
691 lines
21 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: gkernel-h.gc
;; name in dgo: gkernel-h
;; dgos: KERNEL
;; Note: this file has a lot of manual edits.
(defglobalconstant KERNEL_DEBUG #t)
(defconstant *kernel-major-version* 2)
(defconstant *kernel-minor-version* 0)
(defconstant DPROCESS_STACK_SIZE (#if PC_PORT #x10000 #x3800))
(defconstant PROCESS_STACK_SIZE (#if PC_PORT #x8000 #x1c00))
(defconstant PROCESS_HEAP_MULT 4) ;; 4x actors
(defconstant PROCESS_HEAP_MULT 1)
(defconstant PROCESS_HEAP_SIZE (* PROCESS_HEAP_MULT 1240 1024))
(defconstant *tab-size* (the binteger 8))
(defconstant *gtype-basic-offset* 4)
(defconstant *scratch-memory-top* (the pointer #x70004000))
(defenum process-mask
:type uint32
:bitfield #t
(execute 0)
(freeze 1)
(pause 2)
(menu 3)
(progress 4)
(actor-pause 5)
(sleep 6)
(sleep-code 7)
(process-tree 8)
(heap-shrunk 9)
(going 10)
(kernel-run 11)
(no-kill 12)
(movie 13)
(dark-effect 14)
(target 15)
(sidekick 16)
(crate 17)
(collectable 18)
(enemy 19)
(camera 20)
(platform 21)
(ambient 22)
(entity 23)
(projectile 24)
(bot 25)
(death 26)
(guard 27)
(vehicle 28)
(civilian 29)
(kg-robot 30)
(metalhead 31)
(declare-type process-tree basic)
(declare-type process process-tree)
(declare-type res-lump basic)
(declare-type entity res-lump)
(declare-type entity-actor entity)
(declare-type dead-pool basic)
(declare-type level basic)
(declare-type state basic)
(declare-type event-message-block structure)
(declare-type stack-frame basic)
(declare-type cpu-thread basic)
(deftype kernel-context (basic)
((prevent-from-run process-mask)
(require-for-run process-mask)
(allow-to-run process-mask)
(next-pid int32)
(fast-stack-top pointer)
(current-process process)
(relocating-process basic)
(relocating-min int32)
(relocating-max int32)
(relocating-offset int32)
(relocating-level level)
(low-memory-message symbol)
(login-object basic)
(login-art-group basic)
(login-level-index int32)
(deftype time-frame (int64)
;; times are stored in 300ths of a second.
;; this divides evenly into frames at both 50 and 60 fps.
;; typically these are stored as integers as more precision is not useful.
;; an unsigned 32-bit integer can store about 150 days
(defglobalconstant TICKS_PER_SECOND 300) ;; 5 t/frame @ 60fps, 6 t/frame @ 50fps
;; this was usec in GOAL
(defmacro seconds (x)
"Convert number to seconds unit.
Returns uint."
((integer? x)
((float? x)
(* 1 (* 1.0 x TICKS_PER_SECOND))
`(the uint (* TICKS_PER_SECOND ,x))
;; Each clock counts in 3 different ways:
;; 1). A "frame counter", which, confusingly, doesn't count frames.
;; It counts elapsed time, in 1/300ths of a second.
;; This counts in real-time, even if the game is lagging.
;; 2). A "integral-frame-counter", which counts the number of vsyncs.
;; This doens't count the number of frames the game actually manages to draw,
;; just the number of vsyncs. It counts at different rates in NTSC/PAL.
;; NOTE: changing clock-ratio will make this count faster/slower. This only counts real
;; vsyncs if clock-ratio is 1.0.
;; 3). The "time ratio", which adjusts based on the actual achieved framerate.
;; Unlike the others, this isn't a incrementing counter, but instead ratios:
;; time-adjust-ratio, frames-per-second, seconds-per-frame.
;; For the most part, users should just adjust per-frame values by time-adjust-ratio, and this will
;; compensate for pal/ntsc, lag, and clock-ratio scaling.
;; The clock won't tick if its process-mask is prevent-from-run in the kernel.
;; A clock can change the rate it runs at with clock-ratio.
;; Note: both integral-frame-counter and seconds-per-frame/frames-per-second are affected by
;; clock-ratio, which is somewhat weird.
;; Changing clock-ratio will make integral-frame-counter not count actual vsyncs
(deftype clock (basic)
((index int16 :offset-assert 4) ;; int32
(ref-count uint16 :offset-assert 6)
(mask process-mask :offset-assert 8) ;; guessed by decompiler
(clock-ratio float :offset-assert 12)
(accum float :offset-assert 16)
(integral-accum float :offset-assert 20)
(frame-counter time-frame :offset-assert 24) ;; time-frame
(old-frame-counter time-frame :offset-assert 32) ;; time-frame
(integral-frame-counter time-frame :offset-assert 40)
(old-integral-frame-counter time-frame :offset-assert 48)
(sparticle-data vector :inline :offset-assert 64)
(seconds-per-frame float :offset-assert 80)
(frames-per-second float :offset-assert 84)
(time-adjust-ratio float :offset-assert 88)
(new (symbol type int) _type_)
(update-rates! (_type_ float) float)
(advance-by! (_type_ float) clock)
(tick! (_type_) clock)
(save! (_type_ (pointer uint64)) int)
(load! (_type_ (pointer uint64)) int)
(copy! (_type_ clock) clock)
(reset! (_type_) none)
(frame-mask-2 (_type_ int) symbol)
(frame-mask-4 (_type_ int) symbol)
(frame-mask-8 (_type_ int) symbol)
(frame-mask-16 (_type_ int) symbol)
(frame-mask-32 (_type_ int) symbol)
(frame-mask-64 (_type_ int) symbol)
(frame-mask-128 (_type_ int) symbol)
(frame-mask-256 (_type_ int) symbol)
(defmethod frame-mask-2 ((this clock) (xor-val int))
"Check if the frame count, xored with `xor-val` has its lowest bit set"
(not (logtest? (logxor xor-val (the-as int (-> this integral-frame-counter))) 1))
(defmethod frame-mask-4 ((this clock) (xor-val int))
"Check if the frame count, xored with `xor-val` has any of its lowest 2 bits set"
(not (logtest? (logxor xor-val (the-as int (-> this integral-frame-counter))) 3))
(defmethod frame-mask-8 ((this clock) (xor-val int))
"Check if the frame count, xored with `xor-val` has any of its lowest 3 bits set"
(not (logtest? (logxor xor-val (the-as int (-> this integral-frame-counter))) 7))
(defmethod frame-mask-16 ((this clock) (xor-val int))
"Check if the frame count, xored with `xor-val` has any of its lowest 4 bits set"
(not (logtest? (logxor xor-val (the-as int (-> this integral-frame-counter))) 15))
(defmethod frame-mask-32 ((this clock) (xor-val int))
"Check if the frame count, xored with `xor-val` has any of its lowest 5 bits set"
(not (logtest? (logxor xor-val (the-as int (-> this integral-frame-counter))) 31))
(defmethod frame-mask-64 ((this clock) (xor-val int))
"Check if the frame count, xored with `xor-val` has any of its lowest 6 bits set"
(not (logtest? (logxor xor-val (the-as int (-> this integral-frame-counter))) 63))
(defmethod frame-mask-128 ((this clock) (xor-val int))
"Check if the frame count, xored with `xor-val` has any of its lowest 7 bits set"
(not (logtest? (logxor xor-val (the-as int (-> this integral-frame-counter))) 127))
(defmethod frame-mask-256 ((this clock) (xor-val int))
"Check if the frame count, xored with `xor-val` has any of its lowest 8 bits set"
(not (logtest? (logxor xor-val (the-as int (-> this integral-frame-counter))) 255))
(defmethod new clock ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (index int))
(let ((gp-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> gp-0 index) index)
(set! (-> gp-0 frame-counter) (seconds 1000))
(set! (-> gp-0 integral-frame-counter) (seconds 1000))
(set! (-> gp-0 old-frame-counter) (+ (-> gp-0 frame-counter) -1))
(set! (-> gp-0 old-integral-frame-counter) (+ (-> gp-0 integral-frame-counter) -1))
(update-rates! gp-0 1.0)
;; The basic node used to organize processes into a tree.
;; The process types themselves are children of the process-tree type
;; Typically, each instance of a game object is a process.
(deftype process-tree (basic)
((name string)
(mask process-mask)
(clock clock)
(parent (pointer process-tree))
(brother (pointer process-tree))
(child (pointer process-tree))
(ppointer (pointer process))
(self process-tree)
(new (symbol type string) _type_)
(activate (_type_ process-tree string pointer) process-tree)
(deactivate (_type_) none)
(init-from-entity! (_type_ entity-actor) object) ;; todo check
(run-logic? (_type_) symbol)
(process-tree-method-13 () none)
(deftype thread (basic)
((name symbol)
(process process)
(previous thread)
(suspend-hook (function cpu-thread none))
(resume-hook (function cpu-thread none))
(pc pointer)
(sp pointer)
(stack-top pointer)
(stack-size int32)
(stack-size-set! (_type_ int) none)
(thread-suspend (_type_) none)
(thread-resume (_type_) none)
(deftype cpu-thread (thread)
((rreg uint64 7)
(freg float 8)
(stack uint8 :dynamic)
(new (symbol type process symbol int pointer) _type_)
(deftype process (process-tree)
((self process :override)
(pool dead-pool)
(status symbol)
(pid int32)
(main-thread cpu-thread)
(top-thread cpu-thread)
(entity entity-actor)
(level level)
(state state)
(prev-state state)
(next-state state)
(state-stack (array state))
(trans-hook function)
(post-hook function)
(event-hook (function process int symbol event-message-block object))
(allocated-length int32)
(heap-base pointer)
(heap-top pointer)
(heap-cur pointer)
(stack-frame-top stack-frame)
(connection-list connectable :inline)
(stack uint8 :dynamic)
:method-count-assert 14
:size-assert #x80
:flag-assert #xe00000080
(new "Allocate a process, set up process heap, self/ppointer, clock." (symbol type string int) _type_) ;; 0
dead-state ;; 10
(deftype dead-pool (process-tree)
(new (symbol type int int string) _type_)
(get-process (_type_ type int object) process)
(return-process (_type_ process) none)
(deftype dead-pool-heap-rec (structure)
((process process)
(prev dead-pool-heap-rec)
(next dead-pool-heap-rec)
(deftype dead-pool-heap (dead-pool)
((allocated-length int32)
(compact-time uint32)
(compact-count-targ uint32)
(compact-count uint32)
(fill-percent float)
(first-gap dead-pool-heap-rec)
(first-shrink dead-pool-heap-rec)
(heap kheap :inline)
(alive-list dead-pool-heap-rec :inline)
(last dead-pool-heap-rec :overlay-at (-> alive-list prev))
(dead-list dead-pool-heap-rec :inline)
(process-list dead-pool-heap-rec :inline :dynamic)
(new (symbol type string int int) _type_)
(init (_type_ symbol int) none)
(compact (dead-pool-heap int) none)
(shrink-heap (dead-pool-heap process) dead-pool-heap)
(churn (dead-pool-heap int) none)
(memory-used (_type_) int)
(memory-total (_type_) int)
(memory-free (dead-pool-heap) int)
(compact-time (dead-pool-heap) uint)
(gap-size (dead-pool-heap dead-pool-heap-rec) int)
(gap-location (dead-pool-heap dead-pool-heap-rec) pointer)
(find-gap (dead-pool-heap dead-pool-heap-rec) dead-pool-heap-rec)
(find-gap-by-size (dead-pool-heap int) dead-pool-heap-rec)
(deftype stack-frame (basic)
((name symbol)
(next stack-frame)
(deftype catch-frame (stack-frame)
((sp int32)
(ra int32)
(freg float 10)
(rreg uint128 7)
(new (symbol type symbol function (pointer uint64)) object) ;; 0
(deftype protect-frame (stack-frame)
((exit (function object))
(new (symbol type (function object)) protect-frame)
(deftype handle (uint64)
((process (pointer process) :offset 0 :size 32)
(pid int32 :offset 32 :size 32)
(u64 uint64 :offset 0 :size 64)
(defmacro handle->process (handle)
"Convert a handle to a process. If the process no longer exists, returns #f."
`(let ((the-handle (the-as handle ,handle)))
(if (-> the-handle process) ;; if we don't point to a process, kernel sets this to #f
(let ((proc (-> (-> the-handle process))))
(if (= (-> the-handle pid) (-> proc pid)) ;; make sure it's the same process
(defmacro ppointer->process (ppointer)
"convert a (pointer process) to a process."
;; this uses the self field, which seems to always just get set to the object.
;; confirmed in Jak 1 that using self here is useless, not sure...
`(let ((the-pp ,ppointer))
(if the-pp (-> the-pp 0 self))
(defmacro process->ppointer (proc)
"safely get a (pointer process) from a process, returning #f if invalid."
`(let ((the-proc ,proc))
(if the-proc (-> the-proc ppointer))
(defmacro ppointer->handle (pproc)
"convert a ppointer to a handle. assumes the ppointer is valid."
`(let ((the-process (the-as (pointer process) ,pproc)))
(new 'static 'handle :process the-process :pid (if the-process (-> the-process 0 pid)))
(defmacro process->handle (proc)
"convert a process to a handle. if proc is #f, returns a #f handle."
`(ppointer->handle (process->ppointer (the-as process ,proc)))
(defmethod print ((this handle))
(if (nonzero? this)
(format #t "#<handle :process ~A :pid ~D>" (handle->process this) (-> this pid))
(format #t "#<handle :process 0 :pid 0>")
(deftype state (protect-frame)
((parent state)
(code function)
(trans (function object))
(post function)
(enter function)
(event (function process int symbol event-message-block object))
(new (symbol type symbol function
(function object)
(function object)
(function process int symbol event-message-block object)) _type_) ;; 0
(deftype event-message-block (structure)
((to-handle handle)
(to (pointer process) :overlay-at to-handle)
(from-handle handle)
(from (pointer process) :overlay-at from-handle)
(param uint64 6)
(message symbol)
(num-params int32)
(deftype event-message-block-array (inline-array-class)
((data event-message-block :inline :dynamic)
(send-all! (_type_) none)
(set! (-> event-message-block-array heap-base) (the-as uint 80))
(deftype sql-result (array)
((sql-data object :dynamic :offset 16)
(new (symbol type int) _type_)
(define-extern sql-query (function string sql-result))
(defmethod new sql-result ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (num-elts int))
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (* num-elts 4))))))
(set! (-> v0-0 allocated-length) num-elts)
(set! (-> v0-0 content-type) (the-as type 'error))
(defmethod print ((this sql-result))
(format #t "#(~A" (-> this content-type))
(dotimes (s5-0 (-> this length))
(format #t " ~A" (-> this sql-data s5-0))
(format #t ")")
(define *sql-result* (the-as sql-result #f))
(defmacro defbehavior (name process-type bindings &rest body)
"define a new behavior. This is simply a function where self is bound to the process register,
which is assumed to have type process-type."
(if (and
(> (length body) 1) ;; more than one thing in function
(string? (first body)) ;; first thing is a string
;; then it's a docstring and we ignore it.
`(define ,name (lambda :name ,name :behavior ,process-type ,bindings ,@(cdr body)))
;; otherwise don't ignore it.
`(define ,name (lambda :name ,name :behavior ,process-type ,bindings ,@body))
(defmacro process-stack-used (proc)
"get how much stack the top thread of a process has used."
`(- (the int (-> ,proc top-thread stack-top))
(the int (-> ,proc top-thread sp))
(defmacro process-stack-size (proc)
"get how much stack the top thread of a process has"
`(-> ,proc top-thread stack-size)
(defmacro process-heap-used (proc)
"get how much heap a process has used."
`(- (-> ,proc allocated-length)
(- (the int (-> ,proc heap-top))
(the int (-> ,proc heap-cur))
(defmacro process-heap-size (proc)
"get how much heap a process has"
`(the int (-> ,proc allocated-length))
(defmacro break ()
"crash the game by dividing by 0."
`(/ 0 0)
(defmacro with-pp (&rest body)
"execute the body with pp bound to the current process register."
`(rlet ((pp :reg r13 :reset-here #t :type process))
(defconstant PP (with-pp pp))
(defmacro process-mask? (mask enum-value)
"Are any of the given bits set in the process mask?"
`(!= 0 (logand ,mask (process-mask ,enum-value)))
(defmacro process-mask-set! (mask &rest enum-value)
"Set the given bits in the process mask"
`(logior! ,mask (process-mask ,@enum-value))
(defmacro process-mask-clear! (mask &rest enum-value)
"Clear the given bits in the process mask."
`(logclear! ,mask (process-mask ,@enum-value))
(defmacro suspend ()
"suspend the current process, to be resumed on the next frame."
`(rlet ((pp :reg r13 :reset-here #t))
;; debug check for stack overflow here, where we can easily print the process name.
(#when (or KERNEL_DEBUG)
(rlet ((sp :reg rsp :reset-here #t :type int)
(off :reg r15 :type uint))
(let* ((sp-goal (- sp off))
(stack-top-goal (-> (the process pp) top-thread stack-top))
(stack-used (&- stack-top-goal sp-goal))
(stack-size (-> (the process pp) top-thread stack-size))
(when (> stack-used stack-size)
(format 0 "ERROR: suspend called without enough stack in proc:~%~A~%Stack: ~D/~D~%" pp stack-used stack-size)
;; set to the current thread
(set! pp (-> (the process pp) top-thread))
;; call the suspend hook (put nothing as the argument)
((-> (the cpu-thread pp) suspend-hook) (the cpu-thread 0))
;; the kernel will set pp (possibly to a new value, if we've been relocated) on resume.
(defmacro process-deactivate ()
"deactivate (kill) the current process"
`(rlet ((pp :reg r13 :reset-here #t :type process))
(deactivate pp)
;; Some assembly functions in GOAL are ported to C++, then accessed from GOAL using these mips2c macros.
(defmacro def-mips2c (name type)
"Define a mips2c object (typically a function)."
(define-extern ,name ,type)
(set! ,name (the-as ,type (__pc-get-mips2c ,(symbol->string name))))
(defmacro defmethod-mips2c (name method-id method-type)
"Define a mips2c method."
`(method-set! ,method-type ,method-id (__pc-get-mips2c ,name))
(defmacro kheap-alloc (heap size)
"allocate space for a kheap"
`(let ((heap ,heap) (size ,size))
(set! (-> heap base) (malloc 'global size))
(set! (-> heap current) (-> heap base))
(set! (-> heap top-base) (&+ (-> heap base) size))
(set! (-> heap top) (-> heap top-base))
(defmacro kheap-reset (heap)
"reset the kheap, so you can use its memory again"
`(let ((heap ,heap))
(set! (-> heap current) (-> heap base))
(defmacro scratchpad-object (type &key (offset 0))
"Access an object on the scratchpad."
`(the-as ,type (&+ *fake-scratchpad-data* ,offset))
(defmacro scratchpad-ptr (type &key (offset 0))
"Create a pointer to an object on the scratchpad."
`(the-as (pointer ,type) (&+ *fake-scratchpad-data* ,offset))
(defmacro current-time ()
`(-> PP clock frame-counter)
(defmacro seconds-per-frame ()
`(-> PP clock seconds-per-frame)
(defmacro seconds-per-frame-high-fps ()
"Macro for assuming a 16.6 ms frame time at higher frame rates."
`(if (= (get-video-mode) 'custom)
(-> PP clock seconds-per-frame)
(defmacro set-time! (time)
`(set! ,time (current-time))
(defmacro time-elapsed? (time duration)
`(>= (- (current-time) ,time) ,duration)