2024-03-24 12:27:04 -04:00

117 lines
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Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: region-h.gc
;; name in dgo: region-h
;; dgos: GAME
(declare-type region-prim-area structure)
(define-extern region-execute (function none))
(deftype region (structure)
"A region is a closed volume that you can, enter, exit, and be inside.
This stores a unique, and script functions for a single region.
These are stored separately from the actual geometry to allow the geometry to be smaller
and fit in scratchpad/cache better."
((id uint32)
(on-enter pair)
(on-inside pair)
(on-exit pair)
(point-in-region-debug! (_type_ vector) symbol)
(deftype region-array (inline-array-class)
"Array of region."
((data region :inline :dynamic)
(set! (-> region-array heap-base) (the-as uint 16))
(deftype drawable-region-prim (drawable)
"Base class for a region + geometry.
Note that all child classes of this must be 32-bytes."
((region region :offset 8)
(debug-draw-region (_type_ int) none)
(track-region (_type_ region-prim-area) symbol)
(within-area? (_type_ region-prim-area) symbol)
(deftype drawable-tree-region-prim (drawable-tree)
"Top-level container for all regions of a level."
((name basic :offset 8)
(data2 drawable-inline-array :dynamic :offset 32)
(drawable-tree-region-prim-method-17 (_type_ vector) symbol)
(debug-print (_type_ vector object) none)
(deftype drawable-inline-array-region-prim (drawable-inline-array)
"Inline array of drawable-region-prim. This actually stores child classes, but they are
exactly the same size as the parent, so it's okay."
((data drawable-region-prim 1 :inline)
(pad uint8 4)
(deftype drawable-region-sphere (drawable-region-prim)
"Region where the bsphere of the drawable is the volume."
(deftype region-face-data (structure)
"Data to store a single planar face, as a normal and list of vertices."
((normal vector :inline)
(normal-offset float :overlay-at (-> normal data 3))
(num-points uint32)
(points vector :inline :dynamic)
(deftype drawable-region-face (drawable-region-prim)
"A drawable-region which is just a face. Unclear if `on-inside` is used."
((data region-face-data :offset 12)
(deftype region-face-array (inline-array-class)
"An array of faces that hopefully make a closed volume."
((data drawable-region-face :inline :dynamic :offset 16)
(pad uint32)
(set! (-> region-face-array heap-base) (the-as uint 32))
(deftype drawable-region-volume (drawable-region-prim)
"A drawable-region which is a bunch of faces that represent a closed volume."
((faces region-face-array :offset 12)
(deftype region-prim-list (structure)
"A list of drawable-region-prim. This is the return type of queries like `which regions contain this point?`"
((num-items int32)
(items drawable-region-prim 320)