Tyler Wilding c162c66118
g/j1: Cleanup all main issues in the formatter and format all of goal_src/jak1 (#3535)
This PR does two main things:
1. Work through the main low-hanging fruit issues in the formatter
keeping it from feeling mature and usable
2. Iterate and prove that point by formatting all of the Jak 1 code
base. **This has removed around 100K lines in total.**
- The decompiler will now format it's results for jak 1 to keep things
from drifting back to where they were. This is controlled by a new
config flag `format_code`.

How am I confident this hasn't broken anything?:
- I compiled the entire project and stored it's `out/jak1/obj` files
- I then recompiled the project after formatting and wrote a script that
md5's each file and compares it (`compare-compilation-outputs.py`
- The results (eventually) were the same:

![Screenshot 2024-05-25
> This proves that the only difference before and after is non-critical
whitespace for all code/macros that is actually in use.

I'm still aware of improvements that could be made to the formatter, as
well as general optimization of it's performance. But in general these
are for rare or non-critical situations in my opinion and I'll work
through them before doing Jak 2. The vast majority looks great and is
working properly at this point. Those known issues are the following if
you are curious:

2024-06-05 22:17:31 -04:00

683 lines
34 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
(require "engine/gfx/sprite/sparticle/sparticle-launcher.gc")
This file contains new code that we need for the PC port of the game specifically.
It should be included as part of the game engine package (engine.cgo).
This file contains various types and functions to store PC-specific information
and also to communicate between the game (GOAL) and the operating system.
This way we can poll, change and display information about the system the game
is running on, such as:
- display devices and their settings, such as fullscreen, DPI, refresh rate, etc.
- audio devices and their settings, such as audio latency, channel number, etc.
- graphics devices and their settings, such as resolution, FPS, anisotropy, shaders, etc.
- input devices and their settings, such as controllers, keyboards, mice, etc.
- information about the game window (position, size)
- PC-specific goodies, enhancements, fixes and settings.
- whatever else.
If you do not want to include these PC things, you should exclude it from the build system.
(format 0 "pckernel version: ~D.~D~%" PC_KERNEL_VER_MAJOR PC_KERNEL_VER_MINOR)
(defun get-pckernel-version ()
"return the current pckernel version"
;;;; updates
(defmethod set-display-mode! ((obj pc-settings) (mode symbol) (call-handlers symbol))
"sets the game's display mode"
;; no-op if the display mode hasn't actually changed
(when (!= mode (-> obj display-mode))
;; change the display mode.
(set! (-> obj display-mode) mode)
(when call-handlers
;; set fullscreen to what we want
(pc-set-display-mode (-> obj display-mode))
;; if windowed mode, set the size properly
(when (= (-> obj display-mode) 'windowed)
;; TODO - this means the user can never have a window smaller than MIN_WIDTH/HEIGHT
(pc-set-window-size (max PC_MIN_WIDTH (-> obj window-width)) (max PC_MIN_HEIGHT (-> obj window-height))))))
(defmethod set-size! ((obj pc-settings) (width int) (height int) (call-handlers symbol))
"sets the size of the display window"
(format 0 "Setting ~A size to ~D x ~D~%" (-> obj display-mode) width height)
((= 'windowed (-> obj display-mode))
(set! (-> obj window-width) width)
(set! (-> obj window-height) height)
(if call-handlers (pc-set-window-size (max PC_MIN_WIDTH (-> obj window-width)) (max PC_MIN_HEIGHT (-> obj window-height)))))
(else (set! (-> obj width) width) (set! (-> obj height) height)))
(defmethod set-aspect! ((obj pc-settings) (aw int) (ah int))
"set the aspect ratio used for rendering. this forces native widescreen and takes width and height ratios."
(let ((aspect (/ (the float aw) (the float ah))))
(set-aspect-ratio! obj aspect)
(set! (-> obj aspect-custom-x) aw)
(set! (-> obj aspect-custom-y) ah)
(set! (-> obj aspect-ratio-auto?) #f)
(set! (-> obj use-vis?) #f))
(defmethod set-aspect-ratio! ((obj pc-settings) (aspect float))
"set the aspect ratio used for rendering."
(set! (-> obj aspect-ratio) aspect)
(set! (-> obj aspect-ratio-scale) (/ aspect ASPECT_4X3))
(set! (-> obj aspect-ratio-reciprocal) (/ ASPECT_4X3 aspect))
(defmethod set-frame-rate! ((obj pc-settings) (rate int) (call-handlers symbol))
"set the target framerate."
(if call-handlers (pc-set-frame-rate rate))
(if (and (!= 'fullscreen (-> obj display-mode)) (!= (pc-get-active-display-refresh-rate) rate)) (set! (-> obj vsync?) #f))
(set! (-> obj target-fps) rate)
(case rate
((50) (set-game-setting! obj 'video-mode 'pal))
((60) (set-game-setting! obj 'video-mode 'ntsc))
(else (set-game-setting! obj 'video-mode 'custom)))
(defmethod set-monitor! ((obj pc-settings) (monitor int))
"set the monitor to use when in fullscreen/borderless"
;; if monitor selection is out of bounds (e.g. if a monitor got disconnected),
;; then default to the primary monitor
((>= (-> obj monitor) (pc-get-display-count))
(format 0 "Monitor selection out of bounds, defaulting to primary monitor.~%")
(set! (-> obj monitor) 0))
(else (set! (-> obj monitor) monitor)))
(pc-set-fullscreen-display (-> obj monitor))
(defmethod commit-to-file ((obj pc-settings))
"commits the current settings to the file"
(format (clear *pc-temp-string-1*) "~S/pc-settings.gc" *pc-settings-folder*)
(pc-mkdir-file-path *pc-temp-string-1*)
(write-to-file obj *pc-temp-string-1*)
(defmethod update-from-os ((obj pc-settings))
"Update settings from the C kernel to GOAL."
(pc-get-window-size (&-> obj framebuffer-width) (&-> obj framebuffer-height))
(pc-get-window-scale (&-> obj dpi-x) (&-> obj dpi-y))
(when (-> obj use-vis?)
(if (= (get-game-setting obj 'aspect-ratio) 'aspect4x3)
(set-aspect-ratio! obj ASPECT_4X3)
(set-aspect-ratio! obj ASPECT_16X9)))
(unless (or (zero? (-> obj framebuffer-width)) (zero? (-> obj framebuffer-height)))
(let ((win-aspect (/ (the float (-> obj framebuffer-width)) (the float (-> obj framebuffer-height)))))
((and (not (-> obj use-vis?)) (-> obj aspect-ratio-auto?))
;; the window determines the resolution
(set-aspect-ratio! obj win-aspect)
(set! (-> obj framebuffer-scissor-width) (-> obj framebuffer-width))
(set! (-> obj framebuffer-scissor-height) (-> obj framebuffer-height)))
((> win-aspect (-> obj aspect-ratio))
;; too wide
(set! (-> obj framebuffer-scissor-width) (the int (* (the float (-> obj framebuffer-height)) (-> obj aspect-ratio))))
(set! (-> obj framebuffer-scissor-height) (-> obj framebuffer-height)))
((< win-aspect (-> obj aspect-ratio))
;; too tall
(set! (-> obj framebuffer-scissor-width) (-> obj framebuffer-width))
(set! (-> obj framebuffer-scissor-height) (the int (/ (the float (-> obj framebuffer-width)) (-> obj aspect-ratio)))))
;; just right
(set! (-> obj framebuffer-scissor-width) (-> obj framebuffer-width))
(set! (-> obj framebuffer-scissor-height) (-> obj framebuffer-height))))))
(defmethod update-to-os ((obj pc-settings))
"Update settings from GOAL to the C kernel."
;; TODO - move the below out of this function that runs every frame
((-> obj letterbox?) (pc-set-letterbox (-> obj framebuffer-scissor-width) (-> obj framebuffer-scissor-height)))
(else (pc-set-letterbox (-> obj framebuffer-width) (-> obj framebuffer-height))))
(pc-set-vsync (and (-> obj vsync?)
(or (= 'fullscreen (-> obj display-mode)) (>= (pc-get-active-display-refresh-rate) (-> obj target-fps)))))
(when (!= 'fullscreen (-> obj display-mode))
(pc-set-frame-rate (-> obj target-fps)))
;; do game resolution
(if (= (-> obj display-mode) 'windowed)
(pc-set-game-resolution (-> obj framebuffer-scissor-width) (-> obj framebuffer-scissor-height))
(pc-set-game-resolution (-> obj width) (-> obj height)))
;; set msaa sample rate. if invalid, just reset to 2.
(let ((valid? #f))
(dotimes (i 31)
(if (= (-> obj gfx-msaa) (ash 1 i)) (true! valid?)))
(if (not valid?) (set! (-> obj gfx-msaa) PC_DEFAULT_MSAA))
(pc-set-msaa (-> obj gfx-msaa)))
;; -- end TODO
(pc-discord-rpc-set (if (-> obj discord-rpc?) 1 0))
(when #t ;; (not (-> obj ps2-lod-dist?))
(pc-renderer-tree-set-lod (pc-renderer-tree-type tfrag3) (-> obj lod-force-tfrag))
(pc-renderer-tree-set-lod (pc-renderer-tree-type tie3) (-> obj lod-force-tie)))
(when *debug-segment*
(pc-set-collision *collision-renderer*)
(pc-set-collision-wireframe *collision-wireframe*)
(pc-set-collision-mode *collision-mode*))
(pc-sound-set-flava-hack (-> obj flava-hack))
(let ((fade-hack 0))
(unless (-> obj music-fadein?)
(logior! fade-hack 1))
(unless (-> obj music-fadeout?)
(logior! fade-hack 2))
(pc-sound-set-fade-hack fade-hack))
(when (led-enabled? obj)
(update-led obj)
;(format *stdcon* "led: ~,,2f ~,,2f ~,,2f (~,,2f%)~%" (-> obj controller-led-color r) (-> obj controller-led-color g) (-> obj controller-led-color b) (* 100.0 (-> obj controller-led-color a)))
;; use alpha as the brightness modifier
(vector-float*! (-> obj controller-led-color) (-> obj controller-led-color) (-> obj controller-led-color a))
;; now multiply by the brightness setting
(vector-float*! (-> obj controller-led-color) (-> obj controller-led-color) (-> obj controller-led-brightness))
;; now use it as the controller led color
(let ((led-rgba (new 'static
(the int (lerp-scale 0.0 255.0 (-> obj controller-led-color r) 0.0 1.0))
(the int (lerp-scale 0.0 255.0 (-> obj controller-led-color g) 0.0 1.0))
(the int (lerp-scale 0.0 255.0 (-> obj controller-led-color b) 0.0 1.0))
:a #x80)))
(set! *display-led-rgba* led-rgba)
(pc-set-controller-led! 0 (the-as int (-> led-rgba r)) (the-as int (-> led-rgba g)) (the-as int (-> led-rgba b)))))
(defmacro pc-cheat-toggle-and-tune (cheats-var cheat)
"quickly toggle a cheat code and play an appropriate sound"
(cpad-clear! 0 r1)
(logxor! ,cheats-var (pc-cheats ,cheat))
(cheats-sound-play (logtest? ,cheats-var (pc-cheats ,cheat)))))
(defun real-movie? ()
"are we in an actual cutscene and should letterbox the view?"
(and (nonzero? movie?) (movie?)))
(defmethod update ((obj pc-settings))
"Update settings to/from PC kernel. Call this at the start of every frame.
This will update things like the aspect-ratio, which will be used for graphics code later."
(update-from-os obj)
(update-to-os obj)
(update-discord-rpc obj)
;; update auto-splitter info
(update-speedrun obj)
(when (not (-> obj use-vis?))
(update-video-hacks obj))
((not (-> obj ps2-actor-vis?))
;; kinda overkill.
(set! (-> *ACTOR-bank* birth-dist) (meters 10000))
(set! (-> *ACTOR-bank* pause-dist) (meters 10000))
(set! (-> *ACTOR-bank* birth-max) 1000))
((> (-> *ACTOR-bank* birth-dist) (meters 220)) ;; the original caps at 220m, exceeding that means it was using our hacks
(set! (-> *ACTOR-bank* birth-dist) (meters 220))
(set! (-> *ACTOR-bank* pause-dist) (meters 220))))
;; cheats.
(update-cheats obj)
;; music.
(update-music-log obj)
(defmethod update-cheats ((obj pc-settings))
"run cheats."
(defmethod update-music-log ((obj pc-settings))
"update music log settings."
(defmethod update-led ((obj pc-settings))
"set the controller led color by modifying the controller-led-color vector"
;; random colors for fun lol
(set-vector! (-> obj controller-led-color) (rand-vu) (rand-vu) (rand-vu) 1.0)
;(set-vector! (-> obj controller-led-color) 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0)
(defmethod led-enabled? ((obj pc-settings))
"should the controller led be set?"
;;;; functions
(defmethod get-current-game-width ((obj pc-settings))
"return the current width in pixels of the visible portion of the game"
((= (-> obj display-mode) 'windowed)
(if (-> obj letterbox?) (-> obj framebuffer-scissor-width) (-> obj framebuffer-width)))
(else (-> obj width))))
(defmethod get-current-game-height ((obj pc-settings))
"return the current height in pixels of the visible portion of the game"
((= (-> obj display-mode) 'windowed)
(if (-> obj letterbox?) (-> obj framebuffer-scissor-height) (-> obj framebuffer-height)))
(else (-> obj height))))
(when *debug-segment*
(defmethod draw ((obj pc-settings) (buf dma-buffer))
"debug draw some things on-screen"
(when (-> obj debug?)
(format *stdcon* "fullscreen resolution: ~D x ~D~%" (-> obj width) (-> obj height))
(format *stdcon*
"window size: ~D x ~D @ ~,,1f x ~,,1f~%"
(-> obj window-width)
(-> obj window-height)
(-> obj dpi-x)
(-> obj dpi-y))
(format *stdcon*
"fb size: ~D x ~D (scissor: ~D x ~D)~%"
(-> obj framebuffer-width)
(-> obj framebuffer-height)
(-> obj framebuffer-scissor-width)
(-> obj framebuffer-scissor-height))
(format *stdcon*
"aspect: ~,,3f/~,,3f auto? ~A vis? ~A lbox? ~A~%"
(-> obj aspect-ratio)
(/ (the float (-> obj framebuffer-width)) (the float (-> obj framebuffer-height)))
(-> obj aspect-ratio-auto?)
(-> obj use-vis?)
(-> obj letterbox?))
(format *stdcon* "display-mode: ~A vsync? ~A~%" (-> obj display-mode) (-> obj vsync?))
(clear *pc-temp-string*))
(when *display-actor-bank*
(draw-string-xy (string-format "Actor Bank: ~,,1m/~,,1m (~D)"
(-> *ACTOR-bank* pause-dist)
(-> *ACTOR-bank* birth-dist)
(-> *ACTOR-bank* birth-max))
(font-color default)
(font-flags shadow kerning right)))))
(defmethod set-ignore-controller-in-bg! ((obj pc-settings) (val symbol))
"sets whether or not to ignore controller inputs if the window is in the background"
(set! (-> obj ignore-controller-win-unfocused?) val)
(pc-ignore-background-controller-events! val)
(defmethod update-mouse-controls! ((obj pc-settings))
"Uses whatever is set on the [[pc-settings]] to update the runtime on how it should interpret mouse events"
(pc-set-mouse-options! (-> obj mouse-enabled?) (-> obj mouse-camera?) (-> obj mouse-movement?))
(pc-set-mouse-camera-sens! (-> obj mouse-xsens) (-> obj mouse-ysens))
(pc-set-auto-hide-cursor! (-> obj auto-hide-cursor?))
(defmethod debug-font-scale-factor ((this pc-settings))
"return the debug font scale factor to be used."
(declare (inline))
(if (-> this debug-font-scale-auto?)
(/ (-> this debug-font-scale) (fmax 1.0 (/ (the float (get-current-game-height this)) PC_BASE_HEIGHT)))
(-> this debug-font-scale)))
;;;; file IO
(defmacro file-stream-seek-until (fs func-name)
`(let ((done? #f)
(tell -1))
(until done?
(let ((read (file-stream-read ,fs (-> *pc-temp-string* data) PC_TEMP_STRING_LEN)))
((zero? read) (set! (-> *pc-temp-string* data read) 0) (true! done?))
(dotimes (i read)
(when (,func-name (-> *pc-temp-string* data i))
(true! done?)
(set! tell (+ i (- (file-stream-tell ,fs) read)))
(set! i read)))))))
(if (!= tell -1) (file-stream-seek ,fs tell SCE_SEEK_SET) tell)))
(defmacro file-stream-read-until (fs func-name)
`(let ((read (file-stream-read ,fs (-> *pc-temp-string* data) PC_TEMP_STRING_LEN)))
(dotimes (i read)
(when (,func-name (-> *pc-temp-string* data i))
(set! (-> *pc-temp-string* data i) 0)
(file-stream-seek ,fs (+ i (- (file-stream-tell ,fs) read)) SCE_SEEK_SET)
(set! i read)))
(defmacro is-whitespace-or-bracket? (c)
`(or (is-whitespace-char? ,c) (= #x28 ,c) (= #x29 ,c)))
(defun file-stream-seek-past-whitespace ((file file-stream))
(file-stream-seek-until file not-whitespace-char?))
(defun file-stream-read-word ((file file-stream))
(file-stream-read-until file is-whitespace-or-bracket?)
;(format 0 "word ~A~%" *pc-temp-string*)
(defmacro file-stream-getc (fs)
`(let ((buf 255))
(file-stream-read ,fs (& buf) 1)
;(format 0 "getc got #x~X~%" buf)
(defun file-stream-read-int ((file file-stream))
(file-stream-seek-past-whitespace file)
(file-stream-read-word file)
(string->int *pc-temp-string*))
(defun file-stream-read-float ((file file-stream))
(file-stream-seek-past-whitespace file)
(file-stream-read-word file)
(string->float *pc-temp-string*))
(defun file-stream-read-symbol ((file file-stream))
(file-stream-seek-past-whitespace file)
(file-stream-read-word file)
(string->symbol *pc-temp-string*))
(defmacro pc-settings-read-throw-error (fs msg)
"not an actual throw..."
(format 0 "pc settings read error: ~S~%" ,msg)
(file-stream-close ,fs)
(return #f)))
(defmacro with-settings-scope (bindings &rest body)
(let ((fs (first bindings)))
(file-stream-seek-past-whitespace ,fs)
(when (!= #x28 (file-stream-getc ,fs))
(pc-settings-read-throw-error ,fs "invalid char, ( not found"))
(file-stream-seek-past-whitespace ,fs)
(when (!= #x29 (file-stream-getc ,fs))
;; NOTE - if you have a setting in the file that isn't handled (even if its valid lisp)
;; this error will be thrown.
(pc-settings-read-throw-error ,fs "invalid char, ) not found")))))
(defmacro file-stream-get-next-char-ret (fs)
(file-stream-seek-past-whitespace ,fs)
(let ((c (file-stream-getc ,fs))) (file-stream-seek ,fs -1 SCE_SEEK_CUR) c)))
(defmacro file-stream-get-next-char (fs)
(file-stream-seek-past-whitespace ,fs)
(file-stream-getc ,fs)))
(defmacro dosettings (bindings &rest body)
"iterate over a list of key-value pairs like so: (<key> <value>) (<key> <value>) ...
the name of key is stored in *pc-temp-string*"
(let ((fs (first bindings)))
`(let ((c -1))
(while (begin
(file-stream-seek-past-whitespace ,fs)
(set! c (file-stream-getc ,fs))
(= #x28 c))
(file-stream-read-word ,fs)
(set! c (file-stream-get-next-char ,fs))
(when (!= #x29 c)
(pc-settings-read-throw-error ,fs (string-format "invalid char, ) not found, got #x~X ~A" c *pc-temp-string*))))
(file-stream-seek ,fs -1 SCE_SEEK_CUR))))
(defmethod read-from-file ((obj pc-settings) (filename string))
"read settings from a file"
(if (not filename) (return #f))
(let ((file (new 'stack 'file-stream filename 'read)))
(when (not (file-stream-valid? file))
(return #f))
(let ((version PC_KERNEL_VERSION))
(with-settings-scope (file)
(case-str (file-stream-read-word file)
(set! version (the pckernel-version (file-stream-read-int file)))
((and (= (-> version major) PC_KERNEL_VER_MAJOR) (= (-> version minor) PC_KERNEL_VER_MINOR))
;; minor or no difference
;; major difference
(format 0
"PC kernel version mismatch! Got ~D.~D vs ~D.~D~%"
(-> version major)
(-> version minor))
(file-stream-close file)
(return #f)))
(dosettings (file) (handle-input-settings obj file))
;; upgrade settings if minor changes
;; remember to delete this when major changes to the version number are made
(when (and (= PC_KERNEL_VER_MAJOR 1)
(or (> 3 (-> version build)) (and (= 3 (-> version build)) (> 1 (-> version revision)))))
;; 1.10 upgrade: turn envmap on
(set! (-> obj force-envmap?) #t))))))
(file-stream-close file))
(format 0 "pc settings file read: ~A~%" filename)
;; restore the windowed mode resolution properly
(when (= (-> obj display-mode) 'windowed)
(pc-set-window-size (max PC_MIN_WIDTH (-> obj window-width)) (max PC_MIN_HEIGHT (-> obj window-height))))
(defmethod handle-input-settings ((obj pc-settings) (file file-stream))
"handle the text parsing input for the 'settings' group"
(case-str *pc-temp-string*
(("fps") (set-frame-rate! obj (file-stream-read-int file) #t))
(set! (-> obj window-width) (file-stream-read-int file))
(set! (-> obj window-height) (file-stream-read-int file)))
(("game-size") (set! (-> obj width) (file-stream-read-int file)) (set! (-> obj height) (file-stream-read-int file)))
(("msaa") (set! (-> obj gfx-msaa) (file-stream-read-int file)))
;; game aspect
(set-game-setting! obj 'aspect-ratio (file-stream-read-symbol file))
;; aspect ratio
(set! (-> obj aspect-custom-x) (file-stream-read-int file))
(set! (-> obj aspect-custom-y) (file-stream-read-int file))
;; aspect auto
(set! (-> obj aspect-ratio-auto?) (file-stream-read-symbol file))
(unless (-> obj aspect-ratio-auto?)
(set-aspect! obj (-> obj aspect-custom-x) (-> obj aspect-custom-y))))
;; force a display mode update
(set! (-> obj display-mode) #f)
(set-display-mode! obj (file-stream-read-symbol file) #t))
(("monitor") (set-monitor! obj (file-stream-read-int file)))
(("letterbox") (set! (-> obj letterbox?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("vsync") (set! (-> obj vsync?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("font-scale") (set! (-> obj font-scale) (file-stream-read-float file)))
(("audio-latency-ms") (set! (-> obj audio-latency-ms) (file-stream-read-int file)))
(("audio-pan-override") (set! (-> obj audio-pan-override) (file-stream-read-float file)))
(("audio-volume-override") (set! (-> obj audio-volume-override) (file-stream-read-float file)))
(("audio-channel-nb") (set! (-> obj audio-channel-nb) (file-stream-read-int file)))
(("gfx-renderer") (set! (-> obj gfx-renderer) (the-as pc-gfx-renderer (file-stream-read-int file))))
(("gfx-resolution") (set! (-> obj gfx-resolution) (file-stream-read-float file)))
(("gfx-anisotropy") (set! (-> obj gfx-anisotropy) (file-stream-read-float file)))
(("shrub-dist-mod") (set! (-> obj shrub-dist-mod) (file-stream-read-float file)))
(("lod-dist-mod") (set! (-> obj lod-dist-mod) (file-stream-read-float file)))
(("lod-force-tfrag") (set! (-> obj lod-force-tfrag) (file-stream-read-int file)))
(("lod-force-tie") (set! (-> obj lod-force-tie) (file-stream-read-int file)))
(("lod-force-ocean") (set! (-> obj lod-force-ocean) (file-stream-read-int file)))
(("lod-force-actor") (set! (-> obj lod-force-actor) (file-stream-read-int file)))
(("game-language") (set-game-language! obj (the-as language-enum (file-stream-read-int file))))
(("subtitle-speaker") (set! (-> obj subtitle-speaker?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("territory") (set! (-> obj territory) (file-stream-read-int file)))
(("ignore-controller-win-unfocused?") (set-ignore-controller-in-bg! obj (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("controller-hp-led?") (set! (-> obj controller-led-hp?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("controller-eco-led?") (set! (-> obj controller-led-eco?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("controller-heat-led?") (set! (-> obj controller-led-heat?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("stick-deadzone") (set! (-> obj stick-deadzone) (file-stream-read-float file)))
;; TODO - remove this eventually, setting moved into json input-settings
;; has to stay here or the settings parsing code explodes
(("keyboard-enabled?") (file-stream-read-symbol file))
(("mouse-enabled?") (set! (-> obj mouse-enabled?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("mouse-camera?") (set! (-> obj mouse-camera?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("mouse-xsens") (set! (-> obj mouse-xsens) (file-stream-read-float file)))
(("mouse-ysens") (set! (-> obj mouse-ysens) (file-stream-read-float file)))
(("mouse-movement?") (set! (-> obj mouse-movement?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("auto-hide-cursor?") (set! (-> obj auto-hide-cursor?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("ps2-read-speed?") (set! (-> obj ps2-read-speed?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("ps2-parts?") (set! (-> obj ps2-parts?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("ps2-music?") (set! (-> obj ps2-music?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("ps2-se?") (set! (-> obj ps2-se?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("ps2-hints?") (set! (-> obj ps2-hints?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("ps2-shadow?") (set! (-> obj ps2-shadow?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("ps2-lod-dist?") (set! (-> obj ps2-lod-dist?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("force-envmap?") (set! (-> obj force-envmap?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("force-actors?") (set! (-> obj ps2-actor-vis?) (not (file-stream-read-symbol file))))
(("music-fade?") (file-stream-read-symbol file)) ;; TODO remove
(("use-vis?") (set! (-> obj use-vis?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("hinttitles?") (set! (-> obj hinttitles?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("discord-rpc?") (set! (-> obj discord-rpc?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("speedrunner-mode?") (set! (-> obj speedrunner-mode?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("cutscene-skips?") (file-stream-read-symbol file)) ;; TODO remove
(("first-camera-h-inverted?") (set! (-> obj first-camera-h-inverted?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("first-camera-v-inverted?") (set! (-> obj first-camera-v-inverted?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("third-camera-h-inverted?") (set! (-> obj third-camera-h-inverted?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("third-camera-v-inverted?") (set! (-> obj third-camera-v-inverted?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("music-fadein?") (set! (-> obj music-fadein?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("music-fadeout?") (set! (-> obj music-fadeout?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("controller-led-brightness") (set! (-> obj controller-led-brightness) (file-stream-read-float file)))
(("controller-led-min-brightness") (set! (-> obj controller-led-min-brightness) (file-stream-read-float file)))
(("controller-led-max-brightness") (set! (-> obj controller-led-max-brightness) (file-stream-read-float file)))
;; debug
(("debug-font-scale") (set! (-> obj debug-font-scale) (file-stream-read-float file)))
(("debug-font-scale-auto?") (set! (-> obj debug-font-scale-auto?) (file-stream-read-symbol file)))
(("panic") (when (file-stream-read-symbol file) (reset obj #t) (return #f))))
(defmethod handle-output-settings ((obj pc-settings) (file file-stream))
"handle the text writing output for the 'settings' group"
(format file " (fps ~D)~%" (-> obj target-fps))
(format file " (msaa ~D)~%" (-> obj gfx-msaa))
(format file
" (aspect-state ~A ~D ~D ~A)~%"
(get-game-setting obj 'aspect-ratio)
(-> obj aspect-custom-x)
(-> obj aspect-custom-y)
(-> obj aspect-ratio-auto?))
(format file " (display-mode ~A)~%" (-> obj display-mode))
(format file " (window-size ~D ~D)~%" (-> obj window-width) (-> obj window-height))
(format file " (game-size ~D ~D)~%" (-> obj width) (-> obj height))
(format file " (monitor ~D)~%" (-> obj monitor))
(format file " (letterbox ~A)~%" (-> obj letterbox?))
(format file " (vsync ~A)~%" (-> obj vsync?))
;(format file " (font-scale ~f)~%" (-> obj font-scale))
(format file " (debug-font-scale ~f)~%" (-> obj debug-font-scale))
(format file " (debug-font-scale-auto? ~A)~%" (-> obj debug-font-scale-auto?))
;(format file " (audio-latency-ms ~D)~%" (-> obj audio-latency-ms))
;(format file " (audio-pan-override ~f)~%" (-> obj audio-pan-override))
;(format file " (audio-volume-override ~f)~%" (-> obj audio-volume-override))
;(format file " (audio-channel-nb ~D)~%" (-> obj audio-channel-nb))
;(format file " (gfx-renderer ~D)~%" (-> obj gfx-renderer))
;(format file " (gfx-resolution ~f)~%" (-> obj gfx-resolution))
;(format file " (gfx-anisotropy ~f)~%" (-> obj gfx-anisotropy))
;(format file " (shrub-dist-mod ~f)~%" (-> obj shrub-dist-mod))
;(format file " (lod-dist-mod ~f)~%" (-> obj lod-dist-mod))
(format file " (lod-force-tfrag ~D)~%" (-> obj lod-force-tfrag))
(format file " (lod-force-tie ~D)~%" (-> obj lod-force-tie))
(format file " (lod-force-ocean ~D)~%" (-> obj lod-force-ocean))
(format file " (lod-force-actor ~D)~%" (-> obj lod-force-actor))
(format file " (ignore-controller-win-unfocused? ~A)~%" (-> obj ignore-controller-win-unfocused?))
(format file " (controller-hp-led? ~A)~%" (-> obj controller-led-hp?))
(format file " (controller-eco-led? ~A)~%" (-> obj controller-led-eco?))
(format file " (controller-heat-led? ~A)~%" (-> obj controller-led-heat?))
(format file " (controller-led-brightness ~f)~%" (-> obj controller-led-brightness))
(format file " (controller-led-min-brightness ~f)~%" (-> obj controller-led-min-brightness))
(format file " (controller-led-max-brightness ~f)~%" (-> obj controller-led-max-brightness))
(format file " (stick-deadzone ~f)~%" (-> obj stick-deadzone))
(format file " (mouse-enabled? ~A)~%" (-> obj mouse-enabled?))
(format file " (mouse-camera? ~A)~%" (-> obj mouse-camera?))
(format file " (mouse-xsens ~f)~%" (-> obj mouse-xsens))
(format file " (mouse-ysens ~f)~%" (-> obj mouse-ysens))
(format file " (mouse-movement? ~A)~%" (-> obj mouse-movement?))
(format file " (auto-hide-cursor? ~A)~%" (-> obj auto-hide-cursor?))
(format file " (ps2-read-speed? ~A)~%" (-> obj ps2-read-speed?))
(format file " (ps2-parts? ~A)~%" (-> obj ps2-parts?))
(format file " (ps2-music? ~A)~%" (-> obj ps2-music?))
(format file " (ps2-se? ~A)~%" (-> obj ps2-se?))
(format file " (ps2-hints? ~A)~%" (-> obj ps2-hints?))
(format file " (ps2-shadow? ~A)~%" (-> obj ps2-shadow?))
(format file " (ps2-lod-dist? ~A)~%" (-> obj ps2-lod-dist?))
(format file " (force-envmap? ~A)~%" (-> obj force-envmap?))
(format file " (use-vis? ~A)~%" (-> obj use-vis?))
(format file " (discord-rpc? ~A)~%" (-> obj discord-rpc?))
(format file " (speedrunner-mode? ~A)~%" (-> obj speedrunner-mode?))
(format file " (first-camera-h-inverted? ~A)~%" (-> obj first-camera-h-inverted?))
(format file " (first-camera-v-inverted? ~A)~%" (-> obj first-camera-v-inverted?))
(format file " (third-camera-h-inverted? ~A)~%" (-> obj third-camera-h-inverted?))
(format file " (third-camera-v-inverted? ~A)~%" (-> obj third-camera-v-inverted?))
(format file " (force-actors? ~A)~%" (not (-> obj ps2-actor-vis?)))
(format file " (music-fadein? ~A)~%" (-> obj music-fadein?))
(format file " (music-fadeout? ~A)~%" (-> obj music-fadeout?))
(format file " (hinttitles? ~A)~%" (-> obj hinttitles?))
(format file " (game-language ~D)~%" (get-game-language obj))
(format file " (subtitle-speaker ~A)~%" (-> obj subtitle-speaker?))
(format file " (territory ~D)~%" (-> obj territory))
(defmethod write-to-file ((obj pc-settings) (filename string))
"write settings to a file"
(if (not filename) (return #f))
(let ((file (new 'stack 'file-stream filename 'write)))
(if (not (file-stream-valid? file)) (return #f))
(format file "(settings #x~X~%" PC_KERNEL_VERSION)
(handle-output-settings obj file)
(format file " )~%")
(file-stream-close file))
(format 0 "pc settings file write: ~A~%" filename)
(defmethod load-settings ((obj pc-settings))
(format (clear *pc-temp-string-1*) "~S/pc-settings.gc" *pc-settings-folder*)
((pc-filepath-exists? *pc-temp-string-1*)
(format 0 "[PC] PC Settings found at '~S'...loading!~%" *pc-temp-string-1*)
(unless (read-from-file obj *pc-temp-string-1*)
(format 0 "[PC] PC Settings found at '~S' but could not be loaded, using defaults!~%" *pc-temp-string-1*)
(reset obj #t)))
(else (format 0 "[PC] PC Settings not found at '~S'...initializing with defaults!~%" *pc-temp-string-1*) (reset obj #t)))
(defmethod initialize ((obj pc-settings))
"initial initialize method to be run after allocating"
;; load defaults not covered by the file
(reset obj #f)
;; if saved settings are corrupted or not found, the object will be fully reset to use all defaults
(load-settings obj)
;; any post-operations that need to be done after loading
(set! (-> obj keyboard-enabled?) (pc-get-keyboard-enabled?))
(update-mouse-controls! obj)
(defmethod new pc-settings ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type))
"make a new pc-settings"
(let ((obj (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size))))) (initialize obj) obj))
;;;; entity debugging
(when *debug-segment*
(defmethod update-pad ((obj entity-debug-inspect) (pad-idx int))
"respond to pad inputs"
;; scroll up
(if (cpad-pressed? pad-idx l1) (1-! (-> obj scroll-y)))
;; scroll down
(if (cpad-pressed? pad-idx r1) (1+! (-> obj scroll-y)))
;; toggle actor info
(if (cpad-pressed? pad-idx l3) (not! (-> obj show-actor-info)))
;; toggle long info
(if (cpad-pressed? pad-idx up) (not! (-> obj show-long-info)))
(minmax! (-> obj scroll-y) 0 (-> obj scroll-y-max))
(none))) ;; when debug_segment