water111 3afd99a8e3
[graphics] partial tfrag implementation (#958)
* temp

* some decomp

* tfrag dma setup

* fix negative label bug

* tfrag dma setup

* tfrag, with pipeline tricks

* kinda works

* cleanup before trying some color stuff

* time of day works

* clean up

* temp before render changes

* a few more fixes

* fix up tests

* clean up

* fix

* fix alignment

* one more cleanup
2021-11-13 20:44:17 -05:00

808 lines
25 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: main.gc
;; name in dgo: main
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
;; Letterbox and blackout
(defun set-letterbox-frames ((arg0 int))
"Set the letterbox frame counter for arg0 frames in the future"
(let ((v0-0 (+ (current-time) arg0)))
(set! (-> *game-info* letterbox-time) v0-0)
(defun letterbox ()
"Draw the letterbox black rectangles"
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((dma-buf (-> (current-frame) global-buf))
(bucket-id debug-draw1)) ;; debug-draw1 is one of the last buckets
;; draw the two sprites
(draw-sprite2d-xy dma-buf 0 0 512 25 (new 'static 'rgba :a #x80))
(draw-sprite2d-xy dma-buf 0 199 512 26 (new 'static 'rgba :a #x80))
(defun set-blackout-frames ((arg0 int))
"Set the blackout frame counter. If arg0 is 0, disables blackout immediately.
Otherwise, this can only be used to increase the blackout period."
((zero? arg0)
(set! (-> *game-info* blackout-time) (current-time))
(set! (-> *game-info* blackout-time) (max (the int (-> *game-info* blackout-time))
(the int (+ (current-time) arg0))))
(defun blackout ()
"Draw the blackout rectangle, convering the entire screen in darkness."
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((dma-buf (-> (current-frame) global-buf))
(bucket-id debug-draw1)) ;; debug-draw1 is one of the last buckets
(draw-sprite2d-xy dma-buf 0 0 512 224 (new 'static 'rgba :a #x80))
;; Pause/Master Mode
(defun paused? ()
"Are we paused? True if *master-mode* = pause, progress is not hidden, or *master-mode* = menu"
(the-as symbol
(or (= *master-mode* 'pause)
(or (and *progress-process* (not (hidden? (-> *progress-process* 0))))
(= *master-mode* 'menu)
(defun movie? ()
"Are we in a movie?"
(logtest? (-> *kernel-context* prevent-from-run) (process-mask movie))
(defun set-master-mode ((new-mode symbol))
"Update pause masks for the given mode, and set *master-mode*"
(set! *master-mode* new-mode)
(if *debug-segment*
(case *master-mode*
;; request the pause mask to be set in prevent-from-run.
;; this will block any process with pause from running, pausing most game objects.
(if (not *debug-pause*)
(logior! (-> *setting-control* default process-mask) (process-mask pause))
;; allow the menu to run.
(logclear! (-> *setting-control* default process-mask) (process-mask menu))
;; ??
(set! *pause-lock* #f)
(sound-group-pause (the-as uint 255))
;; I believe these masks are just to make the progress go away work.
(logior! (-> *setting-control* default process-mask) (process-mask menu))
(logclear! (-> *setting-control* default process-mask) (process-mask pause progress))
(set! *pause-lock* #f)
;; allow menu to run while in progress.
(logclear! (-> *setting-control* default process-mask) (process-mask menu))
;; activate the progress menu.
(when (not *progress-process*)
(activate-progress *dproc* (progress-screen fuel-cell))
(if (not *progress-process*) ;; if it doesn't want to activate, back to game.
(set-master-mode 'game)
;; allow pausable/menu to run.
(logclear! (-> *setting-control* default process-mask) (process-mask pause menu))
;; (sound-group-continue (the-as uint 255)) TODO (we need to flush sound commands)
;; apply settings now.
(copy-settings-from-target! *setting-control*)
(define *last-master-mode* 'game)
(defun toggle-pause ()
"Do pause/menu/progress transitions"
(case *master-mode*
;; coming from normal gameplay
(set! *last-master-mode* *master-mode*)
;; first, check if the controller fell out, and jak is spawned
((and (nonzero? (logand (-> *cpad-list* cpads 0 valid) 128)) *target*)
(if (or *progress-process*
(not (-> *setting-control* current allow-pause))
'pause ;; no controller, jak spawned, no progress open, pause allowed.
;; try to open the debug menu:
((cpad-hold? 0 r3)
;; R3 pushed, no target.
(if *debug-segment*
'menu ;; go to debug menu, when in debug mode.
;; debug mode pause allowed with select or R2.
((and (or (cpad-hold? 0 select)
(cpad-hold? 0 r2)
;; pushing select or R2, and debug. allow pause.
;; ignore anything below here, unless we are pressing start, or debug.
((and (not *debug-segment*)
(zero? (logand (-> *cpad-list* cpads 0 button0-abs 0) (pad-buttons start)))
;; if you pressed start, and progress isn't allowed, but pause is, do a pause.
((not (progress-allowed?))
(if (pause-allowed?)
;; pushing start.
((cpad-hold? 0 start)
;; toggle between progress/game
(if *progress-process*
;; nothing requested, stay in game.
;; in debug menu
;; push R3 to exit to previous master mode.
((cpad-hold? 0 r3)
;; select/R2 to pause.
((cpad-hold? 0 select r2)
(if *debug-segment*
*master-mode* ;; not sure we can get to menu in non-debug...
((and (not (movie?)) (not *progress-process*))
(if (not *target*)
(set! *pause-lock*
(and *cheat-mode*
(logand (-> *cpad-list* cpads 0 button0-abs 0) (pad-buttons r2))
(set! *last-master-mode* *master-mode*)
;; pause -> debug menu
((cpad-hold? 0 r3)
(if *debug-segment*
;; pause -> single frame advance (R2)
((and *cheat-mode*
(cpad-hold? 0 select r2)
;; pause -> game
((cpad-hold? 0 start)
(set! *pause-lock*
(and *cheat-mode* (cpad-hold? 0 r2))
;; progress -> debug
((cpad-hold? 0 r3)
(if *debug-segment*
;; un-progress
(if (cpad-hold? 0 start)
(set! *pause-lock*
(and *cheat-mode* (cpad-hold? 0 r2))
(define *screen-filter*
(new 'static 'screen-filter
:draw? #f
:color (new 'static 'rgba :g #x20 :b #x40 :a #x50)
(defmethod draw screen-filter ((obj screen-filter))
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((buf (-> (current-frame) global-buf)) (bucket-id debug-draw1))
(draw-sprite2d-xy buf -256 (- (-> *video-parms* screen-hy)) 512 (-> *video-parms* screen-sy) (-> obj color))
;; Cheat Codes
(define *cheat-temp* (the-as (pointer int32) (malloc 'global 20))) ;; 16 -> 20 (PAL)
(define *master-exit* #f)
(define *progress-cheat* #f)
(define *first-boot* #t) ;; PAL
(defmacro cheats-sound-play (cheat?)
"play the appropriate sound for inputting a cheat code"
`(if ,cheat?
(sound-play-by-name (static-sound-name "select-menu") (new-sound-id) 1024 0 0 1 #t)
(sound-play-by-name (static-sound-name "cursor-options") (new-sound-id) 1024 0 0 1 #t)
(defun main-cheats ()
"Handle cheat codes and timeout"
;; look for codes when L3 is pushed
(when (and (cpad-hold? 0 l3)
(or *cheat-mode* (= *kernel-boot-message* 'play)) ;; not in demo
;; cheat mode
(check-cheat-code (-> *cheat-temp* 0) 0
(up up down down left right left right x x square circle square circle)
(cpad-clear-buttons! 0 r1)
;; toggle!
(not! *cheat-mode*)
(cheats-sound-play *cheat-mode*)
;; debug mode
(when *cheat-mode*
(check-cheat-code (-> *cheat-temp* 1) 0
(circle square circle square x x right left right left down down up up)
(cpad-clear-buttons! 0 r1)
;; toggle between #t and debug.
(set! *cheat-mode* (if (= *cheat-mode* 'debug)
(cheats-sound-play *cheat-mode*)
;; language cheat
(case (scf-get-territory)
;; japan-only
(check-cheat-code (-> *cheat-temp* 2) 0
(l1 r1 l1 r1 triangle circle x square)
(cpad-clear-buttons! 0 r1)
(set! *progress-cheat* (if *progress-cheat*
(cheats-sound-play *progress-cheat*)
;; debug only PAL cheat
(when *debug-segment*
(check-cheat-code (-> *cheat-temp* 3) 0
(x square triangle circle x square triangle circle)
(cpad-clear-buttons! 0 r1)
(set! *progress-cheat* (if *progress-cheat*
(cheats-sound-play *progress-cheat*)
;; added in PAL
(check-cheat-code (-> *cheat-temp* 4) 0 ;; they erroneously used (-> *cheat-temp* 5) here!
(triangle x circle square triangle x circle square)
(cpad-clear-buttons! 0 r1)
(set! *cheat-mode* (if (= *cheat-mode* 'camera)
(if (not *external-cam-mode*)
(set! *external-cam-mode* 'pad-1)
(sound-play-by-name (static-sound-name "select-menu") (new-sound-id) 1024 0 0 1 #t)
(set! *external-cam-mode* #f)
(sound-play-by-name (static-sound-name "cursor-options") (new-sound-id) 1024 0 0 1 #t)
;; debug cheats on retail builds
(when (and (= *cheat-mode* 'debug) (not *debug-segment*))
;; target start/stop with l1/r1/l2/r2
(when (and (cpad-hold? 0 l1)
(cpad-hold? 0 l2)
(cpad-hold? 0 r1)
(cpad-pressed? 0 r2)
(if *target*
(stop 'debug)
(start 'play (get-or-create-continue! *game-info*))
;; reinitialize to title-start with left, up, select
(if (and (cpad-hold? 0 left)
(cpad-hold? 0 up)
(cpad-pressed? 0 select)
(initialize! *game-info* 'game (the-as game-save #f) "title-start")
;; push R3 to print global heap status. not very useful.
(if (cpad-pressed? 1 r3)
(inspect global)
;; push R3 to display IOP memory stats
(when (cpad-hold? 1 r3)
;; grab a dma buffer
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((dma-buff (if *debug-segment*
(-> (current-frame) debug-buf)
(-> (current-frame) global-buf)
(bucket-id debug-draw0))
(show-iop-memory dma-buff)
;; push triangle to see level info
(if (cpad-pressed? 1 triangle)
(not! *display-level-border*)
;; handle timeouts
(when (!= *kernel-boot-message* 'play) ;; not regular game mode?
(let ((timeout (scf-get-timeout))
(inactive-timeout (scf-get-inactive-timeout))
(when (and (or
;; aboslute timout elapsed.
(and (nonzero? timeout)
(>= (the-as int (+ -300000 (the-as int (-> *display* real-frame-counter))))
(the int (* 300.0 (the float timeout)))
(and (nonzero? inactive-timeout)
(>= (the-as int (- (current-time) (cpad-change-time 0)))
(the int (* 300.0 (the float inactive-timeout)))
(= *master-exit* 'force)
(!= *master-exit* #t)
;; spawn a process that blacks out the screen, turns things off, and kills the game.
(if (make-function-process process :stack *scratch-memory-top*
(lambda :behavior process ()
(set-blackout-frames (seconds 100))
(set! (-> *setting-control* default allow-pause) #f)
(set! (-> *setting-control* default allow-progress) #f)
(copy-settings-from-target! *setting-control*)
(set! (-> *setting-control* default sfx-volume) 0.0)
(set! (-> *setting-control* default music-volume) 0.0)
(set! (-> *setting-control* default dialog-volume) 0.0)
(set! (-> *setting-control* default ambient-volume) 0.0)
(let ((gp-0 (current-time)))
(until (>= (the-as int (- (current-time) gp-0)) (seconds 0.1))
(set! *master-exit* #t) ;; process created successfully, set to exit
(defbehavior display-loop process ()
"This is in progress..."
;; increase our stack size.
(stack-size-set! (-> self main-thread) 512)
(let ((disp *display*))
;; todo spad terrain context
(set! *teleport* #t)
(update-per-frame-settings! *setting-control*)
;;(init-time-of-day-context *time-of-day-context*) TODO
(display-sync disp)
(swap-display disp)
;; touching list
;; bler init
;; collide dma
(while *run*
;; blerc
;; texscroll
;; ripple
;; music pick
;; sound/flava
;; do ambients
;; math engine.
(add-ee-profile-frame 'draw :r #x40 :b #x40)
;; debug hook
;; update-camera
(add-ee-profile-frame 'draw :g #x80)
(add-ee-profile-frame 'draw :g #x40)
;; (make-current-level-available-to-progress) TODO target
;; update-task-hints
(load-level-text-files -1)
(add-ee-profile-frame 'unknown-cpu-time)
;; collect perf stats
(read! (-> *perf-stats* data (perf-stat-bucket all-code)))
(when (nonzero? (sync-path 0 0))
(if *debug-segment*
(format 0 "profile bar at ~D.~%" (-> (current-frame) profile-bar 1 profile-frame-count))
(reset! (-> *perf-stats* data (perf-stat-bucket all-code)))
;; depth cue
;; screen filter
;; run letterbox if needed
(when (or (movie?)
(< (the-as int (current-time))
(the-as int (-> *game-info* letterbox-time))
(if (< (the-as int (-> *game-info* letterbox-time))
(the-as int (current-time))
(set! (-> *game-info* letterbox-time) (current-time))
(if (= (-> *setting-control* current aspect-ratio) 'aspect4x3)
;; do blackout if needed.
(if (< (the-as int (current-time))
(the-as int (-> *game-info* blackout-time))
(set! (-> *setting-control* default bg-a-force) 1.0)
(set! (-> *setting-control* default bg-a-force) 0.0)
(read! (-> *perf-stats* data (perf-stat-bucket all-code)))
;; grab a buffer for drawing debug stuff.
;; we might draw even outside of debug mode if cheat-mode is disabled.
(let ((debug-txt-buf
(-> (if *debug-segment*
(-> disp frames (-> disp on-screen) frame debug-buf)
(-> disp frames (-> disp on-screen) frame global-buf)
;; debug drawing
(when *debug-segment*
(debug-draw-buffers) ;; lines/text
;; debug dma
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((debug-buf (-> disp frames (-> disp on-screen) frame debug-buf))
(bucket-id debug-draw1))
(when *display-profile*
(dma-buffer-add-gs-set debug-buf
(alpha-1 (new 'static 'gs-alpha :b 1 :d 1))
(zbuf-1 (new 'static 'gs-zbuf :zbp #x1c0 :psm (gs-psm ct24) :zmsk 1))
(test-1 (new 'static 'gs-test :zte 1 :ztst (gs-ztest always)))
(pabe 0)
(clamp-1 (new 'static 'gs-clamp :wms (gs-tex-wrap-mode clamp) :wmt (gs-tex-wrap-mode clamp)))
(tex1-1 (new 'static 'gs-tex1 :mmag 1 :mmin 1))
(texa (new 'static 'gs-texa :ta1 #x80))
(texclut (new 'static 'gs-texclut :cbw 4))
(fogcol *fog-color*)
;; draw the profile bars
(dotimes (s2-0 2)
(let ((s1-0 (-> disp frames (-> disp on-screen) frame profile-bar s2-0)))
(add-end-frame s1-0 'end-draw (static-rgba #x40 #x40 #x40 #x40))
(draw s1-0 debug-buf (* 10 s2-0))
) ;; end profiler draw
(when *display-deci-count*
(draw-string-xy (string-format "~D" *deci-count*) debug-buf 448 210 (font-color default) (font-flags shadow kerning))
;; added
; (format *stdcon* "~3Lglobal heap at ~,,2fK remaining~0L~%"
; (* (1/ 1024) (&- (-> global top) (-> global current))))
(format *stdcon* "~3Lglob: ~d free debug: ~d free~0L~%"
(dma-buffer-free (-> disp frames (-> disp on-screen) frame global-buf))
(dma-buffer-free (-> disp frames (-> disp on-screen) frame debug-buf))
;; added, prints some level status.
(dotimes (i 2)
(let ((level-heap (-> *level* level i heap)))
(format *stdcon* "~17Llevel ~d: ~A ~A ~,,2fK remaining~0L~%"
(-> *level* level i name)
(-> *level* level i status)
(* (1/ 1024) (&- (-> level-heap top) (-> level-heap current)))
) ;; end dma let
) ;; end debug-segment
;; draw pause text.
(with-dma-buffer-add-bucket ((s3-1 (if *debug-segment*
(-> disp frames (-> disp on-screen) frame debug-buf)
(-> disp frames (-> disp on-screen) frame global-buf)
(bucket-id debug-draw0))
(if (and (= *master-mode* 'pause) (!= *cheat-mode* 'camera))
(draw-string-xy (lookup-text! *common-text* (game-text-id pause) #f)
s3-1 256 160 (font-color orange-red) (font-flags shadow kerning middle large))
;; draw console text on screen
(let ((a3-8 (the int (draw-string *stdcon0* s3-1 *font-context*))))
(draw-string-xy *stdcon1* s3-1 (the int (-> *font-context* origin x)) a3-8 (font-color default) (font-flags shadow kerning))
;; draw misc info
(if *display-iop-info*
(show-iop-info s3-1)
(if *display-memcard-info*
(show-mc-info s3-1)
(let ((v1-220 *dma-mem-usage*))
(when (nonzero? v1-220)
(set! (-> v1-220 length) (max 85 (-> v1-220 length)))
(set! (-> v1-220 data 84 name) "debug")
(+! (-> v1-220 data 84 count) 1)
(+! (-> v1-220 data 84 used)
(&- (-> (if *debug-segment*
(-> disp frames (-> disp on-screen) frame debug-buf)
(-> disp frames (-> disp on-screen) frame global-buf)
(the-as uint debug-txt-buf)
(set! (-> v1-220 data 84 total) (-> v1-220 data 84 used))
;; console buffers
(set! *stdcon* (clear *stdcon0*))
;; <--------------------------- SWAP DISPLAY!
(swap-display disp)
;; teleport stuff
;; perf stats
;; vif0 collide
;; swap sound
;; str play
(level-update *level*) ;; also updates settings.
;; auto save check
;; suspend
(defun on ((release-mode symbol))
"Turn the game on."
(when (not *dproc*)
(unless release-mode
(if (= (-> *level* level0 status) 'inactive)
(bg 'halfpipe)
(set! *run* #t)
(let ((new-dproc (make-function-process process display-loop :name 'display
:from *4k-dead-pool* :to *display-pool*)))
(set! *dproc* (the process (ppointer->process new-dproc)))
((or (level-get-with-status *level* 'loaded)
(level-get-with-status *level* 'alive)
(level-get-with-status *level* 'active)
(activate-levels! *level*)
(when (not release-mode)
(let ((entity-cam (entity-by-type camera-start)))
(if (and entity-cam (type-type? (-> entity-cam type) entity-actor))
(camera-teleport-to-entity entity-cam)
(kill-by-name 'display *active-pool*)
(set! *dproc* #f)
(defun off ()
"Turn the game off."
;; stop the game and set the mode to debug
(stop 'debug)
;; deactivate the levels
(dotimes (i (-> *level* length))
(let ((lev (-> *level* level i)))
(if (= (-> lev status) 'active)
(deactivate lev)
(set! *run* #f)