-alpha :b #x1 :d #x1)) (tex1-1 (new 'static 'gs-tex1 :mmag #x1 :mmin #x1)))
(let ((font-ctx (new 'stack 'font-context *font-default-matrix* 510 (if (= (-> this category) (speedrun-category custom)) 355 365) 0.0 (font-color default) (font-flags right shadow kerning large))))
(set! (-> font-ctx scale) 0.325)
(draw-string-adv *pc-encoded-temp-string* buf font-ctx))))
;; Speedrun Menu
(defmethod deactivate ((this speedrun-manager))
(set! *speedrun-manager* (the-as (pointer speedrun-manager) #f))
((method-of-type process deactivate) this)
(defstate idle (speedrun-manager)
:virtual #t
:event (behavior ((proc process) (arg1 int) (event-type symbol) (event event-message-block))
(case event-type
(set-time! (-> *speedrun-info* run-started-at)))
(case (-> event param 0)
(((speedrun-menu-command reset))
(start-run! *speedrun-info*))
(((speedrun-menu-command exit))
(set-master-mode 'game)
(send-event (ppointer->process (-> self popup-menu)) 'close-menu))
(format 0 "nyi: invoke ~D~%" (-> event param 0))))))
(the-as object 0))
:trans (behavior ()
:code (behavior ()
(until #f
(when (and (-> *speedrun-info* practicing?) (cpad-pressed? 0 l3))
(reset! (-> *speedrun-info* active-practice-objective)))
(when (and (-> *speedrun-info* display-run-info?)
(= (-> *speedrun-info* category) (speedrun-category custom))
(time-elapsed? (-> *speedrun-info* run-started-at) (seconds 15)))
(set! (-> *speedrun-info* display-run-info?) #f))
:post (behavior ()
(defmethod draw-menu ((this speedrun-manager))
;; don't allow the menu to open during blackouts, apparently causes bugs
(when (>= (-> *game-info* blackout-time) (current-time))
(return 0))
;; handle opening and closing the menu
((!= (-> *pc-settings* speedrunner-mode-custom-bind) 0)
;; the user has let go of the keybind completely or partially, allow the bind to trigger again
(when (and (-> this ignore-menu-toggle?)
(!= (cpad-hold 0)
(logior (cpad-hold 0) (-> *pc-settings* speedrunner-mode-custom-bind))))
(set! (-> this ignore-menu-toggle?) #f))
;; bind handler
(when (and (not (-> this ignore-menu-toggle?))
(= (cpad-hold 0)
(logior (cpad-hold 0) (-> *pc-settings* speedrunner-mode-custom-bind))))
((= *master-mode* 'game)
(set-master-mode 'menu)
(send-event (ppointer->process (-> this popup-menu)) 'open-menu))
((= *master-mode* 'menu)
(set-master-mode 'game)
(send-event (ppointer->process (-> this popup-menu)) 'close-menu)))
(logclear! (cpad-hold 0) (-> *pc-settings* speedrunner-mode-custom-bind))
(logclear! (cpad-pressed 0) (-> *pc-settings* speedrunner-mode-custom-bind))
(set! (-> this ignore-menu-toggle?) #t)))
(when (and (-> this ignore-menu-toggle?)
(or (not (cpad-hold? 0 l1)) (not (cpad-hold? 0 r1)))
(or (and (-> this opened-with-start?) (not (cpad-hold? 0 start)))
(and (not (-> this opened-with-start?)) (not (cpad-hold? 0 select)))))
(set! (-> this ignore-menu-toggle?) #f))
(when (and (cpad-hold? 0 l1) (cpad-hold? 0 r1) (or (cpad-hold? 0 select) (cpad-hold? 0 start))
(not (-> this ignore-menu-toggle?)))
((= *master-mode* 'game)
(set-master-mode 'menu)
(send-event (ppointer->process (-> this popup-menu)) 'open-menu))
((= *master-mode* 'menu)
(set-master-mode 'game)
(send-event (ppointer->process (-> this popup-menu)) 'close-menu)))
(cpad-clear! 0 l1 r1)
((cpad-hold? 0 select)
(cpad-clear! 0 select)
(set! (-> this opened-with-start?) #f))
((cpad-hold? 0 start)
(cpad-clear! 0 start)
(set! (-> this opened-with-start?) #t)))
(set! (-> this ignore-menu-toggle?) #t))))
;; render menu / handle inputs
(update-menu! (the-as popup-menu (ppointer->process (-> this popup-menu))))