
235 lines
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Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: fact-h.gc
;; name in dgo: fact-h
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
;; The fact bank is a single static object containing health/eco parameters
;; All game code should reference *FACT-bank* to determine these parameters
(deftype fact-bank (basic)
((eco-level-max float :offset-assert 4)
(eco-single-inc float :offset-assert 8)
(eco-full-inc float :offset-assert 12)
(eco-single-timeout seconds :offset-assert 16)
(eco-full-timeout seconds :offset-assert 24)
(dummy seconds :offset-assert 32)
(health-max-default float :offset-assert 40)
(health-single-inc float :offset-assert 44)
(eco-pill-max-default float :offset-assert 48)
(health-small-inc float :offset-assert 52)
(buzzer-max-default float :offset-assert 56)
(buzzer-single-inc float :offset-assert 60)
(suck-bounce-dist meters :offset-assert 64)
(suck-suck-dist meters :offset-assert 68)
(default-pill-inc float :offset-assert 72)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x4c
:flag-assert #x90000004c
(define *FACT-bank* (new 'static 'fact-bank
:eco-level-max 2.0
:eco-single-inc 1.0
:eco-full-inc 5.0
:eco-single-timeout (seconds 5)
:eco-full-timeout (seconds 20)
:dummy (seconds 15)
:health-max-default 3.0
:health-single-inc 1.0
:eco-pill-max-default 50.0
:health-small-inc 1.0
:buzzer-max-default 7.0
:buzzer-single-inc 1.0
:suck-bounce-dist (meters 18)
:suck-suck-dist (meters 7.5)
(defenum pickup-type
(defun pickup-type->string ((arg0 pickup-type))
(case arg0
(((pickup-type eco-pill-random)) "eco-pill-random")
(((pickup-type buzzer)) "buzzer")
(((pickup-type eco-pill)) "eco-pill")
(((pickup-type fuel-cell)) "fuel-cell")
(((pickup-type money)) "money")
(((pickup-type eco-green)) "eco-green")
(((pickup-type eco-blue)) "eco-blue")
(((pickup-type eco-red)) "eco-red")
(((pickup-type eco-yellow)) "eco-yellow")
(((pickup-type none)) "none")
(else "*unknown*")
;; Each individual enemy and pickup process will allocate a fact-info on its process heap
;; The settings may be different per object - for example some eco pickups may have different
;; amounts or timings
;; The fact-info class stores data that is common to all fact-infos.
(deftype fact-info (basic)
((process process :offset-assert 4) ;; the process that this info is for
(pickup-type pickup-type :offset-assert 8)
(pickup-amount float :offset-assert 12) ;; eco increment on pickup
(pickup-spawn-amount float :offset-assert 16)
(options uint64 :offset-assert 24) ;; actually bitfield enum
(fade-time uint64 :offset-assert 32)
:method-count-assert 12
:size-assert #x28
:flag-assert #xc00000028
(new (symbol type process pickup-type float) _type_ 0)
(dummy-9 () none 9)
(reset! (_type_ symbol) none 10)
(dummy-11 (_type_) float 11)
(deftype fact-info-target (fact-info)
((eco-type int32 :offset-assert 40)
(eco-level float :offset-assert 44)
(eco-pickup-time uint64 :offset-assert 48)
(eco-timeout seconds :offset-assert 56)
(health float :offset-assert 64)
(health-max float :offset-assert 68)
(buzzer float :offset-assert 72)
(buzzer-max float :offset-assert 76)
(eco-pill float :offset-assert 80)
(eco-pill-max float :offset-assert 84)
(health-pickup-time uint64 :offset-assert 88)
(eco-source uint64 :offset-assert 96)
(eco-source-time uint64 :offset-assert 104)
(money-pickup-time uint64 :offset-assert 112)
(buzzer-pickup-time uint64 :offset-assert 120)
(fuel-cell-pickup-time uint64 :offset-assert 128)
(eco-pill-pickup-time uint64 :offset-assert 136)
:method-count-assert 12
:size-assert #x90
:flag-assert #xc00000090
(new (symbol type process pickup-type float) _type_ 0)
(deftype fact-info-enemy (fact-info)
((speed float :offset-assert 40)
(idle-distance meters :offset-assert 44)
(notice-top meters :offset-assert 48)
(notice-bottom meters :offset-assert 52)
(cam-horz meters :offset-assert 56)
(cam-vert meters :offset-assert 60)
(cam-notice-dist meters :offset-assert 64)
:method-count-assert 12
:size-assert #x44
:flag-assert #xc00000044
(new (symbol type process pickup-type float) _type_ 0)
(defmethod new fact-info ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (proc process) (pkup-type pickup-type) (pkup-amount float))
"Create information about a pickup. This should be called from a process which is a pickup. This will read settings from
the entity of the process automatically. Will attempt to read pickup-type and amount from the entity, but if this
fails will use the values in the arguments"
(local-vars (tag res-tag))
;; allocate.
(let ((obj (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(let ((ent (the res-lump (-> proc entity))))
;; confirm that we allocated successfully
(when (zero? obj)
(go process-drawable-art-error "memory")
;; this is already true...
(set! obj (the-as fact-info 0))
(goto cfg-10)
;; remember who we belong to
(set! (-> obj process) proc)
;; eco may override the pickup type and amount, so try to get this.
(let ((v1-6 (res-lump-data ent 'eco-info (pointer int32) :tag-ptr (& tag) :time 0.0)))
;; eco-info lookup succeeded,
(let ((a0-6 (-> tag elt-count)))
;; first thing is pickup type, it's always there
(set! (-> obj pickup-type) (the-as pickup-type (-> v1-6 0)))
;; pickup amount is optional.
(set! pkup-amount (if (< (the-as uint 1) (the-as uint a0-6))
(the float (-> v1-6 1))
(set! (-> obj pickup-amount) pkup-amount)
;; no eco-info, use stuff from args
(set! (-> obj pickup-type) pkup-type)
(set! (-> obj pickup-amount) pkup-amount)
;; read the options
(set! (-> obj options) (res-lump-value ent 'options uint))
;; TODO - some enum bitfield here.
(if (nonzero? (logand #x80200 (the-as int (-> obj options))))
(set! (-> obj fade-time) (the-as uint (the int (* 300.0 (res-lump-float ent 'timeout)))))
(label cfg-10)
(defmethod dummy-11 fact-info ((obj fact-info))
(defmethod new fact-info-enemy ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (proc process) (kind pickup-type) (amount float))
"Create information about an enemy. Possibly includes what the enemy will drop when it is killed?"
;; base class ctor
(let ((obj (the-as fact-info-enemy ((method-of-type fact-info new) allocation type-to-make proc kind amount))))
;; read values from the process entity
(let ((entity (the res-lump (-> obj process entity))))
(set! (-> obj speed) (res-lump-float entity 'speed :default 1.0))
(set! (-> obj idle-distance) (res-lump-float entity 'idle-distance :default 327680.0))
(set! (-> obj notice-top) (res-lump-float entity 'notice-top :default 4096000.0))
(set! (-> obj notice-bottom) (res-lump-float entity 'notice-bottom :default 4096000.0))
(set! (-> obj cam-horz) (res-lump-float entity 'cam-horz))
(set! (-> obj cam-vert) (res-lump-float entity 'cam-vert))
(set! (-> obj cam-notice-dist) (res-lump-float entity 'cam-notice-dist :default -4096.0))
(defmethod new fact-info-target ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 process) (arg1 pickup-type) (arg2 float))
"Create information about target. Not sure why this has stuff like pickup-type."
(let ((obj (the-as fact-info-target ((method-of-type fact-info new) allocation type-to-make arg0 arg1 arg2))))
(set! (-> obj eco-source) (the-as uint #f))
(reset! obj #f)