Tyler Wilding c162c66118
g/j1: Cleanup all main issues in the formatter and format all of goal_src/jak1 (#3535)
This PR does two main things:
1. Work through the main low-hanging fruit issues in the formatter
keeping it from feeling mature and usable
2. Iterate and prove that point by formatting all of the Jak 1 code
base. **This has removed around 100K lines in total.**
- The decompiler will now format it's results for jak 1 to keep things
from drifting back to where they were. This is controlled by a new
config flag `format_code`.

How am I confident this hasn't broken anything?:
- I compiled the entire project and stored it's `out/jak1/obj` files
- I then recompiled the project after formatting and wrote a script that
md5's each file and compares it (`compare-compilation-outputs.py`
- The results (eventually) were the same:

![Screenshot 2024-05-25
> This proves that the only difference before and after is non-critical
whitespace for all code/macros that is actually in use.

I'm still aware of improvements that could be made to the formatter, as
well as general optimization of it's performance. But in general these
are for rare or non-critical situations in my opinion and I'll work
through them before doing Jak 2. The vast majority looks great and is
working properly at this point. Those known issues are the following if
you are curious:

2024-06-05 22:17:31 -04:00

557 lines
24 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
(bundles "KERNEL.CGO")
(require "kernel/gcommon.gc")
;; Type definitions and constants for the GOAL Kernel. The GOAL kernel is dipatched
;; from C++ through the *kernel-dispatcher* and is responsible for:
;; - running all GOAL code
;; - handling creation, destruction, and compaction of GOAL processes
;; - managing GOAL threads and the "suspend" keyword
;; - handling stack frames, nonlocal throws used by the state system
;; - process handles.
;; if set, will attempt to detect memory corruption and stack overflow bugs
;; to some extent.
(defglobalconstant KERNEL_DEBUG #t)
;; -hardware
;; processes can execute using the scratchpad as their stack to get better
;; performance. The scratchpad address is #x70000000 to #x70004000 on PS2.
;; On PC, we'll detect the use of the scratchpad within gkernel.gc and move it elsewhere.
(defconstant *scratch-memory-top* (the pointer #x70004000))
;; -versions-
;; the version of the kernel. This is checked in the C Kernel.
;; This must match the version in common/versions.h when building gk
(defconstant *kernel-major-version* 2)
(defconstant *kernel-minor-version* 0)
;; the version of the OVERLORD I/O driver.
;; this may be unused.
(defconstant *irx-major-version* 1)
(defconstant *irx-minor-version* 2)
;; -memory-
;; in GOAL threads, to save memory, each thread owns a tiny stack to store
;; the stack when suspended, and copies it to and from a larger stack for execution.
;; Attempting to suspend a thread in a deep callstack will fail because the tiny stack won't have
;; enough room. But this strategy saves memory in the end.
;; the size of the single large "DRAM" execution stack (14 kB increased to 32 kB in PC)
(defconstant DPROCESS_STACK_SIZE #x8000)
;; the size of the execution stack, if not using the big DRAM stack.
;; OpenGOAL NOTE: 7kB -> 24kB
(defconstant PROCESS_STACK_SIZE (#if PC_PORT #x6000 #x1c00))
;; default size of stack to backup for a process
(defconstant PROCESS_STACK_SAVE_SIZE 256)
;; the size of the shared heap used by dynamically sized processes
(defconstant PROCESS_HEAP_MULT 3) ;; 3x actors
(defconstant PROCESS_HEAP_MULT 1))
(defconstant PROCESS_HEAP_SIZE (* PROCESS_HEAP_MULT 984 1024))
;; -system-
;; tab size for printing.
(defconstant *tab-size* (the binteger 8))
(defconstant *gtype-basic-offset* 4)
;; bitfield enum to indicate properties about a process-tree
;; Some of these bits are used by the kernel for book-keeping, but others
;; can be set by the user to prevent a process from running in certain conditions.
(defenum process-mask
:bitfield #t
:type uint32
(execute 0) ;; when set, prevents a process from running, in every case.
(draw 1) ;; unused
(pause 2) ;; when set, the process won't run if the game is paused.
(menu 3) ;; when set, the process won't run if the debug menu system is open
(progress 4) ;; the process won't run if the start menu (progress menu) is open
(actor-pause 5) ;; when set, the entity system will try to pause it automatically if you are far away.
(sleep 6) ;; prevents the process from running, but can be woken up by state changes.
(sleep-code 7) ;; do not run the code (main thread) of this process (other stuff runs)
(process-tree 8) ;; not an actual process, just a "tree node" for organization
(heap-shrunk 9) ;; actor heap compactor has already shrunk the heap of this proc
(going 10) ;; there is a next state set that will be entered next time (pending enter-state)
(movie 11) ;; when set, don't run if we are in a movie
(movie-subject 12) ;; set on silostep, unused otherwise.
(target 13) ;; set on target
(sidekick 14) ;; set on sidekick
(crate 15) ;; set on all crates
(collectable 16) ;; set on all collectables
(enemy 17) ;; set on all enemies (inclues stuff like seagulls)
(camera 18) ;; set on all cameras
(platform 19) ;; set on all platforms
(ambient 20) ;; set on all ambients
(entity 21) ;; set on all processes spawned from entities
(projectile 22) ;; set on all projectiles
(attackable 23) ;; set on all "attackables" that can be targeted by projectiles or similar
(death 24) ;; set on misty-conveyor, appears unused.
;; -961
;; these bits are cleared when inheriting the mask from a parent process.
(defconstant PROCESS_CLEAR_MASK (lognot (process-mask sleep sleep-code process-tree heap-shrunk)))
;; trigger an exception. (GOAL used lw r0, 2(r0))
(defmacro break ()
`(/ 0 0))
(defmacro msg-err (&rest args)
"Print a message to stdout immediately. This won't appear in the compiler.
This is useful if the game is crashing before messages can be flushed
to compiler."
`(format 0 ,@args))
;; this stores the current state of the kernel.
(deftype kernel-context (basic)
((prevent-from-run process-mask) ;; don't run processes with any of these bits set.
(require-for-run process-mask) ;; unused
(allow-to-run process-mask) ;; unused
(next-pid int32) ;; next unused unique process ID
(fast-stack-top pointer)
(current-process process) ;; currently executing process
(relocating-process basic) ;; currently relocating process
(relocating-min int32) ;; start of memory being relocated
(relocating-max int32) ;; end of memory being relocated
(relocating-offset int32) ;; how far the memory being relocated is moving
(low-memory-message symbol) ;; should we print warnings if low on memory?
:size-assert #x30
:method-count-assert 9
:flag-assert #x900000030)
;; A thread belongs to a process and has a reference to a stack.
;; they have an "execution stack", which is where the stack goes when the thread runs.
;; and optionally a "backup stack", which stores the stack when the thread doesn't run.
;; this means threads can't leak pointers to stack variables to other threads...
;; optionally, threads may know how to suspend/resume themselves.
(declare-type process basic)
(declare-type stack-frame basic)
(declare-type state basic)
(declare-type cpu-thread basic)
(declare-type dead-pool basic)
(declare-type event-message-block structure)
;; NOTE! - this type is created in kscheme.cpp. It has room for 12 methods and size 0x28 bytes.
(deftype thread (basic)
((name basic) ;; name of the thread (usually a symbol?)
(process process) ;; process that the thread belongs to
(previous thread) ;; previous thread that was running in the process
(suspend-hook (function cpu-thread none)) ;; function to suspend this thread
(resume-hook (function cpu-thread none)) ;; function to resume this thread
(pc pointer) ;; program counter of the thread
(sp pointer) ;; stack pointer of the thread (actual stack)
(stack-top pointer) ;; top of the thread's stack (actual stack)
(stack-size int32) ;; size of the thread's stack (backup stack)
(stack-size-set! (_type_ int) none)
(thread-suspend (_type_) none)
(thread-resume (_type_) none))
;; is already defined in kscheme but we define it again.
;; A CPU thread is a thread which has some memory to save registers and a stack
(deftype cpu-thread (thread)
(;; This is what GOAL did:
;; (rreg uint64 8 :offset-assert 40) ;; general purpose saved registers
;; (freg float 6 :offset-assert 104) ;; floating point registers
;; OpenGOAL has only 5 saved registers but 8 fregs, so we swap a rreg for 2 fregs.
(rreg uint64 7 :offset-assert 40)
(freg float 8)
;; This is the same between GOAL and OpenGOAL
(stack uint8 :dynamic :offset-assert 128) ;; stack memory (dynamic array)
(new (symbol type process symbol int pointer) _type_)
(thread-suspend (_type_) none)
(thread-resume (_type_) none)))
;; ppointer system:
;; a process may move in memory, but we need a way to keep track of a process.
;; this is where "ppointer" comes in. It is a GOAL (pointer process), like a C Process**.
;; Each process must contain a ppointer that can be used to find it. The process pointed to by
;; the ppointer must be a valid process or #f at all times.
;; Parent type of all process tree nodes.
;; A process-tree is a left-child right-sibling binary tree
;; (except GOAL is old and it looks like they called them left-child right-brother trees back then)
(declare-type entity-actor basic)
(deftype process-tree (basic)
((name basic)
(mask process-mask)
;; tree
(parent (pointer process-tree))
(brother (pointer process-tree))
(child (pointer process-tree))
(ppointer (pointer process))
;; in cases where the process never moves, the kernel will set ppointer to the address of the self field
(self process-tree))
(new (symbol type basic) _type_)
(activate (_type_ process-tree basic pointer) process-tree)
(deactivate (_type_) none)
(init-from-entity! (_type_ entity-actor) none)
(run-logic? (_type_) symbol)
(process-tree-method-13 () none))
:no-runtime-type ;; already defined by kscheme. Don't do it again.
;; A GOAL process. A GOAL process contains memory and a suspendable main-thread.
(deftype process (process-tree)
((pool dead-pool) ;; the memory pool we came from, and should return to when we die
(status basic)
(pid int32) ;; unqiue process ID
(main-thread cpu-thread) ;; our suspendable main thread
(top-thread thread) ;; currently running thread
(entity entity-actor) ;; if we are a process spawned by an entity-actor, our entity
(state state) ;; if we use the state system, our current state
(trans-hook function) ;; function to call for trans
(post-hook function) ;; function to call for post
(event-hook (function process int symbol event-message-block object)) ;; function to call for events
(allocated-length int32) ;; size not included in process (including fields + heap)
(next-state state) ;; if we are "going", the next state to go to.
(heap-base pointer) ;; process heap
(heap-top pointer)
(heap-cur pointer)
(stack-frame-top stack-frame) ;; stack frame. top means "closest to current execution"
(connection-list connectable :inline) ;; list of engines we're connected to
(stack uint8 :dynamic) ;; memory for fields + process heap
(new (symbol type basic int) _type_))
:no-runtime-type ;; already defined by kscheme. Don't do it again.
;; A dead pool is simply a process-tree node which contains all dead processes.
;; It supports getting and returning processes.
(deftype dead-pool (process-tree)
(;; nothing new!
(new (symbol type int int basic) _type_)
(get-process (_type_ type int) process)
(return-process (_type_ process) none)))
;; A dead-pool-heap-rec is a record for a process which lives on a dead-pool-heap.
;; The dead-pool-heap may move processes around in memory, but we need some constant address for each process.
;; This is a small record that will be updated by the kernel so it always points to the process.
;; A handle can use a pointer to this type's "process" field as a fixed ppointer.
(deftype dead-pool-heap-rec (structure)
((process process) ;; the process of this record
(prev dead-pool-heap-rec) ;; next rec in the linked list
(next dead-pool-heap-rec) ;; prev. rec in the linked list
:pack-me ; don't worry about aligning me to 16-bytes in arrays and types.
;; This is a pool of dead processes which can be dynamically sized and allocated from a common heap.
;; It doesn't quite behave like a tree, so there's some hacks related to child/brother etc.
;; Alive processes in a dead-pool-heap can be relocated and compacted to reduce heap fragmentation.
(deftype dead-pool-heap (dead-pool)
((allocated-length int32) ;; size of heap
(compact-time uint32) ;; unused...
(compact-count-targ uint32) ;; number of compactions requested
(compact-count uint32) ;; number of compactions perfomed
(fill-percent float) ;; unused
(first-gap dead-pool-heap-rec) ;; the lowest process with a gap in the heap
(first-shrink dead-pool-heap-rec) ;; the lowest process that needs shrinking
(heap kheap :inline) ;; our shared heap for processes
(alive-list dead-pool-heap-rec :inline) ;; records for processes that are alive
(last dead-pool-heap-rec :overlay-at (-> alive-list prev))
(dead-list dead-pool-heap-rec :inline) ;; unused records
(process-list dead-pool-heap-rec :inline :dynamic) ;; array of records
(new (symbol type basic int int) _type_)
(compact (dead-pool-heap int) none)
(shrink-heap (dead-pool-heap process) dead-pool-heap)
(churn (dead-pool-heap int) none)
(memory-used (dead-pool-heap) int)
(memory-total (dead-pool-heap) int)
(gap-size (dead-pool-heap dead-pool-heap-rec) int)
(gap-location (dead-pool-heap dead-pool-heap-rec) pointer)
(find-gap (dead-pool-heap dead-pool-heap-rec) dead-pool-heap-rec)
(find-gap-by-size (dead-pool-heap int) dead-pool-heap-rec)
(memory-free (dead-pool-heap) int)
(compact-time (dead-pool-heap) uint)))
;; GOAL can create a series of stack frames for unwinding/cleaning up.
;; This is the parent type for any stack frame.
(deftype stack-frame (basic)
((name symbol :offset 4)
(next stack-frame :offset 8) ;; follow this to get to the root frame, away from top.
:no-runtime-type ;; already constructed, don't do it again.
;; A catch frame is a frame you can "throw" to, by name.
;; You can "throw" out of a function and into a calling function, just like C++ exceptions.
(deftype catch-frame (stack-frame)
((sp int32 :offset 12) ;; where to reset the stack when throwing.
(ra int32 :offset 16) ;; where to jump when throwing
;; In GOAL
;; (freg float 6 :offset-assert 20) ;; saved floating point registers from "catch" statement
;; (rreg uint128 8 :offset-assert 48) ;; saved GPRs from "catch" statement (ugh they are 128s)
;; In OpenGOAL, we swap a rreg for 4 more fregs.
(freg float 10 :offset-assert 20) ;; only use 8
(rreg uint128 7) ;; only use 5
(new (symbol type symbol function (pointer uint64)) object)))
;; A protect frame is a frame which has a cleanup function called on exit.
(deftype protect-frame (stack-frame)
((exit (function object))) ;; function to call to clean up
(new (symbol type (function object)) protect-frame)))
;; A handle is a reference to a _specific_ process.
;; There are two tricks here:
;; 1). A process can be relocated in memory, so we can't just store a process.
;; Instead, we use a (pointer process) that points to a non-moving record.
;; dead-pool-heap takes care of maintaining these.
;; 2). Process memory can be reused. We don't want to get confused by this.
;; So we also store a unique PID to the specific activation of a process.
;; This way we can check the handle's PID against the PID in the process.
(deftype handle (uint64)
((process (pointer process) :offset 0) ;; set to #f for null.
(pid int32 :offset 32)
(u64 uint64 :offset 0)))
(defmethod inspect ((this handle))
(format #t "[~8x] ~A~%" 'handle)
(format #t "~Tprocess: #x~x~%" (-> this process))
(format #t "~Tpid: ~D~%" (-> this pid))
(defmacro handle->process (handle)
"Convert a handle to a process. If the process no longer exists, returns #f."
`(let ((the-handle (the-as handle ,handle)))
(if (-> the-handle process) ;; if we don't point to a process, kernel sets this to #f
(let ((proc (-> (-> the-handle process))))
(if (= (-> the-handle pid) (-> proc pid)) ;; make sure it's the same process
(defmacro ppointer->process (ppointer)
"convert a (pointer process) to a process."
;; this uses the self field, which seems to always just get set to the object.
;; perhaps when deleting a process you could have it set self to #f?
;; I don't see this happen anywhere though, so it's not clear.
`(let ((the-pp ,ppointer)) (the process-tree (if the-pp (-> the-pp 0 self)))))
(defmacro process->ppointer (proc)
"safely get a (pointer process) from a process, returning #f if invalid."
`(let ((the-proc ,proc)) (if the-proc (-> the-proc ppointer))))
(defmacro ppointer->handle (pproc)
"convert a ppointer to a handle. assumes the ppointer is valid."
`(let ((the-process (the-as (pointer process) ,pproc)))
(new 'static 'handle :process the-process :pid (-> the-process 0 pid))))
(defmacro process->handle (proc)
"convert a process to a handle. if proc is #f, returns a #f handle."
`(ppointer->handle (process->ppointer ,proc)))
(defmethod print ((this handle))
"print a handle"
(if (nonzero? (-> this u64)) ;; zero-initialized handles can't be derefenced safely.
(format #t
"#<handle :process ~A :pid ~D>"
(handle->process this) ;; actually print the process stored
(-> this pid))
(format #t "#<handle :process 0 :pid 0>"))
;; A "state" is a collection of 6 functions that describe what code a process should run.
;; It contains "code", the code that's suspended and resumed,
;; "trans", a function called before code is resumed
;; "post", a function called after code is suspended
;; "enter", a function to call when entering this state
;; "event", a function to call to handle events sent to the process
;; "exit", a function to call when exiting the state or deactivating the process.
;; While "state" is technically a stack frame, it's always the base stack frame, and just used for the exit
;; so if you abort out of a process, it cleans up the state too.
(deftype state (protect-frame)
((code function)
(trans (function object))
(post function)
(enter function)
(event (function process int symbol event-message-block object)))
(new (symbol type symbol function (function object) function (function object) (function process int symbol event-message-block object)) _type_)))
;; this is used for the event system to pass around parameters from one process to another.
(deftype event-message-block (structure)
((to process)
(from process)
(num-params int32)
(message symbol)
(param uint64 7))
(defmacro process-stack-used (proc)
;; get how much stack the top thread of a process has used.
`(- (the int (-> ,proc top-thread stack-top)) (the int (-> ,proc top-thread sp))))
(defmacro process-stack-size (proc)
;; get how much stack the top thread of a process has
`(-> ,proc top-thread stack-size))
(defmacro process-heap-used (proc)
;; get how much heap a process has used.
`(- (-> ,proc allocated-length) (- (the int (-> ,proc heap-top)) (the int (-> ,proc heap-cur)))))
(defmacro process-heap-size (proc)
;; get how much heap a process has
`(the int (-> ,proc allocated-length)))
(defmacro process-mask? (mask enum-value)
`(!= 0 (logand ,mask (process-mask ,enum-value))))
(defmacro process-mask-set! (mask &rest enum-value)
;; sets the given bits in the process mask (with or)
`(set! ,mask (logior ,mask (process-mask ,@enum-value))))
(defmacro process-mask-clear! (mask &rest enum-value)
;; sets the given bits in the process mask (with or)
`(set! ,mask (logand ,mask (lognot (process-mask ,@enum-value)))))
(defmacro suspend ()
"suspend the current process, to be resumed on the next frame."
`(rlet ((pp :reg r13 :reset-here #t))
;; debug check for stack overflow here, where we can easily print the process name.
(#when (or KERNEL_DEBUG)
(rlet ((sp :reg rsp :reset-here #t :type int)
(off :reg r15 :type uint))
(let* ((sp-goal (- sp off))
(stack-top-goal (-> (the process pp) top-thread stack-top))
(stack-used (&- stack-top-goal sp-goal))
(stack-size (-> (the process pp) top-thread stack-size)))
(when (> stack-used stack-size)
(format 0 "ERROR: suspend called without enough stack in proc:~%~A~%Stack: ~D/~D~%" pp stack-used stack-size)))))
;; set to the current thread
(set! pp (-> (the process pp) top-thread))
;; call the suspend hook (put nothing as the argument)
((-> (the cpu-thread pp) suspend-hook) (the cpu-thread 0))
;; the kernel will set pp (possibly to a new value, if we've been relocated) on resume.
(defmacro process-deactivate ()
"deactivate (kill) the current process"
`(rlet ((pp :reg r13 :reset-here #t :type process)) (deactivate pp)))
(defmacro with-pp (&rest body)
"execute the body with pp bound to the current process register."
`(rlet ((pp :reg r13 :reset-here #t :type process)) ,@body))
(defconstant PP (with-pp pp))
(defmacro with-proc (bindings &rest body)
"execute the body with process register set to the given value and bound to pp.
it is recommended to use run-now-in-process over this"
`(rlet ((pp :reg r13 :reset-here #t :type process)) (protect (pp) (set! pp ,(car bindings)) ,@body)))
(defmacro defbehavior (name process-type bindings &rest body)
"define a new behavior. This is simply a function where self is bound to the process register,
which is assumed to have type process-type."
(if (and (> (length body) 1) ;; more than one thing in function
(string? (first body)) ;; first thing is a string
;; then it's a docstring and we ignore it.
`(define ,name (lambda :name ,name :behavior ,process-type ,bindings ,@(cdr body)))
;; otherwise don't ignore it.
`(define ,name (lambda :name ,name :behavior ,process-type ,bindings ,@body))))
(defconstant INVALID_HANDLE (the handle #f))
(defmacro handle->name (handle)
"get the name of a process using a handle. #f is the result if the handle was invalid."
(with-gensyms (proc)
`(let ((,proc (handle->process ,handle))) (if ,proc (-> ,proc name)))))
(defmacro with-children (bindings &rest body)
"run body for each child. not recursive.
bindings are: (child proc); proc = process we do this on; child = var name for the current child ptr."
`(let ((,(first bindings) (-> ,(second bindings) child)))
(while ,(first bindings)
(set! ,(first bindings) (-> ,(first bindings) 0 brother)))))
(defmacro kheap-alloc (heap size)
"allocate space for a kheap"
`(let ((heap ,heap)
(size ,size))
(set! (-> heap base) (malloc 'global size))
(set! (-> heap current) (-> heap base))
(set! (-> heap top-base) (&+ (-> heap base) size))
(set! (-> heap top) (-> heap top-base))))
(defmacro kheap-reset (heap)
"reset the kheap, so you can use its memory again"
`(let ((heap ,heap)) (set! (-> heap current) (-> heap base))))
(defmacro with-sp (&rest body)
"execute the body with sp bound to the current stack pointer (be careful!)"
`(rlet ((sp :reg rsp :reset-here #t :type pointer)) ,@body))
(defmacro scratchpad-object (type &key (offset 0))
"Access an object on the scratchpad."
`(the-as ,type (&+ *fake-scratchpad-data* ,offset)))
(defmacro scratchpad-ptr (type &key (offset 0))
"Create a pointer to an object on the scratchpad."
`(the-as (pointer ,type) (&+ *fake-scratchpad-data* ,offset)))
;; Some assembly functions in GOAL are ported to C++, then accessed from GOAL using these mips2c macros.
(defmacro def-mips2c (name type)
"Define a mips2c object (typically a function)."
(define-extern ,name ,type)
(set! ,name (the-as ,type (__pc-get-mips2c ,(symbol->string name))))))
(defmacro defmethod-mips2c (name method-id method-type)
"Define a mips2c method."
`(method-set! ,method-type ,method-id (__pc-get-mips2c ,name)))