2022-06-29 22:20:09 -04:00

834 lines
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Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: collide-shape-h.gc
;; name in dgo: collide-shape-h
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
;; What is collide-shape?
;; A collide shape is a group of collision geometry. Typically, each actor will have a single collide shape.
;; Each collide shape may contain a number of collide-shape-prim's.
;; There are subclasses of collide-shape-prim for different types of collision primitives.
;; The types are:
;; - mesh. A foreground collision mesh. This has a fixed max size, so something have multiple meshes.
;; - group. A list of other prims.
;; - sphere. A sphere.
;; The non-sphere classes also store a bsphere that must contain all collision geometry.
;; New vs. Old Collide System
;; There are, effectively, two systems for collision queries.
;; Things that are shared:
;; Both systems use "collide-shape".
;; Both systems track foreground collision objects through the lists:
;; - collide-player-list
;; - collide-hit-by-player-list
;; - collide-usually-hit-by-player-list
;; The "old" system:
;; - generally uses recursive traversals through the collide shape tree
;; - uses "collide-mesh-cache".
;; - can't collide with water or the background.
;; The "new" system:
;; - is the only way to collide with the background/water
;; - uses "collide-cache"
;; - generally dumps stuff into the collide-cache, then uses collide-cache functions
;; - does not support a few of the weirder collision checks
;; There is some duplicate implemenations because both the new and old system collide
;; foreground meshes. The new system can just import foreground collision meshes
;; into its collide cache.
;; Collision queries:
;; Push Away.
;; Some objects move on fixed paths (like platforms). When these move forward, they should "push away"
;; things they hit (generally, Jak). Push Away only works between foreground objects and uses the old system.
;; The do-push-aways! function should be called after moving a shape to push away things that you hit.
;; Internally, this uses things called SPAT/should-push-away-test.
;; The push-aways use the collide resolve system (described below) to actually push things aways
;; (you can't push-away something through a wall, for example.)
;; Collide Resolve. (made up name)
;; Some objects (like Jak) do not move on fixed paths, and will be stopped by walls or other obstacles.
;; This works on background and foreground objects, and uses the new system (it must, to handle background).
;; The fill-cache-integrate-and-collide! function should be called, which will fill the collide cache
;; and then do an iterative collision algorithm.
;; This will call the reaction function. The default "default-collision-reaction" function is in collide-shape.gc
;; will fill the touching list.
;; Nav Enemy Collision (made up name)
;; dummy-58 and integrate-for-enemy-with-move-to-ground are nav-enemy specific.
;; the details aren't super well understood yet. But they basically try to go forward if they aren't blocked.
;; Uses find-overlapping-shapes as the detector. (old system)
;; Move To Ground.
;; move-to-ground. Does what it says. (new system)
;; detect-riders
;; for platforms, detect if somebody is on the platform. (on-platform-test)
;; uses old system. Sends event adds to rider list.
(declare-type touching-list structure)
(declare-type collide-shape-prim basic)
;; Sticky Rider
;; Rider: thing which rides on a moving thing. For example, Jak is a rider of the platforms.
;; Sticky: when you hit the platform, your velocity immediately changes to match the thing.
;; like when Jak lands on a platform.
(deftype collide-sticky-rider (structure)
((rider-handle handle :offset-assert 0)
(sticky-prim collide-shape-prim :offset-assert 8)
(prim-ry float :offset-assert 12)
(rider-local-pos vector :inline :offset-assert 16)
:method-count-assert 10
:size-assert #x20
:flag-assert #xa00000020
(set-rider! (_type_ handle) symbol 9)
(defmethod set-rider! collide-sticky-rider ((obj collide-sticky-rider) (arg0 handle))
"Set the rider and clear the primitive."
(set! (-> obj rider-handle) arg0)
(set! (-> obj sticky-prim) #f)
;; A collection of collide-sticky-riders
;; dynamic type. There's one collide-sticky-rider per rider.
(deftype collide-sticky-rider-group (basic)
((num-riders int32 :offset-assert 4)
(allocated-riders int32 :offset-assert 8)
(rider collide-sticky-rider 1 :inline :offset-assert 16)
:method-count-assert 11
:size-assert #x30
:flag-assert #xb00000030
(new (symbol type int) _type_ 0)
(add-rider! (_type_ process-drawable) collide-sticky-rider 9)
(reset! (_type_) int 10)
(defmethod reset! collide-sticky-rider-group ((obj collide-sticky-rider-group))
"Reset all active riders"
(set! (-> obj num-riders) 0)
;; The rider will be pulled along by the object.
;; This includes possibly rotating the rider (if the platform spins, it spins Jak too).
(deftype pull-rider-info (structure)
((rider collide-sticky-rider :offset-assert 0)
(rider-cshape collide-shape-moving :offset-assert 4)
(rider-delta-ry float :offset-assert 8)
(rider-dest vector :inline :offset-assert 16)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x20
:flag-assert #x900000020
;; Collision Result
;; Most general collision result from colliding two collide shapes
;; this computes a "move-vec" and "u". If you move along "move-vec" by "u", you will move out of collsion.
;; It also tells you which primitives are colliding.
(deftype collide-shape-intersect (basic)
((move-vec vector :inline :offset-assert 16)
(best-u float :offset-assert 32)
(best-tri collide-tri-result :inline :offset-assert 48)
(best-from-prim collide-shape-prim :offset-assert 132)
(best-to-prim collide-shape-prim :offset-assert 136)
:method-count-assert 10
:size-assert #x8c
:flag-assert #xa0000008c
(init! (_type_ vector) symbol 9)
;; Collision with just overlap distance, no vector.
(deftype collide-overlap-result (structure)
((best-dist float :offset-assert 0)
(best-from-prim collide-shape-prim :offset-assert 4)
(best-to-prim collide-shape-prim :offset-assert 8)
(best-from-tri collide-tri-result :inline :offset-assert 16)
:method-count-assert 10
:size-assert #x64
:flag-assert #xa00000064
(reset! (_type_) none 9)
(defmethod reset! collide-overlap-result ((obj collide-overlap-result))
"Reset the result."
(set! (-> obj best-dist) 0.0)
(set! (-> obj best-from-prim) #f)
(set! (-> obj best-to-prim) #f)
;; Touching System
;; I believe this overlaps-others-params is used to do checks like "is enemy in range of attack".
;; but this isn't well understood yet
(deftype overlaps-others-params (structure)
((options uint32 :offset-assert 0)
(tlist touching-list :offset-assert 4)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x8
:flag-assert #x900000008
;; The engine system is used to link collision checks with processes.
;; This allows you to have lists of processes where the process will remove itself when it dies.
(define *collide-hit-by-player-list* (new 'global 'engine 'collide-hit-by-player-list 768))
(define *collide-usually-hit-by-player-list* (new 'global 'engine 'collide-usually-hit-by-player-list 256))
(define *collide-hit-by-others-list* (new 'global 'engine 'collide-hit-by-others-list 96))
(define *collide-player-list* (new 'global 'engine 'collide-player-list 32))
(defenum collide-list-enum
;; Collision Primitive Base
;; These are the settings that can be set per primitive.
(defenum collide-kind
:type uint64
:bitfield #t
(background 0)
(cak-1 1) ;; hit by player
(cak-2 2) ;; usually hit by player
(cak-3 3) ;; hit by others
(target 4) ;; target
(water 5)
(powerup 6)
(crate 7)
(enemy 8) ;; also used for powerups
(wall-object 9) ;; also object. door, pusher (blockers?)
(projectile 10)
(ground-object 11) ;; object, like darkecobarray, platforms
(target-attack 12) ;; all target attacks
(mother-spider 13)
(cak-14 14) ;; unused
(blue-eco-suck 15) ;; manipy, orb-cache-top,
(unknown-16 16)
(unknown-17 17)
(unknown-18 18)
(unknown-19 19)
(unknown-20 20)
(unknown-21 21)
(unknown-22 22)
(unknown-23 23)
(unknown-24 24)
(unknown-25 25)
(unknown-26 26)
(unknown-27 27)
(unknown-28 28)
(unknown-29 29)
(unknown-30 30)
(unknown-31 31)
(unknown-32 32)
(unknown-33 33)
(unknown-34 34)
(unknown-35 35)
(unknown-36 36)
(unknown-37 37)
(unknown-38 38)
(unknown-39 39)
(unknown-40 40)
(unknown-41 41)
(unknown-42 42)
(unknown-43 43)
(unknown-44 44)
(unknown-45 45)
(unknown-46 46)
(unknown-47 47)
(unknown-48 48)
(unknown-49 49)
(unknown-50 50)
(unknown-51 51)
(unknown-52 52)
(unknown-53 53)
(unknown-54 54)
(unknown-55 55)
(unknown-56 56)
(unknown-57 57)
(unknown-58 58)
(unknown-59 59)
(unknown-60 60)
(unknown-61 61)
(unknown-62 62)
(unknown-63 63)
(defenum collide-action
:type uint32
:bitfield #t
(solid 0)
(ca-1 1) ;; sticky?
(ca-2 2) ;; target?
(ca-3 3) ;; edge grab related
(ca-4 4)
(ca-5 5) ;; unused?
(ca-6 6) ;; swing pole, manipy
(ca-7 7) ;; camera
(ca-8 8) ;; swingpole
(ca-9 9) ;; eco vents?
(ca-10 10)
(ca-11 11)
(ca-12 12)
(ca-13 13)
(ca-14 14)
(ca-15 15) ;; manipy
(ca-16 16)
;; this field is a bit confusing. you have to have a higher offense to win against an object.
;; so a normal crate has an offense of 1, meaning you have to do _more_ than just touch it to go through it.
;; a scout fly crate has 2, so you have to do _more_ than an normal attack.
;; This system is _only_ for going through objects - there's more logic for deciding if you can break it.
(defenum collide-offense
:type int8
(no-offense 0)
(touch 1) ;; just have to touch
(normal-attack 2) ;; any attack (like a normal crate)
(strong-attack 3) ;; hit with zoomer, slide, ground pound/flop, flut attack
(indestructible 4) ;; can't attack it.
;; Every primitive has a prim-core.
;; this is a 32-byte chunk of data that can be pulled out an put in collide caches
;; it stores the transformed world sphere and the collision settings
(deftype collide-prim-core (structure)
((world-sphere vector :inline :offset-assert 0)
(collide-as collide-kind :offset-assert 16) ;; what are we (enemy, etc)
(action collide-action :offset-assert 24) ;; what happens if we collide (physics)
(offense collide-offense :offset-assert 28) ;; how hard to we have to hit it? (touch, attack...)
(prim-type int8 :offset-assert 29) ;; what type of primtive do we belong to?
(extra uint8 2 :offset-assert 30)
(quad uint128 2 :offset 0)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x20
:flag-assert #x900000020
(declare-type collide-shape basic)
(declare-type collide-cache-prim structure)
(declare-type collide-shape-prim-group basic)
(declare-type collide-cache basic)
;; the base class for collision shapes.
(deftype collide-shape-prim (basic)
((cshape collide-shape :offset-assert 4) ;; our parent collide-shape
(prim-id uint32 :offset-assert 8) ;; ?
(transform-index int8 :offset-assert 12) ;; ?
(prim-core collide-prim-core :inline :offset-assert 16) ;; core data
(local-sphere vector :inline :offset-assert 48) ;; sphere, pre transform
(collide-with collide-kind :offset-assert 64) ;; things we can collide with
;; overlays of core.
(world-sphere vector :inline :offset 16)
(collide-as collide-kind :offset 32)
(action collide-action :offset 40)
(offense collide-offense :offset 44)
(prim-type int8 :offset 45)
(radius meters :offset 60)
:method-count-assert 28
:size-assert #x48
:flag-assert #x1c00000048
(new (symbol type collide-shape uint int) _type_ 0)
(move-by-vector! (_type_ vector) none 9)
(find-prim-by-id (_type_ uint) collide-shape-prim 10)
(debug-draw-world-sphere (_type_) symbol 11)
(add-fg-prim-using-box (_type_ collide-cache) none 12)
(add-fg-prim-using-line-sphere (_type_ collide-cache) none 13)
(add-fg-prim-using-y-probe (_type_ collide-cache) none 14)
(overlaps-others-test (_type_ overlaps-others-params collide-shape-prim) symbol 15)
(overlaps-others-group (_type_ overlaps-others-params collide-shape-prim-group) symbol 16)
(unused-17 () none 17)
(collide-with-collide-cache-prim-mesh (_type_ collide-shape-intersect collide-cache-prim) none 18)
(collide-with-collide-cache-prim-sphere (_type_ collide-shape-intersect collide-cache-prim) none 19)
(add-to-bounding-box (_type_ collide-kind) symbol 20)
(num-mesh (_type_ collide-shape-prim) int 21)
(on-platform-test (_type_ collide-shape-prim collide-overlap-result float) none 22)
(should-push-away-test (_type_ collide-shape-prim collide-overlap-result) none 23)
(should-push-away-reverse-test (_type_ collide-shape-prim-group collide-overlap-result) none 24)
(update-transforms! (_type_ process-drawable) symbol 25)
(set-collide-as! (_type_ collide-kind) none 26)
(set-collide-with! (_type_ collide-kind) none 27)
;; Specific Collision Implementation
;; generally, these store enough information to tell if you're in collision or not,
;; and if so, what the "pat" is. The meaning of "pat" is unknown, but it's a 32-bit
;; packed data that tells you the material/mode.
;; sphere collision
;; the pat is stored directly here.
;; I believe the "local sphere" is used as the sphere.
(deftype collide-shape-prim-sphere (collide-shape-prim)
((pat pat-surface :offset-assert 72)
:method-count-assert 28
:size-assert #x4c
:flag-assert #x1c0000004c
(new (symbol type collide-shape uint) _type_ 0)
;; mesh collision
;; the pats are stored per tri in the mesh.
;; These meshes interact with a cache automatically (a specific collide-shape-prim-mesh cache, not the
;; more general collide-cache)
(deftype collide-shape-prim-mesh (collide-shape-prim)
((mesh collide-mesh :offset-assert 72)
(mesh-id int32 :offset-assert 76)
(mesh-cache-id uint64 :offset-assert 80)
(mesh-cache-tris (inline-array collide-mesh-cache-tri) :offset-assert 88)
:method-count-assert 29
:size-assert #x5c
:flag-assert #x1d0000005c
(new (symbol type collide-shape uint uint) _type_ 0)
(change-mesh (_type_ int) none 28)
;; A group of collide-shape-prim's
(deftype collide-shape-prim-group (collide-shape-prim)
((num-prims int32 :offset-assert 72)
(num-prims-u uint32 :offset 72)
(allocated-prims int32 :offset-assert 76)
(prim collide-shape-prim 1 :offset-assert 80)
(prims collide-shape-prim :dynamic :score 20 :offset 80) ;; added
:method-count-assert 30
:size-assert #x54
:flag-assert #x1e00000054
(new (symbol type collide-shape uint int) _type_ 0)
(append-prim (_type_ collide-shape-prim) none 28)
(add-to-non-empty-bounding-box (_type_ collide-kind) none 29)
;; Collide Shape
;; This is sort of the "parent" of all collide prims for a process-drawable.
;; Each process-drawable (pd) should have one collide-shape, which is often the root.
;; It represents:
;; - the location of the thing in hte world
;; - settings abouts collision/navigation
;; - riders
(declare-type collide-work structure)
(declare-type touching-shapes-entry structure)
(defenum nav-flags
:bitfield #t
:type uint8
(navf0 0)
(navf1 1)
(navf2 2)
(navf3 3)
(navf4 4)
(navf5 5)
(navf6 6)
(navf7 7)
;; we're a child of trsqv, so we store a full transform + derivative.
(deftype collide-shape (trsqv)
((process process-drawable :offset-assert 140)
(max-iteration-count uint8 :offset-assert 144)
(nav-flags nav-flags :offset-assert 145)
(pad-byte uint8 2 :offset-assert 146)
(pat-ignore-mask pat-surface :offset-assert 148)
(event-self symbol :offset-assert 152)
(event-other symbol :offset-assert 156)
(root-prim collide-shape-prim :offset-assert 160)
(riders collide-sticky-rider-group :offset-assert 164)
(backup-collide-as collide-kind :offset-assert 168)
(backup-collide-with collide-kind :offset-assert 176)
:method-count-assert 56
:size-assert #xb8
:flag-assert #x38000000b8
(new (symbol type process-drawable collide-list-enum) _type_)
(move-by-vector! (_type_ vector) none 28)
(alloc-riders (_type_ int) none 29)
(move-to-point! (_type_ vector) none 30) ;; ret - symbol | float (CSPG::9)
(debug-draw (_type_) none 31)
(fill-cache-for-shape! (_type_ float collide-kind) none 32)
(fill-cache-integrate-and-collide! (_type_ vector collide-kind) none 33)
(find-prim-by-id (_type_ uint) collide-shape-prim 34)
(detect-riders! (_type_) symbol 35)
(build-bounding-box-for-shape (_type_ bounding-box float collide-kind) symbol 36)
(integrate-and-collide! (_type_ vector) none 37)
(find-collision-meshes (_type_) symbol 38)
(on-platform (_type_ collide-shape collide-overlap-result) symbol 39)
(find-overlapping-shapes (_type_ overlaps-others-params) symbol 40) ;; check if blocked??
(dummy-41 (_type_ attack-info float) vector 41)
(should-push-away (_type_ collide-shape collide-overlap-result) symbol 42)
(pull-rider! (_type_ pull-rider-info) none 43)
(pull-riders! (_type_) symbol 44)
(do-push-aways! (_type_) symbol 45)
(set-root-prim! (_type_ collide-shape-prim) collide-shape-prim 46)
(update-transforms! (_type_) symbol 47)
(clear-collide-with-as (_type_) none 48)
(restore-collide-with-as (_type_) none 49)
(backup-collide-with-as (_type_) none 50)
(set-root-prim-collide-with! (_type_ collide-kind) none 51)
(set-root-prim-collide-as! (_type_ collide-kind) none 52)
(set-collide-kinds (_type_ int collide-kind collide-kind) none 53)
(set-collide-offense (_type_ int collide-offense) none 54)
(send-shove-back (_type_ process touching-shapes-entry float float float) none 55)
(defenum cshape-moving-flags
:bitfield #t
:type uint64
(defenum cshape-reaction-flags
:bitfield #t
:type uint32
;; A collide-shape for independently moving objects
(deftype collide-shape-moving (collide-shape)
((rider-time time-frame :offset-assert 184)
(rider-last-move vector :inline :offset-assert 192)
(trans-old vector 3 :inline :offset-assert 208)
(poly-pat pat-surface :offset-assert 256)
(cur-pat pat-surface :offset-assert 260)
(ground-pat pat-surface :offset-assert 264)
(status cshape-moving-flags :offset-assert 272)
(old-status cshape-moving-flags :offset-assert 280)
(prev-status cshape-moving-flags :offset-assert 288)
(reaction-flag cshape-reaction-flags :offset-assert 296)
(reaction (function collide-shape-moving collide-shape-intersect vector vector cshape-moving-flags) :offset-assert 300)
(no-reaction (function collide-shape-moving collide-shape-intersect vector vector none) :offset-assert 304)
(local-normal vector :inline :offset-assert 320)
(surface-normal vector :inline :offset-assert 336)
(poly-normal vector :inline :offset-assert 352)
(ground-poly-normal vector :inline :offset-assert 368)
(ground-touch-point vector :inline :offset-assert 384)
(shadow-pos vector :inline :offset-assert 400)
(ground-impact-vel meters :offset-assert 416)
(surface-angle float :offset-assert 420)
(poly-angle float :offset-assert 424)
(touch-angle float :offset-assert 428)
(coverage float :offset-assert 432)
(dynam dynamics :offset-assert 436)
(surf surface :offset-assert 440)
:method-count-assert 65
:size-assert #x1bc
:flag-assert #x41000001bc
(set-and-handle-pat! (_type_ pat-surface) none 56)
(integrate-no-collide! (_type_ vector) none 57)
(dummy-58 (_type_ vector) symbol 58)
(integrate-for-enemy-with-move-to-ground! (_type_ vector collide-kind float symbol symbol symbol) none 59)
(move-to-ground (_type_ float float symbol collide-kind) symbol 60)
(move-to-ground-point! (_type_ vector vector vector) none 61)
(compute-acc-due-to-gravity (_type_ vector float) vector 62)
(step-collison! (_type_ vector vector float) float 63)
(move-to-tri! (_type_ collide-tri-result vector) none 64)
;; Basic Methods
(defmethod new collide-shape-prim ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (cshape collide-shape) (prim-id uint) (size-bytes int))
"Allocate a new collide-shape-prim. It is expected that children of collide-shape-prim override this.
NOTE: uses the size-bytes as the TOTAL size of the structure."
(let ((obj (object-new allocation type-to-make size-bytes)))
(set! (-> obj cshape) (the-as collide-shape cshape))
;; sphere/mesh?
(set! (-> obj prim-id) prim-id)
(set! (-> obj prim-core action) (collide-action))
(set! (-> obj prim-core collide-as) (collide-kind))
(set! (-> obj collide-with) (collide-kind))
(set! (-> obj transform-index) -2)
(set! (-> obj prim-core offense) (collide-offense no-offense))
(set! (-> obj prim-core prim-type) -2)
(defmethod new collide-shape-prim-sphere ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (cshape collide-shape) (prim-id uint))
"Allocate a new sphere primitive"
(let ((obj (the collide-shape-prim-sphere ((method-of-type collide-shape-prim new) allocation type-to-make cshape prim-id (size-of collide-shape-prim-sphere)))))
(set! (-> obj pat) (new 'static 'pat-surface :mode (pat-mode obstacle)))
(set! (-> obj prim-core prim-type) -1)
(defmethod new collide-shape-prim-mesh ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (cshape collide-shape) (mesh-id uint) (prim-id uint))
"Allocate a new mesh primitive"
(let ((obj (the collide-shape-prim-mesh ((method-of-type collide-shape-prim new) allocation type-to-make cshape prim-id (size-of collide-shape-prim-mesh)))))
(set! (-> obj mesh) #f)
(set! (-> obj mesh-id) (the int mesh-id))
(set! (-> obj mesh-cache-id) 0)
(set! (-> obj prim-core prim-type) 1)
(defmethod new collide-shape-prim-group ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (cshape collide-shape) (elt-count uint) (prim-id int))
"Allocate a group of primitives."
(let ((obj (the collide-shape-prim-group ((method-of-type collide-shape-prim new) allocation type-to-make cshape (the uint prim-id) (the int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (* (+ elt-count -1) 4)))))))
(set! (-> obj allocated-prims) (the int elt-count))
(set! (-> obj num-prims) 0)
(set! (-> obj prim-core prim-type) 0)
(while (nonzero? elt-count)
(+! elt-count -1)
(set! (-> obj prim elt-count) (the collide-shape-prim #f))
(defmethod length collide-shape-prim-group ((obj collide-shape-prim-group))
"How many primitives are used?"
(-> obj num-prims)
(defmethod asize-of collide-shape-prim-group ((obj collide-shape-prim-group))
"How big is this in memory?"
(the-as int (+ (-> obj type size) (* (+ (-> obj allocated-prims) -1) 4)))
(defmethod new collide-shape ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (proc process-drawable) (collide-list-kind collide-list-enum))
"Allocate a new collide-shape and add to a collide-list"
(let ((obj (object-new allocation type-to-make (the int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> obj process) proc)
(set! (-> obj max-iteration-count) 1)
(set! (-> obj nav-flags) (nav-flags navf0))
(set! (-> obj event-self) #f)
(set! (-> obj event-other) #f)
(set! (-> obj riders) #f)
(set! (-> obj root-prim) #f)
;; add a special ignore mask for the camera vs other things.
(case (-> proc type symbol)
(set! (-> obj pat-ignore-mask) (new 'static 'pat-surface :skip #x2 :nocamera #x1))
(set! (-> obj pat-ignore-mask) (new 'static 'pat-surface :skip #x1 :noentity #x1))
;; reset transformation to the origin.
(set! (-> obj trans w) 1.0)
(quaternion-identity! (-> obj quat))
(vector-identity! (-> obj scale))
;; add us to right list.
(case collide-list-kind
(((collide-list-enum hit-by-player))
(add-connection *collide-hit-by-player-list* proc #f obj #f #f))
(((collide-list-enum usually-hit-by-player))
(add-connection *collide-usually-hit-by-player-list* proc #f obj #f #f))
(((collide-list-enum hit-by-others))
(add-connection *collide-hit-by-others-list* proc #f obj #f #f))
(((collide-list-enum player))
(add-connection *collide-player-list* proc #f obj #f #f))
(format 0 "Unsupported collide-list-enum in collide-shape constructor!~%"))
(defmethod new collide-sticky-rider-group ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (riders-amount int))
"Allocate a new collide-sticky-rider-group with space for riders-amount sticky riders."
(let ((obj (object-new allocation type-to-make (the int (+ (-> type-to-make size) (the uint (* (1- riders-amount) (size-of collide-sticky-rider))))))))
(set! (-> obj allocated-riders) riders-amount)
(set! (-> obj num-riders) 0)
(defmethod length collide-sticky-rider-group ((obj collide-sticky-rider-group))
(-> obj num-riders)
(defmethod asize-of collide-sticky-rider-group ((obj collide-sticky-rider-group))
(the-as int (+ (-> obj type size) (* (+ (-> obj allocated-riders) -1) 32)))
;; Fake Meshes
;; These aren't real meshes, but are returned when you collide with the background or water.
;; Background and water collision work differently, but this allows these systems to pretend to be
;; part of the old collision system.
(define *collide-shape-prim-backgnd*
(new 'static 'collide-shape-prim-mesh
:cshape #f
(new 'static 'collide-prim-core
:world-sphere (new 'static 'vector :w 204800000.0)
:collide-as (collide-kind background)
:action (collide-action solid)
:offense (collide-offense indestructible)
:prim-type 2
:local-sphere (new 'static 'vector :w 204800000.0)
:mesh #f
(define *collide-shape-prim-water*
(new 'static 'collide-shape-prim-mesh
:cshape #f
(new 'static 'collide-prim-core
:world-sphere (new 'static 'vector :w 204800000.0)
:collide-as (collide-kind water)
:action (collide-action solid)
:offense (collide-offense indestructible)
:prim-type 2
:local-sphere (new 'static 'vector :w 204800000.0)
:mesh #f