ManDude 577382ad34
minor cleanup + update fmt + fix some jak 2 visual anomalies (#2442)
Disables the fog hack for Jak 2, where it's not useful and kind of
breaks in most levels which rely on dark vertices that aren't underwater
(e.g. city windows).
2023-03-30 17:49:07 -04:00

2965 lines
98 KiB

// Formatting library for C++ - the core API for char/UTF-8
// Copyright (c) 2012 - present, Victor Zverovich
// All rights reserved.
// For the license information refer to format.h.
#ifndef FMT_CORE_H_
#define FMT_CORE_H_
#include <cstddef> // std::byte
#include <cstdio> // std::FILE
#include <cstring> // std::strlen
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
// The fmt library version in the form major * 10000 + minor * 100 + patch.
#define FMT_VERSION 90101
#if defined(__clang__) && !defined(__ibmxl__)
# define FMT_CLANG_VERSION (__clang_major__ * 100 + __clang_minor__)
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && \
# define FMT_GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__)
# define FMT_GCC_VERSION 0
// Workaround _Pragma bug https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=59884.
# if FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 504
# define FMT_GCC_PRAGMA(arg) _Pragma(arg)
# else
# define FMT_GCC_PRAGMA(arg)
# endif
#ifdef __ICL
#elif defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
# define FMT_ICC_VERSION 0
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# define FMT_MSC_WARNING(...) __pragma(warning(__VA_ARGS__))
# define FMT_MSC_VERSION 0
# define FMT_MSC_WARNING(...)
#ifdef _MSVC_LANG
# define FMT_CPLUSPLUS __cplusplus
#ifdef __has_feature
# define FMT_HAS_FEATURE(x) __has_feature(x)
# define FMT_HAS_FEATURE(x) 0
#if defined(__has_include) || FMT_ICC_VERSION >= 1600 || FMT_MSC_VERSION > 1900
# define FMT_HAS_INCLUDE(x) __has_include(x)
# define FMT_HAS_INCLUDE(x) 0
#ifdef __has_cpp_attribute
# define FMT_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(x) __has_cpp_attribute(x)
#define FMT_HAS_CPP14_ATTRIBUTE(attribute) \
(FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201402L && FMT_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(attribute))
#define FMT_HAS_CPP17_ATTRIBUTE(attribute) \
(FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201703L && FMT_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(attribute))
// Check if relaxed C++14 constexpr is supported.
// GCC doesn't allow throw in constexpr until version 6 (bug 67371).
# if (FMT_HAS_FEATURE(cxx_relaxed_constexpr) || FMT_MSC_VERSION >= 1912 || \
(FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 600 && FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201402L)) && \
!FMT_ICC_VERSION && !defined(__NVCC__)
# else
# endif
# define FMT_CONSTEXPR constexpr
#if ((FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 202002L) && \
(!defined(_GLIBCXX_RELEASE) || _GLIBCXX_RELEASE > 9)) || \
(FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201709L && FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 1002)
# define FMT_CONSTEXPR20 constexpr
# define FMT_CONSTEXPR20
// Check if constexpr std::char_traits<>::{compare,length} are supported.
#if defined(__GLIBCXX__)
# if FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201703L && defined(_GLIBCXX_RELEASE) && \
_GLIBCXX_RELEASE >= 7 // GCC 7+ libstdc++ has _GLIBCXX_RELEASE.
# define FMT_CONSTEXPR_CHAR_TRAITS constexpr
# endif
#elif defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION) && FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201703L && \
# define FMT_CONSTEXPR_CHAR_TRAITS constexpr
#elif FMT_MSC_VERSION >= 1914 && FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201703L
# define FMT_CONSTEXPR_CHAR_TRAITS constexpr
// Check if exceptions are disabled.
# if (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__EXCEPTIONS)) || \
# else
# endif
// Disable [[noreturn]] on MSVC/NVCC because of bogus unreachable code warnings.
# define FMT_NORETURN [[noreturn]]
# if FMT_HAS_CPP17_ATTRIBUTE(nodiscard)
# define FMT_NODISCARD [[nodiscard]]
# else
# endif
#ifndef FMT_INLINE
# define FMT_INLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline))
# else
# define FMT_INLINE inline
# endif
// An inline std::forward replacement.
#define FMT_FORWARD(...) static_cast<decltype(__VA_ARGS__)&&>(__VA_ARGS__)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
using _Unchecked_type = It // Mark iterator as checked.
# define FMT_UNCHECKED_ITERATOR(It) using unchecked_type = It
namespace fmt { \
inline namespace v9 {
} \
# define FMT_BEGIN_DETAIL_NAMESPACE namespace detail {
#if !defined(FMT_HEADER_ONLY) && defined(_WIN32)
# define FMT_CLASS_API FMT_MSC_WARNING(suppress : 4275)
# ifdef FMT_EXPORT
# define FMT_API __declspec(dllexport)
# elif defined(FMT_SHARED)
# define FMT_API __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# define FMT_CLASS_API
# if defined(FMT_EXPORT) || defined(FMT_SHARED)
# if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
# define FMT_API __attribute__((visibility("default")))
# endif
# endif
#ifndef FMT_API
# define FMT_API
// libc++ supports string_view in pre-c++17.
#if FMT_HAS_INCLUDE(<string_view>) && \
(FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201703L || defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION))
# include <string_view>
#elif FMT_HAS_INCLUDE("experimental/string_view") && FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201402L
# include <experimental/string_view>
# if ((FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 1000 || FMT_CLANG_VERSION >= 1101) && \
(!defined(__apple_build_version__) || \
__apple_build_version__ >= 14000029L) && \
FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 202002L) || \
(defined(__cpp_consteval) && \
(!FMT_MSC_VERSION || _MSC_FULL_VER >= 193030704))
// consteval is broken in MSVC before VS2022 and Apple clang before 14.
# define FMT_CONSTEVAL consteval
# else
# endif
# if defined(__cpp_nontype_template_args) && \
((FMT_GCC_VERSION >= 903 && FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 201709L) || \
__cpp_nontype_template_args >= 201911L) && \
!defined(__NVCOMPILER) && !defined(__LCC__)
# else
# endif
#if defined __cpp_inline_variables && __cpp_inline_variables >= 201606L
# define FMT_INLINE_VARIABLE inline
// Enable minimal optimizations for more compact code in debug mode.
FMT_GCC_PRAGMA("GCC push_options")
#if !defined(__OPTIMIZE__) && !defined(__NVCOMPILER) && !defined(__LCC__) && \
FMT_GCC_PRAGMA("GCC optimize(\"Og\")")
// Implementations of enable_if_t and other metafunctions for older systems.
template <bool B, typename T = void>
using enable_if_t = typename std::enable_if<B, T>::type;
template <bool B, typename T, typename F>
using conditional_t = typename std::conditional<B, T, F>::type;
template <bool B> using bool_constant = std::integral_constant<bool, B>;
template <typename T>
using remove_reference_t = typename std::remove_reference<T>::type;
template <typename T>
using remove_const_t = typename std::remove_const<T>::type;
template <typename T>
using remove_cvref_t = typename std::remove_cv<remove_reference_t<T>>::type;
template <typename T> struct type_identity { using type = T; };
template <typename T> using type_identity_t = typename type_identity<T>::type;
template <typename T>
using underlying_t = typename std::underlying_type<T>::type;
struct monostate {
constexpr monostate() {}
// An enable_if helper to be used in template parameters which results in much
// shorter symbols: https://godbolt.org/z/sWw4vP. Extra parentheses are needed
// to workaround a bug in MSVC 2019 (see #1140 and #1186).
#ifdef FMT_DOC
# define FMT_ENABLE_IF(...)
# define FMT_ENABLE_IF(...) fmt::enable_if_t<(__VA_ARGS__), int> = 0
#ifdef __cpp_lib_byte
inline auto format_as(std::byte b) -> unsigned char {
return static_cast<unsigned char>(b);
// Suppresses "unused variable" warnings with the method described in
// https://herbsutter.com/2009/10/18/mailbag-shutting-up-compiler-warnings/.
// (void)var does not work on many Intel compilers.
template <typename... T> FMT_CONSTEXPR void ignore_unused(const T&...) {}
constexpr FMT_INLINE auto is_constant_evaluated(
bool default_value = false) noexcept -> bool {
// Workaround for incompatibility between libstdc++ consteval-based
// std::is_constant_evaluated() implementation and clang-14.
// https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt/issues/3247
#if FMT_CPLUSPLUS >= 202002L && defined(_GLIBCXX_RELEASE) && \
return __builtin_is_constant_evaluated();
#elif defined(__cpp_lib_is_constant_evaluated)
return std::is_constant_evaluated();
return default_value;
// Suppresses "conditional expression is constant" warnings.
template <typename T> constexpr FMT_INLINE auto const_check(T value) -> T {
return value;
FMT_NORETURN FMT_API void assert_fail(const char* file, int line,
const char* message);
#ifndef FMT_ASSERT
# ifdef NDEBUG
// FMT_ASSERT is not empty to avoid -Wempty-body.
# define FMT_ASSERT(condition, message) \
fmt::detail::ignore_unused((condition), (message))
# else
# define FMT_ASSERT(condition, message) \
((condition) /* void() fails with -Winvalid-constexpr on clang 4.0.1 */ \
? (void)0 \
: fmt::detail::assert_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__, (message)))
# endif
#if defined(FMT_USE_STRING_VIEW)
template <typename Char> using std_string_view = std::basic_string_view<Char>;
template <typename Char>
using std_string_view = std::experimental::basic_string_view<Char>;
template <typename T> struct std_string_view {};
#ifdef FMT_USE_INT128
// Do nothing.
#elif defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__) && !defined(__NVCC__) && \
# define FMT_USE_INT128 1
using int128_opt = __int128_t; // An optional native 128-bit integer.
using uint128_opt = __uint128_t;
template <typename T> inline auto convert_for_visit(T value) -> T {
return value;
# define FMT_USE_INT128 0
#if !FMT_USE_INT128
enum class int128_opt {};
enum class uint128_opt {};
// Reduce template instantiations.
template <typename T> auto convert_for_visit(T) -> monostate { return {}; }
// Casts a nonnegative integer to unsigned.
template <typename Int>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto to_unsigned(Int value) ->
typename std::make_unsigned<Int>::type {
FMT_ASSERT(std::is_unsigned<Int>::value || value >= 0, "negative value");
return static_cast<typename std::make_unsigned<Int>::type>(value);
FMT_CONSTEXPR inline auto is_utf8() -> bool {
FMT_MSC_WARNING(suppress : 4566) constexpr unsigned char section[] = "\u00A7";
// Avoid buggy sign extensions in MSVC's constant evaluation mode (#2297).
using uchar = unsigned char;
return FMT_UNICODE || (sizeof(section) == 3 && uchar(section[0]) == 0xC2 &&
uchar(section[1]) == 0xA7);
An implementation of ``std::basic_string_view`` for pre-C++17. It provides a
subset of the API. ``fmt::basic_string_view`` is used for format strings even
if ``std::string_view`` is available to prevent issues when a library is
compiled with a different ``-std`` option than the client code (which is not
template <typename Char> class basic_string_view {
const Char* data_;
size_t size_;
using value_type = Char;
using iterator = const Char*;
constexpr basic_string_view() noexcept : data_(nullptr), size_(0) {}
/** Constructs a string reference object from a C string and a size. */
constexpr basic_string_view(const Char* s, size_t count) noexcept
: data_(s), size_(count) {}
Constructs a string reference object from a C string computing
the size with ``std::char_traits<Char>::length``.
basic_string_view(const Char* s)
: data_(s),
size_(detail::const_check(std::is_same<Char, char>::value &&
? std::strlen(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(s))
: std::char_traits<Char>::length(s)) {}
/** Constructs a string reference from a ``std::basic_string`` object. */
template <typename Traits, typename Alloc>
FMT_CONSTEXPR basic_string_view(
const std::basic_string<Char, Traits, Alloc>& s) noexcept
: data_(s.data()), size_(s.size()) {}
template <typename S, FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_same<
S, detail::std_string_view<Char>>::value)>
FMT_CONSTEXPR basic_string_view(S s) noexcept
: data_(s.data()), size_(s.size()) {}
/** Returns a pointer to the string data. */
constexpr auto data() const noexcept -> const Char* { return data_; }
/** Returns the string size. */
constexpr auto size() const noexcept -> size_t { return size_; }
constexpr auto begin() const noexcept -> iterator { return data_; }
constexpr auto end() const noexcept -> iterator { return data_ + size_; }
constexpr auto operator[](size_t pos) const noexcept -> const Char& {
return data_[pos];
FMT_CONSTEXPR void remove_prefix(size_t n) noexcept {
data_ += n;
size_ -= n;
basic_string_view<Char> sv) const noexcept {
return size_ >= sv.size_ &&
std::char_traits<Char>::compare(data_, sv.data_, sv.size_) == 0;
FMT_CONSTEXPR_CHAR_TRAITS bool starts_with(Char c) const noexcept {
return size_ >= 1 && std::char_traits<Char>::eq(*data_, c);
FMT_CONSTEXPR_CHAR_TRAITS bool starts_with(const Char* s) const {
return starts_with(basic_string_view<Char>(s));
// Lexicographically compare this string reference to other.
FMT_CONSTEXPR_CHAR_TRAITS auto compare(basic_string_view other) const -> int {
size_t str_size = size_ < other.size_ ? size_ : other.size_;
int result = std::char_traits<Char>::compare(data_, other.data_, str_size);
if (result == 0)
result = size_ == other.size_ ? 0 : (size_ < other.size_ ? -1 : 1);
return result;
FMT_CONSTEXPR_CHAR_TRAITS friend auto operator==(basic_string_view lhs,
basic_string_view rhs)
-> bool {
return lhs.compare(rhs) == 0;
friend auto operator!=(basic_string_view lhs, basic_string_view rhs) -> bool {
return lhs.compare(rhs) != 0;
friend auto operator<(basic_string_view lhs, basic_string_view rhs) -> bool {
return lhs.compare(rhs) < 0;
friend auto operator<=(basic_string_view lhs, basic_string_view rhs) -> bool {
return lhs.compare(rhs) <= 0;
friend auto operator>(basic_string_view lhs, basic_string_view rhs) -> bool {
return lhs.compare(rhs) > 0;
friend auto operator>=(basic_string_view lhs, basic_string_view rhs) -> bool {
return lhs.compare(rhs) >= 0;
using string_view = basic_string_view<char>;
/** Specifies if ``T`` is a character type. Can be specialized by users. */
template <typename T> struct is_char : std::false_type {};
template <> struct is_char<char> : std::true_type {};
// A base class for compile-time strings.
struct compile_string {};
template <typename S>
struct is_compile_string : std::is_base_of<compile_string, S> {};
// Returns a string view of `s`.
template <typename Char, FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_char<Char>::value)>
FMT_INLINE auto to_string_view(const Char* s) -> basic_string_view<Char> {
return s;
template <typename Char, typename Traits, typename Alloc>
inline auto to_string_view(const std::basic_string<Char, Traits, Alloc>& s)
-> basic_string_view<Char> {
return s;
template <typename Char>
constexpr auto to_string_view(basic_string_view<Char> s)
-> basic_string_view<Char> {
return s;
template <typename Char,
inline auto to_string_view(std_string_view<Char> s) -> basic_string_view<Char> {
return s;
template <typename S, FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_compile_string<S>::value)>
constexpr auto to_string_view(const S& s)
-> basic_string_view<typename S::char_type> {
return basic_string_view<typename S::char_type>(s);
void to_string_view(...);
// Specifies whether S is a string type convertible to fmt::basic_string_view.
// It should be a constexpr function but MSVC 2017 fails to compile it in
// enable_if and MSVC 2015 fails to compile it as an alias template.
// ADL invocation of to_string_view is DEPRECATED!
template <typename S>
struct is_string : std::is_class<decltype(to_string_view(std::declval<S>()))> {
template <typename S, typename = void> struct char_t_impl {};
template <typename S> struct char_t_impl<S, enable_if_t<is_string<S>::value>> {
using result = decltype(to_string_view(std::declval<S>()));
using type = typename result::value_type;
enum class type {
// Integer types should go first,
last_integer_type = char_type,
// followed by floating-point types.
last_numeric_type = long_double_type,
// Maps core type T to the corresponding type enum constant.
template <typename T, typename Char>
struct type_constant : std::integral_constant<type, type::custom_type> {};
#define FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(Type, constant) \
template <typename Char> \
struct type_constant<Type, Char> \
: std::integral_constant<type, type::constant> {}
FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(int, int_type);
FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(unsigned, uint_type);
FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(long long, long_long_type);
FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(unsigned long long, ulong_long_type);
FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(int128_opt, int128_type);
FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(uint128_opt, uint128_type);
FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(bool, bool_type);
FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(Char, char_type);
FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(float, float_type);
FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(double, double_type);
FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(long double, long_double_type);
FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(const Char*, cstring_type);
FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(basic_string_view<Char>, string_type);
FMT_TYPE_CONSTANT(const void*, pointer_type);
constexpr bool is_integral_type(type t) {
return t > type::none_type && t <= type::last_integer_type;
constexpr bool is_arithmetic_type(type t) {
return t > type::none_type && t <= type::last_numeric_type;
constexpr auto set(type rhs) -> int { return 1 << static_cast<int>(rhs); }
constexpr auto in(type t, int set) -> bool {
return ((set >> static_cast<int>(t)) & 1) != 0;
// Bitsets of types.
enum {
sint_set =
set(type::int_type) | set(type::long_long_type) | set(type::int128_type),
uint_set = set(type::uint_type) | set(type::ulong_long_type) |
bool_set = set(type::bool_type),
char_set = set(type::char_type),
float_set = set(type::float_type) | set(type::double_type) |
string_set = set(type::string_type),
cstring_set = set(type::cstring_type),
pointer_set = set(type::pointer_type)
FMT_NORETURN FMT_API void throw_format_error(const char* message);
struct error_handler {
constexpr error_handler() = default;
// This function is intentionally not constexpr to give a compile-time error.
FMT_NORETURN void on_error(const char* message) {
/** String's character type. */
template <typename S> using char_t = typename detail::char_t_impl<S>::type;
Parsing context consisting of a format string range being parsed and an
argument counter for automatic indexing.
You can use the ``format_parse_context`` type alias for ``char`` instead.
template <typename Char> class basic_format_parse_context {
basic_string_view<Char> format_str_;
int next_arg_id_;
FMT_CONSTEXPR void do_check_arg_id(int id);
using char_type = Char;
using iterator = const Char*;
explicit constexpr basic_format_parse_context(
basic_string_view<Char> format_str, int next_arg_id = 0)
: format_str_(format_str), next_arg_id_(next_arg_id) {}
Returns an iterator to the beginning of the format string range being
constexpr auto begin() const noexcept -> iterator {
return format_str_.begin();
Returns an iterator past the end of the format string range being parsed.
constexpr auto end() const noexcept -> iterator { return format_str_.end(); }
/** Advances the begin iterator to ``it``. */
FMT_CONSTEXPR void advance_to(iterator it) {
format_str_.remove_prefix(detail::to_unsigned(it - begin()));
Reports an error if using the manual argument indexing; otherwise returns
the next argument index and switches to the automatic indexing.
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto next_arg_id() -> int {
if (next_arg_id_ < 0) {
"cannot switch from manual to automatic argument indexing");
return 0;
int id = next_arg_id_++;
return id;
Reports an error if using the automatic argument indexing; otherwise
switches to the manual indexing.
FMT_CONSTEXPR void check_arg_id(int id) {
if (next_arg_id_ > 0) {
"cannot switch from automatic to manual argument indexing");
next_arg_id_ = -1;
FMT_CONSTEXPR void check_arg_id(basic_string_view<Char>) {}
FMT_CONSTEXPR void check_dynamic_spec(int arg_id);
using format_parse_context = basic_format_parse_context<char>;
// A parse context with extra data used only in compile-time checks.
template <typename Char>
class compile_parse_context : public basic_format_parse_context<Char> {
int num_args_;
const type* types_;
using base = basic_format_parse_context<Char>;
explicit FMT_CONSTEXPR compile_parse_context(
basic_string_view<Char> format_str, int num_args, const type* types,
int next_arg_id = 0)
: base(format_str, next_arg_id), num_args_(num_args), types_(types) {}
constexpr auto num_args() const -> int { return num_args_; }
constexpr auto arg_type(int id) const -> type { return types_[id]; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto next_arg_id() -> int {
int id = base::next_arg_id();
if (id >= num_args_) throw_format_error("argument not found");
return id;
FMT_CONSTEXPR void check_arg_id(int id) {
if (id >= num_args_) throw_format_error("argument not found");
using base::check_arg_id;
FMT_CONSTEXPR void check_dynamic_spec(int arg_id) {
#if !defined(__LCC__)
if (arg_id < num_args_ && types_ && !is_integral_type(types_[arg_id]))
throw_format_error("width/precision is not integer");
template <typename Char>
FMT_CONSTEXPR void basic_format_parse_context<Char>::do_check_arg_id(int id) {
// Argument id is only checked at compile-time during parsing because
// formatting has its own validation.
if (detail::is_constant_evaluated() &&
using context = detail::compile_parse_context<Char>;
if (id >= static_cast<context*>(this)->num_args())
detail::throw_format_error("argument not found");
template <typename Char>
FMT_CONSTEXPR void basic_format_parse_context<Char>::check_dynamic_spec(
int arg_id) {
if (detail::is_constant_evaluated() &&
using context = detail::compile_parse_context<Char>;
template <typename Context> class basic_format_arg;
template <typename Context> class basic_format_args;
template <typename Context> class dynamic_format_arg_store;
// A formatter for objects of type T.
template <typename T, typename Char = char, typename Enable = void>
struct formatter {
// A deleted default constructor indicates a disabled formatter.
formatter() = delete;
// Specifies if T has an enabled formatter specialization. A type can be
// formattable even if it doesn't have a formatter e.g. via a conversion.
template <typename T, typename Context>
using has_formatter =
std::is_constructible<typename Context::template formatter_type<T>>;
// Checks whether T is a container with contiguous storage.
template <typename T> struct is_contiguous : std::false_type {};
template <typename Char>
struct is_contiguous<std::basic_string<Char>> : std::true_type {};
class appender;
template <typename Context, typename T>
constexpr auto has_const_formatter_impl(T*)
-> decltype(typename Context::template formatter_type<T>().format(
std::declval<const T&>(), std::declval<Context&>()),
true) {
return true;
template <typename Context>
constexpr auto has_const_formatter_impl(...) -> bool {
return false;
template <typename T, typename Context>
constexpr auto has_const_formatter() -> bool {
return has_const_formatter_impl<Context>(static_cast<T*>(nullptr));
// Extracts a reference to the container from back_insert_iterator.
template <typename Container>
inline auto get_container(std::back_insert_iterator<Container> it)
-> Container& {
using base = std::back_insert_iterator<Container>;
struct accessor : base {
accessor(base b) : base(b) {}
using base::container;
return *accessor(it).container;
template <typename Char, typename InputIt, typename OutputIt>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto copy_str(InputIt begin, InputIt end, OutputIt out)
-> OutputIt {
while (begin != end) *out++ = static_cast<Char>(*begin++);
return out;
template <typename Char, typename T, typename U,
std::is_same<remove_const_t<T>, U>::value&& is_char<U>::value)>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto copy_str(T* begin, T* end, U* out) -> U* {
if (is_constant_evaluated()) return copy_str<Char, T*, U*>(begin, end, out);
auto size = to_unsigned(end - begin);
if (size > 0) memcpy(out, begin, size * sizeof(U));
return out + size;
A contiguous memory buffer with an optional growing ability. It is an internal
class and shouldn't be used directly, only via `~fmt::basic_memory_buffer`.
template <typename T> class buffer {
T* ptr_;
size_t size_;
size_t capacity_;
// Don't initialize ptr_ since it is not accessed to save a few cycles.
FMT_MSC_WARNING(suppress : 26495)
buffer(size_t sz) noexcept : size_(sz), capacity_(sz) {}
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 buffer(T* p = nullptr, size_t sz = 0, size_t cap = 0) noexcept
: ptr_(p), size_(sz), capacity_(cap) {}
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 ~buffer() = default;
buffer(buffer&&) = default;
/** Sets the buffer data and capacity. */
FMT_CONSTEXPR void set(T* buf_data, size_t buf_capacity) noexcept {
ptr_ = buf_data;
capacity_ = buf_capacity;
/** Increases the buffer capacity to hold at least *capacity* elements. */
virtual FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void grow(size_t capacity) = 0;
using value_type = T;
using const_reference = const T&;
buffer(const buffer&) = delete;
void operator=(const buffer&) = delete;
FMT_INLINE auto begin() noexcept -> T* { return ptr_; }
FMT_INLINE auto end() noexcept -> T* { return ptr_ + size_; }
FMT_INLINE auto begin() const noexcept -> const T* { return ptr_; }
FMT_INLINE auto end() const noexcept -> const T* { return ptr_ + size_; }
/** Returns the size of this buffer. */
constexpr auto size() const noexcept -> size_t { return size_; }
/** Returns the capacity of this buffer. */
constexpr auto capacity() const noexcept -> size_t { return capacity_; }
/** Returns a pointer to the buffer data. */
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto data() noexcept -> T* { return ptr_; }
/** Returns a pointer to the buffer data. */
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto data() const noexcept -> const T* { return ptr_; }
/** Clears this buffer. */
void clear() { size_ = 0; }
// Tries resizing the buffer to contain *count* elements. If T is a POD type
// the new elements may not be initialized.
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void try_resize(size_t count) {
size_ = count <= capacity_ ? count : capacity_;
// Tries increasing the buffer capacity to *new_capacity*. It can increase the
// capacity by a smaller amount than requested but guarantees there is space
// for at least one additional element either by increasing the capacity or by
// flushing the buffer if it is full.
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void try_reserve(size_t new_capacity) {
if (new_capacity > capacity_) grow(new_capacity);
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void push_back(const T& value) {
try_reserve(size_ + 1);
ptr_[size_++] = value;
/** Appends data to the end of the buffer. */
template <typename U> void append(const U* begin, const U* end);
template <typename Idx> FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator[](Idx index) -> T& {
return ptr_[index];
template <typename Idx>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator[](Idx index) const -> const T& {
return ptr_[index];
struct buffer_traits {
explicit buffer_traits(size_t) {}
auto count() const -> size_t { return 0; }
auto limit(size_t size) -> size_t { return size; }
class fixed_buffer_traits {
size_t count_ = 0;
size_t limit_;
explicit fixed_buffer_traits(size_t limit) : limit_(limit) {}
auto count() const -> size_t { return count_; }
auto limit(size_t size) -> size_t {
size_t n = limit_ > count_ ? limit_ - count_ : 0;
count_ += size;
return size < n ? size : n;
// A buffer that writes to an output iterator when flushed.
template <typename OutputIt, typename T, typename Traits = buffer_traits>
class iterator_buffer final : public Traits, public buffer<T> {
OutputIt out_;
enum { buffer_size = 256 };
T data_[buffer_size];
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void grow(size_t) override {
if (this->size() == buffer_size) flush();
void flush() {
auto size = this->size();
out_ = copy_str<T>(data_, data_ + this->limit(size), out_);
explicit iterator_buffer(OutputIt out, size_t n = buffer_size)
: Traits(n), buffer<T>(data_, 0, buffer_size), out_(out) {}
iterator_buffer(iterator_buffer&& other)
: Traits(other), buffer<T>(data_, 0, buffer_size), out_(other.out_) {}
~iterator_buffer() { flush(); }
auto out() -> OutputIt {
return out_;
auto count() const -> size_t { return Traits::count() + this->size(); }
template <typename T>
class iterator_buffer<T*, T, fixed_buffer_traits> final
: public fixed_buffer_traits,
public buffer<T> {
T* out_;
enum { buffer_size = 256 };
T data_[buffer_size];
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void grow(size_t) override {
if (this->size() == this->capacity()) flush();
void flush() {
size_t n = this->limit(this->size());
if (this->data() == out_) {
out_ += n;
this->set(data_, buffer_size);
explicit iterator_buffer(T* out, size_t n = buffer_size)
: fixed_buffer_traits(n), buffer<T>(out, 0, n), out_(out) {}
iterator_buffer(iterator_buffer&& other)
: fixed_buffer_traits(other),
out_(other.out_) {
if (this->data() != out_) {
this->set(data_, buffer_size);
~iterator_buffer() { flush(); }
auto out() -> T* {
return out_;
auto count() const -> size_t {
return fixed_buffer_traits::count() + this->size();
template <typename T> class iterator_buffer<T*, T> final : public buffer<T> {
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void grow(size_t) override {}
explicit iterator_buffer(T* out, size_t = 0) : buffer<T>(out, 0, ~size_t()) {}
auto out() -> T* { return &*this->end(); }
// A buffer that writes to a container with the contiguous storage.
template <typename Container>
class iterator_buffer<std::back_insert_iterator<Container>,
typename Container::value_type>>
final : public buffer<typename Container::value_type> {
Container& container_;
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void grow(size_t capacity) override {
this->set(&container_[0], capacity);
explicit iterator_buffer(Container& c)
: buffer<typename Container::value_type>(c.size()), container_(c) {}
explicit iterator_buffer(std::back_insert_iterator<Container> out, size_t = 0)
: iterator_buffer(get_container(out)) {}
auto out() -> std::back_insert_iterator<Container> {
return std::back_inserter(container_);
// A buffer that counts the number of code units written discarding the output.
template <typename T = char> class counting_buffer final : public buffer<T> {
enum { buffer_size = 256 };
T data_[buffer_size];
size_t count_ = 0;
FMT_CONSTEXPR20 void grow(size_t) override {
if (this->size() != buffer_size) return;
count_ += this->size();
counting_buffer() : buffer<T>(data_, 0, buffer_size) {}
auto count() -> size_t { return count_ + this->size(); }
template <typename T>
using buffer_appender = conditional_t<std::is_same<T, char>::value, appender,
// Maps an output iterator to a buffer.
template <typename T, typename OutputIt>
auto get_buffer(OutputIt out) -> iterator_buffer<OutputIt, T> {
return iterator_buffer<OutputIt, T>(out);
template <typename T, typename Buf,
FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_base_of<buffer<char>, Buf>::value)>
auto get_buffer(std::back_insert_iterator<Buf> out) -> buffer<char>& {
return get_container(out);
template <typename Buf, typename OutputIt>
FMT_INLINE auto get_iterator(Buf& buf, OutputIt) -> decltype(buf.out()) {
return buf.out();
template <typename T, typename OutputIt>
auto get_iterator(buffer<T>&, OutputIt out) -> OutputIt {
return out;
struct view {};
template <typename Char, typename T> struct named_arg : view {
const Char* name;
const T& value;
named_arg(const Char* n, const T& v) : name(n), value(v) {}
template <typename Char> struct named_arg_info {
const Char* name;
int id;
template <typename T, typename Char, size_t NUM_ARGS, size_t NUM_NAMED_ARGS>
struct arg_data {
// args_[0].named_args points to named_args_ to avoid bloating format_args.
// +1 to workaround a bug in gcc 7.5 that causes duplicated-branches warning.
T args_[1 + (NUM_ARGS != 0 ? NUM_ARGS : +1)];
named_arg_info<Char> named_args_[NUM_NAMED_ARGS];
template <typename... U>
arg_data(const U&... init) : args_{T(named_args_, NUM_NAMED_ARGS), init...} {}
arg_data(const arg_data& other) = delete;
auto args() const -> const T* { return args_ + 1; }
auto named_args() -> named_arg_info<Char>* { return named_args_; }
template <typename T, typename Char, size_t NUM_ARGS>
struct arg_data<T, Char, NUM_ARGS, 0> {
// +1 to workaround a bug in gcc 7.5 that causes duplicated-branches warning.
T args_[NUM_ARGS != 0 ? NUM_ARGS : +1];
template <typename... U>
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE arg_data(const U&... init) : args_{init...} {}
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto args() const -> const T* { return args_; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto named_args() -> std::nullptr_t {
return nullptr;
template <typename Char>
inline void init_named_args(named_arg_info<Char>*, int, int) {}
template <typename T> struct is_named_arg : std::false_type {};
template <typename T> struct is_statically_named_arg : std::false_type {};
template <typename T, typename Char>
struct is_named_arg<named_arg<Char, T>> : std::true_type {};
template <typename Char, typename T, typename... Tail,
void init_named_args(named_arg_info<Char>* named_args, int arg_count,
int named_arg_count, const T&, const Tail&... args) {
init_named_args(named_args, arg_count + 1, named_arg_count, args...);
template <typename Char, typename T, typename... Tail,
void init_named_args(named_arg_info<Char>* named_args, int arg_count,
int named_arg_count, const T& arg, const Tail&... args) {
named_args[named_arg_count++] = {arg.name, arg_count};
init_named_args(named_args, arg_count + 1, named_arg_count, args...);
template <typename... Args>
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE void init_named_args(std::nullptr_t, int, int,
const Args&...) {}
template <bool B = false> constexpr auto count() -> size_t { return B ? 1 : 0; }
template <bool B1, bool B2, bool... Tail> constexpr auto count() -> size_t {
return (B1 ? 1 : 0) + count<B2, Tail...>();
template <typename... Args> constexpr auto count_named_args() -> size_t {
return count<is_named_arg<Args>::value...>();
template <typename... Args>
constexpr auto count_statically_named_args() -> size_t {
return count<is_statically_named_arg<Args>::value...>();
struct unformattable {};
struct unformattable_char : unformattable {};
struct unformattable_const : unformattable {};
struct unformattable_pointer : unformattable {};
template <typename Char> struct string_value {
const Char* data;
size_t size;
template <typename Char> struct named_arg_value {
const named_arg_info<Char>* data;
size_t size;
template <typename Context> struct custom_value {
using parse_context = typename Context::parse_context_type;
void* value;
void (*format)(void* arg, parse_context& parse_ctx, Context& ctx);
// A formatting argument value.
template <typename Context> class value {
using char_type = typename Context::char_type;
union {
monostate no_value;
int int_value;
unsigned uint_value;
long long long_long_value;
unsigned long long ulong_long_value;
int128_opt int128_value;
uint128_opt uint128_value;
bool bool_value;
char_type char_value;
float float_value;
double double_value;
long double long_double_value;
const void* pointer;
string_value<char_type> string;
custom_value<Context> custom;
named_arg_value<char_type> named_args;
constexpr FMT_INLINE value() : no_value() {}
constexpr FMT_INLINE value(int val) : int_value(val) {}
constexpr FMT_INLINE value(unsigned val) : uint_value(val) {}
constexpr FMT_INLINE value(long long val) : long_long_value(val) {}
constexpr FMT_INLINE value(unsigned long long val) : ulong_long_value(val) {}
FMT_INLINE value(int128_opt val) : int128_value(val) {}
FMT_INLINE value(uint128_opt val) : uint128_value(val) {}
constexpr FMT_INLINE value(float val) : float_value(val) {}
constexpr FMT_INLINE value(double val) : double_value(val) {}
FMT_INLINE value(long double val) : long_double_value(val) {}
constexpr FMT_INLINE value(bool val) : bool_value(val) {}
constexpr FMT_INLINE value(char_type val) : char_value(val) {}
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE value(const char_type* val) {
string.data = val;
if (is_constant_evaluated()) string.size = {};
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE value(basic_string_view<char_type> val) {
string.data = val.data();
string.size = val.size();
FMT_INLINE value(const void* val) : pointer(val) {}
FMT_INLINE value(const named_arg_info<char_type>* args, size_t size)
: named_args{args, size} {}
template <typename T> FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE value(T& val) {
using value_type = remove_cvref_t<T>;
custom.value = const_cast<value_type*>(&val);
// Get the formatter type through the context to allow different contexts
// have different extension points, e.g. `formatter<T>` for `format` and
// `printf_formatter<T>` for `printf`.
custom.format = format_custom_arg<
value_type, typename Context::template formatter_type<value_type>>;
// Formats an argument of a custom type, such as a user-defined class.
template <typename T, typename Formatter>
static void format_custom_arg(void* arg,
typename Context::parse_context_type& parse_ctx,
Context& ctx) {
auto f = Formatter();
using qualified_type =
conditional_t<has_const_formatter<T, Context>(), const T, T>;
ctx.advance_to(f.format(*static_cast<qualified_type*>(arg), ctx));
template <typename Context, typename T>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto make_arg(T&& value) -> basic_format_arg<Context>;
// To minimize the number of types we need to deal with, long is translated
// either to int or to long long depending on its size.
enum { long_short = sizeof(long) == sizeof(int) };
using long_type = conditional_t<long_short, int, long long>;
using ulong_type = conditional_t<long_short, unsigned, unsigned long long>;
template <typename T> struct format_as_result {
template <typename U,
FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_enum<U>::value || std::is_class<U>::value)>
static auto map(U*) -> decltype(format_as(std::declval<U>()));
static auto map(...) -> void;
using type = decltype(map(static_cast<T*>(nullptr)));
template <typename T> using format_as_t = typename format_as_result<T>::type;
template <typename T>
struct has_format_as
: bool_constant<!std::is_same<format_as_t<T>, void>::value> {};
// Maps formatting arguments to core types.
// arg_mapper reports errors by returning unformattable instead of using
// static_assert because it's used in the is_formattable trait.
template <typename Context> struct arg_mapper {
using char_type = typename Context::char_type;
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(signed char val) -> int { return val; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(unsigned char val) -> unsigned {
return val;
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(short val) -> int { return val; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(unsigned short val) -> unsigned {
return val;
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(int val) -> int { return val; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(unsigned val) -> unsigned { return val; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(long val) -> long_type { return val; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(unsigned long val) -> ulong_type {
return val;
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(long long val) -> long long { return val; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(unsigned long long val)
-> unsigned long long {
return val;
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(int128_opt val) -> int128_opt {
return val;
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(uint128_opt val) -> uint128_opt {
return val;
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(bool val) -> bool { return val; }
template <typename T, FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_same<T, char>::value ||
std::is_same<T, char_type>::value)>
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(T val) -> char_type {
return val;
template <typename T, enable_if_t<(std::is_same<T, wchar_t>::value ||
#ifdef __cpp_char8_t
std::is_same<T, char8_t>::value ||
std::is_same<T, char16_t>::value ||
std::is_same<T, char32_t>::value) &&
!std::is_same<T, char_type>::value,
int> = 0>
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(T) -> unformattable_char {
return {};
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(float val) -> float { return val; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(double val) -> double { return val; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(long double val) -> long double {
return val;
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(char_type* val) -> const char_type* {
return val;
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(const char_type* val) -> const char_type* {
return val;
template <typename T,
FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_string<T>::value && !std::is_pointer<T>::value &&
std::is_same<char_type, char_t<T>>::value)>
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(const T& val)
-> basic_string_view<char_type> {
return to_string_view(val);
template <typename T,
FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_string<T>::value && !std::is_pointer<T>::value &&
!std::is_same<char_type, char_t<T>>::value)>
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(const T&) -> unformattable_char {
return {};
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(void* val) -> const void* { return val; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(const void* val) -> const void* {
return val;
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(std::nullptr_t val) -> const void* {
return val;
// Use SFINAE instead of a const T* parameter to avoid a conflict with the
// array overload.
template <
typename T,
std::is_pointer<T>::value || std::is_member_pointer<T>::value ||
std::is_function<typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type>::value ||
(std::is_convertible<const T&, const void*>::value &&
!std::is_convertible<const T&, const char_type*>::value &&
!has_formatter<T, Context>::value))>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto map(const T&) -> unformattable_pointer {
return {};
template <typename T, std::size_t N,
FMT_ENABLE_IF(!std::is_same<T, wchar_t>::value)>
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(const T (&values)[N]) -> const T (&)[N] {
return values;
// Only map owning types because mapping views can be unsafe.
template <typename T, typename U = format_as_t<T>,
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(const T& val) -> decltype(this->map(U())) {
return map(format_as(val));
template <typename T, typename U = remove_cvref_t<T>>
struct formattable
: bool_constant<has_const_formatter<U, Context>() ||
!std::is_const<remove_reference_t<T>>::value> {};
#if (FMT_MSC_VERSION != 0 && FMT_MSC_VERSION < 1910) || \
FMT_ICC_VERSION != 0 || defined(__NVCC__)
// Workaround a bug in MSVC and Intel (Issue 2746).
template <typename T> FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto do_map(T&& val) -> T& {
return val;
template <typename T, FMT_ENABLE_IF(formattable<T>::value)>
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto do_map(T&& val) -> T& {
return val;
template <typename T, FMT_ENABLE_IF(!formattable<T>::value)>
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto do_map(T&&) -> unformattable_const {
return {};
template <typename T, typename U = remove_cvref_t<T>,
FMT_ENABLE_IF(!is_string<U>::value && !is_char<U>::value &&
!std::is_array<U>::value &&
!std::is_pointer<U>::value &&
!std::is_arithmetic<format_as_t<U>>::value &&
has_formatter<U, Context>::value)>
-> decltype(this->do_map(std::forward<T>(val))) {
return do_map(std::forward<T>(val));
template <typename T, FMT_ENABLE_IF(is_named_arg<T>::value)>
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto map(const T& named_arg)
-> decltype(this->map(named_arg.value)) {
return map(named_arg.value);
auto map(...) -> unformattable { return {}; }
// A type constant after applying arg_mapper<Context>.
template <typename T, typename Context>
using mapped_type_constant =
type_constant<decltype(arg_mapper<Context>().map(std::declval<const T&>())),
typename Context::char_type>;
enum { packed_arg_bits = 4 };
// Maximum number of arguments with packed types.
enum { max_packed_args = 62 / packed_arg_bits };
enum : unsigned long long { is_unpacked_bit = 1ULL << 63 };
enum : unsigned long long { has_named_args_bit = 1ULL << 62 };
// An output iterator that appends to a buffer.
// It is used to reduce symbol sizes for the common case.
class appender : public std::back_insert_iterator<detail::buffer<char>> {
using base = std::back_insert_iterator<detail::buffer<char>>;
using std::back_insert_iterator<detail::buffer<char>>::back_insert_iterator;
appender(base it) noexcept : base(it) {}
auto operator++() noexcept -> appender& { return *this; }
auto operator++(int) noexcept -> appender { return *this; }
// A formatting argument. It is a trivially copyable/constructible type to
// allow storage in basic_memory_buffer.
template <typename Context> class basic_format_arg {
detail::value<Context> value_;
detail::type type_;
template <typename ContextType, typename T>
friend FMT_CONSTEXPR auto detail::make_arg(T&& value)
-> basic_format_arg<ContextType>;
template <typename Visitor, typename Ctx>
friend FMT_CONSTEXPR auto visit_format_arg(Visitor&& vis,
const basic_format_arg<Ctx>& arg)
-> decltype(vis(0));
friend class basic_format_args<Context>;
friend class dynamic_format_arg_store<Context>;
using char_type = typename Context::char_type;
template <typename T, typename Char, size_t NUM_ARGS, size_t NUM_NAMED_ARGS>
friend struct detail::arg_data;
basic_format_arg(const detail::named_arg_info<char_type>* args, size_t size)
: value_(args, size) {}
class handle {
explicit handle(detail::custom_value<Context> custom) : custom_(custom) {}
void format(typename Context::parse_context_type& parse_ctx,
Context& ctx) const {
custom_.format(custom_.value, parse_ctx, ctx);
detail::custom_value<Context> custom_;
constexpr basic_format_arg() : type_(detail::type::none_type) {}
constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
return type_ != detail::type::none_type;
auto type() const -> detail::type { return type_; }
auto is_integral() const -> bool { return detail::is_integral_type(type_); }
auto is_arithmetic() const -> bool {
return detail::is_arithmetic_type(type_);
Visits an argument dispatching to the appropriate visit method based on
the argument type. For example, if the argument type is ``double`` then
``vis(value)`` will be called with the value of type ``double``.
template <typename Visitor, typename Context>
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto visit_format_arg(
Visitor&& vis, const basic_format_arg<Context>& arg) -> decltype(vis(0)) {
switch (arg.type_) {
case detail::type::none_type:
case detail::type::int_type:
return vis(arg.value_.int_value);
case detail::type::uint_type:
return vis(arg.value_.uint_value);
case detail::type::long_long_type:
return vis(arg.value_.long_long_value);
case detail::type::ulong_long_type:
return vis(arg.value_.ulong_long_value);
case detail::type::int128_type:
return vis(detail::convert_for_visit(arg.value_.int128_value));
case detail::type::uint128_type:
return vis(detail::convert_for_visit(arg.value_.uint128_value));
case detail::type::bool_type:
return vis(arg.value_.bool_value);
case detail::type::char_type:
return vis(arg.value_.char_value);
case detail::type::float_type:
return vis(arg.value_.float_value);
case detail::type::double_type:
return vis(arg.value_.double_value);
case detail::type::long_double_type:
return vis(arg.value_.long_double_value);
case detail::type::cstring_type:
return vis(arg.value_.string.data);
case detail::type::string_type:
using sv = basic_string_view<typename Context::char_type>;
return vis(sv(arg.value_.string.data, arg.value_.string.size));
case detail::type::pointer_type:
return vis(arg.value_.pointer);
case detail::type::custom_type:
return vis(typename basic_format_arg<Context>::handle(arg.value_.custom));
return vis(monostate());
template <typename Char, typename InputIt>
auto copy_str(InputIt begin, InputIt end, appender out) -> appender {
get_container(out).append(begin, end);
return out;
template <typename Char, typename R, typename OutputIt>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto copy_str(R&& rng, OutputIt out) -> OutputIt {
return detail::copy_str<Char>(rng.begin(), rng.end(), out);
// A workaround for gcc 4.8 to make void_t work in a SFINAE context.
template <typename...> struct void_t_impl { using type = void; };
template <typename... T> using void_t = typename void_t_impl<T...>::type;
template <typename...> using void_t = void;
template <typename It, typename T, typename Enable = void>
struct is_output_iterator : std::false_type {};
template <typename It, typename T>
struct is_output_iterator<
It, T,
void_t<typename std::iterator_traits<It>::iterator_category,
decltype(*std::declval<It>() = std::declval<T>())>>
: std::true_type {};
template <typename It> struct is_back_insert_iterator : std::false_type {};
template <typename Container>
struct is_back_insert_iterator<std::back_insert_iterator<Container>>
: std::true_type {};
template <typename It>
struct is_contiguous_back_insert_iterator : std::false_type {};
template <typename Container>
struct is_contiguous_back_insert_iterator<std::back_insert_iterator<Container>>
: is_contiguous<Container> {};
template <>
struct is_contiguous_back_insert_iterator<appender> : std::true_type {};
// A type-erased reference to an std::locale to avoid a heavy <locale> include.
class locale_ref {
const void* locale_; // A type-erased pointer to std::locale.
constexpr FMT_INLINE locale_ref() : locale_(nullptr) {}
template <typename Locale> explicit locale_ref(const Locale& loc);
explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return locale_ != nullptr; }
template <typename Locale> auto get() const -> Locale;
template <typename> constexpr auto encode_types() -> unsigned long long {
return 0;
template <typename Context, typename Arg, typename... Args>
constexpr auto encode_types() -> unsigned long long {
return static_cast<unsigned>(mapped_type_constant<Arg, Context>::value) |
(encode_types<Context, Args...>() << packed_arg_bits);
template <typename Context, typename T>
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto make_value(T&& val) -> value<Context> {
const auto& arg = arg_mapper<Context>().map(FMT_FORWARD(val));
constexpr bool formattable_char =
!std::is_same<decltype(arg), const unformattable_char&>::value;
static_assert(formattable_char, "Mixing character types is disallowed.");
constexpr bool formattable_const =
!std::is_same<decltype(arg), const unformattable_const&>::value;
static_assert(formattable_const, "Cannot format a const argument.");
// Formatting of arbitrary pointers is disallowed. If you want to format a
// pointer cast it to `void*` or `const void*`. In particular, this forbids
// formatting of `[const] volatile char*` printed as bool by iostreams.
constexpr bool formattable_pointer =
!std::is_same<decltype(arg), const unformattable_pointer&>::value;
"Formatting of non-void pointers is disallowed.");
constexpr bool formattable =
!std::is_same<decltype(arg), const unformattable&>::value;
"Cannot format an argument. To make type T formattable provide a "
"formatter<T> specialization: https://fmt.dev/latest/api.html#udt");
return {arg};
template <typename Context, typename T>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto make_arg(T&& value) -> basic_format_arg<Context> {
auto arg = basic_format_arg<Context>();
arg.type_ = mapped_type_constant<T, Context>::value;
arg.value_ = make_value<Context>(value);
return arg;
// The DEPRECATED type template parameter is there to avoid an ODR violation
// when using a fallback formatter in one translation unit and an implicit
// conversion in another (not recommended).
template <bool IS_PACKED, typename Context, type, typename T,
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto make_arg(T&& val) -> value<Context> {
return make_value<Context>(val);
template <bool IS_PACKED, typename Context, type, typename T,
FMT_CONSTEXPR inline auto make_arg(T&& value) -> basic_format_arg<Context> {
return make_arg<Context>(value);
// Formatting context.
template <typename OutputIt, typename Char> class basic_format_context {
OutputIt out_;
basic_format_args<basic_format_context> args_;
detail::locale_ref loc_;
using iterator = OutputIt;
using format_arg = basic_format_arg<basic_format_context>;
using format_args = basic_format_args<basic_format_context>;
using parse_context_type = basic_format_parse_context<Char>;
template <typename T> using formatter_type = formatter<T, Char>;
/** The character type for the output. */
using char_type = Char;
basic_format_context(basic_format_context&&) = default;
basic_format_context(const basic_format_context&) = delete;
void operator=(const basic_format_context&) = delete;
Constructs a ``basic_format_context`` object. References to the arguments
are stored in the object so make sure they have appropriate lifetimes.
constexpr basic_format_context(OutputIt out, format_args ctx_args,
detail::locale_ref loc = {})
: out_(out), args_(ctx_args), loc_(loc) {}
constexpr auto arg(int id) const -> format_arg { return args_.get(id); }
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto arg(basic_string_view<Char> name) -> format_arg {
return args_.get(name);
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto arg_id(basic_string_view<Char> name) -> int {
return args_.get_id(name);
auto args() const -> const format_args& { return args_; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto error_handler() -> detail::error_handler { return {}; }
void on_error(const char* message) { error_handler().on_error(message); }
// Returns an iterator to the beginning of the output range.
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto out() -> iterator { return out_; }
// Advances the begin iterator to ``it``.
void advance_to(iterator it) {
if (!detail::is_back_insert_iterator<iterator>()) out_ = it;
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto locale() -> detail::locale_ref { return loc_; }
template <typename Char>
using buffer_context =
basic_format_context<detail::buffer_appender<Char>, Char>;
using format_context = buffer_context<char>;
template <typename T, typename Char = char>
using is_formattable = bool_constant<!std::is_base_of<
detail::unformattable, decltype(detail::arg_mapper<buffer_context<Char>>()
An array of references to arguments. It can be implicitly converted into
`~fmt::basic_format_args` for passing into type-erased formatting functions
such as `~fmt::vformat`.
template <typename Context, typename... Args>
class format_arg_store
// Workaround a GCC template argument substitution bug.
: public basic_format_args<Context>
static const size_t num_args = sizeof...(Args);
static const size_t num_named_args = detail::count_named_args<Args...>();
static const bool is_packed = num_args <= detail::max_packed_args;
using value_type = conditional_t<is_packed, detail::value<Context>,
detail::arg_data<value_type, typename Context::char_type, num_args,
friend class basic_format_args<Context>;
static constexpr unsigned long long desc =
(is_packed ? detail::encode_types<Context, Args...>()
: detail::is_unpacked_bit | num_args) |
(num_named_args != 0
? static_cast<unsigned long long>(detail::has_named_args_bit)
: 0);
template <typename... T>
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE format_arg_store(T&&... args)
is_packed, Context,
detail::mapped_type_constant<remove_cvref_t<T>, Context>::value>(
FMT_FORWARD(args))...} {
detail::init_named_args(data_.named_args(), 0, 0, args...);
Constructs a `~fmt::format_arg_store` object that contains references to
arguments and can be implicitly converted to `~fmt::format_args`. `Context`
can be omitted in which case it defaults to `~fmt::context`.
See `~fmt::arg` for lifetime considerations.
template <typename Context = format_context, typename... T>
constexpr auto make_format_args(T&&... args)
-> format_arg_store<Context, remove_cvref_t<T>...> {
return {FMT_FORWARD(args)...};
Returns a named argument to be used in a formatting function.
It should only be used in a call to a formatting function or
fmt::print("Elapsed time: {s:.2f} seconds", fmt::arg("s", 1.23));
template <typename Char, typename T>
inline auto arg(const Char* name, const T& arg) -> detail::named_arg<Char, T> {
static_assert(!detail::is_named_arg<T>(), "nested named arguments");
return {name, arg};
A view of a collection of formatting arguments. To avoid lifetime issues it
should only be used as a parameter type in type-erased functions such as
void vlog(string_view format_str, format_args args); // OK
format_args args = make_format_args(42); // Error: dangling reference
template <typename Context> class basic_format_args {
using size_type = int;
using format_arg = basic_format_arg<Context>;
// A descriptor that contains information about formatting arguments.
// If the number of arguments is less or equal to max_packed_args then
// argument types are passed in the descriptor. This reduces binary code size
// per formatting function call.
unsigned long long desc_;
union {
// If is_packed() returns true then argument values are stored in values_;
// otherwise they are stored in args_. This is done to improve cache
// locality and reduce compiled code size since storing larger objects
// may require more code (at least on x86-64) even if the same amount of
// data is actually copied to stack. It saves ~10% on the bloat test.
const detail::value<Context>* values_;
const format_arg* args_;
constexpr auto is_packed() const -> bool {
return (desc_ & detail::is_unpacked_bit) == 0;
auto has_named_args() const -> bool {
return (desc_ & detail::has_named_args_bit) != 0;
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto type(int index) const -> detail::type {
int shift = index * detail::packed_arg_bits;
unsigned int mask = (1 << detail::packed_arg_bits) - 1;
return static_cast<detail::type>((desc_ >> shift) & mask);
constexpr FMT_INLINE basic_format_args(unsigned long long desc,
const detail::value<Context>* values)
: desc_(desc), values_(values) {}
constexpr basic_format_args(unsigned long long desc, const format_arg* args)
: desc_(desc), args_(args) {}
constexpr basic_format_args() : desc_(0), args_(nullptr) {}
Constructs a `basic_format_args` object from `~fmt::format_arg_store`.
template <typename... Args>
constexpr FMT_INLINE basic_format_args(
const format_arg_store<Context, Args...>& store)
: basic_format_args(format_arg_store<Context, Args...>::desc,
store.data_.args()) {}
Constructs a `basic_format_args` object from
constexpr FMT_INLINE basic_format_args(
const dynamic_format_arg_store<Context>& store)
: basic_format_args(store.get_types(), store.data()) {}
Constructs a `basic_format_args` object from a dynamic set of arguments.
constexpr basic_format_args(const format_arg* args, int count)
: basic_format_args(detail::is_unpacked_bit | detail::to_unsigned(count),
args) {}
/** Returns the argument with the specified id. */
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto get(int id) const -> format_arg {
format_arg arg;
if (!is_packed()) {
if (id < max_size()) arg = args_[id];
return arg;
if (id >= detail::max_packed_args) return arg;
arg.type_ = type(id);
if (arg.type_ == detail::type::none_type) return arg;
arg.value_ = values_[id];
return arg;
template <typename Char>
auto get(basic_string_view<Char> name) const -> format_arg {
int id = get_id(name);
return id >= 0 ? get(id) : format_arg();
template <typename Char>
auto get_id(basic_string_view<Char> name) const -> int {
if (!has_named_args()) return -1;
const auto& named_args =
(is_packed() ? values_[-1] : args_[-1].value_).named_args;
for (size_t i = 0; i < named_args.size; ++i) {
if (named_args.data[i].name == name) return named_args.data[i].id;
return -1;
auto max_size() const -> int {
unsigned long long max_packed = detail::max_packed_args;
return static_cast<int>(is_packed() ? max_packed
: desc_ & ~detail::is_unpacked_bit);
/** An alias to ``basic_format_args<format_context>``. */
// A separate type would result in shorter symbols but break ABI compatibility
// between clang and gcc on ARM (#1919).
using format_args = basic_format_args<format_context>;
// We cannot use enum classes as bit fields because of a gcc bug, so we put them
// in namespaces instead (https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=61414).
// Additionally, if an underlying type is specified, older gcc incorrectly warns
// that the type is too small. Both bugs are fixed in gcc 9.3.
# define FMT_ENUM_UNDERLYING_TYPE(type) : type
namespace align {
enum type FMT_ENUM_UNDERLYING_TYPE(unsigned char){none, left, right, center,
using align_t = align::type;
namespace sign {
enum type FMT_ENUM_UNDERLYING_TYPE(unsigned char){none, minus, plus, space};
using sign_t = sign::type;
// Workaround an array initialization issue in gcc 4.8.
template <typename Char> struct fill_t {
enum { max_size = 4 };
Char data_[max_size] = {Char(' '), Char(0), Char(0), Char(0)};
unsigned char size_ = 1;
FMT_CONSTEXPR void operator=(basic_string_view<Char> s) {
auto size = s.size();
FMT_ASSERT(size <= max_size, "invalid fill");
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) data_[i] = s[i];
size_ = static_cast<unsigned char>(size);
constexpr auto size() const -> size_t { return size_; }
constexpr auto data() const -> const Char* { return data_; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator[](size_t index) -> Char& { return data_[index]; }
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator[](size_t index) const -> const Char& {
return data_[index];
enum class presentation_type : unsigned char {
dec, // 'd'
oct, // 'o'
hex_lower, // 'x'
hex_upper, // 'X'
bin_lower, // 'b'
bin_upper, // 'B'
hexfloat_lower, // 'a'
hexfloat_upper, // 'A'
exp_lower, // 'e'
exp_upper, // 'E'
fixed_lower, // 'f'
fixed_upper, // 'F'
general_lower, // 'g'
general_upper, // 'G'
chr, // 'c'
string, // 's'
pointer, // 'p'
debug // '?'
// Format specifiers for built-in and string types.
template <typename Char = char> struct format_specs {
int width;
int precision;
presentation_type type;
align_t align : 4;
sign_t sign : 3;
bool alt : 1; // Alternate form ('#').
bool localized : 1;
detail::fill_t<Char> fill;
constexpr format_specs()
: width(0),
localized(false) {}
enum class arg_id_kind { none, index, name };
// An argument reference.
template <typename Char> struct arg_ref {
FMT_CONSTEXPR arg_ref() : kind(arg_id_kind::none), val() {}
FMT_CONSTEXPR explicit arg_ref(int index)
: kind(arg_id_kind::index), val(index) {}
FMT_CONSTEXPR explicit arg_ref(basic_string_view<Char> name)
: kind(arg_id_kind::name), val(name) {}
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator=(int idx) -> arg_ref& {
kind = arg_id_kind::index;
val.index = idx;
return *this;
arg_id_kind kind;
union value {
FMT_CONSTEXPR value(int idx = 0) : index(idx) {}
FMT_CONSTEXPR value(basic_string_view<Char> n) : name(n) {}
int index;
basic_string_view<Char> name;
} val;
// Format specifiers with width and precision resolved at formatting rather
// than parsing time to allow reusing the same parsed specifiers with
// different sets of arguments (precompilation of format strings).
template <typename Char = char>
struct dynamic_format_specs : format_specs<Char> {
arg_ref<Char> width_ref;
arg_ref<Char> precision_ref;
// Converts a character to ASCII. Returns '\0' on conversion failure.
template <typename Char, FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_integral<Char>::value)>
constexpr auto to_ascii(Char c) -> char {
return c <= 0xff ? static_cast<char>(c) : '\0';
template <typename Char, FMT_ENABLE_IF(std::is_enum<Char>::value)>
constexpr auto to_ascii(Char c) -> char {
return c <= 0xff ? static_cast<char>(c) : '\0';
// Returns the number of code units in a code point or 1 on error.
template <typename Char>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto code_point_length(const Char* begin) -> int {
if (const_check(sizeof(Char) != 1)) return 1;
auto c = static_cast<unsigned char>(*begin);
return static_cast<int>((0x3a55000000000000ull >> (2 * (c >> 3))) & 0x3) + 1;
// Return the result via the out param to workaround gcc bug 77539.
template <bool IS_CONSTEXPR, typename T, typename Ptr = const T*>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto find(Ptr first, Ptr last, T value, Ptr& out) -> bool {
for (out = first; out != last; ++out) {
if (*out == value) return true;
return false;
template <>
inline auto find<false, char>(const char* first, const char* last, char value,
const char*& out) -> bool {
out = static_cast<const char*>(
std::memchr(first, value, to_unsigned(last - first)));
return out != nullptr;
// Parses the range [begin, end) as an unsigned integer. This function assumes
// that the range is non-empty and the first character is a digit.
template <typename Char>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse_nonnegative_int(const Char*& begin, const Char* end,
int error_value) noexcept -> int {
FMT_ASSERT(begin != end && '0' <= *begin && *begin <= '9', "");
unsigned value = 0, prev = 0;
auto p = begin;
do {
prev = value;
value = value * 10 + unsigned(*p - '0');
} while (p != end && '0' <= *p && *p <= '9');
auto num_digits = p - begin;
begin = p;
if (num_digits <= std::numeric_limits<int>::digits10)
return static_cast<int>(value);
// Check for overflow.
const unsigned max = to_unsigned((std::numeric_limits<int>::max)());
return num_digits == std::numeric_limits<int>::digits10 + 1 &&
prev * 10ull + unsigned(p[-1] - '0') <= max
? static_cast<int>(value)
: error_value;
FMT_CONSTEXPR inline auto parse_align(char c) -> align_t {
switch (c) {
case '<':
return align::left;
case '>':
return align::right;
case '^':
return align::center;
return align::none;
template <typename Char> constexpr auto is_name_start(Char c) -> bool {
return ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || c == '_';
template <typename Char, typename Handler>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto do_parse_arg_id(const Char* begin, const Char* end,
Handler&& handler) -> const Char* {
Char c = *begin;
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
int index = 0;
constexpr int max = (std::numeric_limits<int>::max)();
if (c != '0')
index = parse_nonnegative_int(begin, end, max);
if (begin == end || (*begin != '}' && *begin != ':'))
throw_format_error("invalid format string");
return begin;
if (!is_name_start(c)) {
throw_format_error("invalid format string");
return begin;
auto it = begin;
do {
} while (it != end && (is_name_start(*it) || ('0' <= *it && *it <= '9')));
handler.on_name({begin, to_unsigned(it - begin)});
return it;
template <typename Char, typename Handler>
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto parse_arg_id(const Char* begin, const Char* end,
Handler&& handler) -> const Char* {
FMT_ASSERT(begin != end, "");
Char c = *begin;
if (c != '}' && c != ':') return do_parse_arg_id(begin, end, handler);
return begin;
template <typename Char> struct dynamic_spec_id_handler {
basic_format_parse_context<Char>& ctx;
arg_ref<Char>& ref;
FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_auto() {
int id = ctx.next_arg_id();
ref = arg_ref<Char>(id);
FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_index(int id) {
ref = arg_ref<Char>(id);
FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_name(basic_string_view<Char> id) {
ref = arg_ref<Char>(id);
// Parses [integer | "{" [arg_id] "}"].
template <typename Char>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse_dynamic_spec(const Char* begin, const Char* end,
int& value, arg_ref<Char>& ref,
basic_format_parse_context<Char>& ctx)
-> const Char* {
FMT_ASSERT(begin != end, "");
if ('0' <= *begin && *begin <= '9') {
int val = parse_nonnegative_int(begin, end, -1);
if (val != -1)
value = val;
throw_format_error("number is too big");
} else if (*begin == '{') {
auto handler = dynamic_spec_id_handler<Char>{ctx, ref};
if (begin != end) begin = parse_arg_id(begin, end, handler);
if (begin != end && *begin == '}') return ++begin;
throw_format_error("invalid format string");
return begin;
template <typename Char>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse_precision(const Char* begin, const Char* end,
int& value, arg_ref<Char>& ref,
basic_format_parse_context<Char>& ctx)
-> const Char* {
if (begin == end || *begin == '}') {
throw_format_error("invalid precision");
return begin;
return parse_dynamic_spec(begin, end, value, ref, ctx);
enum class state { start, align, sign, hash, zero, width, precision, locale };
// Parses standard format specifiers.
template <typename Char>
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE auto parse_format_specs(
const Char* begin, const Char* end, dynamic_format_specs<Char>& specs,
basic_format_parse_context<Char>& ctx, type arg_type) -> const Char* {
auto c = '\0';
if (end - begin > 1) {
auto next = to_ascii(begin[1]);
c = parse_align(next) == align::none ? to_ascii(*begin) : '\0';
} else {
if (begin == end) return begin;
c = to_ascii(*begin);
struct {
state current_state = state::start;
FMT_CONSTEXPR void operator()(state s, bool valid = true) {
if (current_state >= s || !valid)
throw_format_error("invalid format specifier");
current_state = s;
} enter_state;
using pres = presentation_type;
constexpr auto integral_set = sint_set | uint_set | bool_set | char_set;
struct {
const Char*& begin;
dynamic_format_specs<Char>& specs;
type arg_type;
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto operator()(pres type, int set) -> const Char* {
if (!in(arg_type, set)) throw_format_error("invalid format specifier");
specs.type = type;
return begin + 1;
} parse_presentation_type{begin, specs, arg_type};
for (;;) {
switch (c) {
case '<':
case '>':
case '^':
specs.align = parse_align(c);
case '+':
case '-':
case ' ':
enter_state(state::sign, in(arg_type, sint_set | float_set));
switch (c) {
case '+':
specs.sign = sign::plus;
case '-':
specs.sign = sign::minus;
case ' ':
specs.sign = sign::space;
case '#':
enter_state(state::hash, is_arithmetic_type(arg_type));
specs.alt = true;
case '0':
if (!is_arithmetic_type(arg_type))
throw_format_error("format specifier requires numeric argument");
if (specs.align == align::none) {
// Ignore 0 if align is specified for compatibility with std::format.
specs.align = align::numeric;
specs.fill[0] = Char('0');
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
case '{':
begin = parse_dynamic_spec(begin, end, specs.width, specs.width_ref, ctx);
case '.':
in(arg_type, float_set | string_set | cstring_set));
begin = parse_precision(begin, end, specs.precision, specs.precision_ref,
case 'L':
enter_state(state::locale, is_arithmetic_type(arg_type));
specs.localized = true;
case 'd':
return parse_presentation_type(pres::dec, integral_set);
case 'o':
return parse_presentation_type(pres::oct, integral_set);
case 'x':
return parse_presentation_type(pres::hex_lower, integral_set);
case 'X':
return parse_presentation_type(pres::hex_upper, integral_set);
case 'b':
return parse_presentation_type(pres::bin_lower, integral_set);
case 'B':
return parse_presentation_type(pres::bin_upper, integral_set);
case 'a':
return parse_presentation_type(pres::hexfloat_lower, float_set);
case 'A':
return parse_presentation_type(pres::hexfloat_upper, float_set);
case 'e':
return parse_presentation_type(pres::exp_lower, float_set);
case 'E':
return parse_presentation_type(pres::exp_upper, float_set);
case 'f':
return parse_presentation_type(pres::fixed_lower, float_set);
case 'F':
return parse_presentation_type(pres::fixed_upper, float_set);
case 'g':
return parse_presentation_type(pres::general_lower, float_set);
case 'G':
return parse_presentation_type(pres::general_upper, float_set);
case 'c':
return parse_presentation_type(pres::chr, integral_set);
case 's':
return parse_presentation_type(pres::string,
bool_set | string_set | cstring_set);
case 'p':
return parse_presentation_type(pres::pointer, pointer_set | cstring_set);
case '?':
return parse_presentation_type(pres::debug,
char_set | string_set | cstring_set);
case '}':
return begin;
default: {
if (*begin == '}') return begin;
// Parse fill and alignment.
auto fill_end = begin + code_point_length(begin);
if (end - fill_end <= 0) {
throw_format_error("invalid format specifier");
return begin;
if (*begin == '{') {
throw_format_error("invalid fill character '{'");
return begin;
auto align = parse_align(to_ascii(*fill_end));
enter_state(state::align, align != align::none);
specs.fill = {begin, to_unsigned(fill_end - begin)};
specs.align = align;
begin = fill_end + 1;
if (begin == end) return begin;
c = to_ascii(*begin);
template <typename Char, typename Handler>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse_replacement_field(const Char* begin, const Char* end,
Handler&& handler) -> const Char* {
struct id_adapter {
Handler& handler;
int arg_id;
FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_auto() { arg_id = handler.on_arg_id(); }
FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_index(int id) { arg_id = handler.on_arg_id(id); }
FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_name(basic_string_view<Char> id) {
arg_id = handler.on_arg_id(id);
if (begin == end) return handler.on_error("invalid format string"), end;
if (*begin == '}') {
handler.on_replacement_field(handler.on_arg_id(), begin);
} else if (*begin == '{') {
handler.on_text(begin, begin + 1);
} else {
auto adapter = id_adapter{handler, 0};
begin = parse_arg_id(begin, end, adapter);
Char c = begin != end ? *begin : Char();
if (c == '}') {
handler.on_replacement_field(adapter.arg_id, begin);
} else if (c == ':') {
begin = handler.on_format_specs(adapter.arg_id, begin + 1, end);
if (begin == end || *begin != '}')
return handler.on_error("unknown format specifier"), end;
} else {
return handler.on_error("missing '}' in format string"), end;
return begin + 1;
template <bool IS_CONSTEXPR, typename Char, typename Handler>
FMT_CONSTEXPR FMT_INLINE void parse_format_string(
basic_string_view<Char> format_str, Handler&& handler) {
// Workaround a name-lookup bug in MSVC's modules implementation.
using detail::find;
auto begin = format_str.data();
auto end = begin + format_str.size();
if (end - begin < 32) {
// Use a simple loop instead of memchr for small strings.
const Char* p = begin;
while (p != end) {
auto c = *p++;
if (c == '{') {
handler.on_text(begin, p - 1);
begin = p = parse_replacement_field(p - 1, end, handler);
} else if (c == '}') {
if (p == end || *p != '}')
return handler.on_error("unmatched '}' in format string");
handler.on_text(begin, p);
begin = ++p;
handler.on_text(begin, end);
struct writer {
FMT_CONSTEXPR void operator()(const Char* from, const Char* to) {
if (from == to) return;
for (;;) {
const Char* p = nullptr;
if (!find<IS_CONSTEXPR>(from, to, Char('}'), p))
return handler_.on_text(from, to);
if (p == to || *p != '}')
return handler_.on_error("unmatched '}' in format string");
handler_.on_text(from, p);
from = p + 1;
Handler& handler_;
} write = {handler};
while (begin != end) {
// Doing two passes with memchr (one for '{' and another for '}') is up to
// 2.5x faster than the naive one-pass implementation on big format strings.
const Char* p = begin;
if (*begin != '{' && !find<IS_CONSTEXPR>(begin + 1, end, Char('{'), p))
return write(begin, end);
write(begin, p);
begin = parse_replacement_field(p, end, handler);
template <typename T, bool = is_named_arg<T>::value> struct strip_named_arg {
using type = T;
template <typename T> struct strip_named_arg<T, true> {
using type = remove_cvref_t<decltype(T::value)>;
template <typename T, typename ParseContext>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse_format_specs(ParseContext& ctx)
-> decltype(ctx.begin()) {
using char_type = typename ParseContext::char_type;
using context = buffer_context<char_type>;
using mapped_type = conditional_t<
mapped_type_constant<T, context>::value != type::custom_type,
decltype(arg_mapper<context>().map(std::declval<const T&>())),
typename strip_named_arg<T>::type>;
return formatter<mapped_type, char_type>().parse(ctx);
// Checks char specs and returns true iff the presentation type is char-like.
template <typename Char>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto check_char_specs(const format_specs<Char>& specs) -> bool {
if (specs.type != presentation_type::none &&
specs.type != presentation_type::chr &&
specs.type != presentation_type::debug) {
return false;
if (specs.align == align::numeric || specs.sign != sign::none || specs.alt)
throw_format_error("invalid format specifier for char");
return true;
constexpr FMT_INLINE_VARIABLE int invalid_arg_index = -1;
template <int N, typename T, typename... Args, typename Char>
constexpr auto get_arg_index_by_name(basic_string_view<Char> name) -> int {
if constexpr (is_statically_named_arg<T>()) {
if (name == T::name) return N;
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0)
return get_arg_index_by_name<N + 1, Args...>(name);
(void)name; // Workaround an MSVC bug about "unused" parameter.
return invalid_arg_index;
template <typename... Args, typename Char>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto get_arg_index_by_name(basic_string_view<Char> name) -> int {
if constexpr (sizeof...(Args) > 0)
return get_arg_index_by_name<0, Args...>(name);
return invalid_arg_index;
template <typename Char, typename... Args> class format_string_checker {
using parse_context_type = compile_parse_context<Char>;
static constexpr int num_args = sizeof...(Args);
// Format specifier parsing function.
// In the future basic_format_parse_context will replace compile_parse_context
// here and will use is_constant_evaluated and downcasting to access the data
// needed for compile-time checks: https://godbolt.org/z/GvWzcTjh1.
using parse_func = const Char* (*)(parse_context_type&);
parse_context_type context_;
parse_func parse_funcs_[num_args > 0 ? static_cast<size_t>(num_args) : 1];
type types_[num_args > 0 ? static_cast<size_t>(num_args) : 1];
explicit FMT_CONSTEXPR format_string_checker(basic_string_view<Char> fmt)
: context_(fmt, num_args, types_),
parse_funcs_{&parse_format_specs<Args, parse_context_type>...},
types_{mapped_type_constant<Args, buffer_context<Char>>::value...} {}
FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_text(const Char*, const Char*) {}
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto on_arg_id() -> int { return context_.next_arg_id(); }
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto on_arg_id(int id) -> int {
return context_.check_arg_id(id), id;
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto on_arg_id(basic_string_view<Char> id) -> int {
auto index = get_arg_index_by_name<Args...>(id);
if (index == invalid_arg_index) on_error("named argument is not found");
return index;
on_error("compile-time checks for named arguments require C++20 support");
return 0;
FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_replacement_field(int, const Char*) {}
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto on_format_specs(int id, const Char* begin, const Char*)
-> const Char* {
// id >= 0 check is a workaround for gcc 10 bug (#2065).
return id >= 0 && id < num_args ? parse_funcs_[id](context_) : begin;
FMT_CONSTEXPR void on_error(const char* message) {
// Reports a compile-time error if S is not a valid format string.
template <typename..., typename S, FMT_ENABLE_IF(!is_compile_string<S>::value)>
FMT_INLINE void check_format_string(const S&) {
"FMT_ENFORCE_COMPILE_STRING requires all format strings to use "
template <typename... Args, typename S,
void check_format_string(S format_str) {
using char_t = typename S::char_type;
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto s = basic_string_view<char_t>(format_str);
using checker = format_string_checker<char_t, remove_cvref_t<Args>...>;
FMT_CONSTEXPR bool error = (parse_format_string<true>(s, checker(s)), true);
template <typename Char = char> struct vformat_args {
using type = basic_format_args<
basic_format_context<std::back_insert_iterator<buffer<Char>>, Char>>;
template <> struct vformat_args<char> { using type = format_args; };
// Use vformat_args and avoid type_identity to keep symbols short.
template <typename Char>
void vformat_to(buffer<Char>& buf, basic_string_view<Char> fmt,
typename vformat_args<Char>::type args, locale_ref loc = {});
FMT_API void vprint_mojibake(std::FILE*, string_view, format_args);
#ifndef _WIN32
inline void vprint_mojibake(std::FILE*, string_view, format_args) {}
// A formatter specialization for natively supported types.
template <typename T, typename Char>
struct formatter<T, Char,
enable_if_t<detail::type_constant<T, Char>::value !=
detail::type::custom_type>> {
detail::dynamic_format_specs<Char> specs_;
template <typename ParseContext>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto parse(ParseContext& ctx) -> const Char* {
auto type = detail::type_constant<T, Char>::value;
auto end =
detail::parse_format_specs(ctx.begin(), ctx.end(), specs_, ctx, type);
if (type == detail::type::char_type) detail::check_char_specs(specs_);
return end;
template <detail::type U = detail::type_constant<T, Char>::value,
FMT_ENABLE_IF(U == detail::type::string_type ||
U == detail::type::cstring_type ||
U == detail::type::char_type)>
FMT_CONSTEXPR void set_debug_format(bool set = true) {
specs_.type = set ? presentation_type::debug : presentation_type::none;
template <typename FormatContext>
FMT_CONSTEXPR auto format(const T& val, FormatContext& ctx) const
-> decltype(ctx.out());
#define FMT_FORMAT_AS(Type, Base) \
template <typename Char> \
struct formatter<Type, Char> : formatter<Base, Char> { \
template <typename FormatContext> \
auto format(const Type& val, FormatContext& ctx) const \
-> decltype(ctx.out()) { \
return formatter<Base, Char>::format(static_cast<Base>(val), ctx); \
} \
FMT_FORMAT_AS(signed char, int);
FMT_FORMAT_AS(unsigned char, unsigned);
FMT_FORMAT_AS(short, int);
FMT_FORMAT_AS(unsigned short, unsigned);
FMT_FORMAT_AS(long, long long);
FMT_FORMAT_AS(unsigned long, unsigned long long);
FMT_FORMAT_AS(Char*, const Char*);
FMT_FORMAT_AS(std::basic_string<Char>, basic_string_view<Char>);
FMT_FORMAT_AS(std::nullptr_t, const void*);
FMT_FORMAT_AS(detail::std_string_view<Char>, basic_string_view<Char>);
template <typename Char = char> struct runtime_format_string {
basic_string_view<Char> str;
/** A compile-time format string. */
template <typename Char, typename... Args> class basic_format_string {
basic_string_view<Char> str_;
template <typename S,
std::is_convertible<const S&, basic_string_view<Char>>::value)>
FMT_CONSTEVAL FMT_INLINE basic_format_string(const S& s) : str_(s) {
(std::is_base_of<detail::view, remove_reference_t<Args>>::value &&
std::is_reference<Args>::value)...>() == 0,
"passing views as lvalues is disallowed");
if constexpr (detail::count_named_args<Args...>() ==
detail::count_statically_named_args<Args...>()) {
using checker =
detail::format_string_checker<Char, remove_cvref_t<Args>...>;
detail::parse_format_string<true>(str_, checker(s));
basic_format_string(runtime_format_string<Char> fmt) : str_(fmt.str) {}
FMT_INLINE operator basic_string_view<Char>() const { return str_; }
FMT_INLINE auto get() const -> basic_string_view<Char> { return str_; }
// Workaround broken conversion on older gcc.
template <typename...> using format_string = string_view;
inline auto runtime(string_view s) -> string_view { return s; }
template <typename... Args>
using format_string = basic_format_string<char, type_identity_t<Args>...>;
Creates a runtime format string.
// Check format string at runtime instead of compile-time.
fmt::print(fmt::runtime("{:d}"), "I am not a number");
inline auto runtime(string_view s) -> runtime_format_string<> { return {{s}}; }
FMT_API auto vformat(string_view fmt, format_args args) -> std::string;
Formats ``args`` according to specifications in ``fmt`` and returns the result
as a string.
#include <fmt/core.h>
std::string message = fmt::format("The answer is {}.", 42);
template <typename... T>
FMT_NODISCARD FMT_INLINE auto format(format_string<T...> fmt, T&&... args)
-> std::string {
return vformat(fmt, fmt::make_format_args(args...));
/** Formats a string and writes the output to ``out``. */
template <typename OutputIt,
FMT_ENABLE_IF(detail::is_output_iterator<OutputIt, char>::value)>
auto vformat_to(OutputIt out, string_view fmt, format_args args) -> OutputIt {
auto&& buf = detail::get_buffer<char>(out);
detail::vformat_to(buf, fmt, args, {});
return detail::get_iterator(buf, out);
Formats ``args`` according to specifications in ``fmt``, writes the result to
the output iterator ``out`` and returns the iterator past the end of the output
range. `format_to` does not append a terminating null character.
auto out = std::vector<char>();
fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(out), "{}", 42);
template <typename OutputIt, typename... T,
FMT_ENABLE_IF(detail::is_output_iterator<OutputIt, char>::value)>
FMT_INLINE auto format_to(OutputIt out, format_string<T...> fmt, T&&... args)
-> OutputIt {
return vformat_to(out, fmt, fmt::make_format_args(args...));
template <typename OutputIt> struct format_to_n_result {
/** Iterator past the end of the output range. */
OutputIt out;
/** Total (not truncated) output size. */
size_t size;
template <typename OutputIt, typename... T,
FMT_ENABLE_IF(detail::is_output_iterator<OutputIt, char>::value)>
auto vformat_to_n(OutputIt out, size_t n, string_view fmt, format_args args)
-> format_to_n_result<OutputIt> {
using traits = detail::fixed_buffer_traits;
auto buf = detail::iterator_buffer<OutputIt, char, traits>(out, n);
detail::vformat_to(buf, fmt, args, {});
return {buf.out(), buf.count()};
Formats ``args`` according to specifications in ``fmt``, writes up to ``n``
characters of the result to the output iterator ``out`` and returns the total
(not truncated) output size and the iterator past the end of the output range.
`format_to_n` does not append a terminating null character.
template <typename OutputIt, typename... T,
FMT_ENABLE_IF(detail::is_output_iterator<OutputIt, char>::value)>
FMT_INLINE auto format_to_n(OutputIt out, size_t n, format_string<T...> fmt,
T&&... args) -> format_to_n_result<OutputIt> {
return vformat_to_n(out, n, fmt, fmt::make_format_args(args...));
/** Returns the number of chars in the output of ``format(fmt, args...)``. */
template <typename... T>
FMT_NODISCARD FMT_INLINE auto formatted_size(format_string<T...> fmt,
T&&... args) -> size_t {
auto buf = detail::counting_buffer<>();
detail::vformat_to<char>(buf, fmt, fmt::make_format_args(args...), {});
return buf.count();
FMT_API void vprint(string_view fmt, format_args args);
FMT_API void vprint(std::FILE* f, string_view fmt, format_args args);
Formats ``args`` according to specifications in ``fmt`` and writes the output
to ``stdout``.
fmt::print("Elapsed time: {0:.2f} seconds", 1.23);
template <typename... T>
FMT_INLINE void print(format_string<T...> fmt, T&&... args) {
const auto& vargs = fmt::make_format_args(args...);
return detail::is_utf8() ? vprint(fmt, vargs)
: detail::vprint_mojibake(stdout, fmt, vargs);
Formats ``args`` according to specifications in ``fmt`` and writes the
output to the file ``f``.
fmt::print(stderr, "Don't {}!", "panic");
template <typename... T>
FMT_INLINE void print(std::FILE* f, format_string<T...> fmt, T&&... args) {
const auto& vargs = fmt::make_format_args(args...);
return detail::is_utf8() ? vprint(f, fmt, vargs)
: detail::vprint_mojibake(f, fmt, vargs);
Formats ``args`` according to specifications in ``fmt`` and writes the
output to the file ``f`` followed by a newline.
template <typename... T>
FMT_INLINE void println(std::FILE* f, format_string<T...> fmt, T&&... args) {
return fmt::print(f, "{}\n", fmt::format(fmt, std::forward<T>(args)...));
Formats ``args`` according to specifications in ``fmt`` and writes the output
to ``stdout`` followed by a newline.
template <typename... T>
FMT_INLINE void println(format_string<T...> fmt, T&&... args) {
return fmt::println(stdout, fmt, std::forward<T>(args)...);
FMT_GCC_PRAGMA("GCC pop_options")
# include "format.h"
#endif // FMT_CORE_H_