water111 bfb1fbe1fc
[decompiler] recognize more inlined vector functions (#637)
* detect vector+

* recognize reset
2021-06-27 12:11:30 -04:00

986 lines
32 KiB
Common Lisp

(in-package goal)
;; name: joint-mod-h.gc
;; name in dgo: joint-mod-h
;; dgos: GAME, ENGINE
;; The joint-mod system allows an animated character to change in a way that's not described in
;; an animation. For example, this is used to point Jak's head toward an attacking enemy.
(define-extern joint-mod-look-at-handler (function cspace transformq none))
(define-extern joint-mod-world-look-at-handler (function cspace transformq none))
(define-extern joint-mod-rotate-handler (function cspace transformq none))
(define-extern joint-mod-joint-set-handler (function cspace transformq none))
(define-extern joint-mod-joint-set*-handler (function cspace transformq none))
;; There are several modes available for joint-mod.
(defenum joint-mod-handler-mode
:bitfield #t
:type uint32
(flex-blend 0) ;; 1
(look-at 1) ;; 2
(world-look-at 2) ;; 4
(rotate 3) ;; 8
(joint-set 4) ;; 16
(joint-set* 5) ;; 32
;; ?? ;; 64
(reset 7) ;; 128
;; The joint-mod itself represents a modification to a single joint.
;; Although the mode is a bitfield, it appears that multiple kinds of mods cannot be
;; activated at the same time.
(deftype joint-mod (basic)
((mode joint-mod-handler-mode :offset-assert 4)
(process process-drawable :offset-assert 8)
(joint cspace :offset-assert 12)
(target vector :inline :offset-assert 16)
(twist vector :inline :offset-assert 32)
(twist-max vector :inline :offset-assert 48)
(trans vector :inline :offset-assert 64)
(quat quaternion :inline :offset-assert 80)
(scale vector :inline :offset-assert 96)
(notice-time uint64 :offset-assert 112)
(flex-blend float :offset-assert 120)
(blend float :offset-assert 124)
(max-dist float :offset-assert 128)
(ignore-angle float :offset-assert 132)
(up uint8 :offset-assert 136)
(nose uint8 :offset-assert 137)
(ear uint8 :offset-assert 138)
(shutting-down? basic :offset-assert 140)
(parented-scale? basic :offset 128)
:method-count-assert 16
:size-assert #x90
:flag-assert #x1000000090
(new (symbol type joint-mod-handler-mode process-drawable int) _type_ 0)
(set-mode! (_type_ joint-mod-handler-mode) _type_ 9)
(set-target! (_type_ vector) none 10)
(look-at-enemy! (_type_ vector symbol process) none 11)
(reset-blend! (_type_) _type_ 12)
(set-twist! (_type_ float float float) vector 13)
(set-trs! (_type_ vector quaternion vector) none 14)
(shut-down! (_type_) float 15)
(defun-debug joint-mod-debug-draw ((mod joint-mod))
"Draw a frame at the bone."
;; I believe this draws a set of coordinate axes that represent the transformation matrix.
(add-debug-matrix #t (bucket-id debug-draw1) (-> mod joint bone transform))
(defmethod new joint-mod ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (mode joint-mod-handler-mode) (proc process-drawable) (joint-idx int))
"Construct a new joint-mod. It will work on the given process-drawable's joint."
(let ((obj (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> obj process) proc)
;; grab the joint from our node-list.
(set! (-> obj joint) (-> (-> proc node-list) data joint-idx))
(set-mode! obj mode)
;; set defaults.
(let ((twist-max (-> obj twist-max)))
(set! (-> twist-max x) 8192.0)
(set! (-> twist-max y) 11832.889)
(set! (-> twist-max z) 0.0)
(set! (-> twist-max w) 1.0)
(set! (-> obj up) (the-as uint 1))
(set! (-> obj nose) (the-as uint 2))
(set! (-> obj ear) (the-as uint 0))
(set! (-> obj max-dist) 122880.0)
(set! (-> obj ignore-angle) 65536.0)
(set! (-> obj flex-blend) 1.0)
(set! (-> obj shutting-down?) #f)
(defmethod set-mode! joint-mod ((obj joint-mod) (handler-mode joint-mod-handler-mode))
"Set up the joint-mod for the given mode. You can only pick one mode at a time."
(set! (-> obj mode) handler-mode)
(let ((joint (-> obj joint))
(mode handler-mode)
((= mode (joint-mod-handler-mode flex-blend))
(set! (-> joint param0) #f)
(set! (-> joint param1) #f)
(set! (-> joint param2) #f)
(set! (-> obj blend) 0.0)
(set! (-> obj flex-blend) 1.0)
((= mode (joint-mod-handler-mode reset))
(set! (-> joint param0) #f)
(set! (-> joint param1) #f)
(set! (-> joint param2) #f)
(set! (-> obj blend) 0.0)
(set! (-> obj shutting-down?) #f)
((= mode (joint-mod-handler-mode look-at))
(set! (-> joint param0) joint-mod-look-at-handler)
(set! (-> joint param1) obj)
(set! (-> joint param2) #f)
((= mode (joint-mod-handler-mode world-look-at))
(set! (-> joint param0) joint-mod-world-look-at-handler)
(set! (-> joint param1) obj)
(set! (-> joint param2) #f)
((= mode (joint-mod-handler-mode rotate))
(set! (-> joint param0) joint-mod-rotate-handler)
(set! (-> joint param1) obj)
(set! (-> joint param2) #f)
(set! (-> obj blend) 1.0)
((= mode (joint-mod-handler-mode joint-set))
(set! (-> joint param0) joint-mod-joint-set-handler)
(set! (-> joint param1) obj)
(set! (-> joint param2) #f)
(vector-reset! (-> obj trans))
(quaternion-identity! (-> obj quat))
(let ((v1-2 (-> obj scale)))
(set! (-> v1-2 x) 1.0)
(set! (-> v1-2 y) 1.0)
(set! (-> v1-2 z) 1.0)
(set! (-> v1-2 w) 1.0)
(set! (-> obj max-dist) (the-as float #f))
((= mode (joint-mod-handler-mode joint-set*))
(set! (-> joint param0) joint-mod-joint-set*-handler)
(set! (-> joint param1) obj)
(set! (-> joint param2) #f)
(vector-reset! (-> obj trans))
(quaternion-identity! (-> obj quat))
(let ((v1-4 (-> obj scale)))
(set! (-> v1-4 x) 1.0)
(set! (-> v1-4 y) 1.0)
(set! (-> v1-4 z) 1.0)
(set! (-> v1-4 w) 1.0)
(set! (-> obj max-dist) (the-as float #f))
(defmethod reset-blend! joint-mod ((obj joint-mod))
"Reset the blend to 0."
(set! (-> obj blend) 0.0)
(defmethod shut-down! joint-mod ((obj joint-mod))
"Shut down and set the blend to zero."
(set! (-> obj shutting-down?) #t)
(let ((f0-0 0.0))
(set! (-> obj blend) f0-0)
(defmethod set-twist! joint-mod ((obj joint-mod) (x float) (y float) (z float))
"Set the twist. You can use #f to not change the current value."
(if x (set! (-> obj twist x) x))
(if y (set! (-> obj twist y) y))
(if z (set! (-> obj twist z) z))
(-> obj twist)
(defmethod set-trs! joint-mod ((obj joint-mod) (trans vector) (rot quaternion) (scale vector))
"Set the translation, rotation, and scale."
(when trans
(let ((v1-1 (-> obj trans)))
(set! (-> v1-1 quad) (-> trans quad))
(if rot
(quaternion-copy! (-> obj quat) rot)
(when scale
(let ((v1-5 (-> obj scale)))
(set! (-> v1-5 quad) (-> scale quad))
(defmethod set-target! joint-mod ((obj joint-mod) (target-trans vector))
"Set the joint-mod to look-at if we aren't in a mode, and look at the given target-trans."
;; set mode, if we aren't in one.
(if (= (-> obj mode) (joint-mod-handler-mode reset))
(set-mode! obj (joint-mod-handler-mode look-at))
;; how far are we from the target?
(let ((distance (vector-vector-distance (-> obj process root trans) target-trans)))
(set! (-> obj shutting-down?) #f)
(let ((v1-6 (-> obj target)))
(set! (-> v1-6 quad) (-> target-trans quad))
(if (< distance (-> obj max-dist))
(set! (-> obj blend) 1.0) ;; in range, set blend to 1.0 to start
(set! (-> obj blend) 0.0) ;; not in range, set blend to 0.0 to disable.
;; this type is for storing what we tried to look at last.
(deftype try-to-look-at-info (basic)
((who handle :offset-assert 8)
(horz float :offset-assert 16)
(vert float :offset-assert 20)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x18
:flag-assert #x900000018
;; this is the last thing we tried to look at.
;; There's only one global instance of this, likely used by Jak looking at enemies.
(define last-try-to-look-at-data (new 'global 'try-to-look-at-info))
(defmethod look-at-enemy! joint-mod ((obj joint-mod) (target-trans vector) (option symbol) (proc process))
"Set up animation for Jak looking at an enemy. If option is 'attacking, remember when this happened.
Will only override an existing look-at if this one is closer, or option is 'force.
(when (= option 'attacking)
;; make sure we got a process-drawable
(let* ((s3-0 proc)
(if (and (nonzero? s3-0) (type-type? (-> s3-0 type) process-drawable))
(the-as process-drawable s3-0)
(when proc-drawable
;; get enemy fact info
(let* ((s0-0 (-> proc-drawable fact))
(enemy-facts (the-as fact-info-enemy (if (and (nonzero? s0-0) (type-type? (-> s0-0 type) fact-info-enemy))
(the-as fact-info-enemy s0-0)
;; check that we have enemy facts, and that we are within the notice distance
(when (and enemy-facts (< (vector-vector-distance (-> obj process root trans) (-> proc-drawable root trans))
(-> enemy-facts cam-notice-dist)
;; success! we consider this a noticed and remember when
(set! (-> obj notice-time) (-> *display* base-frame-counter))
;; and update the look at data
(let ((ppointer (the-as (pointer process)
(if proc
(the-as (pointer process) (-> proc ppointer))
(set! (-> last-try-to-look-at-data who)
(new 'static 'handle :process ppointer :pid (-> ppointer 0 pid))
;; not sure what these are yet.
(if (< (-> last-try-to-look-at-data vert) (-> enemy-facts cam-vert))
(set! (-> last-try-to-look-at-data vert) (-> enemy-facts cam-vert))
(if (< (-> last-try-to-look-at-data horz) (-> enemy-facts cam-horz))
(set! (-> last-try-to-look-at-data horz) (-> enemy-facts cam-horz))
;; in all cases,
(let ((dist (vector-vector-distance (-> obj process root trans) target-trans)))
(when (and
;; done with previous
(or (= (-> obj blend) 0.0)
;; closer than previous.
(or (< dist (vector-vector-distance (-> obj process root trans) (-> obj target)))
;; force
(= option 'force)
;; and in range
(< dist (-> obj max-dist))
;; set mode, if we aren't in one
(if (= (-> obj mode) (joint-mod-handler-mode reset))
(set-mode! obj (joint-mod-handler-mode look-at))
;; set our target.
(let ((v1-37 (-> obj target)))
(set! (-> v1-37 quad) (-> target-trans quad))
;; activate us.
(set! (-> obj blend) 1.0)
(set! (-> obj shutting-down?) #f)
(defun joint-mod-look-at-handler ((csp cspace) (xform transformq))
"Update bone transforms for look-at"
(local-vars (f1-12 float) (sv-48 vector) (sv-52 vector) (sv-56 vector))
(let ((gp-0 (the-as joint-mod (-> csp param1))))
(cspace<-parented-transformq-joint! csp xform)
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(-> gp-0 process node-list data 0 bone transform vector 1)
(vector-normalize! (-> csp bone transform vector (-> gp-0 nose)) 1.0)
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(-> gp-0 target)
(-> csp bone position)
(let* ((f30-0 (vector-y-angle sv-52))
(a0-8 (vector-flatten! (new-stack-vector0) sv-56 sv-48))
(f0-0 (vector-y-angle a0-8))
(f0-1 (deg-diff f30-0 f0-0))
(if (< (-> gp-0 ignore-angle) (fabs f0-1))
(set! f0-1 0.0)
(* (* f0-1 (-> gp-0 blend)) (-> gp-0 flex-blend))
(-> gp-0 twist-max y)
(- (-> gp-0 twist-max y))
(if (and (-> gp-0 shutting-down?) (= (-> gp-0 twist y) f30-1))
(set-mode! gp-0 (joint-mod-handler-mode reset))
(-> gp-0 twist y)
(-> gp-0 twist y)
(* 0.1 (fabs (deg-diff f30-1 (-> gp-0 twist y))))
(let ((v1-15 (-> gp-0 up)))
((zero? v1-15)
(quaternion-rotate-x! (-> xform quat) (-> xform quat) (-> gp-0 twist y))
((= v1-15 1)
(-> xform quat)
(-> xform quat)
(-> gp-0 twist y)
(quaternion-rotate-z! (-> xform quat) (-> xform quat) (-> gp-0 twist y))
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(the-as vector (-> gp-0 process node-list data 0 bone transform))
(f30-2 (vector-x-angle sv-52))
(s3-2 (vector-flatten! (new-stack-vector0) sv-56 s3-1))
(f0-15 (vector-x-angle s3-2))
(* (* (- (deg-diff f30-2 f0-15)) (-> gp-0 blend)) (-> gp-0 flex-blend))
(-> gp-0 twist-max x)
(- (-> gp-0 twist-max x))
(let* ((v1-22 sv-52))
(set! f1-12 (vector-dot s3-2 v1-22))
(if (< f1-12 0.1)
(set! f0-21 0.0)
(-> gp-0 twist x)
(-> gp-0 twist x)
(* 0.1 (fabs (deg-diff f0-21 (-> gp-0 twist x))))
(let ((v1-27 (-> gp-0 ear)))
((zero? v1-27)
(quaternion-rotate-x! (-> xform quat) (-> xform quat) (-> gp-0 twist x))
((= v1-27 1)
(quaternion-rotate-local-y! (-> xform quat) (-> xform quat) (-> gp-0 twist x))
(quaternion-rotate-z! (-> xform quat) (-> xform quat) (-> gp-0 twist x))
(cspace<-parented-transformq-joint! csp xform)
(if (and (= (-> gp-0 process type) target) (!= (-> gp-0 blend) 0.0))
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(-> gp-0 target)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :g #xff :a #x80)
(defun joint-mod-world-look-at-handler ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 transformq))
(local-vars (f1-14 float) (sv-48 vector) (sv-52 vector) (sv-56 vector))
(let ((gp-0 (the-as joint-mod (-> arg0 param1))))
(let ((s5-0 (-> arg0 bone transform)))
(cspace<-parented-transformq-joint! arg0 arg1)
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(-> gp-0 process node-list data 0 bone transform vector 1)
(set! sv-52 (vector-normalize! (-> s5-0 vector (-> gp-0 nose)) 1.0))
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(-> gp-0 target)
(-> s5-0 vector 3)
(let* ((f30-0 (vector-y-angle sv-52))
(a0-6 (vector-flatten! (new-stack-vector0) sv-56 sv-48))
(f0-0 (vector-y-angle a0-6))
(f0-1 (deg-diff f30-0 f0-0))
(if (< (-> gp-0 ignore-angle) (fabs f0-1))
(set! f0-1 0.0)
(* (* f0-1 (-> gp-0 blend)) (-> gp-0 flex-blend))
(-> gp-0 twist-max y)
(- (-> gp-0 twist-max y))
(-> gp-0 twist y)
(-> gp-0 twist y)
(fmax 1.0 (* 0.1 (fabs (deg-diff f0-5 (-> gp-0 twist y)))))
(when (!= (-> gp-0 twist y) 0.0)
((a2-3 (matrix-rotate-y! (new 'stack-no-clear 'matrix) (-> gp-0 twist y)))
(s4-2 (-> s5-0 vector 3 quad))
(matrix*! s5-0 s5-0 a2-3)
(set! (-> s5-0 vector 3 quad) s4-2)
(new 'stack-no-clear 'vector)
(the-as vector (-> gp-0 process node-list data 0 bone transform))
(f30-2 (vector-x-angle sv-52))
(s4-4 (vector-flatten! (new-stack-vector0) sv-56 s4-3))
(f0-14 (vector-x-angle s4-4))
(* (* (- (deg-diff f30-2 f0-14)) (-> gp-0 blend)) (-> gp-0 flex-blend))
(-> gp-0 twist-max x)
(- (-> gp-0 twist-max x))
(let* ((v1-14 sv-52))
(set! f1-14 (vector-dot s4-4 v1-14))
(if (< f1-14 0.1)
(set! f0-20 0.0)
(-> gp-0 twist x)
(-> gp-0 twist x)
(fmax 1.0 (* 0.1 (fabs (deg-diff f0-20 (-> gp-0 twist x)))))
(when (!= (-> gp-0 twist x) 0.0)
(let* ((v1-20 (-> gp-0 ear))
(a1-17 ((cond
((zero? v1-20)
((= v1-20 1)
(new 'stack-no-clear 'matrix) (-> gp-0 twist x)
(matrix*! s5-0 a1-17 s5-0)
(if (and (= (-> gp-0 process type) target) (!= (-> gp-0 blend) 0.0))
(bucket-id debug-draw1)
(-> gp-0 target)
(new 'static 'rgba :r #xff :g #xff :a #x80)
(let ((v0-22 0))
(defun joint-mod-rotate-handler ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 transformq))
(let ((s4-0 (the-as joint-mod (-> arg0 param1)))
(s3-0 (new 'static 'inline-array vector 3
(new 'static 'vector :x 1.0 :w 1.0)
(new 'static 'vector :y 1.0 :w 1.0)
(new 'static 'vector :z 1.0 :w 1.0)
(let* ((v1-2 (-> s3-0 (-> s4-0 ear)))
(a1-2 (quaternion-axis-angle!
(new 'stack-no-clear 'quaternion)
(-> v1-2 x)
(-> v1-2 y)
(-> v1-2 z)
(* (* (-> s4-0 twist x) (-> s4-0 blend)) (-> s4-0 flex-blend))
(quaternion-normalize! (quaternion*! (-> arg1 quat) a1-2 (-> arg1 quat)))
(let* ((v1-6 (-> s3-0 (-> s4-0 up)))
(a1-4 (quaternion-axis-angle!
(new 'stack-no-clear 'quaternion)
(-> v1-6 x)
(-> v1-6 y)
(-> v1-6 z)
(* (* (-> s4-0 twist y) (-> s4-0 blend)) (-> s4-0 flex-blend))
(quaternion-normalize! (quaternion*! (-> arg1 quat) a1-4 (-> arg1 quat)))
(let* ((v1-10 (-> s3-0 (-> s4-0 nose)))
(a1-6 (quaternion-axis-angle!
(new 'stack-no-clear 'quaternion)
(-> v1-10 x)
(-> v1-10 y)
(-> v1-10 z)
(* (* (-> s4-0 twist z) (-> s4-0 blend)) (-> s4-0 flex-blend))
(quaternion-normalize! (quaternion*! (-> arg1 quat) a1-6 (-> arg1 quat)))
(cspace<-parented-transformq-joint! arg0 arg1)
(defun joint-mod-joint-set-handler ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 transformq))
(let ((s4-0 (the-as joint-mod (-> arg0 param1))))
(set! (-> arg1 trans quad) (-> s4-0 trans quad))
(quaternion-copy! (-> arg1 quat) (-> s4-0 quat))
(set! (-> arg1 scale quad) (-> s4-0 scale quad))
(cspace<-parented-transformq-joint! arg0 arg1)
(let ((v0-2 0))
;; todo vector+!
(defun joint-mod-joint-set*-handler ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 transformq))
(let ((s5-0 (the-as joint-mod (-> arg0 param1))))
(vector+! (-> arg1 trans) (-> arg1 trans) (-> s5-0 trans))
(quaternion*! (-> arg1 quat) (-> arg1 quat) (-> s5-0 quat))
(vector*! (-> arg1 scale) (-> arg1 scale) (-> s5-0 scale))
(cspace<-parented-transformq-joint! arg0 arg1)
(when (-> s5-0 max-dist)
(let ((v1-4 (-> arg0 bone scale)))
(set! (-> v1-4 x) 1.0)
(set! (-> v1-4 y) 1.0)
(set! (-> v1-4 z) 1.0)
(set! (-> v1-4 w) 1.0)
(define *joint-axis-vectors*
(new 'static 'inline-array vector 6
(new 'static 'vector :x 1.0 :w 1.0)
(new 'static 'vector :y 1.0 :w 1.0)
(new 'static 'vector :z 1.0 :w 1.0)
(new 'static 'vector :x -1.0 :w 1.0)
(new 'static 'vector :y -1.0 :w 1.0)
(new 'static 'vector :z -1.0 :w 1.0)
;; These joint-mod types contain a bit of extra state required for special types of joint-mods
(deftype joint-mod-wheel (basic)
((last-position vector :inline :offset-assert 16)
(angle float :offset-assert 32)
(process process-drawable :offset-assert 36)
(wheel-radius float :offset-assert 40)
(wheel-axis int8 :offset-assert 44)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x2d
:flag-assert #x90000002d
(new (symbol type process-drawable int float int) _type_ 0)
;; todo needs better vector-dot stuff
(defun joint-mod-wheel-callback ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 transformq))
(local-vars (f0-3 float))
(let ((s4-0 (the-as joint-mod-wheel (-> arg0 param1))))
(let ((v1-1 (-> s4-0 process root))
(s1-0 (new-stack-vector0))
(s3-0 (new-stack-vector0))
(s2-0 (new-stack-vector0))
(let ((f0-0 0.0))
(let ((f0-1 0.0))
(vector-z-quaternion! s2-0 (-> v1-1 quat))
(vector<-cspace! s1-0 arg0)
(vector-! s3-0 s1-0 (-> s4-0 last-position))
(set! (-> s4-0 last-position quad) (-> s1-0 quad))
(set! f0-3 (vector-dot s2-0 s3-0))
(let* ((f0-4 f0-3)
(f1-1 65536.0)
(f2-2 (* 6.28318 (-> s4-0 wheel-radius)))
(f0-5 (* (* f1-1 (/ 1.0 f2-2)) f0-4))
(set! (-> s4-0 angle) (+ (-> s4-0 angle) f0-5))
(-> arg1 quat)
(-> *joint-axis-vectors* (-> s4-0 wheel-axis))
(-> s4-0 angle)
(cspace<-parented-transformq-joint! arg0 arg1)
(defmethod new joint-mod-wheel ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 process-drawable) (arg1 int) (arg2 float) (arg3 int))
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> v0-0 process) arg0)
(set! (-> v0-0 wheel-radius) arg2)
(set! (-> v0-0 wheel-axis) arg3)
(set! (-> v0-0 angle) 0.0)
(let ((v1-2 (-> v0-0 last-position)))
(set! (-> v1-2 x) 0.0)
(set! (-> v1-2 y) 0.0)
(set! (-> v1-2 z) 0.0)
(set! (-> v1-2 w) 1.0)
(let ((v1-5 (-> (-> arg0 node-list) data arg1)))
(set! (-> v1-5 param0) joint-mod-wheel-callback)
(set! (-> v1-5 param1) v0-0)
(deftype joint-mod-set-local (basic)
((transform transformq :inline :offset-assert 16)
(set-rotation basic :offset-assert 64)
(set-scale basic :offset-assert 68)
(set-translation basic :offset-assert 72)
(enable basic :offset-assert 76)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x50
:flag-assert #x900000050
(new (symbol type process-drawable int basic basic basic) _type_ 0)
(defun joint-mod-set-local-callback ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 transformq))
(let ((v1-0 (the-as joint-mod-set-local (-> arg0 param1))))
((-> v1-0 enable)
(if (not (-> v1-0 set-translation))
(set! (-> v1-0 transform trans quad) (-> arg1 trans quad))
(if (not (-> v1-0 set-rotation))
(set! (-> v1-0 transform quat vec quad) (-> arg1 quat vec quad))
(if (not (-> v1-0 set-scale))
(set! (-> v1-0 transform scale quad) (-> arg1 scale quad))
(cspace<-parented-transformq-joint! arg0 (-> v1-0 transform))
(cspace<-parented-transformq-joint! arg0 arg1)
(defmethod new joint-mod-set-local ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 process-drawable) (arg1 int) (arg2 basic) (arg3 basic) (arg4 basic))
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> v0-0 set-translation) arg2)
(set! (-> v0-0 set-rotation) arg3)
(set! (-> v0-0 set-scale) arg4)
(set! (-> v0-0 enable) #t)
(set! (-> v0-0 transform trans quad) (-> *null-vector* quad))
(set! (-> v0-0 transform quat vec quad) (-> *null-vector* quad))
(set! (-> v0-0 transform scale quad) (-> *identity-vector* quad))
(let ((v1-8 (-> arg0 node-list data arg1)))
(set! (-> v1-8 param0) joint-mod-set-local-callback)
(set! (-> v1-8 param1) v0-0)
(deftype joint-mod-set-world (basic)
((transform transformq :inline :offset-assert 16)
(node-index int32 :offset-assert 64)
(enable basic :offset-assert 68)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x48
:flag-assert #x900000048
(new (symbol type process-drawable int basic) _type_ 0)
(defun joint-mod-set-world-callback ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 transformq))
(let ((v1-0 (the-as joint-mod-set-world (-> arg0 param1))))
(if (-> v1-0 enable)
(cspace<-transformq! arg0 (-> v1-0 transform))
(cspace<-parented-transformq-joint! arg0 arg1)
(defmethod new joint-mod-set-world ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 process-drawable) (arg1 int) (arg2 basic))
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> v0-0 node-index) arg1)
(set! (-> v0-0 enable) arg2)
(set! (-> v0-0 transform trans quad) (-> *null-vector* quad))
(set! (-> v0-0 transform quat vec quad) (-> *null-vector* quad))
(set! (-> v0-0 transform scale quad) (-> *identity-vector* quad))
(let ((v1-7 (-> arg0 node-list data arg1)))
(set! (-> v1-7 param0) joint-mod-set-world-callback)
(set! (-> v1-7 param1) v0-0)
(deftype joint-mod-blend-local (basic)
((transform transformq :inline :offset-assert 16)
(blend-transform transformq :inline :offset-assert 64)
(node-index int32 :offset-assert 112)
(blend float :offset-assert 116)
(enable basic :offset-assert 120)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x7c
:flag-assert #x90000007c
(new (symbol type process-drawable int basic) _type_ 0)
(defun joint-mod-blend-local-callback ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 transformq))
(let ((gp-0 (the-as joint-mod-blend-local (-> arg0 param1))))
((-> gp-0 enable)
(the-as vector (-> gp-0 blend-transform))
(-> arg1 trans)
(the-as vector (-> gp-0 transform))
(-> gp-0 blend)
(-> gp-0 blend-transform scale)
(-> arg1 scale)
(-> gp-0 transform scale)
(-> gp-0 blend)
(-> gp-0 blend-transform quat)
(-> arg1 quat)
(-> gp-0 transform quat)
(-> gp-0 blend)
(cspace<-parented-transformq-joint! arg0 (-> gp-0 blend-transform))
(cspace<-parented-transformq-joint! arg0 arg1)
(defmethod new joint-mod-blend-local ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 process-drawable) (arg1 int) (arg2 basic))
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(set! (-> v0-0 node-index) arg1)
(set! (-> v0-0 enable) arg2)
(set! (-> v0-0 blend) 0.0)
(set! (-> v0-0 transform trans quad) (-> *null-vector* quad))
(set! (-> v0-0 transform quat vec quad) (-> *null-vector* quad))
(set! (-> v0-0 transform scale quad) (-> *identity-vector* quad))
(let ((v1-7 (-> arg0 node-list data arg1)))
(set! (-> v1-7 param0) joint-mod-blend-local-callback)
(set! (-> v1-7 param1) v0-0)
(deftype joint-mod-spinner (basic)
((spin-axis vector :inline :offset-assert 16)
(angle float :offset-assert 32)
(spin-rate float :offset-assert 36)
(enable basic :offset-assert 40)
:method-count-assert 9
:size-assert #x2c
:flag-assert #x90000002c
(new (symbol type process-drawable int vector float) _type_ 0)
(defun joint-mod-spinner-callback ((arg0 cspace) (arg1 transformq))
(let ((gp-0 (the-as joint-mod-spinner (-> arg0 param1))))
(when (-> gp-0 enable)
(let ((f30-0 (+ (-> gp-0 angle)
(* (-> gp-0 spin-rate) (-> *display* seconds-per-frame))
(if (< 32768.0 f30-0)
(set! f30-0 (+ -65536.0 f30-0))
(if (< f30-0 -32768.0)
(set! f30-0 (+ 65536.0 f30-0))
(quaternion-vector-angle! (-> arg1 quat) (-> gp-0 spin-axis) f30-0)
(set! (-> gp-0 angle) f30-0)
(cspace<-parented-transformq-joint! arg0 arg1)
(defmethod new joint-mod-spinner ((allocation symbol) (type-to-make type) (arg0 process-drawable) (arg1 int) (arg2 vector) (arg3 float))
(let ((v0-0 (object-new allocation type-to-make (the-as int (-> type-to-make size)))))
(let ((v1-2 (-> v0-0 spin-axis)))
(set! (-> v1-2 quad) (-> arg2 quad))
(set! (-> v0-0 spin-rate) arg3)
(set! (-> v0-0 enable) #t)
(set! (-> v0-0 angle) 0.0)
(let ((v1-6 (-> (-> arg0 node-list) data arg1)))
(set! (-> v1-6 param0) joint-mod-spinner-callback)
(set! (-> v1-6 param1) v0-0)