ManDude ebd8643d28
rework jak 2 goal file structure (#2806)
Changes the DGO build order so that the city gets compiled first, and a
random guess at an "order" of which levels people might edit more often.
Most of the data-only borrow files are moved to the end as well.

Also moves around files in the `goal_src` tree to a structure that makes
a bit more sense, some files were either in the completely wrong place,
their folders had strange names, were too deep for no reason or were
just too far away from other relevant files. This structure should make
it easier to guess a file's location.
2023-07-06 15:23:25 +01:00

1415 lines
54 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: jellyfish.gc
;; name in dgo: jellyfish
;; dgos: UNB
(deftype jellyfish-formation (hover-formation)
:heap-base #x10
:method-count-assert 16
:size-assert #x90
:flag-assert #x1000100090
(defmethod hover-formation-method-15 jellyfish-formation ((obj jellyfish-formation) (arg0 vector) (arg1 vector))
(logior! (-> obj formation flags) 2)
(deftype jellyfish-chain-physics (chain-physics)
:method-count-assert 18
:size-assert #x570
:flag-assert #x1200000570
(defmethod apply-gravity jellyfish-chain-physics ((obj jellyfish-chain-physics) (arg0 vector) (arg1 int) (arg2 process-drawable))
(-> obj gravity)
(* 4096.0 (-> self clock time-adjust-ratio) (lerp-scale 0.01 0.1 (the float arg1) 0.0 5.0))
(vector+float*! arg0 arg0 (the-as vector (+ (the-as uint (-> obj chain-joints 0 velocity)) (* arg1 64))) 0.2)
(defmethod chain-physics-method-14 jellyfish-chain-physics ((obj jellyfish-chain-physics) (arg0 vector) (arg1 int))
(the-as vector (+ (the-as uint (-> obj chain-joints 0 velocity)) (* (+ arg1 1) 64)))
(lerp-scale 0.1 0.9 (the float arg1) 0.0 5.0)
(defmethod chain-physics-method-16 jellyfish-chain-physics ((obj jellyfish-chain-physics) (arg0 int))
(if (zero? arg0)
(defmethod gravity-update jellyfish-chain-physics ((obj jellyfish-chain-physics) (arg0 process-drawable))
((method-of-type chain-physics gravity-update) obj arg0)
(let ((gp-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'collide-query)))
(let ((s5-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'bounding-box)))
(let ((s4-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'sphere)))
(set! (-> s4-0 quad) (-> (the-as collide-shape-moving (-> arg0 root)) root-prim prim-core world-sphere quad))
(the-as vector s4-0)
(the-as vector s4-0)
(vector-y-quaternion! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> arg0 root quat))
(set! (-> s4-0 r) 12288.0)
(set-from-sphere! s5-0 s4-0)
(set! (-> gp-0 collide-with) (collide-spec backgnd))
(set! (-> gp-0 ignore-process0) #f)
(set! (-> gp-0 ignore-process1) #f)
(set! (-> gp-0 ignore-pat) (new 'static 'pat-surface :noentity #x1 :nojak #x1 :probe #x1 :noendlessfall #x1))
(set! (-> gp-0 action-mask) (collide-action solid))
(mem-copy! (the-as pointer (-> gp-0 bbox)) (the-as pointer s5-0) 32)
(fill-using-bounding-box *collide-cache* gp-0)
(defmethod chain-physics-method-17 jellyfish-chain-physics ((obj jellyfish-chain-physics) (arg0 vector) (arg1 int))
(local-vars (v1-26 float))
(rlet ((acc :class vf)
(vf0 :class vf)
(vf1 :class vf)
(vf2 :class vf)
(let* ((s5-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'collide-query))
(v1-2 (-> obj chain-joints arg1))
(s4-1 (vector-! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) arg0 (-> v1-2 position)))
(s3-0 0)
(set! (-> arg0 quad) (-> v1-2 position quad))
(until (or (< 6 s3-0) (begin
(.lvf vf1 (&-> s4-1 quad))
(.add.w.vf vf2 vf0 vf0 :mask #b1)
(.mul.vf vf1 vf1 vf1)
(.mul.x.vf acc vf2 vf1 :mask #b1)
(.add.mul.y.vf acc vf2 vf1 acc :mask #b1)
(.add.mul.z.vf vf1 vf2 vf1 acc :mask #b1)
(.mov v1-26 vf1)
(let ((f0-7 v1-26)
(f1-5 409.6)
(< f0-7 (* f1-5 f1-5))
(+! s3-0 1)
(set! (-> s5-0 start-pos quad) (-> arg0 quad))
(set! (-> s5-0 move-dist quad) (-> s4-1 quad))
(let ((v1-7 s5-0))
(set! (-> v1-7 radius) 1228.8)
(set! (-> v1-7 collide-with) (collide-spec backgnd))
(set! (-> v1-7 ignore-process0) #f)
(set! (-> v1-7 ignore-process1) #f)
(set! (-> v1-7 ignore-pat) (new 'static 'pat-surface :noentity #x1 :nojak #x1 :probe #x1 :noendlessfall #x1))
(set! (-> v1-7 action-mask) (collide-action solid))
(set! (-> s5-0 num-spheres) (the-as uint #f))
(let ((f0-1 (probe-using-line-sphere *collide-cache* s5-0)))
((>= f0-1 0.0)
(let ((f0-2 (fmin 1.0 f0-1)))
(vector+float*! arg0 arg0 s4-1 f0-2)
(vector-float*! s4-1 s4-1 (- 1.0 f0-2))
(let ((f0-5 (vector-dot s4-1 (-> s5-0 best-other-tri normal))))
(vector--float*! s4-1 s4-1 (-> s5-0 best-other-tri normal) (* 1.2 f0-5))
(vector+! arg0 arg0 s4-1)
(goto cfg-11)
(label cfg-11)
(deftype jellyfish (hover-enemy)
((los los-control :inline :offset-assert 784)
(sync sync-eased :inline :offset-assert 936)
(sound-id sound-id :offset-assert 980)
(path-player-u float :offset-assert 984)
(path-my-u float :offset-assert 988)
(path-y-offset float :offset-assert 992)
(path-stare-u float :offset-assert 996)
(tentacle-clock float :offset-assert 1000)
(tentacle-blend float :offset-assert 1004)
(last-attack-time time-frame :offset-assert 1008)
(last-fire-time time-frame :offset-assert 1016)
(charge-path-timer time-frame :offset-assert 1024)
(tentacles jellyfish-chain-physics 5 :offset-assert 1032)
(tentacles-initialized symbol :offset-assert 1052)
(stare-pos vector :inline :offset-assert 1056)
(charge-pos vector :inline :offset-assert 1072)
(grab-front symbol :offset-assert 1088)
(grab-offset vector :inline :offset-assert 1104)
(grab-start-pos vector :inline :offset-assert 1120)
(grab-start-quat quaternion :inline :offset-assert 1136)
(focus-rot quaternion :inline :offset-assert 1152)
(attach-lerp float :offset-assert 1168)
:heap-base #x420
:method-count-assert 165
:size-assert #x494
:flag-assert #xa504200494
(jellyfish-method-156 () none 156)
(threaten () _type_ :state 157)
(charge-attack () _type_ :state 158)
(grab-mech () _type_ :state 159)
(die-now () _type_ :state 160)
(jellyfish-method-161 (_type_ vector float) vector 161)
(jellyfish-method-162 (_type_) symbol 162)
(jellyfish-method-163 (_type_ process-focusable) symbol 163)
(jellyfish-method-164 (_type_ process-focusable) symbol 164)
(define *jellyfish-mech-reserved* #f)
(deftype jellyfish-joint-mod-tentacle-info (structure)
((axis vector :inline :offset-assert 0)
(angle float :offset-assert 16)
(period float :offset-assert 20)
(offset float :offset-assert 24)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x1c
:flag-assert #x90000001c
(defskelgroup skel-jellyfish jellyfish jellyfish-lod0-jg jellyfish-idle-ja
((jellyfish-lod0-mg (meters 999999)))
:bounds (static-spherem 0 -1.8 0 5)
(define *jellyfish-mainvein-chain-setup* (new 'static 'boxed-array :type chain-physics-setup
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 11)
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 12)
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 13)
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 14)
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 15)
(define *jellyfish-lfront-chain-setup* (new 'static 'boxed-array :type chain-physics-setup
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 17)
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 18)
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 19)
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 20)
(define *jellyfish-rfront-chain-setup* (new 'static 'boxed-array :type chain-physics-setup
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 22)
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 23)
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 24)
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 25)
(define *jellyfish-lrear-chain-setup* (new 'static 'boxed-array :type chain-physics-setup
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 27)
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 28)
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 29)
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 30)
(define *jellyfish-rrear-chain-setup* (new 'static 'boxed-array :type chain-physics-setup
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 32)
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 33)
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 34)
(new 'static 'chain-physics-setup :joint-index 35)
(define *jellyfish-enemy-info* (new 'static 'enemy-info
:use-die-falling #t
:use-victory #f
:use-jump-blocked #f
:debug-draw-neck #f
:jump-debug-draw #f
:move-to-ground #f
:hover-if-no-ground #f
:idle-anim-script #f
:idle-anim 2
:notice-anim 2
:hostile-anim 2
:hit-anim 2
:knocked-anim 2
:knocked-land-anim 2
:die-anim 3
:die-falling-anim 3
:victory-anim 2
:jump-wind-up-anim -1
:jump-in-air-anim -1
:jump-land-anim -1
:neck-joint 36
:look-at-joint 3
:bullseye-joint 3
:sound-hit (static-sound-name "jellyfish-hit")
:sound-die (static-sound-name "jellyfish-die")
:notice-distance (meters 45)
:notice-distance-delta (meters 4)
:proximity-notice-distance (meters 20)
:default-hit-points 1
:gnd-collide-with (collide-spec backgnd)
:overlaps-others-collide-with-filter (collide-spec jak bot player-list)
:movement-gravity (meters -100)
:friction 0.8
:attack-shove-back (meters 3)
:attack-shove-up (meters 2)
:attack-mode 'generic
:attack-damage 2
:jump-height-min (meters 3)
:jump-height-factor 0.5
:knocked-seek-ry-clamp 2730.6667
:knocked-soft-vxz-lo 72089.6
:knocked-soft-vxz-hi 108134.4
:knocked-soft-vy-lo 81920.0
:knocked-soft-vy-hi 122880.0
:knocked-medium-vxz-lo 28672.0
:knocked-medium-vxz-hi 65536.0
:knocked-medium-vy-lo 12288.0
:knocked-medium-vy-hi 36864.0
:knocked-hard-vxz-lo 78643.2
:knocked-hard-vxz-hi 117964.8
:knocked-hard-vy-lo 183500.8
:knocked-hard-vy-hi 209715.2
:knocked-huge-vxz-lo 164659.2
:knocked-huge-vxz-hi 249036.8
:knocked-huge-vy-lo 183500.8
:knocked-huge-vy-hi 217907.2
:knocked-yellow-vxz-lo 40960.0
:knocked-yellow-vxz-hi 49152.0
:knocked-yellow-vy-lo 57344.0
:knocked-yellow-vy-hi 81920.0
:knocked-red-vxz-lo 24576.0
:knocked-red-vxz-hi 196608.0
:knocked-red-vy-lo 94208.0
:knocked-red-vy-hi 151552.0
:knocked-blue-vxz-lo 40960.0
:knocked-blue-vxz-hi 49152.0
:knocked-blue-vy-lo 24576.0
:knocked-blue-vy-hi 81920.0
:shadow-size (meters 2)
:shadow-max-y (meters 10)
:shadow-min-y (meters -20)
:shadow-locus-dist (meters 150)
:gem-joint 36
:gem-seg #x2
:gem-no-seg #x4
:gem-offset (new 'static 'sphere :y -409.6 :z 4751.36 :r 163840.0)
(set! (-> *jellyfish-enemy-info* fact-defaults) *fact-info-enemy-defaults*)
(defmethod hover-enemy-method-151 jellyfish ((obj jellyfish))
(new 'static 'hover-enemy-info
:fly-forward-anim 2
:fly-backward-anim 2
:fly-left-anim 2
:fly-right-anim 2
:shoot-anim 2
:main-joint 3
:gun-base 40
:engine-left -1
:engine-right -1
(defmethod hover-enemy-method-152 jellyfish ((obj jellyfish))
(new 'static 'hover-nav-params :max-speed 32768.0 :max-acceleration 24576.0 :friction 0.8)
(defstate active (jellyfish)
:virtual #t
:enter (behavior ()
(let ((gp-1 (jellyfish-method-161 self (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (get-norm! (-> self sync) 0)))
(v1-6 (jellyfish-method-161
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(get-norm! (-> self sync) (the-as int (+ (current-time) (seconds 1))))
(s5-2 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(vector-! s5-2 v1-6 gp-1)
(vector-normalize! s5-2 1.0)
(hover-nav-control-method-10 (-> self hover) gp-1 s5-2 (the-as vector #t))
(set! (-> self restart-fly-anims) #t)
:trans (behavior ()
(local-vars (a0-8 vector) (gp-2 vector))
(seek! (-> self tentacle-blend) 1.0 (-> self clock seconds-per-frame))
(-> self hover)
(jellyfish-method-161 self (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (get-norm! (-> self sync) 0))
(when (and (jellyfish-method-164 self (the-as process-focusable #f))
(set! gp-2 (jellyfish-method-161 self (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (get-norm! (-> self sync) 0)))
(set! a0-8 (jellyfish-method-161 self (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> self path-player-u)))
(-> self focus-pos)
(< (fabs (- (-> self root trans y) (-> gp-2 y))) 8192.0)
(< (vector-vector-xz-distance a0-8 gp-2) 16384.0)
(set! (-> self path-stare-u) (get-norm! (-> self sync) 0))
(go-virtual stare)
:code (the-as (function none :behavior jellyfish) hover-enemy-fly-code)
:post (behavior ()
(debug-draw (-> self path))
(defstate stare (jellyfish)
:virtual #t
:enter (behavior ()
(let ((t9-1 (-> (the-as (state enemy) (find-parent-method jellyfish 35)) enter)))
(if t9-1
(jellyfish-method-161 self (-> self stare-pos) (-> self path-stare-u))
(set! (-> self stare-pos y) (+ -32768.0 (-> self stare-pos y)))
(let ((gp-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'collide-query)))
(set! (-> gp-0 start-pos quad) (-> self stare-pos quad))
(set! (-> gp-0 start-pos y) (+ 8192.0 (-> gp-0 start-pos y)))
(set-vector! (-> gp-0 move-dist) 0.0 -81920.0 0.0 0.0)
(let ((v1-8 gp-0))
(set! (-> v1-8 radius) 819.2)
(set! (-> v1-8 collide-with) (collide-spec backgnd))
(set! (-> v1-8 ignore-process0) self)
(set! (-> v1-8 ignore-process1) #f)
(set! (-> v1-8 ignore-pat) (-> self root pat-ignore-mask))
(set! (-> v1-8 action-mask) (collide-action solid))
(if (>= (fill-and-probe-using-line-sphere *collide-cache* gp-0) 0.0)
(set! (-> self stare-pos y) (fmax (-> self stare-pos y) (+ 24576.0 (-> gp-0 best-other-tri intersect y))))
(set! (-> self charge-path-timer) 0)
(look-at-target! self (enemy-flag lock-focus))
:trans (behavior ()
(local-vars (gp-0 vector))
(seek! (-> self tentacle-blend) 1.0 (-> self clock seconds-per-frame))
(when (>= (- (current-time) (-> self state-time)) (seconds 0.1))
(let ((v1-4 (-> self focus aware)))
((>= 1 (the-as int v1-4))
(go-virtual active)
((= v1-4 (enemy-aware unaware))
(go-flee self)
(if (and (>= (- (current-time) (-> self state-time)) (seconds 2))
(not (jellyfish-method-164 self (the-as process-focusable #f)))
(go-virtual active)
(if (and (not *jellyfish-mech-reserved*)
(>= (- (current-time) (-> self state-time)) (seconds 1))
(jellyfish-method-163 self (the-as process-focusable #f))
(set! gp-0 (jellyfish-method-161 self (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> self path-stare-u)))
(< (vector-vector-xz-distance (-> self root trans) gp-0) 12288.0)
(< (fabs (- (-> self root trans y) (-> gp-0 y))) 40960.0)
(go-virtual threaten)
:post (behavior ()
(hover-nav-control-method-11 (-> self hover) (-> self stare-pos))
(defstate threaten (jellyfish)
:virtual #t
:event (the-as (function process int symbol event-message-block object :behavior jellyfish) enemy-event-handler)
:enter (behavior ()
(set! *jellyfish-mech-reserved* #t)
:exit (behavior ()
(set! *jellyfish-mech-reserved* #f)
:trans (behavior ()
(seek! (-> self tentacle-blend) 0.0 (-> self clock seconds-per-frame))
:code (behavior ()
(set! (-> self restart-fly-anims) #t)
(ja-channel-push! 1 (seconds 0.1))
(ja-no-eval :group! jellyfish-notice-ja
:num! (seek! (the float (+ (-> (the-as art-joint-anim jellyfish-notice-ja) frames num-frames) -1)) 1.4)
:frame-num 0.0
(until (ja-done? 0)
(ja :num! (seek! max 1.4))
(let ((gp-0 (handle->process (-> self focus handle)))
(s5-0 (-> self root trans))
((not (jellyfish-method-163 self (the-as process-focusable gp-0)))
(go-virtual stare)
((< (vector-vector-distance s5-0 (get-trans (the-as process-focusable gp-0) 3)) 20480.0)
(go-virtual grab-mech)
((jellyfish-method-162 self)
(go-virtual charge-attack)
(go-virtual stare)
:post (behavior ()
(hover-nav-control-method-11 (-> self hover) (the-as vector #f))
(defstate charge-attack (jellyfish)
:virtual #t
:event (the-as (function process int symbol event-message-block object :behavior jellyfish) enemy-event-handler)
:enter (behavior ()
(set! *jellyfish-mech-reserved* #t)
(look-at-target! self (enemy-flag death-start))
(hover-nav-control-method-14 (-> self hover) 8.0 10.0)
(-> self hover)
(-> self charge-pos)
(vector-normalize! (vector-! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> self charge-pos) (-> self root trans)) 1.0)
(the-as vector #t)
(logior! (-> self focus-status) (focus-status dangerous))
(set! (-> self state-time) (current-time))
:exit (behavior ()
(hover-nav-control-method-14 (-> self hover) 1.0 1.0)
(if (logtest? (-> self enemy-flags) (enemy-flag check-water))
(logior! (-> self focus-status) (focus-status dangerous))
(logclear! (-> self focus-status) (focus-status dangerous))
(hover-nav-control-method-20 (-> self hover))
(set! *jellyfish-mech-reserved* #f)
:trans (behavior ()
(let ((gp-0 (-> self root trans)))
(if (< (vector-vector-distance gp-0 (-> self charge-pos)) 16384.0)
(go-virtual threaten)
(let ((s5-0 (handle->process (-> self focus handle))))
((not (jellyfish-method-163 self (the-as process-focusable s5-0)))
(go-virtual stare)
((< (vector-vector-distance gp-0 (get-trans (the-as process-focusable s5-0) 3)) 20480.0)
(go-virtual grab-mech)
:code (behavior ()
(ja-no-eval :group! jellyfish-notice-charge-ja
:num! (seek! (the float (+ (-> (the-as art-joint-anim jellyfish-notice-charge-ja) frames num-frames) -1)))
:frame-num 0.0
(until (ja-done? 0)
(ja :num! (seek!))
(until #f
(ja-no-eval :group! jellyfish-notice-charge-loop-ja
:num! (seek! (the float (+ (-> (the-as art-joint-anim jellyfish-notice-charge-loop-ja) frames num-frames) -1)))
:frame-num 0.0
(until (ja-done? 0)
(ja :num! (seek!))
:post (behavior ()
(let* ((gp-0 (-> self root trans))
(s5-1 (vector-! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> self charge-pos) gp-0))
(let* ((s4-1 (vector-! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> self focus-pos) gp-0))
(f30-0 (vector-length s5-1))
(f28-0 (vector-length s4-1))
(let ((s3-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'quaternion)))
(vector-normalize! s5-1 1.0)
(vector-normalize! s4-1 1.0)
(quaternion-from-two-vectors-partial! s3-0 s5-1 s4-1 (* 8.0 (-> self clock seconds-per-frame)))
(vector-orient-by-quat! s5-1 s5-1 s3-0)
(vector-normalize! s5-1 (fmin f30-0 (+ 16384.0 f28-0)))
(vector+! (-> self charge-pos) gp-0 s5-1)
(hover-nav-control-method-11 (-> self hover) (-> self charge-pos))
(defstate grab-mech (jellyfish)
:virtual #t
:event (the-as (function process int symbol event-message-block object :behavior jellyfish) enemy-event-handler)
:enter (behavior ()
(set! *jellyfish-mech-reserved* #t)
(set! (-> self attach-lerp) 0.0)
(let ((gp-0 *target*))
(if (and gp-0 (focus-test? gp-0 mech) (not (logtest? (-> gp-0 focus-status) (focus-status dead ignore))))
(set! (-> self grab-front) (< (vector-dot
(vector-z-quaternion! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> self root quat))
(-> gp-0 manipy 0 node-list data 3 bone transform vector 2)
:exit (behavior ()
(sound-stop (-> self sound-id))
(hover-enemy-method-147 self)
(let ((v1-3 (-> self root root-prim)))
(set! (-> v1-3 prim-core collide-as) (-> self root backup-collide-as))
(set! (-> v1-3 prim-core collide-with) (-> self root backup-collide-with))
(dotimes (gp-0 3)
(initialize-chain-joints (-> self tentacles gp-0))
(set! *jellyfish-mech-reserved* #f)
:trans (behavior ()
(let ((gp-0 *target*))
((not (jellyfish-method-163 self gp-0))
(set! (-> self last-attack-time) (current-time))
(go-virtual active)
(let ((gp-1 (-> gp-0 manipy 0 node-list data 3)))
(vector<-cspace! (-> self focus-pos) gp-1)
(matrix-with-scale->quaternion (-> self focus-rot) (-> gp-1 bone transform))
:code (behavior ()
(dotimes (gp-0 3)
(turn-off (-> self tentacles gp-0) (seconds 0.93))
(ja-channel-push! 1 (seconds 0.1))
(set-vector! (-> self grab-offset) 0.0 14336.0 0.0 0.0)
(set! (-> self grab-start-pos quad) (-> self root trans quad))
(quaternion-copy! (-> self grab-start-quat) (-> self root quat))
(ja-no-eval :group! jellyfish-grab-start-ja
:num! (seek! (the float (+ (-> (the-as art-joint-anim jellyfish-grab-start-ja) frames num-frames) -1)) 1.2)
:frame-num 0.0
(until (ja-done? 0)
(set! (-> self attach-lerp) (lerp-scale 0.0 1.0 (ja-aframe-num 0) 0.0 14.0))
(ja :num! (seek! max 1.2))
(let ((v1-34 (-> self root root-prim)))
(set! (-> v1-34 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec))
(set! (-> v1-34 prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec))
(if (-> self grab-front)
(set-vector! (-> self grab-offset) 0.0 9179.136 -3682.304 0.0)
(set-vector! (-> self grab-offset) 0.0 9179.136 4354.048 0.0)
(set! (-> self grab-start-pos quad) (-> self root trans quad))
(quaternion-copy! (-> self grab-start-quat) (-> self root quat))
(ja-no-eval :group! jellyfish-grab-attach-ja
:num! (seek! (the float (+ (-> (the-as art-joint-anim jellyfish-grab-attach-ja) frames num-frames) -1)) 1.2)
:frame-num 0.0
(until (ja-done? 0)
(set! (-> self attach-lerp) (lerp-scale 0.0 1.0 (ja-aframe-num 0) 14.0 23.0))
(ja :num! (seek! max 1.2))
(set! (-> self grab-start-pos quad) (-> self root trans quad))
(quaternion-copy! (-> self grab-start-quat) (-> self root quat))
(let ((a1-11 (new 'stack-no-clear 'event-message-block)))
(set! (-> a1-11 from) (process->ppointer self))
(set! (-> a1-11 num-params) 2)
(set! (-> a1-11 message) 'shove)
(set! (-> a1-11 param 0) (the-as uint #f))
(let ((v1-70 (new 'static 'attack-info :mask (attack-info-mask mode shove-back shove-up id))))
(let* ((a0-29 *game-info*)
(a2-7 (+ (-> a0-29 attack-id) 1))
(set! (-> a0-29 attack-id) a2-7)
(set! (-> v1-70 id) a2-7)
(set! (-> v1-70 shove-up) 12288.0)
(set! (-> v1-70 shove-back) 0.0)
(set! (-> v1-70 mode) 'shock)
(set! (-> a1-11 param 1) (the-as uint v1-70))
(send-event-function *target* a1-11)
(let ((gp-3 *target*))
(dotimes (s5-2 2)
(ja-no-eval :group! jellyfish-grab-attach-loop-ja
:num! (seek! (the float (+ (-> (the-as art-joint-anim jellyfish-grab-attach-loop-ja) frames num-frames) -1)))
:frame-num 0.0
(until (ja-done? 0)
(when (and gp-3 (focus-test? gp-3 mech) (not (logtest? (-> gp-3 focus-status) (focus-status dead ignore))))
(let ((a1-13 (new 'stack-no-clear 'event-message-block)))
(set! (-> a1-13 from) (process->ppointer self))
(set! (-> a1-13 num-params) 2)
(set! (-> a1-13 message) 'attack)
(set! (-> a1-13 param 0) (the-as uint #f))
(let ((v1-95 (new 'static 'attack-info :mask (attack-info-mask intersection mode id))))
(let* ((a0-37 *game-info*)
(a2-10 (+ (-> a0-37 attack-id) 1))
(set! (-> a0-37 attack-id) a2-10)
(set! (-> v1-95 id) a2-10)
(set! (-> v1-95 mode) 'shock)
(set! (-> v1-95 intersection quad) (-> self root trans quad))
(set! (-> a1-13 param 1) (the-as uint v1-95))
(send-event-function gp-3 a1-13)
(sound-play "squid-attack" :id (-> self sound-id))
(ja :num! (seek!))
(sound-stop (-> self sound-id))
(set-vector! (-> self grab-offset) 0.0 20480.0 0.0 0.0)
(set! (-> self grab-start-pos quad) (-> self root trans quad))
(quaternion-copy! (-> self grab-start-quat) (-> self root quat))
(dotimes (gp-4 3)
(initialize-chain-joints (-> self tentacles gp-4))
(ja-no-eval :group! jellyfish-grab-detach-ja
:num! (seek! (the float (+ (-> (the-as art-joint-anim jellyfish-grab-detach-ja) frames num-frames) -1)))
:frame-num 0.0
(until (ja-done? 0)
(set! (-> self attach-lerp) (lerp-scale 0.0 1.0 (ja-aframe-num 0) 48.0 65.0))
(ja :num! (seek!))
(set! (-> self last-attack-time) (current-time))
(go-virtual active)
:post (behavior ()
(let ((gp-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)))
(set! (-> gp-0 quad) (-> self grab-offset quad))
(let ((s5-0 (quaternion-copy! (new 'stack-no-clear 'quaternion) (-> self focus-rot))))
(vector-orient-by-quat! gp-0 gp-0 s5-0)
(vector+! gp-0 (-> self focus-pos) gp-0)
(if (-> self grab-front)
(quaternion-rotate-y! s5-0 s5-0 32768.0)
(vector-lerp! (-> self root trans) (-> self grab-start-pos) gp-0 (-> self attach-lerp))
(quaternion-slerp! (-> self root quat) (-> self grab-start-quat) s5-0 (-> self attach-lerp))
(defstate die (jellyfish)
:virtual #t
:event (the-as (function process int symbol event-message-block object :behavior jellyfish) enemy-event-handler)
:code (behavior ()
(dispose! self)
(logclear! (-> self focus-status) (focus-status dangerous))
(enemy-method-52 self (-> self root transv))
(let ((gp-0 (current-time)))
(ja-no-eval :group! jellyfish-die-ja
:num! (seek! (the float (+ (-> (the-as art-joint-anim jellyfish-die-ja) frames num-frames) -1)))
:frame-num 0.0
(until (ja-done? 0)
(let ((s5-0 (ja-group))
(f0-4 (ja-aframe-num 0))
(when (and (= s5-0 jellyfish-die-ja) (>= f0-4 0.0) (>= 0.5 f0-4))
(when (>= (- (current-time) gp-0) (seconds 0.05))
(-> *lightning-spec-id-table* 5)
(-> *part-id-table* 166)
(set! gp-0 (current-time))
(ja :num! (seek!))
(let ((v1-52 (-> self root root-prim)))
(set! (-> v1-52 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec))
(set! (-> v1-52 prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec))
(logior! (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw))
(send-event self 'death-end)
(while (-> self child)
(cleanup-for-death self)
:post (the-as (function none :behavior jellyfish) enemy-falling-post)
(defstate die-now (jellyfish)
:virtual #t
:event (the-as (function process int symbol event-message-block object :behavior jellyfish) enemy-event-handler)
:code (behavior ()
(dispose! self)
(let ((v1-3 (-> self root root-prim)))
(set! (-> v1-3 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec))
(set! (-> v1-3 prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec))
(logior! (-> self draw status) (draw-control-status no-draw))
(ja-no-eval :group! jellyfish-die-ja
:num! (seek! (the float (+ (-> (the-as art-joint-anim jellyfish-die-ja) frames num-frames) -1)))
:frame-num 0.0
(until (ja-done? 0)
(ja :num! (seek!))
(send-event self 'death-end)
(while (-> self child)
(cleanup-for-death self)
(defmethod general-event-handler jellyfish ((obj jellyfish) (arg0 process) (arg1 int) (arg2 symbol) (arg3 event-message-block))
"Handles various events for the enemy
@TODO - unsure if there is a pattern for the events and this should have a more specific name"
(case arg2
(('hit 'hit-knocked)
(logclear! (-> obj mask) (process-mask actor-pause))
(logclear! (-> obj focus-status) (focus-status dangerous))
(logclear! (-> obj enemy-flags) (enemy-flag enable-on-notice))
(logior! (-> obj enemy-flags) (enemy-flag chase-startup))
(logior! (-> obj focus-status) (focus-status hit))
(if (zero? (-> obj hit-points))
(logior! (-> obj focus-status) (focus-status dead))
(logclear! (-> obj enemy-flags) (enemy-flag actor-pause-backup))
(enemy-method-62 obj)
(set! (-> obj enemy-flags) (logior (enemy-flag actor-pause-backup) (-> obj enemy-flags)))
(process-contact-action arg0)
(send-event arg0 'get-attack-count 1)
(go (method-of-object obj die))
((method-of-type hover-enemy general-event-handler) obj arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3)
(defmethod jellyfish-method-161 jellyfish ((obj jellyfish) (arg0 vector) (arg1 float))
(get-point-in-path! (-> obj path) arg0 arg1 'interp)
(+! (-> arg0 y) (-> obj path-y-offset))
;; WARN: Return type mismatch object vs symbol.
(defmethod jellyfish-method-164 jellyfish ((obj jellyfish) (arg0 process-focusable))
(local-vars (v1-10 object))
(jellyfish-method-161 obj (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (get-norm! (-> obj sync) 0))
(let ((s5-1 (jellyfish-method-161 obj (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> obj path-player-u)))
(gp-1 (-> obj focus-pos))
(-> obj root trans)
(and (and (if arg0
(handle->process (-> obj focus handle))
(the-as process-focusable (if arg0
(handle->process (-> obj focus handle))
(let ((v1-13 #t))
(set! arg0 (cond
(the-as process-focusable (handle->process (-> obj focus handle)))
(let ((a0-18 (the-as focus-status (logand (-> arg0 focus-status) (focus-status dead ignore)))))
(cmove-#f-nonzero v1-10 a0-18 v1-13)
(< (vector-vector-xz-distance s5-1 gp-1) 122880.0)
(< (fabs (- (-> s5-1 y) (-> gp-1 y))) 65536.0)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch object vs symbol.
(defmethod jellyfish-method-163 jellyfish ((obj jellyfish) (arg0 process-focusable))
(local-vars (v1-8 object))
(jellyfish-method-161 obj (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> obj path-stare-u))
(let ((s5-0 (-> obj focus-pos)))
(-> obj root trans)
(and (and (if arg0
(handle->process (-> obj focus handle))
(the-as process-focusable (if arg0
(handle->process (-> obj focus handle))
(let ((v1-11 #t))
(set! arg0 (cond
(the-as process-focusable (handle->process (-> obj focus handle)))
(let ((a0-16 (the-as focus-status (logand (-> arg0 focus-status) (focus-status dead ignore)))))
(cmove-#f-nonzero v1-8 a0-16 v1-11)
(< (vector-vector-xz-distance s5-0 (-> obj stare-pos)) 81920.0)
(< (fabs (- (-> s5-0 y) (-> obj stare-pos y))) 32768.0)
(defmethod jellyfish-method-162 jellyfish ((obj jellyfish))
(local-vars (sv-624 int))
(rlet ((acc :class vf)
(vf0 :class vf)
(vf1 :class vf)
(vf2 :class vf)
(vf3 :class vf)
(vf4 :class vf)
(let* ((s5-0 (-> obj root trans))
(s3-1 (vector-! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> obj focus-pos) s5-0))
(s4-0 (vector-normalize-copy! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) s3-1 1.0))
(f0-0 (vector-length s3-1))
(f28-0 (+ 16384.0 f0-0))
(vector-normalize! s3-1 f28-0)
(vector+! (-> obj charge-pos) s5-0 s3-1)
(let ((f30-0 f28-0)
(f28-1 (* 0.000024414063 f28-0))
(s3-2 0)
(s2-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(s1-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector))
(s0-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'collide-query))
(f26-0 40960.0)
(set! sv-624 0)
(while (< sv-624 (the int f28-1))
(let ((a2-1 s2-0))
(let ((v1-9 s5-0)
(a0-6 s4-0)
(a1-2 s3-2)
(.lvf vf2 (&-> a0-6 quad))
(.lvf vf1 (&-> v1-9 quad))
(.mov vf3 a1-2)
(.add.x.vf vf4 vf0 vf0 :mask #b1000)
(.mul.x.vf acc vf2 vf3)
(.add.mul.w.vf vf4 vf1 vf0 acc :mask #b111)
(.svf (&-> a2-1 quad) vf4)
(when (> sv-624 0)
(set! (-> s0-0 start-pos quad) (-> s1-0 quad))
(vector-! (-> s0-0 move-dist) s2-0 s1-0)
(let ((v1-14 s0-0))
(set! (-> v1-14 radius) (-> (the-as collide-shape-prim-group (-> obj root root-prim)) child 0 local-sphere w))
(set! (-> v1-14 collide-with) (collide-spec backgnd enemy obstacle hit-by-others-list))
(set! (-> v1-14 ignore-process0) obj)
(set! (-> v1-14 ignore-process1) #f)
(set! (-> v1-14 ignore-pat) (-> obj root pat-ignore-mask))
(set! (-> v1-14 action-mask) (collide-action solid))
(if (>= (fill-and-probe-using-line-sphere *collide-cache* s0-0) 0.0)
(return #f)
(set! (-> s1-0 quad) (-> s2-0 quad))
(set! f30-0 (fmax 0.0 (+ -40960.0 f30-0)))
(+! s3-2 (the int (fmin 40960.0 f30-0)))
(set! f26-0 (+ -4915.2 f26-0))
(set! sv-624 (+ sv-624 1))
(defun jellyfish-joint-mod-tentacle ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 transformq))
(let* ((s4-0 (-> arg0 param1))
(s3-0 (the-as structure (-> arg0 param2)))
(f0-0 4.0)
(t9-0 sin)
(f1-0 65536.0)
(+ (-> (the-as jellyfish s4-0) tentacle-clock) (-> (the-as jellyfish-joint-mod-tentacle-info s3-0) offset))
(f0-4 (* (t9-0 (* f1-0 (/ (- f2-1 (* (the float (the int (/ f2-1 f0-0))) f0-0)) f0-0)))
(-> (the-as jellyfish-joint-mod-tentacle-info s3-0) angle)
(s2-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'quaternion))
(let ((a2-1 (quaternion-vector-angle!
(new 'stack-no-clear 'quaternion)
(-> (the-as jellyfish-joint-mod-tentacle-info s3-0) axis)
(quaternion-normalize! (quaternion*! s2-0 (-> arg1 quat) a2-1))
(quaternion-slerp! (-> arg1 quat) (-> arg1 quat) s2-0 (-> (the-as jellyfish s4-0) tentacle-blend))
(cspace<-parented-transformq-joint! arg0 arg1)
(defmethod track-target! jellyfish ((obj jellyfish))
"Does a lot of various things relating to interacting with the target
- tracks when the enemy was last drawn
- looks at the target and handles attacking
@TODO Not extremely well understood yet"
(let ((v1-1 (vector-inv-orient-by-quat! (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector) (-> obj main-joint-acc) (-> obj root quat))))
(+! (-> obj tentacle-clock)
(* (lerp-scale 1.0 10.0 (fmax (fmax (fmax 0.0 (fabs (-> v1-1 x))) (-> v1-1 y)) (fabs (-> v1-1 z))) 0.0 24576.0)
(-> pp clock seconds-per-frame)
(when (not (-> obj tentacles-initialized))
(set! (-> obj tentacles-initialized) #t)
(dotimes (s5-0 5)
(initialize-chain-joints (-> obj tentacles s5-0))
(dotimes (s5-1 5)
(update (-> obj tentacles s5-1) obj)
(let ((a1-3 (handle->process (-> obj focus handle))))
(if a1-3
(los-control-method-9 (-> obj los) (the-as process-focusable a1-3) (the-as vector #f) 4096.0)
(let ((a0-10 (handle->process (-> obj focus handle))))
(when (and a0-10
(focus-test? (the-as process-focusable a0-10) mech)
(not (logtest? (-> (the-as process-focusable a0-10) focus-status) (focus-status dead ignore)))
(set! (-> obj focus-pos quad) (-> (get-trans (the-as process-focusable a0-10) 0) quad))
(set! (-> obj path-player-u) (get-furthest-point-on-path (-> obj path) (-> obj focus-pos)))
(set! (-> obj path-my-u) (get-furthest-point-on-path (-> obj path) (-> obj root trans)))
((method-of-type hover-enemy track-target!) obj)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch object vs none.
(defmethod go-idle jellyfish ((obj jellyfish))
(go (method-of-object obj active))
(defmethod hover-enemy-method-149 jellyfish ((obj jellyfish))
(the-as skeleton-group (art-group-get-by-name *level* "skel-jellyfish" (the-as (pointer uint32) #f)))
(the-as pair 0)
(defmethod hover-enemy-method-150 jellyfish ((obj jellyfish))
(defmethod init-enemy-collision! jellyfish ((obj jellyfish))
"Initializes the [[collide-shape-moving]] and any ancillary tasks to make the enemy collide properly"
(let ((s5-0 (new 'process 'collide-shape-moving obj (collide-list-enum usually-hit-by-player))))
(set! (-> s5-0 dynam) (copy *standard-dynamics* 'process))
(set! (-> s5-0 reaction) cshape-reaction-default)
(set! (-> s5-0 no-reaction)
(the-as (function collide-shape-moving collide-query vector vector object) nothing)
(set! (-> s5-0 penetrated-by) (penetrate
(let ((s4-0 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-group s5-0 (the-as uint 4) 0)))
(set! (-> s5-0 total-prims) (the-as uint 5))
(set! (-> s4-0 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec enemy))
(set! (-> s4-0 prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec backgnd jak bot enemy obstacle player-list))
(set! (-> s4-0 prim-core action) (collide-action solid deadly))
(set! (-> s4-0 transform-index) 3)
(set-vector! (-> s4-0 local-sphere) 0.0 -7372.8 0.0 20480.0)
(set! (-> s5-0 root-prim) s4-0)
(let ((v1-14 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s5-0 (the-as uint 0))))
(set! (-> v1-14 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec enemy))
(set! (-> v1-14 prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec backgnd jak bot enemy obstacle player-list))
(set! (-> v1-14 prim-core action) (collide-action solid deadly))
(set-vector! (-> v1-14 local-sphere) 0.0 1228.8 -2048.0 6144.0)
(let ((v1-16 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s5-0 (the-as uint 0))))
(set! (-> v1-16 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec enemy))
(set! (-> v1-16 prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec backgnd jak bot enemy obstacle player-list))
(set! (-> v1-16 prim-core action) (collide-action solid deadly))
(set-vector! (-> v1-16 local-sphere) 0.0 -819.2 -2048.0 4915.2)
(let ((v1-18 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s5-0 (the-as uint 0))))
(set! (-> v1-18 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec enemy))
(set! (-> v1-18 prim-core collide-with) (collide-spec backgnd jak bot enemy obstacle player-list))
(set! (-> v1-18 prim-core action) (collide-action solid deadly))
(set-vector! (-> v1-18 local-sphere) 0.0 3276.8 -2048.0 4915.2)
(let ((v1-20 (new 'process 'collide-shape-prim-sphere s5-0 (the-as uint 0))))
(set! (-> v1-20 prim-core collide-as) (collide-spec enemy))
(set! (-> v1-20 prim-core action) (collide-action semi-solid))
(set! (-> v1-20 transform-index) 3)
(set-vector! (-> v1-20 local-sphere) 0.0 0.0 1228.8 8192.0)
(set! (-> s5-0 nav-radius) (* 0.75 (-> s5-0 root-prim local-sphere w)))
(let ((v1-23 (-> s5-0 root-prim)))
(set! (-> s5-0 backup-collide-as) (-> v1-23 prim-core collide-as))
(set! (-> s5-0 backup-collide-with) (-> v1-23 prim-core collide-with))
(set! (-> s5-0 max-iteration-count) (the-as uint 3))
(set! (-> obj root) s5-0)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch hover-enemy vs jellyfish.
(defmethod relocate jellyfish ((obj jellyfish) (arg0 int))
(dotimes (v1-0 5)
(if (nonzero? (-> obj tentacles v1-0))
(&+! (-> obj tentacles v1-0) arg0)
(the-as jellyfish ((method-of-type hover-enemy relocate) obj arg0))
(defmethod deactivate jellyfish ((obj jellyfish))
(sound-stop (-> obj sound-id))
((the-as (function process-drawable none) (find-parent-method jellyfish 10)) obj)
(defmethod init-enemy! jellyfish ((obj jellyfish))
"Common method called to initialize the enemy, typically sets up default field values and calls ancillary helper methods"
(hover-enemy-method-149 obj)
(init-enemy-behaviour-and-stats! obj (hover-enemy-method-150 obj))
(hover-enemy-method-155 obj)
(set-vector! (-> obj offset) 0.0 6144.0 61440.0 1.0)
(set! (-> obj knocked-fall-dist) 0.0)
(let ((v1-8 (-> obj neck)))
(set! (-> v1-8 up) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> v1-8 nose) (the-as uint 2))
(set! (-> v1-8 ear) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> v1-8 twist-speed-x) 0.05)
(set! (-> v1-8 twist-speed-y) 0.06)
(set! (-> v1-8 max-dist) 122880.0)
(set! (-> obj root dynam gravity y) 40960.0)
(set! (-> obj root dynam gravity-length) 40960.0)
(set! (-> obj root dynam gravity-max) 40960.0)
(logclear! (-> obj mask) (process-mask actor-pause))
(logclear! (-> obj enemy-flags) (enemy-flag notice))
(new-source! (-> obj los) obj (seconds 1) (collide-spec backgnd enemy obstacle hit-by-others-list))
(set! (-> obj last-fire-time) (current-time))
(set! (-> obj last-attack-time) 0)
(set! (-> obj sound-id) (new-sound-id))
(set! (-> obj path) (new 'process 'path-control obj 'path 0.0 (-> obj entity) #f))
(set! (-> obj path-player-u) 0.0)
(set! (-> obj path-my-u) 0.0)
(logior! (-> obj path flags) (path-control-flag display draw-line draw-point draw-text))
(set! (-> obj path-y-offset) (res-lump-float (-> obj entity) 'y-offset))
(let ((a1-4 (new 'stack-no-clear 'sync-info-params)))
(let ((v1-32 0))
(if #t
(set! v1-32 (logior v1-32 1))
(set! (-> a1-4 sync-type) 'sync-eased)
(set! (-> a1-4 sync-flags) (the-as sync-flags v1-32))
(set! (-> a1-4 period) (the-as uint 6000))
(set! (-> a1-4 entity) (-> obj entity))
(set! (-> a1-4 percent) 0.0)
(set! (-> a1-4 ease-in) 0.15)
(set! (-> a1-4 ease-out) 0.15)
(set! (-> a1-4 pause-in) 0.0)
(set! (-> a1-4 pause-out) 0.0)
(initialize! (-> obj sync) a1-4)
(new 'static 'vector :x 1187.84 :y -3112.96 :z 1392.64 :w 163840.0)
(new 'static 'vector :x -1187.84 :y -3112.96 :z 1392.64 :w 163840.0)
(add-connection *part-engine* obj 36 obj 743 (new 'static 'vector :y 1433.6 :z 1228.8 :w 163840.0))
(dotimes (s5-1 5)
(set! (-> obj tentacles s5-1) (new 'process 'jellyfish-chain-physics))
(chain-physics-initialize obj (-> obj tentacles 0) 10 4096.0 *jellyfish-mainvein-chain-setup*)
(chain-physics-initialize obj (-> obj tentacles 1) 16 4096.0 *jellyfish-lfront-chain-setup*)
(chain-physics-initialize obj (-> obj tentacles 2) 21 4096.0 *jellyfish-rfront-chain-setup*)
(chain-physics-initialize obj (-> obj tentacles 3) 26 4096.0 *jellyfish-lrear-chain-setup*)
(chain-physics-initialize obj (-> obj tentacles 4) 31 4096.0 *jellyfish-rrear-chain-setup*)
(set! (-> obj tentacles 2 negate-y) #t)
(set! (-> obj tentacles 4 negate-y) #t)
(let ((a0-35 (-> obj skel root-channel 0)))
(set! (-> a0-35 frame-group) (the-as art-joint-anim (-> obj draw art-group data 2)))
(set! (-> a0-35 frame-num) 0.0)
(joint-control-channel-group! a0-35 (the-as art-joint-anim (-> obj draw art-group data 2)) num-func-identity)
(dotimes (s5-2 5)
(initialize-chain-joints (-> obj tentacles s5-2))
(let ((a1-15 (-> obj node-list data 16))
(new 'static 'jellyfish-joint-mod-tentacle-info
:axis (new 'static 'vector :z 1.0 :w 1.0)
:angle 3094.7556
:offset 30.0
(set! (-> a1-15 param0) jellyfish-joint-mod-tentacle)
(set! (-> a1-15 param1) obj)
(set! (-> a1-15 param2) (the-as basic v1-68))
(let ((a1-16 (-> obj node-list data 21))
(new 'static 'jellyfish-joint-mod-tentacle-info
:axis (new 'static 'vector :z 1.0 :w 1.0)
:angle 3094.7556
:offset 30.0
(set! (-> a1-16 param0) jellyfish-joint-mod-tentacle)
(set! (-> a1-16 param1) obj)
(set! (-> a1-16 param2) (the-as basic v1-70))
(let ((a1-17 (-> obj node-list data 26))
(new 'static 'jellyfish-joint-mod-tentacle-info
:axis (new 'static 'vector :z 1.0 :w 1.0)
:angle 4369.067
:offset 45.0
(set! (-> a1-17 param0) jellyfish-joint-mod-tentacle)
(set! (-> a1-17 param1) obj)
(set! (-> a1-17 param2) (the-as basic v1-72))
(let ((a1-18 (-> obj node-list data 31))
(new 'static 'jellyfish-joint-mod-tentacle-info
:axis (new 'static 'vector :z 1.0 :w 1.0)
:angle 4369.067
:offset 45.0
(set! (-> a1-18 param0) jellyfish-joint-mod-tentacle)
(set! (-> a1-18 param1) obj)
(set! (-> a1-18 param2) (the-as basic v1-74))
(let ((a1-19 (-> obj node-list data 10))
(new 'static 'jellyfish-joint-mod-tentacle-info :axis (new 'static 'vector :x 1.0 :w 1.0) :angle 2730.6667)
(set! (-> a1-19 param0) jellyfish-joint-mod-tentacle)
(set! (-> a1-19 param1) obj)
(set! (-> a1-19 param2) (the-as basic v1-76))
(set! (-> obj tentacles-initialized) #f)
(set! (-> obj tentacle-clock) 0.0)
(set! (-> obj tentacle-blend) 1.0)
(new 'static 'vector :x 1966.08 :y -1843.2 :z 2129.92 :w 163840.0)
(new 'static 'vector :x -1966.08 :y -1843.2 :z 2129.92 :w 163840.0)