ManDude 18ddd1613c
Jak 2 pc subtitle support (#2672)
Adds support for adding custom subtitles to Jak 2 audio. Comes with a
new editor for the new system and format. Compared to the Jak 1 system,
this is much simpler to make an editor for.

Comes with a few subtitles already made as an example.
Cutscenes are not officially supported but you can technically subtitle
those with editor, so please don't right now.

This new system supports multiple subtitles playing at once (even from a
single source!) and will smartly push the subtitles up if there's a
message already playing:



Unlike in Jak 1, it will not hide the bottom HUD when subtitles are


Sadly this leaves us with not much space for the subtitle region (and
the subtitles are shrunk when the minimap is enabled) but when you have
guards and citizens talking all the time, hiding the HUD every time
anyone spoke would get really frustrating.

The subtitle speaker is also color-coded now, because I thought that
would be fun to do.

- [x] proper cutscene support.
- [x] merge mode for cutscenes so we don't have to rewrite the script?


Co-authored-by: Hat Kid <6624576+Hat-Kid@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-06-08 01:04:16 +01:00

2087 lines
44 KiB

;; Jak 1 Project File
;; This file sets up the OpenGOAL build system for Jak 1.
;; This file is treated as a GOOS program. There is a single special form `defstep` that
;; allows you to define a build step.
;; Then, you can use the `make` command to build a target. Like real make, it will only rebuild things if
;; the inputs change.
;; Each defstep takes the following arguments:
;; in - an input file. The step automatically depends on this.
;; tool - the tool (goalc, copy, dgo, group, tpage-dir)
;; out - a list of outputs (unlike make, we support multiple outputs without hacks!)
;; dep - a list of outputs from other rules that are required for this.
;; Before the build order is determined, the tool gets to look at its input file and tell the build system
;; about other deps. For example, in a "dgo" rule, you don't have to say that you depend on all of your input
;; files, the DGO tool provides that information to the build system.
;; It is an error to provide two steps to make the same file, even if they are identical.
;; It is an error to not provide a step to make a required file.
;; It is an error to have a circular dependency and this will crash the compiler due to stack overflow.
;; our input/output directories aren't fixed ahead of time and some users may override them.
;; the map-path! command can be used to define path constants that can be used in in/out/dep and
;; inside certain tool files, like text project files.
;; The substitution is only used at the beginning of paths, and I hope to keep the number
;; of these to a minimum - it's quite confusing to have all these non-fixed paths everywhere.
;; Inputs from ISO
;; extractor can override everything by providing *use-iso-data-path*
(map-path! "$ISO" (string-append *iso-data* "/")))
;; user-specific places to put $ISO
;; TODO - remove?
((user? dass)
(map-path! "$ISO" "iso_data/jak1_us2/"))
;; if the user's repl-config has a game version folder, use that
((> (string-length (get-game-version-folder)) 0)
(map-path! "$ISO" (string-append "iso_data/" (get-game-version-folder) "/")))
;; otherwise, default to jak1
(map-path! "$ISO" "iso_data/jak1/")))
;; Inputs from decompiler
;; user-specific places to put $ISO
;; TODO - remove?
((user? dass)
(map-path! "$DECOMP" "decompiler_out/jak1_us2/"))
;; if the user's repl-config has a game version folder, use that
((> (string-length (get-game-version-folder)) 0)
(map-path! "$DECOMP" (string-append "decompiler_out/" (get-game-version-folder) "/")))
;; otherwise, default to jak1
(map-path! "$DECOMP" "decompiler_out/jak1/")))
;; Output
;; NOTE: the game itself will load from out/jak1/iso and out/jak1/fr3.
(map-path! "$OUT" "out/jak1/")
;; tell the compiler to put its outputs in out/jak1/
(set-output-prefix "jak1/")
;; use defmacro to define goos macros.
(define defmacro defsmacro)
(define defun desfun)
;; Build Groups
(define *all-cgos* '())
(define *all-str* '())
(define *all-vis* '())
(define *all-mus* '())
(define *all-sbk* '())
(define *all-vag* '())
(define *all-gc* '())
;; Build system macros
(defun gc-file->o-file (filename)
"Get the name of the object file for the given GOAL (*.gc) source file."
(string-append "$OUT/obj/" (stem filename) ".o")
(defmacro goal-src (src-file &rest deps)
"Add a GOAL source file with the given dependencies"
`(let ((output-file ,(gc-file->o-file src-file)))
(set! *all-gc* (cons output-file *all-gc*))
(defstep :in ,(string-append "goal_src/jak1/" src-file)
;; use goal compiler
:tool 'goalc
;; will output the obj file
:out (list output-file)
;; dependencies are the obj files
:dep '(,@(apply gc-file->o-file deps))
(defun make-src-sequence-elt (current previous prefix)
"Helper for goal-src-sequence"
`(let ((output-file ,(gc-file->o-file current)))
(set! *all-gc* (cons output-file *all-gc*))
(defstep :in ,(string-append "goal_src/jak1/" prefix current)
:tool 'goalc
:out (list output-file)
:dep '(,(gc-file->o-file previous))
(defmacro goal-src-sequence (prefix &key (deps '()) &rest sequence)
"Add a sequence of GOAL files (each depending on the previous) in the given directory,
with all depending on the given deps."
(let* ((first-thing `(goal-src ,(string-append prefix (first sequence)) ,@deps))
(result (cons first-thing '()))
(iter result))
(let ((prev (first sequence))
(in-iter (rest sequence)))
(while (not (null? in-iter))
;; (fmt #t "{} dep on {}\n" (first in-iter) prev)
(let ((next (make-src-sequence-elt (first in-iter) prev prefix)))
(set-cdr! iter (cons next '()))
(set! iter (cdr iter))
(set! prev (car in-iter))
(set! in-iter (cdr in-iter))
`(begin ,@result)
(defun custom-level-cgo (output-name desc-file-name)
"Add a CGO with the given output name (in $OUT/iso) and input name (in custom_levels/)"
(let ((out-name (string-append "$OUT/iso/" output-name)))
(defstep :in (string-append "custom_levels/" desc-file-name)
:tool 'dgo
:out `(,out-name)
(set! *all-cgos* (cons out-name *all-cgos*))
(defun cgo (output-name desc-file-name)
"Add a CGO with the given output name (in $OUT/iso) and input name (in goal_src/jak1/dgos)"
(let ((out-name (string-append "$OUT/iso/" output-name)))
(defstep :in (string-append "goal_src/jak1/dgos/" desc-file-name)
:tool 'dgo
:out `(,out-name)
(set! *all-cgos* (cons out-name *all-cgos*))
(defun tpage-name (id)
"Get the name of the tpage obj file with the given id"
(fmt #f "tpage-{}.go" id)
(defmacro copy-texture (tpage-id)
"Copy a texture from the game, using the given tpage ID"
(let* ((path (string-append "$DECOMP/raw_obj/" (tpage-name tpage-id))))
`(defstep :in ,path
:tool 'copy
:out '(,(string-append "$OUT/obj/" (tpage-name tpage-id))))))
(defmacro copy-textures (&rest ids)
,@(apply (lambda (x) `(copy-texture ,x)) ids)
(defmacro copy-go (name)
(let* ((path (string-append "$DECOMP/raw_obj/" name ".go")))
`(defstep :in ,path
:tool 'copy
:out '(,(string-append "$OUT/obj/" name ".go")))))
(defmacro copy-gos (&rest gos)
,@(apply (lambda (x) `(copy-go ,x)) gos)
(defmacro build-custom-level (name)
(let* ((path (string-append "custom_levels/" name "/" name ".jsonc")))
`(defstep :in ,path
:tool 'build-level
:out '(,(string-append "$OUT/obj/" name ".go")))))
(defun copy-iso-file (name subdir ext)
(let* ((path (string-append "$ISO/" subdir name ext))
(out-name (string-append "$OUT/iso/" name ext)))
(defstep :in path
:tool 'copy
:out `(,out-name))
(defmacro copy-strs (&rest strs)
`(begin ,@(apply (lambda (x) `(set! *all-str* (cons (copy-iso-file ,x "STR/" ".STR") *all-str*))) strs)))
(defmacro copy-vis-files (&rest files)
`(begin ,@(apply (lambda (x) `(set! *all-vis* (cons (copy-iso-file ,x "VIS/" ".VIS") *all-vis*))) files)))
;; Files not yet added in here:
(defmacro copy-sbk-files (&rest files)
`(begin ,@(apply (lambda (x) `(set! *all-sbk* (cons (copy-iso-file ,x "SBK/" ".SBK") *all-sbk*))) files)))
(defmacro copy-mus-files (&rest files)
`(begin ,@(apply (lambda (x) `(set! *all-mus* (cons (copy-iso-file ,x "MUS/" ".MUS") *all-mus*))) files)))
(defmacro copy-vag-files (&rest files)
`(begin ,@(apply (lambda (x) `(set! *all-vag* (cons (copy-iso-file "VAGWAD" "VAG/" (string-append "." ,x)) *all-vag*))) files)))
(defmacro group (name &rest stuff)
`(defstep :in ""
:tool 'group
:out '(,(string-append "GROUP:" name))
:dep '(,@stuff))
(defun group-list (name stuff)
(defstep :in ""
:tool 'group
:out `(,(string-append "GROUP:" name))
:dep stuff)
;; CGO's
(cgo "KERNEL.CGO" "kernel.gd")
(cgo "ENGINE.CGO" "engine.gd")
(cgo "GAME.CGO" "game.gd")
;; GOAL Kernel
;; These are set up with proper dependencies
(goal-src "kernel/gcommon.gc")
(goal-src "kernel/gstring-h.gc")
(goal-src "kernel/gkernel-h.gc"
(goal-src "kernel/gkernel.gc"
(goal-src "kernel/pskernel.gc"
(goal-src "kernel/gstring.gc"
(goal-src "kernel/dgo-h.gc")
(goal-src "kernel/gstate.gc"
;; Weird special things
;; The tpage directory
(defstep :in "$DECOMP/textures/tpage-dir.txt"
:tool 'tpage-dir
:out '("$OUT/obj/dir-tpages.go")
;; the count file.
(defstep :in "$DECOMP/assets/game_count.txt"
:tool 'game-cnt
:out '("$OUT/obj/game-cnt.go")
;; the TWEAKVAL file
(defstep :in "$ISO/MUS/TWEAKVAL.MUS"
:tool 'copy
:out '("$OUT/iso/TWEAKVAL.MUS"))
;; the VAGDIR file
(defstep :in "$ISO/VAG/VAGDIR.AYB"
:tool 'copy
:out '("$OUT/iso/VAGDIR.AYB"))
;; the save icon file
:tool 'copy
:out '("$OUT/iso/SAVEGAME.ICO"))
;; the loading screen file
(defstep :in "$ISO/DRIVERS/SCREEN1.USA"
:tool 'copy
:out '("$OUT/iso/SCREEN1.USA"))
;; Textures (Common)
(copy-textures 463 2 880 256 1278 1032 62 1532)
;; Streaming anim (common)
;; power cell animations
;; jak's ambient
;; jak death
;; intro camera
;; Art (Common)
;; Text
(defstep :in "game/assets/jak1/game_text.gp"
:tool 'text
:out '("$OUT/iso/0COMMON.TXT"
(defstep :in "game/assets/jak1/game_subtitle.gp"
:tool 'subtitle
:out '("$OUT/iso/0SUBTIT.TXT"
;; kernel Group
;; the kernel group is a group of files required to boot the game kernel
(group "kernel" "$OUT/iso/KERNEL.CGO")
;; engine Group
;; the engine group is a group of files required to boot the game engine with no levels
(group "engine"
;; Common Level Objects
;; as we find objects that exist in multiple levels, put them here
;; early versions of the game - including the black label release - do not have all files.
(if *jak1-full-game*
(copy-sbk-files "COMMON" "COMMONJ" "EMPTY1" "EMPTY2")
(copy-sbk-files "COMMON" "EMPTY1" "EMPTY2")
;; Common Level Code
:deps ;; no idea what these depend on, make it depend on the whole engine
;; Beach
(cgo "BEA.DGO"
(copy-vis-files "BEA")
(copy-sbk-files "BEACH")
(copy-mus-files "BEACH")
:deps ("$OUT/obj/ticky.o")
(copy-textures 212 214 213 215)
;; pelican
(copy-strs "PESEXT")
;; beachcam
(copy-strs "BECANNON")
;; sculptor
(copy-strs "SCINTROD" "SCR1" "SCRESOLU")
;; lrocklrg
(copy-strs "LRFALLIN")
;; mayor
;; bird-lady
(copy-strs "BILINTRO" "BILR1" "BILR2" "BILBRESO")
;; Jungle
(cgo "JUN.DGO"
(copy-vis-files "JUN")
(copy-sbk-files "JUNGLE")
(copy-mus-files "JUNGLE" "FISHGAME")
:deps ;; no idea what these depend on, make it depend on the whole engine
(copy-textures 385 531 386 388 765)
;; fisher
;; Village 1
;; the definition for the DGO file.
(cgo "VI1.DGO"
;; the VIS file
(copy-vis-files "VI1")
(copy-sbk-files "VILLAGE1")
(copy-mus-files "VILLAGE1")
;; the code
:deps ;; no idea what these depend on, make it depend on the whole engine
;; the textures
(copy-textures 398 400 399 401 1470)
;; the art
;; farmer
(copy-strs "FAINTROD" "FAR1" "FAR2" "FARESOLU")
;; explorer
(copy-strs "EXINTROD" "EXR1" "EXR2" "EXRESOLU")
;; oracle
(copy-strs "ORI1" "ORLE1" "ORRE1" "ORR1")
;; assistant
;; sage
;; fishermans-boat
(copy-strs "FIBRTMIS")
;; Jungle temple
(cgo "JUB.DGO" "jub.gd")
(copy-vis-files "JUB")
(copy-sbk-files "JUNGLEB")
(copy-mus-files "JUNGLEB")
:deps ;; no idea what these depend on, make it depend on the whole engine
(copy-textures 485 510 507 966)
;; misty island
(cgo "MIS.DGO" "mis.gd")
(copy-vis-files "MIS")
(copy-sbk-files "MISTY")
(copy-mus-files "MISTY")
:deps ("$OUT/obj/evilbro.o")
(copy-textures 516 521 518 520)
;; fishermans-boat
(copy-strs "FIBRTVIL" "FIBRT1AL")
;; muse
(copy-strs "MUVICTOR")
;; sidekick-human
(copy-strs "SIHISA" "SIHISB" "SIHISC")
;; mistycam
(copy-strs "MICANNON")
;; swamp
(cgo "SWA.DGO" "swa.gd")
(copy-vis-files "SWA")
(copy-sbk-files "SWAMP")
(copy-mus-files "SWAMP")
:deps ("$OUT/obj/ticky.o")
(copy-textures 358 659 629 630)
;; billy
;; LPC
(cgo "SUN.DGO" "sun.gd")
(copy-vis-files "SUN")
(copy-sbk-files "SUNKEN")
(copy-mus-files "SUNKEN")
:deps ("$OUT/obj/ticky.o")
(copy-textures 661 663 714 662 766)
;; sunken city b
(cgo "SUB.DGO" "sub.gd")
(copy-vis-files "SUB")
(copy-textures 163 164 166 162 764)
;; snow mountain
(cgo "SNO.DGO" "sno.gd")
(copy-vis-files "SNO")
(copy-sbk-files "SNOW")
(copy-mus-files "SNOW")
:deps ("$OUT/obj/ticky.o")
(copy-textures 710 842 711 712)
;; ram-boss
;; Fire Canyon
(cgo "FIC.DGO"
(copy-vis-files "FIC")
(copy-sbk-files "FIRECANY")
(copy-mus-files "FIRECANY")
(copy-textures 1119) ;; might be common/zoomer hud?? also in misty, lavatube, ogre and racerpkg
:deps ;; no idea what these depend on, make it depend on the whole engine
(copy-textures 815 822 854 1123)
;; assistant firecanyon
(copy-strs "ASFRESOL")
;; ogre boss
(cgo "OGR.DGO" "ogr.gd")
(copy-vis-files "OGR")
(copy-sbk-files "OGRE")
(copy-mus-files "OGRE" "OGREBOSS")
:deps ("$OUT/obj/ticky.o")
(copy-textures 875 967 884 1117)
;; flying-lurker
(copy-strs "FLLINTRO" "PLLBLOWU")
;; Village 2
(cgo "VI2.DGO" "vi2.gd")
(copy-vis-files "VI2")
(copy-sbk-files "VILLAGE2")
(copy-mus-files "VILLAGE2")
:deps ("$OUT/obj/ticky.o")
(copy-textures 919 922 920 921 1476)
;; assistant village2
;; sage bluehut
;; geologist
;; gambler
;; warrior
(copy-strs "WAINTROD" "WAR1" "WARESOLU")
;; oracle
(copy-strs "ORI2" "ORLE2" "ORRE2" "ORR2")
;; rolling hills
(cgo "ROL.DGO" "rol.gd")
(copy-vis-files "ROL")
(copy-sbk-files "ROLLING")
(copy-mus-files "ROLLING")
:deps ("$OUT/obj/ticky.o")
(copy-textures 923 926 924 925 1353)
;; happy-plant
(copy-strs "HAPOPEN")
;; race-ring
(copy-strs "RARANIM" "RARSANIM")
;; Village 3
;; the definition for the DGO file.
(cgo "VI3.DGO" "vi3.gd")
(copy-vis-files "VI3")
(copy-sbk-files "VILLAGE3")
(copy-mus-files "VILLAGE3")
;; the code
:deps ;; no idea what these depend on, make it depend on the whole engine
(copy-textures 1208 1210 1209 1194)
;; sage-villagec
(copy-strs "SA3INTRO" "SA3IDECO" "SA3R1DEC" "SA3IRAMS" "SA3R1RAM")
;; assistant-villagec
(copy-strs "AS3REMIN")
;; oracle
(copy-strs "ORI3" "ORLE3" "ORRE3" "ORR3")
;; gondola
(copy-strs "GORUP" "GORDOWN")
;; minershort
;; Training
;; the definition of the DGO package for the level
(cgo "TRA.DGO"
(copy-vis-files "TRA")
(copy-sbk-files "TRAINING")
;; The code
:deps ("$OUT/obj/ticky.o") ;; makes us depend on the whole engine
;; the textures
(copy-textures 1309 1311 1310 1308 775)
;; Spider Cave
(cgo "MAI.DGO" "mai.gd")
(copy-vis-files "MAI")
(copy-sbk-files "MAINCAVE")
(copy-mus-files "MAINCAVE")
:deps ;; no idea what these depend on, make it depend on the whole engine
(copy-textures 1313 1315 1314 1312 767)
(copy-strs "MAGFCELL")
;; dark cave
(cgo "DAR.DGO" "dar.gd")
(copy-vis-files "DAR")
(copy-sbk-files "DARKCAVE")
(copy-textures 1306 1307 1305 1304 1352)
;; robo cave
(cgo "ROB.DGO" "rob.gd")
(copy-vis-files "ROB")
(copy-sbk-files "ROBOCAVE")
:deps ;; no idea what these depend on, make it depend on the whole engine
(copy-textures 1318 1319 1317 1316)
;; lavatube
(cgo "LAV.DGO" "lav.gd")
(copy-vis-files "LAV")
(copy-sbk-files "LAVATUBE")
(copy-mus-files "LAVATUBE")
:deps ("$OUT/obj/ticky.o")
(copy-textures 1338 1340 1339 1337)
;; assistant-lavatube
(copy-strs "ASLSRESO" "ASLERESO")
;; citadel
(cgo "CIT.DGO" "cit.gd")
(copy-vis-files "CIT")
(copy-sbk-files "CITADEL")
(copy-mus-files "CITADEL")
:deps ("$OUT/obj/battlecontroller.o" "$OUT/obj/snow-bunny.o")
(copy-textures 1415 1417 1416 1414)
;; green-sagecage
;; sage-cage
;; Final Boss
(cgo "FIN.DGO" "fin.gd")
(copy-vis-files "FIN")
(copy-sbk-files "FINALBOS")
(copy-mus-files "FINALBOS" "CREDITS")
:deps ("$OUT/obj/assistant-citadel.o")
(copy-textures 1419 1420 634 1418 545)
;; finalboss
(copy-strs "FIWECO")
;; green-sagecage
;; intro only
(cgo "INT.DGO" "int.gd")
(copy-vis-files "INT")
:deps ;; no idea what these depend on, make it depend on the whole engine
(copy-textures 1455 1457 1456 1454)
;; evilbro
(copy-strs "EVMEND")
;; demo
(cgo "DEM.DGO" "dem.gd")
(copy-vis-files "DEM")
:deps ;; no idea what these depend on, make it depend on the whole engine
(copy-textures 1485 1486 1487 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1480 1479)
;; title
(cgo "TIT.DGO" "tit.gd")
(copy-vis-files "TIT")
:deps ;; no idea what these depend on, make it depend on the whole engine
(copy-textures 1609 416 415 397 1499)
;; Example Custom Level
;; Set up the build system to build the level geometry
;; this path is relative to the custom_levels/ folder
;; it should point to the .jsonc file that specifies the level.
(build-custom-level "test-zone")
;; the DGO file
(custom-level-cgo "TSZ.DGO" "test-zone/testzone.gd")
;; Game Engine Code
;; We don't know the actual dependencies, but the build
;; order is a possibly ordering, and the goal-src-sequence
;; will force these to always build in this order.
;; prefix
;; sources
(goal-src "engine/ps2/pad.gc" "pckernel-h")
;; prefix
(goal-src "engine/gfx/hw/display.gc" "decomp-h" "pckernel-h")
;; prefix
(goal-src "pc/util/knuth-rand.gc" "settings-h")
(goal-src "pc/features/speedruns-h.gc")
;; prefix
;; "collide/collide-planes.gc"
(goal-src "engine/common-obs/generic-obs.gc" "pc-anim-util" "assert")
;; prefix
(goal-src "engine/game/main.gc" "pckernel" "video")
;; prefix
(copy-mus-files "DANGER")
(copy-vag-files "ENG" "FRE" "GER" "ITA" "SPA" "JAP")
;; ISO Group
;; the iso group is a group of files built by the "(mi)" command.
(group-list "iso"
,@(reverse *all-vis*)
,@(reverse *all-str*)
,@(reverse *all-sbk*)
,@(reverse *all-mus*)
,@(reverse *all-vag*)
,@(reverse *all-cgos*))
;;(fmt #t "found {} spools\n" (count *all-str*))
(group-list "spools" *all-str*)
(group-list "text"
;; Custom or Modified Code
(goal-src "pc/features/autosplit-h.gc")
(goal-src "pc/features/autosplit.gc" "autosplit-h" "task-control-h" "progress-static")
(goal-src "pc/features/speedruns.gc" "speedruns-h" "autosplit-h")
(goal-src "pc/pckernel-h.gc" "dma-buffer")
(goal-src "pc/pckernel-impl.gc" "pckernel-h")
(goal-src "pc/util/pc-anim-util.gc" "target-h")
(goal-src "pc/pckernel-common.gc" "pckernel-impl" "pc-anim-util" "settings" "video" "target-h" "autosplit-h" "speedruns-h")
(goal-src "pc/pckernel.gc" "pckernel-common")
(goal-src "pc/subtitle.gc" "text" "pckernel" "hint-control" "loader-h" "gsound" "ambient")
(goal-src "pc/progress-pc.gc" "progress" "pckernel")
(goal-src "pc/hud-classes-pc.gc" "pckernel" "hud" "battlecontroller" "generic-obs")
(goal-src "pc/debug/anim-tester-x.gc" "pckernel" "gstring" "joint" "process-drawable" "art-h" "effect-control")
(goal-src "pc/debug/entity-debug.gc" "debug" "main-h" "entity" "pckernel" "font")
(goal-src "pc/debug/default-menu-pc.gc" "anim-tester-x" "part-tester" "entity-debug")
(goal-src "pc/debug/pc-debug-common.gc" "pckernel-impl" "entity-h" "game-info-h" "level-h" "settings-h" "gsound-h" "target-util")
(goal-src "pc/debug/pc-debug-methods.gc" "pc-debug-common")
(group-list "all-code"
`(,@(reverse *all-gc*))