water111 70d93354eb
[Decompile] file-io, loader-h, texture-h, level-h, math-camera-h (#397)
* file-io and loader-h

* add test for level-h

* math camera-h
2021-04-28 20:51:17 -04:00

215 lines
6.4 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: file-io.gc
;; name in dgo: file-io
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
;; represents a file that can be read/written, similar to FILE* in C.
;; NOTE: this is a special type in three ways:
;; 1). It is used in the C runtime. This must be kept in sync with kmachine.h's FileStream
;; 2). This type is built-in to the compiler (see TypeSystem.cpp, add_builtin_types)
;; It must be kept up to date with that definition as well.
;; 3). The C runtime constructs this type before anything is loaded. The sizes
;; must be kept up to date there as well.
(deftype file-stream (basic)
((flags uint32 :offset-assert 4)
(mode basic :offset-assert 8)
(name string :offset-assert 12)
(file uint32 :offset-assert 16)
(new (symbol type string basic) _type_)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x14
:flag-assert #x900000014
(defmethod new file-stream ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (name string) (mode basic))
"Allocate a file-stream and open it."
(let ((stream (object-new allocation type-to-make)))
(file-stream-open stream name mode)
;; we already have a length method for a file-stream defined in C.
;; just store that in the method table.
(set! (-> file-stream method-table 4) file-stream-length)
(defun file-stream-read-string ((stream file-stream) (str string))
"Fill a string with data from a file stream.
Note: this function does not work."
;; makes the length of the string 0.
(clear str)
;; so this will read nothing.
(file-stream-read stream (-> str data) (length str))
;; A common file header found in GOAL files.
(deftype file-info (basic)
((file-type symbol :offset-assert 4)
(file-name basic :offset-assert 8)
(major-version uint32 :offset-assert 12)
(minor-version uint32 :offset-assert 16)
(maya-file-name basic :offset-assert 20)
(tool-debug basic :offset-assert 24)
(mdb-file-name basic :offset-assert 28)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x20
:flag-assert #x900000020
(defmethod print file-info ((obj file-info))
"Print information about a file"
(format #t "#<~A ~A :version ~D.~D @ #x~X>"
(-> obj type) (-> obj file-name) (-> obj major-version) (-> obj minor-version) obj)
;; allocate a temporary string
(define *file-temp-string* (new 'global 'string 128 (the string #f)))
(defenum file-kind
:bitfield #f
(level-bt 0) ;; aka bsp-header.
(art-group 1)
(tpage 2)
(dir-tpage 3)
(level-vs 4)
(tx 5)
(vis 6)
(defconstant LEVEL_BT_FILE_VERSION 30)
(defconstant ART_GROUP_FILE_VERSION 6)
(defconstant TPAGE_FILE_VERSION 7) ;; also used for dir
(defconstant LEVEL_VS_FILE_VERSION 30)
(defconstant TX_FILE_VERSION 1)
(defun make-file-name ((kind file-kind) (name string) (art-group-version int))
"Get a file name to open a file with the given kind and name.
The art-group-version argument can be used to override the version
of the art-group. Set it to 0 or less to use the default version
Similar to MakeFileName in C.
Note: file type enum is different between C and GOAL.
File versions should match those in versions.h.
Uses a single *file-temp-string* buffer, shared with make-vfile-name"
(clear *file-temp-string*)
((= kind (file-kind dir-tpage))
(format *file-temp-string* "texture-page~D/dir-tpages" TPAGE_FILE_VERSION)
((= kind (file-kind tpage))
(format *file-temp-string* "texture-page~D/tpage-~S" TPAGE_FILE_VERSION name)
((= kind (file-kind level-bt))
(format *file-temp-string* "level~D/~S-bt" LEVEL_VS_FILE_VERSION name)
((= kind (file-kind tx))
(format *file-temp-string* "res~D/~S-tx" TX_FILE_VERSION name)
((= kind (file-kind level-vs))
(format *file-temp-string* "level~D/~S-vs" LEVEL_BT_FILE_VERSION name)
((= kind (file-kind vis))
(format *file-temp-string* "~S.VIS" name)
((= kind (file-kind art-group))
(format *file-temp-string* "art-group~D/~S-ag"
(if (> art-group-version 0)
(defun make-vfile-name ((kind file-kind) (name string))
"Make virtual? file name. This makes a name that the kernel knows how to
handle in a specific way. This function is not used."
(clear *file-temp-string*)
((= kind (file-kind level-bt))
(format *file-temp-string* "$LEVEL/~S" name)
((= kind (file-kind art-group))
(format *file-temp-string* "$ART_GROUP/~S" name)
(defun file-info-correct-version? ((info file-info) (kind file-kind) (version-override int))
"Check if the version and kind in the info is valid. The version-override can specify a
non-default version, or set to 0 for the default version"
(let* ((expected-version
(if (zero? version-override)
(let ((v1-0 kind))
((or (= v1-0 (file-kind tpage)) (= v1-0 (file-kind dir-tpage)))
((= kind (file-kind level-vs))
((= v1-0 (file-kind art-group))
(v1-1 kind)
((= v1-1 (file-kind tpage))
((= kind (file-kind level-vs))
((= v1-1 (file-kind art-group))
((not (name= (the-as basic (-> info file-type value)) kind-name))
(format 0 "ERROR: file ~A is of type ~S but needs to be ~S.~%"
(-> info file-name)
(-> info file-type)
((!= expected-version (-> info major-version))
(format 0 "ERROR: file ~A is version ~D.~D, but needs to be ~D.x~%"
(-> info file-name)
(-> info major-version)
(-> info minor-version)
;; all checks passed!