water111 50230e05fa
[jak2] Add static textures for the progress menu (#2838)
The progress menu loads its icon textures from a .STR file that we were
previously ignoring.

This change:
- updates the decompiler so it can process a .STR file containing a
- adds a feature to force an entire page to always be loaded in the PC
renderer by putting all textures in the GAME.FR3 file.
- regenerates the texture offset map file for jak 2 with these new

For now, I've just put the icon textures in GAME.FR3. The downside is
that these will always stay on the GPU, using up VRAM even when they
aren't needed. But the entire GAME.FR3 file is under 3 MB so I think
it's ok.

2023-07-23 12:35:59 -04:00

317 lines
11 KiB

#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "config.h"
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "common/util/FileUtil.h"
#include "common/util/Timer.h"
#include "common/util/diff.h"
#include "common/util/os.h"
#include "common/util/set_util.h"
#include "common/util/unicode_util.h"
#include "common/versions/versions.h"
#include "ObjectFile/ObjectFileDB.h"
#include "decompiler/data/TextureDB.h"
#include "decompiler/data/streamed_audio.h"
#include "decompiler/level_extractor/extract_level.h"
#include "third-party/CLI11.hpp"
#include "third-party/json.hpp"
template <typename... Args>
static void mem_log(const std::string& format, Args&&... args) {
#ifndef _WIN32
lg::info("[Mem] " + format, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
ArgumentGuard u8_guard(argc, argv);
if (!file_util::setup_project_path(std::nullopt)) {
lg::error("Unable to setup project path");
return 1;
try {
lg::set_file(file_util::get_file_path({"log", "decompiler.log"}));
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
lg::error("Failed to setup logging: {}", e.what());
return 1;
fs::path config_path;
fs::path in_folder;
fs::path out_folder;
std::string config_game_version = "";
std::string config_override = "{}";
CLI::App app{"OpenGOAL Decompiler"};
app.add_option("config-path", config_path,
"Path to the decompiler config .jsonc file. ie. "
app.add_option("in-folder", in_folder,
"The path containing the iso_data folders. ie. ./iso_data/. Assumes the "
"'gameName' from the config as a sub-directory")
app.add_option("out-folder", out_folder,
"The path for where the decompiler should place it's outputs. Assumes the "
"'gameName' from the config as a sub-directory")
app.add_option("--version", config_game_version,
"The name of the game version to update the config with, ie. ntsc_v2")
app.add_option("--config-override", config_override,
"JSON provided will be merged with the specified config, use to override options");
CLI11_PARSE(app, argc, argv);
// Validate arguments
using namespace decompiler;
Config config;
try {
config = read_config_file(config_path, config_game_version, config_override);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
lg::error("Failed to parse config: {}", e.what());
return 1;
// these options imply read_spools
config.read_spools |= config.process_subtitle_text || config.process_subtitle_images;
// Check if any banned objects are also in the allowed objects list
// if so, throw an error as this can be a confusing situation
auto intersection = set_util::intersection(config.allowed_objects, config.banned_objects);
if (!intersection.empty()) {
lg::error("Aborting - There is an overlap between 'allowed_objects' and 'banned_objects'");
return 1;
in_folder = in_folder / config.game_name;
// Verify the in_folder is correct
if (!exists(in_folder)) {
lg::error("Aborting - 'in_folder' does not exist '{}'", in_folder.string());
return 1;
out_folder = out_folder / config.game_name;
file_util::create_dir_if_needed(out_folder / "assets");
// Warning message if expected ELF isn't found, user could be using bad assets / didn't extract
// the ISO properly
if (!config.expected_elf_name.empty() && !exists(in_folder / config.expected_elf_name)) {
"WARNING - '{}' does not contain the expected ELF file '{}'. Was the ISO extracted "
"properly or is there a version mismatch?",
in_folder.string(), config.expected_elf_name);
// -- Begin the Decompilation!
Timer decomp_timer;
mem_log("Top of main: {} MB\n", get_peak_rss() / (1024 * 1024));
mem_log("After init: {} MB\n", get_peak_rss() / (1024 * 1024));
std::vector<fs::path> dgos, objs, strs, tex_strs;
for (const auto& dgo_name : config.dgo_names) {
dgos.push_back(in_folder / dgo_name);
for (const auto& obj_name : config.object_file_names) {
objs.push_back(in_folder / obj_name);
for (const auto& str_name : config.str_file_names) {
strs.push_back(in_folder / str_name);
for (const auto& str_name : config.str_texture_file_names) {
tex_strs.push_back(in_folder / str_name);
mem_log("After config read: {} MB", get_peak_rss() / (1024 * 1024));
// build file database
lg::info("Setting up object file DB...");
ObjectFileDB db(dgos, fs::path(config.obj_file_name_map_file), objs, strs, tex_strs, config);
// Explicitly fail if a file in the 'allowed_objects' list wasn't found in the DB
// as this is another silent error that can be confusing
if (!config.allowed_objects.empty()) {
for (const auto& expected_obj : config.allowed_objects) {
if (db.obj_files_by_name.count(expected_obj) == 0) {
// TODO - this is wrong for jak1, fix eventually as this is now done in 3 places
"Expected to find '{}' in the ObjectFileDB but did not. Check "
expected_obj, config.game_name);
return 1;
mem_log("After DB setup: {} MB", get_peak_rss() / (1024 * 1024));
// write out DGO file info
file_util::write_text_file(out_folder / "dgo.txt", db.generate_dgo_listing());
// write out object file map (used for future decompilations, if desired)
file_util::write_text_file(out_folder / "obj.txt",
// dump raw objs
if (config.dump_objs) {
auto path = out_folder / "raw_obj";
// process files (required for all analysis)
mem_log("After link data: {} MB", get_peak_rss() / (1024 * 1024));
mem_log("After code: {} MB", get_peak_rss() / (1024 * 1024));
// top level decompile (do this before printing asm so we get function names)
if (config.find_functions) {
// print disassembly
if (config.disassemble_code || config.disassemble_data) {
db.write_disassembly(out_folder, config.disassemble_data, config.disassemble_code,
if (config.process_art_groups) {
// dumb art info to json if requested
if (config.dump_art_group_info) {
auto file_name = out_folder / "dump" / "art-group-info.min.json";
nlohmann::json json = db.dts.art_group_info;
file_util::write_text_file(file_name, json.dump(-1));
lg::info("[DUMP] Dumped art group info to {}", file_name.string());
} else if (!config.art_group_info_dump.empty()) {
// process art groups (used in decompilation)
// - if the config has a path to the art info dump, just use that
// - otherwise (or if we want to dump it fresh) extract it
db.dts.art_group_info = config.art_group_info_dump;
} else {
lg::error("`process_art_groups` was false and no art-group-info dump was provided!");
return 1;
// main decompile.
if (config.decompile_code) {
db.analyze_functions_ir2(out_folder, config, {}, {}, {});
if (config.generate_all_types) {
ASSERT_MSG(config.decompile_code, "Must decompile code to generate all-types");
db.ir2_analyze_all_types(out_folder / "new-all-types.gc", config.old_all_types_file,
mem_log("After decomp: {} MB", get_peak_rss() / (1024 * 1024));
// write out all symbols
file_util::write_text_file(out_folder / "all-syms.gc", db.dts.dump_symbol_types());
// write art groups
if (config.process_art_groups) {
if (config.hexdump_code || config.hexdump_data) {
db.write_object_file_words(out_folder, config.hexdump_data, config.hexdump_code);
// data stuff
if (config.write_scripts) {
if (config.process_game_text) {
auto result = db.process_game_text_files(config);
if (!result.empty()) {
file_util::write_text_file(out_folder / "assets" / "game_text.txt", result);
mem_log("After text: {} MB", get_peak_rss() / (1024 * 1024));
if (config.process_subtitle_text || config.process_subtitle_images) {
auto result = db.process_all_spool_subtitles(
config, config.process_subtitle_images ? out_folder / "assets" / "subtitle-images" : "");
if (!result.empty()) {
file_util::write_text_file(out_folder / "assets" / "game_subs.txt", result);
mem_log("After spool handling: {} MB", get_peak_rss() / (1024 * 1024));
decompiler::TextureDB tex_db;
if (config.process_tpages || config.levels_extract) {
auto textures_out = out_folder / "textures";
auto result = db.process_tpages(tex_db, textures_out, config);
if (!result.empty() && config.process_tpages) {
file_util::write_text_file(textures_out / "tpage-dir.txt", result);
file_util::write_text_file(textures_out / "tex-remap.txt",
mem_log("After textures: {} MB", get_peak_rss() / (1024 * 1024));
auto replacements_path = file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "texture_replacements";
if (fs::exists(replacements_path)) {
if (config.process_game_count) {
auto result = db.process_game_count_file();
if (!result.empty()) {
file_util::write_text_file(out_folder / "assets" / "game_count.txt", result);
if (config.levels_extract) {
auto level_out_path =
file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "out" / game_version_names[config.game_version] / "fr3";
extract_all_levels(db, tex_db, config.levels_to_extract, "GAME.CGO", config, config.rip_levels,
config.extract_collision, level_out_path);
mem_log("After extraction: {} MB", get_peak_rss() / (1024 * 1024));
if (!config.audio_dir_file_name.empty()) {
auto streaming_audio_in = in_folder / "VAG";
auto streaming_audio_out = out_folder / "assets" / "streaming_audio";
process_streamed_audio(streaming_audio_out, in_folder, config.streamed_audio_file_names);
lg::info("Decompiler has finished successfully in {:.2f} seconds.", decomp_timer.getSeconds());
return 0;