water111 3d4dfb2077
[decomp] Decompile some time-of-day stuff, support new style Jak 2 time of day (#1943)
- Add "tfrag-water" tfrag tree support (may just be the same as Jak 1's
'dirt' for the settings)
- Add "tfrag-trans" tfrag tree support, reusing "trans-tfrag" from jak
- Add a hack to `LinkedObjectFileCreation` to handle `oracle`, which is
accidentally multiply defined as a type leftover from jak 1 (an entity
in village1), and level info for jak 2.
- Add `VI1.DGO`
- add `time-of-day.gc`, and a few other stub functions so it works
- Set up some time of day stuff in GOAL for jak 2/PC renderers
- Clean up time of day in c++ renderers, support the more complicated
weight system used by jak 2 (backward compatible with jak 1, thankfully)

The mood functions now run, so this could cause problems if they rely on
stuff we don't have yet. But it seems fine for ctysluma and prison for








2022-10-08 13:33:03 -04:00

1539 lines
58 KiB

#include "AtomicOp.h"
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "common/type_system/state.h"
#include "common/util/BitUtils.h"
#include "decompiler/IR2/bitfields.h"
#include "decompiler/ObjectFile/LinkedObjectFile.h"
#include "decompiler/util/DecompilerTypeSystem.h"
#include "decompiler/util/TP_Type.h"
#include "decompiler/util/type_utils.h"
#include "third-party/fmt/core.h"
namespace decompiler {
namespace {
bool tc(const DecompilerTypeSystem& dts, const TypeSpec& expected, const TP_Type& actual) {
return dts.ts.tc(expected, actual.typespec());
bool is_int_or_uint(const DecompilerTypeSystem& dts, const TP_Type& type) {
return tc(dts, TypeSpec("integer"), type) || tc(dts, TypeSpec("uint"), type);
bool is_signed(const DecompilerTypeSystem& dts, const TP_Type& type) {
return tc(dts, TypeSpec("int"), type) && !tc(dts, TypeSpec("uint"), type);
RegClass get_reg_kind(const Register& r) {
switch (r.get_kind()) {
case Reg::GPR:
return RegClass::GPR_64;
case Reg::FPR:
return RegClass::FLOAT;
return RegClass::INVALID;
} // namespace
std::string AtomicOp::reg_type_info_as_string(const TypeState& init_types,
const TypeState& end_types) const {
std::string result;
auto read_mask = regs_to_gpr_mask(m_read_regs);
auto write_mask = regs_to_gpr_mask(m_write_regs);
result += fmt::format("[{}] -> [{}]", init_types.print_gpr_masked(read_mask),
// auto clobber_mask = regs_to_gpr_mask(m_clobber_regs);
// if (clobber_mask) {
// result += "cl: ";
// for (auto& reg : m_clobber_regs) {
// result += reg.to_string();
// result += ' ';
// }
// }
return result;
TP_Type SimpleAtom::get_type(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
const DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) const {
switch (m_kind) {
case Kind::EMPTY_LIST:
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("pair");
case Kind::VARIABLE:
return input.get(var().reg());
return TP_Type::make_from_integer(m_int);
case Kind::SYMBOL_PTR:
if (m_string == "#f") {
return TP_Type::make_false();
} else {
return TP_Type::make_symbol(m_string);
case Kind::SYMBOL_VAL: {
if (m_string == "#f") {
// if we ever read the false symbol, it should contain the false symbol as its value.
return TP_Type::make_false();
} else if (m_string == "__START-OF-TABLE__") {
// another annoying special case. We have a fake symbol called __START-OF-TABLE__
// which actually means that you get the first address in the symbol table.
// it's not really a linked symbol, but the basic op builder represents it as one.
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("pointer"));
} else if (m_string == "enter-state") {
return TP_Type::make_enter_state();
} else if (m_string == "run-function-in-process") {
return TP_Type::make_run_function_in_process_function();
} else if (m_string == "set-to-run" && env.func->name() != "enter-state") {
return TP_Type::make_set_to_run_function();
// look up the type of the symbol
auto type = dts.symbol_types.find(m_string);
if (type == dts.symbol_types.end()) {
throw std::runtime_error("Do not have the type of symbol " + m_string);
if (type->second == TypeSpec("type")) {
// if we get a type by symbol, we should remember which type we got it from.
return TP_Type::make_type_no_virtual_object(TypeSpec(m_string));
if (type->second == TypeSpec("function")) {
lg::warn("Function {} has unknown type", m_string);
// otherwise, just return a normal typespec
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(type->second);
case Kind::STATIC_ADDRESS: {
const auto& hint = env.file->label_db->lookup(m_int);
if (!hint.known) {
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("Label {} was unknown in AtomicOpTypeAnalysis.", hint.name));
if (hint.result_type.base_type() == "string") {
// we special case strings because the type pass will constant propagate them as needed to
// figure out the argument count for calls for format.
auto label = env.file->labels.at(m_int);
return TP_Type::make_from_string(env.file->get_goal_string_by_label(label));
if (hint.is_value) {
// todo, do we really need this? should be use something else instead?
// return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("pointer", {hint.result_type}));
return TP_Type::make_label_addr(m_int);
} else {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(hint.result_type);
auto label = env.file->labels.at(m_int);
// strings are 16-byte aligned, but functions are 8 byte aligned?
if ((label.offset & 7) == BASIC_OFFSET) {
// it's a basic! probably.
const auto& word =
env.file->words_by_seg.at(label.target_segment).at((label.offset - 4) / 4);
if (word.kind == LinkedWord::TYPE_PTR) {
if (word.symbol_name == "string") {
return TP_Type::make_from_string(env.file->get_goal_string_by_label(label));
} else if (word.symbol_name == "function") {
// let's see if the user marked this as a lambda and if we can get a more specific type.
auto hint_kv = env.label_types().find(label.name);
if (hint_kv != env.label_types().end() && hint_kv->second.type_name == "_lambda_") {
auto func = env.file->try_get_function_at_label(m_int);
if (func) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(func->type);
// otherwise, some other static basic.
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec(word.symbol_name));
} else if ((label.offset & 7) == PAIR_OFFSET) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("pair"));
auto hint_kv = env.label_types().find(label.name);
if (hint_kv != env.label_types().end()) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(dts.parse_type_spec(hint_kv->second.type_name));
// todo: should we take out this warning?
lg::warn("IR_StaticAddress does not know the type of {}", label.name);
return TP_Type::make_label_addr(m_int);
case Kind::INVALID:
return {};
TP_Type SimpleExpression::get_type(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
const DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) const {
switch (m_kind) {
case Kind::IDENTITY:
return m_args[0].get_type(input, env, dts);
case Kind::GPR_TO_FPR: {
const auto& in_type = input.get(get_arg(0).var().reg());
if (in_type.is_integer_constant(0)) {
// GOAL is smart enough to use binary 0b0 as floating point 0.
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("float");
// new for jak 2:
if (env.version == GameVersion::Jak2 && in_type.is_integer_constant() &&
(s64)((s32)in_type.get_integer_constant()) == (s64)in_type.get_integer_constant()) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("float");
return in_type;
case Kind::FPR_TO_GPR:
return m_args[0].get_type(input, env, dts);
case Kind::DIV_S:
case Kind::SUB_S:
case Kind::MUL_S:
case Kind::ADD_S:
case Kind::SQRT_S:
case Kind::ABS_S:
case Kind::NEG_S:
case Kind::INT_TO_FLOAT:
case Kind::MIN_S:
case Kind::MAX_S:
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("float");
case Kind::FLOAT_TO_INT:
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("int");
case Kind::ADD:
case Kind::SUB:
case Kind::MUL_SIGNED:
case Kind::DIV_SIGNED:
case Kind::MOD_SIGNED:
case Kind::MIN_SIGNED:
case Kind::MAX_SIGNED:
case Kind::OR:
case Kind::AND:
case Kind::NOR:
case Kind::XOR:
case Kind::LEFT_SHIFT:
case Kind::MUL_UNSIGNED:
case Kind::PCPYLD:
return get_type_int2(input, env, dts);
case Kind::NEG:
case Kind::LOGNOT:
return get_type_int1(input, env, dts);
case Kind::DIV_UNSIGNED:
case Kind::MOD_UNSIGNED:
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("uint");
case Kind::VECTOR_PLUS:
case Kind::VECTOR_MINUS:
case Kind::VECTOR_CROSS:
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("vector");
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("vector");
case Kind::SUBU_L32_S7:
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("int");
case Kind::VECTOR_3_DOT:
case Kind::VECTOR_4_DOT:
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("float");
throw std::runtime_error("Simple expression cannot get_type: " +
to_form(env.file->labels, env).print());
return {};
TP_Type SimpleExpression::get_type_int1(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
const DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) const {
auto arg_type = m_args[0].get_type(input, env, dts);
if (is_int_or_uint(dts, arg_type)) {
switch (m_kind) {
case Kind::NEG:
// if we negate a thing, let's just make it a signed integer.
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("int"));
// case Kind:::
// // if we take the absolute value of a thing, just make it signed.
// return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("int"));
case Kind::LOGNOT:
// otherwise, make it int/uint as needed (this works because we check is_int_or_uint
// above)
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(arg_type.typespec());
throw std::runtime_error("IR_IntMath1::get_expression_type case not handled: " +
to_form(env.file->labels, env).print() + " " + arg_type.print());
namespace {
* Get the type of sp + offset.
TP_Type get_stack_type_at_constant_offset(int offset,
const Env& env,
const DecompilerTypeSystem& dts,
const TypeState& types) {
// first look for a stack structure
for (auto& structure : env.stack_structure_hints()) {
if (offset < structure.hint.stack_offset ||
offset >= (structure.hint.stack_offset + structure.size)) {
continue; // reject, it isn't in this variable
if (offset == structure.hint.stack_offset) {
// special case just getting the variable
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(coerce_to_reg_type(structure.ref_type));
// Note: GOAL doesn't seem to constant propagate memory access on the stack, so the code
// below should never be needed.
// yes, it is in the variable!
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
rd_in.deref = std::nullopt; // not a deref
rd_in.stride = 0; // not a strided access
rd_in.offset = offset - var.hint.stack_offset; // offset into this var
rd_in.base_type = var.ref_type; // use ref type for ptr.
auto rd = dts.ts.reverse_field_lookup(rd_in);
if (rd.success) {
auto result = TP_Type::make_from_ts(coerce_to_reg_type(rd.result_type));
lg::print("Matched a stack variable! {}\n", result.print());
return result;
// if we fail, keep trying others. This lets us have overlays in stack memory.
// look for a stack variable
auto kv = types.spill_slots.find(offset);
if (kv != types.spill_slots.end()) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("pointer", {kv->second.typespec()}));
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("Failed to find a stack variable or structure at offset {}", offset));
} // namespace
* Special case for "integer math".
TP_Type SimpleExpression::get_type_int2(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
const DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) const {
auto arg0_type = m_args[0].get_type(input, env, dts);
auto arg1_type = m_args[1].get_type(input, env, dts);
// special cases for integers
switch (m_kind) {
case Kind::LEFT_SHIFT:
// multiplication by constant power of two, optimized to a shift.
if (m_args[1].is_int() && is_int_or_uint(dts, arg0_type)) {
ASSERT(m_args[1].get_int() >= 0);
ASSERT(m_args[1].get_int() < 64);
// this could be a bitfield access or a multiply.
// we pick bitfield access if the parent is a bitfield.
if (dynamic_cast<BitFieldType*>(dts.ts.lookup_type(arg0_type.typespec()))) {
return TP_Type::make_from_left_shift_bitfield(arg0_type.typespec(), m_args[1].get_int(),
} else if (arg0_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::PCPYUD_BITFIELD) {
return TP_Type::make_from_left_shift_bitfield(arg0_type.get_bitfield_type(),
m_args[1].get_int(), true);
} else {
return TP_Type::make_from_product(1ull << m_args[1].get_int(), is_signed(dts, arg0_type));
if (m_args[1].is_int() && dts.ts.tc(TypeSpec("pointer"), arg0_type.typespec())) {
// allow shifting a pointer to put it in a bitfield.
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("uint"));
bool is_unsigned = m_kind == Kind::RIGHT_SHIFT_LOGIC;
if (m_args[1].is_int()) {
auto bf = dynamic_cast<BitFieldType*>(dts.ts.lookup_type(arg0_type.typespec()));
if (bf && arg0_type.typespec() != TypeSpec("time-frame")) {
int shift_size = 64;
int size = shift_size - m_args[1].get_int();
int start_bit = shift_size - size;
auto field = find_field(dts.ts, bf, start_bit, size, is_unsigned);
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(coerce_to_reg_type(field.type()));
if (arg0_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::LEFT_SHIFTED_BITFIELD && m_args[1].is_int()) {
// second op in left/right shift combo
int end_bit = 64 - arg0_type.get_left_shift();
if (arg0_type.pcpyud()) {
end_bit += 64;
int size = 64 - m_args[1].get_int();
int start_bit = end_bit - size;
if (start_bit < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("Bad bitfield start bit");
auto type = dts.ts.lookup_type(arg0_type.get_bitfield_type());
auto as_bitfield = dynamic_cast<BitFieldType*>(type);
auto field = find_field(dts.ts, as_bitfield, start_bit, size, is_unsigned);
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(coerce_to_reg_type(field.type()));
if (m_kind == Kind::RIGHT_SHIFT_ARITH) {
if (env.version == GameVersion::Jak2 && arg0_type.typespec().base_type() == "float") {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("float"));
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("int"));
} break;
case Kind::MUL_SIGNED: {
if (arg0_type.is_integer_constant() && is_int_or_uint(dts, arg1_type)) {
return TP_Type::make_from_product(arg0_type.get_integer_constant(),
is_signed(dts, arg0_type));
} else if (is_int_or_uint(dts, arg0_type) && is_int_or_uint(dts, arg1_type)) {
// signed multiply will always return a signed number.
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("int");
} break;
case Kind::MUL_UNSIGNED: {
if (arg0_type.is_integer_constant() && is_int_or_uint(dts, arg1_type)) {
return TP_Type::make_from_product(arg0_type.get_integer_constant(),
is_signed(dts, arg0_type));
} else if (is_int_or_uint(dts, arg0_type) && is_int_or_uint(dts, arg1_type)) {
// unsigned multiply will always return a unsigned number.
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("uint");
} break;
case Kind::DIV_SIGNED:
case Kind::MOD_SIGNED: {
if (is_int_or_uint(dts, arg0_type) && is_int_or_uint(dts, arg1_type)) {
// signed division will always return a signed number.
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("int");
} break;
case Kind::ADD:
// get stack address:
if (m_args[0].is_var() && m_args[0].var().reg() == Register(Reg::GPR, Reg::SP) &&
m_args[1].is_int()) {
return get_stack_type_at_constant_offset(m_args[1].get_int(), env, dts, input);
if (arg0_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::OBJECT_PLUS_PRODUCT_WITH_CONSTANT &&
arg1_type.typespec().base_type() == "pointer") {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("int"));
if (arg0_type.is_product_with(4) && tc(dts, TypeSpec("type"), arg1_type) &&
env.func->name() != "overrides-parent-method?") {
// dynamic access into the method array with shift, add, offset-load
// no need to track the type because we don't know the method index anyway.
return TP_Type::make_partial_dyanmic_vtable_access();
if (arg1_type.is_integer_constant() &&
arg0_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::PRODUCT_WITH_CONSTANT) {
return TP_Type::make_from_integer_constant_plus_product(
arg1_type.get_integer_constant(), arg0_type.typespec(), arg0_type.get_multiplier());
if (arg1_type.is_integer_constant() && is_int_or_uint(dts, arg0_type)) {
TypeSpec sum_type = arg0_type.typespec();
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
rd_in.offset = arg1_type.get_integer_constant();
rd_in.stride = 0;
rd_in.base_type = arg0_type.typespec();
auto out = env.dts->ts.reverse_field_lookup(rd_in);
if (out.success) {
sum_type = coerce_to_reg_type(out.result_type);
return TP_Type::make_from_integer_constant_plus_var(arg1_type.get_integer_constant(),
arg0_type.typespec(), sum_type);
case Kind::MIN_SIGNED:
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("int");
if (arg0_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::PCPYUD_BITFIELD &&
(m_kind == Kind::AND || m_kind == Kind::OR)) {
// anding a bitfield should return the bitfield type.
return TP_Type::make_from_pcpyud_bitfield(arg0_type.get_bitfield_type());
// this is right but breaks something else right now.
if (m_kind == Kind::PCPYLD && arg0_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::PCPYUD_BITFIELD) {
return arg1_type;
if (m_kind == Kind::PCPYLD) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("uint");
if (arg0_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::INTEGER_CONSTANT_PLUS_VAR_MULT && m_kind == Kind::ADD) {
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
rd_in.offset = arg0_type.get_add_int_constant();
rd_in.stride = arg0_type.get_mult_int_constant();
rd_in.base_type = arg1_type.typespec();
auto out = env.dts->ts.reverse_field_lookup(rd_in);
if (out.success) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(coerce_to_reg_type(out.result_type));
} else if (arg1_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::INTEGER_CONSTANT_PLUS_VAR_MULT &&
m_kind == Kind::ADD) {
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
rd_in.offset = arg1_type.get_add_int_constant();
rd_in.stride = arg1_type.get_mult_int_constant();
rd_in.base_type = arg0_type.typespec();
auto out = env.dts->ts.reverse_field_lookup(rd_in);
if (out.success) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(coerce_to_reg_type(out.result_type));
if (arg0_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::INTEGER_CONSTANT_PLUS_VAR && m_kind == Kind::ADD) {
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
rd_in.offset = arg0_type.get_integer_constant();
rd_in.stride = 1;
rd_in.base_type = arg1_type.typespec();
auto out = env.dts->ts.reverse_field_lookup(rd_in);
if (out.success) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(coerce_to_reg_type(out.result_type));
if (arg0_type == arg1_type && is_int_or_uint(dts, arg0_type)) {
// both are the same type and both are int/uint, so we assume that we're doing integer math.
// we strip off any weird things like multiplication or integer constant.
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(arg0_type.typespec());
if (is_int_or_uint(dts, arg0_type) && is_int_or_uint(dts, arg1_type)) {
// usually we would want to use arg0's type as the "winning" type.
// but we use arg1's if arg0 is an integer constant
// in either case, strip off weird stuff.
if (arg0_type.is_integer_constant() && !arg1_type.is_integer_constant()) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(arg1_type.typespec());
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(arg0_type.typespec());
if (tc(dts, TypeSpec("binteger"), arg0_type) && is_int_or_uint(dts, arg1_type)) {
// if arg0 is a binteger, the result is probably a binteger as well
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("binteger");
// special cases for non-integers
if ((arg0_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("object") || arg0_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("pair") ||
tc(dts, TypeSpec("basic"), arg0_type)) &&
(arg1_type.is_integer_constant(62) || arg1_type.is_integer_constant(61))) {
// boxed object tag trick.
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("int");
if (m_args[1].is_int() && m_kind == Kind::ADD && arg0_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::TYPESPEC) {
// access a field.
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
rd_in.deref = std::nullopt;
rd_in.stride = 0;
rd_in.offset = m_args[1].get_int();
rd_in.base_type = arg0_type.typespec();
auto rd = dts.ts.reverse_field_lookup(rd_in);
if (rd.success) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(coerce_to_reg_type(rd.result_type));
// access with just product and no offset.
if (m_kind == Kind::ADD && arg0_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::TYPESPEC &&
arg0_type.typespec().base_type() == "inline-array" &&
arg1_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::PRODUCT_WITH_CONSTANT) {
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
rd_in.deref = std::nullopt;
rd_in.stride = arg1_type.get_multiplier();
rd_in.offset = 0;
rd_in.base_type = arg0_type.typespec();
auto rd = dts.ts.reverse_field_multi_lookup(rd_in);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)rd.results.size(); i++) {
if (rd.results.at(i).has_variable_token()) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(coerce_to_reg_type(rd.results.at(i).result_type));
if (m_kind == Kind::ADD && arg1_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::TYPESPEC &&
arg1_type.typespec().base_type() == "inline-array" &&
arg0_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::PRODUCT_WITH_CONSTANT) {
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
rd_in.deref = std::nullopt;
rd_in.stride = arg0_type.get_multiplier();
rd_in.offset = 0;
rd_in.base_type = arg1_type.typespec();
auto rd = dts.ts.reverse_field_multi_lookup(rd_in);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)rd.results.size(); i++) {
if (rd.results.at(i).has_variable_token()) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(coerce_to_reg_type(rd.results.at(i).result_type));
if (m_kind == Kind::ADD && arg0_type.is_product() && arg1_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::TYPESPEC) {
return TP_Type::make_object_plus_product(arg1_type.typespec(), arg0_type.get_multiplier(),
if (m_kind == Kind::ADD && arg1_type.is_product() && arg0_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::TYPESPEC) {
return TP_Type::make_object_plus_product(arg0_type.typespec(), arg1_type.get_multiplier(),
if ((m_kind == Kind::ADD || m_kind == Kind::SUB) &&
arg0_type.typespec().base_type() == "pointer" && tc(dts, TypeSpec("integer"), arg1_type)) {
if (m_kind == Kind::ADD && !m_args[1].is_int()) {
return TP_Type::make_object_plus_product(arg0_type.typespec(), 1, false);
// plain pointer plus integer = plain pointer
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(arg0_type.typespec());
if (m_kind == Kind::ADD && arg1_type.typespec().base_type() == "pointer" &&
tc(dts, TypeSpec("integer"), arg0_type)) {
// plain pointer plus integer = plain pointer
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(arg1_type.typespec());
if (m_kind == Kind::SUB && arg1_type.typespec().base_type() == "pointer" &&
tc(dts, TypeSpec("integer"), arg0_type)) {
// plain pointer plus integer = plain pointer
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(arg0_type.typespec());
if ((m_kind == Kind::ADD || m_kind == Kind::SUB) && tc(dts, TypeSpec("structure"), arg0_type) &&
arg1_type.is_integer_constant()) {
auto type_info = dts.ts.lookup_type(arg0_type.typespec());
// get next in memory, allow this as &+/&-
if ((s64)type_info->get_size_in_memory() == std::abs((s64)arg1_type.get_integer_constant())) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(arg0_type.typespec());
// also allow it, if 16-byte aligned stride.
if ((u64)align16(type_info->get_size_in_memory()) == arg1_type.get_integer_constant()) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(arg0_type.typespec());
if (env.version == GameVersion::Jak2 && tc(dts, TypeSpec("symbol"), arg1_type) &&
!m_args[0].is_int() && is_int_or_uint(dts, arg0_type)) {
if (arg0_type.is_integer_constant(jak2::SYM_TO_STRING_OFFSET)) {
// symbol -> GOAL String
// NOTE - the offset doesn't fit in a s16, so it's loaded into a register first.
// so we expect the arg to be a variable, and the type propagation will figure out the
// integer constant.
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(dts.ts.make_pointer_typespec("string"));
if (tc(dts, TypeSpec("structure"), arg1_type) && !m_args[0].is_int() &&
is_int_or_uint(dts, arg0_type)) {
if (allowable_base_type_for_symbol_to_string(arg1_type.typespec()) &&
arg0_type.is_integer_constant(SYMBOL_TO_STRING_MEM_OFFSET_DECOMP[env.version])) {
// symbol -> GOAL String
// NOTE - the offset doesn't fit in a s16, so it's loaded into a register first.
// so we expect the arg to be a variable, and the type propagation will figure out the
// integer constant.
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(dts.ts.make_pointer_typespec("string"));
} else {
// byte access of offset array field trick.
// arg1 holds a structure.
// arg0 is an integer in a register.
// return TP_Type::make_object_plus_product(arg1_type.typespec(), 1, true);
if (arg0_type.is_integer_constant()) {
TypeSpec sum_type = arg1_type.typespec();
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
rd_in.offset = arg0_type.get_integer_constant();
rd_in.stride = 0;
rd_in.base_type = arg1_type.typespec();
auto out = env.dts->ts.reverse_field_lookup(rd_in);
if (out.success) {
sum_type = coerce_to_reg_type(out.result_type);
return TP_Type::make_from_integer_constant_plus_var(arg0_type.get_integer_constant(),
arg1_type.typespec(), sum_type);
} else {
return TP_Type::make_object_plus_product(arg1_type.typespec(), 1, true);
if (m_kind == Kind::AND) {
if (arg0_type.typespec().base_type() == "pointer" && tc(dts, TypeSpec("integer"), arg1_type)) {
// pointer logand integer = pointer
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(arg0_type.typespec());
} else if (arg1_type.typespec().base_type() == "pointer" &&
tc(dts, TypeSpec("integer"), arg0_type)) {
// integer logand pointer = pointer
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(arg1_type.typespec());
// base case for and. Just get an integer.
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("int"));
if ((m_kind == Kind::ADD || m_kind == Kind::SUB) && tc(dts, TypeSpec("pointer"), arg0_type) &&
tc(dts, TypeSpec("pointer"), arg1_type)) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("int"));
if (m_kind == Kind::RIGHT_SHIFT_LOGIC && arg0_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("float") &&
arg1_type.is_integer_constant(63)) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("int"));
if (m_kind == Kind::OR && arg0_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("float") &&
arg1_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("float")) {
env.func->warnings.warning("Using logior on floats");
// returning int instead of uint because they like to use the float sign bit as an integer sign
// bit.
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("float"));
auto& name = env.func->guessed_name;
if (name.kind == FunctionName::FunctionKind::METHOD && name.method_id == 7 &&
env.func->type.arg_count() == 3) {
if (m_kind == Kind::ADD && arg1_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("int")) {
return arg0_type;
// allow shifting stuff for setting bitfields
if (m_kind == Kind::LEFT_SHIFT) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("int");
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Cannot get_type_int2: {}, args {} and {}",
to_form(env.file->labels, env).print(), arg0_type.print(),
TypeState IR2_BranchDelay::propagate_types(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) const {
TypeState output = input;
switch (m_kind) {
case Kind::DSLLV: {
// I believe this is only used in ash. We ignore the shift amount's type and just look
// at the input value. If it's a uint/int based type, we just return uint/int (not the type)
// this will kill any weird stuff like product, etc.
// if it's not an integer type, it's currently an error.
auto dst = m_var[0]->reg();
auto src = m_var[1]->reg();
if (tc(dts, TypeSpec("uint"), output.get(src))) {
output.get(dst) = TP_Type::make_from_ts("uint");
} else if (tc(dts, TypeSpec("int"), output.get(src))) {
output.get(dst) = TP_Type::make_from_ts("int");
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("BranchDelay::type_prop DSLLV for src " + output.get(src).print());
} break;
case Kind::NEGATE:
// to match the behavior in IntMath1, assume signed when negating.
output.get(m_var[0]->reg()) = TP_Type::make_from_ts("int");
case Kind::SET_REG_FALSE:
output.get(m_var[0]->reg()) = TP_Type::make_false();
case Kind::SET_REG_REG:
output.get(m_var[0]->reg()) = output.get(m_var[1]->reg());
case Kind::SET_REG_TRUE:
output.get(m_var[0]->reg()) = TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("symbol"));
case Kind::SET_BINTEGER:
output.get(m_var[0]->reg()) = TP_Type::make_type_no_virtual_object(TypeSpec("binteger"));
case Kind::SET_PAIR:
output.get(m_var[0]->reg()) = TP_Type::make_type_no_virtual_object(TypeSpec("pair"));
case Kind::NOP:
case Kind::NO_DELAY:
throw std::runtime_error("Unhandled branch delay in type_prop: " +
to_form(env.file->labels, env).print());
return output;
// Implementations of propagate_types_internal
TypeState AtomicOp::propagate_types(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) {
// do op-specific type propagation
TypeState result = propagate_types_internal(input, env, dts);
// clobber
for (auto reg : m_clobber_regs) {
result.get(reg) = TP_Type::make_uninitialized();
return result;
TypeState SetVarOp::propagate_types_internal(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) {
TypeState result = input;
if (m_dst.reg().get_kind() == Reg::FPR && m_src.is_identity() && m_src.get_arg(0).is_int() &&
m_src.get_arg(0).get_int() == 0) {
// mtc fX, r0 should be a float type. GOAL was smart enough to do this.
result.get(m_dst.reg()) = TP_Type::make_from_ts("float");
m_source_type = TypeSpec("float");
return result;
auto type = m_src.get_type(input, env, dts);
result.get(m_dst.reg()) = type;
m_source_type = type.typespec();
return result;
TypeState AsmOp::propagate_types_internal(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) {
TypeState result = input;
if (m_instr.kind == InstructionKind::QMFC2) {
result.get(m_dst->reg()) = TP_Type::make_from_ts("float");
return result;
if (m_instr.kind == InstructionKind::PCPYUD) {
if (m_src[1] && m_src[1]->reg() == Register(Reg::GPR, Reg::R0)) {
auto& in_type = result.get(m_src[0]->reg());
auto bf = dynamic_cast<BitFieldType*>(dts.ts.lookup_type(in_type.typespec()));
if (bf) {
result.get(m_dst->reg()) = TP_Type::make_from_pcpyud_bitfield(in_type.typespec());
return result;
// pextuw t0, r0, gp
if (m_instr.kind == InstructionKind::PEXTUW) {
if (m_src[0] && m_src[0]->reg() == Register(Reg::GPR, Reg::R0)) {
auto type = dts.ts.lookup_type(result.get(m_src[1]->reg()).typespec());
auto as_bitfield = dynamic_cast<BitFieldType*>(type);
if (as_bitfield) {
auto field = find_field(dts.ts, as_bitfield, 64, 32, true);
result.get(m_dst->reg()) = TP_Type::make_from_ts(field.type());
return result;
// sllv out, in, r0
if (m_instr.kind == InstructionKind::SLLV &&
instruction().src[1].is_reg(Register(Reg::GPR, Reg::R0))) {
auto type = dts.ts.lookup_type(result.get(m_src[0]->reg()).typespec());
auto as_bitfield = dynamic_cast<BitFieldType*>(type);
if (as_bitfield) {
auto field = find_field(dts.ts, as_bitfield, 0, 32, {});
result.get(m_dst->reg()) = TP_Type::make_from_ts(field.type());
return result;
// srl out, bitfield, int
if (m_instr.kind == InstructionKind::SRL) {
auto type = dts.ts.lookup_type(result.get(m_src[0]->reg()).typespec());
auto as_bitfield = dynamic_cast<BitFieldType*>(type);
if (as_bitfield) {
int sa = m_instr.src[1].get_imm();
int offset = sa;
int size = 32 - offset;
auto field = find_field(dts.ts, as_bitfield, offset, size, {});
result.get(m_dst->reg()) = TP_Type::make_from_ts(coerce_to_reg_type(field.type()));
return result;
if (m_dst.has_value()) {
auto kind = m_dst->reg().get_kind();
if (kind == Reg::FPR) {
result.get(m_dst->reg()) = TP_Type::make_from_ts("float");
} else if (kind == Reg::GPR) {
for (auto& x : m_src) {
if (x && x->reg().get_kind() == Reg::GPR) {
auto src_type = result.get(x->reg()).typespec();
if (dts.ts.tc(TypeSpec("int128"), src_type) || dts.ts.tc(TypeSpec("uint128"), src_type)) {
result.get(m_dst->reg()) = TP_Type::make_from_ts("uint128");
return result;
result.get(m_dst->reg()) = TP_Type::make_from_ts("int");
return result;
TypeState SetVarConditionOp::propagate_types_internal(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) {
TypeState result = input;
result.get(m_dst.reg()) = TP_Type::make_from_ts("symbol");
return result;
TypeState StoreOp::propagate_types_internal(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) {
TypeState output = input;
// look for setting the next state of the current process
IR2_RegOffset ro;
if (get_as_reg_offset(m_addr, &ro)) {
if (ro.reg == Register(Reg::GPR, Reg::S6) && ro.offset == 72) {
output.next_state_type = m_value.get_type(input, env, dts);
return output;
TP_Type LoadVarOp::get_src_type(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) const {
if (m_src.is_identity()) {
auto& src = m_src.get_arg(0);
if (src.is_static_addr()) {
if (m_kind == Kind::FLOAT) {
// assume anything loaded from floating point will be a float.
return TP_Type::make_from_ts("float");
// todo labeldb
auto label_name = env.file->labels.at(src.label()).name;
const auto& hint = env.file->label_db->lookup(label_name);
if (!hint.known) {
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("Label {} was unknown in AtomicOpTypeAnalysis (type).", hint.name));
if (!hint.is_value) {
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("Label {} was used as a value, but wasn't marked as one", hint.name));
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(coerce_to_reg_type(hint.result_type));
// if (m_size == 8) {
// // 8 byte integer constants are always loaded from a static pool
// // this could technically hide loading a different type from inside of a static
// basic. return TP_Type::make_from_ts(dts.ts.make_typespec("uint"));
// }
// REGISTER + OFFSET (possibly 0)
IR2_RegOffset ro;
if (get_as_reg_offset(m_src, &ro)) {
auto& input_type = input.get(ro.reg);
if ((input_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::TYPE_OF_TYPE_OR_CHILD ||
input_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::TYPE_OF_TYPE_NO_VIRTUAL) &&
ro.offset >= 16 && (ro.offset & 3) == 0 && m_size == 4 && m_kind == Kind::UNSIGNED) {
// method get of fixed type
auto type_name = input_type.get_type_objects_typespec().base_type();
auto method_id = (ro.offset - 16) / 4;
auto method_info = dts.ts.lookup_method(type_name, method_id);
auto method_type = method_info.type.substitute_for_method_call(type_name);
if (type_name == "object" && method_id == GOAL_NEW_METHOD) {
// remember that we're an object new.
return TP_Type::make_object_new(method_type);
if (method_id == GOAL_NEW_METHOD) {
return TP_Type::make_non_object_new(method_type, TypeSpec(type_name));
} else if (input_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::TYPE_OF_TYPE_NO_VIRTUAL) {
return TP_Type::make_non_virtual_method(method_type, TypeSpec(type_name), method_id);
} else {
return TP_Type::make_virtual_method(method_type, TypeSpec(type_name), method_id);
if (input_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::TYPESPEC && input_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("type") &&
ro.offset >= 16 && (ro.offset & 3) == 0 && m_size == 4 && m_kind == Kind::UNSIGNED) {
// method get of an unknown type. We assume the most general "object" type.
auto method_id = (ro.offset - 16) / 4;
if (method_id <= (int)GOAL_MEMUSAGE_METHOD) {
auto method_info = dts.ts.lookup_method("object", method_id);
if (method_id != GOAL_NEW_METHOD && method_id != GOAL_RELOC_METHOD) {
// this can get us the wrong thing for `new` methods. And maybe relocate?
return TP_Type::make_non_virtual_method(
method_info.type.substitute_for_method_call("object"), TypeSpec("object"), method_id);
if (input_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("pointer") &&
input_type.kind != TP_Type::Kind::OBJECT_PLUS_PRODUCT_WITH_CONSTANT) {
// we got a plain pointer. let's just assume we're loading an integer.
// perhaps we should disable this feature by default on 4-byte loads if we're getting
// lots of false positives for loading pointers from plain pointers.
switch (m_kind) {
case Kind::UNSIGNED:
switch (m_size) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 4:
case 8:
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("uint"));
case Kind::SIGNED:
switch (m_size) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 4:
case 8:
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("int"));
case Kind::FLOAT:
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("float"));
if (input_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::OBJECT_PLUS_PRODUCT_WITH_CONSTANT) {
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
DerefKind dk;
dk.is_store = false;
dk.reg_kind = get_reg_kind(ro.reg);
dk.sign_extend = m_kind == Kind::SIGNED;
dk.size = m_size;
rd_in.deref = dk;
rd_in.base_type = input_type.get_obj_plus_const_mult_typespec();
rd_in.stride = input_type.get_multiplier();
rd_in.offset = ro.offset;
auto rd = dts.ts.reverse_field_lookup(rd_in);
if (rd.success) {
// load_path_set = true;
// load_path_addr_of = rd.addr_of;
// load_path_base = ro.reg_ir;
// for (auto& x : rd.tokens) {
// load_path.push_back(x.print());
// }
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(coerce_to_reg_type(rd.result_type));
if (input_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::TYPESPEC && ro.offset == -4 && m_kind == Kind::UNSIGNED &&
m_size == 4 && ro.reg.get_kind() == Reg::GPR) {
// get type of basic likely, but misrecognized as an object.
// occurs often in typecase-like structures because other possible types are
// "stripped".
// load_path_base = ro.reg_ir;
// load_path_addr_of = false;
// load_path.push_back("type");
// load_path_set = true;
return TP_Type::make_type_allow_virtual_object(input_type.typespec().base_type());
if (input_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::DYNAMIC_METHOD_ACCESS && ro.offset == 16) {
// access method vtable. The input is type + (4 * method), and the 16 is the offset
// of method 0.
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("function"));
// Assume we're accessing a field of an object.
// if we are a pair with sloppy typing, don't use this and instead use the case down below.
if (input_type.typespec() != TypeSpec("pair") || !env.allow_sloppy_pair_typing()) {
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
DerefKind dk;
dk.is_store = false;
dk.reg_kind = get_reg_kind(ro.reg);
dk.sign_extend = m_kind == Kind::SIGNED;
dk.size = m_size;
rd_in.deref = dk;
rd_in.base_type = input_type.typespec();
rd_in.stride = 0;
rd_in.offset = ro.offset;
auto rd = dts.ts.reverse_field_lookup(rd_in);
if (rd.success) {
if (rd_in.base_type.base_type() == "state" && rd.tokens.size() == 1 &&
rd.tokens.front().kind == FieldReverseLookupOutput::Token::Kind::FIELD &&
rd.tokens.front().name == "enter" && rd_in.base_type.arg_count() > 0) {
// special case for accessing the enter field of state
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(state_to_go_function(rd_in.base_type, TypeSpec("none")));
} else {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(coerce_to_reg_type(rd.result_type));
if (input_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("pointer") ||
input_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::OBJECT_PLUS_PRODUCT_WITH_CONSTANT) {
// we got a plain pointer. let's just assume we're loading an integer.
// perhaps we should disable this feature by default on 4-byte loads if we're getting
// lots of false positives for loading pointers from plain pointers.
switch (m_kind) {
case Kind::UNSIGNED:
switch (m_size) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 4:
case 8:
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("uint"));
case 16:
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("uint128"));
case Kind::SIGNED:
switch (m_size) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 4:
case 8:
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("int"));
case 16:
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("int128"));
case Kind::FLOAT:
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("float"));
if (input_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::INTEGER_CONSTANT_PLUS_VAR &&
input_type.get_integer_constant() == 0) {
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
DerefKind dk;
dk.is_store = false;
dk.reg_kind = get_reg_kind(ro.reg);
dk.sign_extend = m_kind == LoadVarOp::Kind::SIGNED;
dk.size = m_size;
rd_in.deref = dk;
rd_in.base_type = input_type.get_objects_typespec();
rd_in.offset = ro.offset;
auto rd = dts.ts.reverse_field_lookup(rd_in);
if (rd.success) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(coerce_to_reg_type(rd.result_type));
if (input_type.kind == TP_Type::Kind::INTEGER_CONSTANT_PLUS_VAR && ro.offset == 0) {
FieldReverseLookupInput rd_in;
DerefKind dk;
dk.is_store = false;
dk.reg_kind = get_reg_kind(ro.reg);
dk.sign_extend = kind() == LoadVarOp::Kind::SIGNED;
dk.size = size();
rd_in.deref = dk;
rd_in.base_type = input_type.get_objects_typespec();
rd_in.stride = 0;
rd_in.offset = input_type.get_integer_constant();
auto rd = dts.ts.reverse_field_lookup(rd_in);
if (rd.success) {
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(coerce_to_reg_type(rd.result_type));
// rd failed, try as pair.
if (env.allow_sloppy_pair_typing()) {
// we are strict here - only permit pair-type loads from object or pair.
// object is permitted for stuff like association lists where the car is also a pair.
if (m_kind == Kind::SIGNED && m_size == 4 &&
(input_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("object") ||
input_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("pair"))) {
// these rules are of course not always correct or the most specific, but it's the best
// we can do.
if (ro.offset == 2) {
// cdr = another pair.
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("pair"));
} else if (ro.offset == -2) {
// car = some object.
return TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("object"));
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("Could not get type of load: {}. ", to_form(env.file->labels, env).print()));
throw std::runtime_error("LoadVarOp cannot get_src_type: " +
to_form(env.file->labels, env).print());
TypeState LoadVarOp::propagate_types_internal(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) {
if (m_dst.reg().get_kind() == Reg::FPR || m_dst.reg().get_kind() == Reg::GPR) {
TypeState result = input;
auto load_type = get_src_type(input, env, dts);
result.get(m_dst.reg()) = load_type;
m_type = load_type.typespec();
return result;
} else {
// vector float loads show up as LoadVarOps, but we don't want to track types in the
// vector float registers.
return input;
TypeState BranchOp::propagate_types_internal(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) {
return m_branch_delay.propagate_types(input, env, dts);
TypeState SpecialOp::propagate_types_internal(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) {
// none of these write anything. Suspend clobbers, but this is taken care of automatically
switch (m_kind) {
case Kind::NOP:
case Kind::BREAK:
case Kind::CRASH:
case Kind::SUSPEND:
return input;
return input;
TypeState CallOp::propagate_types_internal(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) {
const Reg::Gpr arg_regs[8] = {Reg::A0, Reg::A1, Reg::A2, Reg::A3,
Reg::T0, Reg::T1, Reg::T2, Reg::T3};
TypeState end_types = input;
auto in_tp = input.get(Register(Reg::GPR, Reg::T9));
if (in_tp.kind == TP_Type::Kind::OBJECT_NEW_METHOD &&
!dts.type_prop_settings.current_method_type.empty()) {
// calling object new method. Set the result to a new object of our type
end_types.get(Register(Reg::GPR, Reg::V0)) =
// update the call type
m_call_type = in_tp.get_method_new_object_typespec();
m_call_type.get_arg(m_call_type.arg_count() - 1) =
m_call_type_set = true;
m_read_regs.emplace_back(Reg::GPR, Reg::T9);
for (int i = 0; i < int(m_call_type.arg_count()) - 1; i++) {
m_read_regs.emplace_back(Reg::GPR, arg_regs[i]);
m_arg_vars.push_back(RegisterAccess(AccessMode::READ, m_read_regs.back(), m_my_idx));
return end_types;
auto in_type = in_tp.typespec();
if (in_type.base_type() != "function") {
throw std::runtime_error("Called something that was not a function: " + in_type.print());
// If we call enter-state, update our type.
if (in_tp.kind == TP_Type::Kind::ENTER_STATE_FUNCTION) {
// this is a GO!
auto state_type = input.next_state_type.typespec();
if (state_type.base_type() != "state") {
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("At op {}, called enter-state, but the current next-state has type {}, which "
"is not a valid state.",
m_my_idx, input.next_state_type.print()));
if (state_type.arg_count() == 0) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format(
"At op {}, tried to enter-state, but the type of (-> s6 next-state) is just a plain "
"state. The decompiler must know the specific state type.",
in_type = state_to_go_function(state_type, TypeSpec("object"));
if (in_tp.kind == TP_Type::Kind::RUN_FUNCTION_IN_PROCESS_FUNCTION ||
in_tp.kind == TP_Type::Kind::SET_TO_RUN_FUNCTION) {
auto func_to_run_type = input.get(Register(Reg::GPR, arg_regs[1]));
auto func_to_run_ts = func_to_run_type.typespec();
if (func_to_run_ts.base_type() != "function" || func_to_run_ts.arg_count() == 0 ||
func_to_run_ts.arg_count() > 7) {
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("Call to run-function-in-process or set-to-run at op {} with an invalid "
"function type: {}",
m_my_idx, func_to_run_type.print()));
std::vector<TypeSpec> new_arg_types;
if (in_tp.kind == TP_Type::Kind::RUN_FUNCTION_IN_PROCESS_FUNCTION) {
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < func_to_run_ts.arg_count() - 1; i++) {
in_type = TypeSpec("function", new_arg_types);
if (in_type.arg_count() < 1) {
throw std::runtime_error("Called a function, but we do not know its type");
if (in_type.arg_count() == 2 && in_type.get_arg(0) == TypeSpec("_varargs_")) {
// we're calling a varags function, which is format. We can determine the argument count
// by looking at the format string, if we can get it.
auto arg_type = input.get(Register(Reg::GPR, Reg::A1));
auto can_determine_argc = arg_type.can_be_format_string();
auto dynamic_string = false;
if (!can_determine_argc && arg_type.typespec() == TypeSpec("string")) {
// dynamic string. use manual lookup table.
dynamic_string = true;
if (can_determine_argc || dynamic_string) {
int arg_count = -1;
if (dynamic_string) {
arg_count = dts.get_dynamic_format_arg_count(env.func->name(), m_my_idx);
} else if (arg_type.is_constant_string()) {
auto& str = arg_type.get_string();
arg_count = dts.get_format_arg_count(str);
} else {
// is format string.
arg_count = arg_type.get_format_string_arg_count();
if (arg_count + 2 > 8) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"Call to `format` pushed the arg-count beyond the acceptable arg limit (8), do you "
"need to add "
"a code to the ignore lists?");
TypeSpec format_call_type("function");
format_call_type.add_arg(TypeSpec("object")); // destination
format_call_type.add_arg(TypeSpec("string")); // format string
for (int i = 0; i < arg_count; i++) {
arg_count += 2; // for destination and format string.
m_call_type = format_call_type;
m_call_type_set = true;
end_types.get(Register(Reg::GPR, Reg::V0)) = TP_Type::make_from_ts(in_type.last_arg());
// we can also update register usage here.
m_read_regs.emplace_back(Reg::GPR, Reg::T9);
for (int i = 0; i < arg_count; i++) {
m_read_regs.emplace_back(Reg::GPR, arg_regs[i]);
m_arg_vars.push_back(RegisterAccess(AccessMode::READ, m_read_regs.back(), m_my_idx));
return end_types;
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get appropriate string for _varags_ call, got " +
// set the call type!
m_call_type = in_type;
m_call_type_set = true;
end_types.get(Register(Reg::GPR, Reg::V0)) = TP_Type::make_from_ts(in_type.last_arg());
if (in_tp.kind == TP_Type::Kind::NON_OBJECT_NEW_METHOD &&
in_type.last_arg() == TypeSpec("array")) {
// array new:
auto& a2 = input.get(Register(Reg::GPR, arg_regs[2])); // elt type
auto& a0 = input.get(Register(Reg::GPR, arg_regs[0])); // allocation
if (a2.kind == TP_Type::Kind::TYPE_OF_TYPE_NO_VIRTUAL &&
in_tp.method_from_type() == TypeSpec("array") && a0.is_symbol()) {
end_types.get(Register(Reg::GPR, Reg::V0)) =
TP_Type::make_from_ts(TypeSpec("array", {a2.get_type_objects_typespec()}));
// we can also update register usage here.
m_read_regs.emplace_back(Reg::GPR, Reg::T9);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < in_type.arg_count() - 1; i++) {
m_read_regs.emplace_back(Reg::GPR, arg_regs[i]);
m_arg_vars.push_back(RegisterAccess(AccessMode::READ, m_read_regs.back(), m_my_idx));
// _always_ write the v0 register, even if the function returns none.
// GOAL seems to insert coloring moves even on functions returning none.
m_write_regs.emplace_back(Reg::GPR, Reg::V0);
return end_types;
TypeState ConditionalMoveFalseOp::propagate_types_internal(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) {
// these should only appear when paired with a (set! dest #t) earlier, so this expression
// shouldn't set any types. Still, double check and override if this fails.
TypeState result = input;
if (result.get(m_dst.reg()).typespec() != TypeSpec("symbol")) {
lg::warn("Conditional Moved #f into something of type {}",
result.get(m_dst.reg()) = TP_Type::make_from_ts("symbol");
return result;
TypeState FunctionEndOp::propagate_types_internal(const TypeState& input,
const Env&,
DecompilerTypeSystem&) {
return input;
void FunctionEndOp::mark_function_as_no_return_value() {
m_function_has_return_value = false;
TypeState AsmBranchOp::propagate_types_internal(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) {
if (m_branch_delay) {
return m_branch_delay->propagate_types(input, env, dts);
// for now, just make everything uint
TypeState output = input;
for (auto x : m_write_regs) {
if (x.allowed_local_gpr()) {
output.get(x) = TP_Type::make_from_ts("uint");
return output;
TypeState StackSpillLoadOp::propagate_types_internal(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
DecompilerTypeSystem&) {
// stack slot load
auto& info = env.stack_spills().lookup(m_offset);
if (info.size != m_size) {
env.func->warnings.warning("Stack slot load at {} mismatch: defined as size {}, got size {}",
m_offset, info.size, m_size);
if (info.is_signed != m_is_signed) {
env.func->warnings.warning("Stack slot offset {} signed mismatch", m_offset);
auto& loaded_type = input.get_slot(m_offset);
auto result = input;
result.get(m_dst.reg()) = loaded_type;
return result;
TypeState StackSpillStoreOp::propagate_types_internal(const TypeState& input,
const Env& env,
DecompilerTypeSystem& dts) {
auto& info = env.stack_spills().lookup(m_offset);
if (info.size != m_size) {
env.func->warnings.error("Stack slot store mismatch: defined as size {}, got size {}\n",
info.size, m_size);
auto stored_type = m_value.get_type(input, env, dts);
auto result = input;
result.spill_slots[m_offset] = stored_type;
return result;
} // namespace decompiler