Tyler Wilding 506b5d8ceb
Decompile: prototype | video | vol-h | air-h | nav-enemy-h | rigid-body-h (#575)
* decomp: `prototype` done

* tests/ref: Update all reference tests

* decomp: `video` done

* decomp: Add `video` to src

* decomp: `vol-h` done

* tests/ref: Update reference tests again

* decomp: Add `vol-h` to ref tests, leave `entity` in process as a `basic` for now!

* decomp: `air-h` done, compiler issue though

* decomp: `nav-enemy-h` done, compiler issue though

* decomp: `rigid-body-h` done, compiler issue though

* Address feedback and fix the failing to compile files

* linting

* finish `video` off
2021-06-12 21:52:55 -04:00

1661 lines
61 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: texture.gc
;; name in dgo: texture
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
;; VRAM can belong to the following categories:
;; - frame/depth buffer (not handled through this system at all)
;; - special "global" VRAM that doesn't use texture, but is allocated through the texture-pool
;; (used for effects)
;; - "fixed textures" that live in VRAM always and aren't kept in RAM.
;; (common textures for Jak, crates, etc)
;; - "global common" textures that are uploaded as needed, but aren't level specific
;; (the start menu hud)
;; - "level common" textures that are uploaded as needed
;; - "level near" textures. Part of these textures remain in VRAM always (don't live in RAM) and
;; part is reuploaded as needed. This is for TFRAG stuff near the camera
;; common/near textures use a lazy loading scheme to avoid loading texture data that happens to already
;; be in the right spot.
;; During a level load, the first texture-page loaded is TFRAG, which contains both "near" and "common" data.
;; TFRAG is the only known thing to use "near"
;; Note: there is something weird going on with the zoomer hud texture.
;; On the DVD, textures are stored in "tpage files". Each file contains:
;; - a texture-page object, describing the file
;; - a texture object per texture, describing each texture (possibly multiple textures, mipmapped textures are considered 1 "texture")
;; the texture system will update these texture records to point the correct location in VRAM.
;; - the "block-data" - the actual texture data.
;; To make texture uploads as fast as possible, all data is designed to be uploaded as ct32, width 128.
;; The GS will end up scrambling up the data during the upload, but the tpage files are pre-scrambled in
;; the correct way to make everything work out.
;; This avoids having to load in other formats, which are slower.
;; Additionally, each texture-page is divided into three segments.
;; For TFRAG textures, segment 2 is "near" and segment 1 and 0 is "common"
;; To manage VRAM, there is a single texture-pool. It also has segments.
;; - near segment (level near textures)
;; - common segment (level and global common textures)
;; textures that are _always_ in VRAM (starting at boot) do not go in either of these segments
;; the common segment is shared between texture pages. There is lazy loading for this.
;; the near segment is shared between 2 texture pages - one per each level.
;; the first 0x24000 words are for level 0, and the last 0x24000 words are for level 1.
;; the stuff in the middle is shared and lazily loaded as needed.
;; there are 5 texture uploads per frame:
;; - TFRAG
;; - PRIS
;; - SHRUB
;; - ALPHA
;; - WATER
;; it is unknown how this works when drawing two levels.
;; Generally, "dest" refers to a location in vram, specified in 32-bit words.
;; block-data is a pointer to EE memory containing texture data.
;; There is a single "texture-pool" which is responsible for managing the vram.
;; it does not consider the frame/depth buffer.
;; There are three main units to describe VRAM:
;; words: 32-bit words, interally this is how the GS addresses things. "dest"/"size" is in words usually
;; blocks: 256 bytes, or 64 words. Some things in the GS must be block aligned, like transfers of textures.
;; KB: kilobytes, used only for diagnostic printing. 2^10 bytes (1024)
;; "ND page". Twice the size of a GS page.
;; texture-page type
;; texture-page = file on DVD containing a bunch of textures.
;; they are designed so that you load the TFRAG page, do TFRAG rendering,
;; load the PRIS page, do PRIS rendering, etc.
;; they also contain records of textures. The texture system will update these records
;; to reflect where the textures are actually placed in VRAM.
;; However, it is possible that multiple texture are assigned to the same destination.
;; You can check for this by looking at the texture-pool ids.
;; Or, use the upload-vram-pages function which will add uploads to a DMA chain only if needed.
(defmethod print texture-page ((obj texture-page))
"Print a short description of a texture page."
(format #t "#<texture-page ~S :length ~D :dest #x~X :size ~DK @ #x~X>"
(-> obj name)
(-> obj length) ;; number of textures.
(shr (-> obj segment 0 dest) 6) ;; destination (vram words (4 byte) -> blocks (256 byte))
(shr (-> obj size) 8) ;; size (vram words -> kilobytes)
(defmethod length texture-page ((obj texture-page))
"Get the number of textures in a texture page"
(-> obj length)
(defmethod asize-of texture-page ((obj texture-page))
"Get the size in memory of a texture page object, not including the actual texture objects or texture data"
(the-as int (+ (-> obj type size) (the-as uint (shl (-> obj length) 2))))
(defmethod mem-usage texture-page ((obj texture-page) (arg0 memory-usage-block) (arg1 int))
"Update the mem-usage for a texture."
;; some setup for texture memory usage.
(set! (-> arg0 length) (max (+ 1 (mem-usage-id-int texture)) (-> arg0 length)))
(set! (-> arg0 data (mem-usage-id texture) name) "texture")
;; count will hold the number of textures.
(set! (-> arg0 data (mem-usage-id texture) count)
(+ (-> arg0 data (mem-usage-id texture) count) (-> obj length)))
;; We subtract off the size of the textures. This makes the memory usage negative!
;; I don't understand why this happens, but
;; - it matches the game (texture size shows up as negative in the debug menu)
;; - the game sizes seem correct.
(let ((v1-7 (- (asize-of obj) (the-as int (shl (-> obj size) 2)))))
;; add 64-bytes for each entry, the size of texture.
(dotimes (a0-6 (-> obj length))
(if (-> obj data a0-6)
(+! v1-7 64)
;; update used and total.
(set! (-> arg0 data (mem-usage-id texture) used) (+ (-> arg0 data (mem-usage-id texture) used) v1-7))
;; total assumes 16-byte alignment.
(set! (-> arg0 data (mem-usage-id texture) total)
(+ (-> arg0 data (mem-usage-id texture) total) (logand -16 (+ v1-7 15)))
;; Texture Data Load
(defun texture-bpp ((arg0 gs-psm))
"Get the number of bits per pixel for the given texture format"
(let ((v1-0 arg0))
((= v1-0 (gs-psm mt8)) 8)
((= v1-0 (gs-psm mt4)) 4)
(if (or (= v1-0 (gs-psm ct16))
(= v1-0 (gs-psm ct16s))
(= v1-0 (gs-psm mz16))
(= v1-0 (gs-psm mz16s))
(defun texture-qwc ((w int) (h int) (tex-format gs-psm))
"Get the number of quadwords in a texture. Round up."
(let ((v1-0 (texture-bpp tex-format)))
(sar (+ (* (* w h) v1-0) 127) 7)
(defun physical-address ((arg0 pointer))
"Convert a pointer to a physical address than can be used for DMA"
(the-as pointer (logand #xfffffff (the-as int arg0)))
(defun dma-buffer-add-ref-texture ((buf dma-buffer) (data pointer) (tex-w int) (tex-h int) (tex-format gs-psm))
"Add texture data to a dma buffer. You must first set up the GS transfer to the correct destination.
This just sets IMAGE mode and sends data."
;; get pointer and size (quadwords)
(let ((data-ptr (physical-address data))
(qwc (texture-qwc tex-w tex-h tex-format))
;; do transfers until its all gone.
(while (> qwc 0)
;; only #x7fff quadwords/transfer is allowed.
(let ((qwc-this-time (min #x7fff qwc)))
;; is this the last transfer?
(let ((eop (if (= qwc qwc-this-time) 1 0)))
;; set up dma/vif for a single giftag
(let* ((a2-2 buf)
(setup-dma (the-as dma-packet (-> a2-2 base)))
(set! (-> setup-dma dma)
(new 'static 'dma-tag :qwc #x1 :id (dma-tag-id cnt))
(set! (-> setup-dma vif0) (new 'static 'vif-tag))
(set! (-> setup-dma vif1)
(new 'static 'vif-tag :imm #x1 :cmd (vif-cmd direct) :msk #x1)
(set! (-> a2-2 base) (&+ (the-as pointer setup-dma) 16))
;; set up IMAGE mode!
(let* ((a2-3 buf)
(setup-dif (the-as gs-gif-tag (-> a2-3 base)))
(set! (-> setup-dif tag) (new 'static 'gif-tag64 :flg #x2 :eop eop :nloop qwc-this-time))
(set! (-> setup-dif regs) (new 'static 'gif-tag-regs))
(set! (-> a2-3 base) (&+ (the-as pointer setup-dif) 16))
;; and send the data.
(let* ((a1-9 buf)
(data-dma (the-as dma-packet (-> a1-9 base)))
(set! (-> data-dma dma)
(new 'static 'dma-tag
:id (dma-tag-id ref)
:addr (the-as int data-ptr)
:qwc qwc-this-time
(set! (-> data-dma vif0) (new 'static 'vif-tag))
(set! (-> data-dma vif1)
(new 'static 'vif-tag :cmd (vif-cmd direct) :msk #x1 :imm qwc-this-time)
(set! (-> a1-9 base) (&+ (the-as pointer data-dma) 16))
;; seek to next data.
(&+! data-ptr (shl qwc-this-time 4))
(set! qwc (- qwc qwc-this-time))
;; texture
;; A texture stores some metadata about a single (possibly mipmapped) texture.
;; after load, these point to location of the texture in VRAM _if the texture were uploaded to address 0_.
;; these records will be updated to point to the correct spot in VRAM by the texture allocators.
(defmethod print texture ((obj texture))
"Print out texture object, describing the texture format."
(format #t "#<texture ~20S psm: ~6S ~4D x ~4D num-mips: ~D :size ~4DK "
(-> obj name)
(psm->string (-> obj psm))
(-> obj w)
(-> obj h)
(-> obj num-mips)
(shr (-> obj size) 8) ;; (vram words -> kb)
;; print each level
(dotimes (s5-1 (the-as int (-> obj num-mips)))
(format #t " #x~X/~X" (-> obj dest s5-1) (-> obj width s5-1))
;; for < 16 bpp textures, there is a color look-up table.
(if (< (texture-bpp (-> obj psm)) 16)
(format #t " :clut #x~X/1" (-> obj clutdest))
(format #t " @ #x~X>" obj)
;; Unused and partially broken texture format utils
(define ct32-24-block-table
(new 'static 'boxed-array :type int32 :length 32
0 1 4 5 16 17 20 21 2 3 6 7 18 19 22 23 8 9 12 13 24 25 28 29 10 11 14 15 26 27 30 31))
(define mz32-24-block-table
(new 'static 'boxed-array :type int32 :length 32
16 17 20 21 0 1 4 5 18 19 22 23 2 3 6 7 24 25 28 29 8 9 12 13 26 27 30 31 10 11 14 15))
(define ct16-block-table
(new 'static 'boxed-array :type int32 :length 32
0 2 8 10 1 3 9 11 4 6 12 14 5 7 13 15 16 18 24 26 17 19 25 27 20 22 28 30 21 23 29 31))
(define ct16s-block-table
(new 'static 'boxed-array :type int32 :length 32
0 2 16 18 1 3 17 19 8 10 24 26 9 11 25 27 4 6 20 22 5 7 21 23 12 14 28 30 13 15 29 31))
(define mz16-block-table
(new 'static 'boxed-array :type int32 :length 32
16 18 24 26 17 19 25 27 20 22 28 30 21 23 29 31 0 2 8 10 1 3 9 11 4 6 12 14 5 7 13 15))
(define mz16s-block-table
(new 'static 'boxed-array :type int32 :length 32
16 18 0 2 17 19 1 3 24 26 8 10 25 27 9 11 20 22 4 6 21 23 5 7 28 30 12 14 29 31 13 15))
(define mt8-block-table
(new 'static 'boxed-array :type int32 :length 32
0 1 4 5 16 17 20 21 2 3 6 7 18 19 22 23 8 9 12 13 24 25 28 29 10 11 14 15 26 27 30 31))
(define mt4-block-table
(new 'static 'boxed-array :type int32 :length 32
0 2 8 10 1 3 9 11 4 6 12 14 5 7 13 15 16 18 24 26 17 19 25 27 20 22 28 30 21 23 29 31))
(defun gs-find-block ((bx int) (by int) (tex-format gs-psm))
"Block index lookup."
((zero? tex-format)
(-> ct32-24-block-table (+ bx (shl by 3)))
((= tex-format (gs-psm ct24))
(-> ct32-24-block-table (+ bx (shl by 3)))
((= tex-format (gs-psm ct16))
(-> ct16-block-table (+ bx (shl by 2)))
((= tex-format (gs-psm ct16s))
(-> ct16s-block-table (+ bx (shl by 2)))
((= tex-format (gs-psm mz32))
(-> mz32-24-block-table (+ bx (shl by 3)))
((= tex-format (gs-psm mz24))
(-> mz32-24-block-table (+ bx (shl by 3)))
((= tex-format (gs-psm mz16))
(-> mz16-block-table (+ bx (shl by 2)))
((= tex-format (gs-psm mz16s))
(-> mz16s-block-table (+ bx (shl by 2)))
((= tex-format (gs-psm mt8))
(-> mt8-block-table (+ bx (shl by 3)))
((= tex-format (gs-psm mt4))
(-> mt4-block-table (+ bx (shl by 2)))
(defun gs-page-width ((arg0 gs-psm))
(let ((v1-0 arg0))
(if (or (zero? v1-0)
(= v1-0 (gs-psm ct24))
(= v1-0 (gs-psm ct16))
(= v1-0 (gs-psm ct16s))
((or (= v1-0 (gs-psm mt8)) (= v1-0 (gs-psm mt4)))
(format #t "Warning: Unknown block width for psm ~D~%" arg0)
(defun gs-page-height ((arg0 gs-psm))
(let ((v1-0 arg0))
(if (or (zero? v1-0) (= v1-0 (gs-psm ct24)))
((or (= v1-0 (gs-psm ct16)) (= v1-0 (gs-psm ct16s)))
((= v1-0 (gs-psm mt8))
((= v1-0 (gs-psm mt4))
(format #t "Warning: Unknown block width for psm ~D~%" arg0)
(defun gs-block-width ((arg0 gs-psm))
(let ((v1-0 arg0))
(if (or (zero? v1-0) (= v1-0 (gs-psm ct24)))
((or (= v1-0 (gs-psm ct16)) (= v1-0 (gs-psm ct16s)) (= v1-0 (gs-psm mt8)))
((= v1-0 (gs-psm mt4))
(format #t "Warning: Unknown block width for psm ~D~%" arg0)
(defun gs-block-height ((arg0 gs-psm))
(let ((v1-0 arg0))
(if (or (zero? v1-0)
(= v1-0 (gs-psm ct24))
(= v1-0 (gs-psm ct16))
(= v1-0 (gs-psm ct16s))
((or (= v1-0 (gs-psm mt8)) (= v1-0 (gs-psm mt4)))
(format #t "Warning: Unknown block width for psm ~D~%" arg0)
(defun gs-largest-block ((tex-width int) (tex-height int) (tex-format gs-psm))
"Determine the largest block occupied by the given texture"
(let* ((block-width (gs-block-width tex-format))
(block-height (gs-block-height tex-format))
;; round up to neaest block.
(* (/ (+ (+ block-width -1) tex-width) block-width) block-width)
(* (/ (+ (+ block-height -1) tex-height) block-height) block-height)
;; and now convert to actual blocks
(width-blocks (/ real-width block-width))
(height-blocks (/ real-height block-height))
(max-block 0)
;; loop over each block...
(dotimes (x width-blocks)
(dotimes (y height-blocks)
;; and see where it is.
(set! max-block (max max-block (gs-find-block x y tex-format)))
(defun gs-blocks-used ((tex-width int) (tex-height int) (tex-format gs-psm))
"This function doesn't make much sense... It's unused so maybe it's just wrong?"
(let* ((page-width (gs-page-width tex-format))
(page-height (gs-page-height tex-format))
(* (/ (+ (+ page-width -1) tex-width) page-width) page-width)
(* (/ (+ (+ page-height -1) tex-height) page-height) page-height)
(width-blocks (/ real-width page-width))
(height-blocks (/ real-height page-height))
;; past here, it doesn't make much sense to me.
(a0-9 (- tex-width (* (+ width-blocks -1) page-width)))
(a1-7 (- tex-height (* (+ height-blocks -1) page-height)))
(if (or (< a0-9 page-width) (< a1-7 page-height))
(+ (gs-largest-block a0-9 a1-7 tex-format) 1)
(shl (+ (* width-blocks height-blocks) -1) 5)
(shl (* height-blocks width-blocks) 5)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;; end of weird gs functions that are unused.
;; Texture Pool
;; there is a single texture pool (*texture-pool*) that is responsible for
;; managing the textures in VRAM.
;; It can allocate plain memory, and also tracks "segments", which are just
;; chunks of VRAM that have a location+size.
(defmethod new texture-pool ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type))
"Allocate and initialize a texture-pool"
(object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))
(defmethod allocate-vram-words! texture-pool ((obj texture-pool) (word-count int))
"Allocate words in vram. Returns the index of the first word."
(let ((v0-0 (-> obj cur)))
(set! (-> obj cur) (+ (-> obj cur) word-count))
;; boot common textures are "common" textures that are loaded at boot, but will live in RAM
;; and be uploaded to VRAM as needed.
(defmethod lookup-boot-common-id texture-pool ((obj texture-pool) (arg0 int))
"Map these special textures to a number betwen 0 and 19. For other textures, return -1.
NOTE: hud means start menu + zoomer, not the usual health HUD."
(let ((v1-0 arg0))
((= v1-0 1032) 0) ;; hud (seg0 only)
((= v1-0 1119) 1) ;; zoomer-hud (not actually loaded at boot)
((= v1-0 1478) 2) ;; doesn't exist? (likely demo1)
((= v1-0 1485) 3) ;; demo2 (seg0 only)
((= v1-0 1486) 4) ;; demo3 (seg0 only)
((= v1-0 1487) 5) ;; demo4 (seg0 only)
((or (= v1-0 635) (= v1-0 1609)) 6) ;; X or demo5j (seg0 only)
((= v1-0 636) 7) ;; nope
((= v1-0 637) 8) ;; nope
((= v1-0 752) 9) ;; nope
((= v1-0 1598) 10) ;; nope
((= v1-0 1599) 11) ;; demo2f
((= v1-0 1600) 12) ;; demo2g
((= v1-0 1601) 13) ;; demo2i
((= v1-0 1602) 14) ;; demo2s
((= v1-0 1603) 15) ;; demo4e
((= v1-0 1604) 16) ;; demo4f
((= v1-0 1605) 17) ;; demo4g
((= v1-0 1606) 18) ;; demo4i
((= v1-0 1607) 19) ;; demo4s
(else -1)
(defmethod initialize! texture-pool ((obj texture-pool))
"Initialize (or maybe reinitialize) a texture pool."
;; reset allocator
(set! (-> obj cur) 0)
;; I think top is basically unused.
(set! (-> obj top) (-> obj cur))
;; by default, use the default allocator.
(set! (-> obj allocate-func) texture-page-default-allocate)
;; allocate the weird stuff we always want (font, sky, etc)
(allocate-defaults! obj)
(set! (-> obj font-palette) (allocate-vram-words! obj 64))
;; clear out common pages.
(dotimes (v1-6 32)
(set! (-> obj common-page v1-6) (the-as texture-page 0))
(set! (-> obj common-page-mask) 0)
;; clear ids. This stores the texture ids that are stored at each "nd page", or 0 if there is junk.
;; it is used for the lazy loading system to see if the data is already there.
(dotimes (v1-9 160)
(set! (-> obj ids v1-9) (the-as uint 0))
(defmethod get-leftover-block-count texture-page ((obj texture-page) (segment-count int) (additional-size int))
"This returns how many blocks are used in the last page nd-page.
It uses nd-pages, which are 64 blocks or 16 kB."
(let ((v1-0 additional-size))
(dotimes (a2-1 segment-count)
(+! v1-0 (the-as int (-> obj segment a2-1 size)))
(logand (sar v1-0 6) 63)
(defmethod print-usage texture-pool ((obj texture-pool))
"Print out VRAM usage."
(format #t "--------------------~%")
(format #t "texture pool ~DK - ~DK (~DK used, ~DK free)~%"
(sar (-> obj top) 8) ;; vram words to kb
(sar (-> obj cur) 8) ;; vram words to kb
(sar (- (-> obj cur) (-> obj top)) 8)
(sar (- #xfa000 (-> obj cur)) 8) ;; 4 MB, doesn't seem to account for framebuffers?
(format #t "--------------------~%")
(defmethod allocate-segment! texture-pool ((obj texture-pool) (segment texture-pool-segment) (size int))
"Allocate a segment of the given size. The segment is an output here, containing size/dest."
(set! (-> segment size) (the-as uint size))
(set! (-> segment dest) (the-as uint (allocate-vram-words! obj size)))
(defconstant NEAR_SEGMENT_WORDS #x62000) ;; ~1.6 MB
(defconstant COMMON_SEGMENT_WORDS #x1c000) ;; ~0.5 MB
(defconstant SPECIAL_VRAM_WORDS #x7000) ;; for sky, eyes, ocean, and depth-cue effect rendering.
(defmethod allocate-defaults! texture-pool ((obj texture-pool))
"Allocate default segments"
;; allocate the common and near segments
(allocate-segment! obj (-> obj segment-common) COMMON_SEGMENT_WORDS) ;; ~0.5 MB
(allocate-segment! obj (-> obj segment-near) NEAR_SEGMENT_WORDS) ;; ~1.6 MB.
(set! *sky-base-vram-word* (allocate-vram-words! obj SPECIAL_VRAM_WORDS))
(set! *sky-base-block* (sar *sky-base-vram-word* 6))
(set! *sky-base-page* (sar *sky-base-vram-word* 11))
(set! *eyes-base-vram-word* (+ *sky-base-vram-word* 6144))
(set! *eyes-base-block* (sar *eyes-base-vram-word* 6))
(set! *eyes-base-page* (sar *eyes-base-vram-word* 11))
(set! *ocean-base-vram-word* (+ *sky-base-vram-word* 6144))
(set! *ocean-base-block* (sar *ocean-base-vram-word* 6))
(set! *ocean-base-page* (sar *ocean-base-vram-word* 11))
(set! *depth-cue-base-vram-word* (+ *sky-base-vram-word* 6144))
(set! *depth-cue-base-block* (sar *depth-cue-base-vram-word* 6))
(set! *depth-cue-base-page* (sar *depth-cue-base-vram-word* 11))
;; texture-page management
(defmethod remove-from-heap texture-page ((obj texture-page) (seg kheap))
"Remove the texture data from the heap. This can only safely be called immediately after
the texture-page is loaded. This is used for textures that always live in VRAM."
(set! (-> seg current) (-> obj segment 0 block-data))
(defun texture-page-default-allocate ((pool texture-pool) (page texture-page) (heap kheap) (tpage-id int))
"Default allocator for textures. This _permanently_ uploads the texture to VRAM and uses up VRAM that
can never be reclaimed, and does it immediately.
It modifies the texture to point to the allocated VRAM.
It also kicks out the texture data (and any data after it) from the heap.
All three segments of the texture page will be be together."
;; loop over the semgments in the texture page.
(dotimes (seg-id 3)
;; get vram for the segment
(let ((vram (allocate-vram-words! pool (the-as int (-> page segment seg-id size)))))
;; adjust the texture so it points to the vram address the allocator gave us.
(relocate-dests! page vram seg-id)
;; upload the texture page (all segments). This function will return after the upload has finished.
(upload-now! page -1)
;; and kick the data out from the heap, now that it is permanently in vram.
(remove-from-heap page heap)
(defun texture-page-common-allocate ((pool texture-pool) (page texture-page) (seg kheap) (tpage-id int))
"Set up an entire texture page for eventual upload to the common segment of the pool.
All three segments will be together."
;; bump allocator, starting at the beginning of the common segment.
;; the common segment is reused, so its fine that this overlaps with other textures using common.
(let ((s5-0 (-> pool segment-common dest)))
(dotimes (seg-id 3)
;; fixup texture data so it points to the right spot in the common segment.
(relocate-dests! page (the-as int s5-0) seg-id)
(+! s5-0 (-> page segment seg-id size))
(defun texture-page-common-boot-allocate ((pool texture-pool) (page texture-page) (heap kheap) (tpage-id int))
"Allocator for textures at boot time. It will put boot-common textures in common. Once it gets a non-common
texture, it will change the allocator to default."
;; see if we got a common texture. This will need to be reuploaded every time it is used.
(let ((tex-id (lookup-boot-common-id pool tpage-id)))
((>= tex-id 0)
;; let the common allocator deal with it.
(texture-page-common-allocate pool page heap tpage-id)
;; textures that:
;; - are in the common page (uploaded before use)
;; - are in common memory (not level-specific)
;; have a record in this common-page array.
;; this helps other code find the appropriate tpage to upload.
;; level-specific texture pages are stored in the level structure itself, but this doesn't apply here.
(set! (-> pool common-page tex-id) page)
;; textures that aren't on that special list are permanently allocated.
;; once we get one default, switch the allocator to default for the rest.
(set! (-> *texture-pool* allocate-func) texture-page-default-allocate)
(texture-page-default-allocate pool page heap tpage-id)
;; texture upload
;; these functions generate DMA packets to configure the GS for upload
;; the dma-buffer-add-ref-textures function can then be used to actually send texture data.
(defun upload-vram-data ((buf dma-buffer) (dest int) (tex-data pointer) (tex-h int))
"Add DMA packet to prepare to upload a texture."
(while (> tex-h 0)
;; only 2048 height/transfer.
(let ((height-this-time (min 2048 tex-h)))
;; add dma/vif tag.
(let* ((v1-1 buf)
(dma (the-as dma-packet (-> v1-1 base)))
(set! (-> dma dma) (new 'static 'dma-tag :qwc #x5 :id (dma-tag-id cnt)))
(set! (-> dma vif0) (new 'static 'vif-tag))
(set! (-> dma vif1) (new 'static 'vif-tag :imm #x5 :cmd (vif-cmd direct) :msk #x1))
(set! (-> v1-1 base) (&+ (the-as pointer dma) 16))
;; add gif (a+d)
(let* ((v1-2 buf)
(gif (the-as gs-gif-tag (-> v1-2 base)))
(set! (-> gif tag) (new 'static 'gif-tag64 :nloop #x4 :nreg #x1))
(set! (-> gif regs) (new 'static 'gif-tag-regs :regs0 (gif-reg-id a+d)))
(set! (-> v1-2 base) (&+ (the-as pointer gif) 16))
;; add transfer setting registers
(let* ((v1-3 buf)
(gs-data (-> v1-3 base))
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer gs-bitbltbuf) gs-data) 0)
(new 'static 'gs-bitbltbuf :dbw #x2 :dbp dest)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer gs-reg64) gs-data) 1) (gs-reg64 bitbltbuf))
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer gs-trxpos) gs-data) 2) (new 'static 'gs-trxpos))
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer gs-reg64) gs-data) 3) (gs-reg64 trxpos))
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer gs-trxreg) gs-data) 4)
(new 'static 'gs-trxreg :rrw #x80 :rrh height-this-time)
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer gs-reg64) gs-data) 5) (gs-reg64 trxreg))
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer gs-trxdir) gs-data) 6) (new 'static 'gs-trxdir))
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer gs-reg64) gs-data) 7) (gs-reg64 trxdir))
(set! (-> v1-3 base) (&+ gs-data 64))
(gs-psm ct32) ;; all uploads are ct32.
(+! dest 4096)
(set! tex-data (&+ tex-data #x100000))
(+! tex-h -2048)
(defun upload-vram-pages ((pool texture-pool) (segment texture-pool-segment) (page texture-page) (mode int) (bucket-idx int))
"Add a dma chain to upload textures to the bucket. This will only upload chunks that aren't already there.
This will automatically update the cache info in the pool for the upload.
mode: -3 = don't want anything (this function does nothing)
0 = page segment 0
-2 = page segment 0 and 1
-1 = the whole page.
2 = just segment 2 of the page."
(tex-data pointer)
(tex-dest-base-chunk uint)
(chunk-count uint)
(chunks-to-upload-count int)
(first-chunk-idx-to-upload int)
(tex-id uint)
(let ((total-upload-size 0))
(let* ((dma-buf (-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame global-buf)) ;; the global DMA buffer
(dma-start (-> dma-buf base)) ;; the start of the DMA to add to the bucket.
;; default to segment 0 only (mode 0)
(set! tex-data (-> page segment 0 block-data)) ;; data to send, in EE memory
(set! tex-dest-base-chunk (shr (-> page segment 0 dest) 12)) ;; destination chunk idx.
(set! chunk-count (-> page segment 0 size)) ;; number of chunks in segment
(set! chunks-to-upload-count 0) ;; number of chunks to actually upload
(set! first-chunk-idx-to-upload 0) ;; index in data of first chunk to send
(set! tex-id (-> page id)) ;; the id of the texture.
(let ((v1-8 mode))
((= v1-8 -3)
(return 0) ;; mode -3, do nothing.
((zero? v1-8) ;; mode 0, default is okay
((= v1-8 -2) ;; mode -2, add on segment 1
(set! chunk-count (+ chunk-count (-> page segment 1 size)))
((= v1-8 -1) ;; mode -1, do the whole thing.
(set! chunk-count (-> page size))
((= v1-8 2) ;; mode 2, overwrite and do segment 2 only.
(set! tex-data (-> page segment 2 block-data))
(set! tex-dest-base-chunk (shr (-> page segment 2 dest) 12))
(set! chunk-count (-> page segment 2 size))
;; make sure we don't overflow the segment we're loading to.
(set! chunk-count
(the uint (shr (min (the-as int (-> segment size)) (the-as int (+ chunk-count 4095))) 12))
;; next, loop over each chunk to upload.
;; we want to:
;; - skip uploading chunks we already uploaded
;; - group together consecutive chunks we need to upload.
(dotimes (upload-chunk-idx (the-as int chunk-count))
;; the destination of the chunk.
(let ((current-dest-chunk
(+ tex-dest-base-chunk (the-as uint upload-chunk-idx))
;; now we see if we can get away with not uploading the chunk.
(if (zero? chunks-to-upload-count)
(when (!= (-> pool ids current-dest-chunk) tex-id)
;; we hit the beginning of a run of chunks that need uploading
(set! first-chunk-idx-to-upload upload-chunk-idx)
;; remember that we will upload this.
(set! (-> pool ids current-dest-chunk) tex-id)
(set! chunks-to-upload-count (+ chunks-to-upload-count 1))
;; in here, we are in the middle of a run of "needs uploading" chunks
((= (-> pool ids current-dest-chunk) tex-id)
;; and the run ends, we found a chunk that's already loaded.
;; so we upload the run:
(upload-vram-data dma-buf
(the int (shl (+ tex-dest-base-chunk (the-as uint first-chunk-idx-to-upload)) 6))
(&+ tex-data (shl first-chunk-idx-to-upload 14))
(shl chunks-to-upload-count 5)
(+! total-upload-size chunks-to-upload-count)
;; reset
(set! chunks-to-upload-count 0)
;; the run continues!
(set! (-> pool ids current-dest-chunk) tex-id)
(set! chunks-to-upload-count (+ chunks-to-upload-count 1))
;; if we finished with a run of "needs upload", set up the upload.
(when (nonzero? chunks-to-upload-count)
(the int (shl (+ tex-dest-base-chunk (the-as uint first-chunk-idx-to-upload)) 6))
(&+ tex-data (shl first-chunk-idx-to-upload 14))
(shl chunks-to-upload-count 5)
(+! total-upload-size chunks-to-upload-count)
;; do a texflush
;; first, set up dma/vif
(let* ((v1-47 dma-buf)
(dma (the-as dma-packet (-> v1-47 base)))
(set! (-> dma dma) (new 'static 'dma-tag :qwc #x2 :id (dma-tag-id cnt)))
(set! (-> dma vif0) (new 'static 'vif-tag))
(-> dma vif1)
(new 'static 'vif-tag :imm #x2 :cmd (vif-cmd direct) :msk #x1)
(set! (-> v1-47 base) (&+ (the-as pointer dma) 16))
;; and gif (a+d)
(let* ((v1-48 dma-buf)
(gif (the-as gs-gif-tag (-> v1-48 base)))
(set! (-> gif tag) (new 'static 'gif-tag64 :nloop #x1 :eop #x1 :nreg #x1))
(-> gif regs)
(new 'static 'gif-tag-regs
:regs0 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs1 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs2 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs3 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs4 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs5 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs6 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs7 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs8 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs9 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs10 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs11 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs12 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs13 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs14 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs15 (gif-reg-id a+d)
(set! (-> v1-48 base) (&+ (the-as pointer gif) 16))
;; texflush
(let* ((v1-49 dma-buf)
(gif-data (-> v1-49 base))
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint64) gif-data) 0) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer gs-reg64) gif-data) 1) (gs-reg64 texflush))
(set! (-> v1-49 base) (&+ gif-data 16))
;; we end the chain with a next. The bucket system will patch the next chain to this,
;; and then patch all the buckets togehter before sending the DMA.
(let ((a3-3 (-> dma-buf base)))
(let ((dma-end (the-as dma-packet (-> dma-buf base))))
(set! (-> dma-end dma) (new 'static 'dma-tag :id (dma-tag-id next)))
(set! (-> dma-end vif0) (new 'static 'vif-tag))
(set! (-> dma-end vif1) (new 'static 'vif-tag))
(set! (-> dma-buf base) (&+ (the-as pointer dma-end) 16))
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame bucket-group)
dma-start ;; the first thing in this chain, bucket will patch previous to this
(the-as (pointer dma-tag) a3-3) ;; end of this chain (ptr to next tag)
(shl total-upload-size 14)
(defun update-vram-pages ((pool texture-pool) (pool-segment texture-pool-segment) (page texture-page) (mode int))
"Update texture pool info if given texture page was uploaded in the given mode, but not using upload-vram-pages
or upload-vram-pages-pris
You should call this after doing an upload-now!, for example"
;; this is clearly copy-pasta from upload-vram-pages, and there are some weird leftovers.
(let ((v1-0 (-> page segment 0 block-data)))
(let ((dest-block (shr (-> page segment 0 dest) 12)) ;; where we're loading to
(sz (-> page segment 0 size))
(modified-chunk-count 0)
(let ((t0-0 0))
(let ((page-id (-> page id)))
((= mode -3)
(return 0) ;; do nothing
((zero? mode) ;; use segment 0
((= mode -2)
(+! sz (-> page segment 1 size)) ;; segment 0 + 1
((= mode -1)
(set! sz (-> page size)) ;; the whole page
((= mode 2) ;; segment 2 only
(let ((a3-5 (-> page segment 2 block-data)))
(set! dest-block (shr (-> page segment 2 dest) 12))
(set! sz (-> page segment 2 size))
;; don't overflow.
(let ((upload-chunks (shr (min (the-as int (-> pool-segment size)) (the-as int (+ sz 4095))) 12)))
;; for each chunk we might want to upload...
(dotimes (chunk-idx (the-as int upload-chunks))
;; this has the weird run logic, but it isn't really used.
;; no matter what (-> pool ids vram-chunk) will be set to page-id.
(let ((vram-chunk (+ dest-block (the-as uint chunk-idx))))
(if (zero? modified-chunk-count)
(when (!= (-> pool ids vram-chunk) page-id)
(set! (-> pool ids vram-chunk) page-id)
(+! modified-chunk-count 1)
((= (-> pool ids vram-chunk) page-id)
(set! modified-chunk-count 0)
(set! (-> pool ids vram-chunk) page-id)
(+! modified-chunk-count 1)
(defun upload-vram-pages-pris ((pool texture-pool) (segment texture-pool-segment) (page texture-page) (bucket-idx int) (allow-cache-mask int))
"Upload the entire texture page. If the allow-cache-mask is set for the chunk, it will not upload if there is already
the correct data. Upload will be added to the given bucket for on-screen.
The nth bit of the mask determines if the nth 16-kB chunk can safely use the existing data if the id check passes.
A 64-bit mask is enough to address the entire common segment, which is the only destination for PRIS textures."
(tex-data pointer)
(tex-dest-base-chunk uint)
(chunk-count uint)
(chunks-to-upload-count int)
(first-chunk-idx-to-upload int)
(page-id uint)
(current-dest-chunk uint)
(allow-cached symbol)
(let ((total-upload-size 0))
(let* ((dma-buf (-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame global-buf))
(dma-start (-> dma-buf base))
(set! tex-data (-> page segment 0 block-data)) ;; data in RAM
(set! tex-dest-base-chunk (shr (-> page segment 0 dest) 12)) ;; where to load
(set! chunk-count (-> page size)) ;; how much to load
(set! chunks-to-upload-count 0) ;; for runs of uploads
(set! first-chunk-idx-to-upload 0) ;; for runs of uploads
(set! page-id (-> page id))
;; don't overflow.
(set! chunk-count (the uint (shr (min (the-as int (-> segment size)) (the-as int (+ chunk-count 4095))) 12)))
;; iterate through chunks to possibly upload
(dotimes (upload-chunk-idx (the-as int chunk-count))
;; where to load to
(set! current-dest-chunk
(+ tex-dest-base-chunk (the-as uint upload-chunk-idx))
;; can we possibly use existing data in VRAM?
(set! allow-cached
(nonzero? (logand allow-cache-mask (ash 1 upload-chunk-idx)))
;; look for the start of a run of uploads.
(if (zero? chunks-to-upload-count)
(when (and (!= (-> pool ids current-dest-chunk) page-id) allow-cached)
;; start of run!
(set! first-chunk-idx-to-upload upload-chunk-idx)
(set! (-> pool ids current-dest-chunk) page-id)
(set! chunks-to-upload-count (+ chunks-to-upload-count 1))
((or (= (-> pool ids current-dest-chunk) page-id) (not allow-cached))
;; end of run. upload the run.
(upload-vram-data dma-buf
(the int (shl (+ tex-dest-base-chunk (the-as uint first-chunk-idx-to-upload)) 6))
(&+ tex-data (shl first-chunk-idx-to-upload 14))
(shl chunks-to-upload-count 5)
(+! total-upload-size chunks-to-upload-count)
(set! chunks-to-upload-count 0)
;; run continuing.
(set! (-> pool ids current-dest-chunk) page-id)
(set! chunks-to-upload-count (+ chunks-to-upload-count 1))
;; if we ended in a run, upload it.
(when (nonzero? chunks-to-upload-count)
(the int (shl (+ tex-dest-base-chunk (the-as uint first-chunk-idx-to-upload)) 6))
(&+ tex-data (shl first-chunk-idx-to-upload 14))
(shl chunks-to-upload-count 5)
(+! total-upload-size chunks-to-upload-count)
;; do a texflush.
(let* ((v1-52 dma-buf)
(dma (the-as dma-packet (-> v1-52 base)))
(set! (-> dma dma) (new 'static 'dma-tag :qwc #x2 :id (dma-tag-id cnt)))
(set! (-> dma vif0) (new 'static 'vif-tag))
(set! (-> dma vif1)
(new 'static 'vif-tag :imm #x2 :cmd (vif-cmd direct) :msk #x1)
(set! (-> v1-52 base) (&+ (the-as pointer dma) 16))
(let* ((v1-53 dma-buf)
(gif (the-as gs-gif-tag (-> v1-53 base)))
(set! (-> gif tag) (new 'static 'gif-tag64 :nloop #x1 :eop #x1 :nreg #x1))
(-> gif regs)
(new 'static 'gif-tag-regs
:regs0 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs1 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs2 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs3 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs4 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs5 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs6 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs7 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs8 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs9 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs10 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs11 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs12 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs13 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs14 (gif-reg-id a+d)
:regs15 (gif-reg-id a+d)
(set! (-> v1-53 base) (&+ (the-as pointer gif) 16))
(let* ((v1-54 dma-buf)
(a0-25 (-> v1-54 base))
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer uint64) a0-25) 0) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> (the-as (pointer gs-reg64) a0-25) 1) (gs-reg64 texflush))
(set! (-> v1-54 base) (&+ a0-25 16))
;; terminate the chain for the bucket.
(let ((a3-3 (-> dma-buf base)))
(let ((dma-end (the-as dma-packet (-> dma-buf base))))
(set! (-> dma-end dma) (new 'static 'dma-tag :id (dma-tag-id next)))
(set! (-> dma-end vif0) (new 'static 'vif-tag))
(set! (-> dma-end vif1) (new 'static 'vif-tag))
(set! (-> dma-buf base) (&+ (the-as pointer dma-end) 16))
;; add chain to bucket.
(-> *display* frames (-> *display* on-screen) frame bucket-group)
(the-as (pointer dma-tag) a3-3)
(shl total-upload-size 14)
;; NEAR segment layout:
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; | level 0 private | shared | level 1 private |
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; the textures for level 0 and level 1 may be as large as (sizeof private) + (sizeof shared).
;; the private sections remain in VRAM while the level is loaded, but the shared part is
;; reuploaded for each level on each frame.
;; the near allocators will only keep the shared part of the near data in RAM
;; NOTE: only segment 2 of the TFRAG texture page is NEAR.
(defun texture-page-near-allocate-0 ((pool texture-pool) (page texture-page) (heap kheap) (mode int))
"Allocator for tpages which use the near segment.
This is expected to be used on the first texture of a level load, the TFRAG.
Note: the zoomerhud texture may occur before this, but it's strange.
This is used for level 0, which gets the first part of the NEAR segment
as private texture memory."
;; set up segment 2 to be in the near segment
(relocate-dests! page (the-as int (-> pool segment-near dest)) 2)
;; segment 0, 1 go in common.
(let ((common-dest (-> pool segment-common dest)))
(dotimes (page-seg-idx 2)
(relocate-dests! page (the-as int common-dest) page-seg-idx)
(+! common-dest (-> page segment page-seg-idx size))
;; upload near data, and update the upload cache stuff.
(upload-now! page 2)
(update-vram-pages pool (-> pool segment-near) page 2)
;; our strategy is to remove the private memory from RAM.
;; to avoid leaving an unused hole, we copy the shared data backward.
;; unfortunately, it would be too slow to do it now.
;; this function runs during level loading, during the login of the linked tpage file.
;; the linker aims to use ~3% of a frame and limits itself to copies of up to ~600 kB
;; per frame. Copying back the near data may be slightly over 1 MB in the worst case,
;; and we've already used some time in the upload-now!, so we will delay the actual
;; copy until the next frame.
;; The level loader know about this, and all we have to do is set up *texture-reloate-later*
(let ((page-seg-2-size (logand -4096 (the-as int (+ (-> page segment 2 size) 4095)))))
((< (the-as uint #x24000) page-seg-2-size)
;; we use the shared memory of near.
;; this data should be kept in the heap
(let ((after-seg-2-data (+ #x90000 (the-as int (-> page segment 2 block-data)))))
(let ((seg-2-data (-> page segment 2 block-data)))
;; reduce size for the stuff that's in VRAM.
(set! (-> page segment 2 size) (+ -147456 (the-as int page-seg-2-size)))
;; adjust dest to upload past the "private" part, at the start of shared.
(set! (-> page segment 2 dest) (+ #x24000 (the-as int (-> pool segment-near dest))))
;; set the size of the heap as needed to hold only the unlocked texture data.
(set! (-> heap current)
(&+ (-> page segment 2 block-data) (shl (-> page segment 2 size) 2))
;; inform the level loader it should do this on the next frame.
(set! (-> *texture-relocate-later* memcpy) #t)
;; copy to the start of our data
(set! (-> *texture-relocate-later* dest) (the-as uint seg-2-data))
;; from the start of the unlocked data.
(set! (-> *texture-relocate-later* source) (the-as uint after-seg-2-data))
;; the number of bytes to copy.
(set! (-> *texture-relocate-later* move) (shl (-> page segment 2 size) 2))
;; the whole thing fit in the locked near segment!
;; so we can just kick out segment 2 entirely and skip the memcpy stuff.
(set! (-> page segment 2 size) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> heap current) (-> page segment 2 block-data))
;; set the allocator to the common allocator for all other textures.
;; only TFRAG, the first page, uses near.
(set! (-> *texture-pool* allocate-func) texture-page-common-allocate)
;; in the level data, there is always code, then TFRAG texture,
;; so mark the code memory end as the start of this page.
(set! (-> *level* unknown-level-2 code-memory-end) (the-as uint page))
(defun texture-page-near-allocate-1 ((pool texture-pool) (page texture-page) (heap kheap) (mode int))
"Allocate for level 1's near textures"
;; effective size of segment 2, will go in near.
(let ((seg2-size (logand -4096 (the-as int (+ (-> page segment 2 size) 4095)))))
;; where to start our near data (somewhere in shared or level 1 private)
(let ((seg2-dest (+ (- #x62000 (the-as int seg2-size)) (-> pool segment-near dest))))
;; relocate to point to this point.
(relocate-dests! page (the-as int seg2-dest) 2)
;; set up other segments for the common segment.
(let ((common-dest (-> pool segment-common dest)))
(dotimes (page-seg-idx 2)
(relocate-dests! page (the-as int common-dest) page-seg-idx)
(+! common-dest (-> page segment page-seg-idx size))
;; upload the near data now.
(upload-now! page 2)
;; and remember it in the cache.
(update-vram-pages pool (-> pool segment-near) page 2)
((< (the-as uint #x24000) seg2-size)
;; we use the shared part. Kick out only the non-shared texture.
;; it's on th end this time, so no mempcy like in near-allocate-0
(set! (-> page segment 2 size) (+ -147456 (the-as int seg2-size)))
(set! (-> heap current)
(&+ (-> page segment 2 block-data) (shl (-> page segment 2 size) 2))
;; we fit entirely in private. Kick out the whole thing!
(set! (-> page segment 2 size) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> heap current) (-> page segment 2 block-data))
(set! (-> *texture-pool* allocate-func) texture-page-common-allocate)
(set! (-> *level* unknown-level-2 code-memory-end) (the-as uint page))
(defun texture-page-level-allocate ((pool texture-pool) (page texture-page) (heap kheap) (mode int))
"Allocator for level textures."
(let ((common-id (lookup-boot-common-id pool mode)))
((>= common-id 0)
;; this will handle the zoomer HUD, which comes in before TFRAG.
(texture-page-common-allocate pool page heap mode)
(set! (-> pool common-page common-id) page)
(let ((level-idx (-> *level* unknown-level-2 index)))
;; these will handle TFRAG. These allocators will then switch the allocator
;; to common for everything else.
((zero? level-idx)
(texture-page-near-allocate-0 pool page heap mode)
((= level-idx 1)
(texture-page-near-allocate-1 pool page heap mode)
(defun texture-page-size-check ((pool texture-pool) (level level) (hide-prints symbol))
"Check to see if any texture are oversize. Sets bits in the output flag if they are"
(let ((oversize 0))
(let* ((tfrag-page (-> level texture-page 0))
(tfrag-mip0-size (-> tfrag-page mip0-size))
(when tfrag-page
(if (< (the-as uint #x3e000) tfrag-mip0-size)
(set! oversize (logior oversize 1))
(if (< (the-as uint #x1c000) (+ (-> tfrag-page segment 0 size) (-> tfrag-page segment 1 size)))
(set! oversize (logior oversize 1))
(when (not hide-prints)
(format #t "~Tlevel ~10S TFRAG tpage ~A uses ~DK of near ~DK~%"
(-> level name)
(-> tfrag-page name)
(shr tfrag-mip0-size 8)
(format #t "~Tlevel ~10S TFRAG tpage ~A uses ~DK of common ~DK~%"
(-> level name)
(-> tfrag-page name)
(shr (+ (-> tfrag-page segment 0 size) (-> tfrag-page segment 1 size)) 8)
(let ((pris-page (-> level texture-page 1)))
(when pris-page
(if (< (the-as uint #x1c000) (-> pris-page size))
(set! oversize (logior oversize 2))
(if (not hide-prints)
(format #t "~Tlevel ~10S PRIS tpage ~A uses ~DK of common ~DK~%"
(-> level name)
(-> pris-page name)
(shr (-> pris-page size) 8)
(let ((shrub-page (-> level texture-page 2)))
(when shrub-page
(if (< (the-as uint #x1c000) (-> shrub-page size))
(set! oversize (logior oversize 4))
(if (not hide-prints)
(format #t "~Tlevel ~10S SHRUB tpage ~A uses ~DK of common ~DK~%"
(-> level name)
(-> shrub-page name)
(shr (-> shrub-page size) 8)
(let ((alpha-page (-> level texture-page 3)))
(when alpha-page
(if (< (the-as uint #x1c000) (-> alpha-page size))
(set! oversize (logior oversize 8))
(if (not hide-prints)
(format #t "~Tlevel ~10S ALPHA tpage ~A uses ~DK of common ~DK~%"
(-> level name)
(-> alpha-page name)
(shr (-> alpha-page size) 8)
(let ((water-page (-> level texture-page 4)))
(when water-page
(if (< (the-as uint #x1c000) (-> water-page size))
(set! oversize (logior oversize 16))
(if (not hide-prints)
(format #t "~Tlevel ~10S WATER tpage ~A uses ~DK of common ~DK~%"
(-> level name)
(-> water-page name)
(shr (-> water-page size) 8)
(defmethod login-level-textures texture-pool ((obj texture-pool) (level level) (max-page-kind int) (id-array (pointer texture-id)))
"Login textures in a level. Only does up to max-page-kind. Set this to water (4) to do all of them.
Also checks sizes."
;; mark any existing as not loaded.
(dotimes (page-idx 9)
(set! (-> level texture-page page-idx) #f)
(if (>= max-page-kind 0) ;; tfrag.
;; login with near allocator.
(let ((tfrag-dir-entry (texture-page-login
(-> id-array 0)
(if (= (-> level index) 1)
(if tfrag-dir-entry
(set! (-> level texture-page 0) (-> tfrag-dir-entry page))
(if (>= max-page-kind 1) ;; pris.
;; login with common.
(let ((pris-dir-entry (texture-page-login (-> id-array 1) texture-page-common-allocate loading-level)))
(if pris-dir-entry
(set! (-> level texture-page 1) (-> pris-dir-entry page))
(if (>= max-page-kind 2) ;; shrub.
(let ((shrub-dir-entry (texture-page-login (-> id-array 2) texture-page-common-allocate loading-level)))
(if shrub-dir-entry
(set! (-> level texture-page 2) (-> shrub-dir-entry page))
(if (>= max-page-kind 3)
(let ((alpha-dir-entry (texture-page-login (-> id-array 3) texture-page-common-allocate loading-level)))
(if alpha-dir-entry
(set! (-> level texture-page 3) (-> alpha-dir-entry page))
(if (>= max-page-kind 4)
(let ((water-dir-entry (texture-page-login (-> id-array 4) texture-page-common-allocate loading-level)))
(if water-dir-entry
(set! (-> level texture-page 4) (-> water-dir-entry page))
;; check with no prints first
(let ((overflow-bits (texture-page-size-check obj level #t)))
(when (nonzero? overflow-bits)
;; and if it failed, print info
(format #t "-------------------- tpage overflow error #x~X~%" overflow-bits)
(texture-page-size-check obj level #f)
(format #t "--------------------~%")
;; for movie hack.
(defun-extern movie? symbol)
(defmethod add-tex-to-dma! texture-pool ((obj texture-pool) (level level) (tex-page-kind int))
"For the given tpage-kind, upload as needed for the level"
(when (= tex-page-kind (tpage-kind tfrag)) ;; TFRAG (0)
;; get the texture page, bucket to add to, and an effective distance from the closest thing.
(let ((tfrag-page (-> level texture-page 0))
(tfrag-bucket (if (zero? (-> level index)) 5 12))
;; not really sure how this is calculated, but it's a distance.
(distance (fmin (fmin (-> level closest-object 0)
(if (and (< 0.0 (-> level level-distance))
(< (+ 409600.0 (-> level level-distance))
(-> level closest-object 5)
(-> level closest-object 5)
(-> level closest-object 6)
(when tfrag-page
;; reset upload size counter.
(set! (-> level upload-size 0) 0)
;; near upload.
(if (< distance 81920.0)
(set! (-> level upload-size 0)
(+ (-> level upload-size 0)
(upload-vram-pages obj (-> obj segment-near) tfrag-page 2 tfrag-bucket)
((= distance 4095995904.0)) ;; not near at all, don't upload anything.
((< 102400.0 distance)
;; pretty far. Just do segment 0.
(set! (-> level upload-size 0)
(+ (-> level upload-size 0)
(upload-vram-pages obj (-> obj segment-common) tfrag-page 0 tfrag-bucket)
;; pretty close. Do segment 0 and 1.
(set! (-> level upload-size 0)
(+ (-> level upload-size 0)
(upload-vram-pages obj (-> obj segment-common) tfrag-page -2 tfrag-bucket)
(if (= tex-page-kind (tpage-kind pris)) ;; PRIS (1)
(let ((pris-page (-> level texture-page 1)))
(if (and pris-page (nonzero? pris-page))
(let ((pris-bucket (if (zero? (-> level index)) 48 51)))
;; just upload the whole thing always.
;; use the cache mask as requested by the level.
(set! (-> level upload-size 1)
(upload-vram-pages-pris obj (-> obj segment-common) pris-page pris-bucket (the-as int (-> level texture-mask 7)))
(if (= tex-page-kind (tpage-kind shrub)) ;; SHRUB (2)
(let ((shrub-page (-> level texture-page 2))
(shrub-closest (-> level closest-object 2)) ;; I guess this is the shrub closest.
(if (and shrub-page (nonzero? shrub-page))
(let ((shrub-bucket (if (zero? (-> level index)) 19 25))
(shrub-mode (cond
((= shrub-closest 4095995904.0)
-3 ;; nothing
((< 102400.0 shrub-closest)
0 ;; seg 0
((< 81920.0 shrub-closest)
-2 ;; seg 0 and 1
-1 ;; the whole thing.
(set! (-> level upload-size 2)
(upload-vram-pages obj (-> obj segment-common) shrub-page shrub-mode shrub-bucket)
(if (= tex-page-kind (tpage-kind alpha)) ;; ALPHA (3)
(let ((alpha-page (-> level texture-page 3))
(alpha-closest (-> level closest-object 3))
(if (and alpha-page (nonzero? alpha-page))
(let ((alpha-bucket (if (zero? (-> level index)) 31 38))
(alpha-mode (cond
((< 348160.0 alpha-closest)
0 ;; segment 0
((< 163840.0 alpha-closest)
-2 ;; 0 and 1
-1 ;; the whole thing.
(let ((alpha-dest-chunk (shr (-> alpha-page segment 0 dest) 12)))
;; there's some serious hack here. We invalidate some
;; alpha texture when in movie mode.
(when (movie?)
(set! (-> obj ids alpha-dest-chunk) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> obj ids (+ alpha-dest-chunk 1)) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> level upload-size 3)
(upload-vram-pages obj (-> obj segment-common) alpha-page alpha-mode alpha-bucket)
(if (= tex-page-kind (tpage-kind water)) ;; WATER (4)
(let ((water-page (-> level texture-page 4)))
(if (and water-page (nonzero? water-page))
(let ((water-bucket (if (zero? (-> level index)) 57 60)))
(set! (-> level upload-size 4)
(upload-vram-pages-pris obj (-> obj segment-common) water-page water-bucket (the-as int (-> level texture-mask 8)))