Tyler Wilding d95ff2d2fb
lsp: improve LSP IR2 hovers (#1891)
Some new hover features:

docstrings (`@param/@return` syntax is not yet supported, nor is a
syntax-highlighted preview, will do later)


better MIPs instruction descriptions


numeric hovers convert to different bases / tell you the OpenGOAL method
id (i can't tell you the amount of times ive done -16 / 4 manually


Closes https://github.com/open-goal/opengoal-vscode/issues/33
Closes https://github.com/open-goal/opengoal-vscode/issues/31
Related to https://github.com/open-goal/opengoal-vscode/issues/29
2022-09-16 20:28:44 -04:00

325 lines
11 KiB

#include "workspace.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <regex>
#include <sstream>
#include "common/log/log.h"
#include "lsp/protocol/common_types.h"
std::string url_encode(const std::string& value) {
std::ostringstream escaped;
escaped << std::hex;
for (std::string::const_iterator i = value.begin(), n = value.end(); i != n; ++i) {
std::string::value_type c = (*i);
// Keep alphanumeric and other accepted characters intact
if (isalnum(c) || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '~' || c == '/') {
escaped << c;
// Any other characters are percent-encoded
escaped << std::uppercase;
escaped << '%' << std::setw(2) << int((unsigned char)c);
escaped << std::nouppercase;
return escaped.str();
LSPSpec::DocumentUri uri_from_path(fs::path path) {
std::string path_str = path.string();
// Replace slash type on windows
#ifdef _WIN32
std::replace(path_str.begin(), path_str.end(), '\\', '/');
// vscode works with proper URL encoded URIs for file paths
// which means we have to roll our own...
path_str = url_encode(path_str);
return fmt::format("file:///{}", path_str);
bool Workspace::is_initialized() {
return m_initialized;
void Workspace::set_initialized(bool new_value) {
m_initialized = new_value;
std::optional<WorkspaceIRFile> Workspace::get_tracked_ir_file(const LSPSpec::URI& file_uri) {
if (m_tracked_ir_files.count(file_uri) == 0) {
return {};
return m_tracked_ir_files[file_uri];
std::optional<DefinitionMetadata> Workspace::get_definition_info_from_all_types(
const std::string& symbol_name,
const LSPSpec::DocumentUri& all_types_uri) {
if (m_tracked_all_types_files.count(all_types_uri) == 0) {
return {};
const auto& dts = m_tracked_all_types_files[all_types_uri].m_dts;
if (dts.symbol_metadata_map.count(symbol_name) == 0) {
return {};
return dts.symbol_metadata_map.at(symbol_name);
void Workspace::start_tracking_file(const LSPSpec::DocumentUri& file_uri,
const std::string& language_id,
const std::string& content) {
if (language_id == "opengoal-ir") {
lg::debug("new ir file - {}", file_uri);
WorkspaceIRFile file(content);
m_tracked_ir_files[file_uri] = file;
if (!file.m_all_types_uri.empty()) {
if (m_tracked_all_types_files.count(file.m_all_types_uri) == 0) {
lg::debug("new all-types file - {}", file.m_all_types_uri);
m_tracked_all_types_files[file.m_all_types_uri] = WorkspaceAllTypesFile(
file.m_all_types_uri, file.m_game_version, file.m_all_types_file_path);
// TODO - only supporting IR files currently!
void Workspace::update_tracked_file(const LSPSpec::DocumentUri& file_uri,
const std::string& content) {
lg::debug("potentially updating - {}", file_uri);
// Check if the file is already tracked or not, this is done because change events don't give
// language details it's assumed you are keeping track of that!
if (m_tracked_ir_files.count(file_uri) != 0) {
lg::debug("updating tracked IR file - {}", file_uri);
WorkspaceIRFile file(content);
m_tracked_ir_files[file_uri] = file;
// There is the potential for the all-types to have changed, albeit this is probably never going
// to happen
if (!file.m_all_types_uri.empty() &&
m_tracked_all_types_files.count(file.m_all_types_uri) == 0) {
auto& all_types_file = m_tracked_all_types_files[file.m_all_types_uri];
all_types_file.m_file_path = file.m_all_types_file_path;
all_types_file.m_uri = file.m_all_types_uri;
all_types_file.m_game_version = file.m_game_version;
if (m_tracked_all_types_files.count(file_uri) != 0) {
lg::debug("updating tracked all types file - {}", file_uri);
// If the all-types file has changed, re-parse it
// NOTE - this assumes its still for the same game version!
void Workspace::stop_tracking_file(const LSPSpec::DocumentUri& file_uri) {
if (m_tracked_ir_files.count(file_uri) != 0) {
if (m_tracked_all_types_files.count(file_uri) != 0) {
WorkspaceIRFile::WorkspaceIRFile(const std::string& content) {
// Get all lines of file
std::string::size_type pos = 0;
std::string::size_type prev = 0;
// TODO - i hate this assignment inside a conditional, get rid of it
while ((pos = content.find('\r\n', prev)) != std::string::npos) {
std::string line = content.substr(prev, pos - prev);
// Run any checks on that line
find_function_symbol(m_lines.size() - 1, line);
identify_diagnostics(m_lines.size() - 1, line);
prev = pos + 1;
std::string line = content.substr(prev);
find_function_symbol(m_lines.size() - 1, line);
identify_diagnostics(m_lines.size() - 1, line);
lg::info("Added new file. {} lines with {} symbols and {} diagnostics", m_lines.size(),
m_symbols.size(), m_diagnostics.size());
// This is kind of a hack, but to ensure consistency. The file will reference the all-types.gc
// file it was generated with, this lets us accurately jump to the definition properly!
void WorkspaceIRFile::find_all_types_path(const std::string& line) {
std::regex regex("; ALL_TYPES=(.*)=(.*)");
std::smatch matches;
if (std::regex_search(line, matches, regex)) {
if (matches.size() == 3) {
const auto& game_version = matches[1];
const auto& all_types_path = matches[2];
lg::debug("Found DTS Path - {} : {}", game_version.str(), all_types_path.str());
auto all_types_uri = uri_from_path(fs::path(all_types_path.str()));
lg::debug("DTS URI - {}", all_types_uri);
if (valid_game_version(game_version.str())) {
m_game_version = game_name_to_version(game_version.str());
m_all_types_uri = all_types_uri;
m_all_types_file_path = fs::path(all_types_path.str());
} else {
lg::error("Invalid game version, ignoring - {}", game_version.str());
void WorkspaceIRFile::find_function_symbol(const uint32_t line_num_zero_based,
const std::string& line) {
std::regex regex("; \\.function (.*)");
std::smatch matches;
if (std::regex_search(line, matches, regex)) {
// NOTE - assumes we can only find 1 function per line
if (matches.size() == 2) {
const auto& match = matches[1];
lg::info("Adding Symbol - {}", match.str());
LSPSpec::DocumentSymbol new_symbol;
new_symbol.m_name = match.str();
// TODO - function doc-string
// new_symbol.m_detail = ...
new_symbol.m_kind = LSPSpec::SymbolKind::Function;
LSPSpec::Range symbol_range;
symbol_range.m_start = {line_num_zero_based, 0};
symbol_range.m_end = {line_num_zero_based, 0}; // NOTE - set on the next function
new_symbol.m_range = symbol_range;
LSPSpec::Range symbol_selection_range;
symbol_selection_range.m_start = {line_num_zero_based, 0};
symbol_selection_range.m_end = {line_num_zero_based, (uint32_t)line.length() - 1};
new_symbol.m_selectionRange = symbol_selection_range;
std::regex end_function("^;; \\.endfunction\\s*$");
if (std::regex_match(line, end_function)) {
// Set the previous symbols end-line
if (!m_symbols.empty()) {
m_symbols[m_symbols.size() - 1].m_range.m_end.m_line = line_num_zero_based - 1;
void WorkspaceIRFile::identify_diagnostics(const uint32_t line_num_zero_based,
const std::string& line) {
std::regex info_regex(";; INFO: (.*)");
std::regex warn_regex(";; WARN: (.*)");
std::regex error_regex(";; ERROR: (.*)");
std::smatch info_matches;
std::smatch warn_matches;
std::smatch error_matches;
LSPSpec::Range diag_range;
diag_range.m_start = {line_num_zero_based, 0};
diag_range.m_end = {line_num_zero_based, (uint32_t)line.length() - 1};
// Check for an info-level warnings
if (std::regex_search(line, info_matches, info_regex)) {
// NOTE - assumes we can only find 1 function per line
if (info_matches.size() == 2) {
const auto& match = info_matches[1];
LSPSpec::Diagnostic new_diag;
new_diag.m_severity = LSPSpec::DiagnosticSeverity::Information;
new_diag.m_message = match.str();
new_diag.m_range = diag_range;
new_diag.m_source = "OpenGOAL LSP";
// Check for a warn level warnings
if (std::regex_search(line, warn_matches, warn_regex)) {
// NOTE - assumes we can only find 1 function per line
if (warn_matches.size() == 2) {
const auto& match = warn_matches[1];
LSPSpec::Diagnostic new_diag;
new_diag.m_severity = LSPSpec::DiagnosticSeverity::Warning;
new_diag.m_message = match.str();
new_diag.m_range = diag_range;
new_diag.m_source = "OpenGOAL LSP";
// Check for a error level warnings
if (std::regex_search(line, error_matches, error_regex)) {
// NOTE - assumes we can only find 1 function per line
if (error_matches.size() == 2) {
const auto& match = error_matches[1];
LSPSpec::Diagnostic new_diag;
new_diag.m_severity = LSPSpec::DiagnosticSeverity::Error;
new_diag.m_message = match.str();
new_diag.m_range = diag_range;
new_diag.m_source = "OpenGOAL LSP";
std::optional<std::string> WorkspaceIRFile::get_mips_instruction_at_position(
const LSPSpec::Position position) {
// Split the line on typical word boundaries
std::string line = m_lines.at(position.m_line);
std::smatch matches;
std::regex regex("[\\w\\.]+");
if (std::regex_search(line, matches, regex)) {
const auto& match = matches[0];
auto match_start = matches.position(0);
auto match_end = match_start + match.length();
if (position.m_character >= match_start && position.m_character <= match_end) {
return match;
return {};
std::optional<std::string> WorkspaceIRFile::get_symbol_at_position(
const LSPSpec::Position position) {
// Split the line on typical word boundaries
std::string line = m_lines.at(position.m_line);
std::smatch matches;
std::regex regex("[\\w\\.\\-_!<>*]+");
std::regex_token_iterator<std::string::iterator> rend;
std::regex_token_iterator<std::string::iterator> match(line.begin(), line.end(), regex);
while (match != rend) {
auto match_start = std::distance(line.begin(), match->first);
auto match_end = match_start + match->length();
if (position.m_character >= match_start && position.m_character <= match_end) {
return match->str();
return {};
void WorkspaceAllTypesFile::parse_type_system() {
lg::debug("DTS Loading - '{}'", m_file_path.string());
lg::debug("DTS Loaded At - '{}'", m_file_path.string());
void WorkspaceAllTypesFile::update_type_system() {
m_dts = decompiler::DecompilerTypeSystem(m_game_version);