Tyler Wilding 60db0e5ef9
deps: update fmt to latest version (#3403)
This updates `fmt` to the latest version and moves to just being a copy
of their repo to make updating easier (no editing their cmake / figuring
out which files to minimally include).

The motivation for this is now that we switched to C++ 20, there were a
ton of deprecated function usages that is going away in future compiler
versions. This gets rid of all those warnings.
2024-03-05 22:11:52 -05:00

592 lines
22 KiB

#include "find_defstates.h"
#include "common/goos/PrettyPrinter.h"
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "common/type_system/state.h"
#include "decompiler/IR2/Form.h"
#include "decompiler/IR2/GenericElementMatcher.h"
#include "decompiler/ObjectFile/LinkedObjectFile.h"
namespace decompiler {
constexpr bool debug_defstates = false;
constexpr bool print_renames = false;
namespace {
* Given the (set! <the-state> <reg-with-static-state>), returns the name of the state and the
* more specific type.
std::pair<std::string, TypeSpec> get_state_info(FormElement* state_set, const Env& env) {
auto sff = dynamic_cast<SetFormFormElement*>(state_set);
if (!sff) {
"Failed to identify defstate. The state symbol set was supposed to be: {}, but "
"this doesn't look like a set.",
auto atom = form_as_atom(sff->dst());
if (!atom || atom->get_kind() != SimpleAtom::Kind::SYMBOL_VAL) {
"Failed to identify defstate. The state symbol set was: {}, which doesn't set a symbol",
std::string state_name = atom->get_str();
auto type = env.dts->symbol_types.find(state_name);
if (type == env.dts->symbol_types.end()) {
"Identified a defstate for state {}, but there is no type information for this state.",
if (type->second.base_type() != "state") {
"Identified a defstate for state {}, but our type information thinks it is a {}, not a "
state_name, type->second.print());
if (type->second.arg_count() == 0) {
"Identified a defstate for state {}, but there is no argument information.", state_name);
if (type->second.last_arg() == TypeSpec("none")) {
"Identified a defstate for state {}, but the process type is none. You must "
"provide a process type as the final argument of a state",
return {atom->get_str(), type->second};
std::vector<DefstateElement::Entry> get_defstate_entries(
Form* body,
int body_index,
const Env& env,
const std::string& state_name,
const RegisterAccess& let_dest_var,
const TypeSpec& state_type,
FormPool& pool,
const std::optional<std::string>& virtual_child = {},
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_set<std::string>>& skip_states = {}) {
std::vector<DefstateElement::Entry> entries;
// next, all the handlers
for (; body_index < body->size(); body_index++) {
DefstateElement::Entry this_entry;
auto matcher =
Matcher::set(Matcher::deref(Matcher::any_reg(0), false, {DerefTokenMatcher::any_string(1)}),
Form temp;
auto mr = match(matcher, &temp);
if (!mr.matched) {
"In defstate for state {}, failed to recognize handler set: {}", state_name,
auto& var = mr.maps.regs.at(0);
auto& name = mr.maps.strings.at(1);
auto val = mr.maps.forms.at(2);
auto handler_kind = handler_name_to_kind(name);
while (val->try_as_element<CastElement>()) {
val = val->try_as_element<CastElement>()->source();
this_entry.val = val;
this_entry.kind = handler_kind;
this_entry.is_behavior = false;
if (!var || env.get_variable_name(*var) != env.get_variable_name(let_dest_var)) {
if (var) {
env.func->warnings.error_and_throw("Messed up defstate. State is in {}, but we set {}",
} else {
if (debug_defstates) {
lg::debug("SET: {} to {}", name, val->to_string(env));
// now we try to find a function
auto handler_atom = form_as_atom(val);
if (handler_atom && handler_atom->is_label()) {
auto handler_func = env.file->try_get_function_at_label(handler_atom->label());
if (!handler_func) {
env.func->warnings.error_and_throw("Failed to find handler function.");
this_entry.is_behavior = true;
if (print_renames) {
lg::info("RENAME: {} to ", handler_func->name());
handler_func->state_handler_as_anon_func = handler_func->name();
if (virtual_child) {
handler_func->guessed_name.set_as_v_state(*virtual_child, state_name, handler_kind);
} else {
handler_func->guessed_name.set_as_nv_state(state_name, handler_kind);
if (print_renames) {
lg::info("{}", handler_func->name());
// scary part - modify the function type!
handler_func->type = get_state_handler_type(handler_kind, state_type);
// hack - lets pretend every handler (except event) returns none but remove the (none) at the
// end since the 'real' return type is object and thus anything is valid in the final form
handler_func->ir2.skip_final_none = true;
} else if (handler_atom && handler_atom->is_sym_val() && !handler_atom->is_sym_val("#f")) {
// value of a symbol.
// NOTE : we
auto sym_type = env.dts->lookup_symbol_type(handler_atom->get_str());
auto handler_type = get_state_handler_type(handler_kind, state_type);
// NOTE : we set the return value of the handlers to "none" for a sneaky hack (see right
// above) however we only need that when decompiling lambdas. so we revert that hack here.
if (handler_type.last_arg() == TypeSpec("none")) {
handler_type.last_arg() = TypeSpec("object");
// hack : delete the behavior tags and typecheck them separately.
auto sym_behavior = sym_type.try_get_tag("behavior");
// finally do typecheck. does argument typecheck, then we do process typecheck separately.
// this is because the logic has to be kind of backwards:
// - the process type in the symbol's behavior tag can be more generic; but
// - the arguments can be more specific.
// for example, a process of type `enemy` can run a behavior for `process-drawable` just fine
// but a behavior for `process-drawable` that requires a more specific argument than `enemy`
// would be bad.
// in practice this just allows us to use more specific types for functions in the decompiler
// without trigger extraneous casts.
if (!env.dts->ts.tc(handler_type, sym_type) ||
(sym_behavior.has_value() &&
!env.dts->ts.tc(*sym_behavior, state_type.last_arg().base_type()))) {
this_entry.val =
pool.alloc_single_element_form<CastElement>(nullptr, handler_type, this_entry.val);
// name = code/event/etc
std::string name_to_check_for_skip = state_name;
if (skip_states.count(name_to_check_for_skip) == 0) {
name_to_check_for_skip =
fmt::format("({} {})", state_name, state_type.last_arg().base_type());
if (skip_states.count(name_to_check_for_skip) > 0) {
if (skip_states.at(name_to_check_for_skip).find(name) !=
skip_states.at(name_to_check_for_skip).end()) {
env.func->warnings.warning("SKIP: skipping '{}' handler for state '{}'", name,
return entries;
FormElement* rewrite_nonvirtual_defstate(
LetElement* elt,
const Env& env,
const std::string& expected_state_name,
FormPool& pool,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_set<std::string>>& skip_states = {}) {
// first thing in the body should be something like:
// (set! teetertotter-idle (the-as (state none) v1-3))
ASSERT(elt->body()->size() > 0);
int body_index = 0;
// the setup
auto first_in_body = elt->body()->at(body_index);
auto info = get_state_info(first_in_body, env);
if (info.first != expected_state_name) {
"Inconsistent defstate name. code has {}, static state has {}", info.first,
if (debug_defstates) {
lg::debug("State: {} Type: {}", info.first, info.second.print());
auto entries =
get_defstate_entries(elt->body(), body_index, env, info.first, elt->entries().at(0).dest,
info.second, pool, {}, skip_states);
return pool.alloc_element<DefstateElement>(info.second.last_arg().base_type(), info.first, "",
entries, false, false);
struct VirtualStateInfo {
TypeSpec type_from_ts;
FormElement* strip_cast(FormElement* in) {
auto casted = dynamic_cast<CastElement*>(in);
while (casted) {
in = casted->source()->try_as_single_element();
casted = dynamic_cast<CastElement*>(in);
return in;
std::string verify_empty_state_and_get_name(DecompiledDataElement* state, const Env& env) {
auto lab = state->label();
// should have:
.type state
.symbol teetertotter-launch
.symbol #f
.symbol #f
.symbol #f
.symbol #f
.symbol #f
.symbol #f
.symbol #f
int start_word_idx = (lab.offset / 4) - 1;
auto& words = env.file->words_by_seg.at(lab.target_segment);
auto first_word = words.at(start_word_idx);
if (first_word.kind() != LinkedWord::TYPE_PTR || first_word.symbol_name() != "state") {
env.func->warnings.error_and_throw("Reference to state bad: invalid type pointer");
auto name_word = words.at(start_word_idx + 1);
if (name_word.kind() != LinkedWord::SYM_PTR) {
env.func->warnings.error_and_throw("Reference to state bad: invalid name");
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
auto& word = words.at(start_word_idx + 2 + i);
if (word.kind() != LinkedWord::SYM_PTR || word.symbol_name() != "#f") {
"Reference to state bad: got a non #f in the initial fields");
return name_word.symbol_name();
FormElement* rewrite_virtual_defstate(
LetElement* elt,
const Env& env,
const std::string& expected_state_name,
FormPool& pool,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_set<std::string>>& skip_states = {}) {
ASSERT(elt->body()->size() > 1);
// variable at the top of let, contains the static state with name exptected_state_name
auto state_var_from_let_def = elt->entries().at(0).dest;
// our index into the let body
int body_idx = 0;
// see if the first thing is an inherit-state.
auto maybe_inherit_form = elt->body()->at(body_idx);
Form temp;
// (inherit-state gp-1 (method-of-type plat-button dummy-24))
auto inherit_matcher = Matcher::op(GenericOpMatcher::func(Matcher::symbol("inherit-state")),
{Matcher::any_reg(0), Matcher::any(1)});
struct InheritInfo {
std::string parent_type_name;
std::string method_name;
std::optional<InheritInfo> inherit_info;
auto inherit_mr = match(inherit_matcher, &temp);
if (!inherit_mr.matched) {
// no inherit. This means that we should be the first in the type tree to define this state.
inherit_info = {};
} else {
// found the inherit. advance body_idx so we move on to the next form.
// expect this to match the variable in the top let
auto state_var = *inherit_mr.maps.regs.at(0);
// this expression should be the thing we inherit from.
auto parent_state = inherit_mr.maps.forms.at(1);
if (env.get_variable_name(state_var_from_let_def) != env.get_variable_name(state_var)) {
"Variable name disagreement in virtual defstate: began with {}, but did method "
"set using {}",
env.get_variable_name(state_var_from_let_def), env.get_variable_name(state_var));
// if there's a cast here, it probably means that there's no :state in the deftype.
// let's warn here instead of trying to go on.
auto parent_state_cast = parent_state->try_as_element<CastElement>();
if (parent_state_cast) {
"virtual defstate attempted on something that isn't a state: {}\nDid you "
"forget to put :state in the method definition?",
// identify the (method-of-type ...) form that grabs the parent state.
auto mot_matcher = Matcher::op(GenericOpMatcher::fixed(FixedOperatorKind::METHOD_OF_TYPE),
{Matcher::any_symbol(0), Matcher::any_constant_token(1)});
auto mot_mr = match(mot_matcher, parent_state);
if (!mot_mr.matched) {
"Failed to recognize virtual defstate. Got a {} as the parent to inherit from.",
inherit_info = {{mot_mr.maps.strings.at(0), mot_mr.maps.strings.at(1)}};
// checks to check: method type is a state
// if inherit matches expected.
// next, find (method-set! sunken-elevator 22 (the-as function gp-0))
auto method_set_form = elt->body()->at(body_idx);
temp = Form();
auto mset_matcher =
{Matcher::any_symbol(0), Matcher::any_integer(1), Matcher::any(2)});
auto mset_mr = match(mset_matcher, &temp);
if (!mset_mr.matched) {
"Failed to recognize virtual defstate. Got a {} as the second thing, but was "
"expecting method-set! call",
// the actual type that gets this as a state
auto type_name = mset_mr.maps.strings.at(0);
auto method_id = mset_mr.maps.ints.at(1);
// should be the state again.
auto val = strip_cast(mset_mr.maps.forms.at(2)->try_as_single_element());
if (val->to_string(env) != env.get_variable_name(state_var_from_let_def)) {
"Variable name disagreement in virtual defstate: began with {}, but did method "
"set using {}",
val->to_string(env), env.get_variable_name(state_var_from_let_def));
// we should double check that the type in the defstate is correct
auto method_info = env.dts->ts.lookup_method(type_name, method_id);
if (method_info.type.base_type() != "state" ||
method_info.type.last_arg().base_type() != "_type_") {
"Virtual defstate is defining a virtual state \"{}\" in method {} of {}, but the type "
"of this method is {}, which is not a valid virtual state type (must be "
"\"(state ... _type_)\")",
expected_state_name, method_info.name, type_name, method_info.type.print());
bool state_override = false;
MethodInfo parent_method_info;
auto parent_type_name = env.dts->ts.lookup_type(type_name)->get_parent();
if (env.dts->ts.try_lookup_method(parent_type_name, method_id, &parent_method_info)) {
if (!inherit_info) {
// did NOT inherit parent state, this is an override!
state_override = true;
// env.func->warnings.warn_and_throw(
// "Virtual defstate for state {} in type {}: the state was defined in the "
// "parent but wasn't inherited.",
// expected_state_name, type_name);
} else {
if (inherit_info) {
"Virtual defstate for state {} in type {}: the state wasn't defined in the "
"parent but was inherited.",
expected_state_name, type_name);
// checks: parent_type_name is the parent
if (inherit_info) {
auto child_type_info = env.dts->ts.lookup_type(type_name);
if (child_type_info->get_parent() != inherit_info->parent_type_name) {
"Parent type disagreement in virtual defstate. The state is inherited from {}, but the "
"parent is {}",
inherit_info->parent_type_name, child_type_info->get_parent());
auto parent_method_info = env.dts->ts.lookup_method(inherit_info->parent_type_name, method_id);
if (parent_method_info.name != inherit_info->method_name) {
"Disagreement between inherit and define. We inherited from method {}, but redefine {}",
inherit_info->method_name, parent_method_info.name);
// name matches
if (expected_state_name != method_info.name) {
"Disagreement between state name and type system name. The state is named {}, "
"but the slot is named {}, defined in type {}",
expected_state_name, method_info.name, method_info.defined_in_type);
auto entries = get_defstate_entries(
elt->body(), body_idx + 1, env, expected_state_name, elt->entries().at(0).dest,
method_info.type.substitute_for_method_call(type_name), pool, type_name, skip_states);
return pool.alloc_element<DefstateElement>(type_name, expected_state_name, "", entries, true,
FormElement* rewrite_nonvirtual_defstate_with_inherit(
LetElement* elt,
const Env& env,
const std::string& expected_state_name,
FormPool& pool,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_set<std::string>>& skip_states = {}) {
// (let ((gp-1 (new 'static 'state
// :name 'target-swim-walk
// :next #f
// :exit #f
// :parent #f
// :code #f
// :trans #f
// :post #f
// :enter #f
// :event #f
// )
// )
// )
// (inherit-state gp-1 target-swim)
// (set! (-> gp-1 parent) target-swim)
// (set! target-swim-walk (the-as (state target) gp-1))
// (set! (-> gp-1 enter) L120)
// (set! (-> gp-1 exit) (-> target-swim-stance exit))
// (set! (-> gp-1 trans) (the-as (function object) L107))
// (set! (-> gp-1 code) L95)
// )
env.func->warnings.warning("Encountered non-virtual defstate {} with inherit.",
ASSERT(elt->body()->size() > 0);
int body_index = 0;
// the setup
auto first_in_body = elt->body()->at(body_index);
auto inherit = dynamic_cast<GenericElement*>(first_in_body);
std::string parent_state;
if (inherit) {
parent_state = inherit->elts().at(1)->to_string(env);
// advance to state set
body_index += 2;
auto info = get_state_info(elt->body()->at(body_index), env);
if (info.first != expected_state_name) {
"Inconsistent defstate name. code has {}, static state has {}", info.first,
if (debug_defstates) {
lg::debug("State: {} Type: {}", info.first, info.second.print());
auto entries =
get_defstate_entries(elt->body(), body_index, env, info.first, elt->entries().at(0).dest,
info.second, pool, {}, skip_states);
return pool.alloc_element<DefstateElement>(info.second.last_arg().base_type(), info.first,
parent_state, entries, false, false);
bool is_nonvirtual_state(LetElement* elt) {
return dynamic_cast<SetFormFormElement*>(elt->body()->at(0));
bool is_nonvirtual_state_with_inherit(LetElement* elt) {
auto inherit = dynamic_cast<GenericElement*>(elt->body()->at(0));
if (inherit) {
auto inherit_matcher = Matcher::op(GenericOpMatcher::func(Matcher::symbol("inherit-state")),
{Matcher::any_reg(0), Matcher::any_symbol(1)});
auto mr = match(inherit_matcher, inherit);
if (mr.matched) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
void run_defstate(
Function& top_level_func,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_set<std::string>>& skip_states) {
auto& env = top_level_func.ir2.env;
auto& pool = *top_level_func.ir2.form_pool;
if (!top_level_func.ir2.top_form) {
top_level_func.ir2.top_form->apply_form([&](Form* form) {
for (auto& fe : form->elts()) {
auto as_let = dynamic_cast<LetElement*>(fe);
if (as_let && as_let->entries().size() == 1) {
/* Looks something like this:
(let ((v1-3 <static-data L28>))
(set! teetertotter-idle (the-as (state none) v1-3))
(set! (-> v1-3 event) L17)
(set! (-> v1-3 code) L15)
(set! (-> v1-3 post) transform-post)
// first, see if we get a label:
auto src_as_label = as_let->entries().at(0).src->try_as_element<DecompiledDataElement>();
if (src_as_label &&
env.get_variable_type(as_let->entries().at(0).dest, false) == TypeSpec("state")) {
std::string expected_state_name = verify_empty_state_and_get_name(src_as_label, env);
if (debug_defstates) {
lg::debug("got state let:\n{}", pretty_print::to_string(as_let->to_form(env)));
if (is_nonvirtual_state(as_let)) {
auto rewritten =
rewrite_nonvirtual_defstate(as_let, env, expected_state_name, pool, skip_states);
if (rewritten) {
fe = rewritten;
} else if (is_nonvirtual_state_with_inherit(as_let)) {
auto rewritten = rewrite_nonvirtual_defstate_with_inherit(
as_let, env, expected_state_name, pool, skip_states);
if (rewritten) {
fe = rewritten;
} else {
auto rewritten =
rewrite_virtual_defstate(as_let, env, expected_state_name, pool, skip_states);
if (rewritten) {
fe = rewritten;
} // namespace decompiler