ManDude 0ce5835818
Create a new format for particle definitions (defpart) (#2572)
Updates the decompiler for the new format and there's new macros. This
new format should be easier to read/parse.

Also rewrote `sp-init-fields!` (both jak 1 and 2) from assembly to GOAL.

Hopefully I did not miss any regressions in Jak 1/2 while updating the
files, it's a lot.
2023-04-29 11:01:47 -04:00

263 lines
7.9 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: ctyfarmb-part.gc
;; name in dgo: ctyfarmb-part
;; dgos: CFB, CFA
(deftype ctyfarmb-part (part-spawner)
:heap-base #x30
:method-count-assert 16
:size-assert #xb0
:flag-assert #x10003000b0
(defpartgroup group-ctyfarmb-light
:id 1034
:flags (unk-8)
:bounds (static-bspherem 0 0 0 8)
:parts ((sp-item 4500 :fade-after (meters 200) :flags (bit6) :hour-mask #b111111111110000000)
(sp-item 4501 :fade-after (meters 200) :flags (bit6) :hour-mask #b111111111110000000)
(defpart 4500
:init-specs ((:texture (new 'static 'texture-id :index #xbb :page #xc))
(:num 1.0)
(:scale-x (meters 2.5) (meters 0.1))
(:rot-x (degrees 9))
(:rot-z (degrees -17))
(:scale-y :copy scale-x)
(:r 255.0)
(:g 255.0)
(:b 255.0)
(:a 20.0)
(:omega (degrees 4515.75))
(:timer (seconds 0.017))
(:flags (sp-cpuinfo-flag-2 sp-cpuinfo-flag-3 glow))
(:userdata 819.2)
(defpart 4501
:init-specs ((:texture (new 'static 'texture-id :index #xbb :page #xc))
(:num 1.0)
(:scale-x (meters 12) (meters 0.1))
(:rot-x (degrees 9))
(:rot-z (degrees -17))
(:scale-y :copy scale-x)
(:r 255.0)
(:g 255.0 255.0)
(:b 255.0)
(:a 12.0)
(:omega (degrees 4515.75))
(:timer (seconds 0.017))
(:flags (sp-cpuinfo-flag-2 sp-cpuinfo-flag-3 glow))
(:userdata 819.2)
(defpartgroup group-ctyfarmb-drip-1
:id 1035
:flags (unk-8)
:bounds (static-bspherem 0 -4 0 16)
:parts ((sp-item 4502 :fade-after (meters 140) :falloff-to (meters 140)))
(defun birth-func-ctyfarmb-drip ((arg0 int) (arg1 sparticle-cpuinfo) (arg2 sparticle-launchinfo))
"Create a new dirt drip, don't go below the ocean or the ground"
(let ((s4-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'collide-query)))
(set! (-> s4-0 start-pos quad) (-> arg2 launchrot quad))
(set-vector! (-> s4-0 move-dist) 0.0 -163840.0 0.0 1.0)
(let ((v1-2 s4-0))
(set! (-> v1-2 radius) 40.96)
(set! (-> v1-2 collide-with) (collide-spec backgnd))
(set! (-> v1-2 ignore-process0) #f)
(set! (-> v1-2 ignore-process1) #f)
(set! (-> v1-2 ignore-pat) (new 'static 'pat-surface :noentity #x1 :nojak #x1 :probe #x1 :noendlessfall #x1))
(set! (-> v1-2 action-mask) (collide-action solid))
(fill-using-line-sphere *collide-cache* s4-0)
((>= (probe-using-line-sphere *collide-cache* s4-0) 0.0)
(set! (-> arg1 user-float) (-> s4-0 best-other-tri intersect y))
(set! (-> arg1 datab 0) (the int (* 127.0 (-> s4-0 best-other-tri normal x))))
(set! (-> arg1 datab 1) (the int (* 127.0 (-> s4-0 best-other-tri normal y))))
(set! (-> arg1 datab 2) (the int (* 127.0 (-> s4-0 best-other-tri normal z))))
(set! (-> arg1 datab 3) (the-as int (-> s4-0 best-other-tri pat event)))
(set! (-> arg1 omega) 65280.0)
(set! (-> arg1 user-float) (+ -204800.0 (-> arg2 launchrot y)))
(let ((f0-19 (get-height *ocean* (-> arg2 launchrot) #f)))
(when (!= f0-19 4095996000.0)
(when (< (-> arg1 user-float) f0-19)
(set! (-> arg1 user-float) f0-19)
(set! (-> arg1 datab 0) 0)
(set! (-> arg1 datab 1) 127)
(set! (-> arg1 datab 2) 0)
(set! (-> arg1 datab 3) 0)
(defun check-drop-level-ctyfarmb-drop-userdata ((arg0 sparticle-system) (arg1 sparticle-cpuinfo) (arg2 matrix))
"Ensure water drop particle effects don't go below the provided y-value, render the splash"
(when (< (-> arg2 vector 0 y) (-> arg1 user-float))
(let ((s3-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)))
(sp-kill-particle arg0 arg1)
(set-vector! s3-0 (-> arg2 vector 0 x) (-> arg1 user-float) (-> arg2 vector 0 z) 1.0)
(if (< (vector-vector-distance (camera-pos) s3-0) 204800.0)
(sound-play "dirt-drips" :position s3-0)
(let ((t9-5 sp-launch-particles-var)
(a0-7 *sp-particle-system-2d*)
(a1-4 (-> *part-id-table* 4503))
(a2-2 *launch-matrix*)
(set! (-> a2-2 trans quad) (-> s3-0 quad))
(t9-5 a0-7 a1-4 a2-2 (the-as sparticle-launch-state #f) (the-as sparticle-launch-control #f) 1.0)
(let ((t9-6 sp-launch-particles-var)
(a0-8 *sp-particle-system-3d*)
(a1-5 (-> *part-id-table* 4504))
(a2-3 *launch-matrix*)
(set! (-> a2-3 trans quad) (-> s3-0 quad))
(t9-6 a0-8 a1-5 a2-3 (the-as sparticle-launch-state #f) (the-as sparticle-launch-control #f) 1.0)
(sparticle-motion-blur arg0 arg1 (the-as vector arg2))
(defpart 4503
:init-specs ((:texture (new 'static 'texture-id :index #x21 :page #xc))
(:num 1.0)
(:scale-x (meters 0.1) (meters 0.05))
(:rot-x 4)
(:scale-y :copy scale-x)
(:r 32.0 32.0)
(:g 32.0 32.0)
(:b 64.0 32.0)
(:a 32.0 32.0)
(:omega (degrees 0.045))
(:vel-y (meters 0.016666668) (meters 0.03))
(:fade-a -0.16)
(:accel-y (meters -0.001) (meters -0.00016666666))
(:friction 0.97)
(:timer (seconds 0.667))
(:flags (sp-cpuinfo-flag-2 sp-cpuinfo-flag-3))
(:func 'sparticle-motion-blur)
(:next-time (seconds 0) (seconds 0.747))
(:next-launcher 4505)
(:conerot-x (degrees 0) (degrees 60))
(:conerot-y (degrees 0) (degrees 360))
(:rotate-y (degrees 180))
(defpart 4505
:init-specs ((:r 255.0) (:g 255.0) (:b 255.0) (:next-time (seconds 0.017)) (:next-launcher 4506))
(defpart 4506
:init-specs ((:r 32.0 32.0) (:g 32.0 32.0) (:b 64.0 32.0) (:next-time (seconds 0) (seconds 1.497)) (:next-launcher 4505))
(defpart 4504
:init-specs ((:texture (new 'static 'texture-id :index #xc9 :page #xc))
(:num 1.0)
(:y (meters 0.2))
(:scale-x (meters 0.5) (meters 0.25))
(:scale-y :copy scale-x)
(:r 32.0 32.0)
(:g 32.0 32.0)
(:b 64.0 32.0)
(:a 32.0 32.0)
(:omega (degrees 0))
(:scalevel-x (meters 0.006666667) (meters 0.006666667))
(:scalevel-y :copy scalevel-x)
(:fade-a -0.8)
(:timer (seconds 1))
(:flags (sp-cpuinfo-flag-2 sp-cpuinfo-flag-3 sp-cpuinfo-flag-14))
(:userdata :data (new 'static 'boxed-array :type int32 10 0 0 #xc0c900 #xc02600 #xc03300 #xc02c00))
(:func 'sparticle-texture-animate)
(defpart 4502
:init-specs ((:texture (new 'static 'texture-id :index #x21 :page #xc))
(:birth-func 'birth-func-ctyfarmb-drip)
(:num 0.05)
(:scale-x (meters 0))
(:rot-x 4)
(:scale-y :copy scale-x)
(:r 32.0 32.0)
(:g 32.0 32.0)
(:b 64.0 32.0)
(:a 0.0)
(:vel-z (meters 0))
(:scalevel-x (meters 0.00044444445))
(:scalevel-y :copy scalevel-x)
(:fade-a 0.28444445)
(:friction 0.93 0.02)
(:timer (seconds 3))
(:flags (sp-cpuinfo-flag-2 sp-cpuinfo-flag-3 sp-cpuinfo-flag-12 use-global-acc))
(:userdata 0.0)
(:func 'check-drop-level-rain2)
(:next-time (seconds 0.75) (seconds 0.747))
(:next-launcher 4507)
(defpart 4507
:init-specs ((:a 128.0)
(:fade-a 0.0)
(:accel-y (meters -0.006666667) (meters 0.00066666666))
(:friction 0.93 0.02)
(:next-time (seconds 0) (seconds 0.747))
(:next-launcher 4505)
(defpartgroup group-ctyfarmb-wall-bubbles
:id 1036
:flags (unk-4)
:bounds (static-bspherem 0 0 0 32)
:parts ((sp-item 4508 :fade-after (meters 80) :falloff-to (meters 80) :flags (bit7)))
(defpart 4508
:init-specs ((:texture (new 'static 'texture-id :index #x21 :page #xc))
(:num 0.5)
(:x (meters -0.75) (meters 1.5))
(:z (meters -4))
(:scale-x (meters 0.1) (meters 0.2))
(:rot-x 4)
(:scale-y :copy scale-x)
(:r 16.0 16.0)
(:g 64.0 16.0)
(:b 32.0 32.0)
(:a 32.0 64.0)
(:vel-z (meters 0.013333334) (meters 0.0033333334))
(:rotvel-z (degrees -1.2) (degrees 2.4))
(:timer (seconds 2))
(:flags (sp-cpuinfo-flag-2 sp-cpuinfo-flag-3))
(:rotate-y (degrees 0))
(:rotate-z (degrees 0) (degrees 3600))