
360 lines
8.9 KiB

# _ _ ____ _
# Project ___| | | | _ \| |
# / __| | | | |_) | |
# | (__| |_| | _ <| |___
# \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
# Copyright (C) Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at https://curl.se/docs/copyright.html.
# You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
# This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
# KIND, either express or implied.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: curl
package getpart;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
use Memoize;
use MIME::Base64;
my @xml; # test data file contents
my $xmlfile; # test data file name
my $warning=0;
my $trace=0;
# Normalize the part function arguments for proper caching. This includes the
# file name in the arguments since that is an implied parameter that affects the
# return value. Any error messages will only be displayed the first time, but
# those are disabled by default anyway, so should never been seen outside
# development.
sub normalize_part {
push @_, $xmlfile;
return join("\t", @_);
sub decode_hex {
my $s = $_;
# remove everything not hex
$s =~ s/[^A-Fa-f0-9]//g;
# encode everything
$s =~ s/([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/chr(hex($1))/eg;
return $s;
sub testcaseattr {
my %hash;
for(@xml) {
if(($_ =~ /^ *\<testcase ([^>]*)/)) {
my $attr=$1;
while($attr =~ s/ *([^=]*)= *(\"([^\"]*)\"|([^\> ]*))//) {
my ($var, $cont)=($1, $2);
$cont =~ s/^\"(.*)\"$/$1/;
return %hash;
sub getpartattr {
# if $part is undefined (ie only one argument) then
# return the attributes of the section
my ($section, $part)=@_;
my %hash;
my $inside=0;
# print "Section: $section, part: $part\n";
for(@xml) {
# print "$inside: $_";
if(!$inside && ($_ =~ /^ *\<$section/)) {
if((1 ==$inside) && ( ($_ =~ /^ *\<$part ([^>]*)/) ||
!(defined($part)) )
) {
my $attr=$1;
while($attr =~ s/ *([^=]*)= *(\"([^\"]*)\"|([^\> ]*))//) {
my ($var, $cont)=($1, $2);
$cont =~ s/^\"(.*)\"$/$1/;
# detect end of section when part wasn't found
elsif((1 ==$inside) && ($_ =~ /^ *\<\/$section\>/)) {
elsif((2 ==$inside) && ($_ =~ /^ *\<\/$part/)) {
return %hash;
memoize('getpartattr', NORMALIZER => 'normalize_part'); # cache each result
sub getpart {
my ($section, $part)=@_;
my @this;
my $inside=0;
my $base64=0;
my $hex=0;
my $line;
for(@xml) {
if(!$inside && ($_ =~ /^ *\<$section/)) {
elsif(($inside >= 1) && ($_ =~ /^ *\<$part[ \>]/)) {
if($inside > 1) {
push @this, $_;
elsif($_ =~ /$part [^>]*base64=/) {
# attempt to detect our base64 encoded part
elsif($_ =~ /$part [^>]*hex=/) {
# attempt to detect a hex-encoded part
elsif(($inside >= 2) && ($_ =~ /^ *\<\/$part[ \>]/)) {
if($inside > 2) {
push @this, $_;
elsif(($inside >= 1) && ($_ =~ /^ *\<\/$section/)) {
if($inside > 1) {
print STDERR "$xmlfile:$line:1: error: missing </$part> tag before </$section>\n";
@this = ("format error in $xmlfile");
if($trace && @this) {
print STDERR "*** getpart.pm: $section/$part returned data!\n";
if($warning && !@this) {
print STDERR "*** getpart.pm: $section/$part returned empty!\n";
if($base64) {
# decode the whole array before returning it!
for(@this) {
my $decoded = decode_base64($_);
$_ = $decoded;
elsif($hex) {
# decode the whole array before returning it!
for(@this) {
my $decoded = decode_hex($_);
$_ = $decoded;
return @this;
elsif($inside >= 2) {
push @this, $_;
if($trace && @this) {
# section/part has data but end of section not detected,
# end of file implies end of section.
print STDERR "*** getpart.pm: $section/$part returned data!\n";
if($warning && !@this) {
# section/part does not exist or has no data without an end of
# section; end of file implies end of section.
print STDERR "*** getpart.pm: $section/$part returned empty!\n";
return @this;
memoize('getpart', NORMALIZER => 'normalize_part'); # cache each result
sub partexists {
my ($section, $part)=@_;
my $inside = 0;
for(@xml) {
if(!$inside && ($_ =~ /^ *\<$section/)) {
elsif((1 == $inside) && ($_ =~ /^ *\<$part[ \>]/)) {
return 1; # exists
elsif((1 == $inside) && ($_ =~ /^ *\<\/$section/)) {
return 0; # does not exist
return 0; # does not exist
# The code currently never calls this more than once per part per file, so
# caching a result that will never be used again just slows things down.
# memoize('partexists', NORMALIZER => 'normalize_part'); # cache each result
sub loadtest {
my ($file)=@_;
if(defined $xmlfile && $file eq $xmlfile) {
# This test is already loaded
undef @xml;
$xmlfile = "";
if(open(my $xmlh, "<", "$file")) {
binmode $xmlh; # for crapage systems, use binary
while(<$xmlh>) {
push @xml, $_;
else {
# failure
if($warning) {
print STDERR "file $file wouldn't open!\n";
return 1;
$xmlfile = $file;
return 0;
# Return entire document as list of lines
sub fulltest {
return @xml;
# write the test to the given file
sub savetest {
my ($file)=@_;
if(open(my $xmlh, ">", "$file")) {
binmode $xmlh; # for crapage systems, use binary
for(@xml) {
print $xmlh $_;
else {
# failure
if($warning) {
print STDERR "file $file wouldn't open!\n";
return 1;
return 0;
# Strip off all lines that match the specified pattern and return
# the new array.
sub striparray {
my ($pattern, $arrayref) = @_;
my @array;
for(@$arrayref) {
if($_ !~ /$pattern/) {
push @array, $_;
return @array;
# pass array *REFERENCES* !
sub compareparts {
my ($firstref, $secondref)=@_;
my $first = join("", @$firstref);
my $second = join("", @$secondref);
# we cannot compare arrays index per index since with the base64 chunks,
# they may not be "evenly" distributed
# NOTE: this no longer strips off carriage returns from the arrays. Is that
# really necessary? It ruins the testing of newlines. I believe it was once
# added to enable tests on win32.
if($first ne $second) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Write a given array to the specified file
sub writearray {
my ($filename, $arrayref)=@_;
open(my $temp, ">", "$filename") || die "Failure writing file";
binmode($temp,":raw"); # cygwin fix by Kevin Roth
for(@$arrayref) {
print $temp $_;
close($temp) || die "Failure writing file";
# Load a specified file and return it as an array
sub loadarray {
my ($filename)=@_;
my @array;
if (open(my $temp, "<", "$filename")) {
while(<$temp>) {
push @array, $_;
return @array;