2021-10-23 10:41:11 -04:00

780 lines
23 KiB
Common Lisp

;; This file should contain an implementation for all macros that the decompiler uses in its output.
(defun ash ((value int) (shift-amount int))
"Arithmetic shift value by shift-amount.
A positive shift-amount will shift to the left and a negative will shift to the right.
;; OpenGOAL does not support ash in the compiler, so we implement it here as an inline function.
(declare (inline))
(if (> shift-amount 0)
(shl value shift-amount)
(sar value (- shift-amount))
(defmacro suspend ()
(defmacro empty-form ()
(defmacro .sync.l ()
(defmacro make-u128 (upper lower)
`(rlet ((result :class i128)
(upper-xmm :class i128)
(lower-xmm :class i128))
(.mov upper-xmm ,upper)
(.mov lower-xmm ,lower)
(.pcpyld result upper-xmm lower-xmm)
(the uint result)
(defmacro init-vf0-vector ()
"Initializes the VF0 vector which is a constant vector in the VU set to <0,0,0,1>"
`(.lvf vf0 (new 'static 'vector :x 0.0 :y 0.0 :z 0.0 :w 1.0))
(defconstant SYM_TO_STRING_OFFSET #xff38)
(defmacro symbol->string (sym)
"Convert a symbol to a goal string."
`(-> (the-as (pointer string) (+ SYM_TO_STRING_OFFSET (the-as int ,sym))))
(defmacro new-stack-matrix0 ()
"Get a new matrix on the stack that's set to zero."
`(let ((mat (new 'stack-no-clear 'matrix)))
(set! (-> mat quad 0) (the-as uint128 0))
(set! (-> mat quad 1) (the-as uint128 0))
(set! (-> mat quad 2) (the-as uint128 0))
(set! (-> mat quad 3) (the-as uint128 0))
(defmacro new-stack-vector0 ()
"Get a stack vector that's set to 0.
This is more efficient than (new 'stack 'vector) because
this doesn't call the constructor."
`(let ((vec (new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)))
(set! (-> vec quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(defmacro new-stack-quaternion0 ()
"Get a stack quaternion that's set to 0.
This is more efficient than (new 'stack 'quaternion) because
this doesn't call the constructor."
`(let ((q (new 'stack-no-clear 'quaternion)))
(set! (-> q quad) (the-as uint128 0))
(defmacro with-pp (&rest body)
`(rlet ((pp :reg r13 :reset-here #t :type process))
(defmacro fabs (x)
`(if (< (the float ,x) 0)
(- (the float ,x))
(the float ,x))
(defconstant PI (the-as float #x40490fda))
(defconstant MINUS_PI (the-as float #xc0490fda))
(defmacro handle->process (handle)
;; the actual implementation is more clever than this.
;; Checks PID.
`(let ((the-handle ,handle))
(if (-> the-handle process)
(let ((proc (-> (-> the-handle process))))
(if (= (-> the-handle pid) (-> proc pid))
(defmacro ppointer->process (ppointer)
;; convert a (pointer process) to a process.
;; this uses the self field, which seems to always just get set to the object.
;; perhaps when deleting a process you could have it set self to #f?
;; I don't see this happen anywhere though, so it's not clear.
`(let ((the-pp ,ppointer))
(the process-tree (if the-pp (-> the-pp 0 self)))
(defmacro process->ppointer (proc)
;"safely get a (pointer process) from a process, returning #f if invalid."
`(let ((the-proc ,proc))
(if the-proc (-> the-proc ppointer))
(defmacro ppointer->handle (pproc)
`(let ((the-process ,pproc))
(new 'static 'handle :process the-process :pid (-> the-process 0 pid))
(defmacro process->handle (proc)
`(ppointer->handle (process->ppointer ,proc))
(defmacro defbehavior (name process-type bindings &rest body)
(if (and
(> (length body) 1) ;; more than one thing in function
(string? (first body)) ;; first thing is a string
;; then it's a docstring and we ignore it.
`(define ,name (lambda :name ,name :behavior ,process-type ,bindings ,@(cdr body)))
;; otherwise don't ignore it.
`(define ,name (lambda :name ,name :behavior ,process-type ,bindings ,@body))
(defmacro b! (pred destination &key (delay '()) &key (likely-delay '()))
;; evaluate the predicate
`(let ((should-branch ,pred))
;; normal delay slot:
(when should-branch
(goto ,destination)
;; meters are stored as (usually) a float, scaled by 4096.
;; this gives you reasonable accuracy as an integer.
(defglobalconstant METER_LENGTH 4096.0)
(defmacro meters (x)
"Convert number to meters.
If the input is a constant float or integer, the result will be a
compile time constant float. Otherwise, it will not be constant.
Returns float."
;; we don't have enough constant propagation for the compiler to figure this out.
((float? x)
((integer? x)
;; rotations are stored in 65,536ths of a full rotation.
;; like with meters, you get a reasonable accuracy as an integer.
;; additionally, it is a power-of-two, so wrapping rotations can be done
;; quickly by converting to an int, masking, and back to float
(defglobalconstant DEGREES_PER_ROT 65536.0)
;; this was deg in GOAL
(defmacro degrees (x)
"Convert number to degrees unit.
Will keep a constant float/int constant."
((or (float? x) (integer? x))
(* DEGREES_PER_ROT (/ (+ 0.0 x) 360.0))
`(* (/ (the float ,x) 360.0)
;; times are stored in 300ths of a second.
;; this divides evenly into frames at both 50 and 60 fps.
;; typically these are stored as integers as more precision is not useful.
;; an unsigned 32-bit integer can store about 150 days
(defglobalconstant TICKS_PER_SECOND 300) ;; 5 t/frame @ 60fps, 6 t/frame @ 50fps
;; this was usec in GOAL
(defmacro seconds (x)
"Convert number to seconds unit.
Returns uint."
((integer? x)
((float? x)
(* 1 (* 1.0 x TICKS_PER_SECOND))
`(the uint (* TICKS_PER_SECOND ,x))
(defmacro fsec (x)
"Convert number to seconds unit.
Returns float."
((or (integer? x) (float? x))
`(* 1.0 TICKS_PER_SECOND ,x)
;; maybe rename to "velocity"?
(defmacro vel-tick (vel)
"turn a velocity value into a per-tick value"
`(* (/ 1.0 ,TICKS_PER_SECOND) ,vel)
(defmacro copy-and-set-field (original field-name field-value)
`(let ((temp-copy ,original))
(set! (-> temp-copy ,field-name) ,field-value)
(defmacro set-vector! (v xv yv zv wv)
"Set all fields in a vector"
(with-gensyms (vec)
`(let ((vec ,v))
(set! (-> vec x) ,xv)
(set! (-> vec y) ,yv)
(set! (-> vec z) ,zv)
(set! (-> vec w) ,wv)))
;; cause the current process to change state
(defmacro go (next-state &rest args)
(go-hook pp ,next-state ,@args)
(defmacro go-virtual (state-name &key (proc self) &rest args)
"Change the current process to the virtual state of the given process."
`(go (method-of-object ,proc ,state-name) ,@args)
(defmacro static-sound-name (str)
"Convert a string constant to a static sound-name."
;; all this is done at compile-time so we can come up with 2
;; 64-bit constants to use
(when (> (string-length str) 16)
(error "static-sound-name got a string that is too long")
(let ((lo-val 0)
(hi-val 0)
(dotimes (i (string-length str))
(if (>= i 8)
(+! hi-val (ash (string-ref str i) (* 8 (- i 8))))
(+! lo-val (ash (string-ref str i) (* 8 i)))
`(new 'static 'sound-name :lo ,lo-val :hi ,hi-val)
(defmacro vftoi4.xyzw (dst src)
"convert to 28.4 integer. This does the multiply while the number is still
a float. This will have issues for very large floats, but it seems like this
is how PCSX2 does it as well, so maybe it's right?
NOTE: this is the only version of the instruction used in Jak 1, so we
don't need to worry about masks."
(rlet ((temp :class vf))
(set! temp 16.0)
(.mul.x.vf temp ,src temp)
(.ftoi.vf ,dst temp)
(defmacro vftoi12.xyzw (dst src)
"convert to 20.12 integer. This does the multiply while the number is still
a float. This will have issues for very large floats, but it seems like this
is how PCSX2 does it as well, so maybe it's right?
NOTE: this is the only version of the instruction used in Jak 1, so we
don't need to worry about masks."
(rlet ((temp :class vf))
(set! temp 4096.0)
(.mul.x.vf temp ,src temp)
(.ftoi.vf ,dst temp)
(defmacro vftoi15.xyzw (dst src)
"convert to 17.15 integer. This does the multiply while the number is still
a float. This will have issues for very large floats, but it seems like this
is how PCSX2 does it as well, so maybe it's right?
NOTE: this is the only version of the instruction used in Jak 1, so we
don't need to worry about masks."
(rlet ((temp :class vf))
(set! temp 32768.0)
(.mul.x.vf temp ,src temp)
(.ftoi.vf ,dst temp)
(defmacro vitof4.xyzw (dst src)
"convert from a 28.4 integer. This does the multiply while the number is still
a float. This will have issues for very large floats, but it seems like this
is how PCSX2 does it as well, so maybe it's right?
NOTE: this is the only version of the instruction used in Jak 1, so we
don't need to worry about masks."
(rlet ((temp :class vf))
(set! temp 0.0625)
(.mul.x.vf temp ,src temp)
(.ftoi.vf ,dst temp)
(defmacro vitof12.xyzw (dst src)
"convert from a 20.12 integer. This does the multiply while the number is still
a float. This will have issues for very large floats, but it seems like this
is how PCSX2 does it as well, so maybe it's right?
NOTE: this is the only version of the instruction used in Jak 1, so we
don't need to worry about masks."
(rlet ((temp :class vf))
(set! temp 0.000244140625)
(.mul.x.vf temp ,src temp)
(.ftoi.vf ,dst temp)
(defmacro vitof15.xyzw (dst src)
"convert from a 17.15 integer. This does the multiply while the number is still
a float. This will have issues for very large floats, but it seems like this
is how PCSX2 does it as well, so maybe it's right?
NOTE: this is the only version of the instruction used in Jak 1, so we
don't need to worry about masks."
(rlet ((temp :class vf))
(set! temp 0.000030517578125)
(.mul.x.vf temp ,src temp)
(.ftoi.vf ,dst temp)
;; use a compile-time list to keep track of the type of an anonymous behavior.
(seval (define *defstate-type-stack* '()))
(desfun def-state-check-behavior (beh-form beh-type)
"check if code block is an anonymous behavior. needed for anonymous behaviors on defstate."
(when (and (pair? beh-form) (eq? (first beh-form) 'behavior))
(push! *defstate-type-stack* beh-type)
(defmacro clear-def-state-stack ()
(set! *defstate-type-stack* '())
(defmacro defstate (state-name parents
&key (virtual #f)
&key (event #f)
&key (enter #f)
&key (trans #f)
&key (exit #f)
&key (code #f)
&key (post #f)
"Define a new state!"
(with-gensyms (new-state)
(let ((defstate-type (first parents)))
(when (not (null? *defstate-type-stack*))
(fmt #t "*defstate-type-stack* leaked! An error probably happened in a previous defstate. stack is: {}"
(set! *defstate-type-stack* '())
;; check for default handlers
(let ((default-handlers (assoc defstate-type *default-state-handlers*)))
(when (not (null? default-handlers))
(set! default-handlers (cdr default-handlers))
(when (and (not event) (car default-handlers))
(set! event (car default-handlers)))
(set! default-handlers (cdr default-handlers))
(when (and (not enter) (car default-handlers))
(set! enter (car default-handlers)))
(set! default-handlers (cdr default-handlers))
(when (and (not trans) (car default-handlers))
(set! trans (car default-handlers)))
(set! default-handlers (cdr default-handlers))
(when (and (not exit) (car default-handlers))
(set! exit (car default-handlers)))
(set! default-handlers (cdr default-handlers))
(when (and (not code) (car default-handlers))
(set! code (car default-handlers)))
(set! default-handlers (cdr default-handlers))
(when (and (not post) (car default-handlers))
(set! post (car default-handlers)))
(set! default-handlers (cdr default-handlers))
(def-state-check-behavior event defstate-type)
(def-state-check-behavior enter defstate-type)
(def-state-check-behavior trans defstate-type)
(def-state-check-behavior exit defstate-type)
(def-state-check-behavior code defstate-type)
(def-state-check-behavior post defstate-type)
`(let ((,new-state (new 'static 'state
:name (quote ,state-name)
:next #f
:exit #f
:code #f
:trans #f
:post #f
:enter #f
:event #f
;; the compiler will set the fields of the given state and define the symbol.
;; This way it can check the individual function types, make sure they make sense, and create
;; a state with the appropriate type.
,(if virtual
`(define-virtual-state-hook ,state-name ,defstate-type ,new-state :event ,event :enter ,enter :trans ,trans :exit ,exit :code ,code :post ,post)
`(define-state-hook ,state-name ,defstate-type ,new-state :event ,event :enter ,enter :trans ,trans :exit ,exit :code ,code :post ,post)
(defmacro behavior (bindings &rest body)
"Define an anonymous behavior for a process state. This may only be used inside a defstate!"
(let ((behavior-type (first *defstate-type-stack*)))
(pop! *defstate-type-stack*)
`(lambda :behavior ,behavior-type ,bindings ,@body)
;; set the default handler functions for a process's state handlers
(seval (define *default-state-handlers* '()))
(defmacro defstatehandler (proc
&key (event #f)
&key (enter #f)
&key (trans #f)
&key (exit #f)
&key (code #f)
&key (post #f))
(if (null? (assoc proc *default-state-handlers*))
(push! *default-state-handlers* (cons proc (list event enter trans exit code post)))
(fmt #t "default state handlers for {} already defined, ignoring duplicate.\n" proc (cadr (assoc proc *default-state-handlers*)))
(defmacro sext32 (in)
`(sar (shl ,in 32) 32)
(defmacro .sra (result in sa)
`(set! ,result (sext32 (sar (logand #xffffffff (the-as int ,in)) ,sa)))
(defmacro .movn (result value check original)
`(if (!= ,check 0)
(set! ,result (the-as int ,value))
(set! ,result (the-as int ,original))
(defmacro .movz (result value check original)
`(if (= ,check 0)
(set! ,result (the-as int ,value))
(set! ,result (the-as int ,original))
(defmacro .mfc0 (&rest stuff)
(defmacro res-lump-data (lump name type &key (tag-ptr (the-as (pointer res-tag) #f)) &key (time -1000000000.0))
"Helper macro to get data from a res-lump without interpolation."
`(the-as ,type ((method-of-type res-lump get-property-data)
(the-as pointer #f)
(defmacro res-lump-data-exact (lump name type &key (tag-ptr (the-as (pointer res-tag) #f)) &key (time 0.0))
"Helper macro to get start of data from a res-lump."
`(the-as ,type ((method-of-type res-lump get-property-data)
(the-as pointer #f)
(defmacro res-lump-struct (lump name type &key (tag-ptr (the-as (pointer res-tag) #f)) &key (time -1000000000.0))
`(the-as ,type ((method-of-type res-lump get-property-struct)
(the-as structure #f)
(defmacro res-lump-struct-exact (lump name type &key (tag-ptr (the-as (pointer res-tag) #f)) &key (time 0.0))
`(the-as ,type ((method-of-type res-lump get-property-struct)
(the-as structure #f)
(defmacro res-lump-value (lump name type &key (tag-ptr (the-as (pointer res-tag) #f)) &key (default (the-as uint128 0)) &key (time -1000000000.0))
"Helper macro to get a value from a res-lump with no interpolation."
`(the-as ,type ((method-of-type res-lump get-property-value)
(defmacro res-lump-float (lump name &key (tag-ptr (the-as (pointer res-tag) #f)) &key (default 0.0) &key (time -1000000000.0))
"Helper macro to get a float from a res-lump with no interpolation."
`((method-of-type res-lump get-property-value-float)
;; run the given function in a process right now.
;; will return to here when:
;; - you return
;; - you deactivate
;; - you go
;; - you throw to 'initialize
(defmacro run-now-in-process (proc func &rest args)
`((the (function _varargs_ object) run-function-in-process)
,proc ,func ,@args
;; sets the main thread of the given process to run the given thing.
;; this resets the main thread stack back to the top
(defmacro run-next-time-in-process (proc func &rest args)
`((the (function _varargs_ object) set-to-run)
(-> ,proc main-thread) ,func ,@args
(defmacro sp-item (launcher
&key (fade-after 0.0)
&key (falloff-to 0.0)
&key (flags ())
&key (period 0)
&key (length 0)
&key (offset 0)
&key (hour-mask 0)
&key (binding 0)
`(new 'static 'sparticle-group-item
:launcher ,launcher
:fade-after ,fade-after
:falloff-to ,falloff-to
:flags (sp-group-item-flag ,@flags)
:period ,period
:length ,length
:offset ,offset
:hour-mask ,hour-mask
:binding ,binding
(defmacro sp-tex (field-name tex-id)
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec :field (sp-field-id ,field-name) :tex ,tex-id)
(defmacro sp-rnd-flt (field-name val range mult)
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec
:field (sp-field-id ,field-name)
:initial-valuef ,val
:random-rangef ,range
:random-multf ,mult
:flags (sp-flag float-with-rand)
(defmacro sp-flt (field-name val)
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec
:field (sp-field-id ,field-name)
:initial-valuef ,val
:random-rangef 0.0
:random-multf 1.0
:flags (sp-flag float-with-rand)
(defmacro sp-int (field-name val)
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec
:field (sp-field-id ,field-name)
:initial-value ,val
:random-range 0
:random-mult 1
(defmacro sp-int-plain-rnd (field-name val range mult)
"For when we use plain integer, but set the randoms."
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec
:field (sp-field-id ,field-name)
:initial-value ,val
:random-range ,range
:random-mult ,mult
(defmacro sp-rnd-int (field-name val range mult)
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec
:field (sp-field-id ,field-name)
:initial-value ,val
:random-range ,range
:random-multf ,mult
:flags (sp-flag int-with-rand)
(defmacro sp-rnd-int-flt (field-name val range mult)
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec
:field (sp-field-id ,field-name)
:initial-valuef ,val
:random-range ,range
:random-multf ,mult
:flags (sp-flag int-with-rand)
(defmacro sp-cpuinfo-flags (&rest flags)
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec
:field (sp-field-id spt-flags)
:initial-value (sp-cpuinfo-flag ,@flags)
:random-mult 1
(defmacro sp-launcher-by-id (field-name val)
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec
:field (sp-field-id ,field-name)
:initial-value ,val
:flags (sp-flag part-by-id)
(defmacro sp-func (field-name val)
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec
:field (sp-field-id ,field-name)
:sym ,val
:flags (sp-flag from-pointer)
(defmacro sp-end ()
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec
:field (sp-field-id spt-end)
(defmacro sp-copy-from-other (field-name offset)
`(new 'static 'sp-field-init-spec
:field (sp-field-id ,field-name)
:initial-value ,offset
:random-mult 1
:flags (sp-flag copy-from-other-field)
(defmacro cmove-#f-zero (dest condition src)
`(if (zero? ,condition)
(set! ,dest #f)
(set! ,dest ,src)
(defmacro send-event (proc msg &rest params)
"Send an event to a process. This should be used over send-event-function"
(let ((event-data (new 'stack-no-clear 'event-message-block)))
(set! (-> event-data from) pp)
(set! (-> event-data num-params) ,(length params))
(set! (-> event-data message) ,msg)
,@(let ((ep 0))
(apply (lambda (x) `(set! (-> event-data param ep) (the-as uint ,x)) (inc! ep)) params)
(send-event-function ,proc event-data)