
332 lines
12 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
(defun hack-update-camera ((location vector) (inv-rot matrix))
"Debugging function to set the camera's position and orientation"
;; update to compute the perspective matrix.
(-> *math-camera* fov)
;; need to set this - math-camera starts up wrong
(set-video-mode 'ntsc)
;; copy the input rotation
(matrix-copy! (-> *math-camera* inv-camera-rot) inv-rot)
;; inverse of rotation matrix matrix is its transpose
(matrix-transpose! (-> *math-camera* camera-rot) (-> *math-camera* inv-camera-rot))
;; fake some value here
(set! (-> *math-camera* fov-correction-factor) 1.0)
;; do the math
(set! (-> *math-camera* trans quad) (-> location quad))
(let ((cam-temp (-> *math-camera* camera-temp))
(cam-rot (-> *math-camera* camera-rot))
(inv-cam-rot (-> *math-camera* inv-camera-rot))
(cam-trans (-> *math-camera* trans))
(let ((rotated-trans (new-stack-vector0)))
(set! (-> rotated-trans x) (- (-> cam-trans x)))
(set! (-> rotated-trans y) (- (-> cam-trans y)))
(set! (-> rotated-trans z) (- (-> cam-trans z)))
(set! (-> rotated-trans w) 1.0)
(vector-matrix*! rotated-trans rotated-trans cam-rot)
(set! (-> cam-rot vector 3 quad) (-> rotated-trans quad))
(matrix*! cam-temp cam-rot (-> *math-camera* perspective))
(set! (-> inv-cam-rot vector 3 quad) (-> cam-trans quad))
(matrix-copy! *save-camera-inv-rot* inv-cam-rot) ;; hack
(set! *external-cam-mode* 'pad-1)
;; fixes it!
;(set! (-> *math-camera* camera-temp data 15) -6.)
(defun test-function ((iter int))
"This function draws the debug stuff. You can edit this, then reload this file to play with it."
;; val will increase from 0 to 1, then reset back to 0.
(let* ((frame (the float (mod (* 4 iter) 1600)))
(val (/ frame 1600.0)))
(format *stdcon* "~0kval ~f~%" val)
;; orbit the camera around in a circle with radius 5 m.
(let* ((rad (meters 5.0))
(x (* rad (sin (* (degrees 360.0) val))))
(z (* rad (cos (* (degrees 360.0) val))))
(cam-pos (new 'stack 'vector))
(cam-inv-rot (new 'stack 'matrix))
;; this matrix will look directly at the origin...
(set! (-> cam-pos x) x)
(set! (-> cam-pos z) z)
(set! (-> cam-pos y) (meters 1.))
(forward-down->inv-matrix cam-inv-rot cam-pos (new 'static 'vector :y 1.0))
;; if the camera is here.
(set! (-> cam-pos x) (- 0. x))
(set! (-> cam-pos z) (- 0. z))
(set! (-> cam-pos y) (meters -3.))
;; (hack-update-camera cam-pos cam-inv-rot)
;; create some test points
(let ((p0 (new 'static 'vector :x (meters .8) :y (meters .2) :z (meters 2.0)))
(p1 (new 'static 'vector :x (meters .3) :y (meters .3) :z (meters 2.5)))
(p2 (new 'static 'vector :x (meters .5) :y (meters .7) :z (meters 1.5)))
(b0 (new 'static 'vector :x (meters .5) :y (meters .5) :z (meters .5)))
(b1 (new 'static 'vector :x (meters -.5) :y (meters -.5) :z (meters -.5)))
(add-debug-cross #t (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1) (new 'static 'vector) (meters 2.0))
(add-debug-box #t (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1) p0 p2 (new 'static 'rgba :b #x80 :r #x80 :g #x80 :a #x80))
(add-debug-flat-triangle #t (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1) p0 p1 p2 (new 'static 'rgba :r #x80 :a #x80))
(add-debug-text-3d #t (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1) "triangle!" p0 (the font-color 1) (the vector2h #f))
(add-debug-sphere #t (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1) p0 (meters 0.5) (new 'static 'rgba :r #x80 :a #x80))
(add-debug-line-sphere #t (bucket-id debug-no-zbuf1)
(new 'static 'vector :x (meters 0.8))
(new 'static 'vector :y (meters -4.0))
(meters 1.0) (new 'static 'rgba :r #x40 :g #x80 :a #x80))
(defun launch-test-process ()
"Call this to launch a process that draws the debug demo"
(let ((proc (get-process *nk-dead-pool* process 1024)))
(activate proc *active-pool* "test" *kernel-dram-stack*)
(run-next-time-in-process proc (lambda ()
(let ((iter 0))
(while #t
(test-function iter)
(+! iter 1)
(define *wasd-camera-transform* (new 'global 'transform))
(defun wasd-camera-update ()
(let ((local-trans (new-stack-vector0))
(trans *wasd-camera-transform*)
(fast-mode (cpad-hold? 0 r2))
(pad-idx 0))
;; circle/square move camera relative x (left and right)
(set! (-> local-trans x)
((cpad-hold? 0 circle)
((cpad-hold? 0 square)
;; no way to move camera relative y (up/down)
(set! (-> local-trans y) 0.0)
;; in and out movement
(set! (-> local-trans z)
((cpad-hold? 0 down)
((cpad-hold? 0 up)
(set! (-> local-trans w) 1.0)
(when fast-mode
(vector-float*! local-trans local-trans 10.)
;; rotate this into world frame
(let ((inv-cam-rot (new-stack-vector0))
(cam-rot-mat (new-stack-matrix0)))
;; unused.
(vector-negate! inv-cam-rot (-> trans rot))
;; convert rotation to rotation matrix.
(matrix-rotate-xyz! cam-rot-mat (-> trans rot))
;; and rotate the translation.
(vector-matrix*! local-trans local-trans cam-rot-mat)
;; and update the transform
(vector+! (-> trans trans) (-> trans trans) local-trans)
;; don't forget to fix w.
(set! (-> trans trans w) 1.0)
;; global translation
(let ((diff (if fast-mode 10000.0 2000.0)))
(if (cpad-hold? 0 l1)
(set! (-> trans trans y) (+ diff (-> trans trans y)))
(if (cpad-hold? 0 r1)
(set! (-> trans trans y) (+ (- diff) (-> trans trans y)))
;; rotation (don't allow camera roll)
(if (cpad-hold? 0 x)
(set! (-> trans rot x) (+ 200. (-> trans rot x)))
(if (cpad-hold? 0 triangle)
(set! (-> trans rot x) (+ -200. (-> trans rot x)))
(if (cpad-hold? 0 left)
(set! (-> trans rot y) (+ 300. (-> trans rot y)))
(if (cpad-hold? 0 right)
(set! (-> trans rot y) (+ -300. (-> trans rot y)))
(set! (-> trans scale x) 1.)
(set! (-> trans scale y) 1.)
(set! (-> trans scale z) 1.)
(set! (-> trans scale w) 1.)
(defun launch-wasd-process ()
"Launch a process to control the camera with keyboard.
Note that the test process above also controls the camera and should be killed first.
For example, after loading this file, do
(let ((proc (get-process *nk-dead-pool* process 1024)))
(activate proc *active-pool* "test" *kernel-dram-stack*)
(set! (-> *wasd-camera-transform* trans y) (meters 4.0))
(run-next-time-in-process proc (lambda ()
(let ((iter 0))
(while #t
(let ((mat (new-stack-matrix0)))
(transform-matrix-calc! *wasd-camera-transform* mat)
(set! (-> mat data 3) 0.)
(set! (-> mat data 7) 0.)
(set! (-> mat data 11) 0.)
(set! (-> mat data 12) 0.)
(set! (-> mat data 13) 0.)
(set! (-> mat data 14) 0.)
(set! (-> mat data 15) 1.)
;;(matrix-transpose! mat mat)
(hack-update-camera (-> *wasd-camera-transform* trans) mat)
(+! iter 1)
(defun levelname->x11-color ((name symbol))
(case name
(('city) "khaki")
(('fortress) "salmon")
(('stadium) "yellow")
(('palace) "hotpink")
(('castle) "gray")
(('ruins) "darkkhaki")
(('atoll) "gold")
(('sewer) "turquoise")
(('strip) "white")
(('mountain) "tan")
(('forest) "limegreen")
(('drill) "seagreen")
(('tomb) "chartreuse")
(('dig) "orange")
(('canyon) "#008B8B")
(('consite) "#90EE90")
(('under) "dodgerblue")
(('nest) "violet")
(('default) "white")
(('test) "purple")
(else "magenta")
(defun print-task-node-tree-graphviz ()
(format #t "digraph G {~%")
(format #t " node [style=filled shape=ellipse]~%~%")
(let ((game-tasks (-> *game-info* play-list)))
(dotimes (t (-> game-tasks length))
(let ((task (-> game-tasks t)))
(format #t " subgraph cluster_task_~D {~%" t)
(format #t " label = ~A;~%" (-> task name))
(format #t " style = filled;~%")
(format #t " fontsize = \"25pt\";~%")
((and (>= t (game-task fortress-escape))
(<= t (game-task nest-boss))
(!= t (game-task city-blue-gun-training))
(!= t (game-task city-dark-gun-training)))
(format #t " fillcolor = lightgray;~%")
((and (>= t (game-task city-burning-bush-ring-1))
(<= t (game-task stadium-burning-bush-race-class1-r)))
(format #t " fillcolor = pink;~%")
(format #t " fillcolor = lightyellow;~%")
(let ((game-nodes (-> *game-info* sub-task-list)))
(dotimes (i (-> game-nodes length))
(let ((node (-> game-nodes i)))
(when (= t (-> node task))
;; iterate through parents
(dotimes (ii 4)
(when (!= (game-task-node none) (-> node parent-node ii))
(format #t " ~A -> ~A;~%" (game-task-node->string (-> node parent-node ii)) (-> node name))
(format #t " ~A [fillcolor=~A shape=~S];~%" (-> node name) (levelname->x11-color (-> node level))
((logtest? (-> node flags) (game-task-node-flag close-task))
(format #t " }~%")
(format #t "}~%")