water111 08ce65fd9b
[jak2] add sprite glow renderer (#2232)
Adds the "sprite glow" renderer, which is responsible for the glowing
2023-02-20 20:25:45 -05:00

208 lines
6.9 KiB

#pragma once
#include <map>
#include "common/dma/gs.h"
#include "common/math/Vector.h"
#include "game/graphics/opengl_renderer/BucketRenderer.h"
#include "game/graphics/opengl_renderer/DirectRenderer.h"
#include "game/graphics/opengl_renderer/background/background_common.h"
#include "game/graphics/opengl_renderer/sprite/GlowRenderer.h"
#include "game/graphics/opengl_renderer/sprite/sprite_common.h"
class Sprite3 : public BucketRenderer {
Sprite3(const std::string& name, int my_id);
void render(DmaFollower& dma, SharedRenderState* render_state, ScopedProfilerNode& prof) override;
void draw_debug_window() override;
static constexpr int SPRITES_PER_CHUNK = 48;
void render_jak1(DmaFollower& dma, SharedRenderState* render_state, ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
void render_jak2(DmaFollower& dma, SharedRenderState* render_state, ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
void opengl_setup();
void opengl_setup_normal();
void opengl_setup_distort();
void render_distorter(DmaFollower& dma,
SharedRenderState* render_state,
ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
void distort_dma(DmaFollower& dma, ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
void distort_setup(ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
void distort_setup_instanced(ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
void distort_draw(SharedRenderState* render_state, ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
void distort_draw_instanced(SharedRenderState* render_state, ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
void distort_draw_common(SharedRenderState* render_state, ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
void distort_setup_framebuffer_dims(SharedRenderState* render_state);
void handle_sprite_frame_setup(DmaFollower& dma, GameVersion version);
void render_3d(DmaFollower& dma);
void render_2d_group0(DmaFollower& dma,
SharedRenderState* render_state,
ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
void render_fake_shadow(DmaFollower& dma);
void render_2d_group1(DmaFollower& dma,
SharedRenderState* render_state,
ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
enum SpriteMode { Mode2D = 1, ModeHUD = 2, Mode3D = 3 };
void do_block_common(SpriteMode mode,
u32 count,
SharedRenderState* render_state,
ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
void update_mode_from_alpha1(u64 val, DrawMode& mode);
void handle_tex0(u64 val, SharedRenderState* render_state, ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
void handle_tex1(u64 val, SharedRenderState* render_state, ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
// void handle_mip(u64 val, SharedRenderState* render_state, ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
void handle_zbuf(u64 val, SharedRenderState* render_state, ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
void handle_clamp(u64 val, SharedRenderState* render_state, ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
void handle_alpha(u64 val, SharedRenderState* render_state, ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
void flush_sprites(SharedRenderState* render_state, ScopedProfilerNode& prof, bool double_draw);
GlowRenderer m_glow_renderer;
void glow_dma_and_draw(DmaFollower& dma,
SharedRenderState* render_state,
ScopedProfilerNode& prof);
struct SpriteDistorterSetup {
GifTag gif_tag;
GsZbuf zbuf;
u64 zbuf_addr;
GsTex0 tex0;
u64 tex0_addr;
GsTex1 tex1;
u64 tex1_addr;
u64 miptbp;
u64 miptbp_addr;
u64 clamp;
u64 clamp_addr;
GsAlpha alpha;
u64 alpha_addr;
static_assert(sizeof(SpriteDistorterSetup) == (7 * 16));
struct SpriteDistorterSineTables {
Vector4f entry[128];
math::Vector<u32, 4> ientry[9];
GifTag gs_gif_tag;
math::Vector<u32, 4> color;
static_assert(sizeof(SpriteDistorterSineTables) == (0x8b * 16));
struct SpriteDistortFrameData {
math::Vector3f xyz; // position
float num_255; // always 255.0
math::Vector2f st; // texture coords
float num_1; // always 1.0
u32 flag; // 'resolution' of the sprite
Vector4f rgba; // ? (doesn't seem to be color)
static_assert(sizeof(SpriteDistortFrameData) == 16 * 3);
struct SpriteDistortVertex {
math::Vector3f xyz;
math::Vector2f st;
struct SpriteDistortInstanceData {
math::Vector4f x_y_z_s; // position, S-texture coord
math::Vector4f sx_sy_sz_t; // scale, T-texture coord
struct {
GLuint vao;
GLuint vertex_buffer;
GLuint index_buffer;
GLuint fbo;
GLuint fbo_texture;
int fbo_width = 640;
int fbo_height = 480;
} m_distort_ogl;
struct {
GLuint vao;
GLuint vertex_buffer; // contains vertex data for each possible sprite resolution (3-11)
GLuint instance_buffer; // contains all instance specific data for each sprite per frame
float last_aspect_x = -1.0;
float last_aspect_y = -1.0;
bool vertex_data_changed = false;
} m_distort_instanced_ogl;
struct {
int total_sprites;
int total_tris;
} m_distort_stats;
std::vector<SpriteDistortVertex> m_sprite_distorter_vertices;
std::vector<u32> m_sprite_distorter_indices;
SpriteDistorterSetup m_sprite_distorter_setup; // direct data
math::Vector4f m_sprite_distorter_sine_tables_aspect;
SpriteDistorterSineTables m_sprite_distorter_sine_tables;
std::vector<SpriteDistortFrameData> m_sprite_distorter_frame_data;
std::vector<SpriteDistortVertex> m_sprite_distorter_vertices_instanced;
std::map<int, std::vector<SpriteDistortInstanceData>> m_sprite_distorter_instances_by_res;
u8 m_sprite_direct_setup[3 * 16];
SpriteFrameData m_frame_data; // qwa: 980
Sprite3DMatrixData m_3d_matrix_data;
SpriteHudMatrixData m_hud_matrix_data;
DirectRenderer m_direct;
SpriteVecData2d m_vec_data_2d[SPRITES_PER_CHUNK];
AdGifData m_adgif[SPRITES_PER_CHUNK];
struct DebugStats {
int blocks_2d_grp0 = 0;
int count_2d_grp0 = 0;
int blocks_2d_grp1 = 0;
int count_2d_grp1 = 0;
} m_debug_stats;
bool m_enable_distort_instancing = true;
bool m_enable_culling = true;
bool m_2d_enable = true;
bool m_3d_enable = true;
bool m_distort_enable = true;
struct SpriteVertex3D {
math::Vector4f xyz_sx; // position + x scale
math::Vector4f quat_sy; // quaternion + y scale
math::Vector4f rgba; // color
math::Vector<u16, 2> flags_matrix; // flags + matrix... split
math::Vector<u16, 4> info;
math::Vector<u8, 4> pad;
static_assert(sizeof(SpriteVertex3D) == 64);
std::vector<SpriteVertex3D> m_vertices_3d;
struct {
GLuint vertex_buffer;
GLuint vao;
GLuint index_buffer;
} m_ogl;
DrawMode m_current_mode, m_default_mode;
u32 m_current_tbp = 0;
struct Bucket {
std::vector<u32> ids;
u32 offset_in_idx_buffer = 0;
u64 key = -1;
std::map<u64, Bucket> m_sprite_buckets;
std::vector<Bucket*> m_bucket_list;
u64 m_last_bucket_key = UINT64_MAX;
Bucket* m_last_bucket = nullptr;
u64 m_sprite_idx = 0;
std::vector<u32> m_index_buffer_data;