Matt Dallmeyer 2071c98b55
Fix cases of string formatting with non string literals (#3304)
The logger used in `goalc` tries to print an already-formatted string
`message` using `fmt::print(message);` Usually this doesn't cause
problems, but if you try to print, for example, an exception that has
special characters (notably `{`) it will try to do another round of
formatting/replacements, despite not having any args to replace with,
which ends up throwing another exception. This is why errors when
parsing custom level JSON cause the REPL to exit.

I've hopefully identified all the various instances of this across the
2024-01-14 12:02:08 +00:00

245 lines
9.2 KiB

* @file main.cpp
* Main for the game. Launches the runtime.
#include <string>
#include "runtime.h"
#include "common/global_profiler/GlobalProfiler.h"
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "common/util/FileUtil.h"
#include "common/util/dialogs.h"
#include "common/util/os.h"
#include "common/util/term_util.h"
#include "common/util/unicode_util.h"
#include "common/versions/versions.h"
#include "game/common/game_common_types.h"
#include "graphics/gfx_test.h"
#include "third-party/CLI11.hpp"
#ifdef _WIN32
extern "C" {
__declspec(dllexport) unsigned long NvOptimusEnablement = 0x00000001;
__declspec(dllexport) int AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance = 1;
* Set up logging system to log to file.
* @param verbose : should we print debug-level messages to stdout?
void setup_logging(const std::string& game_name, bool verbose, bool disable_ansi_colors) {
if (verbose) {
} else {
if (disable_ansi_colors) {
std::string game_arg_documentation() {
// clang-format off
std::string output = fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold, "Game Args (passed through to the game runtime after '--')\n");
output += fmt::format(fmt::fg(fmt::color::gray), "Order matters, some args will negate others (see kmachine.cpp for details)\n");
output += fmt::format(fmt::fg(fmt::color::gray), "Args with `*` are not well supported\n\n");
// Common args
output += fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold, "Common:\n");
output += " -cd * Use the DVD drive for everything. This is how the game runs in retail\n";
output += " -cddata * Use the DVD drive for everything but IOP modules\n";
output += " -deviso * One of two modes for testing without the need for DVDs\n";
output += " -fakeiso The other of two modes for testing without the need for DVDs\n";
output += " -boot Used to set GOAL up for running the game in retail mode\n";
output += " -debug Used to set GOAL up for debugging/development\n";
output += " -debug-mem Used to set up GOAL in debug mode, but not to load debug-segments\n";
output += " -nokernel An added mode to allow booting without a KERNEL.CGO for testing\n";
output += " -nosound An added mode to allow booting without sound for testing\n";
output += " -level [name] Used to inform the game to boot a specific level the default level is `#f`\n";
// Jak 1 Related
output += fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold | fmt::fg(fmt::color::orange), "Jak 1:\n");
output += " -demo Boot the game in demo mode\n";
// Jak 2 only
output += fmt::format(fmt::emphasis::bold | fmt::fg(fmt::color::purple), "Jak 2:\n");
output += " -demo Boot the game in demo mode\n";
output += " -kiosk Boot the game in kiosk demo mode\n";
output += " -preview Boot the game in preview demo mode\n";
output += " -debug-boot Used to boot the game in retail mode, but with debug segments\n";
output += " -user [name] Specify the debugging username, the default is `unknown`\n";
output += " -art [name] Specify the art-group name to set `DebugBootArtGroup`, there is no default\n";
// clang-format on
return output;
* Entry point for the game.
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
ArgumentGuard u8_guard(argc, argv);
// CLI flags
bool show_version = false;
std::string game_name = "jak1";
bool verbose_logging = false;
bool disable_avx2 = false;
bool disable_display = false;
bool enable_debug_vm = false;
bool enable_profiling = false;
std::string gpu_test = "";
std::string gpu_test_out_path = "";
int port_number = -1;
fs::path project_path_override;
std::vector<std::string> game_args;
CLI::App app{"OpenGOAL Game Runtime"};
app.add_flag("--version", show_version, "Display the built revision");
app.add_option("-g,--game", game_name, "The game name: 'jak1' or 'jak2'");
app.add_flag("-v,--verbose", verbose_logging, "Enable verbose logging on stdout");
"--port", port_number,
"Specify port number for listener connection (default is 8112 for Jak 1 and 8113 for Jak 2)");
app.add_flag("--no-avx2", verbose_logging, "Disable AVX2 for testing");
app.add_flag("--no-display", disable_display, "Disable video display");
app.add_flag("--vm", enable_debug_vm, "Enable debug PS2 VM (defaulted to off)");
app.add_flag("--profile", enable_profiling, "Enables profiling immediately from startup");
app.add_option("--gpu-test", gpu_test,
"Tests for minimum graphics requirements. Valid Options are: [opengl]");
app.add_option("--gpu-test-out-path", gpu_test_out_path,
"Where to store the gpu test result file");
app.add_option("--proj-path", project_path_override,
"Specify the location of the 'data/' folder");
app.add_option("Game Args", game_args,
"Remaining arguments (after '--') that are passed-through to the game itself");
CLI11_PARSE(app, argc, argv);
if (show_version) {
lg::print("{}", build_revision());
return 0;
if (!gpu_test.empty() && !gpu_test_out_path.empty()) {
const auto output = tests::run_gpu_test(gpu_test);
json data = output;
try {
file_util::write_text_file(gpu_test_out_path, data.dump(2));
} catch (std::exception& e) {
return 1;
return 0;
// Create struct with all non-kmachine handled args to pass to the runtime
GameLaunchOptions game_options;
game_options.disable_debug_vm = !enable_debug_vm;
game_options.disable_display = disable_display;
game_options.game_version = game_name_to_version(game_name);
game_options.server_port =
port_number == -1 ? DECI2_PORT - 1 + (int)game_options.game_version : port_number;
// Figure out if the CPU has AVX2 to enable higher performance AVX2 versions of functions.
// If the CPU doesn't have AVX, GOAL code won't work and we exit.
if (!get_cpu_info().has_avx) {
lg::info("Your CPU does not support AVX, which is required for OpenGOAL.");
"Unmet Requirements", "Your CPU does not support AVX, which is required for OpenGOAL.");
return -1;
// set up file paths for resources. This is the full repository when developing, and the data
// directory (a subset of the full repo) in release versions
if (project_path_override.empty()) {
lg::info("No project path provided, looking for data/ folder in current directory");
if (!file_util::setup_project_path({})) {
return 1;
} else if (!file_util::setup_project_path(project_path_override)) {
return 1;
if (disable_avx2) {
// for debugging the non-avx2 code paths, there's a flag to manually disable.
lg::info("Note: AVX2 code has been manually disabled.");
get_cpu_info().has_avx2 = false;
#ifndef __AVX2__
if (get_cpu_info().has_avx2) {
// printf("Note: your CPU supports AVX2, but this build was not compiled with AVX2 support\n");
get_cpu_info().has_avx2 = false;
if (get_cpu_info().has_avx2) {
lg::info("AVX2 mode enabled");
} else {
lg::info("AVX2 mode disabled");
try {
setup_logging(game_name, verbose_logging, _cli_flag_disable_ansi);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
lg::error("Failed to setup logging: {}", e.what());
return 1;
bool force_debug_next_time = false;
// always start with an empty arg, as internally kmachine starts at `1` not `0`
std::vector<const char*> arg_ptrs = {""};
for (auto& str : game_args) {
while (true) {
if (force_debug_next_time) {
// I'd like to check and not add duplicates, unfortunately since the game
// cares about ordering...that's likely error prone if the user passed args in the wrong order
// ie. -debug -boot (we'd skip adding things, but the order would be wrong).
force_debug_next_time = false;
arg_ptrs = {""}; // see above for rationale
for (auto& str : game_args) {
// run the runtime in a loop so we can reset the game and have it restart cleanly
lg::info("OpenGOAL Runtime {}.{}", versions::GOAL_VERSION_MAJOR, versions::GOAL_VERSION_MINOR);
try {
MasterExit = RuntimeExitStatus::RUNNING;
auto exit_status = exec_runtime(game_options, arg_ptrs.size(), arg_ptrs.data());
switch (exit_status) {
case RuntimeExitStatus::EXIT:
return 0;
case RuntimeExitStatus::RESTART_RUNTIME:
case RuntimeExitStatus::RUNNING:
case RuntimeExitStatus::RESTART_IN_DEBUG:
force_debug_next_time = true;
} catch (std::exception& ex) {
lg::error("Unexpected exception occurred - {}", ex.what());
throw ex;
return 0;