2023-07-14 18:01:09 -04:00

828 lines
26 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: ctywide-tasks.gc
;; name in dgo: ctywide-tasks
;; dgos: CWI
(define-extern race-start (function int process symbol process))
(game-task-node stadium-board1-resolution)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(set-setting! 'minimap 'clear 0.0 (minimap-flag task-graph))
(set! (-> self minimap 0) (add-icon! *minimap* self (the-as uint 12) (the-as int #f) (the-as vector #f) 0))
(game-task-node stadium-board1-resolution)
(lambda :behavior task-manager () (none))
(game-task-node stadium-board1-board)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(set-setting! 'minimap 'clear 0.0 (minimap-flag task-graph))
(set! (-> self minimap 0) (add-icon! *minimap* self (the-as uint 39) (the-as int #f) (the-as vector #f) 0))
(game-task-node stadium-board1-board)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(set! (-> self state-time) (current-time))
(while (< (- (current-time) (-> self state-time)) (seconds 2))
(game-task-node city-protect-water-slums-get-seal)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(let ((gp-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'task-arrow-params)))
(set! (-> gp-0 pos quad) (-> (new 'static 'vector :x 3132661.8 :y 33669.12 :z -2965708.8 :w 1.0) quad))
(quaternion-identity! (-> gp-0 quat))
(set! (-> gp-0 flags) (task-arrow-flags))
(set! (-> gp-0 map-icon) (the-as uint 15))
(set! (-> self arrow) (process->handle (task-arrow-spawn gp-0 (the-as task-arrow self))))
(game-task-node city-protect-water-slums-get-seal)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(when (movie?)
(if (handle->process (-> self arrow))
(send-event (handle->process (-> self arrow)) 'leave)
(game-task-node city-protect-water-slums-get-seal)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(send-event (handle->process (-> self arrow)) 'leave)
(set! (-> self state-time) (current-time))
(while (< (- (current-time) (-> self state-time)) (seconds 2))
(game-task-node city-help-kid-introduction)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(while (not *traffic-manager*)
(let ((gp-0 *traffic-manager*))
(send-event gp-0 'deactivate-by-type (traffic-type crimson-guard-1))
(send-event gp-0 'deactivate-by-type (traffic-type guard-bike))
(send-event gp-0 'deactivate-by-type (traffic-type hellcat))
(send-event gp-0 'deactivate-by-type (traffic-type traffic-type-20))
(send-event gp-0 'set-guard-target-level 0)
(set-setting! 'pilot #f 0.0 0)
(set-setting! 'vehicle-hijacking #f 0.0 0)
(set-setting! 'exclusive-task #f 0.0 (-> self node-info task))
(while (let ((a0-9 (level-get-target-inside *level*)))
(not (and a0-9 (logtest? (-> a0-9 info level-flags) 1)))
(set-setting! 'airlock #f 0.0 0)
(apply-settings *setting-control*)
(game-task-node city-help-kid-introduction)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(let ((a0-0 *traffic-manager*))
(send-event a0-0 'restore-default-settings)
(game-task-node city-help-kid-introduction)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
((arg0 process) (arg1 int) (arg2 symbol) (arg3 event-message-block))
(case arg2
(case (-> arg3 param 0)
(send-event (handle->process (-> self slave 0)) 'request 'scene-player)
;; WARN: Return type mismatch symbol vs none.
(defun wait-for-speech-end ((arg0 sound-id))
(while (nonzero? (get-status *gui-control* arg0))
(game-task-node city-vehicle-training-map)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(set! (-> self sound-id 0)
(talker-spawn-func (-> *talker-speech* 38) *entity-pool* (target-pos 0) (the-as region #f))
(wait-for-speech-end (-> self sound-id 0))
(let ((gp-1 (current-time)))
(until (>= (- (current-time) gp-1) (seconds 1))
(while (or (not *target*) (focus-test? *target* dead teleporting))
(set! (-> self sound-id 0)
(talker-spawn-func (-> *talker-speech* 39) *entity-pool* (target-pos 0) (the-as region #f))
(wait-for-speech-end (-> self sound-id 0))
(go-virtual complete)
(game-task-node city-vehicle-training-hover-zone-1)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(when (and (= (-> self sub-state) 1) (not (and *target* (focus-test? *target* pilot))))
(set! (-> self sound-id 0)
(talker-spawn-func (-> *talker-speech* 46) *entity-pool* (target-pos 0) (the-as region #f))
(go-virtual fail)
(game-task-node city-vehicle-training-hover-zone-1)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(local-vars (v1-1 object))
(until v1-1
(set! v1-1 (and *target* (focus-test? *target* pilot)))
(set! (-> self slave 0) (-> *target* pilot vehicle))
(set! (-> self sub-state) (the-as uint 1))
(while (or (not *target*) (focus-test? *target* dead teleporting))
(set! (-> self sound-id 0)
(talker-spawn-func (-> *talker-speech* 31) *entity-pool* (target-pos 0) (the-as region #f))
(wait-for-speech-end (-> self sound-id 0))
(let ((gp-1 (current-time)))
(until (>= (- (current-time) gp-1) (seconds 1))
(while (or (not *target*) (focus-test? *target* dead teleporting))
(set! (-> self sound-id 0)
(talker-spawn-func (-> *talker-speech* 35) *entity-pool* (target-pos 0) (the-as region #f))
(wait-for-speech-end (-> self sound-id 0))
(let ((gp-3 (current-time)))
(until (>= (- (current-time) gp-3) (seconds 1))
(while (or (not *target*) (focus-test? *target* dead teleporting))
(set! (-> self sound-id 0)
(talker-spawn-func (-> *talker-speech* 36) *entity-pool* (target-pos 0) (the-as region #f))
(while (let ((v1-34 (handle->process (-> self slave 0))))
(not (logtest? (rigid-body-object-flag flight-level-transition) (-> (the-as vehicle v1-34) flags)))
(wait-for-speech-end (-> self sound-id 0))
(while (or (not *target*) (focus-test? *target* dead teleporting))
(set! (-> self sound-id 0)
(talker-spawn-func (-> *talker-speech* 37) *entity-pool* (target-pos 0) (the-as region #f))
(wait-for-speech-end (-> self sound-id 0))
(set! (-> self sub-state) (the-as uint 2))
(let ((gp-6 (current-time)))
(until (>= (- (current-time) gp-6) (seconds 1))
(go-virtual complete)
(game-task-node city-vehicle-training-hover-zone-1)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(task-node-close! (game-task-node city-vehicle-training-hover-zone-1))
(game-task-node city-vehicle-training-hover-zone-1)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(task-node-close! (game-task-node city-vehicle-training-hover-zone-2))
(game-task-node city-vehicle-training-hover-zone-2)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
((zero? (-> self sub-state))
((and *target* (focus-test? *target* pilot))
(let ((v1-8 (handle->process (-> *target* pilot vehicle))))
(if (logtest? (rigid-body-object-flag flight-level-transition) (-> (the-as vehicle v1-8) flags))
(go-virtual complete)
(set! (-> self state-time) (current-time))
((= (-> self sub-state) 1)
(if (not (and *target* (focus-test? *target* pilot)))
(go-virtual fail)
(game-task-node city-vehicle-training-hover-zone-2)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(until (>= (- (current-time) (-> self state-time)) (seconds 60))
(set! (-> self sub-state) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> self sound-id 0)
(talker-spawn-func (-> *talker-speech* 35) *entity-pool* (target-pos 0) (the-as region #f))
(wait-for-speech-end (-> self sound-id 0))
(let ((gp-1 (current-time)))
(until (>= (- (current-time) gp-1) (seconds 1))
(set! (-> self sound-id 0)
(talker-spawn-func (-> *talker-speech* 36) *entity-pool* (target-pos 0) (the-as region #f))
(while (let ((v1-15 (handle->process (-> *target* pilot vehicle))))
(not (logtest? (rigid-body-object-flag flight-level-transition) (-> (the-as vehicle v1-15) flags)))
(wait-for-speech-end (-> self sound-id 0))
(set! (-> self sound-id 0)
(talker-spawn-func (-> *talker-speech* 37) *entity-pool* (target-pos 0) (the-as region #f))
(wait-for-speech-end (-> self sound-id 0))
(let ((gp-4 (current-time)))
(until (>= (- (current-time) gp-4) (seconds 3))
(go-virtual complete)
(game-task-node city-keira-delivery-delivery)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(set-setting! 'exclusive-task #f 0.0 (-> self node-info task))
(set! (-> self begin-pos quad) (-> (new 'static 'vector :x -245760.0 :y 45056.0 :z 5468160.0 :w 1.0) quad))
(set! (-> self end-pos quad) (-> (new 'static 'vector :x 579584.0 :y 49152.0 :z -1985331.2 :w 1.0) quad))
(set-setting! 'minimap 'clear 0.0 (minimap-flag task-graph))
(let ((s5-0 *traffic-manager*)
(gp-0 (new 'stack 'traffic-object-spawn-params))
(set! (-> gp-0 position quad) (-> self begin-pos quad))
(quaternion-axis-angle! (-> gp-0 rotation) 0.0 1.0 0.0 16384.0)
(set! (-> gp-0 object-type) (traffic-type bikec))
(set! (-> gp-0 behavior) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> gp-0 id) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> gp-0 proc) #f)
(send-event s5-0 'spawn-object gp-0)
(if (-> gp-0 proc)
(set! (-> self slave 0) (process->handle (-> gp-0 proc)))
(let ((gp-1 (new 'stack-no-clear 'task-arrow-params)))
(set! (-> gp-1 pos quad) (-> self end-pos quad))
(quaternion-identity! (-> gp-1 quat))
(set! (-> gp-1 flags) (task-arrow-flags task-arrow-flag-00))
(set! (-> gp-1 map-icon) (the-as uint 12))
(label cfg-10)
(let ((a0-20 (task-arrow-spawn gp-1 (the-as task-arrow self))))
(when (not a0-20)
(goto cfg-10)
(set! (-> self arrow) (process->handle a0-20))
(set! (-> self start-time) 0)
(set! (-> self time-limit) (seconds 180))
(game-task-node city-keira-delivery-delivery)
(lambda :behavior task-manager () (send-event *traffic-manager* 'restore-default-settings) (none))
(game-task-node city-keira-delivery-delivery)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(check-time self)
(let ((f0-0 (vector-vector-distance-squared (target-pos 0) (-> self end-pos)))
(f1-0 49152.0)
(if (>= (* f1-0 f1-0) f0-0)
(go-virtual complete)
(game-task-node city-keira-delivery-delivery)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(local-vars (v1-7 symbol))
(send-event *traffic-manager* 'set-target-level 1.0)
(until (or v1-7 (and *target* (focus-test? *target* pilot)))
(let ((f0-0 122880.0))
(set! v1-7 (< (* f0-0 f0-0) (vector-vector-distance-squared (-> self begin-pos) (target-pos 0))))
(set-setting! 'airlock #f 0.0 0)
(set! (-> self start-time) (current-time))
(game-task-node city-keira-delivery-delivery)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(send-event *traffic-manager* 'decrease-alert-level 0)
(send-event *traffic-manager* 'set-alert-duration (seconds 30))
(send-event *target* 'end-mode)
(set-setting! 'pilot #f 0.0 0)
(set! (-> self state-time) (current-time))
(while (< (- (current-time) (-> self state-time)) (seconds 2))
(script-eval '(send-event "keira-npc-1" 'say))
(game-task-node stadium-race-class3-race)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(set-setting! 'minimap 'clear 0.0 (minimap-flag task-graph))
(set! (-> self minimap 0) (add-icon! *minimap* self (the-as uint 39) (the-as int #f) (the-as vector #f) 0))
(set! (-> self sub-state) (the-as uint 0))
(game-task-node stadium-race-class3-race)
(lambda :behavior task-manager () (send-event *traffic-manager* 'restore-default-settings) (none))
(game-task-node stadium-race-class3-race)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(let* ((v1-1 (-> self info index))
(a1-2 (cond
((or (zero? v1-1) (= v1-1 4) (= v1-1 9))
((or (= v1-1 1) (= v1-1 5) (= v1-1 10))
((or (= v1-1 2) (= v1-1 6) (= v1-1 11))
((= (level-status *level* a1-2) 'active)
(when (zero? (-> self sub-state))
(set! (-> self sub-state) (the-as uint 1))
(set-setting! 'exclusive-task #f 0.0 (-> self node-info task))
(set! (-> self slave 0) (process->handle (race-start (-> self info index) self #f)))
(when (nonzero? (-> self sub-state))
(remove-setting! 'exclusive-task)
(set! (-> self sub-state) (the-as uint 0))
(game-task-node stadium-race-class3-race)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(case (-> self info index)
(format #t "kill race manager~%")
(send-event (handle->process (-> self slave 0)) 'die)
(-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node stadium-race-class2-race))
(-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node stadium-race-class3-race))
(-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node stadium-race-class1-race))
(-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node stadium-race-class3-race))
(-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node stadium-burning-bush-race-class3-resolution))
(-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node stadium-race-class3-race))
(-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node stadium-burning-bush-race-class2-resolution))
(-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node stadium-race-class2-race))
(-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node stadium-burning-bush-race-class1-resolution))
(-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node stadium-race-class1-race))
(-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node stadium-burning-bush-race-class3-r-resolution))
(-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node stadium-race-class3-race))
(-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node stadium-burning-bush-race-class2-r-resolution))
(-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node stadium-race-class2-race))
(-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node stadium-burning-bush-race-class1-r-resolution))
(-> *game-info* sub-task-list (game-task-node stadium-race-class1-race))
(game-task-node stadium-race-class1-resolution)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(let ((gp-0 *traffic-manager*))
(send-event gp-0 'set-guard-target-count-range 0 0 0)
(send-event gp-0 'set-guard-target-count-range 1 0 0)
(send-event gp-0 'set-guard-target-count-range 2 0 0)
(format #t "class-1 race complete~%")
(send-event gp-0 'set-alert-level 3)
(while (!= (level-status *level* 'lwidea) 'active)
(send-event *traffic-manager* 'spawn-all)
(let ((gp-2 (new 'static 'city-ambush-info
:count 5
:array (new 'static 'inline-array city-ambush-spot 5
(new 'static 'city-ambush-spot
:pos (new 'static 'vector :x 503808.0 :y 49152.0 :z -2805760.0 :w 1.0)
:obj-type #x6
(new 'static 'city-ambush-spot
:pos (new 'static 'vector :x 458752.0 :y 49152.0 :z -2838528.0 :w 1.0)
:obj-type #x6
(new 'static 'city-ambush-spot
:pos (new 'static 'vector :x 450560.0 :y 49152.0 :z -2871296.0 :w 1.0)
:obj-type #x6
(new 'static 'city-ambush-spot
:pos (new 'static 'vector :x 413696.0 :y 49152.0 :z -2879488.0 :w 1.0)
:obj-type #x6
(new 'static 'city-ambush-spot
:pos (new 'static 'vector :x 368640.0 :y 49152.0 :z -2916352.0 :w 1.0)
:obj-type #x6
(s5-0 (new 'stack-no-clear 'traffic-object-spawn-params))
(set! (-> s5-0 object-type) (traffic-type crimson-guard-1))
(set! (-> s5-0 behavior) (the-as uint 9))
(set! (-> s5-0 id) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> s5-0 nav-mesh) #f)
(set! (-> s5-0 nav-branch) #f)
(set! (-> s5-0 proc) #f)
(set! (-> s5-0 handle) (process->handle *target*))
(set! (-> s5-0 user-data) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> s5-0 flags) (traffic-spawn-flags))
(set! (-> s5-0 guard-type) (the-as uint 1))
(vector-reset! (-> s5-0 velocity))
(quaternion-identity! (-> s5-0 rotation))
(city-ambush-info-method-9 gp-2 s5-0)
(go-virtual complete)
(deftype city-bb-racepoint-info (structure)
((bike-pos vector :inline :offset-assert 0)
(end-pos vector :inline :offset-assert 16)
(bike-angle float :offset-assert 32)
(map symbol :offset-assert 36)
(time float :offset-assert 40)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x2c
:flag-assert #x90000002c
(define *city-bb-racepoint-info* (new 'static 'boxed-array :type city-bb-racepoint-info
(new 'static 'city-bb-racepoint-info
:bike-pos (new 'static 'vector :x -687431.7 :y 40960.0 :z 3485491.2 :w 1.0)
:end-pos (new 'static 'vector :x 4694794.0 :y 33341.44 :z 137297.92 :w 1.0)
:bike-angle 32768.0
:map #t
:time 27000.0
(new 'static 'city-bb-racepoint-info
:bike-pos (new 'static 'vector :x 3399843.8 :y 40960.0 :z 1019863.06 :w 1.0)
:end-pos (new 'static 'vector :x 47308.8 :y 32768.0 :z 573440.0 :w 1.0)
:bike-angle 8192.0
:map #t
:time 22500.0
(new 'static 'city-bb-racepoint-info
:bike-pos (new 'static 'vector :x 1773486.1 :y 40960.0 :z -284180.47 :w 1.0)
:end-pos (new 'static 'vector :x -282624.0 :y 45056.0 :z 5464064.0 :w 1.0)
:bike-angle 8192.0
:map #f
:time 33000.0
(new 'static 'city-bb-racepoint-info
:bike-pos (new 'static 'vector :x 3190005.8 :y 40960.0 :z 2962514.0 :w 1.0)
:end-pos (new 'static 'vector :x 2532597.8 :y -9338.88 :z -2062909.5 :w 1.0)
:bike-angle 8192.0
:map #t
:time 29400.0
(game-task-node city-burning-bush-racepoint-1-resolution)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(set-setting! 'exclusive-task #f 0.0 (-> self node-info task))
(set-setting! 'airlock #f 0.0 0)
(set-setting! 'minimap 'clear 0.0 (minimap-flag task-graph))
(let ((gp-0 (-> *city-bb-racepoint-info* (-> self info index))))
(set! (-> self end-pos quad) (-> gp-0 end-pos quad))
(let ((s4-0 *traffic-manager*)
(s5-0 (new 'stack 'traffic-object-spawn-params))
(set! (-> s5-0 position quad) (-> gp-0 bike-pos quad))
(quaternion-axis-angle! (-> s5-0 rotation) 0.0 1.0 0.0 (-> gp-0 bike-angle))
(set! (-> s5-0 object-type) (traffic-type bikea))
(set! (-> s5-0 behavior) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> s5-0 id) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> s5-0 proc) #f)
(send-event s4-0 'spawn-object s5-0)
(if (-> s5-0 proc)
(set! (-> self slave 0) (process->handle (-> s5-0 proc)))
(let ((s5-1 (new 'stack-no-clear 'task-arrow-params)))
(set! (-> s5-1 pos quad) (-> self end-pos quad))
(quaternion-identity! (-> s5-1 quat))
(set! (-> s5-1 flags) (task-arrow-flags task-arrow-flag-00))
(set! (-> s5-1 map-icon) (the-as uint 15))
((-> gp-0 map)
(set! (-> s5-1 map-icon) (the-as uint 15))
(set! (-> s5-1 map-icon) (the-as uint 0))
(label cfg-12)
(let ((a0-20 (task-arrow-spawn s5-1 (the-as task-arrow self))))
(when (not a0-20)
(goto cfg-12)
(set! (-> self arrow) (process->handle a0-20))
(set! (-> self start-time) (current-time))
(set! (-> self time-limit) (the-as time-frame (the int (-> gp-0 time))))
(game-task-node city-burning-bush-racepoint-1-resolution)
(lambda :behavior task-manager () (send-event *traffic-manager* 'restore-default-settings) (none))
(game-task-node city-burning-bush-racepoint-1-resolution)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(check-time self)
(let ((f0-0 (vector-vector-distance-squared (target-pos 0) (-> self end-pos)))
(f1-0 49152.0)
(if (>= (* f1-0 f1-0) f0-0)
(go-virtual complete)
(game-task-node city-burning-bush-racepoint-1-resolution)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(send-event *traffic-manager* 'restore-default-settings)
(send-event *traffic-manager* 'set-target-level 1.0)
(game-task-node city-burning-bush-racepoint-1-resolution)
(lambda :behavior task-manager
(send-event *target* 'end-mode)
(set-setting! 'pilot #f 0.0 0)
(set! (-> self state-time) (current-time))
(while (< (- (current-time) (-> self state-time)) (seconds 2))
;; unnecessary - the task manager can take care of this
(close! (-> self node-info) 'event)