water111 e630b50690
[ckernel] split by game version (#1559)
* temp

* split up kprint, other than format

* start kmachine

* split kmachine

* split kscheme

* split klink

* split klisten

* split remaining

* jak2 ckernel gets to nokernel loop
2022-06-26 18:17:11 -04:00

675 lines
22 KiB

* @file kmemcard.cpp
* Memory card interface. Very messy code. Most of it is commented out now, as we've switched away
* from memory cards to just raw saves.
* Not checked carefully for differences in jak 2.
#include "kmemcard.h"
#include <array>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include "common/util/Assert.h"
#include "common/util/FileUtil.h"
#include "common/util/Timer.h"
#include "game/sce/sif_ee.h"
#include "game/sce/sif_ee_memcard.h"
#include "third-party/fmt/core.h"
static constexpr bool memcard_debug = false;
using McCallbackFunc = void (*)(s32);
McCallbackFunc callback;
static s32 language;
static MemoryCardOperation op;
// instead of two memory cards we just simulate the 4 save files (8 banks).
static MemoryCardFile mc_files[4];
// keep track of latest file selected. this is only used in an auto-save mode thats not used
static int mc_last_file = -1;
// a random value we will use as the memory card "handle" for the pc port, which has no memcards.
constexpr u32 PC_MEM_CARD_HANDLE = 0x6C616F67;
constexpr u32 MEM_CARD_MAGIC = 0x12345678;
struct McHeader {
u32 save_count;
u32 checksum;
u32 magic;
u8 preview_data[64];
u8 data[944];
u32 unk1_repeated;
static_assert(sizeof(McHeader) == 0x400, "McHeader size");
constexpr s32 BANK_TOTAL_SIZE = BANK_SIZE + sizeof(McHeader) * 2;
static McHeader header;
// these are the return value for sceMcGetInfo.
static s32 p1, p2, p3, p4;
using namespace ee;
template <typename... Args>
void mc_print(const std::string& str, Args&&... args) {
if (memcard_debug) {
fmt::print("[MC] ");
if (!str.empty() && str.back() == '\n') {
fmt::print(str, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
} else {
fmt::print(str + '\n', std::forward<Args>(args)...);
const char* filename[12] = {
"BASCUS-97124AYBABTU!", "BASCUS-97124AYBABTU!/icon.sys",
"BASCUS-97124AYBABTU!/bank0.bin", "BASCUS-97124AYBABTU!/bank1.bin",
"BASCUS-97124AYBABTU!/bank2.bin", "BASCUS-97124AYBABTU!/bank3.bin",
"BASCUS-97124AYBABTU!/bank4.bin", "BASCUS-97124AYBABTU!/bank5.bin",
"BASCUS-97124AYBABTU!/bank6.bin", "BASCUS-97124AYBABTU!/bank7.bin"};
void kmemcard_init_globals() {
// next = 0;
language = 0;
op = {};
// mc[0] = {};
// mc[1] = {};
mc_files[0] = {};
mc_files[1] = {};
mc_files[2] = {};
mc_files[3] = {};
callback = nullptr;
p1 = 0;
p2 = 0;
p3 = 0;
p4 = 0;
// memset(&dirent, 0, sizeof(sceMcTblGetDir));
memset(&header, 0, sizeof(McHeader));
* A questionable checksum used on memory card data.
u32 mc_checksum(Ptr<u8> data, s32 size) {
if (size < 0) {
size += 3;
u32 result = 0;
u32* data_u32 = (u32*)data.c();
for (s32 i = 0; i < size / 4; i++) {
result = result << 1 ^ (s32)result >> 0x1f ^ data_u32[i] ^ MEM_CARD_MAGIC;
return result ^ 0xedd1e666;
* PC port function that returns whether a given bank ID's file exists or not.
bool file_is_present(int id, int bank = 0) {
auto bankname = file_util::get_user_memcard_dir() / filename[4 + id * 2 + bank];
if (!std::filesystem::exists(bankname) ||
std::filesystem::file_size(bankname) < BANK_TOTAL_SIZE) {
// file doesn't exist, or size is bad. we do not want to open files that will crash on read!
return false;
// avoid file check here tbh. there shouldn't be any saves with a save count of zero anyway.
// the file check is quite slow and ultimately not very useful.
return true;
// file exists. but let's see if it's an empty one.
// this prevents the game from reading a bank but classifying it as corrupt data.
// which a file full of zeros logically is.
auto fp = fopen(bankname.c_str(), "rb");
// we can actually just check if the save count is over zero...
u32 savecount = 0;
fread(&savecount, sizeof(u32), 1, fp);
return savecount > 0;
* PC port function to set memcard info. We don't use a memory card, instead just the raw savefiles.
void pc_update_card() {
// int highest_save_count = 0;
mc_last_file = -1;
for (s32 file = 0; file < 4; file++) {
auto bankname = file_util::get_user_memcard_dir() / filename[4 + file * 2];
mc_files[file].present = file_is_present(file);
if (mc_files[file].present) {
auto bankdata = file_util::read_binary_file(bankname.string());
auto header1 = reinterpret_cast<McHeader*>(bankdata.data());
if (file_is_present(file, 1)) {
auto bankname2 = file_util::get_user_memcard_dir() / filename[1 + 4 + file * 2];
auto bankdata2 = file_util::read_binary_file(bankname2.string());
auto header2 = reinterpret_cast<McHeader*>(bankdata2.data());
if (header2->save_count > header1->save_count) {
// use most recent bank here.
header1 = header2;
// banks chosen and checked. copy data and set info.
mc_files[file].last_saved_bank = header1 == header2;
mc_files[file].most_recent_save_count = header1->save_count;
memcpy(mc_files[file].data, header1->preview_data, 64);
} else {
// banks chosen and checked. copy data and set info.
mc_files[file].last_saved_bank = 0;
mc_files[file].most_recent_save_count = header1->save_count;
memcpy(mc_files[file].data, header1->preview_data, 64);
// if (mc_files[file].most_recent_save_count > highest_save_count) {
// mc_last_file = file;
// highest_save_count = mc_files[file].most_recent_save_count;
// }
* PC port function to save a file. This does the whole saving at once, synchronously.
void pc_game_save_synch() {
Timer mc_timer;
auto path = file_util::get_user_memcard_dir() / filename[0];
// cd_reprobe_save //
if (!file_is_present(op.param2)) {
mc_print("reprobe save: first time!");
// first time saving!
p2 = 0; // save count 0
p4 = 0; // first bank for file
} else {
p2 = mc_files[op.param2].most_recent_save_count + 1; // increment save count
p4 = mc_files[op.param2].last_saved_bank ^ 1; // use the other bank
// reserve 0 as "I never saved" and use 1 instead.
if (p2 == 0) {
p2 = 1;
// file*2 + p4 is the bank (2 banks per file, p4 is 0 or 1 to select the bank)
// 4 is the first bank file
mc_print("open {} for saving", filename[op.param2 * 2 + 4 + p4]);
auto save_path = file_util::get_user_memcard_dir() / filename[op.param2 * 2 + 4 + p4];
auto fd = fopen(save_path.string().c_str(), "wb");
mc_print("synchronous save file open took {:.2f}ms\n", mc_timer.getMs());
if (fd) {
// cb_openedsave //
mc_print("save file opened, writing header...");
memset(&header, 0, sizeof(McHeader));
header.save_count = p2;
header.checksum = mc_checksum(op.data_ptr, BANK_SIZE);
header.magic = MEM_CARD_MAGIC;
header.unk1_repeated = p2;
memcpy(header.preview_data, op.data_ptr2.c(), 64);
if (fwrite(&header, sizeof(McHeader), 1, fd) == 1) {
// cb_savedheader //
mc_print("save file writing main data");
if (fwrite(op.data_ptr.c(), BANK_SIZE, 1, fd) == 1) {
// cb_saveddata //
mc_print("save file writing footer");
if (fwrite(&header, sizeof(McHeader), 1, fd) == 1) {
// cb_savedfooter //
if (fclose(fd) == 0) {
// cb_closedsave //
mc_print("All done with saving!!");
op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
op.result = McStatusCode::OK;
mc_files[op.param2].present = 1;
mc_files[op.param2].most_recent_save_count = p2;
mc_files[op.param2].last_saved_bank = p4;
memcpy(mc_files[op.param2].data, op.data_ptr2.c(), 64);
mc_last_file = op.param2;
} else {
op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
op.result = McStatusCode::INTERNAL_ERROR;
} else {
op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
op.result = McStatusCode::INTERNAL_ERROR;
} else {
op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
op.result = McStatusCode::INTERNAL_ERROR;
} else {
op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
op.result = McStatusCode::INTERNAL_ERROR;
} else {
fmt::print("[MC] Error opening file, errno - {}", errno);
op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
op.result = McStatusCode::INTERNAL_ERROR;
mc_print("[MC] synchronous save took {:.2f}ms\n", mc_timer.getMs());
void pc_game_load_open_file(FILE* fd) {
if (fd) {
// cb_openedload //
size_t read_size = BANK_TOTAL_SIZE;
mc_print("reading save file...");
if (fread(op.data_ptr.c() + p2 * read_size, read_size, 1, fd) == 1) {
// cb_readload //
mc_print("closing save file..");
if (fclose(fd) == 0) {
// cb_closedload //
// added : check if aux bank exists
if (p2 < 1 && std::filesystem::exists(file_util::get_user_memcard_dir() /
filename[op.param2 * 2 + 4 + p2 + 1])) {
mc_print("reading next save bank {}", filename[op.param2 * 2 + 4 + p2]);
auto new_bankname = file_util::get_user_memcard_dir() / filename[op.param2 * 2 + 4 + p2];
auto new_fd = fopen(new_bankname.string().c_str(), "rb");
} else {
// let's verify the data.
McHeader* headers[2];
McHeader* footers[2];
bool ok[2];
headers[0] = (McHeader*)(op.data_ptr.c());
footers[0] = (McHeader*)(op.data_ptr.c() + sizeof(McHeader) + BANK_SIZE);
headers[1] = (McHeader*)(op.data_ptr.c() + BANK_TOTAL_SIZE);
footers[1] =
(McHeader*)(op.data_ptr.c() + BANK_TOTAL_SIZE + sizeof(McHeader) + BANK_SIZE);
static_assert(BANK_TOTAL_SIZE * 2 == 0x21000, "save layout");
ok[0] = true;
ok[1] = p2 == 1;
for (int idx = 0; idx < 2; idx++) {
u32 expected_save_count = headers[idx]->save_count;
if (headers[idx]->unk1_repeated == expected_save_count &&
footers[idx]->save_count == expected_save_count &&
footers[idx]->unk1_repeated == expected_save_count) {
// save count is okay!
if (headers[idx]->magic == MEM_CARD_MAGIC && footers[idx]->magic == MEM_CARD_MAGIC) {
// magic numbers okay!
if (headers[idx]->checksum == footers[idx]->checksum) {
// checksum
auto expected_checksum = headers[idx]->checksum;
if (mc_checksum(make_u8_ptr(headers[idx] + 1), BANK_SIZE) != expected_checksum) {
mc_print("failed checksum");
ok[idx] = false;
} else {
mc_print("corrupted checksum");
ok[idx] = false;
} else {
mc_print("bad magic");
ok[idx] = false;
} else {
mc_print("bad save count");
ok[idx] = false;
mc_print("checking loaded banks");
if (!ok[0] && !ok[1]) {
// no good data.
if (headers[0]->save_count == 0 && headers[0]->checksum == 0 &&
headers[0]->magic == 0 && headers[0]->unk1_repeated == 0 &&
headers[1]->save_count == 0 && headers[1]->checksum == 0 &&
headers[1]->magic == 0 && headers[1]->unk1_repeated == 0) {
// this is a fresh file that you tried to load from...
mc_print("new game result");
op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
op.result = McStatusCode::NEW_GAME;
mc_last_file = op.param2;
} else {
mc_print("corrupted data");
op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
op.result = McStatusCode::READ_ERROR;
} else {
// pick the bank
int bank = 0;
if (!ok[0] || !ok[1]) {
if (ok[1]) {
bank = 1;
} else {
bank = headers[0]->save_count <= headers[1]->save_count;
mc_print(fmt::format("loading bank {}", bank));
u32 current_save_count = headers[bank]->save_count;
memmove(op.data_ptr.c(), op.data_ptr.c() + bank * BANK_TOTAL_SIZE + sizeof(McHeader),
mc_last_file = op.param2;
mc_files[op.param2].most_recent_save_count = current_save_count;
mc_files[op.param2].last_saved_bank = bank;
op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
op.result = McStatusCode::OK;
mc_print("load succeeded");
} else {
op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
op.result = McStatusCode::INTERNAL_ERROR;
} else {
op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
op.result = McStatusCode::INTERNAL_ERROR;
} else {
op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
op.result = McStatusCode::INTERNAL_ERROR;
* PC port function to load a file. This does the whole loading at once, synchronously.
void pc_game_load_synch() {
Timer mc_timer;
// cb_reprobe_load //
p2 = 0;
mc_print("opening save file {}", filename[op.param2 * 2 + 4]);
auto path = file_util::get_user_memcard_dir() / filename[op.param2 * 2 + 4];
auto fd = fopen(path.string().c_str(), "rb");
mc_print("synchronous load took {:.2f}ms\n", mc_timer.getMs());
* Run the Memory Card state machine. This is called once per frame in GOAL.
* It:
* - does nothing if there is an in-progress memory card operation
* - if async memory card functions are done, runs their callbacks
* - if there is a requested operation, starts running sony functions.
* - if there is none of the above, and unknown cards, finds out about them.
* - every now and then, recheck cards.
void MC_run() {
// if we have an in-progress operation, it will have set a callback.
if (callback) {
s32 sony_cmd, sony_status;
// check the status
s32 status = sceMcSync(1, &sony_cmd, &sony_status);
McCallbackFunc callback_for_sync = callback;
if (status == sceMcExecRun) {
// busy, return.
if (status == sceMcExecFinish) {
// sony function is done. do the callback.
callback = nullptr;
} else {
// sony function is done, but failed.
callback = nullptr;
if (callback) {
// if we got another callback, it means there's another op started by the prev callback.
// and this case, we want to wait for that operation to finish.
// if we got here, there is no in-progress sony function. So start the next one, if we should
if (op.operation == MemoryCardOperationKind::FORMAT) {
// format memory card. Not used in PC port, so lets move on.
} else if (op.operation == MemoryCardOperationKind::UNFORMAT) {
// unformat memory card.
} else if (op.operation == MemoryCardOperationKind::CREATE_FILE) {
// create the game file.
// there's no cards, keep in mind.
} else if (op.operation == MemoryCardOperationKind::SAVE) {
// write game save.
// there's no cards, keep in mind.
// allow some number of errors.
if (op.retry_count == 0) {
op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
op.result = McStatusCode::INTERNAL_ERROR;
} else if (op.operation == MemoryCardOperationKind::LOAD) {
// load game save.
// potato.
if (!file_is_present(op.param2)) {
// tried to load, but there's no save data in the file.
op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
op.result = McStatusCode::NO_MEMORY;
} else {
if (op.retry_count == 0) {
op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
op.result = McStatusCode::INTERNAL_ERROR;
// Memory Card Functions
// These functions are called from GOAL to start memory card operations.
* Set the language or something.
* Why is this a memory card func?
void MC_set_language(s32 l) {
printf("Language set to %d\n", l);
language = l;
* Set the current memory card operation to FORMAT the given card.
* Doesn't do anything in the port because we don't use memory cards.
u64 MC_format(s32 /*card_idx*/) {
return u64(McStatusCode::OK);
// u64 can_add = op.operation == MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
// mc_print("requested format");
// if (can_add) {
// mc_print("setting op to format");
// op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::FORMAT;
// op.result = McStatusCode::BUSY;
// op.retry_count = 100;
// op.param = card_idx;
// return can_add;
* Set the current memory card operation to UNFORMAT the given card.
* You get the idea.
u64 MC_unformat(s32 /*card_idx*/) {
return u64(McStatusCode::OK);
// u64 can_add = op.operation == MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
// mc_print("requested unformat");
// if (can_add) {
// mc_print("setting op to unformat");
// op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::UNFORMAT;
// op.result = McStatusCode::BUSY;
// op.retry_count = 100;
// op.param = card_idx;
// return can_add;
* Set the current memory card operation to create the save file.
* The data I believe is just an empty buffer used as temporary storage.
u64 MC_createfile(s32 /*param*/, Ptr<u8> /*data*/) {
return u64(McStatusCode::OK);
// u64 can_add = op.operation == MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
// mc_print("requested createfile");
// if (can_add) {
// mc_print("setting op to create file");
// op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::CREATE_FILE;
// op.result = McStatusCode::BUSY;
// op.retry_count = 100;
// op.param = param;
// op.data_ptr = data;
// return can_add;
* Set the current operation to SAVE.
* The "summary data" is data that will be used when previewing save files (number of orbs etc)
* TODO put synchronous call here
u64 MC_save(s32 card_idx, s32 file_idx, Ptr<u8> save_data, Ptr<u8> save_summary_data) {
mc_print("requested save");
u64 can_add = op.operation == MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
if (can_add) {
mc_print("setting op to save");
op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::SAVE;
op.result = McStatusCode::BUSY;
op.retry_count = 100;
op.param = card_idx;
op.param2 = file_idx;
op.data_ptr = save_data;
op.data_ptr2 = save_summary_data;
return can_add;
* Set the current operation to LOAD.
* TODO put synchronous call here
u64 MC_load(s32 card_idx, s32 file_idx, Ptr<u8> data) {
mc_print("requested load");
u64 can_add = op.operation == MemoryCardOperationKind::NO_OP;
if (can_add) {
mc_print("setting op to load");
op.operation = MemoryCardOperationKind::LOAD;
op.result = McStatusCode::BUSY;
op.retry_count = 100;
op.param = card_idx;
op.param2 = file_idx;
op.data_ptr = data;
return can_add;
* Some sort of test function for memory card stuff.
* This is exported as a GOAL function, but nothing calls it.
void MC_makefile(s32 port, s32 size) {
sceMcMkdir(port, 0, "/BASCUS-00000XXXXXXXX");
// wait for operation to complete
s32 cmd, result, fd;
sceMcSync(0, &cmd, &result);
if (result == sceMcResSucceed || result == sceMcResNoEntry) {
// it worked, or the folder already exists...
// open file
sceMcSync(0, &cmd, &fd);
if (result < 0) {
printf("Can't open file on memcard [%d]\n", result);
} else {
// write some random crap into the memory card.
sceMcWrite(fd, Ptr<u8>(0x1000000).c(), size);
sceMcSync(0, &cmd, &result);
if (result != size) {
printf("Only written %d bytes\n", result);
sceMcSync(0, &cmd, &result);
} else {
printf("Can\'t create garbage folder [%d]\n", result);
* Get the result of the currently executing (or most recently executed) command
u32 MC_check_result() {
return (u32)op.result;
* Update the info for the given slot.
* You can call this at any time.
* The slot includes the four save slots (8 banks), and a few other files.
void MC_get_status(s32 /*slot*/, Ptr<mc_slot_info> info) {
// slot is ignored, so you'll get the same thing regardless of what slot you pick
info->handle = 0;
info->known = 0;
info->formatted = 0;
info->initted = 0;
for (s32 i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
info->files[i].present = 0;
info->last_file = 0xffffffff;
info->mem_required = SAVE_SIZE;
info->mem_actual = 0;
info->known = 1;
info->handle = PC_MEM_CARD_HANDLE;
info->formatted = 1;
info->mem_actual = SAVE_SIZE; // idk TODO does this matter?
info->initted = 1;
// copy over the preview data.
for (s32 file = 0; file < 4; file++) {
info->files[file].present = mc_files[file].present;
for (s32 i = 0; i < 64; i++) { // actually a loop over u32's
info->files[file].data[i] = mc_files[file].data[i];
info->last_file = mc_last_file;