water111 5ec9a91eb9
Decompiler fixes + decompiling (#276)
* decomp pad

* more decompilation

* update

* fix test name
2021-02-22 09:36:30 -05:00

320 lines
11 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: pad.gc
;; name in dgo: pad
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
;; these forward declarations should probably go somewhere else...
(define-extern get-current-time (function uint))
(define-extern get-integral-current-time (function uint))
;; this gets set to #f later on.
(define *cheat-mode* #t)
(deftype hw-cpad (basic)
((valid uint8 :offset-assert 4)
(status uint8 :offset-assert 5)
(button0 uint16 :offset-assert 6)
(rightx uint8 :offset-assert 8)
(righty uint8 :offset-assert 9)
(leftx uint8 :offset-assert 10)
(lefty uint8 :offset-assert 11)
(abutton uint8 12 :offset-assert 12)
(dummy uint8 12 :offset-assert 24)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x24
:flag-assert #x900000024
(deftype cpad-info (hw-cpad)
((number int32 :offset-assert 36)
(cpad-file int32 :offset-assert 40)
(button0-abs uint32 3 :offset-assert 44) ;; bitmask of buttons, pressed or not, with history
(button0-shadow-abs uint32 1 :offset-assert 56) ;; modify this to change button history in the future.
(button0-rel uint32 3 :offset-assert 60) ;; bitmask of if button going down.
(stick0-dir float :offset-assert 72)
(stick0-speed float :offset-assert 76)
(new-pad int32 :offset-assert 80)
(state int32 :offset-assert 84)
(align uint8 6 :offset-assert 88)
(direct uint8 6 :offset-assert 94) ;; hardware control of buzzing.
(buzz-val uint8 2 :offset-assert 100) ;; intensity for buzzing
(buzz-time uint64 2 :offset-assert 104) ;; when to stop buzzing
(buzz basic :offset-assert 120) ;; is vibration enabled?
(buzz-act int32 :offset-assert 124)
(change-time uint64 :offset-assert 128)
(new (symbol type int) _type_ 0)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x88
:flag-assert #x900000088
(deftype cpad-list (basic)
((num-cpads int32 :offset-assert 4)
(cpads cpad-info 2 :offset-assert 8) ;; guess
(new (symbol type) _type_ 0)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x10
:flag-assert #x900000010
(defun cpad-invalid! ((pad cpad-info))
"Make everything in a cpad-info set to default"
(local-vars (v1-2 int) (v1-14 int) (v1-17 int))
(set! (-> pad valid) (logior (-> pad valid) 128))
(set! (-> pad button0) 0)
(set! (-> pad button0-abs 0) 0)
(set! (-> pad button0-shadow-abs 0) 0)
(set! (-> pad button0-rel 0) 0)
(set! v1-2 0)
(while (< v1-2 12)
(set! (-> pad abutton v1-2) 0)
(+! v1-2 1)
(set! (-> pad stick0-dir) 0.000000)
(set! (-> pad stick0-speed) 0.000000)
(set! (-> pad rightx) 128)
(set! (-> pad righty) 128)
(set! (-> pad leftx) 128)
(set! (-> pad lefty) 128)
(set! (-> pad align 0) 0)
(set! (-> pad align 1) 1)
(set! (-> pad align 2) 255)
(set! (-> pad align 3) 255)
(set! (-> pad align 4) 255)
(set! (-> pad align 5) 255)
(set! v1-14 0)
(while (< v1-14 6)
(set! (-> pad direct v1-14) 0)
(+! v1-14 1)
(set! v1-17 0)
(while (< v1-17 2)
(set! (-> pad buzz-val 0) 0)
(set! (-> pad buzz-time 0) 0)
(+! v1-17 1)
(defmethod new cpad-info ((alloction symbol) (type-to-make type) (idx int))
"Allocate a cpad. Also opens it using functions from the kernel."
(local-vars (obj cpad-info))
(set! obj (object-new alloction type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size))))
(set! (-> obj number) idx)
(set! (-> obj buzz) #f)
(cpad-open obj idx)
(cpad-invalid! obj)
(defmethod new cpad-list ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type))
"Allocate a cpad-list and set up two controllers, including openeing them."
(local-vars (gp-0 cpad-list))
(set! gp-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size))))
(set! (-> gp-0 num-cpads) 2)
(set! (-> gp-0 cpads 0) (new 'global 'cpad-info 0))
(set! (-> gp-0 cpads 1) (new 'global 'cpad-info 1))
(defun analog-input ((in int) (offset float) (center-val float) (max-val float) (out-range float))
"Take an integer input and convert it to a float between -out-range and +out-range.
The offset is applied directly to the input.
The center val is the expected value for 0 (after offset)
The max val is the expected value with the stick all the way pushed
(max-magnitude float)
(magnitude float)
(offset-in float)
;; do the offset
(set! offset-in (- (the float in) offset))
;; figure out the absolute value of the displacement from 0.
(set! magnitude (- (fabs offset-in) center-val))
;; the maximum allowed magnitude
(set! max-magnitude (- max-val center-val))
;; if we are negative, our output range should be negative.
(when (< offset-in 0.000000)
(set! out-range (- out-range))
((>= 0.000000 magnitude) 0.000000) ;; shouldn't happen
((>= magnitude max-magnitude) out-range) ;; too big
(else (/ (* magnitude out-range) max-magnitude)) ;; scale!
(defun cpad-set-buzz! ((pad cpad-info) (buzz-idx int) (buzz-amount int) (duration int))
"Turn on vibration motor 'buzz-idx' for duration, at magnitude buzz-amount."
((zero? buzz-amount)
;; set buzz-amount to 0, immediately kill it.
(set! (-> pad buzz-val buzz-idx) 0)
((= buzz-amount (-> pad buzz-val buzz-idx))
;; we are already buzzing at this intensity.
;; buzz for max (old_buzz, new_buzz) duration
(set! (-> pad buzz-time buzz-idx)
(max (the-as int (-> pad buzz-time buzz-idx))
(the-as int (+ (get-current-time) (the-as uint duration)))
((< (-> pad buzz-val buzz-idx) (the-as uint buzz-amount))
;; buzz harder than the older value, overwrite the old buzz.
(set! (-> pad buzz-val buzz-idx) buzz-amount)
(set! (-> pad buzz-time buzz-idx)
(+ (get-current-time) (the-as uint duration))
;; the two controllers
(define *cpad-list* (new 'global 'cpad-list))
;; weird leftover debug thing, enabling overrides the x position of both sticks on both controllers.
(define *cpad-debug* #f)
(defun service-cpads ()
"Call this once a frame to read the pad, handle vibration, and process the left stick"
(v1-10 int)
(current-button0 uint)
(buzz-idx int)
(pad cpad-info)
(pad-idx int)
(pad-list cpad-list)
(lefty-pos float)
(leftx-pos float)
;; iterate through cpads.
(set! pad-list *cpad-list*)
(set! pad-idx 0)
(while (< pad-idx (-> pad-list num-cpads))
(set! pad (-> *cpad-list* cpads pad-idx))
;; read data from pad.
(cpad-get-data pad)
((zero? (logand (-> pad valid) 128))
;; pad is valid! update buzz.
(set! buzz-idx 0)
(while (< buzz-idx 2)
;; when buzz enbaled, in buzz time, and in game mode:
((and (-> pad buzz)
(< (the-as int (get-current-time))
(the-as int (-> pad buzz-time buzz-idx))
(= *master-mode* 'game)
;; case statement?
(set! v1-10 buzz-idx)
(cond ((zero? v1-10)
;; buzz 0, I think the small one, doesn't have analog control.
;; I _think_ this is some clever way to pulse it at a duty cycle proportional
;; to the desired intensity.
(set! (-> pad direct buzz-idx)
(logand (ash (-> pad buzz-val buzz-idx)
(- (the-as int (logand (get-integral-current-time) 7)))
((= v1-10 1)
;; buzz 1, the big motor can be controlled directly by the PS2.
(set! (-> pad direct buzz-idx) (-> pad buzz-val buzz-idx))
;; time to stop buzzing. set buzz-val and the hardware command to 0.
(set! (-> pad buzz-val buzz-idx) 0)
(set! (-> pad direct buzz-idx) 0)
(+! buzz-idx 1)
;; update buttons history
(set! (-> pad button0-abs 2) (-> pad button0-abs 1))
;; update abs history from shadow-abs
(set! (-> pad button0-abs 1) (-> pad button0-shadow-abs 0))
;; update rel history
(set! (-> pad button0-rel 2) (-> pad button0-rel 1))
(set! (-> pad button0-rel 1) (-> pad button0-rel 0))
;; put in new buttons
(set! current-button0 (-> pad button0))
(set! (-> pad button0-shadow-abs 0) current-button0)
(set! (-> pad button0-abs 0) current-button0)
;; buttons going down
(set! (-> pad button0-rel 0)
(logand (-> pad button0-abs 0) (lognot (-> pad button0-abs 1)))
;; some weird leftover from debugging.
(when *cpad-debug*
(set! (-> pad leftx) 255)
(set! (-> pad rightx) 255)
(set! (-> pad stick0-speed) 1.000)
((= (shr (-> pad status) 4) 7) ;; status that we have analog?
(set! leftx-pos (* 0.0078125 (the float (+ (-> pad leftx) -128))))
(set! lefty-pos (* 0.0078125 (the float (- 127 (-> pad lefty)))))
;; heading of the stick. note that y -> -x, x -> y, so it's rotated...
(set! (-> pad stick0-dir) (atan (- leftx-pos) lefty-pos))
;; the "speed" is just the magnitude.
(set! (-> pad stick0-speed) (fmin 1.0 (sqrtf (+ (* leftx-pos leftx-pos) (* lefty-pos lefty-pos)))))
;; deadband the speed at 0.3? this seems kinda high.
(when (< (-> pad stick0-speed) 0.3)
(set! (-> pad stick0-speed) 0.0)
;; invalid analog state, set things to safe defaults.
(set! (-> pad leftx) 128)
(set! (-> pad lefty) 128)
(set! (-> pad rightx) 128)
(set! (-> pad righty) 128)
(set! (-> pad stick0-dir) 0.000000)
(set! (-> pad stick0-speed) 0.0)
;; did the pad change?
(if (or (!= (-> pad button0-abs 0) (-> pad button0-abs 1)) ;; button pushed
(or (< 0.3 (-> pad stick0-speed)) ;; stick away from origin
(zero? (-> pad change-time)) ;; initially zero
(set! (-> pad change-time) (get-current-time))
;; invalid pad
(cpad-invalid! pad)
(+! pad-idx 1)
(defun buzz-stop! ((idx int))
"Set the buzz to 0 on both vibration motors of the given cpad."
(cpad-set-buzz! (-> *cpad-list* cpads idx) 0 0 0)
(cpad-set-buzz! (-> *cpad-list* cpads idx) 1 0 0)