
842 lines
30 KiB

* @file CompilerControl.cpp
* Compiler implementation for forms which actually control the compiler.
#include <regex>
#include <stack>
#include "common/repl/util.h"
#include "common/util/DgoWriter.h"
#include "common/util/FileUtil.h"
#include "common/util/Timer.h"
#include "common/util/string_util.h"
#include "goalc/compiler/Compiler.h"
#include "goalc/compiler/IR.h"
#include "goalc/compiler/SymbolInfo.h"
#include "goalc/compiler/docs/DocTypes.h"
#include "goalc/data_compiler/dir_tpages.h"
#include "goalc/data_compiler/game_count.h"
#include "goalc/data_compiler/game_text_common.h"
* Exit the compiler. Disconnects the listener and tells the target to reset itself.
* Will actually exit the next time the REPL runs.
Val* Compiler::compile_exit(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
va_check(form, args, {}, {});
if (m_debugger.is_attached()) {
if (m_listener.is_connected()) {
// flag for the REPL.
m_want_exit = true;
if (m_repl) {
return get_none();
* Evaluate GOOS code. It's not possible to get the result, so this is really only useful to get
* a side effect. Used to bootstrap the GOAL/GOOS macro system.
Val* Compiler::compile_seval(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
try {
for_each_in_list(rest, [&](const goos::Object& o) {
m_goos.eval_with_rewind(o, m_goos.global_environment.as_env_ptr());
} catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
throw_compiler_error(form, "Error while evaluating GOOS: {}", e.what());
return get_none();
* Compile a "data file"
Val* Compiler::compile_asm_data_file(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
va_check(form, args, {goos::ObjectType::SYMBOL, goos::ObjectType::STRING}, {});
auto kind = symbol_string(args.unnamed.at(0));
if (kind == "game-count") {
compile_game_count(as_string(args.unnamed.at(1)), m_make.compiler_output_prefix());
} else if (kind == "dir-tpages") {
compile_dir_tpages(as_string(args.unnamed.at(1)), m_make.compiler_output_prefix());
} else {
throw_compiler_error(form, "The option {} was not recognized for asm-data-file.", kind);
return get_none();
* Compile a "text data file"
Val* Compiler::compile_asm_text_file(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
va_check(form, args, {goos::ObjectType::SYMBOL}, {{"files", {true, goos::ObjectType::PAIR}}});
// what kind of text file?
const auto kind = symbol_string(args.unnamed.at(0));
// compile files.
if (kind == "subtitle" || kind == "subtitle-v2") {
std::vector<GameSubtitleDefinitionFile> inputs;
// open all project files specified (usually one).
for_each_in_list(args.named.at("files"), [this, &inputs, &form, &kind](const goos::Object& o) {
if (o.is_string()) {
open_subtitle_project(kind, o.as_string()->data, inputs);
} else {
throw_compiler_error(form, "Invalid object {} in asm-text-file files list.", o.print());
GameSubtitleDB db;
if (kind == "subtitle") {
} else {
db.m_subtitle_version = GameSubtitleDB::SubtitleFormat::V2;
compile_game_subtitles(inputs, db, m_make.compiler_output_prefix());
} else if (kind == "text") {
std::vector<GameTextDefinitionFile> inputs;
// open all project files specified (usually one).
for_each_in_list(args.named.at("files"), [this, &inputs, &form, &kind](const goos::Object& o) {
if (o.is_string()) {
open_text_project(kind, o.as_string()->data, inputs);
} else {
throw_compiler_error(form, "Invalid object {} in asm-text-file files list.", o.print());
GameTextDB db;
compile_game_text(inputs, db, m_make.compiler_output_prefix());
} else {
throw_compiler_error(form, "The option {} was not recognized for asm-text-file.", kind);
return get_none();
* Compile a file, and optionally color, save, or load.
* This should only be used for v3 "code object" files.
Val* Compiler::compile_asm_file(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
int i = 0;
CompilationOptions options;
bool no_throw = false;
// parse arguments
bool last_was_disasm = false;
for_each_in_list(rest, [&](const goos::Object& o) {
if (last_was_disasm) {
last_was_disasm = false;
if (o.type == goos::ObjectType::STRING) {
options.disassembly_output_file = as_string(o);
if (i == 0) {
options.filename = as_string(o);
} else {
auto setting = symbol_string(o);
if (setting == ":load") {
options.load = true;
} else if (setting == ":color") {
options.color = true;
} else if (setting == ":write") {
options.write = true;
} else if (setting == ":no-code") {
options.no_code = true;
} else if (setting == ":no-throw") {
no_throw = true;
} else if (setting == ":disassemble") {
options.disassemble = true;
last_was_disasm = true;
} else if (setting == ":disasm-code-only") {
options.disasm_code_only = true;
} else {
throw_compiler_error(form, "The option {} was not recognized for asm-file.", setting);
try {
} catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
if (!no_throw) {
throw_compiler_error(form, "Error while compiling file: {}", e.what());
return get_none();
* Simple help / documentation command
Val* Compiler::compile_repl_help(const goos::Object&, const goos::Object&, Env*) {
return get_none();
* Print out all set keybinds for the REPL (by our tooling)
Val* Compiler::compile_repl_keybinds(const goos::Object&, const goos::Object&, Env*) {
return get_none();
* Connect the compiler to a target. Takes an optional IP address / port, defaults to
* and 8112, which is the local computer and the default port for the DECI2 over IP
* implementation.
Val* Compiler::compile_listen_to_target(const goos::Object& form,
const goos::Object& rest,
Env* env) {
std::string ip = "";
int port = -1;
bool got_port = false, got_ip = false;
for_each_in_list(rest, [&](const goos::Object& o) {
if (o.is_string()) {
if (got_ip) {
throw_compiler_error(form, "listen-to-target can only use 1 IP address");
got_ip = true;
ip = o.as_string()->data;
} else if (o.is_int()) {
if (got_port) {
throw_compiler_error(form, "listen-to-target can only use 1 port number");
got_port = true;
port = o.integer_obj.value;
} else {
throw_compiler_error(form, "invalid argument to listen-to-target: \"{}\"", o.print());
int retries = 30;
if (m_repl) {
retries = m_repl->repl_config.target_connect_attempts;
auto connected = m_listener.connect_to_target(retries, ip, port);
if (connected && m_repl) {
for (const auto& line : m_repl->startup_file.run_after_listen) {
return get_none();
Val* Compiler::compile_repl_clear_screen(const goos::Object&, const goos::Object&, Env*) {
return get_none();
* Send the target a command to reset, which totally resets the state of the target.
* Optionally takes a :shutdown command which causes the exec_runtime function of the target
* to return after MachineShutdown.
Val* Compiler::compile_reset_target(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
bool shutdown = false;
for_each_in_list(rest, [&](const goos::Object& o) {
if (o.is_symbol() && symbol_string(o) == ":shutdown") {
shutdown = true;
} else {
throw_compiler_error(form, "invalid argument to reset-target: \"{}\"", o.print());
return get_none();
* Send a "poke" message to the target. This can be used to check if the target is still alive and
* acknowledges commands, and also tells that target that somebody is connected so it will flush
* its outgoing buffers that have been storing data from startup.
Val* Compiler::compile_poke(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
va_check(form, args, {}, {});
return get_none();
* Enter a goos REPL.
Val* Compiler::compile_gs(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
va_check(form, args, {}, {});
return get_none();
* Set a compiler setting by name.
Val* Compiler::compile_set_config(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
va_check(form, args, {goos::ObjectType::SYMBOL, {}}, {});
m_settings.set(symbol_string(args.unnamed.at(0)), args.unnamed.at(1));
return get_none();
* Ignore the "in-package" statement and anything it contains at the top of GOAL files.
Val* Compiler::compile_in_package(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
return get_none();
* Build dgo files. Takes a string argument pointing to the DGO description file, which is read
* and parsed here.
Val* Compiler::compile_build_dgo(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
va_check(form, args, {goos::ObjectType::STRING}, {});
auto dgo_desc = pair_cdr(m_goos.reader.read_from_file({args.unnamed.at(0).as_string()->data}));
for_each_in_list(dgo_desc, [&](const goos::Object& dgo) {
DgoDescription desc;
auto first = pair_car(dgo);
desc.dgo_name = as_string(first);
auto dgo_rest = pair_cdr(dgo);
for_each_in_list(dgo_rest, [&](const goos::Object& entry) {
auto e_arg = get_va(dgo, entry);
va_check(dgo, e_arg, {goos::ObjectType::STRING, goos::ObjectType::STRING}, {});
DgoDescription::DgoEntry o;
o.file_name = as_string(e_arg.unnamed.at(0));
o.name_in_dgo = as_string(e_arg.unnamed.at(1));
if (o.file_name.substr(o.file_name.length() - 3) != ".go") {
} else {
// allow data objects to be missing.
if (fs::exists(file_util::get_file_path(
{"out", m_make.compiler_output_prefix(), "obj", o.file_name}))) {
build_dgo(desc, m_make.compiler_output_prefix());
return get_none();
Val* Compiler::compile_reload(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
va_check(form, args, {}, {});
m_want_reload = true;
return get_none();
std::string Compiler::make_symbol_info_description(const SymbolInfo& info) {
switch (info.kind()) {
case SymbolInfo::Kind::GLOBAL_VAR:
return fmt::format("[Global Variable] Type: {} Defined: {}",
case SymbolInfo::Kind::LANGUAGE_BUILTIN:
return fmt::format("[Built-in Form] {}\n", info.name());
case SymbolInfo::Kind::METHOD:
return fmt::format("[Method] Type: {} Method Name: {} Defined: {}",
info.method_info().defined_in_type, info.name(),
case SymbolInfo::Kind::TYPE:
return fmt::format("[Type] Name: {} Defined: {}", info.name(),
case SymbolInfo::Kind::MACRO:
return fmt::format("[Macro] Name: {} Defined: {}", info.name(),
case SymbolInfo::Kind::CONSTANT:
return fmt::format(
"[Constant] Name: {} Value: {} Defined: {}", info.name(),
case SymbolInfo::Kind::FUNCTION:
return fmt::format("[Function] Name: {} Defined: {}", info.name(),
case SymbolInfo::Kind::FWD_DECLARED_SYM:
return fmt::format("[Forward-Declared] Name: {} Defined: {}", info.name(),
return {};
Val* Compiler::compile_get_info(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
va_check(form, args, {goos::ObjectType::SYMBOL}, {});
auto result = m_symbol_info.lookup_exact_name(args.unnamed.at(0).as_symbol().name_ptr);
if (!result) {
lg::print("No results found.\n");
} else {
for (auto& info : *result) {
lg::print("{}", make_symbol_info_description(info));
return get_none();
replxx::Replxx::completions_t Compiler::find_symbols_or_object_file_by_prefix(
std::string const& context,
int& contextLen,
std::vector<std::string> const& user_data) {
replxx::Replxx::completions_t completions;
// If we are trying to execute a `(ml ...)` we can automatically get the object file
// insert quotes if needed as well.
if (str_util::starts_with(context, "(ml ")) {
std::string file_name_prefix = context.substr(4);
// Trim string just incase, extra whitespace is valid LISP
file_name_prefix = str_util::trim(file_name_prefix);
// Remove quotes
file_name_prefix.erase(remove(file_name_prefix.begin(), file_name_prefix.end(), '"'),
if (file_name_prefix.empty()) {
return completions;
// Get all the potential object file names
const auto& matches = m_global_env->list_files_with_prefix(file_name_prefix);
for (const auto& match : matches) {
completions.push_back(fmt::format("\"{}\")", match));
} else {
const auto [token, stripped_leading_paren] = m_repl->get_current_repl_token(context);
// Otherwise, look for symbols
auto possible_forms = lookup_symbol_infos_starting_with(token);
for (auto& x : possible_forms) {
completions.push_back(stripped_leading_paren ? "(" + x : x);
return completions;
replxx::Replxx::hints_t Compiler::find_hints_by_prefix(std::string const& context,
int& contextLen,
replxx::Replxx::Color& color,
std::vector<std::string> const& user_data) {
auto token = m_repl->get_current_repl_token(context);
auto possible_forms = lookup_symbol_infos_starting_with(token.first);
replxx::Replxx::hints_t hints;
// TODO - hints for `(ml ...` as well
// Only show hints if there are <= 3 possibilities
if (possible_forms.size() <= 3) {
for (auto& x : possible_forms) {
hints.push_back(token.second ? "(" + x : x);
// set hint color to green if single match found
if (hints.size() == 1) {
color = replxx::Replxx::Color::GREEN;
return hints;
void Compiler::repl_coloring(
std::string const& context,
replxx::Replxx::colors_t& colors,
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, replxx::Replxx::Color>> const& regex_color) {
using cl = replxx::Replxx::Color;
// TODO - a proper circular queue would be cleaner to use
std::deque<cl> paren_colors = {cl::GREEN, cl::CYAN, cl::MAGENTA};
std::stack<std::pair<char, cl>> expression_stack;
std::pair<int, std::string> curr_symbol = {-1, ""};
for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < context.size(); i++) {
char curr = context.at(i);
// We lookup every potential symbol and color it based on it's type
if (std::isspace(curr) || curr == ')') {
// Lookup the symbol, if its legit, color it
if (!curr_symbol.second.empty() && curr_symbol.second.at(0) == '(') {
curr_symbol.second.erase(0, 1);
std::vector<SymbolInfo>* sym_match = lookup_exact_name_info(curr_symbol.second);
if (sym_match != nullptr && sym_match->size() == 1) {
SymbolInfo sym_info = sym_match->at(0);
for (int pos = curr_symbol.first; pos <= int(i); pos++) {
// TODO - currently just coloring all types brown/gold
// - would be nice to have a different color for globals, functions, etc
colors.at(pos) = cl::BROWN;
curr_symbol = {-1, ""};
} else {
if (curr_symbol.first == -1) {
curr_symbol.first = i;
curr_symbol.second += curr;
// Rainbow paren coloring and known-form coloring
if (curr == '(') {
cl color = paren_colors.front();
expression_stack.push({curr, color});
colors.at(i) = color;
} else if (curr == ')') {
if (expression_stack.empty()) {
colors.at(i) = cl::RED;
} else {
auto& matching_paren = expression_stack.top();
if (matching_paren.first == '(') {
if (i == context.size() - 1 && !expression_stack.empty()) {
colors.at(i) = cl::RED;
} else {
colors.at(i) = matching_paren.second;
// Reset the color order
if (expression_stack.empty()) {
paren_colors = {cl::GREEN, cl::CYAN, cl::MAGENTA};
// TODO - general syntax highlighting with regexes (quotes, symbols, etc)
Val* Compiler::compile_autocomplete(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env* env) {
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
va_check(form, args, {goos::ObjectType::SYMBOL}, {});
Timer timer;
auto result = m_symbol_info.lookup_symbols_starting_with(args.unnamed.at(0).as_symbol().name_ptr);
auto time = timer.getMs();
for (auto& x : result) {
lg::print(" {}\n", x);
lg::print("Autocomplete: {}/{} symbols matched, took {:.2f} ms\n", result.size(),
m_symbol_info.symbol_count(), time);
return get_none();
Val* Compiler::compile_update_macro_metadata(const goos::Object& form,
const goos::Object& rest,
Env* env) {
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
// We have to manually check the args here, as an empty list is considered something distinct from
// a pair
if (args.unnamed.size() != 3 || args.unnamed.at(0).type != goos::ObjectType::SYMBOL ||
args.unnamed.at(1).type != goos::ObjectType::STRING ||
(args.unnamed.at(2).type != goos::ObjectType::PAIR &&
args.unnamed.at(2).type != goos::ObjectType::EMPTY_LIST)) {
throw_compiler_error(form, "Invalid arguments provided to `update-macro-metadata");
auto& name = args.unnamed.at(0).as_symbol().name_ptr;
auto arg_spec = m_goos.parse_arg_spec(form, args.unnamed.at(2));
m_macro_specs[name] = arg_spec;
SymbolInfo::Metadata sym_meta;
sym_meta.docstring = args.unnamed.at(1).as_string()->data;
m_symbol_info.add_macro(name, form, sym_meta);
return get_none();
std::set<std::string> Compiler::lookup_symbol_infos_starting_with(const std::string& prefix) const {
if (m_goos.reader.check_string_is_valid(prefix)) {
return m_symbol_info.lookup_symbols_starting_with(prefix);
return {};
std::vector<SymbolInfo>* Compiler::lookup_exact_name_info(const std::string& name) const {
if (m_goos.reader.check_string_is_valid(name)) {
return m_symbol_info.lookup_exact_name(name);
} else {
return nullptr;
std::optional<TypeSpec> Compiler::lookup_typespec(const std::string& symbol_name) {
const auto& it = m_symbol_types.find(m_goos.intern_ptr(symbol_name));
if (it != m_symbol_types.end()) {
return it->second;
return {};
Val* Compiler::compile_load_project(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env*) {
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
va_check(form, args, {goos::ObjectType::STRING}, {});
return get_none();
Val* Compiler::compile_make(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env*) {
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
va_check(form, args, {goos::ObjectType::STRING},
{{"force", {false, {goos::ObjectType::SYMBOL}}},
{"verbose", {false, {goos::ObjectType::SYMBOL}}}});
bool force = false;
if (args.has_named("force")) {
force = get_true_or_false(form, args.get_named("force"));
bool verbose = false;
if (args.has_named("verbose")) {
verbose = get_true_or_false(form, args.get_named("verbose"));
m_make.make(args.unnamed.at(0).as_string()->data, force, verbose);
return get_none();
Val* Compiler::compile_print_debug_compiler_stats(const goos::Object& form,
const goos::Object& rest,
Env*) {
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
va_check(form, args, {}, {});
lg::print("Spill operations (total): {}\n", m_debug_stats.num_spills);
lg::print("Spill operations (v1 only): {}\n", m_debug_stats.num_spills_v1);
lg::print("Eliminated moves: {}\n", m_debug_stats.num_moves_eliminated);
lg::print("Total functions: {}\n", m_debug_stats.total_funcs);
lg::print("Functions requiring v1: {}\n", m_debug_stats.funcs_requiring_v1_allocator);
lg::print("Size of autocomplete prefix tree: {}\n", m_symbol_info.symbol_count());
return get_none();
Val* Compiler::compile_gen_docs(const goos::Object& form, const goos::Object& rest, Env*) {
auto args = get_va(form, rest);
va_check(form, args, {goos::ObjectType::STRING}, {});
const auto& doc_path = fs::path(args.unnamed.at(0).as_string()->data);
lg::info("Saving docs to: {}", doc_path.string());
const auto symbols = m_symbol_info.get_all_symbols();
std::unordered_map<std::string, Docs::SymbolDocumentation> all_symbols;
std::unordered_map<std::string, Docs::FileDocumentation> file_docs;
lg::info("Processing {} symbols...", symbols.size());
int count = 0;
for (const auto& sym_info : symbols) {
if (count % 100 == 0 || count == (int)symbols.size()) {
lg::info("Processing [{}/{}] symbols...", count, symbols.size());
std::optional<Docs::DefinitionLocation> def_loc;
const auto& goos_info = m_goos.reader.db.get_short_info_for(sym_info.src_form());
if (goos_info) {
Docs::DefinitionLocation new_def_loc;
new_def_loc.filename = file_util::convert_to_unix_path_separators(file_util::split_path_at(
goos_info->filename, {"goal_src", version_to_game_name(m_version)}));
new_def_loc.line_idx = goos_info->line_idx_to_display;
new_def_loc.char_idx = goos_info->pos_in_line;
def_loc = new_def_loc;
Docs::SymbolDocumentation sym_doc;
sym_doc.name = sym_info.name();
sym_doc.description = sym_info.meta().docstring;
sym_doc.kind = sym_info.kind();
sym_doc.def_location = def_loc;
if (all_symbols.count(sym_info.name()) > 1) {
lg::error("A symbol was defined twice, how did this happen? {}", sym_info.name());
} else {
all_symbols.emplace(sym_info.name(), sym_doc);
Docs::FileDocumentation file_doc;
std::string file_doc_key;
if (!goos_info) {
file_doc_key = "unknown";
} else {
file_doc_key = file_util::convert_to_unix_path_separators(
file_util::split_path_at(goos_info->filename, {"goal_src"}));
if (file_docs.count(file_doc_key) != 0) {
file_doc = file_docs.at(file_doc_key);
} else {
file_doc = Docs::FileDocumentation();
// TODO - states / enums / built-ins
if (sym_info.kind() == SymbolInfo::Kind::GLOBAL_VAR ||
sym_info.kind() == SymbolInfo::Kind::CONSTANT) {
Docs::VariableDocumentation var;
var.name = sym_info.name();
var.description = sym_info.meta().docstring;
if (sym_info.kind() == SymbolInfo::Kind::CONSTANT) {
var.type = "unknown"; // Unfortunately, constants are not properly typed
} else {
var.type = m_symbol_types.at(m_goos.intern_ptr(var.name)).base_type();
var.def_location = def_loc;
if (sym_info.kind() == SymbolInfo::Kind::GLOBAL_VAR) {
} else {
} else if (sym_info.kind() == SymbolInfo::Kind::FUNCTION) {
Docs::FunctionDocumentation func;
func.name = sym_info.name();
func.description = sym_info.meta().docstring;
func.def_location = def_loc;
func.args = Docs::get_args_from_docstring(sym_info.args(), func.description);
// The last arg in the typespec is the return type
const auto& func_type = m_symbol_types.at(m_goos.intern_ptr(func.name));
func.return_type = func_type.last_arg().base_type();
} else if (sym_info.kind() == SymbolInfo::Kind::TYPE) {
Docs::TypeDocumentation type;
type.name = sym_info.name();
type.description = sym_info.meta().docstring;
type.def_location = def_loc;
const auto& type_info = m_ts.lookup_type(type.name);
type.parent_type = type_info->get_parent();
type.size = type_info->get_size_in_memory();
type.method_count = type_info->get_methods_defined_for_type().size();
if (m_ts.typecheck_and_throw(m_ts.make_typespec("structure"), m_ts.make_typespec(type.name),
"", false, false, false)) {
auto struct_info = dynamic_cast<StructureType*>(type_info);
for (const auto& field : struct_info->fields()) {
Docs::FieldDocumentation field_doc;
field_doc.name = field.name();
field_doc.description = "";
field_doc.type = field.type().base_type();
field_doc.is_array = field.is_array();
field_doc.is_inline = field.is_inline();
field_doc.is_dynamic = field.is_dynamic();
for (const auto& method : type_info->get_methods_defined_for_type()) {
// Check to see if it's a state
if (m_ts.typecheck_and_throw(m_ts.make_typespec("state"), method.type, "", false, false,
false)) {
Docs::TypeStateDocumentation state_doc;
state_doc.id = method.id;
state_doc.is_virtual = true;
state_doc.name = method.name;
} else {
Docs::TypeMethodDocumentation method_doc;
method_doc.id = method.id;
method_doc.name = method.name;
method_doc.is_override = method.overrides_parent;
for (const auto& [state_name, state_info] : type_info->get_states_declared_for_type()) {
Docs::TypeStateDocumentation state_doc;
state_doc.name = state_name;
state_doc.is_virtual = false;
} else if (sym_info.kind() == SymbolInfo::Kind::MACRO) {
Docs::MacroDocumentation macro_doc;
macro_doc.name = sym_info.name();
macro_doc.description = sym_info.meta().docstring;
macro_doc.def_location = def_loc;
const auto& arg_spec = m_macro_specs[macro_doc.name];
for (const auto& arg : arg_spec.unnamed) {
for (const auto& arg : arg_spec.named) {
std::optional<std::string> def_value;
if (arg.second.has_default) {
def_value = arg.second.default_value.print();
macro_doc.kwargs.push_back({arg.first, def_value});
if (!arg_spec.rest.empty()) {
macro_doc.variadic_arg = arg_spec.rest;
} else if (sym_info.kind() == SymbolInfo::Kind::METHOD) {
Docs::MethodDocumentation method_doc;
method_doc.name = sym_info.name();
method_doc.description = sym_info.meta().docstring;
method_doc.def_location = def_loc;
const auto& method_info = sym_info.method_info();
method_doc.id = method_info.id;
method_doc.type = sym_info.method_info().defined_in_type;
method_doc.is_override = method_info.overrides_parent;
method_doc.args = Docs::get_args_from_docstring(sym_info.args(), method_doc.description);
// The last arg in the typespec is the return type
const auto& method_type = method_info.type;
method_doc.return_type = method_type.last_arg().base_type();
method_doc.is_builtin = method_doc.id <= 9;
file_docs[file_doc_key] = file_doc;
json symbol_map_data(all_symbols);
doc_path / fmt::format("{}-symbol-map.json", version_to_game_name(m_version)),
json file_docs_data(file_docs);
doc_path / fmt::format("{}-file-docs.json", version_to_game_name(m_version)),
return get_none();
Val* Compiler::compile_gc_text(const goos::Object&, const goos::Object&, Env*) {
return get_none();