water111 27b865c0df
Add methods and pointers (#53)
* method calls and sorting

* add more tests and fix some alias stuff
2020-09-19 16:50:42 -04:00

144 lines
5.6 KiB

#include "goalc/compiler/Compiler.h"
#include "goalc/compiler/IR.h"
using namespace goos;
Val* Compiler::compile_top_level(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
return compile_begin(form, rest, env);
Val* Compiler::compile_begin(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
Val* result = get_none();
for_each_in_list(rest, [&](const Object& o) { result = compile_error_guard(o, env); });
return result;
Val* Compiler::compile_block(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& _rest, Env* env) {
auto rest = &_rest;
auto name = pair_car(*rest);
rest = &pair_cdr(*rest);
if (!rest->is_pair()) {
throw_compile_error(form, "Block form has an empty or invliad body");
auto fe = get_parent_env_of_type<FunctionEnv>(env);
// create environment
auto block_env = fe->alloc_env<BlockEnv>(env, symbol_string(name));
// we need to create a return value register, as a "return-from" statement inside the block may
// set it. for now it has a type of none, but we will set it more accurate after compiling the
// block.
// block_env->return_value = env->alloc_reg(get_base_typespec("none"));
block_env->return_value = env->make_gpr(m_ts.make_typespec("none"));
// create label to the end of the block (we don't yet know where it is...)
block_env->end_label = Label(fe);
// compile everything in the body
Val* result = get_none();
for_each_in_list(*rest, [&](const Object& o) { result = compile_error_guard(o, block_env); });
// if no return-from's were used, we can ignore the return_value register, and basically turn this
// into a begin. this allows a block which returns a floating point value to return the value in
// an xmm register, which is likely to eliminate a gpr->xmm move.
if (block_env->return_types.empty()) {
return result;
// determine return type as the lowest common ancestor of the block's last form and any
// return-from's
auto& return_types = block_env->return_types;
auto return_type = m_ts.lowest_common_ancestor(return_types);
// an IR to move the result of the block into the block's return register (if no return-from's are
// taken)
auto ir_move_rv = std::make_unique<IR_RegSet>(block_env->return_value, result->to_gpr(fe));
// note - one drawback of doing this single pass is that a block always evaluates to a gpr.
// so we may have an unneeded xmm -> gpr move that could have been an xmm -> xmm that could have
// been eliminated.
// now we know the end of the block, so we set the label index to be on whatever comes after the
// return move. functions always end with a "null" IR and "null" instruction, so this is safe.
block_env->end_label.idx = block_env->end_label.func->code().size();
return block_env->return_value;
Val* Compiler::compile_return_from(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& _rest, Env* env) {
const Object* rest = &_rest;
auto block_name = symbol_string(pair_car(*rest));
rest = &pair_cdr(*rest);
auto value_expression = pair_car(*rest);
// evaluate expression to return
auto result = compile_error_guard(value_expression, env);
auto fe = get_parent_env_of_type<FunctionEnv>(env);
// find block to return from
auto block = dynamic_cast<BlockEnv*>(env->find_block(block_name));
if (!block) {
"The return-from form was unable to find a block named " + block_name);
// move result into return register
auto ir_move_rv = std::make_unique<IR_RegSet>(block->return_value, result->to_gpr(fe));
// inform block of our possible return type
// jump to end of block
auto ir_jump = std::make_unique<IR_GotoLabel>(&block->end_label);
// we know this label is a real label. even though end_label doesn't know where it is, there is an
// actual label object. this means we won't try to resolve this label _by name_ later on when the
// block is done.
// ir_jump->resolved = true;
// In the real GOAL, there is likely a bug here where a non-none value is returned.
return get_none();
Val* Compiler::compile_label(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto label_name = symbol_string(pair_car(rest));
// make sure we don't have a label with this name already
auto& labels = env->get_label_map();
auto kv = labels.find(label_name);
if (kv != labels.end()) {
form, "There are two labels named " + label_name + " in the same label environment");
// make a label pointing to the end of the current function env.
auto func_env = get_parent_env_of_type<FunctionEnv>(env);
labels[label_name] = Label(func_env, func_env->code().size());
return get_none();
Val* Compiler::compile_goto(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto label_name = symbol_string(pair_car(rest));
auto ir_goto = std::make_unique<IR_GotoLabel>();
// this requires looking up the label by name after, as it may be a goto to a label which has not
// yet been defined.
// add this goto to the list of gotos to resolve after the function is done.
// it's safe to have this reference, as the FunctionEnv also owns the goto.
get_parent_env_of_type<FunctionEnv>(env)->unresolved_gotos.push_back({ir_goto.get(), label_name});
return get_none();