Tyler Wilding 6d99f1bfc1
d/config: re-organize decompiler/config and eliminate most of the duplication (#2185)
Reasons for doing so include:
1. This should stop the confusion around editing the wrong config file's
flags -- when for example, extracting a level. Common settings can be in
one central place, with bespoke overrides being provided for each
2. Less verbose way of supporting multiple game versions. You don't have
to duplicate the entire `type_casts` file for example, just add or
override the json objects required.
3. Makes the folder structure consistent, Jak 1's `all-types` is now in
a `jak1` folder, etc.
2023-03-08 20:07:26 -05:00

410 lines
15 KiB

#include <map>
#include <regex>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "extractor_util.hpp"
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "common/util/FileUtil.h"
#include "common/util/json_util.h"
#include "common/util/read_iso_file.h"
#include "common/util/unicode_util.h"
#include "decompiler/Disasm/OpcodeInfo.h"
#include "decompiler/ObjectFile/ObjectFileDB.h"
#include "decompiler/config.h"
#include "decompiler/level_extractor/extract_level.h"
#include "goalc/compiler/Compiler.h"
#include "third-party/CLI11.hpp"
IsoFile extract_files(fs::path input_file_path, fs::path extracted_iso_path) {
"Note: Provided game data path '{}' points to a file, not a directory. Assuming it's an ISO "
"file and attempting to extract!",
auto fp = file_util::open_file(input_file_path, "rb");
ASSERT_MSG(fp, "failed to open input ISO file");
IsoFile iso = unpack_iso_files(fp, extracted_iso_path, true, true);
return iso;
std::tuple<std::optional<ISOMetadata>, ExtractorErrorCode> validate(
const fs::path& extracted_iso_path,
const uint64_t expected_hash,
const int expected_num_files) {
if (!fs::exists(extracted_iso_path / "DGO")) {
lg::error("input folder doesn't have a DGO folder. Is this the right input?");
return {std::nullopt, ExtractorErrorCode::VALIDATION_BAD_EXTRACTION};
const auto [serial, elf_hash] = findElfFile(extracted_iso_path);
if (!serial || !elf_hash) {
lg::error("Unable to locate a Serial/ELF file!");
// No point in continuing here
return {std::nullopt, ExtractorErrorCode::VALIDATION_CANT_LOCATE_ELF};
// Find the game in our tracking database
auto dbEntry = isoDatabase.find(serial.value());
if (dbEntry == isoDatabase.end()) {
lg::error("Serial '{}' not found in the validation database", serial.value());
serial.value(), elf_hash.value(), expected_num_files, expected_hash);
return {std::nullopt, ExtractorErrorCode::VALIDATION_SERIAL_MISSING_FROM_DB};
auto& metaMap = dbEntry->second;
auto meta_entry = metaMap.find(elf_hash.value());
if (meta_entry == metaMap.end()) {
"ELF Hash '{}' not found in the validation database, is this a new or "
"modified version of the same game?",
log_potential_new_db_entry(ExtractorErrorCode::VALIDATION_ELF_MISSING_FROM_DB, serial.value(),
elf_hash.value(), expected_num_files, expected_hash);
return {std::nullopt, ExtractorErrorCode::VALIDATION_ELF_MISSING_FROM_DB};
auto& version_info = meta_entry->second;
// Print out some information
lg::info("Detected Game Metadata:");
lg::info("\tDetected - {}", version_info.canonical_name);
lg::info("\tRegion - {}", get_territory_name(version_info.region));
lg::info("\tSerial - {}", dbEntry->first);
lg::info("\tUses Decompiler Config Version - {}", version_info.decomp_config_version);
// - Number of Files
if (version_info.num_files != expected_num_files) {
lg::error("Extracted an unexpected number of files. Expected '{}', Actual '{}'",
version_info.num_files, expected_num_files);
return {std::nullopt, ExtractorErrorCode::VALIDATION_INCORRECT_EXTRACTION_COUNT};
// Check the ISO Hash
if (version_info.contents_hash != expected_hash) {
lg::error("Overall ISO content's hash does not match. Expected '{}', Actual '{}'",
version_info.contents_hash, expected_hash);
return {std::nullopt, ExtractorErrorCode::VALIDATION_FILE_CONTENTS_UNEXPECTED};
return {
void decompile(const fs::path& iso_data_path, const std::string& data_subfolder) {
using namespace decompiler;
// Determine which config to use from the database
const auto version_info = get_version_info_or_default(iso_data_path);
Config config = read_config_file(file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "decompiler" / "config" /
version_info.game_name /
fmt::format("{}_config.jsonc", version_info.game_name),
std::vector<fs::path> dgos, objs;
// grab all DGOS we need (level + common)
// TODO - Jak 2 - jak 1 specific code?
for (const auto& dgo_name : config.dgo_names) {
std::string common_name = "GAME.CGO";
if (dgo_name.length() > 3 && dgo_name.substr(dgo_name.length() - 3) == "DGO") {
// ends in DGO, it's a level
dgos.push_back(iso_data_path / dgo_name);
} else if (dgo_name.length() >= common_name.length() &&
dgo_name.substr(dgo_name.length() - common_name.length()) == common_name) {
// it's COMMON.CGO, we need that too.
dgos.push_back(iso_data_path / dgo_name);
// grab all the object files we need (just text)
for (const auto& obj_name : config.object_file_names) {
if (obj_name.length() > 3 && obj_name.substr(obj_name.length() - 3) == "TXT") {
// ends in TXT
objs.push_back(iso_data_path / obj_name);
// set up objects
ObjectFileDB db(dgos, fs::path(config.obj_file_name_map_file), objs, {}, config);
// save object files
auto out_folder = file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "decompiler_out" / data_subfolder;
auto raw_obj_folder = out_folder / "raw_obj";
// analyze object file link data
// ensure asset dir exists
file_util::create_dir_if_needed(out_folder / "assets");
// text files
auto result = db.process_game_text_files(config);
if (!result.empty()) {
file_util::write_text_file(out_folder / "assets" / "game_text.txt", result);
// textures
decompiler::TextureDB tex_db;
auto textures_out = out_folder / "textures";
file_util::write_text_file(textures_out / "tpage-dir.txt",
db.process_tpages(tex_db, textures_out));
// texture replacements
auto replacements_path = file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "texture_replacements";
if (fs::exists(replacements_path)) {
// game count
auto result = db.process_game_count_file();
if (!result.empty()) {
file_util::write_text_file(out_folder / "assets" / "game_count.txt", result);
// levels
auto level_out_path =
file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "out" / game_version_names[config.game_version] / "fr3";
extract_all_levels(db, tex_db, config.levels_to_extract, "GAME.CGO", config.hacks,
config.rip_levels, config.extract_collision, level_out_path);
ExtractorErrorCode compile(const fs::path& iso_data_path, const std::string& data_subfolder) {
// Determine which config to use from the database
const auto version_info = get_version_info_or_default(iso_data_path);
Compiler compiler(game_name_to_version(version_info.game_name));
compiler.make_system().set_constant("*iso-data*", absolute(iso_data_path).string());
compiler.make_system().set_constant("*use-iso-data-path*", true);
int flags = 0;
for (const auto& flag : version_info.flags) {
if (auto it = sGameIsoFlagNames.find(flag); it != sGameIsoFlagNames.end()) {
flags |= it->second;
if (version_info.game_name == "jak1") {
compiler.make_system().set_constant("*jak1-full-game*", !(flags & FLAG_JAK1_BLACK_LABEL));
compiler.make_system().set_constant("*jak1-territory*", version_info.region);
auto project_path = file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "goal_src" / data_subfolder / "game.gp";
if (!fs::exists(project_path)) {
return ExtractorErrorCode::COMPILATION_BAD_PROJECT_PATH;
return ExtractorErrorCode::SUCCESS;
void launch_game() {
system(fmt::format("\"{}\"", (file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "../gk").string()).c_str());
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
ArgumentGuard u8_guard(argc, argv);
fs::path input_file_path;
fs::path project_path_override;
bool flag_runall = false;
bool flag_extract = false;
bool flag_fail_on_validation = false;
bool flag_decompile = false;
bool flag_compile = false;
bool flag_play = false;
bool flag_folder = false;
std::string game_name = "jak1";
CLI::App app{"OpenGOAL Level Extraction Tool"};
app.add_option("game-files-path", input_file_path,
"The path to the folder with the ISO extracted or the ISO itself")
app.add_option("--proj-path", project_path_override,
"Explicitly set the location of the 'data/' folder");
app.add_flag("-g,--game", game_name, "Specify the game name, defaults to 'jak1'");
app.add_flag("-a,--all", flag_runall, "Run all steps, from extraction to playing the game");
app.add_flag("-e,--extract", flag_extract, "Extract the ISO");
app.add_flag("-v,--validate", flag_fail_on_validation,
"Fail on validation errors during extraction");
app.add_flag("-d,--decompile", flag_decompile, "Decompile the game data");
app.add_flag("-c,--compile", flag_compile, "Compile the game");
app.add_flag("-p,--play", flag_play, "Play the game");
app.add_flag("-f,--folder", flag_folder, "Extract from folder");
CLI11_PARSE(app, argc, argv);
lg::info("Working Directory - {}", fs::current_path().string());
// If no flag is set, we default to running everything
if (!flag_extract && !flag_decompile && !flag_compile && !flag_play) {
lg::info("Running all steps, no flags provided!");
flag_runall = true;
if (flag_runall) {
flag_extract = true;
flag_decompile = true;
flag_compile = true;
flag_play = true;
// - SETUP
if (!project_path_override.empty()) {
if (!fs::exists(project_path_override)) {
lg::error("Error: project path override '{}' does not exist", project_path_override.string());
return static_cast<int>(ExtractorErrorCode::INVALID_CLI_INPUT);
auto ok = file_util::setup_project_path(project_path_override);
if (!ok) {
lg::error("Could not setup project path!");
return 1;
} else {
auto ok = file_util::setup_project_path({});
if (!ok) {
lg::error("Could not setup project path!");
return 1;
try {
lg::set_file(file_util::get_file_path({"log", "extractor.log"}));
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
lg::error("Failed to setup logging: {}", e.what());
return 1;
fs::path iso_data_path;
if (!fs::exists(input_file_path)) {
lg::error("Error: input game file path '{}' does not exist", input_file_path.string());
return static_cast<int>(ExtractorErrorCode::INVALID_CLI_INPUT);
if (data_subfolders.count(game_name) == 0) {
lg::error("Error: input game name '{}' is not valid", game_name);
return static_cast<int>(ExtractorErrorCode::INVALID_CLI_INPUT);
std::string data_subfolder = data_subfolders[game_name];
if (flag_extract) {
// we extract to a temporary location because we don't know what we're extracting yet!
fs::path temp_iso_extract_location = file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "iso_data" / "_temp";
if (input_file_path != temp_iso_extract_location) {
// in case input is also output, don't just wipe everything (weird)
if (fs::is_regular_file(input_file_path)) {
// If it's a file, then it better be an iso file
const auto [iso_ok, iso_code] = is_iso_file(input_file_path);
if (!iso_ok) {
return static_cast<int>(iso_code);
// Extract to the temporary location
const auto iso_file = extract_files(input_file_path, temp_iso_extract_location);
// Get hash and file count
const auto [hash, file_count] = calculate_extraction_hash(iso_file);
// Validate the result to determine the release
const auto [version_info, validate_code] =
validate(temp_iso_extract_location, hash, file_count);
if (validate_code == ExtractorErrorCode::VALIDATION_BAD_EXTRACTION ||
(flag_fail_on_validation && validate_code != ExtractorErrorCode::SUCCESS)) {
return static_cast<int>(validate_code);
// Finalize the folder name now that we know where it should go
if (!version_info) {
lg::error("could not verify release, so not finalizing iso_data, leaving in '_temp'");
iso_data_path = temp_iso_extract_location;
} else {
// We know the version since we just extracted it, so the user didn't need to provide this
// explicitly
data_subfolder = data_subfolders[version_info->game_name];
iso_data_path = file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "iso_data" / data_subfolder;
if (fs::exists(iso_data_path)) {
// std::filesystem doesn't have a rename for dirs...
fs::copy(temp_iso_extract_location, iso_data_path, fs::copy_options::recursive);
} else if (fs::is_directory(input_file_path)) {
if (!flag_folder) {
// if we didn't request a folder explicitly, but we got one, assume something went wrong.
lg::error("got a folder, but didn't get folder flag");
return static_cast<int>(ExtractorErrorCode::INVALID_CLI_INPUT);
iso_data_path = input_file_path;
// Get hash and file count
const auto [hash, file_count] = calculate_extraction_hash(iso_data_path);
// Validate
auto [version_info, code] = validate(iso_data_path, hash, file_count);
// write out a json file with some metadata for the game
if (fs::exists(iso_data_path / "buildinfo.json")) {
fs::remove(iso_data_path / "buildinfo.json");
const auto [serial, elf_hash] = findElfFile(iso_data_path);
BuildInfo build_info;
if (serial.has_value()) {
build_info.serial = serial.value();
if (elf_hash.has_value()) {
build_info.elf_hash = elf_hash.value();
const nlohmann::json json_data{build_info};
file_util::write_text_file((iso_data_path / "buildinfo.json").string(), json_data.dump(2));
} else {
// If we did not extract, we have no clue what game the user is trying to decompile / compile
// this is why the user has to specify this!
iso_data_path = file_util::get_jak_project_dir() / "iso_data" / data_subfolder;
if (flag_decompile) {
try {
decompile(iso_data_path, data_subfolder);
} catch (std::exception& e) {
lg::error("Error during decompile: {}", e.what());
return static_cast<int>(ExtractorErrorCode::DECOMPILATION_GENERIC_ERROR);
if (flag_compile) {
compile(iso_data_path, data_subfolder);
if (flag_play) {
return 0;