
331 lines
8.3 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
This file has the game-specific implementation of the pckernel (see pckernel-h.gc and pckernel.gc).
;;;; constants
;; version:
(defconstant PC_KERNEL_VERSION (static-pckernel-version 0 3 0 0))
;;;; types and enums
;; cheats
(defenum pc-cheats
:bitfield #t
:type uint64
;; pc enum for languages. this is the game's languages + custom ones.
(defenum pc-language
:type uint16
(english 0)
(french 1)
(german 2)
(spanish 3)
(italian 4)
(commentary 5)
(japanese 6)
(korean 7)
(russian 8)
(portuguese 9)
(dutch 10)
(uk-english 11)
;; custom
(finnish 12)
(swedish 13)
(danish 14)
(norwegian 15)
(br-portuguese 16)
(hungarian 17)
(catalan 18)
(icelandic 19)
(polish 20)
(lithuanian 21)
(custom 999) ;; temp
;; The Jak 2 version of the pc-settings object.
(deftype pc-settings-jak3 (pc-settings)
(;; cheats
(cheats pc-cheats)
(cheats-revealed pc-cheats)
(cheats-purchased pc-cheats)
(cheats-unlocked pc-cheats)
(cheats-mask pc-cheats)
;; music
(music-unlocked bit-array)
(flava-unlocked symbol 6)
;; misc
(fast-airlock? symbol)
(fast-elevator? symbol)
(fast-progress? symbol)
(minimap-force-north symbol)
(fix-projectile-focus symbol)
;(stats statistics)
;; gfx
(smooth-minimap? symbol)
(hires-clouds? symbol)
;; other
(controller-led-status? symbol)
(speedrunner-mode-custom-bind uint32)
(eligible-for-fast-elevator? (_type_ process) symbol)
(get-airlock-speed (_type_) float)
(get-airlock-close-speed (_type_) float)
(define *pc-settings* (the pc-settings-jak3 #f))
(define *matrix-minimap-north* (quaternion->matrix (new 'static 'matrix) (quaternion-vector-angle! (new 'static 'quaternion) *y-vector* (degrees 180))))
;; jak 3 discord rpc structure
(deftype discord-info (structure)
((orb-count float)
(gem-count float)
(death-count int32)
(status string)
(level string)
(cutscene? symbol)
(time-of-day float)
(percent-complete float)
(focus-status uint64)
(current-vehicle int32)
(task string) ;; currenly active game-task used for mission specific images
;;;; resets
(defmethod reset-misc ((obj pc-settings-jak3) (call-handlers symbol))
"Set the default misc settings"
((method-of-type pc-settings reset-misc) obj call-handlers)
(true! (-> obj fast-airlock?))
(true! (-> obj fast-elevator?))
(false! (-> obj fast-progress?))
(true! (-> obj fix-projectile-focus))
(true! (-> obj smooth-minimap?))
(false! (-> obj minimap-force-north))
(false! (-> obj hires-clouds?))
(set! (-> obj speedrunner-mode-custom-bind) 0)
(defmethod reset-extra ((obj pc-settings-jak3) (call-handlers symbol))
"Set the default goodies settings"
((method-of-type pc-settings reset-extra) obj call-handlers)
(set! (-> obj cheats) (pc-cheats))
(set! (-> obj cheats-revealed) (pc-cheats))
(set! (-> obj cheats-purchased) (pc-cheats))
(set! (-> obj cheats-unlocked) (pc-cheats))
(set! (-> obj cheats-mask) (pc-cheats))
(clear-all! (-> obj music-unlocked))
(dotimes (i 6)
(set! (-> obj flava-unlocked i) #f))
;(set! (-> obj stats) *statistics*)
(defmethod reset-input ((obj pc-settings-jak3) (device symbol) (call-handlers symbol))
"Set the default input settings"
((method-of-type pc-settings reset-input) obj device call-handlers)
(when (or (= device 'all) (= device 'controller))
(set! (-> obj controller-led-status?) #t)
;;;; region debugging
(define *debug-region-tree-name* #f)
(define *debug-region-show-bsphere* #f)
(define *debug-region-hide-water* #t)
(define *debug-region-hide-empty* #t)
(deftype debug-region-color (structure)
((enter rgba)
(exit rgba))
(define *debug-region-color-table* (new 'static 'inline-array debug-region-color 3
(new 'static 'debug-region-color :enter (static-rgba #xff #xff #x00 #x80) :exit (static-rgba #xff #x00 #x00 #x80))
(new 'static 'debug-region-color :enter (static-rgba #x00 #xff #x00 #x80) :exit (static-rgba #xff #x00 #xff #x80))
(new 'static 'debug-region-color :enter (static-rgba #x00 #xff #xff #x80) :exit (static-rgba #x00 #x00 #xff #x80))
(defmacro rgba-with-a (color a)
"return a color but with alpha set to a"
(let ((newcol ,color))
(set! (-> newcol a) ,a)
(defun-debug get-region-enter-color ((name symbol) (alpha int))
(rgba-with-a (case name
(('target) (-> *debug-region-color-table* 0 enter))
(('camera) (-> *debug-region-color-table* 1 enter))
(('water) (-> *debug-region-color-table* 2 enter))
(else (-> *debug-region-color-table* 0 enter)))
(defun-debug get-region-exit-color ((name symbol) (alpha int))
(rgba-with-a (case name
(('target) (-> *debug-region-color-table* 0 exit))
(('camera) (-> *debug-region-color-table* 1 exit))
(('water) (-> *debug-region-color-table* 2 exit))
(else (-> *debug-region-color-table* 0 exit)))
(defmacro region-enter-color (alpha)
"return color for the enter side of this region"
`(get-region-enter-color *debug-region-tree-name* ,alpha))
(defmacro region-exit-color (alpha)
"return color for the exit side of this region"
`(get-region-exit-color *debug-region-tree-name* ,alpha))
;;;; other
(define *hires-sky* #t)
(define *fallback-text-lookup?* #t)
(defun pc-settings-save ()
(commit-to-file *pc-settings*)
(defun get-video-params () *video-params*)
;; for debugging
(defenum pc-pat-skip-hack
:bitfield #t
(noentity 0)
(nocamera 1)
(noedge 2)
(nogrind 3)
(nojak 4)
(noboard 5)
(nopilot 6)
(nolineofsight 16)
(unknowncamera 17)
(probe 24)
(nomech 25)
(noproj 26)
(noendlessfall 27)
(noprobe 28)
;; cheat stuff
(defenum pc-cheat-state-flag
:bitfield #t
:type uint8
(turbo-board) ;; should turbo board be used
(deftype pc-cheat-state (structure)
((progress-speed float)
(airlock-speed float)
(airlock-close-speed float)
(turbo-board-speed float)
(hijack-speech-chance float)
(flags pc-cheat-state-flag)
(define *pc-cheat-state* (new 'static 'pc-cheat-state
:progress-speed 1.5
:airlock-speed 1.75
:airlock-close-speed 1.75
:turbo-board-speed 1.5
:hijack-speech-chance 0.45
(defmacro cheat-state-flag? (&rest flags)
"are the specified flags enabled?"
`(logtest? (-> *pc-cheat-state* flags) (pc-cheat-state-flag ,@flags)))
(defmacro set-cheat-state-flag! (&rest flags)
"set the specified flags"
`(logior! (-> *pc-cheat-state* flags) (pc-cheat-state-flag ,@flags)))
(defmacro clear-cheat-state-flag! (&rest flags)
"clear the specified flags"
`(logclear! (-> *pc-cheat-state* flags) (pc-cheat-state-flag ,@flags)))
(defmacro give-cheat! (&rest cheats)
(logior! (-> *pc-settings* cheats) (pc-cheats ,@cheats))
(defmacro lock-cheat! (&rest cheats)
(logclear! (-> *pc-settings* cheats) (pc-cheats ,@cheats))
(logclear! (-> *pc-settings* cheats-purchased) (pc-cheats ,@cheats))
(logclear! (-> *pc-settings* cheats-unlocked) (pc-cheats ,@cheats))
(logclear! (-> *pc-settings* cheats-revealed) (pc-cheats ,@cheats))