
324 lines
9 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: main-h.gc
;; name in dgo: main-h
;; dgos: ENGINE, GAME
;; +++strip-lines-controls
(defenum strip-lines-controls
:type int64
(none 0)
(strippable 1)
(convertible 2)
(good 3)
(edgeable 4)
(ordinary 8)
(color-mismatch 16)
(shader-mismatch 32)
(uv-mismatch 64)
(too-big 128)
(bad 240)
(all-edges 255)
(strips 256)
(frags 512))
;; ---strip-lines-controls
;; +++scene-controls
(defenum scene-controls
:type int64
:bitfield #t
;; ---scene-controls
;; +++bot-marks-controls
(defenum bot-marks-controls
:type int64
(all-off 0)
(course-spots 1)
(task-spots 2)
(all-on 3))
;; ---bot-marks-controls
;; +++race-marks-controls
(defenum race-marks-controls
:type int64
(all-off 0)
(path0-red 1)
(path1-green 2)
(path2-blue 4)
(path3-yellow 8)
(path4-cyan 16)
(path5-violet 32)
(path6-orange 64)
(path7-black 128)
(all-paths-on 255))
;; ---race-marks-controls
;; +++race-selection
(defenum race-selection
:type int64
(kiera-class3 0)
(kiera-class2 1)
(kiera-class1 2)
(errol 3)
(bush-class3 4)
(bush-class2 5)
(bush-class1 6)
(bush-errol 7)
(bush-port 8)
(bush-class3-reverse 9)
(bush-class2-reverse 10)
(bush-class1-reverse 11))
;; ---race-selection
;; +++subdivide-setting
(defenum subdivide-setting
:type int64
(textured 0)
(outline 1)
(gouraud 2)
(hack 3))
;; ---subdivide-setting
;; +++ocean-height-hack
(defenum ocean-height-hack
:type int64
(zero 1)
(far-below 2)
(sewer-start 3)
(sewer-hi 4)
(sewer-med 5)
(sewer-lo 6))
;; ---ocean-height-hack
;; NOTE - for settings
(define-extern *master-exit* symbol)
;; NOTE - for default-menu
(define-extern set-master-mode (function symbol none))
(define-extern set-blackout-frames (function time-frame none))
;; engine debug settings
(define *stats-poly* #f)
(define *stats-memory* #f)
(define *stats-memory-short* #f)
(define *stats-memory-level-index* 0)
(define *stats-collide* #f)
(define *stats-bsp* #f)
(define *stats-buffer* #f)
(define *stats-target* #f)
(define *stats-profile-bars* #f)
(define *stats-perf* #f)
(define *artist-all-visible* #f)
(define *artist-flip-visible* #f)
(define *artist-fix-visible* #f)
(define *artist-fix-frustum* #f)
(define *artist-error-spheres* #f)
(define *artist-use-menu-subdiv* #f)
(define *display-profile* #t)
(define *display-sidekick-stats* #f)
(define *display-quad-stats* #f)
(define *display-tri-stats* #f)
(define *display-ground-stats* #f)
(define *display-collision-marks* #f)
(define *display-collide-cache* #f)
(define *display-render-collision* #f)
(define *display-hipri-collision-marks* #f)
(define *display-edge-collision-marks* #f)
(define *display-geo-marks* #f)
(define *display-target-marks* #f)
(define *target-rc-board-controls* #f)
(define *display-collide-history* 0)
(define *display-xyz-axes* #f)
(define *display-cam-collide-history* #f)
(define *record-cam-collide-history* #f)
(define *display-cam-master-marks* #f)
(define *display-cam-other* #f)
(define *display-camera-marks* #f)
(define *camera-no-mip-correction* #f)
(define *display-cam-los-info* #f)
(define *display-cam-los-debug* #f)
(define *display-cam-los-marks* #f)
(define *display-cam-coll-marks* #f)
(define *display-camera-info* #f)
(define *display-camera-old-stats* #f)
(define *display-camera-last-attacker* #f)
(define *display-file-info* #f)
(define *display-actor-marks* #f)
(define *display-sprite-info* #f)
(define *display-sprite-marks* #f)
(define *display-sprite-spheres* #f)
(define *display-entity-errors* #t)
(define *display-instance-info* #f)
(define *display-deci-count* #f)
(define *sync-dma* #f)
(define *display-strip-lines* (the-as strip-lines-controls 0))
(define *display-battle-marks* #f)
(define *display-joint-axes* #f)
(define *display-nav-marks* #f)
(define *display-nav-network* #f)
(define *display-path-marks* #f)
(define *display-vol-marks* #f)
(define *display-water-marks* #f)
(define *display-nav-mesh* #f)
(define *display-actor-pointer* #f)
(define *display-actor-vis* #f)
(define *display-actor-graph* #f)
(define *display-traffic-height-map* #f)
(define *display-trail-graph* #f)
(define *display-color-bars* #f)
(define *display-bug-report* #f)
(define *display-level-border* #f)
(define *display-memcard-info* #f)
(define *display-split-boxes* #f)
(define *display-split-box-info* #f)
(define *display-texture-distances* #f)
(define *display-texture-download* #f)
(define *display-art-control* #f)
(define *display-gui-control* #f)
(define *display-level-spheres* #f)
(define *time-of-day-fast* #f)
(define *display-iop-info* #f)
(define *ambient-sound-class* #t)
(define *slow-frame-rate* #f)
(define *display-region-marks* #f)
(define *execute-regions* #t)
(define *debug-pause* #f)
(define *debug-view-anims* #f)
(define *debug-unkillable* #f)
(define *debug-actor* (the-as object #f))
(define *gun-marks* #f)
(define *bug-report-output-mode*
(if *debug-segment*
(define *display-scene-control* (the-as scene-controls 0))
(define *display-bot-marks* (the-as bot-marks-controls 0))
(define *display-race-marks* (the-as race-marks-controls 0))
(define *race-record-path* #f)
(define *select-race* (the-as race-selection 0))
(define *select-race-path* 0)
(define *bot-record-path* -1)
(define *subdivide-draw-mode* (the-as subdivide-setting 0))
(define *subdivide-scissor-draw-mode* (the-as subdivide-setting 0))
(define *subdivide-foreground-draw-mode* (the-as subdivide-setting 0))
(define *subdivide-ocean-draw-mode* (the-as subdivide-setting 0))
(define *ocean-height-hack* (the-as ocean-height-hack 0))
;; Main Loop stuff
(define-perm *dproc* process #f) ;; the main display process
(define *run* #f) ;; should we run the main loop?
(define *teleport* #f) ;; did we just teleport locations?
;; set to a nonzero amount to apply the *teleport* for several frames.
(define *teleport-count* 0)
;; main hooks to call from the main loop
;; hook for rendering system
(define *draw-hook* nothing)
;; hook for various debug functions that should run separately from everything else
(define *debug-hook* '())
;; hook to draw the debug menu
(declare-type debug-menu-context basic)
(define *menu-hook* (the-as (function debug-menu-context) nothing))
;; hook to run the progress menu
(define *progress-hook* nothing)
;; function to call if main DMA times out, to try to recover
(define *dma-timeout-hook* nothing)
;; unused?
(deftype frame-stats (structure)
((field-time time-frame 2 :offset-assert 0)
(field int32 :offset-assert 16)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x14
:flag-assert #x900000014
(define *frame-stats* (new 'static 'frame-stats))
(deftype screen-filter (basic)
((draw? symbol :offset-assert 4)
(bucket bucket-id :offset-assert 8)
(color vector :inline :offset-assert 16)
(color-src vector :inline :offset-assert 32)
(color-dest vector :inline :offset-assert 48)
(extra vector :inline :offset-assert 64)
(speed float :offset 64)
(current-interp float :offset 68)
:method-count-assert 12
:size-assert #x50
:flag-assert #xc00000050
(draw (_type_) none 9)
(setup (_type_ vector vector float bucket-id) none 10)
(disable (_type_) none 11)
;; collision renderer settings.
(deftype col-rend (basic)
((draw? symbol :offset-assert 4)
(outline? symbol :offset-assert 8)
(show-back-faces? symbol :offset-assert 12)
(show-normals? symbol :offset-assert 16)
(ghost-hidden? symbol :offset-assert 20)
(show-only uint32 :offset-assert 24)
(cspec uint32 :offset-assert 28)
(track uint8 :offset-assert 32)
(bbox-radius float :offset-assert 36)
(bbox-center vector :inline :offset-assert 48)
(camera-to-bbox-dist float :offset-assert 64)
:method-count-assert 10
:size-assert #x44
:flag-assert #xa00000044
(col-rend-method-9 () none 9)
(define *col-rend* (new 'static 'col-rend
:draw? #f
:outline? #t
:show-back-faces? #t
:show-normals? #f
:ghost-hidden? #t
:cspec #x38
:track #x1
:bbox-radius 24576.0
:camera-to-bbox-dist 65536.0
(defun-debug debug-actor? ((arg0 object))
(= arg0 *debug-actor*)
(define-extern movie? (function symbol))
(define-extern paused? (function symbol))
(define-extern set-master-mode (function symbol none))
(define-extern toggle-pause (function int))
(define-extern on (function symbol process))
(define-extern menu-respond-to-pause (function symbol))