Tyler Wilding 5eeaffcde0
scripts: new linter script to detect goal_src files with trailing whitespace (#3387)
Removes trailing whitespace from goal_src files, eventually the
formatter will do this as well but it's not ready yet so this is a
decent interim solution.

A competent text editor will also do this / flag it for you.
2024-02-24 14:27:56 -05:00

448 lines
15 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
Processes for the damage numbers for enemy damage and health bar for enemy health.
Enemies spawn the numbers on hit, and send a message to a health bar manager to spawn a health bar
with the appropriate settings.
We do it like this instead of adding code to draw health bars to enemy itself to avoid having to
add more fields.
;;;; damage number and health bars
(deftype damage-number (process)
((trans vector :inline)
(trans-2d vector4w :inline)
(on-screen? symbol)
(damage int32)
(parent-mask process-mask)
(font font-context)
(y-ofs float)
(initialize-font (_type_) font-context))
(defstate active (damage-number)
:virtual #t
:trans (behavior ()
(when (not (logtest? (-> *kernel-context* prevent-from-run) (-> self parent-mask)))
;; make font float upwards
(+! (-> self y-ofs) (* 1.0 (-> self clock time-adjust-ratio)))
;; convert 3D -> 2D screen now (result in trans-2d)
(set! (-> self on-screen?) (transform-point-qword! (-> self trans-2d) (-> self trans)))
;; position font
(set-origin! (-> self font) (+ (/ (-> self trans-2d x) 16) -1792)
(+ (/ (-> self trans-2d y) 16) -1855))
(set-depth! (-> self font) (/ (-> self trans-2d z) 16))
;; now center (we could do this earlier but it's fine)
(-! (-> self font origin x) (/ (-> self font width) 2))
;; now move it up
(-! (-> self font origin y) (-> self y-ofs)))
:code (behavior ()
(let ((state-time (current-time)))
;; move up for a bit
(until (>= (- (current-time) state-time) (seconds 1))
;; now fade out
(set! state-time (current-time))
(until (>= (- (current-time) state-time) (seconds 0.5))
(set! (-> self font alpha) (lerp-scale 1.0 0.0 (the float (- (current-time) state-time)) 0.0 (fsec 0.5)))
:post (behavior ()
(when (and (-> self on-screen?) ;; text is onscreen
(pc-cheats? (-> *pc-settings* cheats) health-bars) ;; cheat enabled
(print-game-text (string-format "~D" (-> self damage)) (-> self font) #f 44 (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)))
(defmethod relocate ((this damage-number) (diff int))
(if (nonzero? (-> this font))
(&+! (-> this font) diff)
(call-parent-method this diff)
(defmethod initialize-font ((self damage-number))
"create the font that will be used used."
(if (zero? (-> self font))
(set! (-> self font) (new 'process 'font-context *font-default-matrix* 0 0 0.0 (font-color default) (font-flags shadow kerning))))
(set-scale! (-> self font) (lerp-scale 0.45 0.8 (the float (-> self damage)) 1.0 15.0))
(set-flags! (-> self font) (font-flags shadow kerning large middle))
(set-width! (-> self font) 100)
(set-height! (-> self font) 50)
(defbehavior damage-number-init-by-other damage-number ((dmg int) (pos vector) (parent-mask process-mask))
"initialize a damage-number"
;; copy params
(set! (-> self damage) dmg)
(set! (-> self parent-mask) parent-mask)
(vector-copy! (-> self trans) pos)
;; init font
(initialize-font self)
;; process settings to still render while paused
(process-mask-clear! (-> self mask) pause)
(go-virtual active)
(deftype damage-number-metalkor (damage-number)
((damage-metalkor float)
(defstate active (damage-number-metalkor)
:virtual #t
:post (behavior ()
(if *debug-segment*
(add-debug-x #t (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf2) (-> self trans) *color-cyan*))
(when (and (-> self on-screen?) ;; text is onscreen
(pc-cheats? (-> *pc-settings* cheats) health-bars) ;; cheat enabled
(let ((dmg-display *temp-string*))
(set! dmg-display
((< (abs (- (* (-> self damage-metalkor) (/ 1000.0 4.0)) (the float (/ (-> self damage) 10)))) 0.001)
(string-format "~D" (/ (-> self damage) 10)))
((< (abs (- (* (-> self damage-metalkor) (/ 10000.0 4.0)) (the float (/ (-> self damage) 1)))) 0.001)
(string-format "~,,1f" (/ (the float (-> self damage)) 10)))
(string-format "~,,2f" (/ (* (-> self damage-metalkor) 2500) 10)))
(if #f
(format dmg-display " (~D/~,,4f)" (-> self damage) (-> self damage-metalkor)))
(print-game-text dmg-display (-> self font) #f 44 (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1))
;(print-game-text (string-format "~D (~,,4f)" (-> self damage) (-> self damage-metalkor)) (-> self font) #f 44 (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1))
(defbehavior damage-number-metalkor-init-by-other damage-number-metalkor ((dmg float) (pos vector) (parent-mask process-mask))
"initialize a damage-number-metalkor"
;; copy params
(set! (-> self damage-metalkor) dmg)
(set! (-> self damage) (/ (the int (* (-> self damage-metalkor) 10000)) 4))
(set! (-> self parent-mask) parent-mask)
(vector-copy! (-> self trans) pos)
;; init font
(initialize-font self)
(set-scale! (-> self font) (lerp-scale 0.45 0.8 (/ (the float (-> self damage)) 10) 1.0 15.0))
;; process settings to still render while paused
(process-mask-clear! (-> self mask) pause)
(go-virtual active)
(defun draw-health-bar ((x int) (y int) (width int) (height int) (hit-points float) (hit-points-max float) (bucket bucket-id))
"Draw a rectangular health bar at the given location. color fades from green to yellow to red."
(let* ((color (static-rgba 0 0 0 #x80))
(bar-w (the int (* (/ hit-points hit-points-max) (max 0 (+ width -4)))))
(x2 (+ x width))
(bx2 (+ x 2 bar-w))
(color-fade (if (<= hit-points-max 1.0)
(/ hit-points hit-points-max)
(/ (1- hit-points) (1- hit-points-max)))))
((>= color-fade 0.5)
;; fade from green -> yellow
(set! (-> color r) (the int (lerp-scale (the float (-> *color-green* r)) (the float (-> *color-yellow* r)) color-fade 1.0 0.5)))
(set! (-> color g) (the int (lerp-scale (the float (-> *color-green* g)) (the float (-> *color-yellow* g)) color-fade 1.0 0.5)))
(set! (-> color b) (the int (lerp-scale (the float (-> *color-green* b)) (the float (-> *color-yellow* b)) color-fade 1.0 0.5)))
;; fade from yellow -> red
(set! (-> color r) (the int (lerp-scale (the float (-> *color-yellow* r)) (the float (-> *color-red* r)) color-fade 0.5 0.0)))
(set! (-> color g) (the int (lerp-scale (the float (-> *color-yellow* g)) (the float (-> *color-red* g)) color-fade 0.5 0.0)))
(set! (-> color b) (the int (lerp-scale (the float (-> *color-yellow* b)) (the float (-> *color-red* b)) color-fade 0.5 0.0)))
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((buf (-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) global-buf))
((< x -2)
(+! width x)
(+! bar-w (+ x 2)))
((< x 0)
(+! width x))
((>= x2 512)
(-! width (- x2 512)))
((>= bx2 512)
(-! bar-w (- bx2 512)))
((< y -2)
(+! height y))
((< y 0)
(+! height y))
(draw-sprite2d-xy buf x y (max 0 width) (max 0 height) (new 'static 'rgba :a #x40))
(draw-sprite2d-xy buf (+ x 2) (+ y 2) (max 0 bar-w) (max 0 (+ height -4)) color)
(deftype health-bar (process)
((ppointer (pointer health-bar) :override)
(trans-2d vector4w :inline)
(width float)
(height float)
(on-screen? symbol)
(font font-context)
(hit-points-max float)
(hit-points float)
;; who this bar is for
(owner handle)
;; linked list fields
(prev-bar (pointer health-bar))
(next-bar (pointer health-bar))
(defmethod relocate health-bar ((this health-bar) (diff int))
(if (nonzero? (-> this font))
(&+! (-> this font) diff)
(call-parent-method this diff)
(deftype health-bar-manager (basic)
((head (pointer health-bar))
(tail (pointer health-bar))
(new (symbol type) _type_)
(append-to-list (_type_ (pointer health-bar)) (pointer health-bar))
(remove-from-list (_type_ (pointer health-bar)) (pointer health-bar))
(get-bar-for-process (_type_ process-drawable) (pointer health-bar))
(send-damage-to-bar (_type_ process-drawable int int) (pointer health-bar))
(set-proc-bar-hit-points (_type_ process-drawable int) (pointer health-bar))
(defmethod new health-bar-manager ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type))
(let ((this (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> this head) #f)
(set! (-> this tail) #f)
(defmethod append-to-list ((this health-bar-manager) (bar-ptr (pointer health-bar)))
"add a health bar to the end of the linked list"
(set! (-> bar-ptr 0 prev-bar) (-> this tail))
((-> this tail)
;; list has stuff
(set! (-> this tail 0 next-bar) bar-ptr)
;; no tail means list is empty. fill head.
(set! (-> this head) bar-ptr)
(set! (-> this tail) bar-ptr)
(defmethod remove-from-list ((this health-bar-manager) (bar-ptr (pointer health-bar)))
"remove a health bar from the linked list. call this when deactivating it"
(if (= (-> this head) bar-ptr)
(set! (-> this head) (-> bar-ptr 0 next-bar)))
(if (= (-> this tail) bar-ptr)
(set! (-> this tail) (-> bar-ptr 0 prev-bar)))
(if (-> bar-ptr 0 next-bar)
(set! (-> bar-ptr 0 next-bar 0 prev-bar) (-> bar-ptr 0 prev-bar)))
(if (-> bar-ptr 0 prev-bar)
(set! (-> bar-ptr 0 prev-bar 0 next-bar) (-> bar-ptr 0 next-bar)))
(defmethod get-bar-for-process ((this health-bar-manager) (proc process-drawable))
"return the health bar associated with that process. #f = not found"
(let ((cur-bar (-> this head)))
(while cur-bar
(if (= (handle->process (-> cur-bar 0 owner)) proc)
(return cur-bar))
(set! cur-bar (-> cur-bar 0 next-bar))
(the (pointer health-bar) #f))
(define *health-bar-manager* (new 'global 'health-bar-manager))
(defstate idle (health-bar)
:virtual #t
:event (behavior ((from process) (argc int) (msg symbol) (block event-message-block))
(case msg
(-! (-> self hit-points) (the float (the-as int (-> block param 0))))
(set! (-> self hit-points) (the float (the-as int (-> block param 0))))
:trans (behavior ()
;; convert 3D -> 2D screen now (result in trans-2d)
(when (handle->process (-> self owner))
(set! (-> self on-screen?) (transform-point-qword! (-> self trans-2d) (-> (the process-drawable (handle->process (-> self owner))) root trans)))
;; set store width and height.
(set! (-> self width) (* (-> self font width) (-> *video-params* relative-x-scale)))
(set! (-> self height) (-> self font height))
;; position font
(set-origin! (-> self font) (+ (/ (-> self trans-2d x) 16) -1792)
(+ (/ (-> self trans-2d y) 16) -1855 (the int (-> self height))))
(set-depth! (-> self font) (/ (-> self trans-2d z) 16))
;; now center (we could do this earlier but it's fine)
(-! (-> self font origin x) (/ (-> self width) 2)))
:code (behavior ()
(while (and (handle->process (-> self owner)) (not (case (-> (handle->process (-> self owner)) next-state name) (('inactive 'hidden) #t))))
:post (behavior ()
(when (and (-> self on-screen?) ;; text is onscreen
(pc-cheats? (-> *pc-settings* cheats) health-bars) ;; cheat enabled
(> (meters 160) (vector-vector-distance (-> (the process-drawable (handle->process (-> self owner))) root trans) (math-camera-pos))))
(draw-health-bar (the int (-> self font origin x)) (the int (-> self font origin y))
(the int (-> self width)) (the int (-> self height))
(-> self hit-points) (-> self hit-points-max)
(bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1))
;(print-game-text (string-format "~,,0f/~,,0f" (-> self hit-points) (-> self hit-points-max)) (-> self font) #f 44 (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1))
(defmethod deactivate ((self health-bar))
(remove-from-list *health-bar-manager* (process->ppointer self))
((method-of-type process deactivate) self)
(defbehavior health-bar-init-by-other health-bar ((hit-points int) (hit-points-max int) (owner handle))
"initialize a health-bar"
;; copy params
(set! (-> self hit-points-max) (the float hit-points-max))
(set! (-> self hit-points) (the float hit-points))
;; set owner
(set! (-> self owner) owner)
;; linked list fields
(set! (-> self prev-bar) #f)
(set! (-> self next-bar) #f)
(append-to-list *health-bar-manager* (the (pointer health-bar) (process->ppointer self)))
;; init font
(set! (-> self font) (new 'process 'font-context *font-default-matrix* 0 0 0.0 (font-color default) (font-flags shadow kerning)))
(set-scale! (-> self font) 0.35)
(set-flags! (-> self font) (font-flags shadow kerning large middle middle-vert))
(set-width! (-> self font) 34)
(set-height! (-> self font) 10)
;; process settings to still render while paused
(process-mask-clear! (-> self mask) pause)
;; ready to handle events immediately
(set! (-> self event-hook) (-> (method-of-object self idle) event))
(go-virtual idle)
(defmethod send-damage-to-bar ((this health-bar-manager) (from process-drawable) (damage int) (hit-points-old int))
"send damage and hit point information of an enemy to its health bar. creates one if needed."
(let ((the-bar (get-bar-for-process this from)))
(send-event (ppointer->process the-bar) 'damage damage)
(set! the-bar (process-spawn health-bar (- hit-points-old damage) hit-points-old (process->handle from)))
(defmethod set-proc-bar-hit-points ((this health-bar-manager) (proc process-drawable) (hit-points int))
"simply set the hit points (not max hit points) of a process's health bar"
(let ((the-bar (get-bar-for-process this proc)))
(send-event (ppointer->process the-bar) 'set-hit-points hit-points)